
Namenepali JSON
Version 1.1.1 PyPI version JSON
Summarynepalidatetime compatible with python's datetime feature. Converting nepali date to english, parsing nepali datetime, nepali timezone, and timedelta support in nepali datetime
upload_time2024-03-13 14:50:17
keywords nepali date conversion convert date nepali date time python convert date parse nepali date time
requirements No requirements were recorded.
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            # nepali

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`nepali` is a python package containing features that will be useful for Nepali projects.

The major feature of this package is nepalidatetime, which is compatible with python's datetime feature. It helps nepali date to english, parsing nepali datetime, nepali timezone, and timedelta support in nepali datetime.

## Example

import datetime
from nepali import phone_number
from nepali.datetime import nepalidate, parser

nepali_datetime = parser.parse('2079-02-15')
# 2079-02-15 00:00:00

date =, 3, 15)
nepali_date = nepalidate.from_date(date)
# 2073-12-02

# {
#     'type':      'Mobile',
#     'number':    '9845217789',
#     'operator':  <Operator: Nepal Telecom>
# }

## Requirements

    Python >= 3

## Installation

    pip install nepali

## Features

1. [Date and Time](#date-and-time)
   - [date_converter](#date_converter)
   - [nepalidate](#nepalidate)
   - [nepalidatetime](#nepalidatetime)
   - [nepalihumanize](#nepalihumanize)
   - [timezone](#timezone)
   - [parse](#parse)
   - [strftime() and strptime() Format Codes](#strftime-and-strptime-format-codes)
1. [Numbers](#numbers)
   - [nepalinumber](#nepalinumber)
1. [Phone Number](#phone-number)
1. [Locations](#locations)
1. [For Django Template](#for-django-template)

## Date and Time

### date_converter

Date converter module converts english date to nepali and nepali date to english. It doesn't contain any extra functionality.

**Convert English date to Nepali date**

from nepali.date_converter import converter

np_year, np_month, np_date = converter.english_to_nepali(en_year, en_month, en_date)


from nepali.date_converter import converter

np_year, np_month, np_date = converter.english_to_nepali(2023, 2, 7)
print(np_year, np_month, np_date) # 2079 10 24

**Convert Nepali date to English date**

from nepali.date_converter import converter

en_year, en_month, en_date = converter.nepali_to_english(np_year, np_month, np_date)


from nepali.date_converter import converter

en_year, en_month, en_date = converter.nepali_to_english(2079, 10, 24)
print(en_year, en_month, en_date) # 2023 2 7

### nepalidate

**Creating a new nepalidate object**

from nepali.datetime import nepalidate

# nepalidate object with year, month, day
np_date = nepalidate(year, month, day)

# nepalidate object with today's date
np_date =

# parse nepali date
np_date = nepalidate.strptime('2078-01-18', format='%Y-%m-%d')

**Getting nepalidate object from python datetime**

# from date object
np_date = nepalidate.from_date(date_obj)

# from datetime object
np_date = nepalidate.from_datetime(datetime_obj)

**Attributes and Methods**

np_date.year                       # 2078 (year)
np_date.month                      # 1 (month)                        # 18 (day)

np_date.to_date()                  # object
np_date.to_datetime()              # datetime.datetime object
np_date.to_nepalidatetime()        # nepalidatetime object

np_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")       # 2078-01-18
np_date.strftime_ne("%Y-%m-%d")    # २०७८-०१-१८

np_date.weekday()                  # Sunday => 0, Monday => 1, ..., Saturday => 6

### nepalidatetime

**Creating a new nepalidatetime object**

from nepali.datetime import nepalidatetime

# nepalidate object with year, month, day, hour, minute, second
np_datetime = nepalidatetime(year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second]]])

# nepalidate object with current date and time
np_datetime =
np_datetime =

# parse nepali datetime
np_datetime = nepalidatetime.strptime('2078-01-12 13:12', format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

**Getting nepalidatetime object from python datetime**

# from date object
np_datetime = nepalidatetime.from_date(date_obj)

# from datetime object
np_datetime = nepalidatetime.from_datetime(datetime_obj)

**Getting nepalidatetime object from nepalidate**

np_datetime = nepalidatetime.from_nepalidate(nepali_date)

**Attributes and Methods**

np_date.year                             # 2078 (year)
np_date.month                            # 1 (month)                              # 18 (day)
np_date.hour                             # 23 (hour)
np_date.minute                           # 59 (minute)
np_date.second                           # 59 (day)

np_date.to_date()                        # object
np_date.to_datetime()                    # datetime.datetime object
np_date.to_nepalidate()                  # nepalidatetime object
np_date.to_time()                        # nepalitime object (datetime.time compatible)

np_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")       # 2078-01-18 23:59
np_date.strftime_ne("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")    # २०७८-०१-१८ २३:५९

np_date.weekday()                        # Sunday => 0, Monday => 1, ..., Saturday => 6

**Timedelta support**

# timedelta addition and subtraction
np_datetime - datetime.timedelta(days=3)       # returns nepalidatetime

# comparison between two dates
np_datetime1 - np_datetime2                    # returns timedelta object
np_datetime1 < np_datetime2                    # returns bool (True/False)
np_datetime1 >=        # returns bool (True/False)

### nepalihumanize

Returns readable form of nepali date.

from nepali.datetime import nepalihumanize

nepalihumanize(datetime, [threshold, format])

The `threshold` is and optional field and is in seconds and the format is for the `strftime` format. If the datetime object crosses the threshold it print the date with the format. The `format` is also an optional and is `%B %d, %Y` in default.


from nepali.datetime import nepalihumanize, nepalidatetime

np_datetime = nepalidatetime(2079, 10, 5)
output = nepalihumanize(np_datetime)
# output: ३ महिना अघि

output = nepalihumanize(np_datetime, threshold=1400)
# 1400 = 2 * 30 * 24; two months threshold
# output: माघ ०५, २०७९

### timezone

You can use `NepaliTimeZone` directly to your datetime object.

from nepali.timezone import NepaliTimeZone

datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 12, 16, 23, tzinfo=NepaliTimeZone())

Returns current datetime object with timezone

from nepali import timezone

`` vs ``:
`` doesn't contain timezone, but `` will contain timezone of the system.

Returns current UTC datetime object (with timezone UTC)

from nepali import timezone


### parse

Parses date with commonly used date formats. Auto detects date format. If you are sure about the format, please use `strptime`.

from nepali.datetime.parser import parse

np_datetime = parse(datetime_str)


np_datetime = parse("2079-02-15")                     # 2079-02-15 00:00:00
np_datetime = parse("२०७८-०१-१८")                      # 2078-01-15 00:00:00
np_datetime = parse("2079/02/15")                     # 2079-02-15 00:00:00
np_datetime = parse("2079-02-15 15:23")               # 2079-02-15 15:23:00
np_datetime = parse("2079-02-15 5:23 AM")             # 2079-02-15 05:23:00
np_datetime = parse("2079-02-15 5:23 AM")             # 2079-02-15 05:23:00
np_datetime = parse("Jestha 15, 2079")                # 2079-02-15 00:00:00


### strftime() and strptime() Format Codes

| Directive | Meaning                                                   | Example                        |
| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| `%a`      | Weekday as locale’s abbreviated name.                     | Sun, Mon, …, Sat (आइत, सोम, …) |
| `%A`      | Weekday as locale’s full name.                            | Sunday, Monday, …, Saturday    |
| `%d`      | Day of the month as a zero-padded decimal number.         | 01, 02, …, 31                  |
| `%-d`     | Day of the month as a decimal number.                     | 1, 2, …, 31                    |
| `%B`      | Month as locale’s full name.                              | Baishakh, Jestha, …, Chaitra   |
| `%m`      | Month as a zero-padded decimal number.                    | 01, 02, …, 12                  |
| `%-m`     | Month as a decimal number.                                | 1, 2, …, 12                    |
| `%y`      | Year without century as a zero-padded decimal number.     | 00, 01, …, 99                  |
| `%Y`      | Year with century as a decimal number.                    | 2001, 2078, 2079, …, 2099      |
| `%H`      | Hour (24-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number.     | 00, 01, …, 23                  |
| `%-H`     | Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number.                 | 0, 1, 2, …, 23                 |
| `%I`      | Hour (12-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number.     | 01, 02, …, 12                  |
| `%-I`     | Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number.                 | 1, 2, …, 12                    |
| `%p`      | Locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM.                   | AM, PM (en_US)                 |
| `%M`      | Minute as a zero-padded decimal number.                   | 00, 01, …, 59                  |
| `%-M`     | Minute as a decimal number.                               | 0, 1, 2, …, 59                 |
| `%S`      | Second as a zero-padded decimal number.                   | 00, 01, …, 59                  |
| `%-S`     | Second as a decimal number.                               | 0, 1, 2, …, 59                 |
| `%f`      | Microsecond as a decimal number, zero-padded to 6 digits. | 000000, 000001, …, 999999      |
| `%%`      | A literal `'%'` character.                                | %                              |


## Numbers

from nepali import number

Converts english number to nepali.

np_number = number.convert("1234567890")  # १२३४५६७८९०

Converts english number to nepali.

en_number = number.revert("१२३४५६७८९०")  # 1234567890

Adds comma in nepali numbers.

number_text = number.add_comma("1234567890")  # 1,23,45,67,890

### nepalinumber
`nepalinumber` is a new data type, which can be used to represent Nepali (Devanagari) numbers. It allows us to perform arithmetic operations, just like with int and float. Additionally, it can be used to parse numbers and output them in Devanagari format.

from nepali.number import nepalinumber

a = nepalinumber("१८.२७")
print(a)  # 18.27

b = nepalinumber(15)
print(b)  # 15

**Nepali (Devanagari) output**
a = nepalinumber("18.27")
print(a.str_ne())  # १८.२७

**Arithmetic operations**
a = nepalinumber("1")
b = nepalinumber("२")
c = a + b * 3
print(c)  # 7

## Phone Number

from nepali import phone_number

Checks is the given number is a valid nepali phone number.

phone_number.is_valid("9851377890")      # True
phone_number.is_valid("+977-142314819")  # True

phone_number.is_valid("8251377890")      # False

Parse phone number and returns details of the number.

# {'type': 'Mobile', 'number': '9851377890', 'operator': <Operator: Nepal Telecom>}

# {'type': 'Landline', 'number': '0142314819', 'area_code': '01'}


## Locations

Provides details of Nepal's Province, District, and Municipality.

from nepali.locations import provinces, districts, municipalities

from nepali.locations.utils import get_province, get_district, get_municipality

# Province
# Bagmati Province

# District
# Kathmandu

# Municipality
# Kathmandu Metropolitan City

# Municipality
# Biratnagar Metropolitan City


## For Django

We have created a new Django package called [django-nepali]( to support `nepali` package. For more information, please visit [django-nepali](

## Contribution

We appreciate feedback and contribution to this package. To get started please see our [contribution guide](./


Raw data

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    "home_page": "",
    "name": "nepali",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "nepali date conversion,convert date,nepali date time,python convert date,parse nepali date time",
    "author": "opensource-nepal",
    "author_email": ",",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# nepali\n\n[![PyPI version](](\n[![CI status](](\n[![Downloads](](\n[![codecov](](\n\n`nepali` is a python package containing features that will be useful for Nepali projects.\n\nThe major feature of this package is nepalidatetime, which is compatible with python's datetime feature. It helps nepali date to english, parsing nepali datetime, nepali timezone, and timedelta support in nepali datetime.\n\n## Example\n\n```python\nimport datetime\nfrom nepali import phone_number\nfrom nepali.datetime import nepalidate, parser\n\nnepali_datetime = parser.parse('2079-02-15')\n# 2079-02-15 00:00:00\n\ndate =, 3, 15)\nnepali_date = nepalidate.from_date(date)\n# 2073-12-02\n\nphone_number.parse(\"+977-9845217789\")\n# {\n#     'type':      'Mobile',\n#     'number':    '9845217789',\n#     'operator':  <Operator: Nepal Telecom>\n# }\n```\n\n## Requirements\n\n    Python >= 3\n\n## Installation\n\n    pip install nepali\n\n## Features\n\n1. [Date and Time](#date-and-time)\n   - [date_converter](#date_converter)\n   - [nepalidate](#nepalidate)\n   - [nepalidatetime](#nepalidatetime)\n   - [nepalihumanize](#nepalihumanize)\n   - [timezone](#timezone)\n   - [parse](#parse)\n   - [strftime() and strptime() Format Codes](#strftime-and-strptime-format-codes)\n1. [Numbers](#numbers)\n   - [nepalinumber](#nepalinumber)\n1. [Phone Number](#phone-number)\n1. [Locations](#locations)\n1. [For Django Template](#for-django-template)\n\n## Date and Time\n\n### date_converter\n\nDate converter module converts english date to nepali and nepali date to english. It doesn't contain any extra functionality.\n\n**Convert English date to Nepali date**\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.date_converter import converter\n\nnp_year, np_month, np_date = converter.english_to_nepali(en_year, en_month, en_date)\n```\n\nExample\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.date_converter import converter\n\nnp_year, np_month, np_date = converter.english_to_nepali(2023, 2, 7)\nprint(np_year, np_month, np_date) # 2079 10 24\n```\n\n**Convert Nepali date to English date**\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.date_converter import converter\n\nen_year, en_month, en_date = converter.nepali_to_english(np_year, np_month, np_date)\n```\n\nExample\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.date_converter import converter\n\nen_year, en_month, en_date = converter.nepali_to_english(2079, 10, 24)\nprint(en_year, en_month, en_date) # 2023 2 7\n```\n\n### nepalidate\n\n**Creating a new nepalidate object**\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.datetime import nepalidate\n\n# nepalidate object with year, month, day\nnp_date = nepalidate(year, month, day)\n\n# nepalidate object with today's date\nnp_date =\n\n# parse nepali date\nnp_date = nepalidate.strptime('2078-01-18', format='%Y-%m-%d')\n```\n\n**Getting nepalidate object from python datetime**\n\n```python\n# from date object\nnp_date = nepalidate.from_date(date_obj)\n\n# from datetime object\nnp_date = nepalidate.from_datetime(datetime_obj)\n```\n\n**Attributes and Methods**\n\n```python\nnp_date.year                       # 2078 (year)\nnp_date.month                      # 1 (month)\                        # 18 (day)\n\nnp_date.to_date()                  # object\nnp_date.to_datetime()              # datetime.datetime object\nnp_date.to_nepalidatetime()        # nepalidatetime object\n\nnp_date.strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d\")       # 2078-01-18\nnp_date.strftime_ne(\"%Y-%m-%d\")    # \u0968\u0966\u096d\u096e-\u0966\u0967-\u0967\u096e\n\nnp_date.weekday()                  # Sunday => 0, Monday => 1, ..., Saturday => 6\n```\n\n### nepalidatetime\n\n**Creating a new nepalidatetime object**\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.datetime import nepalidatetime\n\n# nepalidate object with year, month, day, hour, minute, second\nnp_datetime = nepalidatetime(year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second]]])\n\n# nepalidate object with current date and time\nnp_datetime =\nnp_datetime =\n\n# parse nepali datetime\nnp_datetime = nepalidatetime.strptime('2078-01-12 13:12', format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')\n```\n\n**Getting nepalidatetime object from python datetime**\n\n```python\n# from date object\nnp_datetime = nepalidatetime.from_date(date_obj)\n\n# from datetime object\nnp_datetime = nepalidatetime.from_datetime(datetime_obj)\n```\n\n**Getting nepalidatetime object from nepalidate**\n\n```python\nnp_datetime = nepalidatetime.from_nepalidate(nepali_date)\n```\n\n**Attributes and Methods**\n\n```python\nnp_date.year                             # 2078 (year)\nnp_date.month                            # 1 (month)\                              # 18 (day)\nnp_date.hour                             # 23 (hour)\nnp_date.minute                           # 59 (minute)\nnp_date.second                           # 59 (day)\n\nnp_date.to_date()                        # object\nnp_date.to_datetime()                    # datetime.datetime object\nnp_date.to_nepalidate()                  # nepalidatetime object\nnp_date.to_time()                        # nepalitime object (datetime.time compatible)\n\nnp_date.strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M\")       # 2078-01-18 23:59\nnp_date.strftime_ne(\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M\")    # \u0968\u0966\u096d\u096e-\u0966\u0967-\u0967\u096e \u0968\u0969:\u096b\u096f\n\nnp_date.weekday()                        # Sunday => 0, Monday => 1, ..., Saturday => 6\n```\n\n**Timedelta support**\n\n```python\n# timedelta addition and subtraction\nnp_datetime - datetime.timedelta(days=3)       # returns nepalidatetime\n\n# comparison between two dates\nnp_datetime1 - np_datetime2                    # returns timedelta object\nnp_datetime1 < np_datetime2                    # returns bool (True/False)\nnp_datetime1 >=        # returns bool (True/False)\n...\n```\n\n### nepalihumanize\n\nReturns readable form of nepali date.\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.datetime import nepalihumanize\n\n\nnepalihumanize(datetime, [threshold, format])\n```\n\nThe `threshold` is and optional field and is in seconds and the format is for the `strftime` format. If the datetime object crosses the threshold it print the date with the format. The `format` is also an optional and is `%B %d, %Y` in default.\n\nExample\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.datetime import nepalihumanize, nepalidatetime\n\nnp_datetime = nepalidatetime(2079, 10, 5)\noutput = nepalihumanize(np_datetime)\n# output: \u0969 \u092e\u0939\u093f\u0928\u093e \u0905\u0918\u093f\n\noutput = nepalihumanize(np_datetime, threshold=1400)\n# 1400 = 2 * 30 * 24; two months threshold\n# output: \u092e\u093e\u0918 \u0966\u096b, \u0968\u0966\u096d\u096f\n```\n\n### timezone\n\n**NepaliTimeZone**\nYou can use `NepaliTimeZone` directly to your datetime object.\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.timezone import NepaliTimeZone\n\ndatetime.datetime(2018, 8, 12, 16, 23, tzinfo=NepaliTimeZone())\n```\n\n**now**\nReturns current datetime object with timezone\n\n```python\nfrom nepali import timezone\n\\n```\n\n`` vs ``:\n`` doesn't contain timezone, but `` will contain timezone of the system.\n\n**utc_now**\nReturns current UTC datetime object (with timezone UTC)\n\n```python\nfrom nepali import timezone\n\ntimezone.utc_now()\n```\n\n### parse\n\nParses date with commonly used date formats. Auto detects date format. If you are sure about the format, please use `strptime`.\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.datetime.parser import parse\n\nnp_datetime = parse(datetime_str)\n```\n\nExample\n\n```python\nnp_datetime = parse(\"2079-02-15\")                     # 2079-02-15 00:00:00\nnp_datetime = parse(\"\u0968\u0966\u096d\u096e-\u0966\u0967-\u0967\u096e\")                      # 2078-01-15 00:00:00\nnp_datetime = parse(\"2079/02/15\")                     # 2079-02-15 00:00:00\nnp_datetime = parse(\"2079-02-15 15:23\")               # 2079-02-15 15:23:00\nnp_datetime = parse(\"2079-02-15 5:23 AM\")             # 2079-02-15 05:23:00\nnp_datetime = parse(\"2079-02-15 5:23 AM\")             # 2079-02-15 05:23:00\nnp_datetime = parse(\"Jestha 15, 2079\")                # 2079-02-15 00:00:00\n\n```\n\n### strftime() and strptime() Format Codes\n\n| Directive | Meaning                                                   | Example                        |\n| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |\n| `%a`      | Weekday as locale\u2019s abbreviated name.                     | Sun, Mon, \u2026, Sat (\u0906\u0907\u0924, \u0938\u094b\u092e, \u2026) |\n| `%A`      | Weekday as locale\u2019s full name.                            | Sunday, Monday, \u2026, Saturday    |\n| `%d`      | Day of the month as a zero-padded decimal number.         | 01, 02, \u2026, 31                  |\n| `%-d`     | Day of the month as a decimal number.                     | 1, 2, \u2026, 31                    |\n| `%B`      | Month as locale\u2019s full name.                              | Baishakh, Jestha, \u2026, Chaitra   |\n| `%m`      | Month as a zero-padded decimal number.                    | 01, 02, \u2026, 12                  |\n| `%-m`     | Month as a decimal number.                                | 1, 2, \u2026, 12                    |\n| `%y`      | Year without century as a zero-padded decimal number.     | 00, 01, \u2026, 99                  |\n| `%Y`      | Year with century as a decimal number.                    | 2001, 2078, 2079, \u2026, 2099      |\n| `%H`      | Hour (24-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number.     | 00, 01, \u2026, 23                  |\n| `%-H`     | Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number.                 | 0, 1, 2, \u2026, 23                 |\n| `%I`      | Hour (12-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number.     | 01, 02, \u2026, 12                  |\n| `%-I`     | Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number.                 | 1, 2, \u2026, 12                    |\n| `%p`      | Locale\u2019s equivalent of either AM or PM.                   | AM, PM (en_US)                 |\n| `%M`      | Minute as a zero-padded decimal number.                   | 00, 01, \u2026, 59                  |\n| `%-M`     | Minute as a decimal number.                               | 0, 1, 2, \u2026, 59                 |\n| `%S`      | Second as a zero-padded decimal number.                   | 00, 01, \u2026, 59                  |\n| `%-S`     | Second as a decimal number.                               | 0, 1, 2, \u2026, 59                 |\n| `%f`      | Microsecond as a decimal number, zero-padded to 6 digits. | 000000, 000001, \u2026, 999999      |\n| `%%`      | A literal `'%'` character.                                | %                              |\n\n---\n\n## Numbers\n\n```python\nfrom nepali import number\n```\n\n**convert**\nConverts english number to nepali.\n\n```python\nnp_number = number.convert(\"1234567890\")  # \u0967\u0968\u0969\u096a\u096b\u096c\u096d\u096e\u096f\u0966\n```\n\n**revert**\nConverts english number to nepali.\n\n```python\nen_number = number.revert(\"\u0967\u0968\u0969\u096a\u096b\u096c\u096d\u096e\u096f\u0966\")  # 1234567890\n```\n\n**add_comma**\nAdds comma in nepali numbers.\n\n```python\nnumber_text = number.add_comma(\"1234567890\")  # 1,23,45,67,890\n```\n\n### nepalinumber\n`nepalinumber` is a new data type, which can be used to represent Nepali (Devanagari) numbers. It allows us to perform arithmetic operations, just like with int and float. Additionally, it can be used to parse numbers and output them in Devanagari format.\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.number import nepalinumber\n```\n\n**Parsing**\n```python\na = nepalinumber(\"\u0967\u096e.\u0968\u096d\")\nprint(a)  # 18.27\n\nb = nepalinumber(15)\nprint(b)  # 15\n```\n\n**Nepali (Devanagari) output**\n```python\na = nepalinumber(\"18.27\")\nprint(a.str_ne())  # \u0967\u096e.\u0968\u096d\n```\n\n**Arithmetic operations**\n```python\na = nepalinumber(\"1\")\nb = nepalinumber(\"\u0968\")\nc = a + b * 3\nprint(c)  # 7\n```\n---\n\n## Phone Number\n\n```python\nfrom nepali import phone_number\n```\n\n**is_valid**\nChecks is the given number is a valid nepali phone number.\n\n```python\nphone_number.is_valid(\"9851377890\")      # True\nphone_number.is_valid(\"+977-142314819\")  # True\n\nphone_number.is_valid(\"8251377890\")      # False\n```\n\n**parse**\nParse phone number and returns details of the number.\n\n```python\nphone_number.parse(\"9851377890\")\n# {'type': 'Mobile', 'number': '9851377890', 'operator': <Operator: Nepal Telecom>}\n\nphone_number.parse(\"+977-142314819\")\n# {'type': 'Landline', 'number': '0142314819', 'area_code': '01'}\n```\n\n---\n\n## Locations\n\nProvides details of Nepal's Province, District, and Municipality.\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.locations import provinces, districts, municipalities\n```\n\n```python\nfrom nepali.locations.utils import get_province, get_district, get_municipality\n\n# Province\nget_province(name=\"Bagmati\")\n# Bagmati Province\n\n# District\nget_district(name=\"Kathmandu\")\n# Kathmandu\n\n# Municipality\nget_municipality(name=\"Kathmandu\")\n# Kathmandu Metropolitan City\n\n# Municipality\nget_municipality(name_nepali=\"\u0935\u093f\u0930\u093e\u091f\u0928\u0917\u0930\")\n# Biratnagar Metropolitan City\n```\n\n---\n\n## For Django\n\nWe have created a new Django package called [django-nepali]( to support `nepali` package. For more information, please visit [django-nepali](\n\n## Contribution\n\nWe appreciate feedback and contribution to this package. To get started please see our [contribution guide](./\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "nepalidatetime compatible with python's datetime feature. Converting nepali date to english, parsing nepali datetime, nepali timezone, and timedelta support in nepali datetime",
    "version": "1.1.1",
    "project_urls": {
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        "Source": ""
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        "nepali date conversion",
        "convert date",
        "nepali date time",
        "python convert date",
        "parse nepali date time"
    "urls": [
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