# Obs2Org
[![GPLv3 license](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-green)](./LICENSE)
[![Python version badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/Obs2Org)](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
[![PIP version badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/Obs2Org)](https://pypi.org/project/Obs2Org/)
[![Read The Docs badge](https://readthedocs.org/projects/obs2org/badge/?version=latest)](https://obs2org.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
![OS badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Runs%20on-Linux%7COS%20X%7CWindows-brightgreen?style=flat)
[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)
[Coverage Report](https://release-candidate.codeberg.page/Obs2Org/)
Obs2Org is a cross platform command (works on *BSD, Linux, OS X and Windows) line program to convert [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) style Markdown files to [Org-Mode](https://orgmode.org/) files for Emacs and other Editors that support Org-Mode.
It converts the Markdown files using [Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html) and afterwards corrects the links to headings in other Org-Mode files, converts the hash-tag style Obsidian tags to Org-Mode style tags and puts angle brackets around dates.
## Example
Obs2Org converts a Markdown file like to following:
title: "Programming"
- Programming
- Programming
lang: en
# Programming
Keywords: #Programming
## Lisp
### Books
Keywords: #Lisp, #Book
- Lisp Cookbook, 'recipies' to solve common problems using Lisp: [[Books#Lisp Cookbook]]
- **Peter Seibel**: *Practical Common Lisp*: [[Books#Practical Common Lisp]]
- **Peter Norvig**: *Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp*: [[Books#Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming]]
### State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020
Keywords: #Lisp, #Ecosystem, #2020
Editors, libraries, compilers, ...
[State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020](https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/blog/state-of-the-common-lisp-ecosystem-2020/#development)
to the following Org-Mode file:
#+title: Programming
* Programming :Programming:
:CUSTOM_ID: programming
* Lisp
:CUSTOM_ID: lisp
*** Books :Lisp:Book:
:CUSTOM_ID: bücher-1
- Lisp Cookbook, 'recipies' to solve common problems using Lisp: [[file:Books.org::#lisp-cookbook][Lisp Cookbook]]
- *Peter Seibel*: /Practical Common Lisp/: [[file:Books.org::#practical-common-lisp][Practical Common Lisp]]
- *Peter Norvig*: /Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp/: [[file:Books.org::#paradigms-of-artificial-intelligence-programming][Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming]]
*** State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020 :Lisp:Ecosystem:2020:
:CUSTOM_ID: state-of-the-common-lisp-ecosystem-2020
Editors, libraries, compilers, ... [[https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/blog/state-of-the-common-lisp-ecosystem-2020/#development][State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020]]
See [Installation](#installation) and [Usage](#usage) for information on how to do that.
The PyPI (pip) package can be found at [Obs2Org at PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/Obs2Org/)
Additional Documentation can be found at [Read the Docs](https://obs2org.readthedocs.io/en/latest)
## Table of Contents
- [Example](#example)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Pandoc](#pandoc)
- [Obs2Org](#obs2org-1)
- [Python, at Least Version 3.9](#python-at-least-version-39)
- [The PyPI Obs2Org Package](#the-pypi-obs2org-package)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Supported Links](#supported-links)
- [Development](#development)
- [Python, version \> 3.9](#python-version--39)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Scripts](#scripts)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Sources](#sources)
- [License](#license)
## Installation
### Pandoc
[Pandoc](https://pandoc.org) is needed to do the actual conversion of Markdown files to Org-Mode files.
See [Installing pandoc](https://pandoc.org/installing.html) on how to install Pandoc for your OS.
### Obs2Org
#### Python, at Least Version 3.9
#### The PyPI Obs2Org Package
Install the PyPI (pip) package `obs2org` for all users on your computer as administrator/root:
- Linux, OS X:
sudo pip install obs2org
- Windows:
Open an administrator shell by writing `cmd` in the search field of the taskbar, ricght click on the command app and select "Run as Adminsitrator".
in this shell execute:
pip install obs2org
## Usage
Use Obs2Org by running it as a normal user (**not** administrator or root) as Python module using
- Linux, OSX:
python3 -m obs2org --version
- Windows
python -m obs2org --version
This should yield the version string like
> python -m obs2org --version
obs2org 1.2.0
To get a text explaining the usage of Obs2Org, use the argument `--help` or the short form `-h`:
python -m obs2org --help
Linux, OS X:
python3 -m obs2org --help
> python -m obs2org --help
usage: python -m obs2org [-h] [-V] [-p PANDOC] [-n] [-u] [-o OUT_PATH] [MARKDOWN_FILES ...]
Converts markdown formatted files to Org-Mode formatted files using Pandoc.
positional arguments:
MARKDOWN_FILES The path to the markdown files or directory to convert to
### Examples
These examples only work if Pandoc is in the PATH of your shell. If it isn't you can add the path to Pandoc by using the argument `--pandoc` or `-p`.
To set the path to Pandoc to `c:/pandoc/pandoc` add `--pandoc c:/pandoc/pandoc` or `-p c:/pandoc/pandoc` to each invocation of Obs2Org.
python -m obs2org ./Markdown -o ../Org/ --pandoc c:/pandoc/pandoc
1. current directory
python -m obs2org
Which is the same as
python -m obs2org ./
Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the current working
directory and all its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with the
same base filename but a `.org` suffix.
2. one file
python -m obs2org hugo.md -o sepp.org
Converts the markdown document `hugo.md` to an Org-Mode document named
3. all files with extension `.md`
python -m obs2org *.md
Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the current working
directory to files in Org-Mode format with the same base filename but a
`.org` suffix.
4. convert files to given directory
python -m obs2org *.md -o ../Org/
Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the current working
directory to files in Org-Mode format with the same base filename but a
`.org` suffix in the directory `../Org`. The directory to save to _must_ have a slash `/` at the end.
5. convert files in given directory to other directory
python -m obs2org ./Markdown -o ../Org/
Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the directory
`./Markdown` and its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with
the same base filename but a `.org` suffix in the directory `../Org`.
The directory to save to _must_ have a slash `/` at the end.
6. Add UUID file headers to any file that doesn't already have one - flag `-u` or `--uuid`:
python -m obs2org ./Markdown -o ../Org/ -u
Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the directory
`./Markdown` and its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with
the same base filename but a `.org` suffix in the directory `../Org`. Add file headers with an UUID if not already present.
The directory to save to _must_ have a slash `/` at the end.
7. Treat Pandoc-style citation links as normal links - flag `-n` or `--no-cite`:
python -m obs2org ./Markdown -o ../Org/ -n
Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the directory
`./Markdown` and its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with
the same base filename but a `.org` suffix in the directory `../Org`. Treat links like `[[@Name]]` as normal link to a file `@Name.org` instead of Pandoc-style citation `[[cite:@Link]]`.
The directory to save to _must_ have a slash `/` at the end.
### Supported Links
The following list shows which Markdown links are converted to which Org-Mode links:
- `[[books#My Heading]]` is changed to `[[file:books.org::#my-heading][My Heading]]`.
- `[[Note]]` is changed to `[[file:Note.org::#note][Note]]`.
- `[[#heading-id|Caption]]` is changed to `[[#heading-id][Caption]]`
- `[[file|Caption]]` is changed to `[[file][Caption]]`
- `[[#Heading]]` is changed to `[[*Heading]]`
- if `-n` or `--no-cite` is set, a Pandoc citation is treated as a normal link:
`[[@Link]]` is changed to `[[file:@Link.org][Link]]`
- as default Pandoc citation links are converted to citation links:
`[[@Link]]` is changed to `[[cite:@Link]]`
## Development
### Python, version > 3.9
You need Python 3.9 or newer.
### Setup
1. Run `pipenv install --dev` to install the Python environment in the project directory
2. Run `pipenv run pre-commit install` to install the pre commit hooks to git. Now every time you commit a change, the linters are run.
- To run the pre commit checks manually: `pipenv run pre-commit run --all-files`
### Scripts
- [./make_package.sh](./make_package.sh) - Linux, OS X: build the Obs2Org PyPI package
- [./make_package.bat](./make_package.bat) - Windows: build the Obs2Org PyPI package. This is disabled on Windows, because the scripts would not be executable because of the Windows filesystem.
- [./run_local_linters.sh](./run_local_linters.sh) - Linux, OS X: run all configured linters on the Source code and tests.
- [./run_local_linters.bat](./run_local_linters.bat) - Windows: run all configured linters on the Source code and tests.
- [./run_tests.sh](./run_tests.sh) - Linux, OS X: run all tests.
- [./run_tests.bat](./run_tests.bat) - Windows: run all tests.
### Documentation
Ths source files for the [Read the Docs](https://obs2org.readthedocs.io/en/latest) site are located in the directory [./obs2org/doc/source](./obs2org/doc/source)
### Sources
The sources of the program are in the directory [./obs2org/](./obs2org/), the test sources and fixtures in [./tests/](./tests/)
## License
Obs2Org ist licensed under the GPLv3.0, see file [LICENCE](./LICENSE).
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://codeberg.org/Release-Candidate/Obs2Org",
"name": "obs2org",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.9",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "markdown, org-mode, obsidian, converter, pandoc",
"author": "Release-Candidate",
"author_email": "rec@gmx.at",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/86/db/f95af8519bbefd5f7660910b4295971f11a4c1e7025428ca21d360bfe167/obs2org-1.3.4.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# Obs2Org\n\n[![GPLv3 license](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-green)](./LICENSE)\n[![Python version badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/Obs2Org)](https://www.python.org/downloads/)\n[![PIP version badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/Obs2Org)](https://pypi.org/project/Obs2Org/)\n[![Read The Docs badge](https://readthedocs.org/projects/obs2org/badge/?version=latest)](https://obs2org.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)\n![OS badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Runs%20on-Linux%7COS%20X%7CWindows-brightgreen?style=flat)\n[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)\n[Coverage Report](https://release-candidate.codeberg.page/Obs2Org/)\n\nObs2Org is a cross platform command (works on *BSD, Linux, OS X and Windows) line program to convert [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) style Markdown files to [Org-Mode](https://orgmode.org/) files for Emacs and other Editors that support Org-Mode.\n\nIt converts the Markdown files using [Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html) and afterwards corrects the links to headings in other Org-Mode files, converts the hash-tag style Obsidian tags to Org-Mode style tags and puts angle brackets around dates.\n\n## Example\n\nObs2Org converts a Markdown file like to following:\n\n```md\n---\ntitle: \"Programming\"\nauthor:\n -\nkeywords:\n - Programming\ntags:\n - Programming\nlang: en\n---\n# Programming\n\nKeywords: #Programming\n\n## Lisp\n\n### Books\n\nKeywords: #Lisp, #Book\n\n- Lisp Cookbook, 'recipies' to solve common problems using Lisp: [[Books#Lisp Cookbook]]\n- **Peter Seibel**: *Practical Common Lisp*: [[Books#Practical Common Lisp]]\n- **Peter Norvig**: *Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp*: [[Books#Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming]]\n\n### State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020\n\n2021-10-08\n\nKeywords: #Lisp, #Ecosystem, #2020\n\nEditors, libraries, compilers, ...\n[State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020](https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/blog/state-of-the-common-lisp-ecosystem-2020/#development)\n\n```\n\nto the following Org-Mode file:\n\n```org\n#+title: Programming\n\n* Programming :Programming:\n:PROPERTIES:\n:CUSTOM_ID: programming\n:END:\n\n* Lisp\n:PROPERTIES:\n:CUSTOM_ID: lisp\n:END:\n\n*** Books :Lisp:Book:\n:PROPERTIES:\n:CUSTOM_ID: b\u00fccher-1\n:END:\n\n\n- Lisp Cookbook, 'recipies' to solve common problems using Lisp: [[file:Books.org::#lisp-cookbook][Lisp Cookbook]]\n- *Peter Seibel*: /Practical Common Lisp/: [[file:Books.org::#practical-common-lisp][Practical Common Lisp]]\n- *Peter Norvig*: /Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp/: [[file:Books.org::#paradigms-of-artificial-intelligence-programming][Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming]]\n\n*** State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020 :Lisp:Ecosystem:2020:\n:PROPERTIES:\n:CUSTOM_ID: state-of-the-common-lisp-ecosystem-2020\n:END:\n<2021-10-08>\nEditors, libraries, compilers, ... [[https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/blog/state-of-the-common-lisp-ecosystem-2020/#development][State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020]]\n```\n\nSee [Installation](#installation) and [Usage](#usage) for information on how to do that.\n\nThe PyPI (pip) package can be found at [Obs2Org at PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/Obs2Org/)\n\nAdditional Documentation can be found at [Read the Docs](https://obs2org.readthedocs.io/en/latest)\n\n## Table of Contents\n\n- [Example](#example)\n- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)\n- [Installation](#installation)\n - [Pandoc](#pandoc)\n - [Obs2Org](#obs2org-1)\n - [Python, at Least Version 3.9](#python-at-least-version-39)\n - [The PyPI Obs2Org Package](#the-pypi-obs2org-package)\n- [Usage](#usage)\n - [Examples](#examples)\n - [Supported Links](#supported-links)\n- [Development](#development)\n - [Python, version \\> 3.9](#python-version--39)\n - [Setup](#setup)\n - [Scripts](#scripts)\n - [Documentation](#documentation)\n - [Sources](#sources)\n- [License](#license)\n\n## Installation\n\n### Pandoc\n\n[Pandoc](https://pandoc.org) is needed to do the actual conversion of Markdown files to Org-Mode files.\n\nSee [Installing pandoc](https://pandoc.org/installing.html) on how to install Pandoc for your OS.\n\n### Obs2Org\n\n#### Python, at Least Version 3.9\n\n#### The PyPI Obs2Org Package\n\nInstall the PyPI (pip) package `obs2org` for all users on your computer as administrator/root:\n\n- Linux, OS X:\n\n ```shell\n sudo pip install obs2org\n ```\n\n- Windows:\n\n Open an administrator shell by writing `cmd` in the search field of the taskbar, ricght click on the command app and select \"Run as Adminsitrator\".\n in this shell execute:\n\n ```ps1\n pip install obs2org\n ```\n\n## Usage\n\nUse Obs2Org by running it as a normal user (**not** administrator or root) as Python module using\n\n- Linux, OSX:\n\n ```shell\n python3 -m obs2org --version\n ```\n\n- Windows\n\n ```ps1\n python -m obs2org --version\n ```\n\nThis should yield the version string like\n\n```ps1\n> python -m obs2org --version\nobs2org 1.2.0\n```\n\nTo get a text explaining the usage of Obs2Org, use the argument `--help` or the short form `-h`:\n\nWindows:\n\n```ps1\npython -m obs2org --help\n```\n\nLinux, OS X:\n\n```shell\npython3 -m obs2org --help\n```\n\nOutput:\n\n```ps1\n> python -m obs2org --help\n\nusage: python -m obs2org [-h] [-V] [-p PANDOC] [-n] [-u] [-o OUT_PATH] [MARKDOWN_FILES ...]\n\nConverts markdown formatted files to Org-Mode formatted files using Pandoc.\n\npositional arguments:\n MARKDOWN_FILES The path to the markdown files or directory to convert to\n ...\n```\n\n### Examples\n\nThese examples only work if Pandoc is in the PATH of your shell. If it isn't you can add the path to Pandoc by using the argument `--pandoc` or `-p`.\n\nTo set the path to Pandoc to `c:/pandoc/pandoc` add `--pandoc c:/pandoc/pandoc` or `-p c:/pandoc/pandoc` to each invocation of Obs2Org.\n\nExample:\n\n```ps1\npython -m obs2org ./Markdown -o ../Org/ --pandoc c:/pandoc/pandoc\n```\n\n1. current directory\n\n ```ps1\n python -m obs2org\n ```\n\n Which is the same as\n\n ```ps1\n python -m obs2org ./\n ```\n\n Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the current working\n directory and all its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with the\n same base filename but a `.org` suffix.\n\n2. one file\n\n ```ps1\n python -m obs2org hugo.md -o sepp.org\n ```\n\n Converts the markdown document `hugo.md` to an Org-Mode document named\n `sepp.org`.\n\n3. all files with extension `.md`\n\n ```ps1\n python -m obs2org *.md\n ```\n\n Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the current working\n directory to files in Org-Mode format with the same base filename but a\n `.org` suffix.\n\n4. convert files to given directory\n\n ```ps1\n python -m obs2org *.md -o ../Org/\n ```\n\n Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the current working\n directory to files in Org-Mode format with the same base filename but a\n `.org` suffix in the directory `../Org`. The directory to save to _must_ have a slash `/` at the end.\n\n5. convert files in given directory to other directory\n\n ```ps1\n python -m obs2org ./Markdown -o ../Org/\n ```\n\n Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the directory\n `./Markdown` and its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with\n the same base filename but a `.org` suffix in the directory `../Org`.\n The directory to save to _must_ have a slash `/` at the end.\n\n6. Add UUID file headers to any file that doesn't already have one - flag `-u` or `--uuid`:\n\n ```ps1\n python -m obs2org ./Markdown -o ../Org/ -u\n ```\n\n Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the directory\n `./Markdown` and its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with\n the same base filename but a `.org` suffix in the directory `../Org`. Add file headers with an UUID if not already present.\n The directory to save to _must_ have a slash `/` at the end.\n\n7. Treat Pandoc-style citation links as normal links - flag `-n` or `--no-cite`:\n\n ```ps1\n python -m obs2org ./Markdown -o ../Org/ -n\n ```\n\n Converts all markdown files with a suffix of `.md` in the directory\n `./Markdown` and its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with\n the same base filename but a `.org` suffix in the directory `../Org`. Treat links like `[[@Name]]` as normal link to a file `@Name.org` instead of Pandoc-style citation `[[cite:@Link]]`.\n The directory to save to _must_ have a slash `/` at the end.\n\n### Supported Links\n\nThe following list shows which Markdown links are converted to which Org-Mode links:\n\n- `[[books#My Heading]]` is changed to `[[file:books.org::#my-heading][My Heading]]`.\n- `[[Note]]` is changed to `[[file:Note.org::#note][Note]]`.\n- `[[#heading-id|Caption]]` is changed to `[[#heading-id][Caption]]`\n- `[[file|Caption]]` is changed to `[[file][Caption]]`\n- `[[#Heading]]` is changed to `[[*Heading]]`\n- if `-n` or `--no-cite` is set, a Pandoc citation is treated as a normal link:\n `[[@Link]]` is changed to `[[file:@Link.org][Link]]`\n- as default Pandoc citation links are converted to citation links:\n `[[@Link]]` is changed to `[[cite:@Link]]`\n\n## Development\n\n### Python, version > 3.9\n\nYou need Python 3.9 or newer.\n\n### Setup\n\n1. Run `pipenv install --dev` to install the Python environment in the project directory\n2. Run `pipenv run pre-commit install` to install the pre commit hooks to git. Now every time you commit a change, the linters are run.\n\n - To run the pre commit checks manually: `pipenv run pre-commit run --all-files`\n\n### Scripts\n\n- [./make_package.sh](./make_package.sh) - Linux, OS X: build the Obs2Org PyPI package\n- [./make_package.bat](./make_package.bat) - Windows: build the Obs2Org PyPI package. This is disabled on Windows, because the scripts would not be executable because of the Windows filesystem.\n- [./run_local_linters.sh](./run_local_linters.sh) - Linux, OS X: run all configured linters on the Source code and tests.\n- [./run_local_linters.bat](./run_local_linters.bat) - Windows: run all configured linters on the Source code and tests.\n- [./run_tests.sh](./run_tests.sh) - Linux, OS X: run all tests.\n- [./run_tests.bat](./run_tests.bat) - Windows: run all tests.\n\n### Documentation\n\nThs source files for the [Read the Docs](https://obs2org.readthedocs.io/en/latest) site are located in the directory [./obs2org/doc/source](./obs2org/doc/source)\n\n### Sources\n\nThe sources of the program are in the directory [./obs2org/](./obs2org/), the test sources and fixtures in [./tests/](./tests/)\n\n## License\n\nObs2Org ist licensed under the GPLv3.0, see file [LICENCE](./LICENSE).\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
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"summary": "Converts Obsidian style markdown files to Org-Mode files using pandoc.",
"version": "1.3.4",
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"Documentation": "https://Obs2Org.readthedocs.io/en/latest/",
"Homepage": "https://codeberg.org/Release-Candidate/Obs2Org"
"split_keywords": [
" org-mode",
" obsidian",
" converter",
" pandoc"
"urls": [
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"codeberg_user": "Release-Candidate",
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