
Namenoverde-serpens JSON
Version 2.7.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA set of Python utilities, recipes and snippets
upload_time2024-09-23 21:15:14
keywords utilities aws
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # serpens

A set of Python utilities, recipes and snippets.

- [SQS Utilities](#sqs-utilities)
- [API Utilities](#api-utilities)
- [Schema](#schema)
- [CSV Utils](#csv-utils)
- [DynamoDB Documents](#dynamodb-documents)

## SQS Utilities

- This utility is a decorator that iterate by each sqs record.

- For each sqs record will be inserted a *record object (from type sqs.Record)* as  argument that will process the sqs messages.

from serpens import sqs

def message_processor(record: sqs.Record):
    # code to process each sqs message

### Record

- The client function that will process the sqs messages will receive an instance of *sqs.Record* dataclass. This class has the follow structure:

class Record:
    data: Dict[Any, Any]
    body: Union[dict, str]
    message_attributes: Dict[Any, Any]
    queue_name: str
    sent_datetime: datetime
##### Record attributes
- **data**: Contain all data from SQS message. This attribute is assigned in each iteration in SQS message.
- **body**: Return ```data["body"]``` converted to ```dict``` or ```str```.
- **message_attributes**: Return the ```data["messageAttributes"]``` converted to ```dict```.
- **queue_name**: Return the queue name extracted from ```data["eventSourceARN"]```.
- **sent_datetime**: Return the ```data["attributes"]["SentTimestamp"]``` converted to ```datetime```.

## API Utilities

- This utility is a wrapper to simplify working with lambda handlers. The decorator ```api.handler``` will decorate a function that will process a lambda and this function will receive a ```request``` argument (from type api.Request).

from serpens import api

def lambda_handler(request: api.Request):
    # Code to process the lambda

#### *Request class*

- The function that will process the lambda will receive an instance of *sqs.Request* dataclass. This class has the follow structure:

from serpens.api import AttrDict

class Request:
    authorizer: AttrDict
    body: Union[str, dict]
    path: AttrDict
    query: AttrDict
    headers: AttrDict
    identity: AttrDict

- *Note*: the objects from type ```AttrDict``` are objects built by a dict where the dict's key is an attribute of object. For example:

from serpens.api import AttrDict

obj = AttrDict({"foo": "bar"}) # bar

## Schema
- The Schema is a base class for create new classes with follow features:
> - Static type check
> - Method to convert an object to dict
> - Method to create an object from json
> - Method to create an object from dict
> - Method to dump an object to string

##### Create a schema

from serpens.schema import Schema
from dataclasses import dataclass

class PersonSchema(Schema):
    name: str
    age: int
##### Create a schema object

person = PersonSchema('Mike', 30)


##### Create a schema object from a dict.

person_obj = PersonSchema.load({'name': 'Mike', 'age': 18})


##### Create a schema object from a json string.

import json
data = json.dumps({'name': 'mike', 'age': 20})
person_obj = PersonSchema.loads(data)


##### Convert a schema object to dict.

p1 = PersonSchema('Mike', 30)
person_dct = PersonSchema.dump(p1)


##### Convert a schema object to json string.

p1 = PersonSchema('Mike', 30)
person_str = PersonSchema.dumps(p1)


## CSV Utils

- Utility for read and write csv. This utility is useful for read csv with BOM or read csv encoded as ISO-8859. 

##### Read CSV

from serpens import csvutils as csv

dict_reader = csv.open_csv_reader('fruits_iso8859.csv')

for record in dict_reader:

##### Write CSV

from serpens import csvutils as csv

writer = csv.open_csv_writer('out.csv')
writer.writerow(["id", "name"])
writer.writerow(["1", "Açaí"])

del writer

## Database

This utilities are useful for working with database.

##### Migrate databases

- This migrations use yoyo-migration.

from serpens import database

database_url = "postgres://user:password@host/db"
path = "/path/to/migrations" # yoyo migrations

database.migrate(database_url, path)

##### Create a Pony Database instance

"*The Database object manages database connections using a connection pool.*"

from serpens import database

database_url = "postgres://user:password@host/db"
db = database.setup(database_url)

## DynamoDB Documents

Serpens provides a base class (called *BaseDocument*) for working with tables from DynamoDB. 

##### Create a document mapping a DynamoDB table

from serpens.document import BaseDocument
from dataclasses import dataclass

class PersonDocument(BaseDocument):
    _table_name_ = 'person'
    id: str
    name: str

##### Save data in DynamoDB table

person = PersonDocument(id="1", name="Ana")

##### Get data from key

- Obs: If the search doesn't find an item by its key, the return is ```None```

person = PersonDocument.get_by_key({"id": "1"}) # 1 # Ana

##### Get table

person_table = PersonDocument.get_table()
person_table # dynamodb.Table(name='person')


Raw data

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    "name": "noverde-serpens",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "utilities, aws",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Noverde Developers <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# serpens\n\nA set of Python utilities, recipes and snippets.\n\n- [SQS Utilities](#sqs-utilities)\n- [API Utilities](#api-utilities)\n- [Schema](#schema)\n- [CSV Utils](#csv-utils)\n- [DynamoDB Documents](#dynamodb-documents)\n\n## SQS Utilities\n\n- This utility is a decorator that iterate by each sqs record.\n\n- For each sqs record will be inserted a *record object (from type sqs.Record)* as  argument that will process the sqs messages.\n\n\n```python\nfrom serpens import sqs\n\n@sqs.handler\ndef message_processor(record: sqs.Record):\n    # code to process each sqs message\n    print(record.body)\n```\n\n### Record\n\n- The client function that will process the sqs messages will receive an instance of *sqs.Record* dataclass. This class has the follow structure:\n\n```python\nclass Record:\n    data: Dict[Any, Any]\n    body: Union[dict, str]\n    message_attributes: Dict[Any, Any]\n    queue_name: str\n    sent_datetime: datetime\n```\n##### Record attributes\n- **data**: Contain all data from SQS message. This attribute is assigned in each iteration in SQS message.\n- **body**: Return ```data[\"body\"]``` converted to ```dict``` or ```str```.\n- **message_attributes**: Return the ```data[\"messageAttributes\"]``` converted to ```dict```.\n- **queue_name**: Return the queue name extracted from ```data[\"eventSourceARN\"]```.\n- **sent_datetime**: Return the ```data[\"attributes\"][\"SentTimestamp\"]``` converted to ```datetime```.\n\n## API Utilities\n\n- This utility is a wrapper to simplify working with lambda handlers. The decorator ```api.handler``` will decorate a function that will process a lambda and this function will receive a ```request``` argument (from type api.Request).\n\n\n```python\nfrom serpens import api\n\n@api.handler\ndef lambda_handler(request: api.Request):\n    # Code to process the lambda\n    print(request.body)\n```\n\n#### *Request class*\n\n- The function that will process the lambda will receive an instance of *sqs.Request* dataclass. This class has the follow structure:\n\n```python\nfrom serpens.api import AttrDict\n\nclass Request:\n    authorizer: AttrDict\n    body: Union[str, dict]\n    path: AttrDict\n    query: AttrDict\n    headers: AttrDict\n    identity: AttrDict\n```\n\n- *Note*: the objects from type ```AttrDict``` are objects built by a dict where the dict's key is an attribute of object. For example:\n\n\n```python\nfrom serpens.api import AttrDict\n\nobj = AttrDict({\"foo\": \"bar\"})\ # bar\n```\n\n## Schema\n- The Schema is a base class for create new classes with follow features:\n> - Static type check\n> - Method to convert an object to dict\n> - Method to create an object from json\n> - Method to create an object from dict\n> - Method to dump an object to string\n\n##### Create a schema\n\n```python\nfrom serpens.schema import Schema\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\n\n@dataclass\nclass PersonSchema(Schema):\n    name: str\n    age: int\n```\n##### Create a schema object\n\n```python\nperson = PersonSchema('Mike', 30)\n\nprint(\nprint(person.age)\n```\n\n##### Create a schema object from a dict.\n\n```python\nperson_obj = PersonSchema.load({'name': 'Mike', 'age': 18})\n\nprint(\nprint(person_obj.age)\n```\n\n##### Create a schema object from a json string.\n\n```python\nimport json\ndata = json.dumps({'name': 'mike', 'age': 20})\nperson_obj = PersonSchema.loads(data)\n\nprint(\nprint(person_obj.age)\n```\n\n##### Convert a schema object to dict.\n\n```python\np1 = PersonSchema('Mike', 30)\nperson_dct = PersonSchema.dump(p1)\n\nprint(person_dct['name'])\nprint(person_dct['age'])\n```\n\n##### Convert a schema object to json string.\n\n```python\np1 = PersonSchema('Mike', 30)\nperson_str = PersonSchema.dumps(p1)\n\nprint(person_str)\n```\n\n## CSV Utils\n\n- Utility for read and write csv. This utility is useful for read csv with BOM or read csv encoded as ISO-8859. \n\n##### Read CSV\n\n```python\nfrom serpens import csvutils as csv\n\ndict_reader = csv.open_csv_reader('fruits_iso8859.csv')\n\nfor record in dict_reader:\n    print(record)\n```\n\n##### Write CSV\n\n```python\nfrom serpens import csvutils as csv\n\nwriter = csv.open_csv_writer('out.csv')\nwriter.writerow([\"id\", \"name\"])\nwriter.writerow([\"1\", \"A\u00e7a\u00ed\"])\n\ndel writer\n```\n\n## Database\n\nThis utilities are useful for working with database.\n\n##### Migrate databases\n\n- This migrations use yoyo-migration.\n\n```python\nfrom serpens import database\n\ndatabase_url = \"postgres://user:password@host/db\"\npath = \"/path/to/migrations\" # yoyo migrations\n\ndatabase.migrate(database_url, path)\n```\n\n##### Create a Pony Database instance\n\n\"*The Database object manages database connections using a connection pool.*\"\n\n```python\nfrom serpens import database\n\ndatabase_url = \"postgres://user:password@host/db\"\ndb = database.setup(database_url)\nprint(db.provider_name)\n```\n\n## DynamoDB Documents\n\nSerpens provides a base class (called *BaseDocument*) for working with tables from DynamoDB. \n\n##### Create a document mapping a DynamoDB table\n\n```python\nfrom serpens.document import BaseDocument\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\n\n@dataclass\nclass PersonDocument(BaseDocument):\n    _table_name_ = 'person'\n    id: str\n    name: str\n```\n\n##### Save data in DynamoDB table\n\n```python\nperson = PersonDocument(id=\"1\", name=\"Ana\")\\n```\n\n##### Get data from key\n\n- Obs: If the search doesn't find an item by its key, the return is ```None```\n\n```python\nperson = PersonDocument.get_by_key({\"id\": \"1\"})\n\ # 1\ # Ana\n```\n\n##### Get table\n\n```python\nperson_table = PersonDocument.get_table()\nperson_table # dynamodb.Table(name='person')\n```\n",
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