description: Filter and convert Vimwiki notes using pandoc.
project: panvimwiki
toc: true
vimversion: Vim v9.0
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please update the URLs accordingly
[![Built Status](https://api.cirrus-ci.com/github/<USER>/panvimwiki.svg?branch=main)](https://cirrus-ci.com/github/<USER>/panvimwiki)
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# Filter and convert Vimwiki notes using pandoc
[![Documentation Status][]][1] [![PyPI-Server][]][2] [![Test and Publish
Python 🐍 distribution 📦 to PyPI and TestPyPI][]][3] [![Project
generated with PyScaffold]][4]
## Introduction
Panvimwiki provides tools for conversion to Microsoft Word docx or other
output formats supported by [Pandoc] Panvimwiki provides command line
tools as well as Vim commands to concatenate and convert Diary Notes or
convert any Vimwiki note.
## Installation
Panvimwiki requires [Pandoc] Installation with `conda` is recommended
because the system version, e.g., with Ubuntu, may be too old. Or
download from the website. [Pypandoc] supports binary installation of
pandoc using `pip`.
Using the Vim 8 native packages, panvimwiki should install in
`pack/*/opt/panvimwiki` because it depends on [:python3] and requires
installation of the python package panvimwiki.
From a bash shell, enter the following:
# Adjust dest to suit, e.g., $HOME/vimfiles/pack/vimwiki/opt/panvimwiki
git clone https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki.git "$dest"
# Activate the python environment used by Vim.
# Then install panvimwiki in that python environment.
python -m pip install "$dest"
# Or to install from pypi:
python -m pip install panvimwiki
Panvimwiki requires Vim compiled with Python 3, so add the following to
[vimrc] prior to [:filetype-plugin-on]. See [:packadd] for an
explanation. Otherwise, install panvimwiki in `pack/*/start/panvimwiki`.
if has('python3')
packadd! panvimwiki
## Usage
### Command Line Shell
Panvimwiki provides plain text pre-filters and pandoc filters for use
from the command line.
For example from a bash prompt:
cat $HOME/vimwiki/diary/* |
delete_bullet_star |
delete_task_pending |
pandoc --from=vimwiki --to=markdown \
--filter=delete_tag_lines \
--filter=delete_taskwiki_heading \
From python:
from pathlib import Path
from panvimwiki.convert import convert
str(Path.home() / "vimwiki_html/templates"),
inputfile=str(Path.home() / "vimwiki/index.wiki"),
outputfile=str(Path.home() / "vimwiki_html/markdown/index.md"),
#### Pre-Filters
##### delete_bullet_star
Remove unordered lists which use the star (asterisk) bullet marker.
The pre-filter does not remove task list items (see
[delete_task_pending]). The pre-filter does not handle wrapped
bullets--i.e., it will delete the bulleted-line and leave the wrapped
lines. I haven't figured out a good regex for wrapped lines.
echo '- Bulleted list item 1 should appear' \
'* Bulleted list item 6 should NOT appear' |
- Bulleted list item 1 should appear
##### delete_task_pending
Delete pending tasks.
echo '- [ ] Bulleted list done0 item 0 should NOT appear' \
'- [.] Bulleted list done1 item 1 should appear' |
- [.] Bulleted list done1 item 1 should appear
#### Pandoc Filters
Panvimwiki provides plain text pre-filters, pandoc filters and
post-filters for use from the command line.
##### delete_tag_lines
Delete lines which only contain Vimwiki tags, e.g., ':tag1:tag2:'
##### delete_empty_heading
Remove headings that do not have any children or paragraphs. Remove tag
lines first, [delete_tag_lines] or the heading is not considered empty.
##### delete_taskwiki_heading
#### Post-Filters
##### reference_citation
Convert citations to a reference list.
::::: {#refs .references .csl-bib-body .hanging-indent entry-spacing="0"}
::: {#ref-bloggs-jones .csl-entry}
Bloggs, A. J., and X. Y. Jones. 1959. "Title Title Title Title Title Title
Title Title Title Title." *Journal Journal Journal*. :::
::: {#ref-chomsky-73 .csl-entry}
Chomsky, N. 1973. "Conditions on Transformations." In *A Festschrift for Morris
Halle*, edited by S. R. Anderson and P. Kiparsky. New York: Holt, Rinehart &
`reference_citation < Example.md` produces:
[#ref-bloggs-jones]: Bloggs, A. J., and X. Y. Jones. 1959. "Title Title Title Title
Title Title Title Title Title Title." _Journal Journal Journal_.
[#ref-chomsky-73]: Chomsky, N. 1973. "Conditions on Transformations." In _A
Festschrift for Morris Halle_, edited by S. R. Anderson and P. Kiparsky.
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
###### wikilink_markdown
Convert [Pandoc] markdown tasks and wikilinks to `:h vimwiki-todo-lists`
and markdown links compatible with `:h vimwiki-syntax-links`.
### Commands
#### Local Commands
These commands are only available (and meaningful) when you are
currently in a Vimwiki file.
##### VimwikiConvert\[!\]
Convert the current Vimwiki buffer. With !, open with default viewer.
Convert the current Vimwiki [:buffer] to the selected output format (default:
docx) specified in [g:panvimwiki_settings].
Copy the path to the Word file to the clipboard register "+ [quoteplus].
On Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), convert the path from POSIX to
Windows before copying to clipboard.
Remove extraneous info:
- Vimwiki tag lines, e.g., :tag1:tag2:
- Not started tasks, e.g., - \[ \] Task1
- Non-task bullet lines, e.g., `* [[URI|Description]]` or `* Text`
- Remove empty parent/child headings.
##### VimwikiConvertWeek\[!\]
Concatenate DiaryNotes for Monday through current buffer and convert.
With !, open in default viewer.
After concatenating DiaryNotes for the week, behave as [VimwikiConvert].
##### VimwikiReference
If in markdown format, expand [Pandoc Citations] in the current file and
append to the end of the file. The Yaml metadata should [specify the
bibliographic data] and the [Citation Style Language (CSL)].
Add the following to `.markdownlint.yml` to suppress `MD033`:
# MD033/no-inline-html : Inline HTML :
# https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/blob/main/doc/md033.md
# MD033/no-inline-html Inline HTML [Element: div]
# Allowed elements
- 'div'
`VimwikiReference` overwrites the file, so Vim may prompt to reload the
buffer (cf. Warning `:h W12`). If you choose not to reload the buffer,
`:h :DiffOrig` facilitate review of the changes.
##### VimwikiMarkdownFormat
If in markdown format, convert `:h vimwiki-syntax-links`
to [Inline links](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#inline-links), without the
"wikilink" title that pandoc adds by default. Preserve `:h vimwiki-todo-lists`,
using [task_lists](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#inline-linksInline).
`VimwikiMarkdownFormat` overwrites the file, so Vim may prompt to reload the
buffer (cf. Warning `:h W12`). If you choose not to reload the buffer,
`:h :DiffOrig` facilitate review of the changes.
### Settings
#### Global Settings
##### g:panvimwiki_settings
Optionally add the following to or, preferably,
'\~/.vim/plugin/vimwiki.vim'. Panvimwiki defaults to docx format,
without extra_args.
let g:panvimwiki_settings = {
\ 'extra_args': [ '--shift-heading-level-by', '1',
\ '--data-dir', '~/vimwiki_html/templates/'
\ ],
\ 'format': 'docx'
\ }
## Development and Testing
Because pandoc is required, a conda environment called `panvimwiki` is
created. The default name may be overridden with the
`--name <environment name>` parameter.
git clone https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki.git
cd panvimwiki
conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate panvimwiki
tox -av # List tox commands and descriptions.
tox --recreate # Build the package and run tests with python and Vader.
tox -e vim # Run Vader tests and generate coverage report.
# Run Vader tests and view results with Vim.
vim -Nu tests/vim/vimrc -c 'Vader tests/vim/*.vader'
<!-- pyscaffold-notes -->
## Note
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.5. For details and usage
information on PyScaffold see <https://pyscaffold.org/>.
<!-- References -->
[Documentation Status]: https://readthedocs.org/projects/panvimwiki/badge/?version=latest
[1]: https://panvimwiki.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest
[PyPI-Server]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/panvimwiki.svg
[2]: https://pypi.org/project/panvimwiki/
[Test and Publish Python 🐍 distribution 📦 to PyPI and TestPyPI]: https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg
[3]: https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki/actions/workflows/ci.yml
[Project generated with PyScaffold]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-PyScaffold-005CA0?logo=pyscaffold
[4]: https://pyscaffold.org/
[Pandoc]: https://pandoc.org/
[Pypandoc]: https://github.com/JessicaTegner/pypandoc?tab=readme-ov-file#installing-via-pip
[:python3]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/if_pyth.html#python3
[vimrc]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/starting.html
[:filetype-plugin-on]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/filetype.html#filetype
[:packadd]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/repeat.html#%3Apackadd
[delete_task_pending]: #delete_task_pending
[delete_tag_lines]: #delete_tag_lines
[:buffer]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/windows.html#%3Abuffer
[quoteplus]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/provider.html#quoteplus
[VimwikiConvert]: #vimwikiconvert
[Pandoc Citations]: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#citation-syntax
[specify the bibliographic data]: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#specifying-bibliographic-data
[Citation Style Language (CSL)]: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#specifying-a-citation-style
<!-- markdownlint-disable MD051 -->
[g:panvimwiki_settings]: #g-panvimwiki-settings
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki",
"name": "panvimwiki",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "panvimwiki, vimwiki, pandoc",
"author": "John D. Fisher",
"author_email": "jdfenw@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0c/88/de4bec29e097ceff277783ee86957e5031d6affbf405be2035f4290b4c94/panvimwiki-0.9.0.tar.gz",
"platform": "any",
"description": "---\ndescription: Filter and convert Vimwiki notes using pandoc.\nproject: panvimwiki\ntoc: true\nvimversion: Vim v9.0\n---\n\n<!-- These are examples of badges you might want to add to your README:\n please update the URLs accordingly\n\n[![Built Status](https://api.cirrus-ci.com/github/<USER>/panvimwiki.svg?branch=main)](https://cirrus-ci.com/github/<USER>/panvimwiki)\n[![ReadTheDocs](https://readthedocs.org/projects/panvimwiki/badge/?version=latest)](https://panvimwiki.readthedocs.io/en/stable/)\n[![Coveralls](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/github/<USER>/panvimwiki/main.svg)](https://coveralls.io/r/<USER>/panvimwiki)\n[![PyPI-Server](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/panvimwiki.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/panvimwiki/)\n[![Conda-Forge](https://img.shields.io/conda/vn/conda-forge/panvimwiki.svg)](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/panvimwiki)\n[![Monthly Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/panvimwiki/month)](https://pepy.tech/project/panvimwiki)\n[![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/http/shields.io.svg?style=social&label=Twitter)](https://twitter.com/panvimwiki)\n-->\n\n# Filter and convert Vimwiki notes using pandoc\n\n[![Documentation Status][]][1] [![PyPI-Server][]][2] [![Test and Publish\nPython \ud83d\udc0d distribution \ud83d\udce6 to PyPI and TestPyPI][]][3] [![Project\ngenerated with PyScaffold]][4]\n\n## Introduction\n\nPanvimwiki provides tools for conversion to Microsoft Word docx or other\noutput formats supported by [Pandoc] Panvimwiki provides command line\ntools as well as Vim commands to concatenate and convert Diary Notes or\nconvert any Vimwiki note.\n\n## Installation\n\nPanvimwiki requires [Pandoc] Installation with `conda` is recommended\nbecause the system version, e.g., with Ubuntu, may be too old. Or\ndownload from the website. [Pypandoc] supports binary installation of\npandoc using `pip`.\n\nUsing the Vim 8 native packages, panvimwiki should install in\n`pack/*/opt/panvimwiki` because it depends on [:python3] and requires\ninstallation of the python package panvimwiki.\n\nFrom a bash shell, enter the following:\n\n```bash\n# Adjust dest to suit, e.g., $HOME/vimfiles/pack/vimwiki/opt/panvimwiki\ndest=\"$HOME/.vim/pack/vimwiki/opt/panvimwiki\"\n\ngit clone https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki.git \"$dest\"\n\n# Activate the python environment used by Vim.\n# Then install panvimwiki in that python environment.\npython -m pip install \"$dest\"\n# Or to install from pypi:\npython -m pip install panvimwiki\n```\n\nPanvimwiki requires Vim compiled with Python 3, so add the following to\n[vimrc] prior to [:filetype-plugin-on]. See [:packadd] for an\nexplanation. Otherwise, install panvimwiki in `pack/*/start/panvimwiki`.\n\n```vim\nif has('python3')\n packadd! panvimwiki\nendif\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n### Command Line Shell\n\nPanvimwiki provides plain text pre-filters and pandoc filters for use\nfrom the command line.\n\nFor example from a bash prompt:\n\n```bash\ncat $HOME/vimwiki/diary/* |\n delete_bullet_star |\n delete_task_pending |\npandoc --from=vimwiki --to=markdown \\\n --filter=delete_tag_lines \\\n --filter=delete_taskwiki_heading \\\n --filter=delete_empty_heading\n```\n\nFrom python:\n\n```python\nfrom pathlib import Path\nfrom panvimwiki.convert import convert\n\nPREFILTER = (\n \"delete_bullet_star\",\n \"delete_task_pending\",\n)\nFILTER = (\n \"delete_tag_lines\",\n \"delete_empty_heading\",\n \"delete_taskwiki_heading\",\n)\nEXTRA_ARGS = (\n \"--shift-heading-level-by\",\n \"1\",\n \"--data-dir\",\n str(Path.home() / \"vimwiki_html/templates\"),\n)\n\nconvert(\n inputfile=str(Path.home() / \"vimwiki/index.wiki\"),\n outputfile=str(Path.home() / \"vimwiki_html/markdown/index.md\"),\n to=\"markdown\",\n prefilters=PREFILTER,\n filters=FILTER,\n extra_args=EXTRA_ARGS,\n)\n```\n\n#### Pre-Filters\n\n##### delete_bullet_star\n\nRemove unordered lists which use the star (asterisk) bullet marker.\n\nThe pre-filter does not remove task list items (see\n[delete_task_pending]). The pre-filter does not handle wrapped\nbullets--i.e., it will delete the bulleted-line and leave the wrapped\nlines. I haven't figured out a good regex for wrapped lines.\n\n```bash\necho '- Bulleted list item 1 should appear' \\\n '* Bulleted list item 6 should NOT appear' |\ndelete_bullet_star\n```\n\n```text\n- Bulleted list item 1 should appear\n```\n\n##### delete_task_pending\n\nDelete pending tasks.\n\n```bash\necho '- [ ] Bulleted list done0 item 0 should NOT appear' \\\n '- [.] Bulleted list done1 item 1 should appear' |\ndelete_task_pending\n```\n\n```text\n- [.] Bulleted list done1 item 1 should appear\n```\n\n#### Pandoc Filters\n\nPanvimwiki provides plain text pre-filters, pandoc filters and\npost-filters for use from the command line.\n\n##### delete_tag_lines\n\nDelete lines which only contain Vimwiki tags, e.g., ':tag1:tag2:'\n\n##### delete_empty_heading\n\nRemove headings that do not have any children or paragraphs. Remove tag\nlines first, [delete_tag_lines] or the heading is not considered empty.\n\n##### delete_taskwiki_heading\n\n#### Post-Filters\n\n##### reference_citation\n\nConvert citations to a reference list.\n\n`Example.md`:\n\n```markdown\n::::: {#refs .references .csl-bib-body .hanging-indent entry-spacing=\"0\"}\n::: {#ref-bloggs-jones .csl-entry}\nBloggs, A. J., and X. Y. Jones. 1959. \"Title Title Title Title Title Title\nTitle Title Title Title.\" *Journal Journal Journal*. :::\n\n::: {#ref-chomsky-73 .csl-entry}\nChomsky, N. 1973. \"Conditions on Transformations.\" In *A Festschrift for Morris\nHalle*, edited by S. R. Anderson and P. Kiparsky. New York: Holt, Rinehart &\nWinston.\n:::\n:::::\n```\n\n`reference_citation < Example.md` produces:\n\n```markdown\n[#ref-bloggs-jones]: Bloggs, A. J., and X. Y. Jones. 1959. \"Title Title Title Title\nTitle Title Title Title Title Title.\" _Journal Journal Journal_.\n\n[#ref-chomsky-73]: Chomsky, N. 1973. \"Conditions on Transformations.\" In _A\nFestschrift for Morris Halle_, edited by S. R. Anderson and P. Kiparsky.\nNew York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.\n```\n\n###### wikilink_markdown\n\nConvert [Pandoc] markdown tasks and wikilinks to `:h vimwiki-todo-lists`\nand markdown links compatible with `:h vimwiki-syntax-links`.\n\n### Commands\n\n#### Local Commands\n\nThese commands are only available (and meaningful) when you are\ncurrently in a Vimwiki file.\n\n##### VimwikiConvert\\[!\\]\n\nConvert the current Vimwiki buffer. With !, open with default viewer.\n\nConvert the current Vimwiki [:buffer] to the selected output format (default:\ndocx) specified in [g:panvimwiki_settings].\n\nCopy the path to the Word file to the clipboard register \"+ [quoteplus].\nOn Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), convert the path from POSIX to\nWindows before copying to clipboard.\n\nRemove extraneous info:\n\n- Vimwiki tag lines, e.g., :tag1:tag2:\n- Not started tasks, e.g., - \\[ \\] Task1\n- Non-task bullet lines, e.g., `* [[URI|Description]]` or `* Text`\n- Remove empty parent/child headings.\n\n##### VimwikiConvertWeek\\[!\\]\n\nConcatenate DiaryNotes for Monday through current buffer and convert.\nWith !, open in default viewer.\n\nAfter concatenating DiaryNotes for the week, behave as [VimwikiConvert].\n\n##### VimwikiReference\n\nIf in markdown format, expand [Pandoc Citations] in the current file and\nappend to the end of the file. The Yaml metadata should [specify the\nbibliographic data] and the [Citation Style Language (CSL)].\n\nAdd the following to `.markdownlint.yml` to suppress `MD033`:\n\n```yaml\n# MD033/no-inline-html : Inline HTML :\n# https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/blob/main/doc/md033.md\nMD033:\n # MD033/no-inline-html Inline HTML [Element: div]\n # Allowed elements\n allowed_elements:\n - 'div'\n```\n\n`VimwikiReference` overwrites the file, so Vim may prompt to reload the\nbuffer (cf.\u00a0Warning `:h W12`). If you choose not to reload the buffer,\n`:h :DiffOrig` facilitate review of the changes.\n\n##### VimwikiMarkdownFormat\n\nIf in markdown format, convert `:h vimwiki-syntax-links`\n[wikilinks_title_after_pipe](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-wikilinks_title_after_pipe)\nto [Inline links](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#inline-links), without the\n\"wikilink\" title that pandoc adds by default. Preserve `:h vimwiki-todo-lists`,\nusing [task_lists](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#inline-linksInline).\n\n`VimwikiMarkdownFormat` overwrites the file, so Vim may prompt to reload the\nbuffer (cf.\u00a0Warning `:h W12`). If you choose not to reload the buffer,\n`:h :DiffOrig` facilitate review of the changes.\n\n### Settings\n\n#### Global Settings\n\n##### g:panvimwiki_settings\n\nOptionally add the following to or, preferably,\n'\\~/.vim/plugin/vimwiki.vim'. Panvimwiki defaults to docx format,\nwithout extra_args.\n\n```vim\nlet g:panvimwiki_settings = {\n \\ 'extra_args': [ '--shift-heading-level-by', '1',\n \\ '--data-dir', '~/vimwiki_html/templates/'\n \\ ],\n \\ 'format': 'docx'\n \\ }\n```\n\n## Development and Testing\n\nBecause pandoc is required, a conda environment called `panvimwiki` is\ncreated. The default name may be overridden with the\n`--name <environment name>` parameter.\n\n```bash\ngit clone https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki.git\ncd panvimwiki\nconda env create --file environment.yml\nconda activate panvimwiki\n```\n\n```bash\ntox -av # List tox commands and descriptions.\ntox --recreate # Build the package and run tests with python and Vader.\ntox -e vim # Run Vader tests and generate coverage report.\n# Run Vader tests and view results with Vim.\nvim -Nu tests/vim/vimrc -c 'Vader tests/vim/*.vader'\n```\n\n<!-- pyscaffold-notes -->\n\n## Note\n\nThis project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.5. For details and usage\ninformation on PyScaffold see <https://pyscaffold.org/>.\n\n<!-- References -->\n\n[Documentation Status]: https://readthedocs.org/projects/panvimwiki/badge/?version=latest\n[1]: https://panvimwiki.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest\n[PyPI-Server]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/panvimwiki.svg\n[2]: https://pypi.org/project/panvimwiki/\n[Test and Publish Python \ud83d\udc0d distribution \ud83d\udce6 to PyPI and TestPyPI]: https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg\n[3]: https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki/actions/workflows/ci.yml\n[Project generated with PyScaffold]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-PyScaffold-005CA0?logo=pyscaffold\n[4]: https://pyscaffold.org/\n[Pandoc]: https://pandoc.org/\n[Pypandoc]: https://github.com/JessicaTegner/pypandoc?tab=readme-ov-file#installing-via-pip\n[:python3]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/if_pyth.html#python3\n[vimrc]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/starting.html\n[:filetype-plugin-on]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/filetype.html#filetype\n[:packadd]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/repeat.html#%3Apackadd\n[delete_task_pending]: #delete_task_pending\n[delete_tag_lines]: #delete_tag_lines\n[:buffer]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/windows.html#%3Abuffer\n[quoteplus]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/provider.html#quoteplus\n[VimwikiConvert]: #vimwikiconvert\n[Pandoc Citations]: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#citation-syntax\n[specify the bibliographic data]: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#specifying-bibliographic-data\n[Citation Style Language (CSL)]: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#specifying-a-citation-style\n<!-- markdownlint-disable MD051 -->\n[g:panvimwiki_settings]: #g-panvimwiki-settings\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "MIT",
"summary": "Filter and convert Vimwiki notes using pandoc.",
"version": "0.9.0",
"project_urls": {
"Changelog": "https://panvimwiki.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html",
"Documentation": "http://panvimwiki.readthedocs.io/",
"Download": "https://pypi.org/project/panvimwiki/#files",
"Homepage": "https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki",
"Source": "https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki",
"Tracker": "https://github.com/jfishe/panvimwiki/issues"
"split_keywords": [
" vimwiki",
" pandoc"
"urls": [
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