
Namenrt-time-utils JSON
Version 1.0.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryTime utilities in Python
upload_time2024-06-22 20:46:54
authorEyal Tuzon
keywords python python3 python-3 tool tools time utilities utils util nrt nrt-utils time-utils time-utilities nrt-time-utils nrt-time-utilities
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
            # Time Utilities

### Time utilities in Python.

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## TimeUtil class

### Methods

| **Method**                  | **Description**                                        | **Parameters**                                                                                                                                                       | **Returns**                                                       |
| `date_ms_to_date_str`       | Converts a date in milliseconds to a date string.      | `date_ms (int)` The date in milliseconds to convert to a date string.<br>`format_str (str, Default: YMD_HMSF_DATE_FORMAT)` The format string to convert the date to. | `str` The date string.                                            |
| `date_ms_to_date_time`      | Converts a date in milliseconds to a date time object. | `date_ms (int)` The date in milliseconds to convert to a date time object.                                                                                           | `datetime` The date time object.                                  |
| `date_str_to_date_time`     | Converts a date string to a date time object.          | `date_str (str)` The date string to convert to a date time object.<br>`format_str (str, Default: YMD_HMSF_DATE_FORMAT)` The format string to convert the date to.    | `datetime` The date time object.                                  |
| `date_time_to_date_ms`      | Converts a date time object to a date in milliseconds. | `dt (datetime)` The date time object to convert to a date in milliseconds.                                                                                           | `int` The date in milliseconds.                                   |
| `get_current_date_ms`       | Returns the current date in milliseconds.              |                                                                                                                                                                      | `int` The current date in milliseconds.                           |
| `get_timezone_offset_hours` | Returns the timezone offset in hours.                  | `timezone_str (str)` A string representing the timezone                                                                                                              | `int` The timezone offset in hours.                               |
| `is_leap_year`              | Checks if a year is a leap year.                       | `year (int)` The year to check if it is a leap year.                                                                                                                 | `bool` True if the year is a leap year, False otherwise.          |
| `is_timeout_ms`             | Checks if a timeout in milliseconds has passed.        | `start_time_ms (int)` The start time in milliseconds.<br>`timeout_ms (int)` The timeout in milliseconds.                                                             | `bool` True if the timeout has passed, False otherwise.           |
| `is_date_in_format`         | Checks if a date string is in a specific format.       | `date_str (str)` The date string to check.<br>`format_str (str)` The format string to check.                                                                         | `bool` True if the date string is in the format, False otherwise. |

### Examples:

- #### TimeUtil.date_ms_to_date_str

    from time_utils import TimeUtil

    # Convert a date in milliseconds to a date string
    date_str = TimeUtil.date_ms_to_date_str(1617223200000)

    2021-03-31 00:00:00.000

- #### TimeUtil.date_ms_to_date_time
    from time_utils import TimeUtil

    # Convert a date in milliseconds to a date time object
    dt = TimeUtil.date_ms_to_date_time(1617223200000)

    2021-03-31 00:00:00
- #### TimeUtil.date_str_to_date_time

    from time_utils import TimeUtil

    # Convert a date string to a date time object
    dt = TimeUtil.date_str_to_date_time('2021-03-31 00:00:00.000')

    2021-03-31 00:00:00

- #### TimeUtil.date_time_to_date_ms

    from time_utils import TimeUtil
    from datetime import datetime

    # Convert a date time object to a date in milliseconds
    date_ms = TimeUtil.date_time_to_date_ms(datetime(2021, 3, 31, 0, 0, 0))

- #### TimeUtil.get_current_date_ms

    from time_utils import TimeUtil

    # Get the current date in milliseconds
    current_date_ms = TimeUtil.get_current_date_ms()


- #### TimeUtil.get_timezone_offset_hours

    from time_utils import TimeUtil

    # Get the timezone offset in hours
    timezone_offset = TimeUtil.get_timezone_offset_hours('PDT')


- #### TimeUtil.is_leap_year

    from time_utils import TimeUtil

    # Check if a year is a leap year
    is_leap_year = TimeUtil.is_leap_year(2020)

- #### TimeUtil.is_timeout_ms

    from time_utils import TimeUtil
    from time import sleep

    current_date_ms = TimeUtil.get_current_date_ms()
    is_timeout = TimeUtil.is_timeout_ms(current_date_ms, 1000)
    is_timeout = TimeUtil.is_timeout_ms(current_date_ms, 1000)
- #### TimeUtil.is_date_in_format

    from time_utils import TimeUtil
    from time_utils import YMD_HMSF_DATE_FORMAT

    # Check if a date string is in a specific format
    is_date_in_format = \
        TimeUtil.is_date_in_format('2021-03-31 00:00:00.000', YMD_HMSF_DATE_FORMAT)

## Timer methods

Record the time it takes to execute a method or a block of code.

### Methods

| **Method**                | **Description**                                                                                                                                    | **Parameters**                                                                                                               | **Returns**                                                                      |
| `method_timer`            | Measure method execution time.                                                                                                                     | `function` The method to measure it's time.<br>`*args` The method's arguments.<br>`**kwargs` The method's keyword arguments. | `Timer` Object that contains method execution time and results.                  |
| `timer` decorator         | Timer decorator that measure the method execution time, and add the results to parameter, that can be accessed by the method `get_timer_results()` | `is_enabled (bool, Default: True)` If True, the timer is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.                                  | `any` Method result.                                                             |
| `get_timer_results`       | Returns the timer results.                                                                                                                         |                                                                                                                              | `dict[list[Timer]]` The timer results.<br>`{'FILE_PATH:Class.Method: [Timer]}'`. |
| `reset_timer_results`     | Resets the timer results.                                                                                                                          |                                                                                                                              |                                                                                  |
| `get_max_keys`            | Returns the maximum amount of allowed keys in the timer results.                                                                                   |                                                                                                                              | `int` The maximum amount of allowed keys in the timer results.                   |
| `set_max_keys`            | Sets the maximum amount of allowed keys in the timer results.                                                                                      | `max_keys (int)` The maximum amount of allowed keys in the timer results.                                                    |                                                                                  |
| `get_max_results_per_key` | Returns the maximum amount of allowed results per key in the timer results.                                                                        |                                                                                                                              | `int` The maximum amount of allowed results per key in the timer results.        |
| `set_max_results_per_key` | Sets the maximum amount of allowed results per key in the timer results.                                                                           | `max_results_per_key (int)` The maximum amount of allowed results per key in the timer results.                              |                                                                                  |
| `with Timer() as t:`      | Context manager that times a block of code.                                                                                                        |                                                                                                                              | `Timer` Object that contains block execution time and results.                   |

### Timer class

| **Parameters**             | **Description**                                                             | **Type**    | **Default** |
| `start_date_ms`            | The start date in milliseconds.                                             | `int`       |             |
| `end_date_ms`              | The end date in milliseconds.                                               | `int`       | `None`      |
| `execution_time_ms`        | The execution time in milliseconds.                                         | `int`       | `None`      |
| `result`                   | The result of the method.                                                   | `any`       | `None`      |
| `exception`                | The exception that occurred during the method execution.                    | `Exception` | `None`      |
| `stack_trace`              | The stack trace of the exception that occurred during the method execution. | `str`       | `None`      |
| `__enter__` and `__exit__` | Context manager methods (`with Timer() as t:`).                             |             |             |

### Examples:

- #### method_timer

    from from nrt_time_utils.timer import method_timer

    def my_method(a, b):
        return a + b

    timer = method_timer(my_method, 1, 2)


- #### timer decorator

    from time import sleep  
    from from nrt_time_utils.timer import timer, get_timer_results

    def my_method(a, b):
        return a + b

    my_method(1, 2)
    timer_results = get_timer_results()
    for timer_result_list in timer_results.values():

- #### with Timer() as t:
    from time import sleep
    from from nrt_time_utils.timer import Timer

    with Timer() as t:



Raw data

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    "name": "nrt-time-utils",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "python, python3, python-3, tool, tools, time, utilities, utils, util, nrt, nrt-utils, time-utils, time-utilities, nrt-time-utils, nrt-time-utilities",
    "author": "Eyal Tuzon",
    "author_email": "Eyal Tuzon <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Time Utilities\r\n\r\n### Time utilities in Python.\r\n\r\n![PyPI](\r\n![PyPI - Python Version](\r\n![PyPI - License](\r\n![PyPI - Downloads](\r\n![PyPI - Downloads](\r\n[![Coverage Status](](\r\n![GitHub code size in bytes](\r\n![GitHub last commit](\r\n[![DeepSource](](\r\n\r\n## TimeUtil class\r\n\r\n### Methods\r\n\r\n| **Method**                  | **Description**                                        | **Parameters**                                                                                                                                                       | **Returns**                                                       |\r\n|-----------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------|\r\n| `date_ms_to_date_str`       | Converts a date in milliseconds to a date string.      | `date_ms (int)` The date in milliseconds to convert to a date string.<br>`format_str (str, Default: YMD_HMSF_DATE_FORMAT)` The format string to convert the date to. | `str` The date string.                                            |\r\n| `date_ms_to_date_time`      | Converts a date in milliseconds to a date time object. | `date_ms (int)` The date in milliseconds to convert to a date time object.                                                                                           | `datetime` The date time object.                                  |\r\n| `date_str_to_date_time`     | Converts a date string to a date time object.          | `date_str (str)` The date string to convert to a date time object.<br>`format_str (str, Default: YMD_HMSF_DATE_FORMAT)` The format string to convert the date to.    | `datetime` The date time object.                                  |\r\n| `date_time_to_date_ms`      | Converts a date time object to a date in milliseconds. | `dt (datetime)` The date time object to convert to a date in milliseconds.                                                                                           | `int` The date in milliseconds.                                   |\r\n| `get_current_date_ms`       | Returns the current date in milliseconds.              |                                                                                                                                                                      | `int` The current date in milliseconds.                           |\r\n| `get_timezone_offset_hours` | Returns the timezone offset in hours.                  | `timezone_str (str)` A string representing the timezone                                                                                                              | `int` The timezone offset in hours.                               |\r\n| `is_leap_year`              | Checks if a year is a leap year.                       | `year (int)` The year to check if it is a leap year.                                                                                                                 | `bool` True if the year is a leap year, False otherwise.          |\r\n| `is_timeout_ms`             | Checks if a timeout in milliseconds has passed.        | `start_time_ms (int)` The start time in milliseconds.<br>`timeout_ms (int)` The timeout in milliseconds.                                                             | `bool` True if the timeout has passed, False otherwise.           |\r\n| `is_date_in_format`         | Checks if a date string is in a specific format.       | `date_str (str)` The date string to check.<br>`format_str (str)` The format string to check.                                                                         | `bool` True if the date string is in the format, False otherwise. |\r\n\r\n### Examples:\r\n\r\n- #### TimeUtil.date_ms_to_date_str\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time_utils import TimeUtil\r\n\r\n    # Convert a date in milliseconds to a date string\r\n    date_str = TimeUtil.date_ms_to_date_str(1617223200000)\r\n\r\n    print(date_str)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    2021-03-31 00:00:00.000\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n- #### TimeUtil.date_ms_to_date_time\r\n        \r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time_utils import TimeUtil\r\n\r\n    # Convert a date in milliseconds to a date time object\r\n    dt = TimeUtil.date_ms_to_date_time(1617223200000)\r\n\r\n    print(dt)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    2021-03-31 00:00:00\r\n    ```\r\n  \r\n- #### TimeUtil.date_str_to_date_time\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time_utils import TimeUtil\r\n\r\n    # Convert a date string to a date time object\r\n    dt = TimeUtil.date_str_to_date_time('2021-03-31 00:00:00.000')\r\n\r\n    print(dt)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    2021-03-31 00:00:00\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n- #### TimeUtil.date_time_to_date_ms\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time_utils import TimeUtil\r\n    from datetime import datetime\r\n\r\n    # Convert a date time object to a date in milliseconds\r\n    date_ms = TimeUtil.date_time_to_date_ms(datetime(2021, 3, 31, 0, 0, 0))\r\n\r\n    print(date_ms)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    1617223200000\r\n    ```\r\n  \r\n- #### TimeUtil.get_current_date_ms\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time_utils import TimeUtil\r\n\r\n    # Get the current date in milliseconds\r\n    current_date_ms = TimeUtil.get_current_date_ms()\r\n\r\n    print(current_date_ms)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    1617223200000\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n- #### TimeUtil.get_timezone_offset_hours\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time_utils import TimeUtil\r\n\r\n    # Get the timezone offset in hours\r\n    timezone_offset = TimeUtil.get_timezone_offset_hours('PDT')\r\n\r\n    print(timezone_offset)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    -7\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n- #### TimeUtil.is_leap_year\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time_utils import TimeUtil\r\n\r\n    # Check if a year is a leap year\r\n    is_leap_year = TimeUtil.is_leap_year(2020)\r\n\r\n    print(is_leap_year)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    True\r\n    ```\r\n  \r\n- #### TimeUtil.is_timeout_ms\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time_utils import TimeUtil\r\n    from time import sleep\r\n\r\n    current_date_ms = TimeUtil.get_current_date_ms()\r\n    is_timeout = TimeUtil.is_timeout_ms(current_date_ms, 1000)\r\n    print(is_timeout)\r\n    sleep(2)\r\n    is_timeout = TimeUtil.is_timeout_ms(current_date_ms, 1000)\r\n    print(is_timeout)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    False\r\n    True\r\n    ```\r\n  \r\n- #### TimeUtil.is_date_in_format\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time_utils import TimeUtil\r\n    from time_utils import YMD_HMSF_DATE_FORMAT\r\n\r\n    # Check if a date string is in a specific format\r\n    is_date_in_format = \\\r\n        TimeUtil.is_date_in_format('2021-03-31 00:00:00.000', YMD_HMSF_DATE_FORMAT)\r\n\r\n    print(is_date_in_format)\r\n    ```\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    True\r\n    ```\r\n  \r\n## Timer methods\r\n\r\nRecord the time it takes to execute a method or a block of code.\r\n\r\n### Methods\r\n\r\n| **Method**                | **Description**                                                                                                                                    | **Parameters**                                                                                                               | **Returns**                                                                      |\r\n|---------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\r\n| `method_timer`            | Measure method execution time.                                                                                                                     | `function` The method to measure it's time.<br>`*args` The method's arguments.<br>`**kwargs` The method's keyword arguments. | `Timer` Object that contains method execution time and results.                  |\r\n| `timer` decorator         | Timer decorator that measure the method execution time, and add the results to parameter, that can be accessed by the method `get_timer_results()` | `is_enabled (bool, Default: True)` If True, the timer is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.                                  | `any` Method result.                                                             |\r\n| `get_timer_results`       | Returns the timer results.                                                                                                                         |                                                                                                                              | `dict[list[Timer]]` The timer results.<br>`{'FILE_PATH:Class.Method: [Timer]}'`. |\r\n| `reset_timer_results`     | Resets the timer results.                                                                                                                          |                                                                                                                              |                                                                                  |\r\n| `get_max_keys`            | Returns the maximum amount of allowed keys in the timer results.                                                                                   |                                                                                                                              | `int` The maximum amount of allowed keys in the timer results.                   |\r\n| `set_max_keys`            | Sets the maximum amount of allowed keys in the timer results.                                                                                      | `max_keys (int)` The maximum amount of allowed keys in the timer results.                                                    |                                                                                  |\r\n| `get_max_results_per_key` | Returns the maximum amount of allowed results per key in the timer results.                                                                        |                                                                                                                              | `int` The maximum amount of allowed results per key in the timer results.        |\r\n| `set_max_results_per_key` | Sets the maximum amount of allowed results per key in the timer results.                                                                           | `max_results_per_key (int)` The maximum amount of allowed results per key in the timer results.                              |                                                                                  |\r\n| `with Timer() as t:`      | Context manager that times a block of code.                                                                                                        |                                                                                                                              | `Timer` Object that contains block execution time and results.                   |\r\n\r\n### Timer class\r\n\r\n| **Parameters**             | **Description**                                                             | **Type**    | **Default** |\r\n|----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|-------------|\r\n| `start_date_ms`            | The start date in milliseconds.                                             | `int`       |             |\r\n| `end_date_ms`              | The end date in milliseconds.                                               | `int`       | `None`      |\r\n| `execution_time_ms`        | The execution time in milliseconds.                                         | `int`       | `None`      |\r\n| `result`                   | The result of the method.                                                   | `any`       | `None`      |\r\n| `exception`                | The exception that occurred during the method execution.                    | `Exception` | `None`      |\r\n| `stack_trace`              | The stack trace of the exception that occurred during the method execution. | `str`       | `None`      |\r\n| `__enter__` and `__exit__` | Context manager methods (`with Timer() as t:`).                             |             |             |\r\n\r\n### Examples:\r\n\r\n- #### method_timer\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from from nrt_time_utils.timer import method_timer\r\n\r\n    def my_method(a, b):\r\n        return a + b\r\n\r\n    timer = method_timer(my_method, 1, 2)\r\n\r\n    print(timer.execution_time_ms)\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    1\r\n    ```\r\n  \r\n- #### timer decorator\r\n\r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time import sleep  \r\n    from from nrt_time_utils.timer import timer, get_timer_results\r\n\r\n    @timer()\r\n    def my_method(a, b):\r\n        sleep(1)\r\n        return a + b\r\n\r\n    my_method(1, 2)\r\n  \r\n    timer_results = get_timer_results()\r\n  \r\n    for timer_result_list in timer_results.values():\r\n        print(timer_result_list[0].execution_time_ms)\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    1001\r\n    ```\r\n  \r\n- #### with Timer() as t:\r\n    \r\n    **Code**\r\n    ```python\r\n    from time import sleep\r\n    from from nrt_time_utils.timer import Timer\r\n\r\n    with Timer() as t:\r\n        sleep(1)\r\n  \r\n    print(t.execution_time_ms)\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n    **Output**\r\n    ```\r\n    1000\r\n    ```\r\n",
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        " nrt",
        " nrt-utils",
        " time-utils",
        " time-utilities",
        " nrt-time-utils",
        " nrt-time-utilities"
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