# <a href="https://github.com/nteract/papermill"><img src="https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/nteract/logos/master/nteract_papermill/exports/images/png/papermill_logo_wide.png" height="48px" /></a>
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**papermill** is a tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing
Jupyter Notebooks.
Papermill lets you:
- **parameterize** notebooks
- **execute** notebooks
This opens up new opportunities for how notebooks can be used. For
- Perhaps you have a financial report that you wish to run with
different values on the first or last day of a month or at the
beginning or end of the year, **using parameters** makes this task
- Do you want to run a notebook and depending on its results, choose a
particular notebook to run next? You can now programmatically
**execute a workflow** without having to copy and paste from
notebook to notebook manually.
Papermill takes an *opinionated* approach to notebook parameterization and
execution based on our experiences using notebooks at scale in data
## Installation
From the command line:
```{.sourceCode .bash}
pip install papermill
For all optional io dependencies, you can specify individual bundles
like `s3`, or `azure` -- or use `all`. To use Black to format parameters you can add as an extra requires \['black'\].
```{.sourceCode .bash}
pip install papermill[all]
## Python Version Support
This library currently supports Python 3.8+ versions. As minor Python
versions are officially sunset by the Python org papermill will similarly
drop support in the future.
## Usage
### Parameterizing a Notebook
To parameterize your notebook designate a cell with the tag `parameters`.
![enable parameters in Jupyter](docs/img/enable_parameters.gif)
Papermill looks for the `parameters` cell and treats this cell as defaults for the parameters passed in at execution time. Papermill will add a new cell tagged with `injected-parameters` with input parameters in order to overwrite the values in `parameters`. If no cell is tagged with `parameters` the injected cell will be inserted at the top of the notebook.
Additionally, if you rerun notebooks through papermill and it will reuse the `injected-parameters` cell from the prior run. In this case Papermill will replace the old `injected-parameters` cell with the new run's inputs.
### Executing a Notebook
The two ways to execute the notebook with parameters are: (1) through
the Python API and (2) through the command line interface.
#### Execute via the Python API
```{.sourceCode .python}
import papermill as pm
parameters = dict(alpha=0.6, ratio=0.1)
#### Execute via CLI
Here's an example of a local notebook being executed and output to an
Amazon S3 account:
```{.sourceCode .bash}
$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -p alpha 0.6 -p l1_ratio 0.1
If you use multiple AWS accounts, and you have [properly configured your AWS credentials](https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/guide/configuration.html), then you can specify which account to use by setting the `AWS_PROFILE` environment variable at the command-line. For example:
```{.sourceCode .bash}
$ AWS_PROFILE=dev_account papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -p alpha 0.6 -p l1_ratio 0.1
In the above example, two parameters are set: `alpha` and `l1_ratio` using `-p` (`--parameters` also works). Parameter values that look like booleans or numbers will be interpreted as such. Here are the different ways users may set parameters:
```{.sourceCode .bash}
$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -r version 1.0
Using `-r` or `--parameters_raw`, users can set parameters one by one. However, unlike `-p`, the parameter will remain a string, even if it may be interpreted as a number or boolean.
```{.sourceCode .bash}
$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -f parameters.yaml
Using `-f` or `--parameters_file`, users can provide a YAML file from which parameter values should be read.
```{.sourceCode .bash}
$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -y "
alpha: 0.6
l1_ratio: 0.1"
Using `-y` or `--parameters_yaml`, users can directly provide a YAML string containing parameter values.
```{.sourceCode .bash}
$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -b YWxwaGE6IDAuNgpsMV9yYXRpbzogMC4xCg==
Using `-b` or `--parameters_base64`, users can provide a YAML string, base64-encoded, containing parameter values.
When using YAML to pass arguments, through `-y`, `-b` or `-f`, parameter values can be arrays or dictionaries:
```{.sourceCode .bash}
$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -y "
- 0.0
- 1.0
- 2.0
- 3.0
slope: 3.0
intercept: 1.0"
#### Supported Name Handlers
Papermill supports the following name handlers for input and output paths during execution:
- Local file system: `local`
- HTTP, HTTPS protocol: `http://, https://`
- Amazon Web Services: [AWS S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/) `s3://`
- Azure: [Azure DataLake Store](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-store/data-lake-store-overview), [Azure Blob Store](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blobs-overview) `adl://, abs://`
- Google Cloud: [Google Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/storage/) `gs://`
## Development Guide
Read [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for guidelines on how to setup a local development environment and make code changes back to Papermill.
For development guidelines look in the [DEVELOPMENT_GUIDE.md](./DEVELOPMENT_GUIDE.md) file. This should inform you on how to make particular additions to the code base.
## Documentation
We host the [Papermill documentation](http://papermill.readthedocs.io)
on ReadTheDocs.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/nteract/papermill",
"name": "papermill",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "jupyter mapreduce nteract pipeline notebook",
"author": "nteract contributors",
"author_email": "nteract@googlegroups.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/99/8d/d843b1739b966d47dae02eb9b705713d810e5b283ea7ad24bf9b3b6bf99e/papermill-2.6.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# <a href=\"https://github.com/nteract/papermill\"><img src=\"https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/nteract/logos/master/nteract_papermill/exports/images/png/papermill_logo_wide.png\" height=\"48px\" /></a>\n\n<!---(binder links generated at https://mybinder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howto/badges.html and compressed at https://tinyurl.com) -->\n\n[![CI](https://github.com/nteract/papermill/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/nteract/papermill/actions/workflows/ci.yml)\n[![CI](https://github.com/nteract/papermill/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/nteract/papermill/actions/workflows/ci.yml)\n[![image](https://codecov.io/github/nteract/papermill/coverage.svg?branch=main)](https://codecov.io/github/nteract/papermill?branch=main)\n[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/papermill/badge/?version=latest)](http://papermill.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)\n[![badge](https://tinyurl.com/ybwovtw2)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/nteract/papermill/main?filepath=binder%2Fprocess_highlight_dates.ipynb)\n[![badge](https://tinyurl.com/y7uz2eh9)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/nteract/papermill/main?)\n[![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/papermill)](https://pypi.org/project/papermill/)\n[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/ambv/black)\n[![papermill](https://snyk.io/advisor/python/papermill/badge.svg)](https://snyk.io/advisor/python/papermill)\n[![Anaconda-Server Badge](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/papermill/badges/downloads.svg)](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/papermill)\n[![pre-commit.ci status](https://results.pre-commit.ci/badge/github/nteract/papermill/main.svg)](https://results.pre-commit.ci/latest/github/nteract/papermill/main)\n\n**papermill** is a tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing\nJupyter Notebooks.\n\nPapermill lets you:\n\n- **parameterize** notebooks\n- **execute** notebooks\n\nThis opens up new opportunities for how notebooks can be used. For\nexample:\n\n- Perhaps you have a financial report that you wish to run with\n different values on the first or last day of a month or at the\n beginning or end of the year, **using parameters** makes this task\n easier.\n- Do you want to run a notebook and depending on its results, choose a\n particular notebook to run next? You can now programmatically\n **execute a workflow** without having to copy and paste from\n notebook to notebook manually.\n\nPapermill takes an *opinionated* approach to notebook parameterization and\nexecution based on our experiences using notebooks at scale in data\npipelines.\n\n## Installation\n\nFrom the command line:\n\n```{.sourceCode .bash}\npip install papermill\n```\n\nFor all optional io dependencies, you can specify individual bundles\nlike `s3`, or `azure` -- or use `all`. To use Black to format parameters you can add as an extra requires \\['black'\\].\n\n```{.sourceCode .bash}\npip install papermill[all]\n```\n\n## Python Version Support\n\nThis library currently supports Python 3.8+ versions. As minor Python\nversions are officially sunset by the Python org papermill will similarly\ndrop support in the future.\n\n## Usage\n\n### Parameterizing a Notebook\n\nTo parameterize your notebook designate a cell with the tag `parameters`.\n\n![enable parameters in Jupyter](docs/img/enable_parameters.gif)\n\nPapermill looks for the `parameters` cell and treats this cell as defaults for the parameters passed in at execution time. Papermill will add a new cell tagged with `injected-parameters` with input parameters in order to overwrite the values in `parameters`. If no cell is tagged with `parameters` the injected cell will be inserted at the top of the notebook.\n\nAdditionally, if you rerun notebooks through papermill and it will reuse the `injected-parameters` cell from the prior run. In this case Papermill will replace the old `injected-parameters` cell with the new run's inputs.\n\n![image](docs/img/parameters.png)\n\n### Executing a Notebook\n\nThe two ways to execute the notebook with parameters are: (1) through\nthe Python API and (2) through the command line interface.\n\n#### Execute via the Python API\n\n```{.sourceCode .python}\nimport papermill as pm\n\npm.execute_notebook(\n 'path/to/input.ipynb',\n 'path/to/output.ipynb',\n parameters = dict(alpha=0.6, ratio=0.1)\n)\n```\n\n#### Execute via CLI\n\nHere's an example of a local notebook being executed and output to an\nAmazon S3 account:\n\n```{.sourceCode .bash}\n$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -p alpha 0.6 -p l1_ratio 0.1\n```\n\n**NOTE:**\nIf you use multiple AWS accounts, and you have [properly configured your AWS credentials](https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/guide/configuration.html), then you can specify which account to use by setting the `AWS_PROFILE` environment variable at the command-line. For example:\n\n```{.sourceCode .bash}\n$ AWS_PROFILE=dev_account papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -p alpha 0.6 -p l1_ratio 0.1\n```\n\nIn the above example, two parameters are set: `alpha` and `l1_ratio` using `-p` (`--parameters` also works). Parameter values that look like booleans or numbers will be interpreted as such. Here are the different ways users may set parameters:\n\n```{.sourceCode .bash}\n$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -r version 1.0\n```\n\nUsing `-r` or `--parameters_raw`, users can set parameters one by one. However, unlike `-p`, the parameter will remain a string, even if it may be interpreted as a number or boolean.\n\n```{.sourceCode .bash}\n$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -f parameters.yaml\n```\n\nUsing `-f` or `--parameters_file`, users can provide a YAML file from which parameter values should be read.\n\n```{.sourceCode .bash}\n$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -y \"\nalpha: 0.6\nl1_ratio: 0.1\"\n```\n\nUsing `-y` or `--parameters_yaml`, users can directly provide a YAML string containing parameter values.\n\n```{.sourceCode .bash}\n$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -b YWxwaGE6IDAuNgpsMV9yYXRpbzogMC4xCg==\n```\n\nUsing `-b` or `--parameters_base64`, users can provide a YAML string, base64-encoded, containing parameter values.\n\nWhen using YAML to pass arguments, through `-y`, `-b` or `-f`, parameter values can be arrays or dictionaries:\n\n```{.sourceCode .bash}\n$ papermill local/input.ipynb s3://bkt/output.ipynb -y \"\nx:\n - 0.0\n - 1.0\n - 2.0\n - 3.0\nlinear_function:\n slope: 3.0\n intercept: 1.0\"\n```\n\n#### Supported Name Handlers\n\nPapermill supports the following name handlers for input and output paths during execution:\n\n- Local file system: `local`\n\n- HTTP, HTTPS protocol: `http://, https://`\n\n- Amazon Web Services: [AWS S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/) `s3://`\n\n- Azure: [Azure DataLake Store](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-store/data-lake-store-overview), [Azure Blob Store](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blobs-overview) `adl://, abs://`\n\n- Google Cloud: [Google Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/storage/) `gs://`\n\n## Development Guide\n\nRead [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for guidelines on how to setup a local development environment and make code changes back to Papermill.\n\nFor development guidelines look in the [DEVELOPMENT_GUIDE.md](./DEVELOPMENT_GUIDE.md) file. This should inform you on how to make particular additions to the code base.\n\n## Documentation\n\nWe host the [Papermill documentation](http://papermill.readthedocs.io)\non ReadTheDocs.\n",
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"summary": "Parameterize and run Jupyter and nteract Notebooks",
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