
Nameplonemeeting.restapi JSON
Version 2.8 PyPI version JSON
SummaryExtended rest api service for Products.PloneMeeting usecases
upload_time2024-10-16 08:23:35
authorGauthier Bastien
licenseGPL version 2
keywords python plone
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            .. This README is meant for consumption by humans and pypi. Pypi can render rst files so please do not use Sphinx features.
   If you want to learn more about writing documentation, please check out:
   This text does not appear on pypi or github. It is a comment.

.. image::

.. image::
   :alt: PyPI badge


plone.restapi specific endpoints for Products.PloneMeeting


Install plonemeeting.restapi by adding it to your buildout::



    eggs =

and then running ``bin/buildout``


- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.


Version 1.x is for PloneMeeting 4.1.x, version 2.x is for PloneMeeting 4.2.x+

2.8 (2024-10-16)

- Adapted call to `get_attendee_short_title` as it was moved
  from `Meeting` to `utils`.

2.7 (2024-06-07)

- Fixed french translation for `create_element_using_ws_rest`.

2.6 (2024-05-27)

- Adapted `test_restapi_add_item_with_annexes_children` to show that annex
  `content_category` `only_pdf` parameter is taken into account.
- Added `testServiceDelete` to show that the `DELETE` method works as expected.
- Fixed french translation for `create_element_using_ws_rest_comments`.

2.5 (2024-03-19)

- When using `fullobjects`, only serialize `next/previous` when specifically
  asked using `include_nextprev=true`.

2.4 (2024-03-14)

- Fixed `test_restapi_add_clean_meeting`, when generating new date use datetime
  and timedelta to avoid generating an unexisting date,
  here it was generating `2025/02/29` that does not exist.
- When using `@users?extra_include=categories`, categories are only returned if
  enabled in `MeetingConfig`, same for `classifiers`, this avoid having
  selectable categories for an user when categories are not used.
- Added special behavior for `review_state` and `creators` when asked in

  - `review_state` will return a token/title with review_state id
    and translated title;
  - `creators` will return a list of token/title with each creator id
    and fullname.


2.3 (2023-12-11)

- Adapted code as `Products.PloneMeeting.utils.add_wf_history_action` was moved
  to `imio.history.utils.add_event_to_wf_history` and
  `ToolPloneMeeting.getAdvicePortalTypes` and
  `ToolPloneMeeting.getAdvicePortalTypeIds` were moved to utils.

2.2 (2023-09-12)

- Always include `@type` info in result even when `include_base_data=false` as
  it is used with `UidSearchGet.required_meta_type_id`.

2.1 (2023-06-27)

- In `base.serialize_attendees`, do not use `UID` from serialized result as it
  could not be there when using `include_base_data=false`.

2.0.2 (2023-05-31)

- Added `@attendees GET` on meeting and item and `@attendee GET/PATCH`
  on meeting and item. Added `extra_include=attendees` on meeting and item.
- Manage `metadata_fields=internal_number`.

2.0.1 (2023-03-07)

- Fixed test isolation problem when tests executed together with `` tests.

2.0 (2023-03-06)

- Dropped support for `PloneMeeting 4.1.x`.
- Add `config` to `extra_include` allowed parameters to return informations about the meeting config
- Ensure that `in_name_of` parameter is only handled once when `__children__` parameter is used
- Enforce usage of `UID` parameter only if `externalIdentifier` is not provided
- Added `test_restapi_add_item_manually_linked_items` to check that it is possible
  to create items and use the `MeetingItem.manuallyLinkedItems` functionnality.
- Adapted code as `MeetingConfig.useGroupsAsCategories` was removed.
  Field `MeetingItem.category` is an optional field managed by
  `MeetingConfig.usedItemAttributes` as any other optional fields now.
- Add `date` by default to meeting informations.

1.0rc18 (2022-08-26)

- Allow usage of `type` parameter with `in_name_of` when `config_id` is not specified
- Fixed `BasePost._turn_ids_into_uids` to manage organizations outside
  `My organization` this is the case for field `MeetingItem.associatedGroups`.
- Refactored behavior so we use the `ISerializeToJson` serializer when
  any parameter is given.
- Completed the `@config` service (that now uses a `SearchGet`)
  to return every `MeetingConfigs` when `config_id=*`.
- Refactored the `@get` endpoint to use a `SearchGet` so we can use `in_name_of`.
- Added `DeserializeFromJson._need_update_local_roles` that will
  `update_local_roles` when creating an item when required, this is needed in
  some case like when creating an item with `internalNotes` because this field
  relies on `local_role/permission` that need to be setup to be writeable.
- Register `@get GET` endpoint for `IPloneSiteRoot` instead `IFolderish`.
- Added possibility to get the selectable choices of a field in the response.
  Parameter `include_choices_for=field_name` may be given, in this case,
  a key `field_name__choices` is added to the result with `token/title` of
  the selectable values.
- Refactored `@item extra_include=linked_items` to filter results using a
  catalog query so parameters and functionnality is similar to other endpoints.
  Removed `utils.filter_data` that could be dangerous and build a catalog query.
  Formalized convenience catalog index names substitution (passing parameter `type`
  corresponds to index `portal_type` or `state` corresponds to `review_state`).
- Parameter `config_id` is no more required when using `in_name_of`
  in `@get` or `@search`.
  Added `` to backport methods `get_filtered_plone_groups_for_user` and
  `getActiveConfigs` from `ToolPloneMeeting` so it is avaible when using
  `PloneMeeting 4.1.x`.

1.0rc17 (2022-07-01)

- Redo broken release...

1.0rc16 (2022-07-01)

- Added `extra_include=linked_items` available on item.
  This will append the item linked items, various `modes` may be asked:
  `auto` (by default) will return every auto linked items, `manual` will return
  manually linked items, `predecessor` will return the first predecessor,
  `predecessors` will return every predecessors, `successors` will return the
  direct `successors` and `every_successors` will return chain of successors.
- Added `utils.filter_data` that will let filter given data.
- Renamed `BaseSerializeToJson._get_param` to `BaseSerializeToJson.get_param`
  or it is considered as a private method not to use directly but actually
  it must be used instead `utils.get_param`.

1.0rc15 (2022-06-14)

- Removed temporary fix introduced in version `plonemeeting.restapi=1.0rc13`
  to avoid creating an empty item. This was fixed in `plone.restapi=7.8.0`.

1.0rc14 (2022-05-10)

- Use `BadRequest` instead `Exception` for every errors, this will return
  an error code `400` instead `500` that is used for internal server errors.

1.0rc13 (2022-04-28)

- Enable environment variable `RESTAPI_DEBUG` in tests.
- Prevent create an empty item.  Temporarily completely overrided
  `DeserializeFromJson.__call__` from `plone.restapi` until issue is fixed.

1.0rc12 (2022-02-15)

- Fixed `base.serialize_annexes`, make sure we get no annex if the given filters gives no uids.
  Passing no uids to get_categorized_elements means `Do not filter on uids`.

1.0rc11 (2022-02-14)

- Restored `Products.PloneMeeting 4.1.x/4.2.x` backward compatibility.

1.0rc10 (2022-02-03)

- Only display the `Unknown data` warning when creating an element if returning
  full obj serialization after creation.
- Fixed creation of meeting with annexes.
- Make the annex serializer include `file` in base data.
- Fixed `clean_html=False` when creating DX content, `clean_html` was always applied.

1.0rc9 (2022-01-27)

- Added upgrade step to 2000 that will re-apply the `rolemap` step so we are
  sure old installations are restricting the service to role `Member`.

1.0rc8 (2022-01-21)

- Added HTML clean (enabled by default) when adding an element (AT or DX).
- Added `extra_include=annexes` available on item and meeting.

1.0rc7 (2022-01-14)

- Make sure every `extra_include` are correctly defined in
  `_available_extra_includes`.  Now if not defined there, it will be ignored.

1.0rc6 (2022-01-07)

- Added `extra_include=pod_templates` for `Meeting` and `MeetingItem`.
- Fixed use of `utils.get_current_user_id` and `adopt_user`.

1.0rc5 (2022-01-03)

- When returning annex additional values, ignore `last_updated`.

1.0rc4 (2021-11-26)

- Default value for parameter `the_objects` changed in
  `ToolPloneMeeting.get_orgs_for_user` (from True to False).
- Adapted `utils.may_access_config_endpoints` to only check `tool.isManager`
  if given `cfg` is not None.
- Make PMChoiceFieldSerializer use a MissingTerms adapter when value not found
  in vocabulary.

1.0rc3 (2021-11-08)

- Extended `@users` `plone.restapi` endpoint that by default returns infos for
  a single user or let query several users:

  - `extra_include=groups` will add the organizations the user is member of;

    - in addition, passing `extra_include_groups_suffixes=creators` will add
      the organizations the user is creator for (any suffix may be used);

  - `extra_include=app_groups` will add the user Plone groups;
  - `extra_include=configs` will return the `MeetingConfigs`
    the user has access to;
  - `extra_include=categories`, will return the categories the user is able to
    use for each `MeetingConfig`

    - in addition, `extra_include_categories_config=meeting-config-id` parameter
      will filter results for given `MeetingConfig` id;

  - `extra_include=classifiers`, will return the classifiers the user is able to
    use for each `MeetingConfig`

    - in addition `extra_include_classifiers_config=meeting-config-id` parameter
      will filter results for given `MeetingConfig` ids.


- Added `@annex` POST endpoint to be able to add an annex on an existing element.
- Changed default behavior of `@get GET` endpoint that will return by default
  the summary version of serialized data, to get the full serialization, then
  parameter `fullobjects` will need to be given.
- Serializer may now complete a `@extra_includes` key that list `extra_include`
  values available for it.

1.0rc2 (2021-09-28)

- Use `Products.PloneMeeting.utils.convert2xhtml` to convert `text/html` data
  to correct format (images to base64 data and xhtml compliant).
- Simplify external service call to @item POST (add item):

  - Handle parameter `ignore_not_used_data:true` that will add a warning instead
    raising an error if an optional field is given (in this case, the given
    optional field value is ignored);
  - Handle parameter `ignore_validation_for` that will bypass validation of given
    fields if it is not in data or if it is empty. This makes it possible to add
    an item without every data, the item will have to be completed in the Web UI.

- Make sure `externalIdentifier` is always stored as a string, as it may be
  passed in the @add endpoint as an integer, if it is stored as an integer,
  it is not searchable in the `portal_catalog` using the `@search` endpoint
- Fixed `PMLazyCatalogResultSerializer.__call__` to avoid an `UnboundLocalError`
  or duplicates in results when the corresponding object does not exist anymore
  for a brain or when a `KeyError` occured in call to serializer.
- Handle anonymization of content.  To do so, added `utils.handle_html` that
  will handle every html data (AT pr DX) and make sure it is compliant with
  what we need:

  - images as base64 data;
  - use `appy.pod` preprocessor to make sure we have valid XHTML;
  - anonymize content if necessary.


1.0rc1 (2021-08-17)

- Make the summary serializer able to handle `extra_include` and
  `additional_values`. For this, needed to change the way summary serializer is
  handled by `plone.restapi` because by default there is one single summary
  serializer for brain interface but we need to be able to register a summary
  adapter for different interfaces (item, meeting, ...).
- Restored `Products.PloneMeeting 4.1.x/4.2.x` backward compatibility.
- Defined correct serializers for list fields so we have a `token/value`
  representation in each case (AT/DX for single and multi valued select).
- Added some new `extra_include` for `MeetingItem`: `classifier`,
  `groups_in_charge` and `associated_groups`.
  The `extra_include` named `proposingGroup` was renamed to `proposing_group`.
- Use `additional_values` in annex serializer to get categorized element infos
  instead yet another parameter `include_categorized_infos`.

1.0b2 (2021-07-16)

- Adapted code and tests now that `Meeting` was moved from `AT` to `DX`.
- Manage `extra_include=classifiers` in `@config GET` endpoint.
- Do no more require parameter `config_id` when a `type` is given in `@search`
  endpoint.  When `type` is other than `item/meeting`, we simply add it to the
  `query` as `portal_type`.
  `config_id` is only required when `type` is `item` or `meeting`.
- Added possibility to filter the `annexes endpoint` on any of the boolean
  attributes (`to_print`, `publishable`, `confidential`, `to_sign/signed`).
- Adapted `extra_include=deliberation` that was always returning every variants
  of deliberation (`deliberation/public_deliberation/public_deliberation_decided`),
  now the `extra_include` value is the name of the variants we want to get.
- Take into account the `extra_include_fullobjects` in the `MeetingItem` serializer.
  To handle this, it was necessary to implement a summary serializer for `Meeting`.
- Added `test_restapi_search_items_extra_include_deliberation_images` showing
  that images are received as base64 data value.

1.0b1 (2021-02-03)

- Override default `PMBrainJSONSummarySerializer` for `ICatalogBrain` from
  `imio.restapi` (that already overrides the one from `plone.restapi`) to
  include metadata `enabled` by default.
  Define also `PMJSONSummarySerializer` for object (not brain) to have a
  summary representation of any objects. This makes it possible to get summary
  serializers for a `MeetingConfig` and it's associated groups while using
- Changed behavior of our overrided `@search` : before, it was overriding the
  default `@search` and was requiring a `config_id` to work, now `config_id` is
  optional, when given, it will ease searching for items or meetings, but if
  not given, then the endpoint will have the default `@search` behavior.
  Nevertheless, if parameter `type` is given, then `config_id`
  must be given as well.

1.0a6 (2021-01-06)

- `Products.PloneMeeting.utils.fplog` was moved to
  ``, adapted code accordingly.

1.0a5 (2020-12-07)

- Added parameters `extra_include_proposing_groups`,
  `extra_include_groups_in_charge` and `extra_include_associated_groups`
  to `@config GET` endpoint.
- By default, restrict access to endpoints to role `Member`,
  was given to role `Anonymous` by default by `plone.restapi`.

1.0a4 (2020-10-14)

- Completed test showing that `MeetingItem.adviceIndex` was not correctly
  initialized upon item creation.
- Added parameter `extra_include_meeting` to `IMeetingItem` serializer.
- Completed `IMeeting` serializer `_additional_values` with `formatted_date`,
  `formatted_date_short` and `formatted_date_long`.

1.0a3 (2020-09-10)

- Fixed `test_restapi_config_extra_include_categories` as former
  `AT MeetingCategory` are now `DX meetingcategory` that use field `enabled`
  instead workflow `review_state` `active`.
- Added `test_restapi_add_item_wf_transitions` that was broken
  with `imio.restapi<1.0a11`.
- When adding a new item, insert the event `create_element_using_ws_rest`
  in the `workflow_history` at the beginning, just after the `created` event.

1.0a2 (2020-06-24)

- Added test `test_restapi_annex_type_only_for_meeting_managers`, make sure an
  annex `content_category` that is restricted to `MeetingManagers` using
  `content_category.only_for_meeting_managers` is rendered the same way.
- Try to build a more easy api :

  - Turned `@search_items` into `@search` and `@search_meetings` into
  - Parameter `getConfigId` is renamed to `config_id`;
  - Added `in_name_of` parameter making it possible to use endpoint as another
    user if original user is `(Meeting)Manager`.

- Added `@item` POST endpoint to be able to create item with/without annexes:

  - Need to define new AT fields `deserializer` to apply WF before settings
    field values;
  - Manage optional fields (can not use when not enabled);
  - Manage creation of annexes as `__children__` of item;
  - Ease use by being able to define `config_id` only at first level
    (so not for annexes);
  - Ease use by being able to use organizations `ids` instead `UIDs`
    in creation data;
  - Manage `in_name_of` parameter.

- Override `@infos` endpoint from imio.restapi to add our own informations.
- Added parameter `meetings_accepting_items=True` to `@search`
  when `type=meeting`, this will query only meetings accepting items but query
  may still be completed with other arbitrary indexes.
- Added `@config` endpoint that will return a given `config_id` `MeetingConfig`
  informations. Parameters `include_categories` (return enabled/disabled
  categories), `include_pod_templates` (return enabled POD template) and
  `include_searches` (return enabled DashboardCollections) are available.
- Added `@get` endpoint that receives an `UID` and returns the object found.
  A convenience endpoint `@item` do the same but just check that returned element
  is a MeetingItem.
- Added parameter `base_search_uid=collection_uid` to `@search`,
  this makes it possible to use the `query` defined on a `DashboardCollection`.

1.0a1 (2020-01-10)

- Initial release.

Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "plonemeeting.restapi",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "Python Plone",
    "author": "Gauthier Bastien",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": ".. This README is meant for consumption by humans and pypi. Pypi can render rst files so please do not use Sphinx features.\n   If you want to learn more about writing documentation, please check out:\n   This text does not appear on pypi or github. It is a comment.\n\n.. image::\n   :target:\n\n.. image::\n   :alt: PyPI badge\n   :target:\n\n\n====================\nplonemeeting.restapi\n====================\n\nplone.restapi specific endpoints for Products.PloneMeeting\n\n\nInstallation\n------------\n\nInstall plonemeeting.restapi by adding it to your buildout::\n\n    [buildout]\n\n    ...\n\n    eggs =\n        plonemeeting.restapi\n\n\nand then running ``bin/buildout``\n\n\nContribute\n----------\n\n- Issue Tracker:\n- Source Code:\n\n\nLicense\n-------\n\nThe project is licensed under the GPLv2.\n\n\nChangelog\n=========\n\nVersion 1.x is for PloneMeeting 4.1.x, version 2.x is for PloneMeeting 4.2.x+\n\n\n2.8 (2024-10-16)\n----------------\n\n- Adapted call to `get_attendee_short_title` as it was moved\n  from `Meeting` to `utils`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.7 (2024-06-07)\n----------------\n\n- Fixed french translation for `create_element_using_ws_rest`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.6 (2024-05-27)\n----------------\n\n- Adapted `test_restapi_add_item_with_annexes_children` to show that annex\n  `content_category` `only_pdf` parameter is taken into account.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added `testServiceDelete` to show that the `DELETE` method works as expected.\n  [gbastien]\n- Fixed french translation for `create_element_using_ws_rest_comments`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.5 (2024-03-19)\n----------------\n\n- When using `fullobjects`, only serialize `next/previous` when specifically\n  asked using `include_nextprev=true`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.4 (2024-03-14)\n----------------\n\n- Fixed `test_restapi_add_clean_meeting`, when generating new date use datetime\n  and timedelta to avoid generating an unexisting date,\n  here it was generating `2025/02/29` that does not exist.\n  [gbastien]\n- When using `@users?extra_include=categories`, categories are only returned if\n  enabled in `MeetingConfig`, same for `classifiers`, this avoid having\n  selectable categories for an user when categories are not used.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added special behavior for `review_state` and `creators` when asked in\n  `metadata_fields`:\n\n  - `review_state` will return a token/title with review_state id\n    and translated title;\n  - `creators` will return a list of token/title with each creator id\n    and fullname.\n\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.3 (2023-12-11)\n----------------\n\n- Adapted code as `Products.PloneMeeting.utils.add_wf_history_action` was moved\n  to `imio.history.utils.add_event_to_wf_history` and\n  `ToolPloneMeeting.getAdvicePortalTypes` and\n  `ToolPloneMeeting.getAdvicePortalTypeIds` were moved to utils.\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.2 (2023-09-12)\n----------------\n\n- Always include `@type` info in result even when `include_base_data=false` as\n  it is used with `UidSearchGet.required_meta_type_id`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.1 (2023-06-27)\n----------------\n\n- In `base.serialize_attendees`, do not use `UID` from serialized result as it\n  could not be there when using `include_base_data=false`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.0.2 (2023-05-31)\n------------------\n\n- Added `@attendees GET` on meeting and item and `@attendee GET/PATCH`\n  on meeting and item. Added `extra_include=attendees` on meeting and item.\n  [gbastien]\n- Manage `metadata_fields=internal_number`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.0.1 (2023-03-07)\n------------------\n\n- Fixed test isolation problem when tests executed together with `` tests.\n  [gbastien]\n\n2.0 (2023-03-06)\n----------------\n\n- Dropped support for `PloneMeeting 4.1.x`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Add `config` to `extra_include` allowed parameters to return informations about the meeting config\n  [mpeeters]\n- Ensure that `in_name_of` parameter is only handled once when `__children__` parameter is used\n  [mpeeters]\n- Enforce usage of `UID` parameter only if `externalIdentifier` is not provided\n  [mpeeters]\n- Added `test_restapi_add_item_manually_linked_items` to check that it is possible\n  to create items and use the `MeetingItem.manuallyLinkedItems` functionnality.\n  [gbastien]\n- Adapted code as `MeetingConfig.useGroupsAsCategories` was removed.\n  Field `MeetingItem.category` is an optional field managed by\n  `MeetingConfig.usedItemAttributes` as any other optional fields now.\n  [gbastien]\n- Add `date` by default to meeting informations.\n  [mpeeters]\n\n1.0rc18 (2022-08-26)\n--------------------\n\n- Allow usage of `type` parameter with `in_name_of` when `config_id` is not specified\n  [mpeeters]\n- Fixed `BasePost._turn_ids_into_uids` to manage organizations outside\n  `My organization` this is the case for field `MeetingItem.associatedGroups`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Refactored behavior so we use the `ISerializeToJson` serializer when\n  any parameter is given.\n  [gbastien]\n- Completed the `@config` service (that now uses a `SearchGet`)\n  to return every `MeetingConfigs` when `config_id=*`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Refactored the `@get` endpoint to use a `SearchGet` so we can use `in_name_of`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added `DeserializeFromJson._need_update_local_roles` that will\n  `update_local_roles` when creating an item when required, this is needed in\n  some case like when creating an item with `internalNotes` because this field\n  relies on `local_role/permission` that need to be setup to be writeable.\n  [gbastien]\n- Register `@get GET` endpoint for `IPloneSiteRoot` instead `IFolderish`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added possibility to get the selectable choices of a field in the response.\n  Parameter `include_choices_for=field_name` may be given, in this case,\n  a key `field_name__choices` is added to the result with `token/title` of\n  the selectable values.\n  [gbastien]\n- Refactored `@item extra_include=linked_items` to filter results using a\n  catalog query so parameters and functionnality is similar to other endpoints.\n  Removed `utils.filter_data` that could be dangerous and build a catalog query.\n  Formalized convenience catalog index names substitution (passing parameter `type`\n  corresponds to index `portal_type` or `state` corresponds to `review_state`).\n  [gbastien]\n- Parameter `config_id` is no more required when using `in_name_of`\n  in `@get` or `@search`.\n  Added `` to backport methods `get_filtered_plone_groups_for_user` and\n  `getActiveConfigs` from `ToolPloneMeeting` so it is avaible when using\n  `PloneMeeting 4.1.x`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc17 (2022-07-01)\n--------------------\n\n- Redo broken release...\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc16 (2022-07-01)\n--------------------\n\n- Added `extra_include=linked_items` available on item.\n  This will append the item linked items, various `modes` may be asked:\n  `auto` (by default) will return every auto linked items, `manual` will return\n  manually linked items, `predecessor` will return the first predecessor,\n  `predecessors` will return every predecessors, `successors` will return the\n  direct `successors` and `every_successors` will return chain of successors.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added `utils.filter_data` that will let filter given data.\n  [gbastien]\n- Renamed `BaseSerializeToJson._get_param` to `BaseSerializeToJson.get_param`\n  or it is considered as a private method not to use directly but actually\n  it must be used instead `utils.get_param`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc15 (2022-06-14)\n--------------------\n\n- Removed temporary fix introduced in version `plonemeeting.restapi=1.0rc13`\n  to avoid creating an empty item. This was fixed in `plone.restapi=7.8.0`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc14 (2022-05-10)\n--------------------\n\n- Use `BadRequest` instead `Exception` for every errors, this will return\n  an error code `400` instead `500` that is used for internal server errors.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc13 (2022-04-28)\n--------------------\n\n- Enable environment variable `RESTAPI_DEBUG` in tests.\n  [gbastien]\n- Prevent create an empty item.  Temporarily completely overrided\n  `DeserializeFromJson.__call__` from `plone.restapi` until issue\n is fixed.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc12 (2022-02-15)\n--------------------\n\n- Fixed `base.serialize_annexes`, make sure we get no annex if the given filters gives no uids.\n  Passing no uids to get_categorized_elements means `Do not filter on uids`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc11 (2022-02-14)\n--------------------\n\n- Restored `Products.PloneMeeting 4.1.x/4.2.x` backward compatibility.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc10 (2022-02-03)\n--------------------\n\n- Only display the `Unknown data` warning when creating an element if returning\n  full obj serialization after creation.\n  [gbastien]\n- Fixed creation of meeting with annexes.\n  [gbastien]\n- Make the annex serializer include `file` in base data.\n  [gbastien]\n- Fixed `clean_html=False` when creating DX content, `clean_html` was always applied.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc9 (2022-01-27)\n-------------------\n\n- Added upgrade step to 2000 that will re-apply the `rolemap` step so we are\n  sure old installations are restricting the service to role `Member`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc8 (2022-01-21)\n-------------------\n\n- Added HTML clean (enabled by default) when adding an element (AT or DX).\n  [gbastien]\n- Added `extra_include=annexes` available on item and meeting.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc7 (2022-01-14)\n-------------------\n\n- Make sure every `extra_include` are correctly defined in\n  `_available_extra_includes`.  Now if not defined there, it will be ignored.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc6 (2022-01-07)\n-------------------\n\n- Added `extra_include=pod_templates` for `Meeting` and `MeetingItem`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Fixed use of `utils.get_current_user_id` and `adopt_user`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc5 (2022-01-03)\n-------------------\n\n- When returning annex additional values, ignore `last_updated`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc4 (2021-11-26)\n-------------------\n\n- Default value for parameter `the_objects` changed in\n  `ToolPloneMeeting.get_orgs_for_user` (from True to False).\n  [gbastien]\n- Adapted `utils.may_access_config_endpoints` to only check `tool.isManager`\n  if given `cfg` is not None.\n  [gbastien]\n- Make PMChoiceFieldSerializer use a MissingTerms adapter when value not found\n  in vocabulary.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc3 (2021-11-08)\n-------------------\n\n- Extended `@users` `plone.restapi` endpoint that by default returns infos for\n  a single user or let query several users:\n\n  - `extra_include=groups` will add the organizations the user is member of;\n\n    - in addition, passing `extra_include_groups_suffixes=creators` will add\n      the organizations the user is creator for (any suffix may be used);\n\n  - `extra_include=app_groups` will add the user Plone groups;\n  - `extra_include=configs` will return the `MeetingConfigs`\n    the user has access to;\n  - `extra_include=categories`, will return the categories the user is able to\n    use for each `MeetingConfig`\n\n    - in addition, `extra_include_categories_config=meeting-config-id` parameter\n      will filter results for given `MeetingConfig` id;\n\n  - `extra_include=classifiers`, will return the classifiers the user is able to\n    use for each `MeetingConfig`\n\n    - in addition `extra_include_classifiers_config=meeting-config-id` parameter\n      will filter results for given `MeetingConfig` ids.\n\n  [gbastien]\n\n- Added `@annex` POST endpoint to be able to add an annex on an existing element.\n  [gbastien]\n- Changed default behavior of `@get GET` endpoint that will return by default\n  the summary version of serialized data, to get the full serialization, then\n  parameter `fullobjects` will need to be given.\n  [gbastien]\n- Serializer may now complete a `@extra_includes` key that list `extra_include`\n  values available for it.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc2 (2021-09-28)\n-------------------\n\n- Use `Products.PloneMeeting.utils.convert2xhtml` to convert `text/html` data\n  to correct format (images to base64 data and xhtml compliant).\n  [gbastien]\n- Simplify external service call to @item POST (add item):\n\n  - Handle parameter `ignore_not_used_data:true` that will add a warning instead\n    raising an error if an optional field is given (in this case, the given\n    optional field value is ignored);\n  - Handle parameter `ignore_validation_for` that will bypass validation of given\n    fields if it is not in data or if it is empty. This makes it possible to add\n    an item without every data, the item will have to be completed in the Web UI.\n\n  [gbastien]\n- Make sure `externalIdentifier` is always stored as a string, as it may be\n  passed in the @add endpoint as an integer, if it is stored as an integer,\n  it is not searchable in the `portal_catalog` using the `@search` endpoint\n  afterwards.\n  [gbastien]\n- Fixed `PMLazyCatalogResultSerializer.__call__` to avoid an `UnboundLocalError`\n  or duplicates in results when the corresponding object does not exist anymore\n  for a brain or when a `KeyError` occured in call to serializer.\n  [gbastien]\n- Handle anonymization of content.  To do so, added `utils.handle_html` that\n  will handle every html data (AT pr DX) and make sure it is compliant with\n  what we need:\n\n  - images as base64 data;\n  - use `appy.pod` preprocessor to make sure we have valid XHTML;\n  - anonymize content if necessary.\n\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0rc1 (2021-08-17)\n-------------------\n\n- Make the summary serializer able to handle `extra_include` and\n  `additional_values`. For this, needed to change the way summary serializer is\n  handled by `plone.restapi` because by default there is one single summary\n  serializer for brain interface but we need to be able to register a summary\n  adapter for different interfaces (item, meeting, ...).\n  [gbastien]\n- Restored `Products.PloneMeeting 4.1.x/4.2.x` backward compatibility.\n  [gbastien]\n- Defined correct serializers for list fields so we have a `token/value`\n  representation in each case (AT/DX for single and multi valued select).\n  [gbastien]\n- Added some new `extra_include` for `MeetingItem`: `classifier`,\n  `groups_in_charge` and `associated_groups`.\n  The `extra_include` named `proposingGroup` was renamed to `proposing_group`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Use `additional_values` in annex serializer to get categorized element infos\n  instead yet another parameter `include_categorized_infos`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0b2 (2021-07-16)\n------------------\n\n- Adapted code and tests now that `Meeting` was moved from `AT` to `DX`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Manage `extra_include=classifiers` in `@config GET` endpoint.\n  [gbastien]\n- Do no more require parameter `config_id` when a `type` is given in `@search`\n  endpoint.  When `type` is other than `item/meeting`, we simply add it to the\n  `query` as `portal_type`.\n  `config_id` is only required when `type` is `item` or `meeting`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added possibility to filter the `annexes endpoint` on any of the boolean\n  attributes (`to_print`, `publishable`, `confidential`, `to_sign/signed`).\n  [gbastien]\n- Adapted `extra_include=deliberation` that was always returning every variants\n  of deliberation (`deliberation/public_deliberation/public_deliberation_decided`),\n  now the `extra_include` value is the name of the variants we want to get.\n  [gbastien]\n- Take into account the `extra_include_fullobjects` in the `MeetingItem` serializer.\n  To handle this, it was necessary to implement a summary serializer for `Meeting`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added `test_restapi_search_items_extra_include_deliberation_images` showing\n  that images are received as base64 data value.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0b1 (2021-02-03)\n------------------\n\n- Override default `PMBrainJSONSummarySerializer` for `ICatalogBrain` from\n  `imio.restapi` (that already overrides the one from `plone.restapi`) to\n  include metadata `enabled` by default.\n  Define also `PMJSONSummarySerializer` for object (not brain) to have a\n  summary representation of any objects. This makes it possible to get summary\n  serializers for a `MeetingConfig` and it's associated groups while using\n  `@config?extra_include=associated_groups`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Changed behavior of our overrided `@search` : before, it was overriding the\n  default `@search` and was requiring a `config_id` to work, now `config_id` is\n  optional, when given, it will ease searching for items or meetings, but if\n  not given, then the endpoint will have the default `@search` behavior.\n  Nevertheless, if parameter `type` is given, then `config_id`\n  must be given as well.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0a6 (2021-01-06)\n------------------\n\n- `Products.PloneMeeting.utils.fplog` was moved to\n  ``, adapted code accordingly.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0a5 (2020-12-07)\n------------------\n\n- Added parameters `extra_include_proposing_groups`,\n  `extra_include_groups_in_charge` and `extra_include_associated_groups`\n  to `@config GET` endpoint.\n  [gbastien]\n- By default, restrict access to endpoints to role `Member`,\n  was given to role `Anonymous` by default by `plone.restapi`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0a4 (2020-10-14)\n------------------\n\n- Completed test showing that `MeetingItem.adviceIndex` was not correctly\n  initialized upon item creation.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added parameter `extra_include_meeting` to `IMeetingItem` serializer.\n  [gbastien]\n- Completed `IMeeting` serializer `_additional_values` with `formatted_date`,\n  `formatted_date_short` and `formatted_date_long`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0a3 (2020-09-10)\n------------------\n\n- Fixed `test_restapi_config_extra_include_categories` as former\n  `AT MeetingCategory` are now `DX meetingcategory` that use field `enabled`\n  instead workflow `review_state` `active`.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added `test_restapi_add_item_wf_transitions` that was broken\n  with `imio.restapi<1.0a11`.\n  [gbastien]\n- When adding a new item, insert the event `create_element_using_ws_rest`\n  in the `workflow_history` at the beginning, just after the `created` event.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0a2 (2020-06-24)\n------------------\n\n- Added test `test_restapi_annex_type_only_for_meeting_managers`, make sure an\n  annex `content_category` that is restricted to `MeetingManagers` using\n  `content_category.only_for_meeting_managers` is rendered the same way.\n  [gbastien]\n- Try to build a more easy api :\n\n  - Turned `@search_items` into `@search` and `@search_meetings` into\n    `@search?type=meeting`;\n  - Parameter `getConfigId` is renamed to `config_id`;\n  - Added `in_name_of` parameter making it possible to use endpoint as another\n    user if original user is `(Meeting)Manager`.\n\n  [gbastien]\n- Added `@item` POST endpoint to be able to create item with/without annexes:\n\n  - Need to define new AT fields `deserializer` to apply WF before settings\n    field values;\n  - Manage optional fields (can not use when not enabled);\n  - Manage creation of annexes as `__children__` of item;\n  - Ease use by being able to define `config_id` only at first level\n    (so not for annexes);\n  - Ease use by being able to use organizations `ids` instead `UIDs`\n    in creation data;\n  - Manage `in_name_of` parameter.\n\n  [gbastien]\n- Override `@infos` endpoint from imio.restapi to add our own informations.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added parameter `meetings_accepting_items=True` to `@search`\n  when `type=meeting`, this will query only meetings accepting items but query\n  may still be completed with other arbitrary indexes.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added `@config` endpoint that will return a given `config_id` `MeetingConfig`\n  informations. Parameters `include_categories` (return enabled/disabled\n  categories), `include_pod_templates` (return enabled POD template) and\n  `include_searches` (return enabled DashboardCollections) are available.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added `@get` endpoint that receives an `UID` and returns the object found.\n  A convenience endpoint `@item` do the same but just check that returned element\n  is a MeetingItem.\n  [gbastien]\n- Added parameter `base_search_uid=collection_uid` to `@search`,\n  this makes it possible to use the `query` defined on a `DashboardCollection`.\n  [gbastien]\n\n1.0a1 (2020-01-10)\n------------------\n\n- Initial release.\n  [gbastien]",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GPL version 2",
    "summary": "Extended rest api service for Products.PloneMeeting usecases",
    "version": "2.8",
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    "split_keywords": [
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