# Neptune Fetcher
> [!NOTE]
> This package is experimental and only works with Neptune Scale, which is in beta.
> You can't use this package with `neptune<2.0` or the currently available Neptune app version. For the corresponding
> Python API, see [neptune-client](https://github.com/neptune-ai/neptune-client).
Neptune Fetcher is designed to separate data retrieval capabilities from the regular `neptune` package. This separation
makes data fetching more efficient and improves performance.
## Installation
pip install neptune-fetcher
## Usage
1. Set your Neptune API token and project name as environment variables:
export NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN="h0dHBzOi8aHR0cHM.4kl0jvYh3Kb8...ifQ=="
export NEPTUNE_PROJECT="workspace-name/project-name"
For help, see https://docs-beta.neptune.ai/setup.
1. In your Python code, create a [`ReadOnlyProject`](#readonlyproject) instance:
from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject
my_project = ReadOnlyProject()
Now you have a Neptune project to operate on.
> If you don't set the Neptune environment variables, you can pass your credentials through arguments when creating a project or run object.
To fetch experiments in bulk, call a fetching method on the project:
experiments_df = my_project.fetch_experiments_df(
columns=["sys/custom_run_id", "sys/modification_time"],
query='(last(`accuracy`:floatSeries) > 0.88) AND (`learning_rate`:float < 0.01)',
To fetch metadata from an individual experiment or run, create and use a [`ReadOnlyRun`](#readonlyrun) object:
from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyRun
run = ReadOnlyRun(
# Fetch value
# Fecth last value of metric
# Fetch all metric values, with optional pre-fetching to speed up subsequent access to the field
For details, see the Neptune documentation:
- [Fetch runs or experiments](https://docs-beta.neptune.ai/fetch_runs)
- [Fetch metadata from a run or experiment](https://docs-beta.neptune.ai/fetch_run_data)
- [Neptune Query Language (NQL)](https://docs-beta.neptune.ai/nql)
## Examples
### Listing runs of a project
from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject
project = ReadOnlyProject("workspace/project")
for run in project.list_runs():
print(run) # dicts with identifiers
### Listing experiments of a project
from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject
project = ReadOnlyProject("workspace/project")
for experiment in project.list_experiments():
print(experiment) # dicts with identifiers
### Fetching runs data frame with specific columns
from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject
project = ReadOnlyProject("workspace/project")
runs_df = project.fetch_runs_df(
columns=["sys/custom_run_id", "sys/modification_time"],
columns_regex="tree/.*", # added to columns specified with the "columns" parameter
### Fetching data from specified runs
from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject
project = ReadOnlyProject("workspace/project")
for run in project.fetch_read_only_runs(with_ids=["RUN-1", "RUN-2"]):
run.prefetch(["parameters/optimizer", "parameters/init_lr"])
### Fetching data from a single run
from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject, ReadOnlyRun
project = ReadOnlyProject("workspace/project")
run = ReadOnlyRun(project, with_id="TES-1")
run.prefetch(["parameters/optimizer", "parameters/init_lr"])
run.prefetch_series_values(["metrics/loss", "metrics/accuracy"], use_threads=True)
## API reference
### Supported regular expressions
Neptune uses the [RE2](https://github.com/google/re2) regular expression library. For supported regex features and limitations, see the official [syntax guide](https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/syntax).
### `ReadOnlyProject`
Representation of a Neptune project in a limited read-only mode.
#### Initialization
Initialize with the ReadOnlyProject class constructor:
project = ReadOnlyProject("workspace/project", api_token="...")
> [!TIP]
> Find your API token in your user menu, in the bottom-left corner of the Neptune app.
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `project` | `str`, optional | `None` | Name of a project in the form `workspace-name/project-name`. If `None`, the value of the `NEPTUNE_PROJECT` environment variable is used. |
| `api_token` | `str`, optional | `None` | Your Neptune API token (or a service account's API token). If `None`, the value of the `NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN` environment variable is used. To keep your token secure, avoid placing it in source code. Instead, save it as an environment variable. |
| `proxies` | `dict`, optional | `None` | Dictionary of proxy settings, if needed. This argument is passed to HTTP calls made via the Requests library. For details on proxies, see the [Requests documentation](https://requests.readthedocs.io/). |
#### `list_runs()`
Lists all runs of a project.
Each run is identified by Neptune ID (`sys/id`), custom ID (`sys/custom_run_id`) and, if set, name (`sys/name`).
__Returns:__ `Iterator` of dictionaries with Neptune run identifiers, custom identifiers and names.
project = ReadOnlyProject()
for run in project.list_runs():
#### `list_experiments()`
Lists all experiments of a project.
Each experiment is identified by:
- Neptune ID: `sys/id`
- (If set) Custom ID: `sys/custom_run_id`
- Name: `sys/name`
for experiment in project.list_experiments():
__Returns:__ `Iterator` of dictionaries with Neptune experiment identifiers, custom identifiers and names.
#### `fetch_runs()`
Fetches a table containing Neptune IDs, custom run IDs and names of runs in the project.
__Returns:__ `pandas.DataFrame` `pandas.DataFrame` with three columns (`sys/id`, `sys/name` and `sys/custom_run_id`)
and one row for each run.
project = ReadOnlyProject()
df = project.fetch_runs()
#### `fetch_experiments()`
Fetches a table containing Neptune IDs, custom IDs and names of experiments in the project.
df = project.fetch_experiments()
`pandas.DataFrame` with three columns (`sys/id`, `sys/custom_run_id`, `sys/name`) and one row for each experiment.
#### `fetch_runs_df()`
Fetches the runs' metadata and returns them as a pandas DataFrame.
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `columns` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | Names of columns to include in the table, as a list of field names. The sorting column, custom run identifier (`sys/custom_run_id`), and experiment name (`sys/name`) are always included. `None` results in returning only the default columns.
| `columns_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter columns by name. Use this parameter to include columns in addition to the ones specified by the `columns` parameter.
| `names_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter the runs by name. |
| `custom_id_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter the runs by custom ID. |
| `with_ids` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple Neptune IDs. Example: `["NLU-1", "NLU-2"]`. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |
| `custom_ids` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple custom IDs. Example: `["nostalgic_shockley", "high_albattani"]`. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |
| `states` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of states. Possible values: `"inactive"`, `"active"`. "Active" means that at least one process is connected to the run. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |
| `owners` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple owners. Example: `["frederic", "josh"]`. The owner is the user who created the run. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |
| `tags` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | A list of tags. Example: `"lightGBM"` or `["pytorch", "cycleLR"]`. **Note:** Only runs that have all specified tags will pass this criterion. |
| `trashed` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to retrieve trashed runs. If `True`, only trashed runs are retrieved. If `False`, only non-trashed runs are retrieved. If `None` or left empty, all run objects are retrieved, including trashed ones. |
| `limit` | `int`, optional | `None` | Maximum number of runs to fetch. If `None`, all runs are fetched. |
| `sort_by` | `str`, optional | `sys/creation_time` | Name of the field to sort the results by. The field must represent a simple type (string, float, integer). |
| `ascending` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to sort the entries in ascending order of the sorting column values. |
| `progress_bar` | `bool` | `True` | Set to `False `to disable the download progress bar. |
| `query` | `str`, optional | `None` | NQL query string. Example: `"(accuracy: float > 0.88) AND (loss: float < 0.2)"`. The query is applied on top of other criteria like, `custom_ids`, `tags` etc, using the logical AND operator. See examples below. For syntax, see [Neptune Query Language](https://docs.neptune.ai/usage/nql/) in the Neptune docs. |
__Returns:__ `pandas.DataFrame`: A pandas DataFrame containing metadata of the fetched runs.
> The following fields are always included:
> - `sys/custom_run_id`: the custom run identifier.
> - The field to sort by. That is, the field name passed to the `sort_by` argument.
> The maximum number of runs that can be returned is 5000.
Fetch all runs, with specific columns:
project = ReadOnlyProject()
runs_df = project.fetch_runs_df(
columns=["sys/modification_time", "training/lr"]
Fetch all runs, with specific columns and extra columns that match a regex pattern:
runs_df = project.fetch_runs_df(
Fetch runs by specific ID:
specific_runs_df = my_project.fetch_runs_df(custom_ids=["nostalgic_shockley", "high_albattani"])
Fetch runs by names that match a regex pattern:
specific_runs_df = my_project.fetch_runs_df(
Fetch runs with a complex query using NQL.
runs_df = my_project.fetch_runs_df(
query='(last(`accuracy`:floatSeries) > 0.88) AND (`learning_rate`:float < 0.01)'
#### `fetch_experiments_df()`
Fetches the experiments' metadata and returns them as a pandas DataFrame.
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `columns` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | Names of columns to include in the table, as a list of field names. The sorting column, custom run identifier (`sys/custom_run_id`), and experiment name (`sys/name`) are always included. `None` results in returning only the default columns.
| `columns_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter columns by name. Use this parameter to include columns in addition to the ones specified by the `columns` parameter.
| `names_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter the experiments by name. |
| `names_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern or a list of regex patterns to filter the experiments by name. Multiple patterns will be connected by AND logic. |
| `names_exclude_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern or a list of regex patterns to exclude experiments by name. Multiple patterns will be connected by AND logic. |
| `custom_id_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter the experiments by custom ID. |
| `with_ids` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple Neptune IDs. Example: `["NLU-1", "NLU-2"]`. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |
| `custom_ids` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple custom IDs. Example: `["nostalgic_shockley", "high_albattani"]`. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |
| `states` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of states. Possible values: `"inactive"`, `"active"`. "Active" means that at least one process is connected to the experiment. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |
| `owners` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple owners. Example: `["frederic", "josh"]`. The owner is the user who created the experiement. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |
| `tags` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | A list of tags. Example: `"lightGBM"` or `["pytorch", "cycleLR"]`. **Note:** Only experiments that have all specified tags will pass this criterion. |
| `trashed` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to retrieve trashed experiments. If `True`, only trashed experiments are retrieved. If `False`, only non-trashed experiments are retrieved. If `None` or left empty, all experiment objects are retrieved, including trashed ones. |
| `limit` | `int`, optional | `None` | Maximum number of experiments to fetch. If `None`, all experiments are fetched. |
| `sort_by` | `str`, optional | `sys/creation_time` | Name of the field to sort the results by. The field must represent a simple type (string, float, integer). |
| `ascending` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to sort the entries in ascending order of the sorting column values. |
| `progress_bar` | `bool` | `True` | Set to `False `to disable the download progress bar. |
| `query` | `str`, optional | `None` | NQL query string. Example: `"(accuracy: float > 0.88) AND (loss: float < 0.2)"`. The query is applied on top of other criteria like, `custom_ids`, `tags` etc, using the logical AND operator. See examples below. For syntax, see [Neptune Query Language](https://docs.neptune.ai/usage/nql/) in the Neptune docs. |
__Returns:__ `pandas.DataFrame`: A pandas DataFrame containing metadata of the fetched experiments.
> The following fields are always included:
> - `sys/custom_run_id`: the custom run identifier.
> - `sys/name`: the experiment name.
> - The field to sort by. That is, the field name passed to the `sort_by` argument.
> The maximum number of runs that can be returned is 5000.
Fetch all experiments with specific columns:
experiments_df = project.fetch_experiments_df(
columns=["sys/custom_run_id", "sys/modification_time", "training/lr"]
Fetch all experiments with specific columns and extra columns that match a regex pattern:
experiments_df = project.fetch_experiments_df(
columns=["sys/custom_run_id", "sys/modification_time"],
Fetch experiments by specific IDs:
specific_experiments_df = my_project.fetch_experiments_df(
custom_ids=["nostalgic_shockley", "high_albattani"]
Use the Neptune Query Language to fetch experiments with a complex query. Note that for regular strings, the `\` character needs to be escaped:
experiments_df = my_project.fetch_experiments_df(
query='(`learning_rate`:float < 0.01) AND (`sys/name`:string MATCHES "experiment-\\\\d+")'
As a less cluttered alternative, pass a raw Python string to the `query` argument:
experiments_df = my_project.fetch_experiments_df(
query=r'(`learning_rate`:float < 0.01) AND (`sys/name`:string MATCHES "experiment-\\d+")'
#### `fetch_read_only_runs()`
List runs of the project in the form of ReadOnlyRun.
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `with_ids` | `Optional[List[str]]` | `None` | List of Neptune run IDs to fetch. |
| `custom_ids` | `Optional[List[str]]` | `None` | List of custom run IDs to fetch. |
__Returns:__ Iterator of ReadOnlyRun objects.
project = ReadOnlyProject()
for run in project.fetch_read_only_runs(custom_ids=["nostalgic_shockley", "high_albattani"]):
#### `fetch_read_only_experiments()`
Lists experiments of the project in the form of ReadOnlyRun.
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `names` | `Optional[List[str]]` | `None` | List of experiment names to fetch. |
__Returns:__ Iterator of ReadOnlyRun objects.
project = ReadOnlyProject()
for run in project.fetch_read_only_experiments(names=["yolo-v2", "yolo-v3"]):
### `ReadOnlyRun`
Representation of a Neptune run in a limited read-only mode.
#### Initialization
Can be created
- with the class constructor:
project = ReadOnlyProject()
run = ReadOnlyRun(project, with_id="TES-1")
- or as a result of the [`fetch_read_only_runs()`](#fetch_read_only_runs) method of the `ReadOnlyProject` class:
for run in project.fetch_read_only_runs(
custom_ids=["nostalgic_shockley", "high_albattani"]):
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `read_only_project` | `ReadOnlyProject` | - | Project from which the run is fetched. |
| `with_id` | `Optional[str]` | `None` | ID of the Neptune run to fetch. Example: `RUN-1`. Exclusive with the `custom_id` and `experiment_name` parameters. |
| `custom_id` | `Optional[str]` | `None` | Custom ID of the Neptune run to fetch. Example: `high_albattani`. Exclusive with the `with_id` and `experiment_name` parameters. |
| `experiment_name` | `Optional[str]` | `None` | Name of the Neptune experiment to fetch. Example: `high_albattani`. Exclusive with the `with_id` and `custom_id` parameters. |
| `eager_load_fields` | `Optional[bool]` | `True` | Whether to eagerly load the run fields definitions. If `False`, individual fields are loaded only when accessed. Default is `True`. |
from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject, ReadOnlyRun
project = ReadOnlyProject("workspace-name/project-name", api_token="...")
run = ReadOnlyRun(project, custom_id="high_albattani")
#### `.field_names`
List of run field names.
A _field_ is the location where a piece of metadata is stored in the run.
__Returns:__ Iterator of run fields as strings.
for run in project.fetch_read_only_runs(custom_ids=["nostalgic_shockley", ...]):
#### Field lookup: `run[field_name]`
Used to access a specific field of a run. See [Available types](#available-types).
__Returns:__ An internal object used to operate on a specific field.
run = ReadOnlyRun(...)
custom_id = run["sys/custom_run_id"].fetch()
#### `prefetch()`
Pre-fetches a batch of fields to the internal cache.
Improves the performance of access to consecutive field values.
Supported Neptune field types:
- [`Boolean`](#boolean)
- [`Datetime`](#datetime)
- [`Float`](#float)
- [`FloatSeries`](#floatseries)
- [`Integer`](#integer)
- [`ObjectState`](#objectstate)
- [`String`](#string)
- [`StringSet`](#stringset)
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `paths` | `List[str]` | - | List of field paths to fetch to the cache. |
run = ReadOnlyRun(...)
run.prefetch(["parameters/optimizer", "parameter/init_lr"])
# No more calls to the API
### `prefetch_series_values()`
Prefetches a batch of series to the internal cache. This method skips the non-existing attributes.
Improves the performance of access to consecutive field values. Works only for series ([`FloatSeries`](#floatseries)).
To speed up the fetching process, this method can use multithreading.
To enable it, set the `use_threads` parameter to `True`.
By default, the maximum number of workers is 10. You can change this number by setting the `NEPTUNE_FETCHER_MAX_WORKERS`
environment variable.
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `paths` | `List[str]`, required | `None` | List of paths to prefetch to the internal cache. |
| `use_threads` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to use threads to fetch the data. |
| `progress_bar` | `bool` | `True` | Set to False to disable the download progress bar. |
| `include_inherited` | `bool`, optional | `True` | If True (default), values inherited from ancestor runs are included. To only fetch values from the current run, set to False. |
| `step_range` | `tuple[float, float]` | (None, None) | Limits the range of steps to fetch. This must be a 2-tuple: <br> - `left`: The left boundary of the range (inclusive). If `None`, the range extends indefinitely on the left.<br>- `right`: The right boundary of the range (inclusive). If `None`, the range extends indefinitely on the right. |
run.prefetch_series_values(["metrics/loss", "metrics/accuracy"])
# No more calls to the API
## Available types
This section lists the available field types and data retrieval operations.
### `Boolean`
#### `fetch()`
Retrieves a `bool` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.
status = run["sys/failed"].fetch()
### `Datetime`
#### `fetch()`
Retrieves a `datetime.datetime` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.
created_at = run["sys/creation_time"].fetch()
### `Float`
#### `fetch()`
Retrieves a `float` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.
f1 = run["scores/f1"].fetch()
### `FloatSeries`
#### `fetch()` or `fetch_last()`
Retrieves the last value of a series, either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.
__Returns:__ `Optional[float]`
loss = run["loss"].fetch_last()
#### `fetch_values()`
Retrieves all series values either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch_series_values()`](#prefetch_series_values))
or from the API.
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| `include_timestamp` | `bool` | `True` | Whether the fetched data should include the timestamp field. |
| `include_inherited` | `bool` | `True` | If True (default), values inherited from ancestor runs are included. To only fetch values from the current run, set to False. |
| `progress_bar` | `bool` | `True` | Set to False to disable the download progress bar. |
| `step_range` | `tuple[float, float]` | (None, None) | - left: left boundary of the range (inclusive). If None, it\'s open on the left. <br> - right: right boundary of the range (inclusive). If None, it\'s open on the right. |
__Returns:__ `pandas.DataFrame`
values = run["loss"].fetch_values()
### `Integer`
#### `fetch()`
Retrieves an `int` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.
batch_size = run["batch_size"].fetch()
### `ObjectState`
#### `fetch()`
Retrieves the state of a run either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.
__Returns:__ `str`
> [!NOTE]
> The state can be **active** or **inactive**. It refers to whether new data was recently logged to the run.
> To learn more about this field, see [System namespace: State](https://docs.neptune.ai/api/sys/#state) in the Neptune
> docs.
state = run["sys/state"].fetch()
### `String`
#### `fetch()`
Retrieves a `str` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.
token = run["token"].fetch()
### `StringSet`
#### `fetch()`
Retrieves a `dict` of `str` values either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.
groups = run["sys/group_tags"].fetch()
## License
This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. For more details,
see [Apache License Version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": null,
"name": "neptune-fetcher",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "MLOps, ML Experiment Tracking, ML Model Registry, ML Model Store, ML Metadata Store",
"author": "neptune.ai",
"author_email": "contact@neptune.ai",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/59/44/5ff1b11f5b55cd973e9bcdeec8821e083c0dab700749fb79dda703c98f20/neptune_fetcher-0.12.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# Neptune Fetcher\n\n> [!NOTE]\n> This package is experimental and only works with Neptune Scale, which is in beta.\n>\n> You can't use this package with `neptune<2.0` or the currently available Neptune app version. For the corresponding\n> Python API, see [neptune-client](https://github.com/neptune-ai/neptune-client).\n\nNeptune Fetcher is designed to separate data retrieval capabilities from the regular `neptune` package. This separation\nmakes data fetching more efficient and improves performance.\n\n## Installation\n\n```bash\npip install neptune-fetcher\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n1. Set your Neptune API token and project name as environment variables:\n\n ```bash\n export NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN=\"h0dHBzOi8aHR0cHM.4kl0jvYh3Kb8...ifQ==\"\n ```\n\n ```bash\n export NEPTUNE_PROJECT=\"workspace-name/project-name\"\n ```\n\n For help, see https://docs-beta.neptune.ai/setup.\n\n1. In your Python code, create a [`ReadOnlyProject`](#readonlyproject) instance:\n\n ```python\n from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject\n\n my_project = ReadOnlyProject()\n ```\n\nNow you have a Neptune project to operate on.\n\n> If you don't set the Neptune environment variables, you can pass your credentials through arguments when creating a project or run object.\n\nTo fetch experiments in bulk, call a fetching method on the project:\n\n```python\nexperiments_df = my_project.fetch_experiments_df(\n names_regex=\"tree/.*\",\n columns=[\"sys/custom_run_id\", \"sys/modification_time\"],\n query='(last(`accuracy`:floatSeries) > 0.88) AND (`learning_rate`:float < 0.01)',\n)\n```\n\nTo fetch metadata from an individual experiment or run, create and use a [`ReadOnlyRun`](#readonlyrun) object:\n\n```python\nfrom neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyRun\n\nrun = ReadOnlyRun(\n read_only_project=my_project,\n experiment_name=\"seagull-flying-skills\",\n)\n\n# Fetch value\nprint(run[\"parameters/optimizer\"].fetch())\n\n# Fecth last value of metric\nprint(run[\"metrics/loss\"].fetch_last())\n\n# Fetch all metric values, with optional pre-fetching to speed up subsequent access to the field\nrun.prefetch_series_values([\"metrics/accuracy\"])\nprint(run[\"metrics/accuracy\"].fetch_values())\n```\n\nFor details, see the Neptune documentation:\n\n- [Fetch runs or experiments](https://docs-beta.neptune.ai/fetch_runs)\n- [Fetch metadata from a run or experiment](https://docs-beta.neptune.ai/fetch_run_data)\n- [Neptune Query Language (NQL)](https://docs-beta.neptune.ai/nql)\n\n## Examples\n\n### Listing runs of a project\n\n```python\nfrom neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject\n\nproject = ReadOnlyProject(\"workspace/project\")\n\nfor run in project.list_runs():\n print(run) # dicts with identifiers\n```\n\n### Listing experiments of a project\n\n```python\nfrom neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject\n\nproject = ReadOnlyProject(\"workspace/project\")\n\nfor experiment in project.list_experiments():\n print(experiment) # dicts with identifiers\n```\n\n### Fetching runs data frame with specific columns\n\n```python\nfrom neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject\n\nproject = ReadOnlyProject(\"workspace/project\")\n\nruns_df = project.fetch_runs_df(\n columns=[\"sys/custom_run_id\", \"sys/modification_time\"],\n columns_regex=\"tree/.*\", # added to columns specified with the \"columns\" parameter\n)\n```\n\n### Fetching data from specified runs\n\n```python\nfrom neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject\n\nproject = ReadOnlyProject(\"workspace/project\")\n\nfor run in project.fetch_read_only_runs(with_ids=[\"RUN-1\", \"RUN-2\"]):\n run.prefetch([\"parameters/optimizer\", \"parameters/init_lr\"])\n\n print(run[\"parameters/optimizer\"].fetch())\n print(run[\"parameters/init_lr\"].fetch())\n```\n\n### Fetching data from a single run\n\n```python\nfrom neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject, ReadOnlyRun\n\nproject = ReadOnlyProject(\"workspace/project\")\nrun = ReadOnlyRun(project, with_id=\"TES-1\")\n\nrun.prefetch([\"parameters/optimizer\", \"parameters/init_lr\"])\nrun.prefetch_series_values([\"metrics/loss\", \"metrics/accuracy\"], use_threads=True)\n\nprint(run[\"parameters/optimizer\"].fetch())\nprint(run[\"parameters/init_lr\"].fetch())\nprint(run[\"metrics/loss\"].fetch_values())\nprint(run[\"metrics/accuracy\"].fetch_values())\n```\n\n## API reference\n\n### Supported regular expressions\n\nNeptune uses the [RE2](https://github.com/google/re2) regular expression library. For supported regex features and limitations, see the official [syntax guide](https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/syntax).\n\n\n### `ReadOnlyProject`\n\nRepresentation of a Neptune project in a limited read-only mode.\n\n#### Initialization\n\nInitialize with the ReadOnlyProject class constructor:\n\n```python\nproject = ReadOnlyProject(\"workspace/project\", api_token=\"...\")\n```\n\n> [!TIP]\n> Find your API token in your user menu, in the bottom-left corner of the Neptune app.\n\n__Parameters:__\n\n| Name | Type | Default | Description |\n|-------------|------------------|---------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| `project` | `str`, optional | `None` | Name of a project in the form `workspace-name/project-name`. If `None`, the value of the `NEPTUNE_PROJECT` environment variable is used. |\n| `api_token` | `str`, optional | `None` | Your Neptune API token (or a service account's API token). If `None`, the value of the `NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN` environment variable is used. To keep your token secure, avoid placing it in source code. Instead, save it as an environment variable. |\n| `proxies` | `dict`, optional | `None` | Dictionary of proxy settings, if needed. This argument is passed to HTTP calls made via the Requests library. For details on proxies, see the [Requests documentation](https://requests.readthedocs.io/). |\n\n---\n\n#### `list_runs()`\n\nLists all runs of a project.\n\nEach run is identified by Neptune ID (`sys/id`), custom ID (`sys/custom_run_id`) and, if set, name (`sys/name`).\n\n__Returns:__ `Iterator` of dictionaries with Neptune run identifiers, custom identifiers and names.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nproject = ReadOnlyProject()\n\nfor run in project.list_runs():\n print(run)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `list_experiments()`\n\nLists all experiments of a project.\n\nEach experiment is identified by:\n\n- Neptune ID: `sys/id`\n- (If set) Custom ID: `sys/custom_run_id`\n- Name: `sys/name`\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nfor experiment in project.list_experiments():\n print(experiment)\n```\n\n__Returns:__ `Iterator` of dictionaries with Neptune experiment identifiers, custom identifiers and names.\n\n---\n\n#### `fetch_runs()`\n\nFetches a table containing Neptune IDs, custom run IDs and names of runs in the project.\n\n__Returns:__ `pandas.DataFrame` `pandas.DataFrame` with three columns (`sys/id`, `sys/name` and `sys/custom_run_id`)\nand one row for each run.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nproject = ReadOnlyProject()\ndf = project.fetch_runs()\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `fetch_experiments()`\n\nFetches a table containing Neptune IDs, custom IDs and names of experiments in the project.\n\n__Example__:\n\n```python\ndf = project.fetch_experiments()\n```\n\n__Returns__:\n`pandas.DataFrame` with three columns (`sys/id`, `sys/custom_run_id`, `sys/name`) and one row for each experiment.\n\n---\n\n#### `fetch_runs_df()`\n\nFetches the runs' metadata and returns them as a pandas DataFrame.\n\n__Parameters:__\n\n| Name | Type | Default | Description |\n|-------------------|-----------------------|---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| `columns` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | Names of columns to include in the table, as a list of field names. The sorting column, custom run identifier (`sys/custom_run_id`), and experiment name (`sys/name`) are always included. `None` results in returning only the default columns.\n| `columns_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter columns by name. Use this parameter to include columns in addition to the ones specified by the `columns` parameter.\n| `names_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter the runs by name. |\n| `custom_id_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter the runs by custom ID. |\n| `with_ids` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple Neptune IDs. Example: `[\"NLU-1\", \"NLU-2\"]`. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |\n| `custom_ids` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple custom IDs. Example: `[\"nostalgic_shockley\", \"high_albattani\"]`. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |\n| `states` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of states. Possible values: `\"inactive\"`, `\"active\"`. \"Active\" means that at least one process is connected to the run. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |\n| `owners` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple owners. Example: `[\"frederic\", \"josh\"]`. The owner is the user who created the run. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |\n| `tags` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | A list of tags. Example: `\"lightGBM\"` or `[\"pytorch\", \"cycleLR\"]`. **Note:** Only runs that have all specified tags will pass this criterion. |\n| `trashed` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to retrieve trashed runs. If `True`, only trashed runs are retrieved. If `False`, only non-trashed runs are retrieved. If `None` or left empty, all run objects are retrieved, including trashed ones. |\n| `limit` | `int`, optional | `None` | Maximum number of runs to fetch. If `None`, all runs are fetched. |\n| `sort_by` | `str`, optional | `sys/creation_time` | Name of the field to sort the results by. The field must represent a simple type (string, float, integer). |\n| `ascending` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to sort the entries in ascending order of the sorting column values. |\n| `progress_bar` | `bool` | `True` | Set to `False `to disable the download progress bar. |\n| `query` | `str`, optional | `None` | NQL query string. Example: `\"(accuracy: float > 0.88) AND (loss: float < 0.2)\"`. The query is applied on top of other criteria like, `custom_ids`, `tags` etc, using the logical AND operator. See examples below. For syntax, see [Neptune Query Language](https://docs.neptune.ai/usage/nql/) in the Neptune docs. |\n\n__Returns:__ `pandas.DataFrame`: A pandas DataFrame containing metadata of the fetched runs.\n\n> [!IMPORTANT]\n> The following fields are always included:\n>\n> - `sys/custom_run_id`: the custom run identifier.\n> - The field to sort by. That is, the field name passed to the `sort_by` argument.\n>\n> The maximum number of runs that can be returned is 5000.\n\n\n__Examples:__\n\nFetch all runs, with specific columns:\n\n```python\nproject = ReadOnlyProject()\n\nruns_df = project.fetch_runs_df(\n columns=[\"sys/modification_time\", \"training/lr\"]\n)\n```\n\nFetch all runs, with specific columns and extra columns that match a regex pattern:\n\n```python\nruns_df = project.fetch_runs_df(\n columns=[\"sys/modification_time\"],\n columns_regex=\"tree/.*\",\n)\n```\n\nFetch runs by specific ID:\n\n```python\nspecific_runs_df = my_project.fetch_runs_df(custom_ids=[\"nostalgic_shockley\", \"high_albattani\"])\n```\n\nFetch runs by names that match a regex pattern:\n\n```python\nspecific_runs_df = my_project.fetch_runs_df(\n names_regex=\"tree_3[2-4]+\"\n)\n```\n\nFetch runs with a complex query using NQL.\n\n```python\nruns_df = my_project.fetch_runs_df(\n query='(last(`accuracy`:floatSeries) > 0.88) AND (`learning_rate`:float < 0.01)'\n)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `fetch_experiments_df()`\n\nFetches the experiments' metadata and returns them as a pandas DataFrame.\n\n__Parameters__:\n\n| Name | Type | Default | Description |\n|-----------------------|-----------------------|---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| `columns` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | Names of columns to include in the table, as a list of field names. The sorting column, custom run identifier (`sys/custom_run_id`), and experiment name (`sys/name`) are always included. `None` results in returning only the default columns.\n| `columns_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter columns by name. Use this parameter to include columns in addition to the ones specified by the `columns` parameter.\n| `names_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter the experiments by name. |\n| `names_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern or a list of regex patterns to filter the experiments by name. Multiple patterns will be connected by AND logic. |\n| `names_exclude_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern or a list of regex patterns to exclude experiments by name. Multiple patterns will be connected by AND logic. |\n| `custom_id_regex` | `str`, optional | `None` | A regex pattern to filter the experiments by custom ID. |\n| `with_ids` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple Neptune IDs. Example: `[\"NLU-1\", \"NLU-2\"]`. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |\n| `custom_ids` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple custom IDs. Example: `[\"nostalgic_shockley\", \"high_albattani\"]`. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |\n| `states` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of states. Possible values: `\"inactive\"`, `\"active\"`. \"Active\" means that at least one process is connected to the experiment. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |\n| `owners` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | List of multiple owners. Example: `[\"frederic\", \"josh\"]`. The owner is the user who created the experiement. Matching any element of the list is sufficient to pass the criterion. |\n| `tags` | `List[str]`, optional | `None` | A list of tags. Example: `\"lightGBM\"` or `[\"pytorch\", \"cycleLR\"]`. **Note:** Only experiments that have all specified tags will pass this criterion. |\n| `trashed` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to retrieve trashed experiments. If `True`, only trashed experiments are retrieved. If `False`, only non-trashed experiments are retrieved. If `None` or left empty, all experiment objects are retrieved, including trashed ones. |\n| `limit` | `int`, optional | `None` | Maximum number of experiments to fetch. If `None`, all experiments are fetched. |\n| `sort_by` | `str`, optional | `sys/creation_time` | Name of the field to sort the results by. The field must represent a simple type (string, float, integer). |\n| `ascending` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to sort the entries in ascending order of the sorting column values. |\n| `progress_bar` | `bool` | `True` | Set to `False `to disable the download progress bar. |\n| `query` | `str`, optional | `None` | NQL query string. Example: `\"(accuracy: float > 0.88) AND (loss: float < 0.2)\"`. The query is applied on top of other criteria like, `custom_ids`, `tags` etc, using the logical AND operator. See examples below. For syntax, see [Neptune Query Language](https://docs.neptune.ai/usage/nql/) in the Neptune docs. |\n\n__Returns:__ `pandas.DataFrame`: A pandas DataFrame containing metadata of the fetched experiments.\n\n> [!IMPORTANT]\n> The following fields are always included:\n>\n> - `sys/custom_run_id`: the custom run identifier.\n> - `sys/name`: the experiment name.\n> - The field to sort by. That is, the field name passed to the `sort_by` argument.\n>\n> The maximum number of runs that can be returned is 5000.\n\n__Examples:__\n\nFetch all experiments with specific columns:\n\n```python\nexperiments_df = project.fetch_experiments_df(\n columns=[\"sys/custom_run_id\", \"sys/modification_time\", \"training/lr\"]\n)\n```\n\nFetch all experiments with specific columns and extra columns that match a regex pattern:\n\n```python\nexperiments_df = project.fetch_experiments_df(\n columns=[\"sys/custom_run_id\", \"sys/modification_time\"],\n columns_regex=\"tree/.*\",\n)\n```\n\nFetch experiments by specific IDs:\n\n```python\nspecific_experiments_df = my_project.fetch_experiments_df(\n custom_ids=[\"nostalgic_shockley\", \"high_albattani\"]\n)\n```\n\nUse the Neptune Query Language to fetch experiments with a complex query. Note that for regular strings, the `\\` character needs to be escaped:\n\n```python\nexperiments_df = my_project.fetch_experiments_df(\n query='(`learning_rate`:float < 0.01) AND (`sys/name`:string MATCHES \"experiment-\\\\\\\\d+\")'\n)\n```\n\nAs a less cluttered alternative, pass a raw Python string to the `query` argument:\n\n```python\nexperiments_df = my_project.fetch_experiments_df(\n query=r'(`learning_rate`:float < 0.01) AND (`sys/name`:string MATCHES \"experiment-\\\\d+\")'\n)\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `fetch_read_only_runs()`\n\nList runs of the project in the form of ReadOnlyRun.\n\n__Parameters:__\n\n| Name | Type | Default | Description |\n|--------------|-----------------------|---------|-----------------------------------|\n| `with_ids` | `Optional[List[str]]` | `None` | List of Neptune run IDs to fetch. |\n| `custom_ids` | `Optional[List[str]]` | `None` | List of custom run IDs to fetch. |\n\n__Returns:__ Iterator of ReadOnlyRun objects.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nproject = ReadOnlyProject()\n\nfor run in project.fetch_read_only_runs(custom_ids=[\"nostalgic_shockley\", \"high_albattani\"]):\n ...\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `fetch_read_only_experiments()`\n\nLists experiments of the project in the form of ReadOnlyRun.\n\n__Parameters:__\n\n| Name | Type | Default | Description |\n|---------|-----------------------|---------|------------------------------------|\n| `names` | `Optional[List[str]]` | `None` | List of experiment names to fetch. |\n\n__Returns:__ Iterator of ReadOnlyRun objects.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nproject = ReadOnlyProject()\n\nfor run in project.fetch_read_only_experiments(names=[\"yolo-v2\", \"yolo-v3\"]):\n ...\n```\n\n---\n\n### `ReadOnlyRun`\n\nRepresentation of a Neptune run in a limited read-only mode.\n\n#### Initialization\n\nCan be created\n\n- with the class constructor:\n\n ```python\n project = ReadOnlyProject()\n run = ReadOnlyRun(project, with_id=\"TES-1\")\n ```\n\n- or as a result of the [`fetch_read_only_runs()`](#fetch_read_only_runs) method of the `ReadOnlyProject` class:\n\n ```python\n for run in project.fetch_read_only_runs(\n custom_ids=[\"nostalgic_shockley\", \"high_albattani\"]):\n ...\n ```\n\n__Parameters:__\n\n| Name | Type | Default | Description |\n|------------------------------------|-------------------|---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| `read_only_project` | `ReadOnlyProject` | - | Project from which the run is fetched. |\n| `with_id` | `Optional[str]` | `None` | ID of the Neptune run to fetch. Example: `RUN-1`. Exclusive with the `custom_id` and `experiment_name` parameters. |\n| `custom_id` | `Optional[str]` | `None` | Custom ID of the Neptune run to fetch. Example: `high_albattani`. Exclusive with the `with_id` and `experiment_name` parameters. |\n| `experiment_name` | `Optional[str]` | `None` | Name of the Neptune experiment to fetch. Example: `high_albattani`. Exclusive with the `with_id` and `custom_id` parameters. |\n| `eager_load_fields` | `Optional[bool]` | `True` | Whether to eagerly load the run fields definitions. If `False`, individual fields are loaded only when accessed. Default is `True`. |\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nfrom neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject, ReadOnlyRun\n\nproject = ReadOnlyProject(\"workspace-name/project-name\", api_token=\"...\")\nrun = ReadOnlyRun(project, custom_id=\"high_albattani\")\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `.field_names`\n\nList of run field names.\n\nA _field_ is the location where a piece of metadata is stored in the run.\n\n__Returns:__ Iterator of run fields as strings.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nfor run in project.fetch_read_only_runs(custom_ids=[\"nostalgic_shockley\", ...]):\n print(list(run.field_names))\n```\n\n---\n\n#### Field lookup: `run[field_name]`\n\nUsed to access a specific field of a run. See [Available types](#available-types).\n\n__Returns:__ An internal object used to operate on a specific field.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nrun = ReadOnlyRun(...)\ncustom_id = run[\"sys/custom_run_id\"].fetch()\n```\n\n---\n\n#### `prefetch()`\n\nPre-fetches a batch of fields to the internal cache.\n\nImproves the performance of access to consecutive field values.\n\nSupported Neptune field types:\n\n- [`Boolean`](#boolean)\n- [`Datetime`](#datetime)\n- [`Float`](#float)\n- [`FloatSeries`](#floatseries)\n- [`Integer`](#integer)\n- [`ObjectState`](#objectstate)\n- [`String`](#string)\n- [`StringSet`](#stringset)\n\n__Parameters:__\n\n| Name | Type | Default | Description |\n|---------|-------------|---------|--------------------------------------------|\n| `paths` | `List[str]` | - | List of field paths to fetch to the cache. |\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nrun = ReadOnlyRun(...)\nrun.prefetch([\"parameters/optimizer\", \"parameter/init_lr\"])\n# No more calls to the API\nprint(run[\"parameters/optimizer\"].fetch())\nprint(run[\"parameter/init_lr\"].fetch())\n```\n\n### `prefetch_series_values()`\n\nPrefetches a batch of series to the internal cache. This method skips the non-existing attributes.\n\nImproves the performance of access to consecutive field values. Works only for series ([`FloatSeries`](#floatseries)).\n\nTo speed up the fetching process, this method can use multithreading.\nTo enable it, set the `use_threads` parameter to `True`.\n\nBy default, the maximum number of workers is 10. You can change this number by setting the `NEPTUNE_FETCHER_MAX_WORKERS`\nenvironment variable.\n\n__Parameters__:\n\n| Name | Type | Default | Description |\n|---------------------|-----------------------|--------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| `paths` | `List[str]`, required | `None` | List of paths to prefetch to the internal cache. |\n| `use_threads` | `bool`, optional | `False` | Whether to use threads to fetch the data. |\n| `progress_bar` | `bool` | `True` | Set to False to disable the download progress bar. |\n| `include_inherited` | `bool`, optional | `True` | If True (default), values inherited from ancestor runs are included. To only fetch values from the current run, set to False. |\n| `step_range` | `tuple[float, float]` | (None, None) | Limits the range of steps to fetch. This must be a 2-tuple: <br> - `left`: The left boundary of the range (inclusive). If `None`, the range extends indefinitely on the left.<br>- `right`: The right boundary of the range (inclusive). If `None`, the range extends indefinitely on the right. |\n\n__Example__:\n\n```python\nrun.prefetch_series_values([\"metrics/loss\", \"metrics/accuracy\"])\n# No more calls to the API\nprint(run[\"metrics/loss\"].fetch_values())\nprint(run[\"metrics/accuracy\"].fetch_values())\n```\n\n## Available types\n\nThis section lists the available field types and data retrieval operations.\n\n---\n\n### `Boolean`\n\n#### `fetch()`\n\nRetrieves a `bool` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nstatus = run[\"sys/failed\"].fetch()\n```\n\n---\n\n### `Datetime`\n\n#### `fetch()`\n\nRetrieves a `datetime.datetime` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\ncreated_at = run[\"sys/creation_time\"].fetch()\n```\n\n---\n\n### `Float`\n\n#### `fetch()`\n\nRetrieves a `float` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nf1 = run[\"scores/f1\"].fetch()\n```\n\n---\n\n### `FloatSeries`\n\n#### `fetch()` or `fetch_last()`\n\nRetrieves the last value of a series, either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.\n\n__Returns:__ `Optional[float]`\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nloss = run[\"loss\"].fetch_last()\n```\n\n#### `fetch_values()`\n\nRetrieves all series values either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch_series_values()`](#prefetch_series_values))\nor from the API.\n\n__Parameters:__\n\n| Name | Type | Default | Description |\n|---------------------|-----------------------|--------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| `include_timestamp` | `bool` | `True` | Whether the fetched data should include the timestamp field. |\n| `include_inherited` | `bool` | `True` | If True (default), values inherited from ancestor runs are included. To only fetch values from the current run, set to False. |\n| `progress_bar` | `bool` | `True` | Set to False to disable the download progress bar. |\n| `step_range` | `tuple[float, float]` | (None, None) | - left: left boundary of the range (inclusive). If None, it\\'s open on the left. <br> - right: right boundary of the range (inclusive). If None, it\\'s open on the right. |\n\n__Returns:__ `pandas.DataFrame`\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nvalues = run[\"loss\"].fetch_values()\n```\n\n---\n\n### `Integer`\n\n#### `fetch()`\n\nRetrieves an `int` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nbatch_size = run[\"batch_size\"].fetch()\n```\n\n---\n\n### `ObjectState`\n\n#### `fetch()`\n\nRetrieves the state of a run either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.\n\n__Returns:__ `str`\n\n> [!NOTE]\n> The state can be **active** or **inactive**. It refers to whether new data was recently logged to the run.\n> To learn more about this field, see [System namespace: State](https://docs.neptune.ai/api/sys/#state) in the Neptune\n> docs.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\nstate = run[\"sys/state\"].fetch()\n```\n\n---\n\n### `String`\n\n#### `fetch()`\n\nRetrieves a `str` value either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\ntoken = run[\"token\"].fetch()\n```\n\n---\n\n### `StringSet`\n\n#### `fetch()`\n\nRetrieves a `dict` of `str` values either from the internal cache (see [`prefetch()`](#prefetch)) or from the API.\n\n__Example:__\n\n```python\ngroups = run[\"sys/group_tags\"].fetch()\n```\n\n## License\n\nThis project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. For more details,\nsee [Apache License Version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).\n\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"summary": "Neptune Fetcher",
"version": "0.12.0",
"project_urls": {
"Documentation": "https://docs.neptune.ai/",
"Homepage": "https://neptune.ai/",
"Repository": "https://github.com/neptune-ai/neptune-fetcher",
"Tracker": "https://github.com/neptune-ai/neptune-fetcher/issues"
"split_keywords": [
" ml experiment tracking",
" ml model registry",
" ml model store",
" ml metadata store"
"urls": [
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