Version 3.1.4 PyPI version JSON
SummaryUpgrade machinery for Plone.
upload_time2024-04-25 19:47:48
authorPlone Foundation
licenseGPL version 2
keywords plone upgrade migration
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

This package contains the upgrade machinery to upgrade a Plone site to a newer version.

Version compatibility

- To update to Plone 4.x please use versions up to 1.3.x.
- To update to Plone 5.x, use version 2.x.
- To update to Plone 6.x, use version 3.x.


.. You should *NOT* be adding new change log entries to this file.
   You should create a file in the news directory instead.
   For helpful instructions, please see:

.. towncrier release notes start

3.1.4 (2024-04-25)

Bug fixes:

- Add upgrade step for enable TinyMCE Plugin accordion to v60
  [1letter] (324-1)
- Add upgrade step for enable TinyMCE Plugin accordion
  [1letter] (#324)
- Add upgrade to add registry record ``webstats_head_js`` to ``ISiteSchema``.
  [maurits] (#3931)


- Added upgrade to 6022, Plone 6.0.11.
  [maurits] (#6022)
- Added upgrade to 6102, Plone 6.1.0a3.
  [maurits] (#6102)

3.1.3 (2024-02-22)

Bug fixes:

- Update TinyMCE format icon names.
  [petschki, maurits] (#3095)
- Added upgrade to 6101, Plone 6.1.0a2.
  [maurits] (#6101)

3.1.2 (2024-01-26)

Bug fixes:

- Remove Archetypes modifiers from portal_modifier early in Plone 6.0 alpha.
  CMFEditions already tried to do this, but this might fail in a corner case.
  [maurits] (#6003)


- Added upgrade to 6021, Plone 6.0.10.
  [maurits] (#6021)

3.1.1 (2023-12-14)


- Added upgrade to 6020, Plone 6.0.9.
  [maurits] (#6020)

3.1.0 (2023-10-26)

New features:

- Added upgrade to 6100, Plone 6.1.0a1.
  [maurits] (#6100)

Bug fixes:

- Added upgrade to 6019, Plone 6.0.8.
  [maurits] (#6019)

3.0.8 (2023-09-20)

Bug fixes:

- Fix error in site syndication settings when upgrading.
  [maurits] (#315)

3.0.7 (2023-09-14)

Bug fixes:

- Add Upgrade Step to fix ISyndicationSettings
  [1letter] (#315)
- Added upgrade to 6018, Plone 6.0.7.
  [maurits] (#6018)

3.0.6 (2023-06-22)

Bug fixes:

- Added upgrade to 6017, Plone 6.0.6.  [maurits] (#6017)

3.0.5 (2023-05-30)

Bug fixes:

- Fix TinyMCE problem: Tools and View do not show up in menubar.
  The menubar contained "toolsview" instead.
  [maurits] (#3785)
- Added upgrade to 6016, Plone 6.0.5.  [maurits] (#6016)

3.0.4 (2023-04-21)

Bug fixes:

- Added upgrade to 6015, Plone 6.0.4.  [maurits] (#6015)

3.0.3 (2023-03-23)

Bug fixes:

- Import more from plone.base. [maurits] (#1)
- Fix profiles.
  [maurits] (#99)
- Add Site Administrator role to various permissions.
  [maurits] (#3225)
- Added upgrade to 6014, Plone 6.0.3.  [maurits] (#6014)

3.0.2 (2023-02-23)

Bug fixes:

- Add two missing upgrades steps to Plone 5.2.10 and 5.2.11.
  [maurits] (#5211)
- Added upgrade to 6013, Plone 6.0.2.  [maurits] (#6013)

3.0.1 (2023-01-30)

Bug fixes:

- Add `autolink` plugin to `ITinyMCESchema.plugins`.
  [petschki] (#308)
- Added upgrade to 6012, Plone 6.0.1.  [maurits] (#6012)

3.0.0 (2022-12-12)

Bug fixes:

- Added upgrade to 6011, Plone 6.0.0 final.  [maurits] (#6011)

3.0.0rc2 (2022-12-05)

Bug fixes:

- Apply volto.blocks behavior if the site was being used as a Volto site
  [erral] (#304)
- Catch KeyError when getting object from a brain, and ignore this brain.
  Log a warning.
  [maurits] (#306)
- Added upgrade to 6010, Plone 6.0.0rc2.  [maurits] (#6010)

3.0.0rc1 (2022-11-18)

Bug fixes:

- Added upgrade to 6009, Plone 6.0.0rc1. (#6009)

3.0.0b5 (2022-10-04)

Bug fixes:

- Update plonetheme.barceloneta registry.
  [petschki] (#302)
- Added upgrade to 6008, Plone 6.0.0b3. (#6008)

3.0.0b4 (2022-09-10)

Bug fixes:

- Add migration of actions.xml for
  Add infrastructure for to beta2 migrations.
  [jensens] (#294)
- Add a timezone property to portal memberdata if it is missing. (#295)
- Update the portal actions icon expressions
  [ale-rt] (#298)
- Add an upgrade step to fix the dexterity indexer behavior (#300)
- Added upgrade to 6007, Plone 6.0.0b2.  [maurits] (#6007)

3.0.0b3 (2022-07-23)

Bug fixes:

- Added upgrade to 6006, Plone 6.0.0b1.  [maurits] (#6006)

3.0.0b2 (2022-06-24)

Bug fixes:

- ``update_catalog_metadata``: catch and log ``ComponentLookupError`` when getting indexable object.
  [maurits] (#3521)

3.0.0b1 (2022-06-24)

Breaking changes:

- Removed old code, aliases and dependencies.
  This were only needed to have a clean upgrade to earlier Plone versions.
  We only support upgrading from Plone 5.2 Python 3.
  [maurits] (#286)

New features:

- Upgrade profiles of core Plone modules to specific versions.
  See `issue 3346 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#3346)
- Add ``image_scales`` catalog metadata column.
  Update all brains to get this info.
  Since this takes long on large sites, you can disable this with an environment variable:
  In that case, you are advised to add the ``image_scales`` column manually to the catalog later.
  [maurits] (#3521)

Bug fixes:

- Cleanup: pyupgrade, isort, black.  [maurits] (#287)
- Add upgrade-profile for 6005 and reload tinyconfig to allow inline-mode.
  [pbauer] (#288)
- Remove empty ``plone_templates`` skin layer.
  [maurits] (#3515)
- Added upgrade to 6005, Plone 6.0.0a5.  [maurits] (#6005)

3.0.0a4 (2022-04-08)

New features:

- Add upgrades to migrate existing site to es6. [pbauer] (#269)
- Add plone-view icon.
  [thet] (#279)
- Reload ISearchSettings to add support for images in liveSearch results.
  [agitator+maurits] (#3489)

Bug fixes:

- Remove old ``plone.session`` bundles.
  Reapply its new registry settings, if its optional refresh support is installed.
  Part of `plone.session issue 24 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#24)
- Upgrade step to remove the removed viewlet plone.header
  [erral] (#268)
- Fix several exceptions when calling ``fix_unicode_properties``.
  Depend on Zope 5.5 to use its official version of this function.
  [maurits] (#270)
- Added upgrade to remove Configlets "Change Member Password" and "Member Prefs"
  [1letter] (#272)
- Do not reload plone-logged-in during upgrade. Add jquery bundle.
  [pbauer] (#277)
- Add eventedit bundle on upgrade.
  [pbauer] (#278)
- Clear out plone.content_css
  [pbauer] (#280)
- Remove deprecated `conditionalcomment` field from IBundleRegistry
  [petschki] (#283)
- Removed empty skin layers ``plone_prefs`` and ``plone_form_scripts``.
  [maurits] (#3240)
- Add new image scales.
  [maurits] (#3279)
- Added upgrade to 6004, Plone 6.0.0a4.  [maurits] (#6004)

3.0.0a3 (2022-01-28)

Bug fixes:

- Rerelease without changes as 3.0.0a3 so it fits better with the Plone 6.0.0a3 version.
  It is not guaranteed to keep matching.
  [maurits] (#300)

3.0.0a2 (2022-01-28)

Bug fixes:

- Upgrade Step for renamed error-log-form view link in ControlPanel
  [jmevissen] (#266)
- Fix unicode properties.
  See `issue 3305 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#3305)
- Added upgrade to 6003, Plone 6.0.0a3.  [maurits] (#6003)

3.0.0a1 (2021-12-03)

Breaking changes:

- Removed upgrade steps from Plone 5.1 and lower.
  You can only migrate to Plone 6 from a site that is already Python 3, so Plone 5.2.
  [maurits] (#227)

Bug fixes:

- Index the Plone site root (#264)
- Added upgrade to 6002, Plone 6.0.0a2.  [maurits] (#6002)

2.0.41 (2021-10-16)

Bug fixes:

- Add an UUID to existing, migrated site roots. [jensens] (#258)
- Add upgrade to 5214, Plone 5.2.6.
  [maurits] (#5214)
- Renamed ``v60/profiles/to_alpha1`` to ``to6000``.
  We have no Plone alpha1 release yet, but do have a pre alpha.
  [maurits] (#6000)
- Added upgrade to 6001, Plone 6.0.0a1.dev1.

  Fix icon_expr in typeinfo action
  [petschki] (#6001)

2.0.40 (2021-09-16)

Breaking changes:

- Upgrade step to make the Plone site a dexterity object (#256)

New features:

- Protect @@historyview with Modify portal content permission. Fixes
  [pbauer] (#254)
- Add relations controlpanel as part of
  [pbauer] (#255)

Bug fixes:

- Added upgrade to 6000, Plone 6.0.0a1.dev0.
  [maurits] (#600)

2.0.39 (2021-07-31)

Bug fixes:

- Added upgrade to 5213, Plone 5.2.5.
  [maurits] (#525)

2.0.38 (2021-03-02)

Bug fixes:

- Make portal_setup objects accessible only to Manager/Owner.
  See `GenericSetup issue 101 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#101)

2.0.37 (2021-02-19)

Breaking changes:

- Remove temp_folder from Zope root if broken.
  See `issue 2957 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#2957)

Bug fixes:

- Plone 6.0: remove portal_form_controller tool.
  [maurits] (#3057)
- Improved upgrade step for site_logo from ASCII to Bytes.
  The previous upgrade was incomplete and could remove the logo when called twice.
  See `comment on issue 3172 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#3172)

2.0.36 (2020-10-30)

Breaking changes:

- 6.0 alpha 1: remove the portal_quickinstaller tool.
  See `PLIP 1775 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#1775)

2.0.35 (2020-09-21)

Bug fixes:

- Replaced import of plone.api, which should not be used by core.
  [maurits] (#241)
- Fixes a rare case in v52/betas while migration of relations: Missing attributes on cataloged relations are safely ignored.
  [jensens] (#244)
- Plone 5.1.7: Update resource registry ``last_compilation`` date.
  [maurits] (#1006)
- Catch deprecation warnings for ``webdav.LockItem.LockItem`` and ``CMFPlone.interfaces.ILanguageSchema``.
  The first has been moved to ``OFS.LockItem``, the second to ``plone.i18n.interfaces``.
  In older upgrade code, we should still try the old import first.
  Fixed deprecation warning for
  Fixed invalid escape sequence.
  [maurits] (#3130)
- Migrate the ``plone.site_logo`` field from ASCII (native string) to Bytes.
  Otherwise saving the site-controlpanel can fail with a WrongType error
  Fixes `issue 3172 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#3172)

2.0.34 (2020-08-16)

Bug fixes:

- Plone 5.1.7: Update resource registry ``last_compilation`` date.
  [vincentfretin] (#236)

2.0.33 (2020-06-30)

Bug fixes:

- Fix UnicodeDecodeError in move_dotted_to_named_behaviors when migrating behaviors for content_types where the fti has a special character.
  [pbauer] (#235)

2.0.32 (2020-06-28)

New features:

- Add upgrade step for Plone 5.2.2.

  Image caption support
  Allow ``figcaption`` in rich text editor as a valid tag.
  Add registry setting for plone.image_caption outputfilter transform.
  [thet] (#209)
- Add upgrade step to migrate markdown tranform settings to markup control panel.
  [thomasmassmann] (#228)
- Add upgrade profiles for v60, including a upgrade step for #3086 (custom.css view)
  [MrTango] (#3086)

Bug fixes:

- Fix problem in step to 5.2 beta 1 `remove_interface_indexes_from_relations_catalog`.
  While upgrading the relation-catalog in some real world databases some of the iterated tokens are orphaned.
  Remove them to have a clean relation-catalog afterwards and log a warning.
  [jensens] (#225)
- add upgrade steps for HTMLFilter defaults.
  [petschki] (#233)

For 2.0.31 and earlier changes, see the `2.x branch <>`_.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "Plone upgrade migration",
    "author": "Plone Foundation",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "Overview\n========\n\nThis package contains the upgrade machinery to upgrade a Plone site to a newer version.\n\nVersion compatibility\n---------------------\n\n- To update to Plone 4.x please use versions up to 1.3.x.\n- To update to Plone 5.x, use version 2.x.\n- To update to Plone 6.x, use version 3.x.\n\nChangelog\n=========\n\n.. You should *NOT* be adding new change log entries to this file.\n   You should create a file in the news directory instead.\n   For helpful instructions, please see:\n\n\n.. towncrier release notes start\n\n3.1.4 (2024-04-25)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Add upgrade step for enable TinyMCE Plugin accordion to v60\n  [1letter] (324-1)\n- Add upgrade step for enable TinyMCE Plugin accordion\n  [1letter] (#324)\n- Add upgrade to add registry record ``webstats_head_js`` to ``ISiteSchema``.\n  [maurits] (#3931)\n\n\nInternal:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6022, Plone 6.0.11.\n  [maurits] (#6022)\n- Added upgrade to 6102, Plone 6.1.0a3.\n  [maurits] (#6102)\n\n\n3.1.3 (2024-02-22)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Update TinyMCE format icon names.\n  [petschki, maurits] (#3095)\n- Added upgrade to 6101, Plone 6.1.0a2.\n  [maurits] (#6101)\n\n\n3.1.2 (2024-01-26)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Remove Archetypes modifiers from portal_modifier early in Plone 6.0 alpha.\n  CMFEditions already tried to do this, but this might fail in a corner case.\n  [maurits] (#6003)\n\n\nInternal:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6021, Plone 6.0.10.\n  [maurits] (#6021)\n\n\n3.1.1 (2023-12-14)\n------------------\n\nInternal:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6020, Plone 6.0.9.\n  [maurits] (#6020)\n\n\n3.1.0 (2023-10-26)\n------------------\n\nNew features:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6100, Plone 6.1.0a1.\n  [maurits] (#6100)\n\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6019, Plone 6.0.8.\n  [maurits] (#6019)\n\n\n3.0.8 (2023-09-20)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Fix error in site syndication settings when upgrading.\n  [maurits] (#315)\n\n\n3.0.7 (2023-09-14)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Add Upgrade Step to fix ISyndicationSettings\n  [1letter] (#315)\n- Added upgrade to 6018, Plone 6.0.7.\n  [maurits] (#6018)\n\n\n3.0.6 (2023-06-22)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6017, Plone 6.0.6.  [maurits] (#6017)\n\n\n3.0.5 (2023-05-30)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Fix TinyMCE problem: Tools and View do not show up in menubar.\n  The menubar contained \"toolsview\" instead.\n  [maurits] (#3785)\n- Added upgrade to 6016, Plone 6.0.5.  [maurits] (#6016)\n\n\n3.0.4 (2023-04-21)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6015, Plone 6.0.4.  [maurits] (#6015)\n\n\n3.0.3 (2023-03-23)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Import more from plone.base. [maurits] (#1)\n- Fix profiles.\n  [maurits] (#99)\n- Add Site Administrator role to various permissions.\n  [maurits] (#3225)\n- Added upgrade to 6014, Plone 6.0.3.  [maurits] (#6014)\n\n\n3.0.2 (2023-02-23)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Add two missing upgrades steps to Plone 5.2.10 and 5.2.11.\n  [maurits] (#5211)\n- Added upgrade to 6013, Plone 6.0.2.  [maurits] (#6013)\n\n\n3.0.1 (2023-01-30)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Add `autolink` plugin to `ITinyMCESchema.plugins`.\n  [petschki] (#308)\n- Added upgrade to 6012, Plone 6.0.1.  [maurits] (#6012)\n\n\n3.0.0 (2022-12-12)\n------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6011, Plone 6.0.0 final.  [maurits] (#6011)\n\n\n3.0.0rc2 (2022-12-05)\n---------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Apply volto.blocks behavior if the site was being used as a Volto site\n  [erral] (#304)\n- Catch KeyError when getting object from a brain, and ignore this brain.\n  Log a warning.\n  [maurits] (#306)\n- Added upgrade to 6010, Plone 6.0.0rc2.  [maurits] (#6010)\n\n\n3.0.0rc1 (2022-11-18)\n---------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6009, Plone 6.0.0rc1. (#6009)\n\n\n3.0.0b5 (2022-10-04)\n--------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Update plonetheme.barceloneta registry.\n  [petschki] (#302)\n- Added upgrade to 6008, Plone 6.0.0b3. (#6008)\n\n\n3.0.0b4 (2022-09-10)\n--------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Add migration of actions.xml for\n  Add infrastructure for to beta2 migrations.\n  [jensens] (#294)\n- Add a timezone property to portal memberdata if it is missing. (#295)\n- Update the portal actions icon expressions\n  [ale-rt] (#298)\n- Add an upgrade step to fix the dexterity indexer behavior (#300)\n- Added upgrade to 6007, Plone 6.0.0b2.  [maurits] (#6007)\n\n\n3.0.0b3 (2022-07-23)\n--------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6006, Plone 6.0.0b1.  [maurits] (#6006)\n\n\n3.0.0b2 (2022-06-24)\n--------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- ``update_catalog_metadata``: catch and log ``ComponentLookupError`` when getting indexable object.\n  [maurits] (#3521)\n\n\n3.0.0b1 (2022-06-24)\n--------------------\n\nBreaking changes:\n\n\n- Removed old code, aliases and dependencies.\n  This were only needed to have a clean upgrade to earlier Plone versions.\n  We only support upgrading from Plone 5.2 Python 3.\n  [maurits] (#286)\n\n\nNew features:\n\n\n- Upgrade profiles of core Plone modules to specific versions.\n  See `issue 3346 <>`_.\n  [maurits] (#3346)\n- Add ``image_scales`` catalog metadata column.\n  Update all brains to get this info.\n  Since this takes long on large sites, you can disable this with an environment variable:\n  ``export UPDATE_CATALOG_FOR_IMAGE_SCALES=0``\n  In that case, you are advised to add the ``image_scales`` column manually to the catalog later.\n  [maurits] (#3521)\n\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Cleanup: pyupgrade, isort, black.  [maurits] (#287)\n- Add upgrade-profile for 6005 and reload tinyconfig to allow inline-mode.\n  [pbauer] (#288)\n- Remove empty ``plone_templates`` skin layer.\n  [maurits] (#3515)\n- Added upgrade to 6005, Plone 6.0.0a5.  [maurits] (#6005)\n\n\n3.0.0a4 (2022-04-08)\n--------------------\n\nNew features:\n\n\n- Add upgrades to migrate existing site to es6. [pbauer] (#269)\n- Add plone-view icon.\n  Ref:\n  [thet] (#279)\n- Reload ISearchSettings to add support for images in liveSearch results.\n  [agitator+maurits] (#3489)\n\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Remove old ``plone.session`` bundles.\n  Reapply its new registry settings, if its optional refresh support is installed.\n  Part of `plone.session issue 24 <>`_.\n  [maurits] (#24)\n- Upgrade step to remove the removed viewlet plone.header\n  [erral] (#268)\n- Fix several exceptions when calling ``fix_unicode_properties``.\n  Depend on Zope 5.5 to use its official version of this function.\n  [maurits] (#270)\n- Added upgrade to remove Configlets \"Change Member Password\" and \"Member Prefs\"\n  [1letter] (#272)\n- Do not reload plone-logged-in during upgrade. Add jquery bundle.\n  [pbauer] (#277)\n- Add eventedit bundle on upgrade.\n  [pbauer] (#278)\n- Clear out plone.content_css\n  [pbauer] (#280)\n- Remove deprecated `conditionalcomment` field from IBundleRegistry\n  [petschki] (#283)\n- Removed empty skin layers ``plone_prefs`` and ``plone_form_scripts``.\n  [maurits] (#3240)\n- Add new image scales.\n  [maurits] (#3279)\n- Added upgrade to 6004, Plone 6.0.0a4.  [maurits] (#6004)\n\n\n3.0.0a3 (2022-01-28)\n--------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Rerelease without changes as 3.0.0a3 so it fits better with the Plone 6.0.0a3 version.\n  It is not guaranteed to keep matching.\n  [maurits] (#300)\n\n\n3.0.0a2 (2022-01-28)\n--------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Upgrade Step for renamed error-log-form view link in ControlPanel\n  [jmevissen] (#266)\n- Fix unicode properties.\n  See `issue 3305 <>`_.\n  [maurits] (#3305)\n- Added upgrade to 6003, Plone 6.0.0a3.  [maurits] (#6003)\n\n\n3.0.0a1 (2021-12-03)\n--------------------\n\nBreaking changes:\n\n\n- Removed upgrade steps from Plone 5.1 and lower.\n  You can only migrate to Plone 6 from a site that is already Python 3, so Plone 5.2.\n  [maurits] (#227)\n\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Index the Plone site root (#264)\n- Added upgrade to 6002, Plone 6.0.0a2.  [maurits] (#6002)\n\n\n2.0.41 (2021-10-16)\n-------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Add an UUID to existing, migrated site roots. [jensens] (#258)\n- Add upgrade to 5214, Plone 5.2.6.\n  [maurits] (#5214)\n- Renamed ``v60/profiles/to_alpha1`` to ``to6000``.\n  We have no Plone alpha1 release yet, but do have a pre alpha.\n  [maurits] (#6000)\n- Added upgrade to 6001, Plone 6.0.0a1.dev1.\n  [maurits]\n\n  Fix icon_expr in typeinfo action\n  [petschki] (#6001)\n\n\n2.0.40 (2021-09-16)\n-------------------\n\nBreaking changes:\n\n\n- Upgrade step to make the Plone site a dexterity object (#256)\n\n\nNew features:\n\n\n- Protect @@historyview with Modify portal content permission. Fixes\n  [pbauer] (#254)\n- Add relations controlpanel as part of\n  [pbauer] (#255)\n\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 6000, Plone 6.0.0a1.dev0.\n  [maurits] (#600)\n\n\n2.0.39 (2021-07-31)\n-------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Added upgrade to 5213, Plone 5.2.5.\n  [maurits] (#525)\n\n\n2.0.38 (2021-03-02)\n-------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Make portal_setup objects accessible only to Manager/Owner.\n  See `GenericSetup issue 101 <>`_.\n  [maurits] (#101)\n\n\n2.0.37 (2021-02-19)\n-------------------\n\nBreaking changes:\n\n\n- Remove temp_folder from Zope root if broken.\n  See `issue 2957 <>`_.\n  [maurits] (#2957)\n\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Plone 6.0: remove portal_form_controller tool.\n  [maurits] (#3057)\n- Improved upgrade step for site_logo from ASCII to Bytes.\n  The previous upgrade was incomplete and could remove the logo when called twice.\n  See `comment on issue 3172 <>`_.\n  [maurits] (#3172)\n\n\n2.0.36 (2020-10-30)\n-------------------\n\nBreaking changes:\n\n\n- 6.0 alpha 1: remove the portal_quickinstaller tool.\n  See `PLIP 1775 <>`_.\n  [maurits] (#1775)\n\n\n2.0.35 (2020-09-21)\n-------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Replaced import of plone.api, which should not be used by core.\n  [maurits] (#241)\n- Fixes a rare case in v52/betas while migration of relations: Missing attributes on cataloged relations are safely ignored.\n  [jensens] (#244)\n- Plone 5.1.7: Update resource registry ``last_compilation`` date.\n  [maurits] (#1006)\n- Catch deprecation warnings for ``webdav.LockItem.LockItem`` and ``CMFPlone.interfaces.ILanguageSchema``.\n  The first has been moved to ``OFS.LockItem``, the second to ``plone.i18n.interfaces``.\n  In older upgrade code, we should still try the old import first.\n  Fixed deprecation warning for\n  Fixed invalid escape sequence.\n  [maurits] (#3130)\n- Migrate the ``plone.site_logo`` field from ASCII (native string) to Bytes.\n  Otherwise saving the site-controlpanel can fail with a WrongType error\n  Fixes `issue 3172 <>`_.\n  [maurits] (#3172)\n\n\n2.0.34 (2020-08-16)\n-------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Plone 5.1.7: Update resource registry ``last_compilation`` date.\n  [vincentfretin] (#236)\n\n\n2.0.33 (2020-06-30)\n-------------------\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Fix UnicodeDecodeError in move_dotted_to_named_behaviors when migrating behaviors for content_types where the fti has a special character.\n  [pbauer] (#235)\n\n\n2.0.32 (2020-06-28)\n-------------------\n\nNew features:\n\n\n- Add upgrade step for Plone 5.2.2.\n  [thet]\n\n  Image caption support\n  Allow ``figcaption`` in rich text editor as a valid tag.\n  Add registry setting for plone.image_caption outputfilter transform.\n  [thet] (#209)\n- Add upgrade step to migrate markdown tranform settings to markup control panel.\n  [thomasmassmann] (#228)\n- Add upgrade profiles for v60, including a upgrade step for #3086 (custom.css view)\n  [MrTango] (#3086)\n\n\nBug fixes:\n\n\n- Fix problem in step to 5.2 beta 1 `remove_interface_indexes_from_relations_catalog`.\n  While upgrading the relation-catalog in some real world databases some of the iterated tokens are orphaned.\n  Remove them to have a clean relation-catalog afterwards and log a warning.\n  [jensens] (#225)\n- add upgrade steps for HTMLFilter defaults.\n  [petschki] (#233)\n\nFor 2.0.31 and earlier changes, see the `2.x branch <>`_.\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GPL version 2",
    "summary": "Upgrade machinery for Plone.",
    "version": "3.1.4",
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        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
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