
Nameneon-chatbot-core JSON
Version 2.3.1a27 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCore utilities for Klat chatbots
upload_time2023-12-15 03:07:43
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Chatbot Core
Bots using this framework connect to the Klat server and respond to user shouts. Bots will respond individually,
like any other user in the conversation.

## Getting Started

### Running in Colab
Configured environment and implemented code can be run from Google Colab
[![Open In Colab](](

### Installation
To utilize this repository for creating your own chat bots, install this package via pip and then extend the `ChatBot` or
`NeonBot` class to build your own chat bot (see the [Examples below](#python-examples)).

You can install this package with the following command:

`pip install neon-chatbot-core`

*Note*: It is recommended to install this to a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with package versions and commandline 
entry points. Most IDE's (i.e. [PyCharm]( handle this for individual projects.

### Configuration

#### Bot-specific configuration
Configuration for chatbots should be defined in `~/.config/neon/chatbots.yaml`
by default. Chatbots may be configured as:
  <bot_id>: {}
> For Klat v1, `bot_id` is the `username` the bot connects as, for MQ connected
> bots, `bot_id` is the MQ `service_name`.

Any bot-specific configuration will be accessible as `self.bot_config`. For Klat
v1 connections, `password` should be specified in the `chatbots`
config section.

#### MQ Connection configuration
For v2 bots, MQ connections must also be configured. This should be completed in
the same `~/.config/neon/chatbots.yaml` file as the bot-specific config.

  port: 5672
      user: neon_bot_submind
      password: <MQ user `neon_bot_submind`'s password>

#### SocketIO Connection configuration
For v1 bots, SIO connections may be configured in `~/.config/neon/chatbots.yaml`:
  port: 8888

### Organizing your bots
It is recommended to create a module for each of your bots. You should use subdirectories, each containing ``
that includes your `ChatBot` as well as any supporting configuration files, etc. You may also organize this as a
directory of .py files that each contain a bot (these bots cannot be managed with the [utilities](#commandline-utilities)
included with this package). Below are example file structures for each of these cases.

|  |--aiml
|  |  └--...
|  └
|  └


### Legacy Credentials
Bots should be able to login to [](; a YAML file containing credentials for each bot can be used
to save usernames and passwords for each bot. Each bot module should have a key matching the module name, a `username`,
and a `password`.

  username: alice
  password: AliceKlatPassword
  username: kbot
  password: kBotKlatPassword

### Commandline Utilities
There are commandline utilities provided to test and run bots you create. The examples for these utilities assumes you
have your bots in a directory named `my_bots` as outlined [above](#organizing-your-bots).

#### debug-klat-bots
From a terminal that has sourced your virtual environment, you can run the following command to test any one of your bots:

```shell script
debug-klat-bots "/path/to/my_bots"
*Note:* You may omit the path argument if your terminal is in the same directory as your bots.

#### start-klat-bots
From a terminal that has sourced your virtual environment, you can run the following command to run all of your bots:

```shell script
start-klat-bots --domain --bots "/path/to/my_bots" --credentials "/path/to/credentials.yml"
*Note:* Call start-klat-bots -h for detailed help explaining each of the parameters

## Generating Responses
### Basic Bot
Basic bots override `self.ask_chatbot` to generate a response. Bots have access to the shout, the user who originated 
the shout, and the timestamp of the shout. Any means may be used to generate and return a response via 
the `self.propose_response` method. If no response can be generated, return the input to use a random response from 

### Script Bot
Bots extending the `NeonBot` class operate by passing user shouts to a Neon Script and returning those responses.
`NeonBot` init takes the name of the script to run (`"SCRIPT_NAME"` in the example below), 
as well as the messagebus configuration for the `NeonCore` instance on which to run the script.

## Testing
### Basic Bot
The response generation of a bot should be tested individually before connecting it to the Klat network. This can be 
accomplished by passing `on_server=False` and then calling `ask_chatbot` directly.
The [Python examples below](#python-examples) show how you can do this in the file containing your ChatBot.

### Script Bot
A script should be tested separately from the bot before creating a `NeonBot`. More information about developing scripts
can be found on [the Neon Scripts Repository]( After the script functions 
as expected, it can be used to extend a `NeonBot`.

## Proctored Conversations
Proctored conversations on the Klat network are conversations where multiple *subminds* (bots and users) may collaborate to
respond to incoming prompts. These conversations use a *Proctor* to pose questions and manage the voting and selection 
process among the multiple *subminds*. The following additional methods should be implemented to fully support 
participating in proctored conversations. It is not explicitly required to implement all methods, but doing so is recommended.

### ask_chatbot
Override `ask_chatbot` to propose generated response from bot to conversation. `shout` - question from user.

### ask_discusser
Override `ask_discusser` to provide some discussion of the proposed responses after all *subminds* have had an opportunity
to respond. Discussion can be anything, but generally is an endoresement of one of the proposed responses (a bot may 
endorse their own response).

### on_discussion
Override `on_discussion` to handle discussion responses from other *subminds*. A bot may use these responses to influence 
which bot/response they vote for, or possibly to affect their discussion of the next prompt.

### ask_appraiser
Override `ask_appraiser` to select a bot to vote for (a bot may not vote for themself). Any means may be used to select 
a bot; `options` provides a dictionary of valid names to vote for and their responses.

### on_login
Override `on_login` to execute any initialization after logging in or after connection if no username/password.

### on_vote
Override `on_vote` in any bot to handle counting votes. Proctors use this to select a response.

### on_discussion
Override `on_discussion` in any bot to handle discussion from other subminds. This may inform voting for the current prompt.

### on_proposed_response
Override `on_proposed_response` in Proctor to check when to notify bots to vote.

### on_selection
Override `on_selection` in any bot to handle a proctor selection of a response.

### at_chatbot
Override `at_chatbot` in subminds to handle an incoming shout that is directed at this bot. Defaults to ask_chatbot.

### ask_proctor
Override `ask_proctor` in proctor to handle a new prompt to queue.

### ask_history
Override `ask_history` in scorekeepers to handle an incoming request for the selection history.

## Python Examples
### Standard Bot
from chatbot_core import ChatBot, start_socket
import random

class MyBot(ChatBot):
    def __init__(self, socket, domain, user, password, on_server=True):
        super(MyBot, self).__init__(socket, domain, user, password)
        self.on_server = on_server
        self.last_search = None

    def ask_chatbot(self, user, shout, timestamp):
        Handles an incoming shout into the current conversation
        :param user: user associated with shout
        :param shout: text shouted by user
        :param timestamp: formatted timestamp of shout
        resp = f""  # Generate some response here
        if self.on_server:
            return resp

    def ask_appraiser(self, options):
        Selects one of the responses to a prompt and casts a vote in the conversation
        :param options: proposed responses (botname: response)
        selection = random.choice(list(options.keys()))

    def ask_discusser(self, options):
        Provides one discussion response based on the given options
        :param options: proposed responses (botname: response)
        selection = list(options.keys())[0]  # Note that this example doesn't match the voted choice
        self.discuss_response(f"I like {selection}.")

    def on_discussion(self, user: str, shout: str):
        Handle discussion from other subminds. This may inform voting for the current prompt
        :param user: user associated with shout
        :param shout: shout to be considered

    def on_login(self):
        Do any initialization after logging in

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Testing
    bot = MyBot(start_socket("", 8888), f"", None, None, False)
    while True:
            utterance = input('[In]: ')
            response = bot.ask_chatbot(f'', utterance, f'')
            print(f'[Out]: {response}')
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except EOFError:
    # Running on the forum
    MyBot(start_socket("", 8888), f"", None, None, True)
    while True:
### Script Bot
from chatbot_core import NeonBot
from chatbot_core import start_socket

class ScriptBot(NeonBot):
    def __init__(self, socket, domain, user, password, on_server=True):
        super(ScriptBot, self).__init__(socket, domain, user, password, on_server, "SCRIPT NAME", {"host": "CORE_ADDR",
                                                                                                   "port": 8181,
                                                                                                   "ssl": False,
                                                                                                   "route": "/core"})
        self.on_server = on_server

    def ask_appraiser(self, options):
        Selects one of the responses to a prompt and casts a vote in the conversation
        :param options: proposed responses (botname: response)
        selection = list(options.keys())[0]

    def ask_discusser(self, options):
        Provides one discussion response based on the given options
        :param options: proposed responses (botname: response)
        selection = list(options.keys())[0]
        self.discuss_response(f"I like {selection}.")

    def on_discussion(self, user: str, shout: str):
        Handle discussion from other subminds. This may inform voting for the current prompt
        :param user: user associated with shout
        :param shout: shout to be considered
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Testing
    bot = ScriptBot(start_socket("", 8888), f"", None, None, False)
    while True:
            utterance = input('[In]: ')
            response = bot.ask_chatbot(f'', utterance, f'')
            print(f'[Out]: {response}')
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except EOFError:
        # Running on the forum
    ScriptBot(start_socket("", 8888), f"", None, None, True)
    while True:

## Helper functions
### Grammar check
In order to apply quick validation on output of function consider using `grammar_check`,
Sample Usage:
from chatbot_core import grammar_check
def ask_chatbot(self, user: str, shout: str, timestamp: str) -> str:
    return shout
Kernel of this function made with the help of [autocorrect](

### Find closest opinion
Apply `find_closest_answer` to provide some known algorithms for closest opinions finding, 
Sample Usage:
from chatbot_core import find_closest_answer

def ask_appraiser(self, options: dict) -> str:
    # Let's consider storing response for current prompt in self.response variable
    closest_opinion = find_closest_answer(algorithm='random',sentence=self.response,options=options)
    for bot in options.keys():
        if options[bot] == closest_opinion:
            return f'I really like {bot} opinion!'
    return 'I did not found any interesting answer here...'
#### Algorithm Table

|    Algorithm Name    |                                                                                          Description                                                                                         |                                   When to use?                                   |
|        random        |                                                                                   Picks response by random                                                                                   |                          When matters speed over result                          |
|      bleu score      |                                                          Calculates precision using [n-gramms](                                                         |                         When sentences have similar shape                        |
| levenshtein distance | Calculates precision by measuring distance between words.  | When each word separately matters more than semantical meaning of the sentence.  |


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "neon-chatbot-core",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Neongecko",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Chatbot Core\nBots using this framework connect to the Klat server and respond to user shouts. Bots will respond individually,\nlike any other user in the conversation.\n\n## Getting Started\n\n### Running in Colab\nConfigured environment and implemented code can be run from Google Colab\n[![Open In Colab](](\n\n \n### Installation\nTo utilize this repository for creating your own chat bots, install this package via pip and then extend the `ChatBot` or\n`NeonBot` class to build your own chat bot (see the [Examples below](#python-examples)).\n\nYou can install this package with the following command:\n\n`pip install neon-chatbot-core`\n\n*Note*: It is recommended to install this to a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with package versions and commandline \nentry points. Most IDE's (i.e. [PyCharm]( handle this for individual projects.\n\n### Configuration\n\n#### Bot-specific configuration\nConfiguration for chatbots should be defined in `~/.config/neon/chatbots.yaml`\nby default. Chatbots may be configured as:\n```yaml\nchatbots:\n  <bot_id>: {}\n```\n> For Klat v1, `bot_id` is the `username` the bot connects as, for MQ connected\n> bots, `bot_id` is the MQ `service_name`.\n\nAny bot-specific configuration will be accessible as `self.bot_config`. For Klat\nv1 connections, `password` should be specified in the `chatbots`\nconfig section.\n\n#### MQ Connection configuration\nFor v2 bots, MQ connections must also be configured. This should be completed in\nthe same `~/.config/neon/chatbots.yaml` file as the bot-specific config.\n\n```yaml\nMQ:\n  server:\n  port: 5672\n  users:\n    <bot_id>:\n      user: neon_bot_submind\n      password: <MQ user `neon_bot_submind`'s password>\n```\n\n#### SocketIO Connection configuration\nFor v1 bots, SIO connections may be configured in `~/.config/neon/chatbots.yaml`:\n```yaml\nsocket_io:\n  server:\n  port: 8888\n```\n\n### Organizing your bots\nIt is recommended to create a module for each of your bots. You should use subdirectories, each containing ``\nthat includes your `ChatBot` as well as any supporting configuration files, etc. You may also organize this as a\ndirectory of .py files that each contain a bot (these bots cannot be managed with the [utilities](#commandline-utilities)\nincluded with this package). Below are example file structures for each of these cases.\n\n```\nmy_bots\n|\n|--venv\n|--alice\n|  |--aiml\n|  |  \u2514--...\n|  \\n|--ELIZA\n|  \\n\u2514--ima\n   \\n```\n\n```\nmy_bots\n|\n|--venv\n\\n```\n\n### Legacy Credentials\nBots should be able to login to [](; a YAML file containing credentials for each bot can be used\nto save usernames and passwords for each bot. Each bot module should have a key matching the module name, a `username`,\nand a `password`.\n\n```yaml\nALICE:\n  username: alice\n  password: AliceKlatPassword\nkbot:\n  username: kbot\n  password: kBotKlatPassword\n```\n\n### Commandline Utilities\nThere are commandline utilities provided to test and run bots you create. The examples for these utilities assumes you\nhave your bots in a directory named `my_bots` as outlined [above](#organizing-your-bots).\n\n#### debug-klat-bots\nFrom a terminal that has sourced your virtual environment, you can run the following command to test any one of your bots:\n\n```shell script\ndebug-klat-bots \"/path/to/my_bots\"\n```\n*Note:* You may omit the path argument if your terminal is in the same directory as your bots.\n\n#### start-klat-bots\nFrom a terminal that has sourced your virtual environment, you can run the following command to run all of your bots:\n\n```shell script\nstart-klat-bots --domain --bots \"/path/to/my_bots\" --credentials \"/path/to/credentials.yml\"\n```\n*Note:* Call start-klat-bots -h for detailed help explaining each of the parameters\n\n## Generating Responses\n### Basic Bot\nBasic bots override `self.ask_chatbot` to generate a response. Bots have access to the shout, the user who originated \nthe shout, and the timestamp of the shout. Any means may be used to generate and return a response via \nthe `self.propose_response` method. If no response can be generated, return the input to use a random response from \n`self.fallback_responses`.\n\n### Script Bot\nBots extending the `NeonBot` class operate by passing user shouts to a Neon Script and returning those responses.\n`NeonBot` init takes the name of the script to run (`\"SCRIPT_NAME\"` in the example below), \nas well as the messagebus configuration for the `NeonCore` instance on which to run the script.\n\n## Testing\n### Basic Bot\nThe response generation of a bot should be tested individually before connecting it to the Klat network. This can be \naccomplished by passing `on_server=False` and then calling `ask_chatbot` directly.\nThe [Python examples below](#python-examples) show how you can do this in the file containing your ChatBot.\n\n### Script Bot\nA script should be tested separately from the bot before creating a `NeonBot`. More information about developing scripts\ncan be found on [the Neon Scripts Repository]( After the script functions \nas expected, it can be used to extend a `NeonBot`.\n\n## Proctored Conversations\nProctored conversations on the Klat network are conversations where multiple *subminds* (bots and users) may collaborate to\nrespond to incoming prompts. These conversations use a *Proctor* to pose questions and manage the voting and selection \nprocess among the multiple *subminds*. The following additional methods should be implemented to fully support \nparticipating in proctored conversations. It is not explicitly required to implement all methods, but doing so is recommended.\n\n### ask_chatbot\nOverride `ask_chatbot` to propose generated response from bot to conversation. `shout` - question from user.\n\n### ask_discusser\nOverride `ask_discusser` to provide some discussion of the proposed responses after all *subminds* have had an opportunity\nto respond. Discussion can be anything, but generally is an endoresement of one of the proposed responses (a bot may \nendorse their own response).\n\n### on_discussion\nOverride `on_discussion` to handle discussion responses from other *subminds*. A bot may use these responses to influence \nwhich bot/response they vote for, or possibly to affect their discussion of the next prompt.\n\n### ask_appraiser\nOverride `ask_appraiser` to select a bot to vote for (a bot may not vote for themself). Any means may be used to select \na bot; `options` provides a dictionary of valid names to vote for and their responses.\n\n### on_login\nOverride `on_login` to execute any initialization after logging in or after connection if no username/password.\n\n### on_vote\nOverride `on_vote` in any bot to handle counting votes. Proctors use this to select a response.\n\n### on_discussion\nOverride `on_discussion` in any bot to handle discussion from other subminds. This may inform voting for the current prompt.\n\n### on_proposed_response\nOverride `on_proposed_response` in Proctor to check when to notify bots to vote.\n\n### on_selection\nOverride `on_selection` in any bot to handle a proctor selection of a response.\n\n### at_chatbot\nOverride `at_chatbot` in subminds to handle an incoming shout that is directed at this bot. Defaults to ask_chatbot.\n\n### ask_proctor\nOverride `ask_proctor` in proctor to handle a new prompt to queue.\n\n### ask_history\nOverride `ask_history` in scorekeepers to handle an incoming request for the selection history.\n\n## Python Examples\n### Standard Bot\n```python\nfrom chatbot_core import ChatBot, start_socket\nimport random\n\nclass MyBot(ChatBot):\n    def __init__(self, socket, domain, user, password, on_server=True):\n        super(MyBot, self).__init__(socket, domain, user, password)\n        self.on_server = on_server\n        self.last_search = None\n\n    def ask_chatbot(self, user, shout, timestamp):\n        \"\"\"\n        Handles an incoming shout into the current conversation\n        :param user: user associated with shout\n        :param shout: text shouted by user\n        :param timestamp: formatted timestamp of shout\n        \"\"\"\n        resp = f\"\"  # Generate some response here\n        if self.on_server:\n            self.propose_response(resp)\n        else:\n            return resp\n\n    def ask_appraiser(self, options):\n        \"\"\"\n        Selects one of the responses to a prompt and casts a vote in the conversation\n        :param options: proposed responses (botname: response)\n        \"\"\"\n        selection = random.choice(list(options.keys()))\n        self.vote_response(selection)\n\n    def ask_discusser(self, options):\n        \"\"\"\n        Provides one discussion response based on the given options\n        :param options: proposed responses (botname: response)\n        \"\"\"\n        selection = list(options.keys())[0]  # Note that this example doesn't match the voted choice\n        self.discuss_response(f\"I like {selection}.\")\n\n    def on_discussion(self, user: str, shout: str):\n        \"\"\"\n        Handle discussion from other subminds. This may inform voting for the current prompt\n        :param user: user associated with shout\n        :param shout: shout to be considered\n        \"\"\"\n        pass\n\n    def on_login(self):\n        \"\"\"\n        Do any initialization after logging in\n        \"\"\"\n        pass\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n    # Testing\n    bot = MyBot(start_socket(\"\", 8888), f\"\", None, None, False)\n    while True:\n        try:\n            utterance = input('[In]: ')\n            response = bot.ask_chatbot(f'', utterance, f'')\n            print(f'[Out]: {response}')\n        except KeyboardInterrupt:\n            break\n        except EOFError:\n            break\n    # Running on the forum\n    MyBot(start_socket(\"\", 8888), f\"\", None, None, True)\n    while True:\n        pass\n```\n### Script Bot\n```python\nfrom chatbot_core import NeonBot\nfrom chatbot_core import start_socket\n\nclass ScriptBot(NeonBot):\n    def __init__(self, socket, domain, user, password, on_server=True):\n        super(ScriptBot, self).__init__(socket, domain, user, password, on_server, \"SCRIPT NAME\", {\"host\": \"CORE_ADDR\",\n                                                                                                   \"port\": 8181,\n                                                                                                   \"ssl\": False,\n                                                                                                   \"route\": \"/core\"})\n        self.on_server = on_server\n\n    def ask_appraiser(self, options):\n        \"\"\"\n        Selects one of the responses to a prompt and casts a vote in the conversation\n        :param options: proposed responses (botname: response)\n        \"\"\"\n        selection = list(options.keys())[0]\n        self.vote_response(selection)\n\n    def ask_discusser(self, options):\n        \"\"\"\n        Provides one discussion response based on the given options\n        :param options: proposed responses (botname: response)\n        \"\"\"\n        selection = list(options.keys())[0]\n        self.discuss_response(f\"I like {selection}.\")\n\n    def on_discussion(self, user: str, shout: str):\n        \"\"\"\n        Handle discussion from other subminds. This may inform voting for the current prompt\n        :param user: user associated with shout\n        :param shout: shout to be considered\n        \"\"\"\n        pass\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n    # Testing\n    bot = ScriptBot(start_socket(\"\", 8888), f\"\", None, None, False)\n    while True:\n        try:\n            utterance = input('[In]: ')\n            response = bot.ask_chatbot(f'', utterance, f'')\n            print(f'[Out]: {response}')\n        except KeyboardInterrupt:\n            break\n        except EOFError:\n            break\n        # Running on the forum\n    ScriptBot(start_socket(\"\", 8888), f\"\", None, None, True)\n    while True:\n        pass\n```\n\n## Helper functions\n### Grammar check\nIn order to apply quick validation on output of function consider using `grammar_check`,\nSample Usage:\n```python\nfrom chatbot_core import grammar_check\n@grammar_check\ndef ask_chatbot(self, user: str, shout: str, timestamp: str) -> str:\n    return shout\n```\nKernel of this function made with the help of [autocorrect](\n\n### Find closest opinion\nApply `find_closest_answer` to provide some known algorithms for closest opinions finding, \nSample Usage:\n```python\nfrom chatbot_core import find_closest_answer\n\ndef ask_appraiser(self, options: dict) -> str:\n    # Let's consider storing response for current prompt in self.response variable\n    closest_opinion = find_closest_answer(algorithm='random',sentence=self.response,options=options)\n    for bot in options.keys():\n        if options[bot] == closest_opinion:\n            return f'I really like {bot} opinion!'\n    return 'I did not found any interesting answer here...'\n```\n#### Algorithm Table\n\n\n|    Algorithm Name    |                                                                                          Description                                                                                         |                                   When to use?                                   |\n|:--------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|\n|        random        |                                                                                   Picks response by random                                                                                   |                          When matters speed over result                          |\n|      bleu score      |                                                          Calculates precision using [n-gramms](                                                         |                         When sentences have similar shape                        |\n| levenshtein distance | Calculates precision by measuring distance between words.  | When each word separately matters more than semantical meaning of the sentence.  |\n",
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    "github_project": "chatbot-core",
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Elapsed time: 0.15867s