
Nameonboardapis JSON
Version 2.0.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA pure Python wrapper for the on-board APIs of many different transportation providers.
upload_time2024-06-27 13:52:07
keywords public-transport train api
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

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[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/onboardapis.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/onboardapis)
[![Build package](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis/actions/workflows/build.yml)
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> **Warning**: Version `2.0.0` introduces breaking changes! Existing code will definitely not work anymore.

## Description

onboardapis allows you to interact with different on-board APIs.
You can connect to the Wi-Fi of a supported transportation provider
and access information about your journey, the vehicle you are travelling in and much more.

> **Note:** The only vehicle type covered by this package currently is `train`.
> See the [supported APIs](#supported-apis) for more information.


## Installation

Install the latest stable version of onboardapis
from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/onboardapis)
using [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/):

$ python -m pip install onboardapis


or the latest prerelease version of onboardapis
from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/onboardapis/2.0.0rc3/)
using [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/):

$ python -m pip install --pre onboardapis



Install the latest development version of onboardapis
from [GitHub](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis)
using [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/):

$ python -m pip install git+https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis.git


## Quickstart

To begin with development you will need to know a few things first:

* What vehicle type you want to use
* Who operates the vehicle
* What country is the operator from

With this information you can get the needed module from the package 
``onboardapis.<type>.<country>.<operator>`` and import the API class from it.
For more specific information on finding the API you are looking for,
see [Finding your API](#find-your-api).

> **Example**: Let's say you want to use the on-board API called ICE Portal of Deutsche Bahn trains in Germany:
> ```python
> from onboardapis.train.de.db import ICEPortal
> ```

Every vehicle has an ``init``-method that needs to be called to initialize the connection to the API.
When using a vehicle as a context manager the ``init``-method will automatically be called.

from onboardapis.train.de.db import ICEPortal
from onboardapis.units import kilometers, kilometers_per_hour

# init is automatically called
with ICEPortal() as train:
        f"Distance to {train.current_station.name}:",
        f"{kilometers(meters=train.calculate_distance(train.current_station)):.1f} km"

# init has to be explicitly called
train = ICEPortal()
train.init()  # Explicit call to init method to initialize API connection

    f"Travelling at {train.speed} m/s",
    f"({kilometers_per_hour(meters_per_second=train.speed):.2f} km/h)",
    f"with a delay of {train.delay.total_seconds():.0f} seconds"

And there you go!  
You can read more information about available attributes in the ``onboardapis.train.Train`` and ``onboardapis.mixins`` documentation
and the respective train's documentation.

> **Note**: As you may have noticed by now, the package always returns `datetime` or `timedelta` objects for time based values
> and other values like distances, velocity, etc. in SI units,
> so you have to convert to other units if you want to use values different from the SI units.
> For convenience the ``onboardapis.units`` module provides functions to convert between units.
> The name of a conversion function is the unit which will be the result of the conversion.
> Different units can be passed to a conversion function as keywords.
> Keywords can be combined to return the sum of the input units.


## Documentation

#### Access the documentation on [GitHub-Pages](https://felix-zenk.github.io/onboardapis/).

## Supported APIs

| API                   | [API features](#api-features) | Type  | Country      | Operator                                |
| RailnetRegio          | basic, geo                    | train | at (Austria) | obb (Österreichische Bundesbahnen)      |
| ICEPortal             | online, vehicle, geo, journey | train | de (Germany) | db (Deutsche Bahn / DB AG)              |
| FlixTainment          | basic, geo                    | train | de (Germany) | flix (Flix Train GmbH)                  |
| MetronomCaptivePortal | online                        | train | de (Germany) | me (metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH) |

## Experimental APIs

| API                    | [API features](#api-features) | Type  | Country      | Operator                     |
| PortalINOUI            | basic, vehicle, geo, journey  | train | fr (France)  | sncf (SNCF Voyageurs)        |
| RegioGuide / ZugPortal | basic, vehicle, geo, journey  | train | de (Germany) | db (Deutsche Bahn / DB AG)   |
| PortaleRegionale       | basic, basic-journey          | train | it (Italy)   | ti (Trenitalia S.p.A.)       |
| SBahnHannover          | *online*\*, basic-journey     | train | de (Germany) | tdh (Transdev Hannover GmbH) |

    * Not supported yet.

## APIs in development

| API  | [API features](#api-features) | Type  | Country | Operator |
| ...  |                               |       |         |          |

## Find your API

##### 1. Determine vehicle type: ``train``, ``plane``, ``bus``, ``ship``, ``other``.
##### 2. Find the [ISO 3166-2 country code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2#Current_codes) of the operators country
##### 3. Operator code

The operator code is vehicle type specific. The following IDs are used:

| Vehicle type | Region | Register                                                    |
| plane        | global | [ICAO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airline_codes) |
| train        | europe | [VKM](https://www.era.europa.eu/domains/registers/vkm_en)   |


Combine these three values to `onboardapis.<type>.<country>.<operator>`.
This is the module that contains the API.

> **Hint**: You can also get the module path by looking at [Supported APIs](#supported-apis)
> / [Experimental APIs](#experimental-apis) and taking the three values from there.

## API features

The API features define what information can be accessed through the API
and is a general indicator of the API's capabilities.  
Features can be combined.  
The currently possible API features are:
- ``basic`` / ``online``: basic information is available such as connection status to the API. / The API supplies the user with internet access and the internet access can be enabled and disabled.
- ``vehicle``: The API supplies information about the vehicle such as the train ID, line number, etc.
- ``geo``: The API supplies information about the current location, speed, etc. of the vehicle.
- ``basic-journey`` / ``journey``: The API supplies basic journey information including the current station and the destination station. / The API supplies detailed journey information including all the stations and possibly connecting services.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "onboardapis",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "public-transport, train, api",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Felix Zenk <felix.zenk@web.de>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a8/eb/f8d720f5f2e112b43b1461883b0cc705c0208aa84a4d241547602501b44d/onboardapis-2.0.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "onboardapis\n===\n\n[![Python versions](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/onboardapis)](https://pypi.org/project/onboardapis)\n[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/onboardapis.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/onboardapis)\n[![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/felix-zenk/onboardapis)](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis/blob/main/LICENSE)  \n[![Build package](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis/actions/workflows/build.yml)\n[![Deploy documentation](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis/actions/workflows/docs.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis/actions/workflows/docs.yml)\n\n> **Warning**: Version `2.0.0` introduces breaking changes! Existing code will definitely not work anymore.\n\n## Description\n\nonboardapis allows you to interact with different on-board APIs.\nYou can connect to the Wi-Fi of a supported transportation provider\nand access information about your journey, the vehicle you are travelling in and much more.\n\n> **Note:** The only vehicle type covered by this package currently is `train`.\n> See the [supported APIs](#supported-apis) for more information.\n\n---\n\n## Installation\n\nInstall the latest stable version of onboardapis\nfrom [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/onboardapis)\nusing [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/):\n\n```shell\n$ python -m pip install onboardapis\n```\n\n[![Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/onboardapis?label=%20)](https://pypi.org/project/onboardapis)\n\nor the latest prerelease version of onboardapis\nfrom [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/onboardapis/2.0.0rc3/)\nusing [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/):\n\n```shell\n$ python -m pip install --pre onboardapis\n```\n\n[![Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/v2.0.0rc4-%20?color=1081c2)](https://pypi.org/project/onboardapis/2.0.0rc4/)\n\n---\n\nInstall the latest development version of onboardapis\nfrom [GitHub](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis)\nusing [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/):\n\n```shell\n$ python -m pip install git+https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis.git\n```\n\n---\n\n## Quickstart\n\nTo begin with development you will need to know a few things first:\n\n* What vehicle type you want to use\n* Who operates the vehicle\n* What country is the operator from\n\nWith this information you can get the needed module from the package \n``onboardapis.<type>.<country>.<operator>`` and import the API class from it.\nFor more specific information on finding the API you are looking for,\nsee [Finding your API](#find-your-api).\n\n> **Example**: Let's say you want to use the on-board API called ICE Portal of Deutsche Bahn trains in Germany:\n> ```python\n> from onboardapis.train.de.db import ICEPortal\n> ```\n\nEvery vehicle has an ``init``-method that needs to be called to initialize the connection to the API.\nWhen using a vehicle as a context manager the ``init``-method will automatically be called.\n\n```python\nfrom onboardapis.train.de.db import ICEPortal\nfrom onboardapis.units import kilometers, kilometers_per_hour\n\n# init is automatically called\nwith ICEPortal() as train:\n    print(\n        f\"Distance to {train.current_station.name}:\",\n        f\"{kilometers(meters=train.calculate_distance(train.current_station)):.1f} km\"\n    )\n\n# init has to be explicitly called\ntrain = ICEPortal()\ntrain.init()  # Explicit call to init method to initialize API connection\n\nprint(\n    f\"Travelling at {train.speed} m/s\",\n    f\"({kilometers_per_hour(meters_per_second=train.speed):.2f} km/h)\",\n    f\"with a delay of {train.delay.total_seconds():.0f} seconds\"\n)\n```\n\nAnd there you go!  \nYou can read more information about available attributes in the ``onboardapis.train.Train`` and ``onboardapis.mixins`` documentation\nand the respective train's documentation.\n\n> **Note**: As you may have noticed by now, the package always returns `datetime` or `timedelta` objects for time based values\n> and other values like distances, velocity, etc. in SI units,\n> so you have to convert to other units if you want to use values different from the SI units.\n> For convenience the ``onboardapis.units`` module provides functions to convert between units.\n>\n> The name of a conversion function is the unit which will be the result of the conversion.\n> Different units can be passed to a conversion function as keywords.\n> Keywords can be combined to return the sum of the input units.\n\n---\n\n## Documentation\n[![GitHub-Pages](https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis/actions/workflows/docs.yml/badge.svg)](https://felix-zenk.github.io/onboardapis/)\n\n#### Access the documentation on [GitHub-Pages](https://felix-zenk.github.io/onboardapis/).\n\n\n## Supported APIs\n\n| API                   | [API features](#api-features) | Type  | Country      | Operator                                |\n|-----------------------|-------------------------------|-------|--------------|-----------------------------------------|\n| RailnetRegio          | basic, geo                    | train | at (Austria) | obb (\u00d6sterreichische Bundesbahnen)      |\n| ICEPortal             | online, vehicle, geo, journey | train | de (Germany) | db (Deutsche Bahn / DB AG)              |\n| FlixTainment          | basic, geo                    | train | de (Germany) | flix (Flix Train GmbH)                  |\n| MetronomCaptivePortal | online                        | train | de (Germany) | me (metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH) |\n\n## Experimental APIs\n\n| API                    | [API features](#api-features) | Type  | Country      | Operator                     |\n|------------------------|-------------------------------|-------|--------------|------------------------------|\n| PortalINOUI            | basic, vehicle, geo, journey  | train | fr (France)  | sncf (SNCF Voyageurs)        |\n| RegioGuide / ZugPortal | basic, vehicle, geo, journey  | train | de (Germany) | db (Deutsche Bahn / DB AG)   |\n| PortaleRegionale       | basic, basic-journey          | train | it (Italy)   | ti (Trenitalia S.p.A.)       |\n| SBahnHannover          | *online*\\*, basic-journey     | train | de (Germany) | tdh (Transdev Hannover GmbH) |\n\n    * Not supported yet.\n\n## APIs in development\n\n| API  | [API features](#api-features) | Type  | Country | Operator |\n|------|-------------------------------|-------|---------|----------|\n| ...  |                               |       |         |          |\n\n## Find your API\n\n##### 1. Determine vehicle type: ``train``, ``plane``, ``bus``, ``ship``, ``other``.\n##### 2. Find the [ISO 3166-2 country code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2#Current_codes) of the operators country\n##### 3. Operator code\n\nThe operator code is vehicle type specific. The following IDs are used:\n\n| Vehicle type | Region | Register                                                    |\n|--------------|--------|-------------------------------------------------------------|\n| plane        | global | [ICAO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airline_codes) |\n| train        | europe | [VKM](https://www.era.europa.eu/domains/registers/vkm_en)   |\n\n---\n\nCombine these three values to `onboardapis.<type>.<country>.<operator>`.\nThis is the module that contains the API.\n\n> **Hint**: You can also get the module path by looking at [Supported APIs](#supported-apis)\n> / [Experimental APIs](#experimental-apis) and taking the three values from there.\n\n## API features\n\nThe API features define what information can be accessed through the API\nand is a general indicator of the API's capabilities.  \nFeatures can be combined.  \nThe currently possible API features are:\n- ``basic`` / ``online``: basic information is available such as connection status to the API. / The API supplies the user with internet access and the internet access can be enabled and disabled.\n- ``vehicle``: The API supplies information about the vehicle such as the train ID, line number, etc.\n- ``geo``: The API supplies information about the current location, speed, etc. of the vehicle.\n- ``basic-journey`` / ``journey``: The API supplies basic journey information including the current station and the destination station. / The API supplies detailed journey information including all the stations and possibly connecting services.\n",
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    "summary": "A pure Python wrapper for the on-board APIs of many different transportation providers.",
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        "Issues": "https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis/issues",
        "Repository": "https://github.com/felix-zenk/onboardapis"
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