
Namenumpythia JSON
Version 1.3.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryThe interface between PYTHIA and NumPy
upload_time2023-01-06 19:22:20
maintainerthe Scikit-HEP admins
requires_python>=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, !=3.5.*, !=3.6.*
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            .. -*- mode: rst -*-

:warning:numpythia is deprecated and unmaintained:warning:

``numpythia`` has not been actively maintained for a couple of years. This is mostly due to the emergence of new alternatives which are both faster and more flexible.
For example:

* The `official Pythia 8 (SWIG) bindings available from Conda. <>`_
* The `impy <>`_ project implementing a generic user interface to popular event generators
  used in cosmic ray and high-energy particle physics.

numpythia: The interface between PYTHIA and NumPy

.. image::

.. image::

.. image::
   :alt: Test status

numpythia provides an interface between `PYTHIA
<>`_ and `NumPy
<>`_ allowing you to generate events as NumPy arrays of
particle four-momenta. By default numpythia only depends on NumPy and builds
internal copies of the PYTHIA and `HepMC <>`_
source code.

Standalone Installation

To simply use the built-in PYTHIA and HepMC::

   pip install -v numpythia

And you're good to go!

Support for building against an external PYTHIA is on the wishlist.

Note that if you are using a Mac OSX system, then installation may require setting an
environment variable as `explained here <>`_.

Strict dependencies

- `Python <>`__ (2.7+, 3.7+)
- `Numpy <>`__
- `six <>`__
- Source builds: `Cython <>`__ and a compiler.

Getting started

.. code-block:: python

   >>> from numpythia import Pythia, hepmc_write, hepmc_read
   >>> from numpythia import STATUS, HAS_END_VERTEX, ABS_PDG_ID
   >>> from numpythia.testcmnd import get_cmnd
   >>> from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal

   >>> pythia = Pythia(get_cmnd('w'), random_state=1)

   >>> selection = ((STATUS == 1) & ~HAS_END_VERTEX &
               (ABS_PDG_ID != 12) & (ABS_PDG_ID != 14) & (ABS_PDG_ID != 16))

   >>> # generate events while writing to ascii hepmc
   >>> for event in hepmc_write('events.hepmc', pythia(events=1)):
   >>>    array1 = event.all(selection)

   >>> # read the same event back from ascii hepmc
   >>> for event in hepmc_read('events.hepmc'):
   >>>    array2 = event.all(selection)

   >>> assert_array_equal(array1, array2)

The dtype of any array of particle information is:

.. code-block:: python

   np.dtype([('E', 'f8'), ('px', 'f8'), ('py', 'f8'), ('pz', 'f8'), ('pt', 'f8'),
             ('mass', 'f8'), ('rap', 'f8'), ('eta', 'f8'), ('theta', 'f8'),
             ('phi', 'f8'), ('prodx', 'f8'), ('prody', 'f8'), ('prodz', 'f8'),
             ('prodt', 'f8'), ('pdgid', 'i4'), ('status', 'i4')])

Also see `pyjet <>`_ for jet clustering.


Setting PYTHIA

PYTHIA settings can be passed in one of three ways: through the `**kwargs` arguments of the constructor `Pythia(..., **kwargs)`:

.. code-block:: python

   >>> pythia = Pythia(..., Beams_eCM=13000.)

Or as a dictionary:

.. code-block:: python

   >>> pythia = Pythia(..., params={'Beams:eCM':  13000.})

Or via a Python command file:

.. code-block:: python

   >>> pythia = Pythia(config='path/to/config.cmd')

The full list of settings can be found on the  `PYTHIA homepage <>`_.

Note that the ":" in settings names is replaced by a "_"  if using `kwargs`.
`kwargs` take precedence over `params` and they both take precedence over `config`.
Example config files can be found under the `numpythia.testcmnd` directory.

Generate events

To generate events do

.. code-block:: python

   >>> events = pythia(events=100)
   >>> events
   <generator at 0x10cf06f78>

where **events** is a generator of ``GenEvent`` containing all the generated particles.

Generated particles can be accessed through the ``all``, ``first`` and ``last``
methods which have two optional arguments ``selection`` and ``return_hepmc``.
Selection is a filter or a combination of filters with bitwise operations (as
shown in the *getting started* example) applied on the particles in the event.
The available filters are

.. code-block:: python


``return_hepmc`` is by default set to ``False`` when using ``all``:

.. code-block:: python

   >>> for e in events:
   >>>     array = e.all(selection)

returns an array of particles, with the dtype described above. ``return_hepmc`` is
by default set to ``True`` for ``first`` and ``last``:

.. code-block:: python

    >>> for e in events:
    >>>     gen_part_f = e.first(selection)
    >>>     gen_part_l = e.last(selection)

returns a ``GenParticle``.

Generated particle

``GenParticle`` is the numpythia interface of
`HepMC::GenParticle <>`_,
and has the following attributes

.. code-block:: python

    pid, status, e, px, py, pz, pt, eta, phi, mass, theta, rap

``GenParticle`` also has the following methods ``parents``, ``children``, ``ancestors``,
``descendants`` and ``siblings`` both with the two optional arguments ``selection``
and ``return_hepmc`` described before. For instance:

.. code-block:: python

    >>> for e in events:
    >>>     w = e.last((ABS_PDG_ID == 24) & HAS_END_VERTEX))
    >>>     w.children()
    array([(240.60708981, 115.76101664, 126.16766767, -169.03439984, 171.22760682, 0.5, -0.87228439, -0.87228739, 2.34974894, 0.82838703, 0., 0., 0., 0.,  3, 23),
       ( 52.59241372,   9.21296404,  50.77873929,  -10.01763001,  51.60774235, 1.5, -0.19283178, -0.19291222, 1.76252302, 1.39131523, 0., 0., 0., 0., -4, 23)],
      dtype=[('E', '<f8'), ('px', '<f8'), ('py', '<f8'), ('pz', '<f8'), ('pT', '<f8'), ('mass', '<f8'), ('rap', '<f8'), ('eta', '<f8'), ('theta', '<f8'), ('phi', '<f8'), ('prodx', '<f8'), ('prody', '<f8'), ('prodz', '<f8'), ('prodt', '<f8'), ('pdgid', '<i4'), ('status', '<i4')])


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "numpythia",
    "maintainer": "the Scikit-HEP admins",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, !=3.5.*, !=3.6.*",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": ".. -*- mode: rst -*-\r\n\r\n***************************************************************\r\n:warning:numpythia is deprecated and unmaintained:warning:\r\n***************************************************************\r\n\r\n``numpythia`` has not been actively maintained for a couple of years. This is mostly due to the emergence of new alternatives which are both faster and more flexible.\r\nFor example:\r\n\r\n* The `official Pythia 8 (SWIG) bindings available from Conda. <>`_\r\n* The `impy <>`_ project implementing a generic user interface to popular event generators\r\n  used in cosmic ray and high-energy particle physics.\r\n\r\nnumpythia: The interface between PYTHIA and NumPy\r\n=================================================\r\n\r\n.. image::\r\n   :target:\r\n\r\n.. image::\r\n  :target:\r\n\r\n.. image::\r\n   :target:\r\n   :alt: Test status\r\n\r\nnumpythia provides an interface between `PYTHIA\r\n<>`_ and `NumPy\r\n<>`_ allowing you to generate events as NumPy arrays of\r\nparticle four-momenta. By default numpythia only depends on NumPy and builds\r\ninternal copies of the PYTHIA and `HepMC <>`_\r\nsource code.\r\n\r\nStandalone Installation\r\n-----------------------\r\n\r\nTo simply use the built-in PYTHIA and HepMC::\r\n\r\n   pip install -v numpythia\r\n\r\nAnd you're good to go!\r\n\r\nSupport for building against an external PYTHIA is on the wishlist.\r\n\r\nNote that if you are using a Mac OSX system, then installation may require setting an\r\nenvironment variable as `explained here <>`_.\r\n\r\nStrict dependencies\r\n-------------------\r\n\r\n- `Python <>`__ (2.7+, 3.7+)\r\n- `Numpy <>`__\r\n- `six <>`__\r\n- Source builds: `Cython <>`__ and a compiler.\r\n\r\nGetting started\r\n---------------\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n   >>> from numpythia import Pythia, hepmc_write, hepmc_read\r\n   >>> from numpythia import STATUS, HAS_END_VERTEX, ABS_PDG_ID\r\n   >>> from numpythia.testcmnd import get_cmnd\r\n   >>> from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal\r\n\r\n   >>> pythia = Pythia(get_cmnd('w'), random_state=1)\r\n\r\n   >>> selection = ((STATUS == 1) & ~HAS_END_VERTEX &\r\n               (ABS_PDG_ID != 12) & (ABS_PDG_ID != 14) & (ABS_PDG_ID != 16))\r\n\r\n   >>> # generate events while writing to ascii hepmc\r\n   >>> for event in hepmc_write('events.hepmc', pythia(events=1)):\r\n   >>>    array1 = event.all(selection)\r\n\r\n   >>> # read the same event back from ascii hepmc\r\n   >>> for event in hepmc_read('events.hepmc'):\r\n   >>>    array2 = event.all(selection)\r\n\r\n   >>> assert_array_equal(array1, array2)\r\n   True\r\n\r\nThe dtype of any array of particle information is:\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n   np.dtype([('E', 'f8'), ('px', 'f8'), ('py', 'f8'), ('pz', 'f8'), ('pt', 'f8'),\r\n             ('mass', 'f8'), ('rap', 'f8'), ('eta', 'f8'), ('theta', 'f8'),\r\n             ('phi', 'f8'), ('prodx', 'f8'), ('prody', 'f8'), ('prodz', 'f8'),\r\n             ('prodt', 'f8'), ('pdgid', 'i4'), ('status', 'i4')])\r\n\r\nAlso see `pyjet <>`_ for jet clustering.\r\n\r\nTutorial\r\n--------\r\n\r\nSetting PYTHIA\r\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r\n\r\nPYTHIA settings can be passed in one of three ways: through the `**kwargs` arguments of the constructor `Pythia(..., **kwargs)`:\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n   >>> pythia = Pythia(..., Beams_eCM=13000.)\r\n\r\nOr as a dictionary:\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n   >>> pythia = Pythia(..., params={'Beams:eCM':  13000.})\r\n\r\nOr via a Python command file:\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n   >>> pythia = Pythia(config='path/to/config.cmd')\r\n\r\nThe full list of settings can be found on the  `PYTHIA homepage <>`_.\r\n\r\nNote that the \":\" in settings names is replaced by a \"_\"  if using `kwargs`.\r\n`kwargs` take precedence over `params` and they both take precedence over `config`.\r\nExample config files can be found under the `numpythia.testcmnd` directory.\r\n\r\nGenerate events\r\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r\n\r\nTo generate events do\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n   >>> events = pythia(events=100)\r\n   >>> events\r\n   <generator at 0x10cf06f78>\r\n\r\nwhere **events** is a generator of ``GenEvent`` containing all the generated particles.\r\n\r\nGenerated particles can be accessed through the ``all``, ``first`` and ``last``\r\nmethods which have two optional arguments ``selection`` and ``return_hepmc``.\r\nSelection is a filter or a combination of filters with bitwise operations (as\r\nshown in the *getting started* example) applied on the particles in the event.\r\nThe available filters are\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n    STATUS, PDG_ID, ABS_PDG_ID, HAS_END_VERTEX, HAS_PRODUCTION_VERTEX,\r\n    HAS_SAME_PDG_ID_DAUGHTER, IS_STABLE, IS_BEAM\r\n\r\n``return_hepmc`` is by default set to ``False`` when using ``all``:\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n   >>> for e in events:\r\n   >>>     array = e.all(selection)\r\n\r\nreturns an array of particles, with the dtype described above. ``return_hepmc`` is\r\nby default set to ``True`` for ``first`` and ``last``:\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n    >>> for e in events:\r\n    >>>     gen_part_f = e.first(selection)\r\n    >>>     gen_part_l = e.last(selection)\r\n\r\nreturns a ``GenParticle``.\r\n\r\nGenerated particle\r\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r\n\r\n``GenParticle`` is the numpythia interface of\r\n`HepMC::GenParticle <>`_,\r\nand has the following attributes\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n    pid, status, e, px, py, pz, pt, eta, phi, mass, theta, rap\r\n\r\n``GenParticle`` also has the following methods ``parents``, ``children``, ``ancestors``,\r\n``descendants`` and ``siblings`` both with the two optional arguments ``selection``\r\nand ``return_hepmc`` described before. For instance:\r\n\r\n.. code-block:: python\r\n\r\n    >>> for e in events:\r\n    >>>     w = e.last((ABS_PDG_ID == 24) & HAS_END_VERTEX))\r\n    >>>     w.children()\r\n    array([(240.60708981, 115.76101664, 126.16766767, -169.03439984, 171.22760682, 0.5, -0.87228439, -0.87228739, 2.34974894, 0.82838703, 0., 0., 0., 0.,  3, 23),\r\n       ( 52.59241372,   9.21296404,  50.77873929,  -10.01763001,  51.60774235, 1.5, -0.19283178, -0.19291222, 1.76252302, 1.39131523, 0., 0., 0., 0., -4, 23)],\r\n      dtype=[('E', '<f8'), ('px', '<f8'), ('py', '<f8'), ('pz', '<f8'), ('pT', '<f8'), ('mass', '<f8'), ('rap', '<f8'), ('eta', '<f8'), ('theta', '<f8'), ('phi', '<f8'), ('prodx', '<f8'), ('prody', '<f8'), ('prodz', '<f8'), ('prodt', '<f8'), ('pdgid', '<i4'), ('status', '<i4')])\r\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GPLv3",
    "summary": "The interface between PYTHIA and NumPy",
    "version": "1.3.1",
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            "requires_python": ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, !=3.5.*, !=3.6.*",
            "size": 11092603,
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    "github_project": "numpythia",
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    "coveralls": false,
    "github_actions": true,
    "lcname": "numpythia"
Elapsed time: 0.02926s