
Nameplyer JSON
Version 2.1.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPlatform-independent wrapper for platform-dependent APIs
upload_time2022-11-12 13:36:48
authorKivy team
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Plyer

Plyer is a platform-independent api to use features commonly found on various
platforms, notably mobile ones, in Python.

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## How plyer works?

Plyer tries not to reinvent the wheel, and will call for external libraries to
implement the api in the easiest way, depending on the current platform.

- On Android(python-for-android), pyjnius is used
- On iOS(kivy-ios), pyobjus is used
- On windows/mac/linux, commonly found libraries and programs will be used

## Supported APIs

| Platform                       | Android | iOS | Windows | OS X | Linux |
| ------------------------------ | ------- | --- | ------- | ---- | ----- |
| Accelerometer                  | ✔       | ✔   |         | ✔    | ✔     |
| Audio recording                | ✔       |     | ✔       | ✔    |       |
| Barometer                      | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| Battery                        | ✔       | ✔   | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Bluetooth                      | ✔       |     |         | ✔    |       |
| Brightness                     | ✔       | ✔   |         |      | ✔     |
| Call                           | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| Camera (taking picture)        | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| Compass                        | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| CPU count                      |         |     | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Devicename                     | ✔       |     | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Email (open mail client)       | ✔       | ✔   | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Flash                          | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| GPS                            | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| Gravity                        | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| Gyroscope                      | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| Humidity                       | ✔       |     |         |      |       |
| IR Blaster                     | ✔       |     |         |      |       |
| Keystore                       | ✔       | ✔   | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Light                          | ✔       |     |         |      |       |
| Native file chooser            | ✔       | ✔   | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Notifications                  | ✔       |     | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Orientation                    | ✔       |     |         |      | ✔     |
| Proximity                      | ✔       |     |         |      |       |
| Screenshot                     |         |     | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| SMS (send messages)            | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| Spatial Orientation            | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| Speech to text                 | ✔       |     |         |      |       |
| Storage Path                   | ✔       | ✔   | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Temperature                    | ✔       |     |         |      |       |
| Text to speech                 | ✔       | ✔   | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Unique ID                      | ✔       | ✔   | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |
| Vibrator                       | ✔       | ✔   |         |      |       |
| Wifi                           |         |     | ✔       | ✔    | ✔     |

## Installation

To use on desktop: `pip install plyer`
To use in python-for-android/kivy-ios: add `plyer` to your requirements if needed.

## Support

If you need assistance, you can ask for help on our mailing list:

* User Group :
* Email      :

Discord channel:

* Server     :
* Channel    : #dev

## Contributing

We love pull requests and discussing novel ideas. Check out our
[contribution guide]( and
feel free to improve Plyer.

The following mailing list and IRC channel are used exclusively for
discussions about developing the Kivy framework and its sister projects:

* Dev Group :
* Email     :

IRC channel:

* Server  :
* Port    : 6667, 6697 (SSL only)
* Channel : #kivy-dev

## License

Plyer is released under the terms of the MIT License. Please refer to the

## Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](].

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## Backers

Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](]

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## Sponsors

Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]

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# Change Log

## [2.1.0]( (2022-11-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Use xdg-desktop-portal for Notification inside Flatpak [\#680]( ([JakobDev](

**Closed issues:**

- Exception is thrown on try to play recorded audio clip [\#713](
- iOS: filechooser - multiple files selection is not working [\#707](
- Speech to text is not working with api 30 or more [\#693](
- Traceback \(most recent call last\):
   File "jnius/jnius\_proxy.pxi", line 50, in jnius.jnius.PythonJavaClass.invoke
   File "jnius/jnius\_proxy.pxi", line 74, in jnius.jnius.PythonJavaClass.\_invoke
 NotImplementedError: The method \('onLocationChanged', \('V', \('Ljava/util/List;',\)\)\) is not implemented [\#687](
- Notify on Windows but without archiving notifications [\#684](
- Notification icon as base64 instead of path [\#679](
- plyer's last release was ~2 years ago, the number of open PRs is absurd, and the last meaningful commit was months ago [\#674](
- iOS Filechooser that picks all document types \(UIDocumentPickerViewController\) [\#673](
- Python dbus error on Linux when sending notification [\#658](
- Is that project dead? [\#650](
- Notification for android not working \[ Drawable.icon \] [\#647](
- audio don't work on android [\#644](
- Unittests are failing on new clone [\#637](
- Proposing a PR to fix a few small typos [\#622](
- Remove python2 mentions from [\#608](
- vibrator on android 10 java.lang.SecurityException [\#606](
- How to change prompt input to upper or lower case in JS? [\#603](
- Does this repo is maintained? [\#592](
- Plyer notification not working on android [\#591](
- Feature Request: Add Intent to Android Gallery\(for Pictures\) [\#588](
-\_file doesn't work on macOS X Catalina [\#578](
- macOS notification NSUserNotificationCenter is deprecated + missing Info.plist [\#449](

**Merged pull requests:**

- action-gh-release now uses `github.token` [\#724]( ([misl6](
- Bump version to 2.1.0 for release [\#723]( ([misl6](
- Bump action-gh-release to a newer version [\#721]( ([misl6](
- Update supported Python versions [\#720]( ([misl6](
- Fixes some E275. + other minor PEP8 fixes [\#711]( ([misl6](
- Document linux support for orientation [\#709]( ([rshah713](
- Document supported platforms for humidity [\#704]( ([rshah713](
- Keyword should only hold name of license [\#701]( ([rshah713](
- Document supported platforms in native filechooser [\#700]( ([rshah713](
- Fix Keystore comment to point at correct class [\#697]( ([rshah713](
- Add missing platform for barometer [\#695]( ([rshah713](
- Add missing platforms in audio [\#694]( ([rshah713](
- Fixes a failing test for notification [\#692]( ([misl6](
- Fixes style check [\#691]( ([misl6](
- Clear documentation for Processors [\#689]( ([rshah713](
- Create clear documentation for Keystore [\#688]( ([rshah713](
- Added tick in ios native file chooser row [\#685]( ([Neizvestnyj](
- :zap: Fix pep8 violations [\#678]( ([Zen-CODE](
- :hammer: Fix pep 8 failure for CICD [\#677]( ([Zen-CODE](
- fix some errors in readme file [\#676]( ([AdamMusa](
- android 11+ compatibility Documents folder [\#672]( ([moonpyx](
- Use sys.getandroidapilevel for more robust Android detection [\#670]( ([rdb](
- More robust way to get application icon on Android for notification [\#669]( ([rdb](
- Added the ability to track the closure of the file manager without selecting content [\#667]( ([Neizvestnyj](
- Fix bug, when user canceled filechooser, `on_selection` does not dispatched [\#666]( ([Neizvestnyj](
- Bigger buffer, allows large selection [\#655]( ([akshayaurora](
- fix: fix filechooser save dialog for the KDE [\#652]( ([psyrykh](
- Change R$drawable to R$mipmap in for android platform [\#648]( ([masterjoseph914](
- linux/storagepath: fixup a host of issues [\#646]( ([rski](
- Change `PythonActivity` java class [\#642]( ([Neizvestnyj](
- Enabled transient notifications on Linux [\#639]( ([olumidesan](
- updated-device-name-implementation-for-backward-compatibility [\#634]( ([ljnath](
- Added contributors in file [\#633]( ([ljnath](
- Fixed pep8 errors [\#632]( ([ljnath](
- Removed python2.6|7 reference and added reference for python 3.6|7|8  [\#631]( ([ljnath](
- Support to get android device name or hostname for linux and windows [\#630]( ([ljnath](
- \#611 add filters for file chooser on android [\#624]( ([akshayaurora](
- docs: fix a few simple typos [\#623]( ([akshayaurora](
- Add check for Trinity Desktop Environment [\#620]( ([akshayaurora](
- FileChooser: MacOS: Use objectAtIndex\_ to get multiple items [\#618]( ([akshayaurora](
- add installation section in [\#563]( ([tshirtman](

## [2.0.0]( (2020-11-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Macox notification - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setDelegate\_' [\#586](
- Can't display notifications with Plyer [\#582](
- Unable to set app orientation [\#579](
- Does plyer allow you to open another app? [\#577](
- Calling notification.notify\(\) raises "No Usable Implementation Found!" Error on Android [\#575](
- tts is not working [\#572](
- bluetooth for Android [\#571](
- raise NotImplementedError\(\)  NotImplementedError when I use tts  [\#567](
- Filter variable may be uninitialized in MacOSX filechooser [\#566](
- Plyer camera cannot save image to the IOS phone [\#561](
- How to turn on gps  ?? [\#556](
- How to disable mock location \(fake gps\) in kivy  [\#555](
- Release notes for v 1.4.3? [\#550](
- battery.status isCharging always shows false in WINDOWS [\#541](
- Filechooser on mac: using path, crashes python [\#524](
- Android Filechooser not working [\#512](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Some APIs are only available for open panels. [\#590]( ([matham](
- Fix uninitialized variable in MacOSX filechooser. [\#568]( ([Mulugruntz](
- Fixing crash on MacOSX filechooser [\#565]( ([Mulugruntz](
- Uses Python 3 syntax [\#554]( ([AndreMiras](
- Feature/drop python2 [\#553]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fixes linter errors [\#552]( ([AndreMiras](
- Remove unused linters [\#548]( ([ghost](
- Fix linter warnings [\#547]( ([ghost](
- Modification of Status isCharging in windows [\#546]( ([irm19](

## [1.4.3]( (2020-03-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- IOS - GPS : 'IosGPS' object has no attribute '\_location\_manager' [\#538](
- Android FileChooser crashes when back button pressed [\#534](
- Notification not working on android [\#533](
- FileChooser on Android: "on selection" fires multiple times. [\#530](
- KIVY cannot access the android camera.. [\#521](
- No notification icons on Linux \(Gnome\) [\#514](
- Vibrator is not working on Android [\#509](
- notification.notify crashes Android Pie devices [\#504](
- Vibrate revision in api 26 [\#501](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix linter warnings in examples/gps/ [\#545]( ([ghost](
- Switch to GitHub actions [\#544]( ([ghost](
- Fix crash in Android Notification \(SDK\_INT \>= 26\) [\#543]( ([ghost](
- Add native iOS FileBrowser [\#542]( ([Zen-CODE](
- Prevent crash when cancelling filechooser [\#536]( ([Zen-CODE](
- Make win filechooser use modern windows browser and fix small issues. [\#535]( ([matham](
- Prevent re-binding of callback on each call [\#532]( ([Zen-CODE](
- Add permission request to plyer GPS example [\#529]( ([Zen-CODE](
- Handle absence of LinuxFileChooser backend [\#526]( ([Cheaterman](
- Fix vibrator, which was not working on Android devices. [\#523]( ([ghost](
- Added logic to support the `on_status` method of the gps facade for i… [\#519]( ([Dirk-Sandberg](
- Fix default audio file\_path assignment error, file\_path change for Py3 [\#518]( ([Nephyx](
- Add Windows applications storage path [\#517]( ([magnusvmt](
- fix typo in supported API list [\#516]( ([holdbar](
- fix the issue that tts.speak\(\) crashes on android [\#511]( ([Chao-Jen](
- Addresses plyer issue \#240. [\#502]( ([Dirk-Sandberg](
- Update to add opencollective [\#499]( ([tito](
- Bump to 1.4.0 for release [\#496]( ([KeyWeeUsr](

## [1.4.2]( (2019-09-05)

[Full Changelog](

## [1.4.1]( (2019-09-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- I'll be Working on Linux audio [\#497](
- Notification and service [\#494](
- Windows notification - NotImplementedError: No usable implementation found! [\#485](
- macOS notification NSUserNotificationCenter is deprecated + missing Info.plist [\#449](

## [1.4.0]( (2018-12-31)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Windows microphone support [\#179](

**Closed issues:**

- jnius.jnius.JavaException: Class not found 'android/content/INTENT' [\#479](
- macOS storagepath uses non-standard path for get\_home\_dir\(\) [\#450](
- Example Applications break down on a real device [\#338](
- Feature request: Accelerometer on Linux \(computers\) [\#9](
- Linux wifi implementation via rockymeza/wifi is broken [\#487](
- Hardcoded 'wlan0' does not work on all devices [\#477](
- GNU/Linux wifi disconnect\(\) not working on Ubuntu 15.04+ [\#452](
- Plyer Email [\#420](
- notification not working on android [\#402](
- plyer.accelerometer not working with Kivy Launcher [\#401](
- New PyPI release after 1.3.0 [\#400](
- plyer.notify.notification doesn't show ticker in Android [\#378](
- causes crash on Android with sdl2 [\#245](
- audio: JVM exception occurred: setAudioSource failed. [\#210](
- Something wrong with encoding in AndroidNotification [\#175](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Implement WiFi for Linux with nmcli [\#495]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Enhance Android notifications with toast and big icons [\#493]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix android notifications missing channel on Oreo and later [\#492]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add Android Native filechooser and external SD card path to StoragePath [\#491]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix OSX builds on Travis [\#490]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add audio recording and playing for Windows [\#489]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add support for interfaces in Linux WiFi [\#488]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- macOS tests - audio, battery, bluetooth, storagepath [\#482]( ([Nephyx](
- Change 'Speech' to 'STT' [\#484]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- New extended CPU details implementation [\#483]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix uniqueid for linux platform [\#481]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix CI jobs reporting wrong coverage \(non-imported modules ignored\) [\#480]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- thegrymek: Android speech recognition [\#471]( ([KeyWeeUsr](

## [1.3.2]( (2018-11-16)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- \[Feature Request\] Termux support [\#360](
- storage path support [\#152](
- unicode broken in notifications on windows 8. [\#17](
- Feature Request: Add adjustable tooltip text to Windows notification [\#14](

**Closed issues:**

- plyer notifications raising NotImplementedError on android [\#467](
- TypeError when running examples in Python 3 [\#392](
- when i use buildozer and python3crystax to build apk  it not work ? [\#380](
- Windows filechooser crash [\#375](
- Using the camera crashes the app [\#369](
- after calling an plyer audio function from an accelerometer function, App crashes. [\#361](
- fails under android and windows7 32bit python2.7 [\#277](
- Strange string returned by filechooser on Windows [\#177](
- Email Support for OSX [\#32](
- GPS Support for iOS [\#22](
- Camera Support for iOS [\#21](
- Example app for Camera facade [\#16](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Move TODO item to a separate issue [\#478]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add @deprecated decorator [\#476]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fixed macOS using non-standard path for get\_home\_dir\(\) [\#475]( ([Nephyx](
- Removed unnecessary grep dependency [\#474]( ([Nephyx](
- Add enable & disable WiFi for Linux and MacOS [\#473]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Cleaning the plyer root directory and CI scripts [\#468]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add more distros via Docker images [\#466]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add Linux Screenshot with X11's X Window Dump [\#463]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Revert uppercase on autoclass values [\#462]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fixing Java class name [\#461]( ([clevermindgames](
- Increase timeout for notification test [\#460]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add Windows Screenshot with ctypes+pywin32 [\#459]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add screenshot test for OSX [\#458]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- OSX Screenshot \(Rebased PR \#324\) [\#457]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Rebased PR \#239 + fixes [\#455]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Bump to 1.3.2.dev0 [\#446]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Bump to 1.3.1 [\#445]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add extra options for installation via setuptools [\#438]( ([KeyWeeUsr](

## [1.3.1]( (2018-10-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Audio recording for macOS [\#428]( ([Nephyx](

**Closed issues:**

-\_enabled\(\) always return false running in python3 [\#436](
- kivy-ios fails to build plyer [\#417](
- Python 3 TabError [\#398](
- is there a way of using the front camera instead of back  [\#391](
-  \_get\_application\_dir: NotImplementedError [\#389](
- plyer app crashes on android [\#387](
- Can't pip install plyer through git [\#385](
- speech to text [\#382](
- text2speech doesn't work on platform Linux [\#372](
- Changing file\_path in example is not working [\#356](
- How to change file\_path of audio in plyer? [\#355](
- Accelerometer in plyer [\#354](
- iOS Gyroscope crashes [\#352](
- Need keystore for storing user credentials  [\#350](
- plyer examples app always crashes in android phones, It says "Unfortunately "Name of app" has stopped working." [\#349](
- Notification not working on Windows [\#333](
- Accelerometer not working on linux [\#327](
- 1.3.0 broke notifications on Windows [\#318](
- No encoding and °C causes SyntaxError [\#312](
- GPS double output on output return value [\#302](
- Cannot import wifi module in windows [\#272](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add note about Windows icon format [\#444]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Mark new audio recording feature in README.rst [\#443]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix not decoding bytes in Linux [\#442]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix b' embedded in the path string for Windows' choose\_dir\(\) [\#441]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add missing parameter for Windows' WlanCloseHandle\(\) [\#440]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Revert facades/ change from PR \#301 [\#439]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Update [\#437]( ([Vibhu-Agarwal](
- Remove notification webhook from travis [\#434]( ([dessant](
- Fix Travis build for pull requests [\#432]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Changed OSX storage path from ctypes to pyobjus [\#431]( ([Nephyx](
- Fix Pylint errors W0150, W0511, W0601, W0603, W0610 [\#430]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix Pylint errors W0611, W0612, W0622, W0702, W0703 [\#427]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Disable all Pylint errors to fix red jobs [\#426]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Downgrade Travis due to missing docker service on Ubuntu Bionic [\#425]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Switch from Ubuntu Trusty to Ubuntu Bionic LTS [\#424]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix style issues in utils, compat and [\#423]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Clickable notifications, fixes \#154 [\#422]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fix style in test\ [\#418]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix pep8 issues in files [\#416]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add script for CI deployment to PyPI [\#413]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix travis to use real branch instead of detached HEAD [\#412]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add linux battery from sysclass [\#411]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Switch to unicode in macosx [\#410]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix test\_facade failing for Py3 by switching to Mocks [\#409]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add Dockerfiles for testing, fix tests and style [\#408]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Implemented storagepath in linux [\#407]( ([Sires0](
- Improve messages for missing dependencies [\#406]( ([dolang](
- Updates README.rst, removes dup in supported API [\#403]( ([AndreMiras](
- why should decode 'l' again and again [\#396]( ([xhimanshuz](
- Correcting issue for linux p… [\#395]( ([ghost](
- Number Of Processors for Linux Platform [\#394]( ([salil-gtm](
- enhancement: bluetooth status [\#388]( ([kapilnayar](
- Show that bluetooth is not supported [\#379]( ([zerox1212](
- Arrange APIs table in alphabetical order [\#377]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Add list of supported platforms to facade [\#376]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Add iOS api for storage path [\#374]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- update readme [\#373]( ([sandeepsajan0](
- Update buildozer.spec [\#370]( ([sandeepsajan0](
- Warn instead stder.write for linux notif errors [\#368]( ([sametmax](
- Add report [\#367]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix pep8 in plyer [\#366]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- iOS Barometer API [\#363]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Fix iOS Gyroscope crash issue [\#353]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Keystore implementation. [\#351]( ([brentpicasso](
- iOS Spatial orientation [\#348]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- iOS Gravity sensor  [\#347]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Linux Brightness API [\#346]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Brightness API [\#344]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Fix bug in WindowsBalloonTip [\#343]( ([Chronial](
- Storage path API [\#342]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Compass uncalibrated [\#341]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Gyroscope uncalibrated sensor [\#337]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Spatial Orientation for android [\#336]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Update win\_api\ [\#335]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Add some tests + Appveyor [\#329]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix notification ticker error + pep8 [\#328]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Pep8 fix in [\#322]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Example for Unique ID facade [\#321]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Android Humidity [\#301]( ([bhaveshAn](
- fix handling of notifications' timeout on Linux [\#297]( ([benoit-pierre](
- Facade Wifi [\#290]( ([bhaveshAn](
- orientation feature for linux [\#273]( ([susmit](
- Fix wifi module. [\#244]( ([account-login](

## [1.3.0]( (2017-03-23)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Feature Request: Alarms [\#8](

**Closed issues:**

- Notification.notify crashes android app  [\#296](
- GPS android crash on launch [\#288](
- Send SMS feature not working [\#261](
- gps.configure\(\) results in exception [\#257](
- v1.2.4 archive not available via github [\#234](
- SyntaxError in for Linux [\#230](
- New PyPi release please, to fix static jfieldID not valid for class java.lang.Class\<\> [\#229](
- Drag-and-drop: originate in Kivy, drop in some external app [\#228](
- GPS Issue after in iOS after last changes in plyer [\#224](
- battery.status isCharging always shows false [\#221](
- GPS example only updating location once [\#217](
- raises exception on Windows [\#212](
- Redundant libs folder [\#209](
- accelerometer on Android with Kivy Launcher 1.9.0 not working [\#206](
- Camera on android doesn't return to app [\#200](
- android compass suggestion [\#195](
- more example code to the docs [\#166](
- Mail API on linux raises error NameError: name 'Email' is not defined [\#131](
- native gui widgets [\#124](
- android: using gps app cannot resume from pause [\#112](
- Please upgrade pypi ! [\#94](
- UniqueID using OpenID [\#83](
- Display the notification in the right places [\#78](
- Python3 All The Plyer! [\#12](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Modify readme [\#308]( ([malverick](
- Add version tags in light and temperature facade [\#307]( ([malverick](
- Android ambient temperature sensor [\#293]( ([malverick](
- Android light sensor [\#292]( ([malverick](
- Plyer android proximity sensor [\#287]( ([malverick](
- Plyer android pressure sensor [\#286]( ([malverick](
- Update readme and plyer/\_\_init\_\ [\#285]( ([malverick](
- Plyer android gravity sensor [\#283]( ([malverick](
- Add on\_pause function [\#274]( ([malverick](
- uniqueid\_facade [\#270]( ([bhaveshAn](
- add bin and .buildozer directory to .gitignore [\#259]( ([malverick](
- pep8 fixes [\#250]( ([malverick](
- update code [\#249]( ([kiok46](
- Adding small examples in facade files [\#237]( ([kiok46](
- Fix TypeError if `LANG` is not set in on osx [\#232]( ([ForeverWintr](
- fix \#230 [\#231]( ([kiok46](
- fix gps issue for ios [\#225]( ([kiok46](
- Fixed issue \#221 [\#223]( ([Warlord77](
- Add flash example [\#219]( ([kiok46](
- Make gps request parameters configurable [\#218]( ([kiok46](
- Wifi Facade. OSX, Windows, Linux [\#213]( ([kiok46](
- add sms for ios [\#203]( ([kiok46](
- check android for namespace, otherwise use renpy [\#199]( ([kived](
- fix p4a revamp [\#198]( ([kived](
- Rewrite notification on Mac using PyOBJus [\#192]( ([andong777](
- Call for ios [\#191]( ([kiok46](
- Note on requirements for iOS [\#187]( ([doratoa](
- Adding battery example, notification ticker and gps example update [\#183]( ([kiok46](
- Call and dial for android [\#181]( ([kiok46](
- Dial or Call for android [\#180]( ([kiok46](
- Added accuracy argument to on\_location call. [\#174]( ([lipi](
- Introduce camera access for ios and a example. [\#167]( ([akshayaurora](
- macosx: fix incorrect method name in filechooser [\#165]( ([kived](
- linux email import fix [\#151]( ([thegrymek](
- Merge android columns [\#148]( ([dessant](
- Camera example [\#41]( ([trivedigaurav](

## [v1.2.4]( (2015-06-01)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Update platform check code [\#109](

**Closed issues:**

- webhook test [\#142](
- Sync style check updates from the Kivy repo [\#141](
- GPS on android doesn't work \(a strange error\) [\#136](
- Create toast notification facade for Android and iOS [\#126](
- empty on linux. [\#114](
- Gyroscope Support for iOS [\#111](
- AndroidUniqueID doesn't use Android ID [\#107](
- OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long \[android lollipop\] [\#103](
- Feature request: ability to open browser to a particular page [\#98](
- AndroidGPS list GPS Provider but use hardcoded "gps" [\#54](
- Email Support for Android \< 4.0 [\#42](

**Merged pull requests:**

- style fixes [\#147]( ([dessant](
- add pydev files to gitignore [\#146]( ([dessant](
- Plyer style guide update [\#145]( ([thegrymek](
- Plyer audio for android with facade and example [\#144]( ([thegrymek](
- fix versionchanged tag [\#143]( ([dessant](
- update info about support email for android\<4.0 [\#140]( ([thegrymek](
- added plyer.facade to setuptools package [\#139]( ([thegrymek](
- splitted facades [\#138]( ([thegrymek](
- Inclement orientation [\#135]( ([thegrymek](
- remove unused variables [\#134]( ([thegrymek](
- fix \#107 - Use Android\_ID instead of IMEI [\#133]( ([aron-bordin](
- vibrator for android v \< 4.0 [\#129]( ([thegrymek](
- PEP8 and typo fixes in MacOS X file chooser. [\#123]( ([robertjerovsek](
- pep8 - removed unused imports and variables [\#122]( ([thegrymek](
- Pep8 fix [\#121]( ([laltin](
- add video recoding to Camera facade and [\#120]( ([pspchucky](
- Use environ to change LANG to 'C' while calling shell processes [\#119]( ([trivedigaurav](
- add IrBlaster facade and Android implementation [\#118]( ([kived](
- Android fixed location provider cycling [\#117]( ([JimmyStavros](
- iOS GPS support [\#116]( ([laltin](
- use environ to change LANG to 'C' while calling lshw [\#115]( ([tshirtman](
- responds to issue 109 [\#110]( ([AlbericC](
- Add file chooser facade and support for Linux and Windows [\#106]( ([Depaulicious](

## [1.2.3]( (2015-01-27)
[Full Changelog](

## [1.2.2]( (2015-01-27)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- NotImplementedError: No usable implementation found! whith usable implementations on the system.  [\#108](
- Gyro example [\#101](
- Notification is not working in android [\#93](
- plyer.notification.notfy\(\) raises NotImplementedError under Python 3.3 in Linux but not Python 2.7 [\#58](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Linux platform check made compatible with python 3.3+ \(Fixes \#58\) [\#102]( ([helenst](

## [1.2.1]( (2014-08-19)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Feature Request: codec-independent sound player [\#2](

**Closed issues:**

- Battery status connected is actually isCharging [\#84](
- Email Support for Windows [\#36](
- Accelerometer Support for OSX [\#29](
- Email Support for Linux [\#28](
- Email Support for iOS [\#25](
- TextToSpeech Support for iOS [\#24](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix print statement [\#92]( ([dessant](
- iOS UUID facade [\#90]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Removing build\_ext from plyer [\#89]( ([trivedigaurav](
- iOS Email Facade [\#88]( ([trivedigaurav](
- iOS Battery [\#86]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Change connected to isCharging [\#85]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Return None until sensor data is available [\#82]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update [\#80]( ([ChrisCole42](
- Use whereis\_exe to check for binaries [\#79]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update [\#77]( ([ChrisCole42](
- Maintenance [\#75]( ([trivedigaurav](
- facade docstring revision [\#74]( ([dessant](
- Query Battery info/status [\#73]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Revert "Activity was imported twice" [\#71]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Fix tabbing [\#70]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Gyroscope facade proxy declarations [\#69]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Linux accelerometer facade [\#68]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update README.rst [\#67]( ([trivedigaurav](

## [1.2.0]( (2014-06-24)
**Implemented enhancements:**

- Feature Request: Add adjustable timeout option to Windows notification [\#13](
- Changes notify to use ctypes instead of win32gui so we could use unicode. [\#18]( ([matham](
- User-specified icon support for Windows notifications [\#11]( ([brousch](
- Added Vibrator facade and android implementation [\#6]( ([inclement](

**Closed issues:**

- GPS example crashes [\#40](
- TextToSpeech Example App [\#20](
- Accelerometer Example App [\#19](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Plyer Unique ID facade [\#66]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Switched to pyjnius [\#63]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update README [\#62]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Gyroscope Facades [\#60]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Ios compass [\#59]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Plyer compass facade [\#57]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update README [\#56]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Using sudden motion sensor as accelerometer on OSX [\#55]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Added sms facade, example and android implementation [\#52]( ([mihaineacsu](
- add Mac OS X email support [\#49]( ([Depaulicious](
- add Windows email support [\#48]( ([Depaulicious](
- added Linux email support [\#47]( ([Depaulicious](
- Add compat module, remove decoding of strings in notification [\#46]( ([matham](
- Created an accelerometer example. Uses garden graph to plot the values [\#39]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Shows an error popup if there is no TTS [\#38]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Text to Speech Example [\#37]( ([trivedigaurav](
- readme typo corrected [\#15]( ([ghost](
- Introduce dbus notification [\#10]( ([akshayaurora](
- Added an email facade and basic android implementation [\#5]( ([inclement](
- Tts [\#1]( ([brousch](

\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "plyer",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Kivy team",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Plyer\n\nPlyer is a platform-independent api to use features commonly found on various\nplatforms, notably mobile ones, in Python.\n\n[![coverage](](\n[![Backers on Open Collective](](#backers)\n[![Sponsors on Open Collective](](#sponsors)\n![Continuous Integration with Ubuntu](\n![Continuous Integration with OSX](\n![Continuous Integration with Windows](\n![Deploy to PyPI](\n\n\n## How plyer works?\n\nPlyer tries not to reinvent the wheel, and will call for external libraries to\nimplement the api in the easiest way, depending on the current platform.\n\n- On Android(python-for-android), pyjnius is used\n- On iOS(kivy-ios), pyobjus is used\n- On windows/mac/linux, commonly found libraries and programs will be used\n\n\n## Supported APIs\n\n| Platform                       | Android | iOS | Windows | OS X | Linux |\n| ------------------------------ | ------- | --- | ------- | ---- | ----- |\n| Accelerometer                  | \u2714       | \u2714   |         | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Audio recording                | \u2714       |     | \u2714       | \u2714    |       |\n| Barometer                      | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| Battery                        | \u2714       | \u2714   | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Bluetooth                      | \u2714       |     |         | \u2714    |       |\n| Brightness                     | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      | \u2714     |\n| Call                           | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| Camera (taking picture)        | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| Compass                        | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| CPU count                      |         |     | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Devicename                     | \u2714       |     | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Email (open mail client)       | \u2714       | \u2714   | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Flash                          | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| GPS                            | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| Gravity                        | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| Gyroscope                      | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| Humidity                       | \u2714       |     |         |      |       |\n| IR Blaster                     | \u2714       |     |         |      |       |\n| Keystore                       | \u2714       | \u2714   | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Light                          | \u2714       |     |         |      |       |\n| Native file chooser            | \u2714       | \u2714   | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Notifications                  | \u2714       |     | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Orientation                    | \u2714       |     |         |      | \u2714     |\n| Proximity                      | \u2714       |     |         |      |       |\n| Screenshot                     |         |     | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| SMS (send messages)            | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| Spatial Orientation            | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| Speech to text                 | \u2714       |     |         |      |       |\n| Storage Path                   | \u2714       | \u2714   | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Temperature                    | \u2714       |     |         |      |       |\n| Text to speech                 | \u2714       | \u2714   | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Unique ID                      | \u2714       | \u2714   | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n| Vibrator                       | \u2714       | \u2714   |         |      |       |\n| Wifi                           |         |     | \u2714       | \u2714    | \u2714     |\n\n\n## Installation\n\nTo use on desktop: `pip install plyer`\nTo use in python-for-android/kivy-ios: add `plyer` to your requirements if needed.\n\n## Support\n\nIf you need assistance, you can ask for help on our mailing list:\n\n* User Group :\n* Email      :\n\nDiscord channel:\n\n* Server     :\n* Channel    : #dev\n\n\n## Contributing\n\nWe love pull requests and discussing novel ideas. Check out our\n[contribution guide]( and\nfeel free to improve Plyer.\n\nThe following mailing list and IRC channel are used exclusively for\ndiscussions about developing the Kivy framework and its sister projects:\n\n* Dev Group :\n* Email     :\n\nIRC channel:\n\n* Server  :\n* Port    : 6667, 6697 (SSL only)\n* Channel : #kivy-dev\n\n\n## License\n\nPlyer is released under the terms of the MIT License. Please refer to the\nLICENSE file.\n\n## Contributors\n\nThis project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](].\n\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"/></a>\n\n## Backers\n\nThank you to all our backers! \ud83d\ude4f [[Become a backer](]\n\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n\n\n## Sponsors\n\nSupport this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]\n\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n\n\n# Change Log\n\n## [2.1.0]( (2022-11-12)\n\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Implemented enhancements:**\n\n- Use xdg-desktop-portal for Notification inside Flatpak [\\#680]( ([JakobDev](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- Exception is thrown on try to play recorded audio clip [\\#713](\n- iOS: filechooser - multiple files selection is not working [\\#707](\n- Speech to text is not working with api 30 or more [\\#693](\n- Traceback \\(most recent call last\\):\n   File \"jnius/jnius\\_proxy.pxi\", line 50, in jnius.jnius.PythonJavaClass.invoke\n   File \"jnius/jnius\\_proxy.pxi\", line 74, in jnius.jnius.PythonJavaClass.\\_invoke\n NotImplementedError: The method \\('onLocationChanged', \\('V', \\('Ljava/util/List;',\\)\\)\\) is not implemented [\\#687](\n- Notify on Windows but without archiving notifications [\\#684](\n- Notification icon as base64 instead of path [\\#679](\n- plyer's last release was ~2 years ago, the number of open PRs is absurd, and the last meaningful commit was months ago [\\#674](\n- iOS Filechooser that picks all document types \\(UIDocumentPickerViewController\\) [\\#673](\n- Python dbus error on Linux when sending notification [\\#658](\n- Is that project dead? [\\#650](\n- Notification for android not working \\[ Drawable.icon \\] [\\#647](\n- audio don't work on android [\\#644](\n- Unittests are failing on new clone [\\#637](\n- Proposing a PR to fix a few small typos [\\#622](\n- Remove python2 mentions from [\\#608](\n- vibrator on android 10 java.lang.SecurityException [\\#606](\n- How to change prompt input to upper or lower case in JS? [\\#603](\n- Does this repo is maintained? [\\#592](\n- Plyer notification not working on android [\\#591](\n- Feature Request: Add Intent to Android Gallery\\(for Pictures\\) [\\#588](\n-\\_file doesn't work on macOS X Catalina [\\#578](\n- macOS notification NSUserNotificationCenter is deprecated + missing Info.plist [\\#449](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- action-gh-release now uses `github.token` [\\#724]( ([misl6](\n- Bump version to 2.1.0 for release [\\#723]( ([misl6](\n- Bump action-gh-release to a newer version [\\#721]( ([misl6](\n- Update supported Python versions [\\#720]( ([misl6](\n- Fixes some E275. + other minor PEP8 fixes [\\#711]( ([misl6](\n- Document linux support for orientation [\\#709]( ([rshah713](\n- Document supported platforms for humidity [\\#704]( ([rshah713](\n- Keyword should only hold name of license [\\#701]( ([rshah713](\n- Document supported platforms in native filechooser [\\#700]( ([rshah713](\n- Fix Keystore comment to point at correct class [\\#697]( ([rshah713](\n- Add missing platform for barometer [\\#695]( ([rshah713](\n- Add missing platforms in audio [\\#694]( ([rshah713](\n- Fixes a failing test for notification [\\#692]( ([misl6](\n- Fixes style check [\\#691]( ([misl6](\n- Clear documentation for Processors [\\#689]( ([rshah713](\n- Create clear documentation for Keystore [\\#688]( ([rshah713](\n- Added tick in ios native file chooser row [\\#685]( ([Neizvestnyj](\n- :zap: Fix pep8 violations [\\#678]( ([Zen-CODE](\n- :hammer: Fix pep 8 failure for CICD [\\#677]( ([Zen-CODE](\n- fix some errors in readme file [\\#676]( ([AdamMusa](\n- android 11+ compatibility Documents folder [\\#672]( ([moonpyx](\n- Use sys.getandroidapilevel for more robust Android detection [\\#670]( ([rdb](\n- More robust way to get application icon on Android for notification [\\#669]( ([rdb](\n- Added the ability to track the closure of the file manager without selecting content [\\#667]( ([Neizvestnyj](\n- Fix bug, when user canceled filechooser, `on_selection` does not dispatched [\\#666]( ([Neizvestnyj](\n- Bigger buffer, allows large selection [\\#655]( ([akshayaurora](\n- fix: fix filechooser save dialog for the KDE [\\#652]( ([psyrykh](\n- Change R$drawable to R$mipmap in for android platform [\\#648]( ([masterjoseph914](\n- linux/storagepath: fixup a host of issues [\\#646]( ([rski](\n- Change `PythonActivity` java class [\\#642]( ([Neizvestnyj](\n- Enabled transient notifications on Linux [\\#639]( ([olumidesan](\n- updated-device-name-implementation-for-backward-compatibility [\\#634]( ([ljnath](\n- Added contributors in file [\\#633]( ([ljnath](\n- Fixed pep8 errors [\\#632]( ([ljnath](\n- Removed python2.6|7 reference and added reference for python 3.6|7|8  [\\#631]( ([ljnath](\n- Support to get android device name or hostname for linux and windows [\\#630]( ([ljnath](\n- \\#611 add filters for file chooser on android [\\#624]( ([akshayaurora](\n- docs: fix a few simple typos [\\#623]( ([akshayaurora](\n- Add check for Trinity Desktop Environment [\\#620]( ([akshayaurora](\n- FileChooser: MacOS: Use objectAtIndex\\_ to get multiple items [\\#618]( ([akshayaurora](\n- add installation section in [\\#563]( ([tshirtman](\n\n## [2.0.0]( (2020-11-09)\n\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- Macox notification - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setDelegate\\_' [\\#586](\n- Can't display notifications with Plyer [\\#582](\n- Unable to set app orientation [\\#579](\n- Does plyer allow you to open another app? [\\#577](\n- Calling notification.notify\\(\\) raises \"No Usable Implementation Found!\" Error on Android [\\#575](\n- tts is not working [\\#572](\n- bluetooth for Android [\\#571](\n- raise NotImplementedError\\(\\)  NotImplementedError when I use tts  [\\#567](\n- Filter variable may be uninitialized in MacOSX filechooser [\\#566](\n- Plyer camera cannot save image to the IOS phone [\\#561](\n- How to turn on gps  ?? [\\#556](\n- How to disable mock location \\(fake gps\\) in kivy  [\\#555](\n- Release notes for v 1.4.3? [\\#550](\n- battery.status isCharging always shows false in WINDOWS [\\#541](\n- Filechooser on mac: using path, crashes python [\\#524](\n- Android Filechooser not working [\\#512](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- Some APIs are only available for open panels. [\\#590]( ([matham](\n- Fix uninitialized variable in MacOSX filechooser. [\\#568]( ([Mulugruntz](\n- Fixing crash on MacOSX filechooser [\\#565]( ([Mulugruntz](\n- Uses Python 3 syntax [\\#554]( ([AndreMiras](\n- Feature/drop python2 [\\#553]( ([AndreMiras](\n- Fixes linter errors [\\#552]( ([AndreMiras](\n- Remove unused linters [\\#548]( ([ghost](\n- Fix linter warnings [\\#547]( ([ghost](\n- Modification of Status isCharging in windows [\\#546]( ([irm19](\n\n## [1.4.3]( (2020-03-27)\n\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- IOS - GPS : 'IosGPS' object has no attribute '\\_location\\_manager' [\\#538](\n- Android FileChooser crashes when back button pressed [\\#534](\n- Notification not working on android [\\#533](\n- FileChooser on Android: \"on selection\" fires multiple times. [\\#530](\n- KIVY cannot access the android camera.. [\\#521](\n- No notification icons on Linux \\(Gnome\\) [\\#514](\n- Vibrator is not working on Android [\\#509](\n- notification.notify crashes Android Pie devices [\\#504](\n- Vibrate revision in api 26 [\\#501](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- Fix linter warnings in examples/gps/ [\\#545]( ([ghost](\n- Switch to GitHub actions [\\#544]( ([ghost](\n- Fix crash in Android Notification \\(SDK\\_INT \\>= 26\\) [\\#543]( ([ghost](\n- Add native iOS FileBrowser [\\#542]( ([Zen-CODE](\n- Prevent crash when cancelling filechooser [\\#536]( ([Zen-CODE](\n- Make win filechooser use modern windows browser and fix small issues. [\\#535]( ([matham](\n- Prevent re-binding of callback on each call [\\#532]( ([Zen-CODE](\n- Add permission request to plyer GPS example [\\#529]( ([Zen-CODE](\n- Handle absence of LinuxFileChooser backend [\\#526]( ([Cheaterman](\n- Fix vibrator, which was not working on Android devices. [\\#523]( ([ghost](\n- Added logic to support the `on_status` method of the gps facade for i\u2026 [\\#519]( ([Dirk-Sandberg](\n- Fix default audio file\\_path assignment error, file\\_path change for Py3 [\\#518]( ([Nephyx](\n- Add Windows applications storage path [\\#517]( ([magnusvmt](\n- fix typo in supported API list [\\#516]( ([holdbar](\n- fix the issue that tts.speak\\(\\) crashes on android [\\#511]( ([Chao-Jen](\n- Addresses plyer issue \\#240. [\\#502]( ([Dirk-Sandberg](\n- Update to add opencollective [\\#499]( ([tito](\n- Bump to 1.4.0 for release [\\#496]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n\n## [1.4.2]( (2019-09-05)\n\n[Full Changelog](\n\n## [1.4.1]( (2019-09-05)\n\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- I'll be Working on Linux audio [\\#497](\n- Notification and service [\\#494](\n- Windows notification - NotImplementedError: No usable implementation found! [\\#485](\n- macOS notification NSUserNotificationCenter is deprecated + missing Info.plist [\\#449](\n\n## [1.4.0]( (2018-12-31)\n\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Implemented enhancements:**\n\n- Windows microphone support [\\#179](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- jnius.jnius.JavaException: Class not found 'android/content/INTENT' [\\#479](\n- macOS storagepath uses non-standard path for get\\_home\\_dir\\(\\) [\\#450](\n- Example Applications break down on a real device [\\#338](\n- Feature request: Accelerometer on Linux \\(computers\\) [\\#9](\n- Linux wifi implementation via rockymeza/wifi is broken [\\#487](\n- Hardcoded 'wlan0' does not work on all devices [\\#477](\n- GNU/Linux wifi disconnect\\(\\) not working on Ubuntu 15.04+ [\\#452](\n- Plyer Email [\\#420](\n- notification not working on android [\\#402](\n- plyer.accelerometer not working with Kivy Launcher [\\#401](\n- New PyPI release after 1.3.0 [\\#400](\n- plyer.notify.notification doesn't show ticker in Android [\\#378](\n- causes crash on Android with sdl2 [\\#245](\n- audio: JVM exception occurred: setAudioSource failed. [\\#210](\n- Something wrong with encoding in AndroidNotification [\\#175](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- Implement WiFi for Linux with nmcli [\\#495]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Enhance Android notifications with toast and big icons [\\#493]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix android notifications missing channel on Oreo and later [\\#492]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add Android Native filechooser and external SD card path to StoragePath [\\#491]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix OSX builds on Travis [\\#490]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add audio recording and playing for Windows [\\#489]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add support for interfaces in Linux WiFi [\\#488]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- macOS tests - audio, battery, bluetooth, storagepath [\\#482]( ([Nephyx](\n- Change 'Speech' to 'STT' [\\#484]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- New extended CPU details implementation [\\#483]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix uniqueid for linux platform [\\#481]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix CI jobs reporting wrong coverage \\(non-imported modules ignored\\) [\\#480]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- thegrymek: Android speech recognition [\\#471]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n\n## [1.3.2]( (2018-11-16)\n\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Implemented enhancements:**\n\n- \\[Feature Request\\] Termux support [\\#360](\n- storage path support [\\#152](\n- unicode broken in notifications on windows 8. [\\#17](\n- Feature Request: Add adjustable tooltip text to Windows notification [\\#14](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- plyer notifications raising NotImplementedError on android [\\#467](\n- TypeError when running examples in Python 3 [\\#392](\n- when i use buildozer and python3crystax to build apk  it not work ? [\\#380](\n- Windows filechooser crash [\\#375](\n- Using the camera crashes the app [\\#369](\n- after calling an plyer audio function from an accelerometer function, App crashes. [\\#361](\n- fails under android and windows7 32bit python2.7 [\\#277](\n- Strange string returned by filechooser on Windows [\\#177](\n- Email Support for OSX [\\#32](\n- GPS Support for iOS [\\#22](\n- Camera Support for iOS [\\#21](\n- Example app for Camera facade [\\#16](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- Move TODO item to a separate issue [\\#478]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add @deprecated decorator [\\#476]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fixed macOS using non-standard path for get\\_home\\_dir\\(\\) [\\#475]( ([Nephyx](\n- Removed unnecessary grep dependency [\\#474]( ([Nephyx](\n- Add enable & disable WiFi for Linux and MacOS [\\#473]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Cleaning the plyer root directory and CI scripts [\\#468]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add more distros via Docker images [\\#466]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add Linux Screenshot with X11's X Window Dump [\\#463]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Revert uppercase on autoclass values [\\#462]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fixing Java class name [\\#461]( ([clevermindgames](\n- Increase timeout for notification test [\\#460]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add Windows Screenshot with ctypes+pywin32 [\\#459]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add screenshot test for OSX [\\#458]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- OSX Screenshot \\(Rebased PR \\#324\\) [\\#457]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Rebased PR \\#239 + fixes [\\#455]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Bump to 1.3.2.dev0 [\\#446]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Bump to 1.3.1 [\\#445]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add extra options for installation via setuptools [\\#438]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n\n## [1.3.1]( (2018-10-14)\n\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Implemented enhancements:**\n\n- Audio recording for macOS [\\#428]( ([Nephyx](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n-\\_enabled\\(\\) always return false running in python3 [\\#436](\n- kivy-ios fails to build plyer [\\#417](\n- Python 3 TabError [\\#398](\n- is there a way of using the front camera instead of back  [\\#391](\n-  \\_get\\_application\\_dir: NotImplementedError [\\#389](\n- plyer app crashes on android [\\#387](\n- Can't pip install plyer through git [\\#385](\n- speech to text [\\#382](\n- text2speech doesn't work on platform Linux [\\#372](\n- Changing file\\_path in example is not working [\\#356](\n- How to change file\\_path of audio in plyer? [\\#355](\n- Accelerometer in plyer [\\#354](\n- iOS Gyroscope crashes [\\#352](\n- Need keystore for storing user credentials  [\\#350](\n- plyer examples app always crashes in android phones, It says \"Unfortunately \"Name of app\" has stopped working.\" [\\#349](\n- Notification not working on Windows [\\#333](\n- Accelerometer not working on linux [\\#327](\n- 1.3.0 broke notifications on Windows [\\#318](\n- No encoding and \u00b0C causes SyntaxError [\\#312](\n- GPS double output on output return value [\\#302](\n- Cannot import wifi module in windows [\\#272](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- Add note about Windows icon format [\\#444]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Mark new audio recording feature in README.rst [\\#443]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix not decoding bytes in Linux [\\#442]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix b' embedded in the path string for Windows' choose\\_dir\\(\\) [\\#441]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add missing parameter for Windows' WlanCloseHandle\\(\\) [\\#440]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Revert facades/ change from PR \\#301 [\\#439]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Update [\\#437]( ([Vibhu-Agarwal](\n- Remove notification webhook from travis [\\#434]( ([dessant](\n- Fix Travis build for pull requests [\\#432]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Changed OSX storage path from ctypes to pyobjus [\\#431]( ([Nephyx](\n- Fix Pylint errors W0150, W0511, W0601, W0603, W0610 [\\#430]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix Pylint errors W0611, W0612, W0622, W0702, W0703 [\\#427]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Disable all Pylint errors to fix red jobs [\\#426]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Downgrade Travis due to missing docker service on Ubuntu Bionic [\\#425]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Switch from Ubuntu Trusty to Ubuntu Bionic LTS [\\#424]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix style issues in utils, compat and [\\#423]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Clickable notifications, fixes \\#154 [\\#422]( ([AndreMiras](\n- Fix style in test\\ [\\#418]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix pep8 issues in files [\\#416]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add script for CI deployment to PyPI [\\#413]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix travis to use real branch instead of detached HEAD [\\#412]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add linux battery from sysclass [\\#411]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Switch to unicode in macosx [\\#410]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix test\\_facade failing for Py3 by switching to Mocks [\\#409]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Add Dockerfiles for testing, fix tests and style [\\#408]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Implemented storagepath in linux [\\#407]( ([Sires0](\n- Improve messages for missing dependencies [\\#406]( ([dolang](\n- Updates README.rst, removes dup in supported API [\\#403]( ([AndreMiras](\n- why should decode 'l' again and again [\\#396]( ([xhimanshuz](\n- Correcting issue for linux p\u2026 [\\#395]( ([ghost](\n- Number Of Processors for Linux Platform [\\#394]( ([salil-gtm](\n- enhancement: bluetooth status [\\#388]( ([kapilnayar](\n- Show that bluetooth is not supported [\\#379]( ([zerox1212](\n- Arrange APIs table in alphabetical order [\\#377]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Add list of supported platforms to facade [\\#376]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Add iOS api for storage path [\\#374]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- update readme [\\#373]( ([sandeepsajan0](\n- Update buildozer.spec [\\#370]( ([sandeepsajan0](\n- Warn instead stder.write for linux notif errors [\\#368]( ([sametmax](\n- Add report [\\#367]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix pep8 in plyer [\\#366]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- iOS Barometer API [\\#363]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Fix iOS Gyroscope crash issue [\\#353]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Keystore implementation. [\\#351]( ([brentpicasso](\n- iOS Spatial orientation [\\#348]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- iOS Gravity sensor  [\\#347]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Linux Brightness API [\\#346]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Brightness API [\\#344]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Fix bug in WindowsBalloonTip [\\#343]( ([Chronial](\n- Storage path API [\\#342]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Compass uncalibrated [\\#341]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Gyroscope uncalibrated sensor [\\#337]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Spatial Orientation for android [\\#336]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Update win\\_api\\ [\\#335]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Add some tests + Appveyor [\\#329]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Fix notification ticker error + pep8 [\\#328]( ([KeyWeeUsr](\n- Pep8 fix in [\\#322]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Example for Unique ID facade [\\#321]( ([sumitmadhwani](\n- Android Humidity [\\#301]( ([bhaveshAn](\n- fix handling of notifications' timeout on Linux [\\#297]( ([benoit-pierre](\n- Facade Wifi [\\#290]( ([bhaveshAn](\n- orientation feature for linux [\\#273]( ([susmit](\n- Fix wifi module. [\\#244]( ([account-login](\n\n## [1.3.0]( (2017-03-23)\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Implemented enhancements:**\n\n- Feature Request: Alarms [\\#8](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- Notification.notify crashes android app  [\\#296](\n- GPS android crash on launch [\\#288](\n- Send SMS feature not working [\\#261](\n- gps.configure\\(\\) results in exception [\\#257](\n- v1.2.4 archive not available via github [\\#234](\n- SyntaxError in for Linux [\\#230](\n- New PyPi release please, to fix static jfieldID not valid for class java.lang.Class\\<\\> [\\#229](\n- Drag-and-drop: originate in Kivy, drop in some external app [\\#228](\n- GPS Issue after in iOS after last changes in plyer [\\#224](\n- battery.status isCharging always shows false [\\#221](\n- GPS example only updating location once [\\#217](\n- raises exception on Windows [\\#212](\n- Redundant libs folder [\\#209](\n- accelerometer on Android with Kivy Launcher 1.9.0 not working [\\#206](\n- Camera on android doesn't return to app [\\#200](\n- android compass suggestion [\\#195](\n- more example code to the docs [\\#166](\n- Mail API on linux raises error NameError: name 'Email' is not defined [\\#131](\n- native gui widgets [\\#124](\n- android: using gps app cannot resume from pause [\\#112](\n- Please upgrade pypi ! [\\#94](\n- UniqueID using OpenID [\\#83](\n- Display the notification in the right places [\\#78](\n- Python3 All The Plyer! [\\#12](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- Modify readme [\\#308]( ([malverick](\n- Add version tags in light and temperature facade [\\#307]( ([malverick](\n- Android ambient temperature sensor [\\#293]( ([malverick](\n- Android light sensor [\\#292]( ([malverick](\n- Plyer android proximity sensor [\\#287]( ([malverick](\n- Plyer android pressure sensor [\\#286]( ([malverick](\n- Update readme and plyer/\\_\\_init\\_\\ [\\#285]( ([malverick](\n- Plyer android gravity sensor [\\#283]( ([malverick](\n- Add on\\_pause function [\\#274]( ([malverick](\n- uniqueid\\_facade [\\#270]( ([bhaveshAn](\n- add bin and .buildozer directory to .gitignore [\\#259]( ([malverick](\n- pep8 fixes [\\#250]( ([malverick](\n- update code [\\#249]( ([kiok46](\n- Adding small examples in facade files [\\#237]( ([kiok46](\n- Fix TypeError if `LANG` is not set in on osx [\\#232]( ([ForeverWintr](\n- fix \\#230 [\\#231]( ([kiok46](\n- fix gps issue for ios [\\#225]( ([kiok46](\n- Fixed issue \\#221 [\\#223]( ([Warlord77](\n- Add flash example [\\#219]( ([kiok46](\n- Make gps request parameters configurable [\\#218]( ([kiok46](\n- Wifi Facade. OSX, Windows, Linux [\\#213]( ([kiok46](\n- add sms for ios [\\#203]( ([kiok46](\n- check android for namespace, otherwise use renpy [\\#199]( ([kived](\n- fix p4a revamp [\\#198]( ([kived](\n- Rewrite notification on Mac using PyOBJus [\\#192]( ([andong777](\n- Call for ios [\\#191]( ([kiok46](\n- Note on requirements for iOS [\\#187]( ([doratoa](\n- Adding battery example, notification ticker and gps example update [\\#183]( ([kiok46](\n- Call and dial for android [\\#181]( ([kiok46](\n- Dial or Call for android [\\#180]( ([kiok46](\n- Added accuracy argument to on\\_location call. [\\#174]( ([lipi](\n- Introduce camera access for ios and a example. [\\#167]( ([akshayaurora](\n- macosx: fix incorrect method name in filechooser [\\#165]( ([kived](\n- linux email import fix [\\#151]( ([thegrymek](\n- Merge android columns [\\#148]( ([dessant](\n- Camera example [\\#41]( ([trivedigaurav](\n\n## [v1.2.4]( (2015-06-01)\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Implemented enhancements:**\n\n- Update platform check code [\\#109](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- webhook test [\\#142](\n- Sync style check updates from the Kivy repo [\\#141](\n- GPS on android doesn't work \\(a strange error\\) [\\#136](\n- Create toast notification facade for Android and iOS [\\#126](\n- empty on linux. [\\#114](\n- Gyroscope Support for iOS [\\#111](\n- AndroidUniqueID doesn't use Android ID [\\#107](\n- OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long \\[android lollipop\\] [\\#103](\n- Feature request: ability to open browser to a particular page [\\#98](\n- AndroidGPS list GPS Provider but use hardcoded \"gps\" [\\#54](\n- Email Support for Android \\< 4.0 [\\#42](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- style fixes [\\#147]( ([dessant](\n- add pydev files to gitignore [\\#146]( ([dessant](\n- Plyer style guide update [\\#145]( ([thegrymek](\n- Plyer audio for android with facade and example [\\#144]( ([thegrymek](\n- fix versionchanged tag [\\#143]( ([dessant](\n- update info about support email for android\\<4.0 [\\#140]( ([thegrymek](\n- added plyer.facade to setuptools package [\\#139]( ([thegrymek](\n- splitted facades [\\#138]( ([thegrymek](\n- Inclement orientation [\\#135]( ([thegrymek](\n- remove unused variables [\\#134]( ([thegrymek](\n- fix \\#107 - Use Android\\_ID instead of IMEI [\\#133]( ([aron-bordin](\n- vibrator for android v \\< 4.0 [\\#129]( ([thegrymek](\n- PEP8 and typo fixes in MacOS X file chooser. [\\#123]( ([robertjerovsek](\n- pep8 - removed unused imports and variables [\\#122]( ([thegrymek](\n- Pep8 fix [\\#121]( ([laltin](\n- add video recoding to Camera facade and [\\#120]( ([pspchucky](\n- Use environ to change LANG to 'C' while calling shell processes [\\#119]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- add IrBlaster facade and Android implementation [\\#118]( ([kived](\n- Android fixed location provider cycling [\\#117]( ([JimmyStavros](\n- iOS GPS support [\\#116]( ([laltin](\n- use environ to change LANG to 'C' while calling lshw [\\#115]( ([tshirtman](\n- responds to issue 109 [\\#110]( ([AlbericC](\n- Add file chooser facade and support for Linux and Windows [\\#106]( ([Depaulicious](\n\n## [1.2.3]( (2015-01-27)\n[Full Changelog](\n\n## [1.2.2]( (2015-01-27)\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- NotImplementedError: No usable implementation found! whith usable implementations on the system.  [\\#108](\n- Gyro example [\\#101](\n- Notification is not working in android [\\#93](\n- plyer.notification.notfy\\(\\) raises NotImplementedError under Python 3.3 in Linux but not Python 2.7 [\\#58](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- Linux platform check made compatible with python 3.3+ \\(Fixes \\#58\\) [\\#102]( ([helenst](\n\n## [1.2.1]( (2014-08-19)\n[Full Changelog](\n\n**Implemented enhancements:**\n\n- Feature Request: codec-independent sound player [\\#2](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- Battery status connected is actually isCharging [\\#84](\n- Email Support for Windows [\\#36](\n- Accelerometer Support for OSX [\\#29](\n- Email Support for Linux [\\#28](\n- Email Support for iOS [\\#25](\n- TextToSpeech Support for iOS [\\#24](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- fix print statement [\\#92]( ([dessant](\n- iOS UUID facade [\\#90]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Removing build\\_ext from plyer [\\#89]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- iOS Email Facade [\\#88]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- iOS Battery [\\#86]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Change connected to isCharging [\\#85]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Return None until sensor data is available [\\#82]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Update [\\#80]( ([ChrisCole42](\n- Use whereis\\_exe to check for binaries [\\#79]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Update [\\#77]( ([ChrisCole42](\n- Maintenance [\\#75]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- facade docstring revision [\\#74]( ([dessant](\n- Query Battery info/status [\\#73]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Revert \"Activity was imported twice\" [\\#71]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Fix tabbing [\\#70]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Gyroscope facade proxy declarations [\\#69]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Linux accelerometer facade [\\#68]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Update README.rst [\\#67]( ([trivedigaurav](\n\n## [1.2.0]( (2014-06-24)\n**Implemented enhancements:**\n\n- Feature Request: Add adjustable timeout option to Windows notification [\\#13](\n- Changes notify to use ctypes instead of win32gui so we could use unicode. [\\#18]( ([matham](\n- User-specified icon support for Windows notifications [\\#11]( ([brousch](\n- Added Vibrator facade and android implementation [\\#6]( ([inclement](\n\n**Closed issues:**\n\n- GPS example crashes [\\#40](\n- TextToSpeech Example App [\\#20](\n- Accelerometer Example App [\\#19](\n\n**Merged pull requests:**\n\n- Plyer Unique ID facade [\\#66]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Switched to pyjnius [\\#63]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Update README [\\#62]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Gyroscope Facades [\\#60]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Ios compass [\\#59]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Plyer compass facade [\\#57]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Update README [\\#56]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Using sudden motion sensor as accelerometer on OSX [\\#55]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Added sms facade, example and android implementation [\\#52]( ([mihaineacsu](\n- add Mac OS X email support [\\#49]( ([Depaulicious](\n- add Windows email support [\\#48]( ([Depaulicious](\n- added Linux email support [\\#47]( ([Depaulicious](\n- Add compat module, remove decoding of strings in notification [\\#46]( ([matham](\n- Created an accelerometer example. Uses garden graph to plot the values [\\#39]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Shows an error popup if there is no TTS [\\#38]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- Text to Speech Example [\\#37]( ([trivedigaurav](\n- readme typo corrected [\\#15]( ([ghost](\n- Introduce dbus notification [\\#10]( ([akshayaurora](\n- Added an email facade and basic android implementation [\\#5]( ([inclement](\n- Tts [\\#1]( ([brousch](\n\n\n\n\\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*\n\n",
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