
Nameoss-red-flag-checker JSON
Version 0.1.6 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCheck remote repositories for typical red flags like CLAs and risks due to low development activity
upload_time2024-05-07 11:51:57
maintainerMax Mehl
authorOpen Source at Deutsche Bahn
keywords ospo open-source-management supply-chain risk-analysis
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 DB Systel GmbH

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# Open Source Red Flag Checker

[![Test suites](https://github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker/actions/workflows/test.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker/actions/workflows/test.yaml)
[![REUSE status](https://api.reuse.software/badge/github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker)](https://api.reuse.software/info/github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker)
[![The latest version of reuse can be found on PyPI.](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/oss-red-flag-checker.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/oss-red-flag-checker/)
[![Information on what versions of Python reuse supports can be found on PyPI.](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/oss-red-flag-checker.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/oss-red-flag-checker/)

This projects evaluates remote repositories by looking for typical red flags like CLAs (Contributor Licensing Agreements) but also indicators for governance, activity or licensing conditions we consider as good.

## Table of contents

* [Features](#features)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Caveats](#caveats)
* [Similar approaches](#similar-approaches)
* [License and copyright](#license-and-copyright)

## Features


### Searched data

The checker looks for the following data in remote repositories:

* CLA (Contributor License Agreement) mentioned in files and pull requests
* DCO (Developer Certificate of Origin) mentioned in files and pull requests
* inbound=outbound mentioned in files
* Existence of LICENSE/COPYING file
* Human and bot contributors to the project (based on Github stats)
* Last commits made by humans and bots

### Analysis based on data

Red flags:

* CLA mentioned in `README` or `CONTRIBUTING` files
* CLA as part of pull request actions/statuses
* No `LICENSE`/`COPYING` file in the repository
* The project only contains contributions by one person
* The last commit is more than 1 year old

Yellow flags:

* The project's main developer made more than 75% contributions than the next 10 most active contributors
* The last human commit is more than 1 year old but there have been newer commits made by bots (like dependabot or renovate)
* The last human commit is more than 90 days old

Green flags:
* DCO mentioned in `README` or `CONTRIBUTING` files
* DCO as part of pull request actions/statuses
* inbound = outbound mentioned in `README` or `CONTRIBUTING` files
* The project has an acceptable contribition distribution by multiple active developers
* The last human commit is less than 90 days old

## Installation

You must have the following dependencies installed:

* `git` >= 1.7.0
* `python` >= 3.8
* `pip3`

You can install the latest release using pip: `pip3 install oss-red-flag-checker`.

The command to run the program afterwards will be `ossrfc`.

### Install/develop using poetry

You can also run this tool via `poetry` that takes care of installing the correct dependencies in a clean environment. This also makes development very easy. We recommend to have at least poetry 1.1.0. Inside of the repository, run `poetry install` once and you are ready to go. If you update the repository, run this command again to fetch new versions and dependencies.

The command to run the programm will be `poetry run ossrfc`.

## Usage

You can find all supported flags by running `ossrfc --help`.

> [!NOTE]
> It is recommended to provide a GitHub Personal Access Token to avoid low API rate limits.
> Either use the `--token` argument or set the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable.

Basic examples:

# Check a remote repository
ossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform
# Cache the cloned repository so subsequent checks are faster
ossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform --cache
# Return the results as JSON
ossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform --json
# Do not check for CLAs and DCOs in pull requests
ossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform -d cla-dco-pulls
# Ignore findings about contribution distribution
ossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform -i contributions
# Provide a list of repositories to be checked
ossrfc -f repos.txt

Here's a possible output in both the Markdown view as well as in JSON:

# Report for hashicorp/terraform (https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform)

* 🚩 Licensing: A mention of Contributor License Agreements in the following file(s): .github/CONTRIBUTING.md
* 🚩 Licensing: A check for Contributor License Agreements in at least one status in pull request(s): 33656
* ✔ Contributions: The project has multiple contributors with an acceptable contribution distribution
* ✔ Contributions: The last commit made by a human is less than 90 days old (1 days)

  "json_version": "1.0",
  "disabled_checks": [],
  "ignored_flags": [],
  "debug_mode": false,
  "repositories": [
      "url": "https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform",
      "shortname": "hashicorp/terraform",
      "red_flags": [
      "yellow_flags": [],
      "green_flags": [
      "cla_files": [
          "file": ".github/CONTRIBUTING.md",
          "indicators": [
            "- Contributor License Agreement (CLA): If this is your first contribution to Terraform you will be asked to sign the CLA."
      "cla_pulls": [
          "pull_request": 33656,
          "type": "status",
          "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/statuses/b53d89a08df10c85f6d4c546d2e54d4fab886d67",
          "indicators": [
            "Contributor License Agreement is signed.",
      "dco_files": [],
      "dco_pulls": [],
      "inoutbound_files": [],
      "licensefiles": [
      "maintainer_dominance": -2.83,
      "days_since_last_human_commit": 1,
      "days_since_last_bot_commit": 141,
      "analysis": [
          "category": "Licensing",
          "ignored": false,
          "severity": "red",
          "indicator": "A mention of Contributor License Agreements in the following file(s): .github/CONTRIBUTING.md"
          "category": "Licensing",
          "ignored": false,
          "severity": "red",
          "indicator": "A check for Contributor License Agreements in at least one status in pull request(s): 33656"
          "category": "Contributions",
          "ignored": false,
          "severity": "green",
          "indicator": "The project has multiple contributors with an acceptable contribution distribution"
          "category": "Contributions",
          "ignored": false,
          "severity": "green",
          "indicator": "The last commit made by a human is less than 90 days old (1 days)"

## Caveats

### Opinionated analysis

The analysis and decisions for how certain indicators are considered red, yellow or green flags is highly opinionated and represents a snapshot about our (DB Systel GmbH's) current thinking.

You are free to use this tool. If certain criteria is not relevant for you, consider using the `--ignore` or `--disable` flags.

In the long run, it may be feasible to make the ratings configurable. Contributions are welcome if you are interested in it.

## Similar approaches

There are different initiatives that intend to evaluate the health or risks of Open Source projects. All of them have their particular focuses, strengths and weaknesses.

* [OpenSSF](https://openssf.org/) with a focus on security and their [scorecards](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard)
* [CHAOSS](https://chaoss.community/) with a focus on metrics about community health and metrics models

## License and copyright

The content of this repository is licensed under the [Apache 2.0 license](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).

This repository is [REUSE](https://reuse.software) compliant. You can find licensing and copyright information for each file in the file header or accompying files.

The project has been started by DB Systel GmbH. [We welcome contributions from everyone](CONTRIBUTING.md).


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker/",
    "name": "oss-red-flag-checker",
    "maintainer": "Max Mehl",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "max.mehl@deutschebahn.com",
    "keywords": "ospo, open-source-management, supply-chain, risk-analysis",
    "author": "Open Source at Deutsche Bahn",
    "author_email": "opensource@deutschebahn.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/83/2d/cdcbd08d479a598df240eac52b9969b8388d34a2b3c160bc290cbc70c3b4/oss_red_flag_checker-0.1.6.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<!--\nSPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 DB Systel GmbH\n\nSPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n-->\n\n# Open Source Red Flag Checker\n\n[![Test suites](https://github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker/actions/workflows/test.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker/actions/workflows/test.yaml)\n[![REUSE status](https://api.reuse.software/badge/github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker)](https://api.reuse.software/info/github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker)\n[![The latest version of reuse can be found on PyPI.](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/oss-red-flag-checker.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/oss-red-flag-checker/)\n[![Information on what versions of Python reuse supports can be found on PyPI.](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/oss-red-flag-checker.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/oss-red-flag-checker/)\n\nThis projects evaluates remote repositories by looking for typical red flags like CLAs (Contributor Licensing Agreements) but also indicators for governance, activity or licensing conditions we consider as good.\n\n## Table of contents\n\n* [Features](#features)\n* [Installation](#installation)\n* [Usage](#usage)\n* [Caveats](#caveats)\n* [Similar approaches](#similar-approaches)\n* [License and copyright](#license-and-copyright)\n\n\n## Features\n\n[![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/TTgMvR8kyzusNCUL7VKlCzIaT.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/TTgMvR8kyzusNCUL7VKlCzIaT)\n\n### Searched data\n\nThe checker looks for the following data in remote repositories:\n\n* CLA (Contributor License Agreement) mentioned in files and pull requests\n* DCO (Developer Certificate of Origin) mentioned in files and pull requests\n* inbound=outbound mentioned in files\n* Existence of LICENSE/COPYING file\n* Human and bot contributors to the project (based on Github stats)\n* Last commits made by humans and bots\n\n### Analysis based on data\n\nRed flags:\n\n* CLA mentioned in `README` or `CONTRIBUTING` files\n* CLA as part of pull request actions/statuses\n* No `LICENSE`/`COPYING` file in the repository\n* The project only contains contributions by one person\n* The last commit is more than 1 year old\n\nYellow flags:\n\n* The project's main developer made more than 75% contributions than the next 10 most active contributors\n* The last human commit is more than 1 year old but there have been newer commits made by bots (like dependabot or renovate)\n* The last human commit is more than 90 days old\n\nGreen flags:\n* DCO mentioned in `README` or `CONTRIBUTING` files\n* DCO as part of pull request actions/statuses\n* inbound = outbound mentioned in `README` or `CONTRIBUTING` files\n* The project has an acceptable contribition distribution by multiple active developers\n* The last human commit is less than 90 days old\n\n\n## Installation\n\nYou must have the following dependencies installed:\n\n* `git` >= 1.7.0\n* `python` >= 3.8\n* `pip3`\n\nYou can install the latest release using pip: `pip3 install oss-red-flag-checker`.\n\nThe command to run the program afterwards will be `ossrfc`.\n\n### Install/develop using poetry\n\nYou can also run this tool via `poetry` that takes care of installing the correct dependencies in a clean environment. This also makes development very easy. We recommend to have at least poetry 1.1.0. Inside of the repository, run `poetry install` once and you are ready to go. If you update the repository, run this command again to fetch new versions and dependencies.\n\nThe command to run the programm will be `poetry run ossrfc`.\n\n## Usage\n\nYou can find all supported flags by running `ossrfc --help`.\n\n> [!NOTE]\n> It is recommended to provide a GitHub Personal Access Token to avoid low API rate limits.\n> Either use the `--token` argument or set the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable.\n\nBasic examples:\n\n```sh\n# Check a remote repository\nossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform\n# Cache the cloned repository so subsequent checks are faster\nossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform --cache\n# Return the results as JSON\nossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform --json\n# Do not check for CLAs and DCOs in pull requests\nossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform -d cla-dco-pulls\n# Ignore findings about contribution distribution\nossrfc -r https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform -i contributions\n# Provide a list of repositories to be checked\nossrfc -f repos.txt\n```\n\nHere's a possible output in both the Markdown view as well as in JSON:\n\n```md\n# Report for hashicorp/terraform (https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform)\n\n* \ud83d\udea9 Licensing: A mention of Contributor License Agreements in the following file(s): .github/CONTRIBUTING.md\n* \ud83d\udea9 Licensing: A check for Contributor License Agreements in at least one status in pull request(s): 33656\n* \u2714 Contributions: The project has multiple contributors with an acceptable contribution distribution\n* \u2714 Contributions: The last commit made by a human is less than 90 days old (1 days)\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"json_version\": \"1.0\",\n  \"disabled_checks\": [],\n  \"ignored_flags\": [],\n  \"debug_mode\": false,\n  \"repositories\": [\n    {\n      \"url\": \"https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform\",\n      \"shortname\": \"hashicorp/terraform\",\n      \"red_flags\": [\n        \"cla\",\n        \"cla\"\n      ],\n      \"yellow_flags\": [],\n      \"green_flags\": [\n        \"distributed-contributions\",\n        \"actively-developed\"\n      ],\n      \"cla_files\": [\n        {\n          \"file\": \".github/CONTRIBUTING.md\",\n          \"indicators\": [\n            \"- Contributor License Agreement (CLA): If this is your first contribution to Terraform you will be asked to sign the CLA.\"\n          ]\n        }\n      ],\n      \"cla_pulls\": [\n        {\n          \"pull_request\": 33656,\n          \"type\": \"status\",\n          \"url\": \"https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/terraform/statuses/b53d89a08df10c85f6d4c546d2e54d4fab886d67\",\n          \"indicators\": [\n            \"Contributor License Agreement is signed.\",\n            \"license/cla\"\n          ]\n        }\n      ],\n      \"dco_files\": [],\n      \"dco_pulls\": [],\n      \"inoutbound_files\": [],\n      \"licensefiles\": [\n        \"LICENSE\"\n      ],\n      \"maintainer_dominance\": -2.83,\n      \"days_since_last_human_commit\": 1,\n      \"days_since_last_bot_commit\": 141,\n      \"analysis\": [\n        {\n          \"category\": \"Licensing\",\n          \"ignored\": false,\n          \"severity\": \"red\",\n          \"indicator\": \"A mention of Contributor License Agreements in the following file(s): .github/CONTRIBUTING.md\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"category\": \"Licensing\",\n          \"ignored\": false,\n          \"severity\": \"red\",\n          \"indicator\": \"A check for Contributor License Agreements in at least one status in pull request(s): 33656\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"category\": \"Contributions\",\n          \"ignored\": false,\n          \"severity\": \"green\",\n          \"indicator\": \"The project has multiple contributors with an acceptable contribution distribution\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"category\": \"Contributions\",\n          \"ignored\": false,\n          \"severity\": \"green\",\n          \"indicator\": \"The last commit made by a human is less than 90 days old (1 days)\"\n        }\n      ]\n    }\n  ]\n}\n```\n\n\n## Caveats\n\n### Opinionated analysis\n\nThe analysis and decisions for how certain indicators are considered red, yellow or green flags is highly opinionated and represents a snapshot about our (DB Systel GmbH's) current thinking.\n\nYou are free to use this tool. If certain criteria is not relevant for you, consider using the `--ignore` or `--disable` flags.\n\nIn the long run, it may be feasible to make the ratings configurable. Contributions are welcome if you are interested in it.\n\n\n## Similar approaches\n\nThere are different initiatives that intend to evaluate the health or risks of Open Source projects. All of them have their particular focuses, strengths and weaknesses.\n\n* [OpenSSF](https://openssf.org/) with a focus on security and their [scorecards](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard)\n* [CHAOSS](https://chaoss.community/) with a focus on metrics about community health and metrics models\n\n## License and copyright\n\nThe content of this repository is licensed under the [Apache 2.0 license](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).\n\nThis repository is [REUSE](https://reuse.software) compliant. You can find licensing and copyright information for each file in the file header or accompying files.\n\nThe project has been started by DB Systel GmbH. [We welcome contributions from everyone](CONTRIBUTING.md).\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "Apache-2.0",
    "summary": "Check remote repositories for typical red flags like CLAs and risks due to low development activity",
    "version": "0.1.6",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "https://github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker/",
        "Repository": "https://github.com/dbsystel/oss-red-flag-checker/"
    "split_keywords": [
        " open-source-management",
        " supply-chain",
        " risk-analysis"
    "urls": [
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    "lcname": "oss-red-flag-checker"
Elapsed time: 0.23116s