# Perlib
This repository hosts the development of the Perlib library.
## About Perlib
Perlib is a framework written in Python where you can use deep and machine learning algorithms.
## Perlib is
Feature to use many deep or machine learning models easily
Feature to easily generate estimates in a single line with default parameters
Understanding data with simple analyzes with a single line
Feature to automatically preprocess data in a single line
Feature to easily create artificial neural networks
Feature to manually pre-process data, extract analysis or create models with detailed parameters, produce tests and predictions
## Usage
The core data structures are layers and models. For quick results with default parameters
To set up more detailed operations and structures, you should use the Perflib functional API, which allows you to create arbitrary layers or write models completely from scratch via subclassing.
## Install
pip install perlib
from perlib.forecaster import *
This is how you can use sample datasets.
from perlib import datasets # or from perlib.datasets import *
import pandas as pd
dataset = datasets.load_airpassengers()
data = pd.DataFrame(dataset)
data.index = pd.date_range(start="2022-01-01",periods=len(data),freq="d")
To read your own dataset;
import perlib
pr = perlib.dataPrepration()
data = pr.read_data("./datasets/winequality-white.csv",delimiter=";")
model_selector = perlib.ModelSelection(data_l)
Dimension Reduction Analysis: Size reduction is not recommended.
Selected Models:
1. ('BILSTM', 'Data symmetric, BILSTM is available.')
2. ('CONVLSTM', 'There are spatial and temporal patterns, CONVLSTM can be used.')
3. ('SARIMA', 'No time series data found, SARIMA is not recommended.')
4. ('PROPHET', 'No time series data found, PROPHET is not recommended.')
5. ('LSTM', 'Insufficient dataset size, LSTM is not recommended.')
6. ('LSTNET', 'Insufficient dataset size, LSTNet is not recommended.')
7. ('TCN', 'No temporal dependencies, TCN is not recommended.')
8. ('XGBoost', 'No irregular and heterogeneous data, XGBoost is not recommended.')
## Features
- Automatic model architecture recommendation
- Data characteristics analysis
- Memory usage optimization
- Bottleneck detection
- Preprocessing requirement analysis
- Time series analysis capabilities
- Resource requirement estimation
## Quick Start
Basic usage of ModelSelectionDL:
from modelSelection.selection import ModelSelectionDL
import pandas as pd
# Load your data
data = pd.read_csv('your_data.csv')
# Initialize the model selector
selector = ModelSelectionDL(data, target='target_column')
# Get recommendations
## Detailed Usage
### 1. Data Preparation
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Load and prepare your data
data = pd.read_csv('your_data.csv')
# Handle date columns if present
data['date_column'] = pd.to_datetime(data['date_column'])
# Handle missing values if needed
data = data.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill')
### 2. Model Selection
# Initialize with your data
selector = ModelSelectionDL(data, target='target_column')
# Get full recommendations
recommendations = selector.get_model_recommendations()
# Display formatted results
### 3. Accessing Specific Analysis
# Get architecture details for a specific model
rnn_details = recommendations['architecture_details']['RNN']
# Get top recommended models
top_models = recommendations['top_recommendations']
# Get preprocessing requirements
preprocessing = recommendations['preprocessing_requirements']
### 4. Memory Analysis
# Get memory constraints analysis
memory_analysis = selector._analyze_memory_constraints()
# Get recommended batch size
batch_size = selector._recommend_batch_size_for_memory()
print(f"Recommended batch size: {batch_size}")
### 5. Quality Analysis
# Get data quality analysis
quality_analysis = selector._analyze_data_quality_issues()
# Get preprocessing needs
preprocessing_needs = selector._analyze_preprocessing_needs()
## Example Output
The tool provides comprehensive analysis including:
1. RNN
3. Transformer
## Supported Models
- Transformer
- Prophet
- DeepAR
- And more...
## Output Details
The analysis includes:
- Model compatibility scores
- Architecture recommendations
- Preprocessing requirements
- Memory usage analysis
- Data quality assessment
- Resource requirements
- Training time estimates
## Advanced Features
### Custom Analysis
# Get specific bottleneck analysis
bottlenecks = selector._identify_potential_bottlenecks()
# Get computational requirements
compute_reqs = selector._analyze_computational_requirements()
# Estimate training time
training_time = selector._estimate_training_time()
### Time Series Analysis
# Get seasonality analysis
seasonality = selector._analyze_seasonality()
# Check stationarity
stationarity = selector._check_stationarity()
## Quick Start
Basic usage of ModelSelectionML:
from modelSelection.selection import ModelSelectionML
import pandas as pd
# Load your data
data = pd.read_csv('your_data.csv')
# Initialize the model selector
selector = ModelSelectionML(data, target='target_column')
# Get recommendations
report = model_selector.generate_report()
### Dataset Characteristics
- Samples: 1,186
- Features: 27
- Feature Types: Time series, numeric, binary, categorical
- Memory Usage: ~385KB
### Data Quality Insights
- Most features have complete data (no missing values)
- Some financial features (Gross, Net) have ~73% missing values
- High unique ratios in financial indicators
- Moderate to low outlier ratios in most numeric features
### Feature Correlations
Strong correlations observed between:
- Financial indicators (USD, Euro, BIST100)
- Epidemiological data (Total cases, Total deaths)
- Market metrics (Open, Close, Max, Min prices)
### Model Recommendations
#### Regression Models (with evaluation scores)
XGBoost Regressor | 0.90
LightGBM Regressor | 0.89
Random Forest Regressor | 0.88
CatBoost Regressor | 0.87
Gradient Boosting | 0.86
#### Dimensionality Reduction
PCA | 0.90
UMAP | 0.88
t-SNE | 0.87
### Preprocessing Requirements
- Handle missing values in financial features
- Scale numeric features
- Encode categorical variables
- Consider dimensionality reduction for feature space optimization
This analysis demonstrates the tool's capability to:
- Analyze complex financial and time series data
- Identify data quality issues
- Recommend appropriate ML models
- Suggest preprocessing steps
- Evaluate feature relationships
The easiest way to get quick results is with the 'get_result' function.
You can choice modelname ;
"RNN", "LSTM", "BILSTM", "CONVLSTM", "TCN", "LSTNET", "ARIMA" ,"SARIMA" or all machine learning algorithms
forecast,evaluate = get_result(dataFrame=data,
Parameters created
The model training process has been started.
Epoch 1/2
500/500 [==============================] - 14s 23ms/step - loss: 0.2693 - val_loss: 0.0397
Epoch 2/2
500/500 [==============================] - 12s 24ms/step - loss: 0.0500 - val_loss: 0.0092
Model training process completed
The model is being saved
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 240ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 16ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 10ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 16ms/step
Values Predicts
2022-03-07 71 79.437263
2022-03-14 84 84.282906
2022-03-21 90 88.096298
2022-03-28 87 82.875603
MAPE: 3.576822717339706
Predicts Actual
2022-03-07 71 79.437263
2022-03-08 84 84.282906
2022-03-09 90 88.096298
2022-03-10 87 82.875603
{'mean_absolute_percentage_error': 3.576822717339706,
'mean_absolute_error': 14.02137889193878,
'mean_squared_error': 3485.26570064559}
he Time Series module helps to create many basic models
without using much code and helps to understand which models
work better without any parameter adjustments.
from perlib.piplines.dpipline import Timeseries
pipline = Timeseries(dataFrame=data,
forecastNumber= 24,
predictions = pipline.fit()
mean_absolute_percentage_error | mean_absolute_error | mean_squared_error
LSTNET 14.05 | 67.70 | 5990.35
LSTM 7.03 | 38.28 | 2250.69
BILSTM 13.21 | 68.22 | 6661.60
CONVLSTM 9.62 | 48.06 | 2773.69
TCN 12.03 | 65.44 | 6423.10
RNN 11.53 | 59.33 | 4793.62
ARIMA 50.18 | 261.14| 74654.48
SARIMA 10.48 | 51.25 | 3238.20
With the 'summarize' function you can see quick and simple analysis results.
With the 'auto' function under 'preprocess', you can prepare the data using general preprocessing.
12-2022 15:04:36.22 - DEBUG - Conversion to DATETIME succeeded for feature "Date"
27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - INFO - Completed conversion of DATETIME features in 0.0097 seconds
27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - INFO - Started encoding categorical features... Method: "AUTO"
27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - DEBUG - Skipped encoding for DATETIME feature "Date"
27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - INFO - Completed encoding of categorical features in 0.001252 seconds
27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - INFO - Started feature type conversion...
27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - DEBUG - Conversion to type INT succeeded for feature "Salecount"
27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - DEBUG - Conversion to type INT succeeded for feature "Day"
27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - DEBUG - Conversion to type INT succeeded for feature "Month"
27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - DEBUG - Conversion to type INT succeeded for feature "Year"
27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - INFO - Completed feature type conversion for 4 feature(s) in 0.00796 seconds
27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - INFO - Started validation of input parameters...
27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - INFO - Completed validation of input parameters
27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - INFO - AutoProcess process completed in 0.034259 seconds
If you want to build it yourself;
from perlib.core.models.dmodels import models
from perlib.core.train import dTrain
from perlib.core.tester import dTester
You can use many features by calling the 'dataPrepration' function for data preparation operations.
data = dataPrepration.read_data(path="./dataset/Veriler/ayakkabı_haftalık.xlsx")
data = dataPrepration.trainingFordate_range(dataFrame=data,dt1="2013-01-01",dt2="2022-01-01")
You can use the 'preprocess' function for data preprocessing.
data = preprocess.missing_num(dataFrame=data)
data = preprocess.find_outliers(dataFrame=data)
data = preprocess.encode_cat(dataFrame=data)
data = preprocess.dublicates(dataFrame=data,mode="auto")
You should create an architecture like below.
layers = {
"dropout" :[0.2,0.2]
You can set each parameter below it by calling the 'req_info' object.
from perlib.forecaster import req_info,dmodels
from perlib.core.train import dTrain
from perlib.core.tester import dTester
#layers = {
# "CNNFilters":100,
# "CNNKernel":6,
# "GRUUnits":50,
# "skip" : 25,
# "highway" : 1
# }
req_info.layers = None
req_info.modelname = "lstm"
req_info.epoch = 30
#req_info.learning_rate = 0.001
req_info.loss = "mse"
req_info.lookback = 30
req_info.optimizer = "adam"
req_info.targetCol = "Values"
req_info.forecastingStartDate = "2022-01-06 15:00:00"
req_info.period = "daily"
req_info.forecastNumber = 30
req_info.scaler = "standard"
s = dmodels(req_info)
It will be prepared after importing it into models.
s = models(req_info)
After sending the dataframe and the prepared architecture to the dTrain, you can start the training process by calling the .fit() function.
train = dTrain(dataFrame=data,object=s)
After the training is completed, you can see the results by giving the dataFrame,object,path,metric parameters to 'dTester'.
t = dTester(dataFrame=data,object=s,path="Data-Lstm-2022-12-14-19-56-28.h5",metric=["mape","mae"])
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 19ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 22ms/step
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step
MAPE: 3.35
from perlib.core.models.smodels import models as armodels
from perlib.core.train import sTrain
from perlib.core.tester import sTester
aR_info.modelname = "sarima"
aR_info.forcastingStartDate = "2022-6-10"
ar = armodels(aR_info)
#train = sTrain(dataFrame=data,object=ar)
res = train.fit()
r = sTester(dataFrame=data,object=ar,path="Data-sarima-2022-12-30-23-49-03.pkl")
from perlib.core.models.mmodels import models
from perlib.core.train import mTrain
m_info.testsize = .01
m_info.y = "quality"
m_info.modelname= "SVR"
m_info.auto = False
m = models(m_info)
train = mTrain(dataFrame=data,object=m)
preds, evaluate = train.predict()
# If you want to make any other data predictions you can use the train.tester
# func after train.predict. You can make predictions with
predicts = train.tester(path="Data-SVR-2023-01-08-09-50-37.pkl", testData=data.iloc[:,1:][-20:])
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/Ruzzg/perlib",
"name": "perlib",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "perlib, tensorflow, machine learning, deep learning, statistical learning, automl, autodl, modelselection",
"author": "R\u00fczgar Ersin Kanar",
"author_email": "ruzgarknr@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f4/01/216ea74f173ae993554e40be492a22918cc5d446d1d57a505642a90cf5dd/perlib-3.0.7.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "\n\n\n# Perlib\n\nThis repository hosts the development of the Perlib library.\n\n## About Perlib\n\nPerlib is a framework written in Python where you can use deep and machine learning algorithms.\n\n## Perlib is\nFeature to use many deep or machine learning models easily\nFeature to easily generate estimates in a single line with default parameters\nUnderstanding data with simple analyzes with a single line\nFeature to automatically preprocess data in a single line\nFeature to easily create artificial neural networks\nFeature to manually pre-process data, extract analysis or create models with detailed parameters, produce tests and predictions\n\n## Usage\nThe core data structures are layers and models. For quick results with default parameters\nTo set up more detailed operations and structures, you should use the Perflib functional API, which allows you to create arbitrary layers or write models completely from scratch via subclassing.\n\n\n## Install\n```python\npip install perlib\n```\n\n```python\nfrom perlib.forecaster import *\n```\n\nThis is how you can use sample datasets.\n\n```python\nfrom perlib import datasets # or from perlib.datasets import *\nimport pandas as pd\ndataset = datasets.load_airpassengers()\ndata = pd.DataFrame(dataset)\ndata.index = pd.date_range(start=\"2022-01-01\",periods=len(data),freq=\"d\")\n```\n\nTo read your own dataset;\n```python \nimport perlib\npr = perlib.dataPrepration()\ndata = pr.read_data(\"./datasets/winequality-white.csv\",delimiter=\";\")\n```\n\n```python \nmodel_selector = perlib.ModelSelection(data_l)\nmodel_selector.select_model()\n```\n\n\n```python\n\nDimension Reduction Analysis: Size reduction is not recommended.\n\nSelected Models:\n1. ('BILSTM', 'Data symmetric, BILSTM is available.')\n2. ('CONVLSTM', 'There are spatial and temporal patterns, CONVLSTM can be used.')\n3. ('SARIMA', 'No time series data found, SARIMA is not recommended.')\n4. ('PROPHET', 'No time series data found, PROPHET is not recommended.')\n5. ('LSTM', 'Insufficient dataset size, LSTM is not recommended.')\n6. ('LSTNET', 'Insufficient dataset size, LSTNet is not recommended.')\n7. ('TCN', 'No temporal dependencies, TCN is not recommended.')\n8. ('XGBoost', 'No irregular and heterogeneous data, XGBoost is not recommended.')\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n## Features\n\n- Automatic model architecture recommendation\n- Data characteristics analysis\n- Memory usage optimization\n- Bottleneck detection\n- Preprocessing requirement analysis\n- Time series analysis capabilities\n- Resource requirement estimation\n\n## Quick Start\n\nBasic usage of ModelSelectionDL:\n\n```python\nfrom modelSelection.selection import ModelSelectionDL\nimport pandas as pd\n\n# Load your data\ndata = pd.read_csv('your_data.csv')\n\n# Initialize the model selector\nselector = ModelSelectionDL(data, target='target_column')\n\n# Get recommendations\nselector.display_results()\n```\n\n## Detailed Usage\n\n### 1. Data Preparation\n\n```python\nimport pandas as pd\nimport numpy as np\n\n# Load and prepare your data\ndata = pd.read_csv('your_data.csv')\n\n# Handle date columns if present\ndata['date_column'] = pd.to_datetime(data['date_column'])\n\n# Handle missing values if needed\ndata = data.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill')\n```\n\n### 2. Model Selection\n\n```python\n# Initialize with your data\nselector = ModelSelectionDL(data, target='target_column')\n\n# Get full recommendations\nrecommendations = selector.get_model_recommendations()\n\n# Display formatted results\nselector.display_results()\n```\n\n### 3. Accessing Specific Analysis\n\n```python\n# Get architecture details for a specific model\nrnn_details = recommendations['architecture_details']['RNN']\nprint(rnn_details)\n\n# Get top recommended models\ntop_models = recommendations['top_recommendations']\nprint(top_models)\n\n# Get preprocessing requirements\npreprocessing = recommendations['preprocessing_requirements']\nprint(preprocessing)\n```\n\n### 4. Memory Analysis\n\n```python\n# Get memory constraints analysis\nmemory_analysis = selector._analyze_memory_constraints()\nprint(memory_analysis)\n\n# Get recommended batch size\nbatch_size = selector._recommend_batch_size_for_memory()\nprint(f\"Recommended batch size: {batch_size}\")\n```\n\n### 5. Quality Analysis\n\n```python\n# Get data quality analysis\nquality_analysis = selector._analyze_data_quality_issues()\nprint(quality_analysis)\n\n# Get preprocessing needs\npreprocessing_needs = selector._analyze_preprocessing_needs()\nprint(preprocessing_needs)\n```\n\n## Example Output\n\nThe tool provides comprehensive analysis including:\n\n```\n================================================================================\nTOP RECOMMENDED MODELS\n================================================================================\n1. RNN\n2. LSTM\n3. Transformer\n\n================================================================================\nDETAILED ARCHITECTURE ANALYSIS\n================================================================================\nMODEL: RNN\n...\n```\n\n## Supported Models\n\n- RNN/LSTM\n- Transformer\n- CNN\n- N-BEATS\n- Prophet\n- ARIMA/SARIMA\n- DeepAR\n- And more...\n\n## Output Details\n\nThe analysis includes:\n- Model compatibility scores\n- Architecture recommendations\n- Preprocessing requirements\n- Memory usage analysis\n- Data quality assessment\n- Resource requirements\n- Training time estimates\n\n## Advanced Features\n\n### Custom Analysis\n\n```python\n# Get specific bottleneck analysis\nbottlenecks = selector._identify_potential_bottlenecks()\n\n# Get computational requirements\ncompute_reqs = selector._analyze_computational_requirements()\n\n# Estimate training time\ntraining_time = selector._estimate_training_time()\n```\n\n### Time Series Analysis\n\n```python\n# Get seasonality analysis\nseasonality = selector._analyze_seasonality()\n\n# Check stationarity\nstationarity = selector._check_stationarity()\n```\n\n\n## Quick Start\n\nBasic usage of ModelSelectionML:\n\n```python\nfrom modelSelection.selection import ModelSelectionML\nimport pandas as pd\n\n# Load your data\ndata = pd.read_csv('your_data.csv')\n\n# Initialize the model selector\nselector = ModelSelectionML(data, target='target_column')\n\n# Get recommendations\nreport = model_selector.generate_report()\n```\n\n\n### Dataset Characteristics\n- Samples: 1,186\n- Features: 27\n- Feature Types: Time series, numeric, binary, categorical\n- Memory Usage: ~385KB\n\n### Data Quality Insights\n- Most features have complete data (no missing values)\n- Some financial features (Gross, Net) have ~73% missing values\n- High unique ratios in financial indicators\n- Moderate to low outlier ratios in most numeric features\n\n### Feature Correlations\nStrong correlations observed between:\n- Financial indicators (USD, Euro, BIST100)\n- Epidemiological data (Total cases, Total deaths)\n- Market metrics (Open, Close, Max, Min prices)\n\n### Model Recommendations\n\n#### Regression Models (with evaluation scores)\n```\nXGBoost Regressor | 0.90\nLightGBM Regressor | 0.89\nRandom Forest Regressor | 0.88\nCatBoost Regressor | 0.87\nGradient Boosting | 0.86\n```\n\n#### Dimensionality Reduction\n```\nPCA | 0.90\nUMAP | 0.88\nt-SNE | 0.87\n```\n\n### Preprocessing Requirements\n- Handle missing values in financial features\n- Scale numeric features\n- Encode categorical variables\n- Consider dimensionality reduction for feature space optimization\n\nThis analysis demonstrates the tool's capability to:\n- Analyze complex financial and time series data\n- Identify data quality issues\n- Recommend appropriate ML models\n- Suggest preprocessing steps\n- Evaluate feature relationships\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe easiest way to get quick results is with the 'get_result' function.\nYou can choice modelname ;\n\"RNN\", \"LSTM\", \"BILSTM\", \"CONVLSTM\", \"TCN\", \"LSTNET\", \"ARIMA\" ,\"SARIMA\" or all machine learning algorithms\n\n\n```python \nforecast,evaluate = get_result(dataFrame=data,\n y=\"Values\",\n modelName=\"Lstnet\",\n dateColumn=False,\n process=False,\n forecastNumber=24,\n metric=[\"mape\",\"mae\",\"mse\"],\n epoch=2,\n forecastingStartDate=2022-03-06\n )\n```\n```python \n\nParameters created\nThe model training process has been started.\nEpoch 1/2\n500/500 [==============================] - 14s 23ms/step - loss: 0.2693 - val_loss: 0.0397\nEpoch 2/2\n500/500 [==============================] - 12s 24ms/step - loss: 0.0500 - val_loss: 0.0092\nModel training process completed\n\nThe model is being saved\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 240ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 16ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 10ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 16ms/step\n Values Predicts\nDate \n2022-03-07 71 79.437263\n2022-03-14 84 84.282906\n2022-03-21 90 88.096298\n2022-03-28 87 82.875603\nMAPE: 3.576822717339706\n\n```\n\n```python \nforecast\n\n Predicts Actual\nDate \n2022-03-07 71 79.437263\n2022-03-08 84 84.282906\n2022-03-09 90 88.096298\n2022-03-10 87 82.875603\n```\n\n```python \nevaluate\n\n{'mean_absolute_percentage_error': 3.576822717339706,\n 'mean_absolute_error': 14.02137889193878,\n 'mean_squared_error': 3485.26570064559}\n```\n\n\nhe Time Series module helps to create many basic models\nwithout using much code and helps to understand which models \nwork better without any parameter adjustments.\n```python \nfrom perlib.piplines.dpipline import Timeseries\npipline = Timeseries(dataFrame=data,\n y=\"Values\",\n dateColumn=False,\n process=False,\n epoch=1,\n forecastingStartDate=\"2022-03-06\",\n forecastNumber= 24,\n models=\"all\",\n metrics=[\"mape\",\"mae\",\"mse\"]\n )\npredictions = pipline.fit()\n\n mean_absolute_percentage_error | mean_absolute_error | mean_squared_error\nLSTNET 14.05 | 67.70 | 5990.35\nLSTM 7.03 | 38.28 | 2250.69\nBILSTM 13.21 | 68.22 | 6661.60\nCONVLSTM 9.62 | 48.06 | 2773.69\nTCN 12.03 | 65.44 | 6423.10\nRNN 11.53 | 59.33 | 4793.62\nARIMA 50.18 | 261.14| 74654.48\nSARIMA 10.48 | 51.25 | 3238.20\n```\n\n\nWith the 'summarize' function you can see quick and simple analysis results.\n```python \nsummarize(dataFrame=data)\n```\n\n\nWith the 'auto' function under 'preprocess', you can prepare the data using general preprocessing.\n```python \npreprocess.auto(dataFrame=data)\n\n12-2022 15:04:36.22 - DEBUG - Conversion to DATETIME succeeded for feature \"Date\"\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - INFO - Completed conversion of DATETIME features in 0.0097 seconds\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - INFO - Started encoding categorical features... Method: \"AUTO\"\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - DEBUG - Skipped encoding for DATETIME feature \"Date\"\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - INFO - Completed encoding of categorical features in 0.001252 seconds\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - INFO - Started feature type conversion...\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.23 - DEBUG - Conversion to type INT succeeded for feature \"Salecount\"\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - DEBUG - Conversion to type INT succeeded for feature \"Day\"\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - DEBUG - Conversion to type INT succeeded for feature \"Month\"\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - DEBUG - Conversion to type INT succeeded for feature \"Year\"\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - INFO - Completed feature type conversion for 4 feature(s) in 0.00796 seconds\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - INFO - Started validation of input parameters...\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - INFO - Completed validation of input parameters\n27-12-2022 15:04:36.24 - INFO - AutoProcess process completed in 0.034259 seconds\n```\n\n\n\nIf you want to build it yourself;\n```python \nfrom perlib.core.models.dmodels import models\nfrom perlib.core.train import dTrain\nfrom perlib.core.tester import dTester\n```\n You can use many features by calling the 'dataPrepration' function for data preparation operations.\n```python \ndata = dataPrepration.read_data(path=\"./dataset/Veriler/ayakkab\u0131_haftal\u0131k.xlsx\")\n```\n```python \ndata = dataPrepration.trainingFordate_range(dataFrame=data,dt1=\"2013-01-01\",dt2=\"2022-01-01\")\n```\n\nYou can use the 'preprocess' function for data preprocessing.\n```python \ndata = preprocess.missing_num(dataFrame=data)\n```\n```python \ndata = preprocess.find_outliers(dataFrame=data)\n```\n```python \ndata = preprocess.encode_cat(dataFrame=data)\n```\n```python \ndata = preprocess.dublicates(dataFrame=data,mode=\"auto\")\n```\n\nYou should create an architecture like below.\n```python \nlayers = {\n \"unit\":[150,100], \n \"activation\":[\"tanh\",\"tanh\"],\n \"dropout\" :[0.2,0.2]\n }\n```\n\nYou can set each parameter below it by calling the 'req_info' object.\n```python \nfrom perlib.forecaster import req_info,dmodels\nfrom perlib.core.train import dTrain\nfrom perlib.core.tester import dTester\n\n#layers = {\n# \"CNNFilters\":100,\n# \"CNNKernel\":6,\n# \"GRUUnits\":50,\n# \"skip\" : 25,\n# \"highway\" : 1\n# }\n\nreq_info.layers = None\nreq_info.modelname = \"lstm\"\nreq_info.epoch = 30\n#req_info.learning_rate = 0.001\nreq_info.loss = \"mse\"\nreq_info.lookback = 30\nreq_info.optimizer = \"adam\"\nreq_info.targetCol = \"Values\"\nreq_info.forecastingStartDate = \"2022-01-06 15:00:00\"\nreq_info.period = \"daily\"\nreq_info.forecastNumber = 30\nreq_info.scaler = \"standard\"\ns = dmodels(req_info)\n\n```\n\nIt will be prepared after importing it into models.\n```python \ns = models(req_info)\n```\n\nAfter sending the dataframe and the prepared architecture to the dTrain, you can start the training process by calling the .fit() function.\n```python \ntrain = dTrain(dataFrame=data,object=s)\ntrain.fit()\n```\nAfter the training is completed, you can see the results by giving the dataFrame,object,path,metric parameters to 'dTester'.\n```python \nt = dTester(dataFrame=data,object=s,path=\"Data-Lstm-2022-12-14-19-56-28.h5\",metric=[\"mape\",\"mae\"])\n```\n```python \nt.forecast()\n```\n```\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 19ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 20ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 22ms/step\n1/1 [==============================] - 0s 21ms/step\n\n```\n\n```python \nt.evaluate()\n\nMAPE: 3.35\n```\n\n```python \nfrom perlib.core.models.smodels import models as armodels\nfrom perlib.core.train import sTrain\nfrom perlib.core.tester import sTester\n```\n```python \naR_info.modelname = \"sarima\"\naR_info.forcastingStartDate = \"2022-6-10\"\n```\n```python \nar = armodels(aR_info)\n#train = sTrain(dataFrame=data,object=ar)\nres = train.fit()\n```\n```python \nr = sTester(dataFrame=data,object=ar,path=\"Data-sarima-2022-12-30-23-49-03.pkl\")\nr.forecast()\nr.evaluate()\n```\n\n```python \nfrom perlib.core.models.mmodels import models\nfrom perlib.core.train import mTrain\n```\n\n```python \nm_info.testsize = .01\nm_info.y = \"quality\"\nm_info.modelname= \"SVR\"\nm_info.auto = False\n```\n\n```python \nm = models(m_info)\ntrain = mTrain(dataFrame=data,object=m)\npreds, evaluate = train.predict()\n```\n\n```python \n# If you want to make any other data predictions you can use the train.tester\n# func after train.predict. You can make predictions with\npredicts = train.tester(path=\"Data-SVR-2023-01-08-09-50-37.pkl\", testData=data.iloc[:,1:][-20:])\n```\n",
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" autodl",
" modelselection"
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