
Namenrt-string-utils JSON
Version 1.0.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryString utilities in Python
upload_time2024-06-16 20:24:11
authorEyal Tuzon
keywords python python3 python-3 utilities utils util tool tools nrt nrt-utils string string-utils string-utilities nrt-string-utils nrt-string-utilities
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
            # String Utilities

### String utilities in Python.

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## StringUtil class

### Methods

| **Method**                          | **Description**                                                         | **Parameters**                                                                                                                                                                       | **Returns**                                                                                |
| **decode_base64**                   | Decodes a base64 encoded string.                                        | **encoded_text (str):** The base64 encoded string to decode.                                                                                                                         | **str:** The decoded string.                                                               |
| **encode_base64**                   | Encodes a string to base64.                                             | **text (str):** The string to encode.                                                                                                                                                | **str:** The base64 encoded string.                                                        |
| **get_char_and_ascii_number_pairs** | Returns a list of tuples containing the character and its ASCII number. | **text (str):** The string to analyze.                                                                                                                                               | **list[tuple[str, int]]:** A list of tuples containing the character and its ASCII number. |
| **get_emails**                      | Returns a list of email addresses found in a string.                    | **text (str):** The string to search for email addresses.                                                                                                                            | **list[str]:** A list of email addresses found in the string (without duplications).       |
| **get_last_char**                   | Returns the last character of a string.                                 | **text (str):** The string to analyze.                                                                                                                                               | **str:** The last character of the string.                                                 |
| **get_urls**                        | Returns a list of URLs found in a string.                               | **text (str):** The string to search for URLs.                                                                                                                                       | **list[str]:** A list of URLs found in the string (without duplications).                  |
| **is_decimal**                      | Checks if a string is a decimal number.                                 | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is a decimal number, False otherwise.                         |
| **is_int**                          | Checks if a string is an integer.                                       | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is an integer, False otherwise.                               |
| **is_json**                         | Checks if a string is a valid JSON.                                     | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is a valid JSON, False otherwise.                             |
| **is_positive_decimal**             | Checks if a string is a positive decimal number.                        | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is a positive decimal number, False otherwise.                |
| **is_positive_int**                 | Checks if a string is a positive integer.                               | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is a positive integer, False otherwise.                       |
| **is_unsigned_decimal**             | Checks if a string is an unsigned decimal number.                       | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is an unsigned decimal number, False otherwise.               |
| **is_unsigned_int**                 | Checks if a string is an unsigned integer.                              | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is an unsigned integer, False otherwise.                      |
| **sub_string**                      | Returns a substring from a string.                                      | **text (str):** The string to extract the substring from.<br>**start_delimiter** (str): Sub string start delimiter.<br>**end_delimiter (Optional[str]):** Sub string end delimiter.  | **str:** The extracted substring.                                                          |
| **sub_string_list**                 | Returns a list of substrings from a string.                             | **text (str):** The string to extract the substrings from.<br>**start_delimiter** (str): Sub string start delimiter.<br>**end_delimiter (Optional[str]):** Sub string end delimiter. | **list[str]:** A list of extracted substrings.                                             |
| **to_ascii**                        | Converts a string to ASCII.                                             | **text (str):** The string to convert.                                                                                                                                               | **str:** The ASCII representation of the string.                                           |

### Examples:

- #### StringUtil.decode_base64

    from string_utils import StringUtil

    # Decode a base64 encoded string
    decoded_text = StringUtil.decode_base64('dGVzdA==')

- #### StringUtil.encode_base64
    from string_utils import StringUtil
    # Encode a string to base64
    encoded_text = StringUtil.encode_base64('test')

- #### StringUtil.get_char_and_ascii_number_pairs

    from string_utils import StringUtil
    # Get the character and its ASCII number pairs
    pairs = StringUtil.get_char_and_ascii_number_pairs('test')
    [('t', 116), ('e', 101), ('s', 115), ('t', 116)]


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "nrt-string-utils",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "python, python3, python-3, utilities, utils, util, tool, tools, nrt, nrt-utils, string, string-utils, string-utilities, nrt-string-utils, nrt-string-utilities",
    "author": "Eyal Tuzon",
    "author_email": "Eyal Tuzon <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# String Utilities\r\n\r\n### String utilities in Python.\r\n\r\n![PyPI](\r\n![PyPI - Python Version](\r\n![PyPI - License](\r\n![PyPI - Downloads](\r\n![PyPI - Downloads](\r\n[![Coverage Status](](\r\n![GitHub code size in bytes](\r\n![GitHub last commit](\r\n[![DeepSource](](\r\n\r\n## StringUtil class\r\n\r\n### Methods\r\n\r\n| **Method**                          | **Description**                                                         | **Parameters**                                                                                                                                                                       | **Returns**                                                                                |\r\n|-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\r\n| **decode_base64**                   | Decodes a base64 encoded string.                                        | **encoded_text (str):** The base64 encoded string to decode.                                                                                                                         | **str:** The decoded string.                                                               |\r\n| **encode_base64**                   | Encodes a string to base64.                                             | **text (str):** The string to encode.                                                                                                                                                | **str:** The base64 encoded string.                                                        |\r\n| **get_char_and_ascii_number_pairs** | Returns a list of tuples containing the character and its ASCII number. | **text (str):** The string to analyze.                                                                                                                                               | **list[tuple[str, int]]:** A list of tuples containing the character and its ASCII number. |\r\n| **get_emails**                      | Returns a list of email addresses found in a string.                    | **text (str):** The string to search for email addresses.                                                                                                                            | **list[str]:** A list of email addresses found in the string (without duplications).       |\r\n| **get_last_char**                   | Returns the last character of a string.                                 | **text (str):** The string to analyze.                                                                                                                                               | **str:** The last character of the string.                                                 |\r\n| **get_urls**                        | Returns a list of URLs found in a string.                               | **text (str):** The string to search for URLs.                                                                                                                                       | **list[str]:** A list of URLs found in the string (without duplications).                  |\r\n| **is_decimal**                      | Checks if a string is a decimal number.                                 | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is a decimal number, False otherwise.                         |\r\n| **is_int**                          | Checks if a string is an integer.                                       | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is an integer, False otherwise.                               |\r\n| **is_json**                         | Checks if a string is a valid JSON.                                     | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is a valid JSON, False otherwise.                             |\r\n| **is_positive_decimal**             | Checks if a string is a positive decimal number.                        | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is a positive decimal number, False otherwise.                |\r\n| **is_positive_int**                 | Checks if a string is a positive integer.                               | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is a positive integer, False otherwise.                       |\r\n| **is_unsigned_decimal**             | Checks if a string is an unsigned decimal number.                       | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is an unsigned decimal number, False otherwise.               |\r\n| **is_unsigned_int**                 | Checks if a string is an unsigned integer.                              | **text (Optional[str]):** The string to check.                                                                                                                                       | **bool:** True if the string is an unsigned integer, False otherwise.                      |\r\n| **sub_string**                      | Returns a substring from a string.                                      | **text (str):** The string to extract the substring from.<br>**start_delimiter** (str): Sub string start delimiter.<br>**end_delimiter (Optional[str]):** Sub string end delimiter.  | **str:** The extracted substring.                                                          |\r\n| **sub_string_list**                 | Returns a list of substrings from a string.                             | **text (str):** The string to extract the substrings from.<br>**start_delimiter** (str): Sub string start delimiter.<br>**end_delimiter (Optional[str]):** Sub string end delimiter. | **list[str]:** A list of extracted substrings.                                             |\r\n| **to_ascii**                        | Converts a string to ASCII.                                             | **text (str):** The string to convert.                                                                                                                                               | **str:** The ASCII representation of the string.                                           |\r\n\r\n### Examples:\r\n\r\n- #### StringUtil.decode_base64\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from string_utils import StringUtil\r\n\r\n    # Decode a base64 encoded string\r\n    decoded_text = StringUtil.decode_base64('dGVzdA==')\r\n    print(decoded_text)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    test\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n- #### StringUtil.encode_base64\r\n    \r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from string_utils import StringUtil\r\n    \r\n    # Encode a string to base64\r\n    encoded_text = StringUtil.encode_base64('test')\r\n    print(encoded_text)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    dGVzdA==\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n- #### StringUtil.get_char_and_ascii_number_pairs\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from string_utils import StringUtil\r\n    \r\n    # Get the character and its ASCII number pairs\r\n    pairs = StringUtil.get_char_and_ascii_number_pairs('test')\r\n    print(pairs)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    [('t', 116), ('e', 101), ('s', 115), ('t', 116)]\r\n    ```\r\n",
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