.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. :Project: pglast — PostgreSQL Languages AST
.. :Created: mer 02 ago 2017 14:49:24 CEST
.. :Author: Lele Gaifax <lele@metapensiero.it>
.. :License: GNU General Public License version 3 or later
.. :Copyright: © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Lele Gaifax
PostgreSQL Languages AST and statements prettifier
:Author: Lele Gaifax
:Contact: lele@metapensiero.it
:License: `GNU General Public License version 3 or later`__
:Status: |build| |doc| |codecov|
:Version: `7`__
__ https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
__ https://pglast.readthedocs.io/en/v7/development.html#history
.. |build| image:: https://github.com/lelit/pglast/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=v7
:target: https://github.com/lelit/pglast/actions/workflows/ci.yml
:alt: Build status
.. |doc| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pglast/badge/?version=v7
:target: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pglast/builds/
:alt: Documentation status
.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/lelit/pglast/branch/v3/graph/badge.svg?token=A90D8tWnft
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/lelit/pglast
:alt: Test coverage status
This is a Python 3 module that exposes the *parse tree* of a PostgreSQL__ statement (extracted
by the almost standard PG parser repackaged as a standalone static library by `libpg_query`__)
as set of interconnected *nodes*, usually called an *abstract syntax tree*.
__ https://www.postgresql.org/
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query
See a `more detailed introduction`__ in the documentation_.
__ https://pglast.readthedocs.io/en/v7/introduction.html
As usual, the easiest way is with pip::
$ pip install pglast
Alternatively you can clone the repository::
$ git clone https://github.com/lelit/pglast.git --recursive
and install from there::
$ pip install ./pglast
There is a set of *makefiles* implementing the most common operations, a ``make help`` will
show a brief table of contents. A comprehensive test suite, based on pytest__, covers__ nearly
99% of the source lines.
__ https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/
__ https://codecov.io/gh/lelit/pglast/branch/v7/
Latest documentation is hosted by `Read the Docs`__ at https://pglast.readthedocs.io/en/v7
__ https://readthedocs.org/
.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. _changes:
Version 7
7.2 (2024-12-21)
- Merge with `Version 6`_
- Handle ``timestamp AT LOCAL`` expression, new in PG17
7.1 (2024-11-26)
- Merge with `Version 6`_
7.0 (2024-11-13)
- No visible changes
7.0.dev1 (2024-11-01)
- Upgrade libpg_query to `17-6.0.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/17-6.0.0
7.0.dev0 (2024-10-31)
- No visible changes with respect to v6, apart from the support for new/revised syntaxes of
`PostgreSQL 17`__
__ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/release-17.html
**Breaking changes**
- Target PostgreSQL 17, thanks to libpg_query `17-latest-dev`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/tree/17-latest-dev
- Require Python >= 3.9
Version 6
6.13 (2024-12-17)
- Better fix to the ``x AT TIME ZONE foo`` glitch, v6.12 solution was incomplete
6.12 (2024-12-16)
- Properly wrap ``x AT TIME ZONE foo`` in parens when it is the argument of a ``DEFAULT``
6.11 (2024-11-26)
- Remove spurious trailing space in the ``ConstrTypePrinter.CONSTR_IDENTITY`` and the
``Constraint`` printers (issue `#165`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/165
6.10 (2024-11-01)
- Upgrade libpg_query to `16-5.2.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/16-5.2.0
6.9 (2024-10-31)
- Fix regression introduced by recent modification to the ``CommonTableExpr`` printer that
impacted on the ``RawStream`` renderer (issue `#163`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/163
- Expose the ``RawStream`` renderer in the CLI tool with a new ``--normalize`` option
6.8 (2024-10-29)
- Upgrade libpg_query to not-yet-publicly-released commit__, to solve an issue related to
`plpgsql` (issue `#156`__)
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/commit/06670290ad39e61805ecacbc6267df61f6ae3d91
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/156
6.7 (2024-10-28)
- Generate wheels on PyPI using Python 3.13.0 final release, thanks to cibuildwheel `2.21.3`__
__ https://cibuildwheel.pypa.io/en/stable/changelog/#v2213
- Improve ``CommonTableExpr`` printer, reducing horizontal space waste
6.6 (2024-09-30)
- Make recently introduced doctest related to issue #88 work on different Python versions
6.5 (2024-09-29)
- Fix glitch when using the ``--preserve-comments`` flag (issue `#159`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/159
- Finally add a note to ``parse_plpgsql()`` documentation mentioning how it differs from
``parse_sql()`` (issue `#88`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/88
6.4 (2024-09-28)
- Fix issue with deserialization of deeply nested ASTs (issue `#153`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/153
- Upgrade libpg_query to not-yet-publicly-released commit__, to solve an issue related to
`plpgsql` (issue `#154`__)
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/commit/680f5ee67c6fdae497c8d1edfadd02b9b8eac74f
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/154
6.3 (2024-08-06)
- Fix ``SEQUENCE NAME`` in ``create_seq_stmt_def_elem`` (`PR #151`__), thanks to orages
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/151
- Generate wheels on PyPI using Python 3.13.0rc1 release, thanks to cibuildwheel `2.20.0`__
__ https://cibuildwheel.pypa.io/en/stable/changelog/#v2200
- Use `Cython 3.0.11`__
__ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#3011-2024-08-05
6.2 (2024-02-01)
- Almost no-op release to fix issue `144`__, producing correct wheels for macOS arm64
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/144
6.1 (2024-01-22)
- Inherit fix for issue `143`__ from `version 5`_
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/143
6.0 (2024-01-22)
- Produce wheels for macOS arm64
6.0.dev2 (2024-01-21)
- Enable compilation on Windows and produce related 32bit and 64bit wheels (issue `#7`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/7
6.0.dev1 (2024-01-11)
- Re-enable Linux 32bit wheels, thanks to libpg_query to `16-5.1.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/16-5.1.0
6.0.dev0 (2023-12-29)
- No visible changes with respect to v5, apart from the support for new/revised syntaxes of
`PostgreSQL 16`__
__ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/16/release-16.html
- Do not build binary wheels for Python 3.8
- Skip compilation on Linux 32bit (see `this comment`__ for details)
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/pull/225#issuecomment-1864145089
**Breaking changes**
- Target PostgreSQL 16, thanks to libpg_query `16-5.0.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/16-5.0.0
Version 5
5.9 (2024-01-22)
- Fix issue `143`__, affecting ``AlterOwnerStmt`` and ``RenameStmt`` printers
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/143
5.8 (2024-01-11)
- Fix issue `#142`__, a glitch that affected 32-bit systems
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/142
5.7 (2023-12-23)
- Use `Cython 3.0.7`__
__ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#307-2023-12-19
- Update libpg_query to `15-4.2.4`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.2.4
5.6 (2023-12-07)
- Fix issue `#138`__, a defect that hindered the creation of AST nodes that act as *markers*,
(currently ``A_Star`` and ``CheckPointStmt``), that do not carry any other information
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/138
- Use `Cython 3.0.6`__
__ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#306-2023-11-26
- Handle the ``ENABLE TRIGGER ALL`` in ``AlterTableCmd``
- Fix issue `#136`__, a regression introduced by “Avoid overly abundancy of parentheses in
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/136
5.5 (2023-10-07)
- Use `Cython 3.0.3`__
__ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#303-2023-10-05
- Produce wheels using final Python 3.12 release, thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` `2.16.2`__
__ https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog/#v2162
5.4 (2023-08-24)
- Improve documentation, adding ``parser.Displacements``, ``parser.scan`` and ``parser.split``
examples (`issue #128`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/128
- Fix issues `#129`__ and `#130`__ (merged from `version 4.4`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/129
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/130
__ `4.4 (2023-08-24)`_
5.3 (2023-08-05)
- Update libpg_query to `15-4.2.3`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.2.3
5.2 (2023-05-20)
- Update libpg_query to `15-4.2.1`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.2.1
5.1 (2023-02-28)
- Merge `version 4.2`__ changes
__ `4.2 (2023-02-27)`_
5.0 (2023-02-19)
- No changes
5.0.dev1 (2023-02-11)
- Update libpg_query to `15-4.2.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.2.0
**Breaking changes**
- Change the type of the ``ast.Float`` value from ``Decimal`` to ``str``
Using a ``Decimal`` implies potential differences in the representation of floating numbers,
and already caused issues (`#91`__ and `#100`__) in the past, making it impossible to render,
say, ``SELECT 0.0e1``, due to the fact that ``Decimal('0.0e1')`` resolves to
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/91
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/100
5.0.dev0 (2022-12-19)
- No visible changes with respect to v4, apart from the support for new/revised syntaxes of
`PostgreSQL 15`__
__ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/15/release-15.html
**Breaking changes**
- Target PostgreSQL 15, thanks to libpg_query `15-4.0.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.0.0
Version 4
4.5 (unreleased)
- Use `Cython 3.0.2`__
__ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#302-2023-08-27
4.4 (2023-08-24)
- Fix issues `#129`__ and `#130`__ (merged from `version 3.18`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/129
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/130
__ `3.18 (2023-08-24)`_
4.3 (2023-04-27)
- Fix `serialization issue`__ when column's ``DEFAULT`` value is an expression
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/issues/188
4.2 (2023-02-27)
- Handle special syntax required by ``SET TIME ZONE INTERVAL '-08:00' hour to minute``
- Fix mistype mapping of raw C "long" and "double" attributes, that were decorated with the
wrong Python type
4.1 (2022-12-19)
- Fix serialization glitches introduced by “Avoid overly abundancy of parentheses in
expressions” (to be precise, by this__ commit)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/commit/6cfe75eea80f9c9bec4ba467e7ec1ec0796020de
4.0 (2022-12-12)
- Update libpg_query to final `14-3.0.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/14-3.0.0
4.0.dev0 (2022-11-24)
- Update libpg_query to `14-3.0.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/14-latest/CHANGELOG.md#14-300---2022-11-17
- Avoid overly abundancy of parentheses in expressions
- Prefer ``SELECT a FROM b LIMIT ALL`` to ``... LIMIT NONE``
**Breaking changes**
- Target PostgreSQL 14
- The wrapper classes used in previous versions, implemented in ``pglast.node``, are gone: now
everything works on top of the ``AST`` classes (`issue #80`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/80
- The ``Ancestor`` class is not iterable anymore: it was an internal implementation facility,
now moved to a ``_iter_members()`` method
Version 3
3.18 (2023-08-24)
- Fix ``BooleanTest`` printer, enclosing expression within parens in more cases (`issue
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/129
- Fix ``Constraint`` printer, avoiding repetition of "DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED" on some
kind of constraints (`issue #130`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/130
3.17 (2022-11-04)
- Fix ``AlterSubscriptionStmt`` printer, handling "SET PUBLICATION" without options
3.16 (2022-11-03)
- Update libpg_query to `13-2.2.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-220---2022-11-02
3.15 (2022-10-17)
- Produce Python 3.11 wheels (`PR #108`__), thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` 2.11.1__ and to Bastien
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/108
__ https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog/#v2111
3.14 (2022-08-08)
- Harden the way ``Visitor`` handle modifications to the AST (`issue #107`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/107
3.13 (2022-06-29)
- Update libpg_query to `13-2.1.2`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-212---2022-06-28
3.12 (2022-06-19)
- Rewrite the implementation of the ``referenced_relations()`` function, that was flawed with
regard to CTEs handling (`issue #106`__), thanks to Michal Charemza for providing his own
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/106
- Improve ``WithClause`` printer indentation
- Fix minor whitespace related issues in a few printer functions
3.11 (2022-05-29)
- Fix the ``Visitor`` class, it was ignoring nodes nested in sub-lists
- Reduce the size of the generated parser by factoring out common code into helper functions
3.10 (2022-05-11)
- Update libpg_query to `13-2.1.1`__ (`PR #102`__), thanks to James Guthrie
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-211---2022-05-03
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/102
- Produce `musllinux`__ wheels, thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` `2.5.0`__ (:PEP:`656` was actually
introduced in `2.2.0`__)
__ https://peps.python.org/pep-0656/
__ https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog/#v250
__ https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog/#v220
3.9 (2022-02-24)
- Fix bug handling node containing a ``location`` field, e.g. ``CreateTableSpaceStmt`` (`issue
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/98
- Properly handle dereferenced array expression (`issue #99`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/99
- Avoid improper "floatification" of literal integers (`issue #100`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/100
3.8 (2021-12-28)
- Fix glitch in the AST extractor tool (`issue #97`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/97
- Add Linux AArch64 wheel build support (`PR #95`__), thanks to odidev
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/95
- Fix type mismatch when using ``--remove-pg_catalog-from-functions`` (`PR #93`__), thanks
to Boris Zentner
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/93/
3.7 (2021-10-13)
- Update libpg_query to `13-2.1.0`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-210---2021-10-12_
3.6 (2021-10-09)
- Use latest libpg_query, to fix an error parsing ``PLpgSQL`` statements (`issue #88`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/88
3.5 (2021-09-26)
- Forward the ``special_functions`` option to substream, when concatenating items
(`issue #89`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/89
- Fix representation of floating point numbers without decimal digits (`issue #91`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/91
- Produce Python 3.10 wheels, thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` 2.1.2
- Update libpg_query to `13-2.0.7`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-207---2021-07-16_
- New option ``--remove-pg_catalog-from-functions`` on the command line tool (`PR #90`__), thanks
to Boris Zentner
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/90/
- Implement more *special functions* (`PR #92`__), thanks to Boris Zentner
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/92/
3.4 (2021-08-21)
- Fix another packaging issue, that prevented recompilation from the sdist ``.tar.gz`` (`issue
#86`__), thanks to Christopher Brichford
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/82
3.3 (2021-07-04)
- Update libpg_query to `13-2.0.6`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-206---2021-06-29_
3.2 (2021-06-25)
- Effectively include libpg_query's vendored sources (`issue #82`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/82
3.1 (2021-06-25)
- Fix packaging glitch (`issue #82`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/82
- Build wheels also for macOS
- Update libpg_query to `13-2.0.5`__
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-205---2021-06-24_
3.0 (2021-06-04)
- Fix glitch in the ``RawStream``, avoiding spurious space after an open parenthesis
- Improve the ``Visitor`` class, to make it easier altering the original tree
- Properly handle nested lists in the serialization of AST Node
3.0.dev2 (2021-05-22)
- Fix bug in ``CreateStmt`` printer (`issue #79`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/79
- Make it possible to pass also concrete ``ast.Node``\ s to ``RawStream```
**Breaking changes**
- To reduce confusion, the ``printer`` module has been removed: print-specific stuff is now
directly exposed by the ``printers`` subpackage while serialization classes are now in the
new ``stream`` module
- The default value for the ``safety_belt`` option of the ``printify()`` function is now
3.0.dev1 (2021-05-16)
- Fix ``AT_SetIdentity``, ``AT_EnableReplicaTrig`` and ``AlterSubscriptionStmt`` printers
- Improve ``AlterTSConfigType`` and ``IntoClause`` printers
- New generic "visitor pattern" (`issue #51`__) exemplified by a new
``referenced_relations()`` function (`issue #66`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/51
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/66
- Refine printing of SQL comments
- Implement ``AlterExtensionStmt`` printer
3.0.dev0 (2021-05-03)
- Expose the new ``pg_query_scan()`` function as ``parser.scan()``
- Expose the ``pg_query_parse()`` function as ``parser.parse_sql_json()``
- Expose the new ``pg_query_parse_protobuf()`` function as ``parser.parse_sql_protobuf()``
- Expose the new ``pg_query_deparse_protobuf()`` function as ``parser.deparse_protobuf()``
- Honor the ``catalogname`` of a ``RangeVar`` if present (`issue #71`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/71
- Cover almost all ``SQL`` statements, testing against the whole ``PostgreSQL`` `regression
suite`__ (`issue #68`__, `PR #72`__ and `PR #77`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau and Hong Cheng
__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/tree/13-latest/test/sql/postgres_regress_
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/68
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/72
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/77
- New rudimentary support for the `preserve comments` feature (`issue #23`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/23
**Breaking changes**
- Target PostgreSQL 13
- The ``pglast.parser`` module exposes all ``libpg_query`` entry points, even the new
``pg_query_deparse_protobuf()`` function that is basically equivalent to
``RawStream``\ -based printer
- The ``split()`` function is now based on the lower level ``pg_query_split_with_xxx()``
- The ``parse_sql()`` function returns native Python objects, not a ``JSON`` string as before:
all PG *nodes* are now represented by subclasses of ``pglast.ast.Node``, without exception,
even ``Expr`` and ``Value`` are there. The latter impacts on ``pglast.node.Scalar``: for
example it now may contains a ``ast.Integer`` instance instead of a Python ``int``
- The ``pgpp --parse-tree`` output is a `pprint`__ represention of the ``AST``, not a ``JSON``
string as before
__ https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/pprint.html#pprint.pprint
- The ``ParseError`` exception does not expose the ``location`` as an instance member anymore,
although its still there, as the second argument (ie ``.args[1]``); furthermore, its value
now corresponds to the index in the original Unicode string, instead of the offset in the
``UTF-8`` representation passed to the underlying C function
Version 2
2.0.dev3 (2021-02-20)
- Handle ``INCLUDE`` clause in ``IndexStmt`` (`PR #67`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/67
2.0.dev2 (2020-10-24)
- Merge new ``fingerprint`` functionality from ``v1`` (i.e. ``master``) branch
2.0.dev1 (2020-09-26)
- Require Python 3.6 or greater
- Handle ``ALTER TYPE .. RENAME VALUE`` in ``AlterEnumStmt`` (`PR #52`__), thanks to Ronan
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/52
- Add support for Create / Alter / Drop PROCEDURE (`PR #48`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/48
- Use Ronan's fork__ of libpg_query, targeting PostgreSQL 12.1 (`PR #36`__)
__ https://github.com/rdunklau/libpg_query
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/36
- Change get_postgresql_version() to return a ``(major, minor)`` tuple (`issue #38`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/38
- Handle PG12 materialized CTEs (`issue #57`)
- Support column numbers in ``ALTER INDEX`` (`PR #58`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/58
- Handle ``SET LOGGED`` and ``SET UNLOGGED`` in ``ALTER TABLE`` (`PR #59`__), thanks to Ronan
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/59
- Handle ``ALTER TYPE ... RENAME`` (`PR #62`__), , thanks to Ronan
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/62
Version 1
1.18 (2021-06-01)
- Fix exclusion constraint printer (`issue #81`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/81
1.17 (2021-02-20)
- Fix the generic case in the ``RenameStmt`` printer
1.16 (2021-02-20)
- Promote to the *stable* state
- Move the job of building and uploading binary wheels from TravisCI to GitHub Actions
1.15 (2021-02-19)
- Fix ``IF EXISTS`` variant of ``RenameStmt`` printer (`PR #70`__), thanks to Jonathan
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/70
- Update libpg_query to 10-1.0.5
1.14 (2020-10-24)
- Produce Python 3.9 wheels, thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` 1.6.3
- Expose the ``libpg_query``'s `fingerprint`__ functionality (`PR #64`__), thanks to Yiming
__ https://github.com/lfittl/libpg_query/wiki/Fingerprinting
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/64
1.13 (2020-09-26)
- Handle ``SELECT FROM foo``
1.12 (2020-06-08)
- Double quote column names in the ``TYPE_FUNC_NAME_KEYWORDS`` set (`issue #55`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/55
- Possibly wrap ``SELECT`` in ``UNION``/``INTERSECT`` between parens, when needed
(`issue #55`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/55
1.11 (2020-05-08)
- Fix ``A_Expr`` printer, when ``lexpr`` is missing (`PR #54`__), thanks to Aiham
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/54
- Support ``DISABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY`` in ``AlterTableCmd`` (`PR #49`__), thanks to Ronan
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/49
- Implement ``CreateOpClassStmt`` printer (`PR #47`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/47
1.10 (2020-01-25)
- Fix collation name printer (`PR #44`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/44
- Implement ``CreatePLangStmt`` printer (`PR #42`__), thanks to Bennie Swart
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/42
- Fix privileges printer (`PR #41`__), thanks to Bennie Swart
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/41
- Handle ``TRUNCATE`` event in ``CreateTrigStmt`` printer (`PR #40`__), thanks to Bennie Swart
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/40
- Fix function body dollar quoting (`PR #39`__), thanks to Bennie Swart
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/39
1.9 (2019-12-20)
- Prettier ``INSERT`` representation
1.8 (2019-12-07)
- Prettier ``CASE`` representation
- New option to emit a semicolon after the last statement (`issue #24`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/24
1.7 (2019-12-01)
- Implement ``NotifyStmt`` printer
- Implement ``RuleStmt`` printer, thanks to Gavin M. Roy for his `PR #28`__
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/28
- Fix ``RenameStmt``, properly handling object name
- Produce Python 3.8 wheels, thanks to `cibuildwheel`__ 1.0.0
__ https://github.com/joerick/cibuildwheel
- Support ``ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT`` (`PR #35`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/35
1.6 (2019-09-04)
- Fix issue with boolean expressions precedence (`issue #29`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/29
- Implement ``BitString`` printer
- Support ``LEAKPROOF`` option (`PR #31`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/31
- Support ``DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`` option (`PR #32`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/32
1.5 (2019-06-04)
- Fix issue with ``RETURNS SETOF`` functions, a more general solution than the one proposed by
Ronan Dunklau (`PR #22`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/22
- Allow more than one empty line between statements (`PR #26`__), thanks to apnewberry
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/26
1.4 (2019-04-06)
- Fix wrap of trigger's WHEN expression (`issue #18`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/18
- Support for variadic functions (`PR #19`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/19
- Support ORDER / LIMIT / OFFSET for set operations (`PR #20`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/20
- Implement ``ConstraintsSetStmt`` and improve ``VariableSetStmt`` printers
1.3 (2019-03-28)
- Support ``CROSS JOIN`` and timezone modifiers on time and timestamp datatypes (`PR #15`__),
thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/15
- Many new printers and several enhancements (`PR #14`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/14
- Expose the package version as pglast.__version__ (`issue #12`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/12
1.2 (2019-02-13)
- Implement new `split()` function (see `PR #10`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/10
- Implement ``BooleanTest`` printer (`issue #11`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/11
1.1 (2018-07-20)
- No visible changes, but now PyPI carries binary wheels for Python 3.7.
1.0 (2018-06-16)
.. important:: The name of the package has been changed from ``pg_query`` to ``pglast``, to
satisfy the request made by the author of ``libpg_query`` in `issue #9`__.
This affects both the main repository on GitHub, that from now on is
``https://github.com/lelit/pglast``, and the ReadTheDocs project that hosts the
documentation, ``http://pglast.readthedocs.io/en/latest/``.
I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/9
0.28 (2018-06-06)
- Update libpg_query to 10-1.0.2
- Support the '?'-style parameter placeholder variant allowed by libpg_query (details__)
__ https://github.com/lfittl/libpg_query/issues/45
0.27 (2018-04-15)
- Prettier JOINs representation, aligning them with the starting relation
0.26 (2018-04-03)
- Fix cosmetic issue with ANY() and ALL()
0.25 (2018-03-31)
- Fix issue in the safety belt check performed by ``pgpp`` (`issue #4`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/4
0.24 (2018-03-02)
- Implement ``Null`` printer
0.23 (2017-12-28)
- Implement some other DDL statements printers
- New alternative style to print *comma-separated-values* lists, activated by a new
``--comma-at-eoln`` option on ``pgpp``
0.22 (2017-12-03)
- Implement ``TransactionStmt`` and almost all ``DROP xxx`` printers
0.21 (2017-11-22)
- Implement ``NamedArgExpr`` printer
- New alternative printers for a set of *special functions*, activated by a new
``--special-functions`` option on ``pgpp`` (`issue #2`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/2
0.20 (2017-11-21)
- Handle special de-reference (``A_Indirection``) cases
0.19 (2017-11-16)
- Fix serialization of column labels containing double quotes
- Fix corner issues surfaced implementing some more DDL statement printers
0.18 (2017-11-14)
- Fix endless loop due to sloppy conversion of command line option
- Install the command line tool as ``pgpp``
0.17 (2017-11-12)
- Rename printers.sql to printers.dml (**backward incompatibility**)
- List printer functions in the documentation, referencing the definition of related node type
- Fix inconsistent spacing in JOIN condition inside a nested expression
- Fix representation of unbound arrays
- Fix representation of ``interval`` data type
- Initial support for DDL statements
- Fix representation of string literals containing single quotes
0.16 (2017-10-31)
- Update libpg_query to 10-1.0.0
0.15 (2017-10-12)
- Fix indentation of boolean expressions in SELECT's targets (`issue #3`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/3
0.14 (2017-10-09)
- Update to latest libpg_query's 10-latest branch, targeting PostgreSQL 10.0 final
0.13 (2017-09-17)
- Fix representation of subselects requiring surrounding parens
0.12 (2017-08-22)
- New option ``--version`` on the command line tool
- Better enums documentation
- Release the GIL while calling libpg_query functions
0.11 (2017-08-11)
- Nicer indentation for JOINs, making OUTER JOINs stand out
- Minor tweaks to lists rendering, with less spurious whitespaces
- New option ``--no-location`` on the command line tool
0.10 (2017-08-11)
- Support Python 3.4 and Python 3.5 as well as Python 3.6
0.9 (2017-08-10)
- Fix spacing before the $ character
- Handle type modifiers
- New option ``--plpgsql`` on the command line tool, just for fun
0.8 (2017-08-10)
- Add enums subpackages to the documentation with references to their related headers
- New ``compact_lists_margin`` option to produce a more compact representation when possible
(see `issue #1`__)
__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/1
0.7 (2017-08-10)
- Fix sdist including the Sphinx documentation
0.6 (2017-08-10)
- New option ``--parse-tree`` on the command line tool to show just the parse tree
- Sphinx documentation, available online
0.5 (2017-08-09)
- Handle some more cases when a name must be double-quoted
- Complete the serialization of the WindowDef node, handling its frame options
0.4 (2017-08-09)
- Expose the actual PostgreSQL version the underlying libpg_query libray is built on thru a new
``get_postgresql_version()`` function
- New option `safety_belt` for the ``prettify()`` function, to protect the innocents
- Handle serialization of ``CoalesceExpr`` and ``MinMaxExpr``
0.3 (2017-08-07)
- Handle serialization of ``ParamRef`` nodes
- Expose a ``prettify()`` helper function
0.2 (2017-08-07)
- Test coverage at 99%
- First attempt at automatic wheel upload to PyPI, let's see...
0.1 (2017-08-07)
- First release ("Hi daddy!", as my soul would tag it)
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/lelit/pglast",
"name": "pglast",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "postgresql parser sql prettifier",
"author": "Lele Gaifax",
"author_email": "lele@metapensiero.it",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/39/4e/f0aac6a336fb52ab37485c5ce530880a78179e55948bb684945de6a22bd8/pglast-7.2.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": ".. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n.. :Project: pglast \u2014 PostgreSQL Languages AST\n.. :Created: mer 02 ago 2017 14:49:24 CEST\n.. :Author: Lele Gaifax <lele@metapensiero.it>\n.. :License: GNU General Public License version 3 or later\n.. :Copyright: \u00a9 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Lele Gaifax\n..\n\n========\n pglast\n========\n\nPostgreSQL Languages AST and statements prettifier\n==================================================\n\n:Author: Lele Gaifax\n:Contact: lele@metapensiero.it\n:License: `GNU General Public License version 3 or later`__\n:Status: |build| |doc| |codecov|\n:Version: `7`__\n\n__ https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html\n__ https://pglast.readthedocs.io/en/v7/development.html#history\n\n.. |build| image:: https://github.com/lelit/pglast/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=v7\n :target: https://github.com/lelit/pglast/actions/workflows/ci.yml\n :alt: Build status\n.. |doc| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pglast/badge/?version=v7\n :target: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pglast/builds/\n :alt: Documentation status\n.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/lelit/pglast/branch/v3/graph/badge.svg?token=A90D8tWnft\n :target: https://codecov.io/gh/lelit/pglast\n :alt: Test coverage status\n\nThis is a Python 3 module that exposes the *parse tree* of a PostgreSQL__ statement (extracted\nby the almost standard PG parser repackaged as a standalone static library by `libpg_query`__)\nas set of interconnected *nodes*, usually called an *abstract syntax tree*.\n\n__ https://www.postgresql.org/\n__ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query\n\nSee a `more detailed introduction`__ in the documentation_.\n\n__ https://pglast.readthedocs.io/en/v7/introduction.html\n\n\nInstallation\n------------\n\nAs usual, the easiest way is with pip::\n\n $ pip install pglast\n\nAlternatively you can clone the repository::\n\n $ git clone https://github.com/lelit/pglast.git --recursive\n\nand install from there::\n\n $ pip install ./pglast\n\n\nDevelopment\n-----------\n\nThere is a set of *makefiles* implementing the most common operations, a ``make help`` will\nshow a brief table of contents. A comprehensive test suite, based on pytest__, covers__ nearly\n99% of the source lines.\n\n__ https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/\n__ https://codecov.io/gh/lelit/pglast/branch/v7/\n\n\nDocumentation\n-------------\n\nLatest documentation is hosted by `Read the Docs`__ at https://pglast.readthedocs.io/en/v7\n\n__ https://readthedocs.org/\n\n\n.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n.. _changes:\n\nChanges\n-------\n\nVersion 7\n#########\n\n7.2 (2024-12-21)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Merge with `Version 6`_\n\n- Handle ``timestamp AT LOCAL`` expression, new in PG17\n\n\n7.1 (2024-11-26)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Merge with `Version 6`_\n\n\n7.0 (2024-11-13)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- No visible changes\n\n\n7.0.dev1 (2024-11-01)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Upgrade libpg_query to `17-6.0.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/17-6.0.0\n\n\n7.0.dev0 (2024-10-31)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- No visible changes with respect to v6, apart from the support for new/revised syntaxes of\n `PostgreSQL 17`__\n\n __ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/release-17.html\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n**Breaking changes**\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Target PostgreSQL 17, thanks to libpg_query `17-latest-dev`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/tree/17-latest-dev\n\n- Require Python >= 3.9\n\n\nVersion 6\n#########\n\n6.13 (2024-12-17)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Better fix to the ``x AT TIME ZONE foo`` glitch, v6.12 solution was incomplete\n\n\n6.12 (2024-12-16)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Properly wrap ``x AT TIME ZONE foo`` in parens when it is the argument of a ``DEFAULT``\n constraint\n\n\n6.11 (2024-11-26)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Remove spurious trailing space in the ``ConstrTypePrinter.CONSTR_IDENTITY`` and the\n ``Constraint`` printers (issue `#165`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/165\n\n\n6.10 (2024-11-01)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Upgrade libpg_query to `16-5.2.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/16-5.2.0\n\n\n6.9 (2024-10-31)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix regression introduced by recent modification to the ``CommonTableExpr`` printer that\n impacted on the ``RawStream`` renderer (issue `#163`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/163\n\n- Expose the ``RawStream`` renderer in the CLI tool with a new ``--normalize`` option\n\n\n6.8 (2024-10-29)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Upgrade libpg_query to not-yet-publicly-released commit__, to solve an issue related to\n `plpgsql` (issue `#156`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/commit/06670290ad39e61805ecacbc6267df61f6ae3d91\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/156\n\n\n6.7 (2024-10-28)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Generate wheels on PyPI using Python 3.13.0 final release, thanks to cibuildwheel `2.21.3`__\n\n __ https://cibuildwheel.pypa.io/en/stable/changelog/#v2213\n\n- Improve ``CommonTableExpr`` printer, reducing horizontal space waste\n\n\n6.6 (2024-09-30)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Make recently introduced doctest related to issue #88 work on different Python versions\n\n\n6.5 (2024-09-29)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix glitch when using the ``--preserve-comments`` flag (issue `#159`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/159\n\n- Finally add a note to ``parse_plpgsql()`` documentation mentioning how it differs from\n ``parse_sql()`` (issue `#88`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/88\n\n\n6.4 (2024-09-28)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix issue with deserialization of deeply nested ASTs (issue `#153`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/153\n\n- Upgrade libpg_query to not-yet-publicly-released commit__, to solve an issue related to\n `plpgsql` (issue `#154`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/commit/680f5ee67c6fdae497c8d1edfadd02b9b8eac74f\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/154\n\n\n6.3 (2024-08-06)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix ``SEQUENCE NAME`` in ``create_seq_stmt_def_elem`` (`PR #151`__), thanks to orages\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/151\n\n- Generate wheels on PyPI using Python 3.13.0rc1 release, thanks to cibuildwheel `2.20.0`__\n\n __ https://cibuildwheel.pypa.io/en/stable/changelog/#v2200\n\n- Use `Cython 3.0.11`__\n\n __ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#3011-2024-08-05\n\n\n6.2 (2024-02-01)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Almost no-op release to fix issue `144`__, producing correct wheels for macOS arm64\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/144\n\n6.1 (2024-01-22)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Inherit fix for issue `143`__ from `version 5`_\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/143\n\n\n6.0 (2024-01-22)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Produce wheels for macOS arm64\n\n\n6.0.dev2 (2024-01-21)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Enable compilation on Windows and produce related 32bit and 64bit wheels (issue `#7`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/7\n\n\n6.0.dev1 (2024-01-11)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Re-enable Linux 32bit wheels, thanks to libpg_query to `16-5.1.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/16-5.1.0\n\n\n6.0.dev0 (2023-12-29)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- No visible changes with respect to v5, apart from the support for new/revised syntaxes of\n `PostgreSQL 16`__\n\n __ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/16/release-16.html\n\n- Do not build binary wheels for Python 3.8\n\n- Skip compilation on Linux 32bit (see `this comment`__ for details)\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/pull/225#issuecomment-1864145089\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n**Breaking changes**\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Target PostgreSQL 16, thanks to libpg_query `16-5.0.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/16-5.0.0\n\n\nVersion 5\n#########\n\n5.9 (2024-01-22)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix issue `143`__, affecting ``AlterOwnerStmt`` and ``RenameStmt`` printers\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/143\n\n\n5.8 (2024-01-11)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix issue `#142`__, a glitch that affected 32-bit systems\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/142\n\n\n5.7 (2023-12-23)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Use `Cython 3.0.7`__\n\n __ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#307-2023-12-19\n\n- Update libpg_query to `15-4.2.4`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.2.4\n\n\n5.6 (2023-12-07)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix issue `#138`__, a defect that hindered the creation of AST nodes that act as *markers*,\n (currently ``A_Star`` and ``CheckPointStmt``), that do not carry any other information\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/138\n\n- Use `Cython 3.0.6`__\n\n __ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#306-2023-11-26\n\n- Handle the ``ENABLE TRIGGER ALL`` in ``AlterTableCmd``\n\n- Fix issue `#136`__, a regression introduced by \u201cAvoid overly abundancy of parentheses in\n expressions\u201d\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/136\n\n\n5.5 (2023-10-07)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Use `Cython 3.0.3`__\n\n __ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#303-2023-10-05\n\n- Produce wheels using final Python 3.12 release, thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` `2.16.2`__\n\n __ https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog/#v2162\n\n\n5.4 (2023-08-24)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Improve documentation, adding ``parser.Displacements``, ``parser.scan`` and ``parser.split``\n examples (`issue #128`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/128\n\n- Fix issues `#129`__ and `#130`__ (merged from `version 4.4`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/129\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/130\n __ `4.4 (2023-08-24)`_\n\n\n5.3 (2023-08-05)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to `15-4.2.3`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.2.3\n\n\n5.2 (2023-05-20)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to `15-4.2.1`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.2.1\n\n\n5.1 (2023-02-28)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Merge `version 4.2`__ changes\n\n __ `4.2 (2023-02-27)`_\n\n\n5.0 (2023-02-19)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- No changes\n\n\n5.0.dev1 (2023-02-11)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to `15-4.2.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.2.0\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n**Breaking changes**\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Change the type of the ``ast.Float`` value from ``Decimal`` to ``str``\n\n Using a ``Decimal`` implies potential differences in the representation of floating numbers,\n and already caused issues (`#91`__ and `#100`__) in the past, making it impossible to render,\n say, ``SELECT 0.0e1``, due to the fact that ``Decimal('0.0e1')`` resolves to\n ``Decimal('0')``.\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/91\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/100\n\n\n5.0.dev0 (2022-12-19)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- No visible changes with respect to v4, apart from the support for new/revised syntaxes of\n `PostgreSQL 15`__\n\n __ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/15/release-15.html\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n**Breaking changes**\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Target PostgreSQL 15, thanks to libpg_query `15-4.0.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/15-4.0.0\n\n\nVersion 4\n#########\n\n4.5 (unreleased)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Use `Cython 3.0.2`__\n\n __ https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#302-2023-08-27\n\n\n4.4 (2023-08-24)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix issues `#129`__ and `#130`__ (merged from `version 3.18`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/129\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/130\n __ `3.18 (2023-08-24)`_\n\n\n4.3 (2023-04-27)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix `serialization issue`__ when column's ``DEFAULT`` value is an expression\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/issues/188\n\n\n4.2 (2023-02-27)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Handle special syntax required by ``SET TIME ZONE INTERVAL '-08:00' hour to minute``\n\n- Fix mistype mapping of raw C \"long\" and \"double\" attributes, that were decorated with the\n wrong Python type\n\n\n4.1 (2022-12-19)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix serialization glitches introduced by \u201cAvoid overly abundancy of parentheses in\n expressions\u201d (to be precise, by this__ commit)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/commit/6cfe75eea80f9c9bec4ba467e7ec1ec0796020de\n\n\n4.0 (2022-12-12)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to final `14-3.0.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/releases/tag/14-3.0.0\n\n\n4.0.dev0 (2022-11-24)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to `14-3.0.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/14-latest/CHANGELOG.md#14-300---2022-11-17\n\n- Avoid overly abundancy of parentheses in expressions\n\n- Prefer ``SELECT a FROM b LIMIT ALL`` to ``... LIMIT NONE``\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n**Breaking changes**\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Target PostgreSQL 14\n\n- The wrapper classes used in previous versions, implemented in ``pglast.node``, are gone: now\n everything works on top of the ``AST`` classes (`issue #80`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/80\n\n- The ``Ancestor`` class is not iterable anymore: it was an internal implementation facility,\n now moved to a ``_iter_members()`` method\n\n\nVersion 3\n#########\n\n3.18 (2023-08-24)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix ``BooleanTest`` printer, enclosing expression within parens in more cases (`issue\n #129`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/129\n\n- Fix ``Constraint`` printer, avoiding repetition of \"DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED\" on some\n kind of constraints (`issue #130`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/130\n\n\n3.17 (2022-11-04)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix ``AlterSubscriptionStmt`` printer, handling \"SET PUBLICATION\" without options\n\n\n3.16 (2022-11-03)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to `13-2.2.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-220---2022-11-02\n\n\n3.15 (2022-10-17)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Produce Python 3.11 wheels (`PR #108`__), thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` 2.11.1__ and to Bastien\n Gandouet\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/108\n __ https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog/#v2111\n\n\n3.14 (2022-08-08)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Harden the way ``Visitor`` handle modifications to the AST (`issue #107`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/107\n\n\n3.13 (2022-06-29)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to `13-2.1.2`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-212---2022-06-28\n\n\n3.12 (2022-06-19)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Rewrite the implementation of the ``referenced_relations()`` function, that was flawed with\n regard to CTEs handling (`issue #106`__), thanks to Michal Charemza for providing his own\n version\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/106\n\n- Improve ``WithClause`` printer indentation\n\n- Fix minor whitespace related issues in a few printer functions\n\n\n3.11 (2022-05-29)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix the ``Visitor`` class, it was ignoring nodes nested in sub-lists\n\n- Reduce the size of the generated parser by factoring out common code into helper functions\n\n\n3.10 (2022-05-11)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to `13-2.1.1`__ (`PR #102`__), thanks to James Guthrie\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-211---2022-05-03\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/102\n\n- Produce `musllinux`__ wheels, thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` `2.5.0`__ (:PEP:`656` was actually\n introduced in `2.2.0`__)\n\n __ https://peps.python.org/pep-0656/\n __ https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog/#v250\n __ https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog/#v220\n\n\n3.9 (2022-02-24)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix bug handling node containing a ``location`` field, e.g. ``CreateTableSpaceStmt`` (`issue\n #98`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/98\n\n- Properly handle dereferenced array expression (`issue #99`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/99\n\n- Avoid improper \"floatification\" of literal integers (`issue #100`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/100\n\n\n3.8 (2021-12-28)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix glitch in the AST extractor tool (`issue #97`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/97\n\n- Add Linux AArch64 wheel build support (`PR #95`__), thanks to odidev\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/95\n\n- Fix type mismatch when using ``--remove-pg_catalog-from-functions`` (`PR #93`__), thanks\n to Boris Zentner\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/93/\n\n\n3.7 (2021-10-13)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to `13-2.1.0`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-210---2021-10-12_\n\n\n3.6 (2021-10-09)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Use latest libpg_query, to fix an error parsing ``PLpgSQL`` statements (`issue #88`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/88\n\n\n3.5 (2021-09-26)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Forward the ``special_functions`` option to substream, when concatenating items\n (`issue #89`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/89\n\n- Fix representation of floating point numbers without decimal digits (`issue #91`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/91\n\n- Produce Python 3.10 wheels, thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` 2.1.2\n\n- Update libpg_query to `13-2.0.7`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-207---2021-07-16_\n\n- New option ``--remove-pg_catalog-from-functions`` on the command line tool (`PR #90`__), thanks\n to Boris Zentner\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/90/\n\n- Implement more *special functions* (`PR #92`__), thanks to Boris Zentner\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/92/\n\n\n3.4 (2021-08-21)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix another packaging issue, that prevented recompilation from the sdist ``.tar.gz`` (`issue\n #86`__), thanks to Christopher Brichford\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/82\n\n\n3.3 (2021-07-04)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to `13-2.0.6`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-206---2021-06-29_\n\n\n3.2 (2021-06-25)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Effectively include libpg_query's vendored sources (`issue #82`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/82\n\n\n3.1 (2021-06-25)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix packaging glitch (`issue #82`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/82\n\n- Build wheels also for macOS\n\n- Update libpg_query to `13-2.0.5`__\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/blob/13-latest/CHANGELOG.md#13-205---2021-06-24_\n\n\n3.0 (2021-06-04)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix glitch in the ``RawStream``, avoiding spurious space after an open parenthesis\n\n- Improve the ``Visitor`` class, to make it easier altering the original tree\n\n- Properly handle nested lists in the serialization of AST Node\n\n\n3.0.dev2 (2021-05-22)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix bug in ``CreateStmt`` printer (`issue #79`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/79\n\n- Make it possible to pass also concrete ``ast.Node``\\ s to ``RawStream```\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n**Breaking changes**\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- To reduce confusion, the ``printer`` module has been removed: print-specific stuff is now\n directly exposed by the ``printers`` subpackage while serialization classes are now in the\n new ``stream`` module\n\n- The default value for the ``safety_belt`` option of the ``printify()`` function is now\n ``False``\n\n\n3.0.dev1 (2021-05-16)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix ``AT_SetIdentity``, ``AT_EnableReplicaTrig`` and ``AlterSubscriptionStmt`` printers\n\n- Improve ``AlterTSConfigType`` and ``IntoClause`` printers\n\n- New generic \"visitor pattern\" (`issue #51`__) exemplified by a new\n ``referenced_relations()`` function (`issue #66`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/51\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/66\n\n- Refine printing of SQL comments\n\n- Implement ``AlterExtensionStmt`` printer\n\n\n3.0.dev0 (2021-05-03)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Expose the new ``pg_query_scan()`` function as ``parser.scan()``\n\n- Expose the ``pg_query_parse()`` function as ``parser.parse_sql_json()``\n\n- Expose the new ``pg_query_parse_protobuf()`` function as ``parser.parse_sql_protobuf()``\n\n- Expose the new ``pg_query_deparse_protobuf()`` function as ``parser.deparse_protobuf()``\n\n- Honor the ``catalogname`` of a ``RangeVar`` if present (`issue #71`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/71\n\n- Cover almost all ``SQL`` statements, testing against the whole ``PostgreSQL`` `regression\n suite`__ (`issue #68`__, `PR #72`__ and `PR #77`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau and Hong Cheng\n\n __ https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query/tree/13-latest/test/sql/postgres_regress_\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/68\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/72\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/77\n\n- New rudimentary support for the `preserve comments` feature (`issue #23`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/23\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n**Breaking changes**\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Target PostgreSQL 13\n\n- The ``pglast.parser`` module exposes all ``libpg_query`` entry points, even the new\n ``pg_query_deparse_protobuf()`` function that is basically equivalent to\n ``RawStream``\\ -based printer\n\n- The ``split()`` function is now based on the lower level ``pg_query_split_with_xxx()``\n functions\n\n- The ``parse_sql()`` function returns native Python objects, not a ``JSON`` string as before:\n all PG *nodes* are now represented by subclasses of ``pglast.ast.Node``, without exception,\n even ``Expr`` and ``Value`` are there. The latter impacts on ``pglast.node.Scalar``: for\n example it now may contains a ``ast.Integer`` instance instead of a Python ``int``\n\n- The ``pgpp --parse-tree`` output is a `pprint`__ represention of the ``AST``, not a ``JSON``\n string as before\n\n __ https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/pprint.html#pprint.pprint\n\n- The ``ParseError`` exception does not expose the ``location`` as an instance member anymore,\n although its still there, as the second argument (ie ``.args[1]``); furthermore, its value\n now corresponds to the index in the original Unicode string, instead of the offset in the\n ``UTF-8`` representation passed to the underlying C function\n\n\nVersion 2\n#########\n\n2.0.dev3 (2021-02-20)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Handle ``INCLUDE`` clause in ``IndexStmt`` (`PR #67`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/67\n\n\n2.0.dev2 (2020-10-24)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Merge new ``fingerprint`` functionality from ``v1`` (i.e. ``master``) branch\n\n\n2.0.dev1 (2020-09-26)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Require Python 3.6 or greater\n\n- Handle ``ALTER TYPE .. RENAME VALUE`` in ``AlterEnumStmt`` (`PR #52`__), thanks to Ronan\n Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/52\n\n- Add support for Create / Alter / Drop PROCEDURE (`PR #48`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/48\n\n- Use Ronan's fork__ of libpg_query, targeting PostgreSQL 12.1 (`PR #36`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/rdunklau/libpg_query\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/36\n\n- Change get_postgresql_version() to return a ``(major, minor)`` tuple (`issue #38`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/38\n\n- Handle ``ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... SET STORAGE ...``\n\n- Handle PG12 materialized CTEs (`issue #57`)\n\n- Support column numbers in ``ALTER INDEX`` (`PR #58`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/58\n\n- Handle ``SET LOGGED`` and ``SET UNLOGGED`` in ``ALTER TABLE`` (`PR #59`__), thanks to Ronan\n Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/59\n\n- Handle ``ALTER TYPE ... RENAME`` (`PR #62`__), , thanks to Ronan\n Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/62\n\n\nVersion 1\n#########\n\n1.18 (2021-06-01)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix exclusion constraint printer (`issue #81`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/81\n\n\n1.17 (2021-02-20)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix the generic case in the ``RenameStmt`` printer\n\n\n1.16 (2021-02-20)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Promote to the *stable* state\n\n- Move the job of building and uploading binary wheels from TravisCI to GitHub Actions\n\n\n1.15 (2021-02-19)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix ``IF EXISTS`` variant of ``RenameStmt`` printer (`PR #70`__), thanks to Jonathan\n Mortensen\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/70\n\n- Update libpg_query to 10-1.0.5\n\n\n1.14 (2020-10-24)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Produce Python 3.9 wheels, thanks to ``cibuildwheel`` 1.6.3\n\n- Expose the ``libpg_query``'s `fingerprint`__ functionality (`PR #64`__), thanks to Yiming\n Wang\n\n __ https://github.com/lfittl/libpg_query/wiki/Fingerprinting\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/64\n\n\n1.13 (2020-09-26)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Handle ``SELECT FROM foo``\n\n\n1.12 (2020-06-08)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Double quote column names in the ``TYPE_FUNC_NAME_KEYWORDS`` set (`issue #55`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/55\n\n- Possibly wrap ``SELECT`` in ``UNION``/``INTERSECT`` between parens, when needed\n (`issue #55`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/55\n\n\n1.11 (2020-05-08)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix ``A_Expr`` printer, when ``lexpr`` is missing (`PR #54`__), thanks to Aiham\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/54\n\n- Support ``DISABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY`` in ``AlterTableCmd`` (`PR #49`__), thanks to Ronan\n Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/49\n\n- Implement ``CreateOpClassStmt`` printer (`PR #47`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/47\n\n\n1.10 (2020-01-25)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix collation name printer (`PR #44`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/44\n\n- Implement ``CreatePLangStmt`` printer (`PR #42`__), thanks to Bennie Swart\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/42\n\n- Fix privileges printer (`PR #41`__), thanks to Bennie Swart\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/41\n\n- Handle ``TRUNCATE`` event in ``CreateTrigStmt`` printer (`PR #40`__), thanks to Bennie Swart\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/40\n\n- Fix function body dollar quoting (`PR #39`__), thanks to Bennie Swart\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/39\n\n\n1.9 (2019-12-20)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Prettier ``INSERT`` representation\n\n\n1.8 (2019-12-07)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Prettier ``CASE`` representation\n\n- New option to emit a semicolon after the last statement (`issue #24`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/24\n\n\n1.7 (2019-12-01)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Implement ``NotifyStmt`` printer\n\n- Implement ``RuleStmt`` printer, thanks to Gavin M. Roy for his `PR #28`__\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/28\n\n- Fix ``RenameStmt``, properly handling object name\n\n- Produce Python 3.8 wheels, thanks to `cibuildwheel`__ 1.0.0\n\n __ https://github.com/joerick/cibuildwheel\n\n- Support ``ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT`` (`PR #35`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/35\n\n\n1.6 (2019-09-04)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix issue with boolean expressions precedence (`issue #29`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/29\n\n- Implement ``BitString`` printer\n\n- Support ``LEAKPROOF`` option (`PR #31`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/31\n\n- Support ``DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`` option (`PR #32`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/32\n\n\n1.5 (2019-06-04)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix issue with ``RETURNS SETOF`` functions, a more general solution than the one proposed by\n Ronan Dunklau (`PR #22`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/22\n\n- Allow more than one empty line between statements (`PR #26`__), thanks to apnewberry\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/26\n\n\n1.4 (2019-04-06)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix wrap of trigger's WHEN expression (`issue #18`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/18\n\n- Support for variadic functions (`PR #19`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/19\n\n- Support ORDER / LIMIT / OFFSET for set operations (`PR #20`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/20\n\n- Implement ``ConstraintsSetStmt`` and improve ``VariableSetStmt`` printers\n\n\n1.3 (2019-03-28)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Support ``CROSS JOIN`` and timezone modifiers on time and timestamp datatypes (`PR #15`__),\n thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/15\n\n- Many new printers and several enhancements (`PR #14`__), thanks to Ronan Dunklau\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/14\n\n- Expose the package version as pglast.__version__ (`issue #12`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/12\n\n\n1.2 (2019-02-13)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Implement new `split()` function (see `PR #10`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/pull/10\n\n- Implement ``BooleanTest`` printer (`issue #11`__)\n\n __ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/11\n\n\n1.1 (2018-07-20)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- No visible changes, but now PyPI carries binary wheels for Python 3.7.\n\n\n1.0 (2018-06-16)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n.. important:: The name of the package has been changed from ``pg_query`` to ``pglast``, to\n satisfy the request made by the author of ``libpg_query`` in `issue #9`__.\n\n This affects both the main repository on GitHub, that from now on is\n ``https://github.com/lelit/pglast``, and the ReadTheDocs project that hosts the\n documentation, ``http://pglast.readthedocs.io/en/latest/``.\n\n I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.\n\n__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/9\n\n\n0.28 (2018-06-06)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to 10-1.0.2\n\n- Support the '?'-style parameter placeholder variant allowed by libpg_query (details__)\n\n__ https://github.com/lfittl/libpg_query/issues/45\n\n\n0.27 (2018-04-15)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Prettier JOINs representation, aligning them with the starting relation\n\n\n0.26 (2018-04-03)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix cosmetic issue with ANY() and ALL()\n\n\n0.25 (2018-03-31)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix issue in the safety belt check performed by ``pgpp`` (`issue #4`__)\n\n__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/4\n\n\n0.24 (2018-03-02)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Implement ``Null`` printer\n\n\n0.23 (2017-12-28)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Implement some other DDL statements printers\n\n- New alternative style to print *comma-separated-values* lists, activated by a new\n ``--comma-at-eoln`` option on ``pgpp``\n\n\n0.22 (2017-12-03)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Implement ``TransactionStmt`` and almost all ``DROP xxx`` printers\n\n\n0.21 (2017-11-22)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Implement ``NamedArgExpr`` printer\n\n- New alternative printers for a set of *special functions*, activated by a new\n ``--special-functions`` option on ``pgpp`` (`issue #2`__)\n\n__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/2\n\n\n0.20 (2017-11-21)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Handle special de-reference (``A_Indirection``) cases\n\n\n0.19 (2017-11-16)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix serialization of column labels containing double quotes\n\n- Fix corner issues surfaced implementing some more DDL statement printers\n\n\n0.18 (2017-11-14)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix endless loop due to sloppy conversion of command line option\n\n- Install the command line tool as ``pgpp``\n\n\n0.17 (2017-11-12)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Rename printers.sql to printers.dml (**backward incompatibility**)\n\n- List printer functions in the documentation, referencing the definition of related node type\n\n- Fix inconsistent spacing in JOIN condition inside a nested expression\n\n- Fix representation of unbound arrays\n\n- Fix representation of ``interval`` data type\n\n- Initial support for DDL statements\n\n- Fix representation of string literals containing single quotes\n\n\n0.16 (2017-10-31)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update libpg_query to 10-1.0.0\n\n\n0.15 (2017-10-12)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix indentation of boolean expressions in SELECT's targets (`issue #3`__)\n\n__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/3\n\n\n0.14 (2017-10-09)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Update to latest libpg_query's 10-latest branch, targeting PostgreSQL 10.0 final\n\n\n0.13 (2017-09-17)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix representation of subselects requiring surrounding parens\n\n\n0.12 (2017-08-22)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- New option ``--version`` on the command line tool\n\n- Better enums documentation\n\n- Release the GIL while calling libpg_query functions\n\n\n0.11 (2017-08-11)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Nicer indentation for JOINs, making OUTER JOINs stand out\n\n- Minor tweaks to lists rendering, with less spurious whitespaces\n\n- New option ``--no-location`` on the command line tool\n\n\n0.10 (2017-08-11)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Support Python 3.4 and Python 3.5 as well as Python 3.6\n\n\n0.9 (2017-08-10)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix spacing before the $ character\n\n- Handle type modifiers\n\n- New option ``--plpgsql`` on the command line tool, just for fun\n\n\n0.8 (2017-08-10)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Add enums subpackages to the documentation with references to their related headers\n\n- New ``compact_lists_margin`` option to produce a more compact representation when possible\n (see `issue #1`__)\n\n__ https://github.com/lelit/pglast/issues/1\n\n\n0.7 (2017-08-10)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Fix sdist including the Sphinx documentation\n\n\n0.6 (2017-08-10)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- New option ``--parse-tree`` on the command line tool to show just the parse tree\n\n- Sphinx documentation, available online\n\n\n0.5 (2017-08-09)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Handle some more cases when a name must be double-quoted\n\n- Complete the serialization of the WindowDef node, handling its frame options\n\n\n0.4 (2017-08-09)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Expose the actual PostgreSQL version the underlying libpg_query libray is built on thru a new\n ``get_postgresql_version()`` function\n\n- New option `safety_belt` for the ``prettify()`` function, to protect the innocents\n\n- Handle serialization of ``CoalesceExpr`` and ``MinMaxExpr``\n\n\n0.3 (2017-08-07)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Handle serialization of ``ParamRef`` nodes\n\n- Expose a ``prettify()`` helper function\n\n\n0.2 (2017-08-07)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- Test coverage at 99%\n\n- First attempt at automatic wheel upload to PyPI, let's see...\n\n\n0.1 (2017-08-07)\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n- First release (\"Hi daddy!\", as my soul would tag it)\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "GPLv3+",
"summary": "PostgreSQL Languages AST and statements prettifier",
"version": "7.2",
"project_urls": {
"Homepage": "https://github.com/lelit/pglast"
"split_keywords": [
"urls": [
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