
Namepre-commit-vauxoo JSON
Version 8.0.2 PyPI version JSON
Summarypre-commit script to run automatically the configuration and variables custom from Vauxoo
upload_time2024-01-30 09:27:09
requirements No requirements were recorded.
coveralls test coverage

.. image::
   :alt: Vauxoo

pre-commit script to run automatically the configuration and variables custom from Vauxoo

* Free software: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)


Install in the same way than you usually install pypi packages

    python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall -U pre-commit-vauxoo

Or using 'sudo':

    sudo python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall -U pre-commit-vauxoo

Or using '--user':

    python3 -m pip install --user --force-reinstall -U pre-commit-vauxoo

Or using virtualenv

    source YOUR_VENV/bin/activate && pip install --force-reinstall -U pre-commit-vauxoo

You can confirm your environment running `pre-commit-vauxoo --version`


Run pre-commit-vauxoo command in git repository where you want to run our lints

The autofixes are disabled by default you can use the following option to enable it

  pre-commit-vauxoo -t all

Full --help command result:


  Usage: pre-commit-vauxoo [OPTIONS]

    pre-commit-vauxoo run pre-commit with custom validations and configuration

    -p, --paths PATH CSV            PATHS are the specific filenames to run
                                    hooks on separated by commas.  [env var:
                                    INCLUDE_LINT; default: .]
    --no-overwrite                  Overwrite configuration files.

                                    *If True, existing configuration files into
                                    the project will be overwritten.

                                    *If False, then current files will be used,
                                    if they exist.  [env var:
    --fail-optional                 Change the exit_code for 'optional'

                                    *If this flag is enabled so the exit_code
                                    will be -1 (error) if 'optional' fails.

                                    *If it is disabled (by default), exit_code
                                    will be 0 (successful) even if 'optional'
                                    fails.  [env var: PRECOMMIT_FAIL_OPTIONAL]
    -x, --exclude-autofix PATH CSV  Exclude paths on which to run the autofix
                                    pre-commit configuration, separated by
                                    commas  [env var: EXCLUDE_AUTOFIX]
    -l, --exclude-lint PATH CSV     Paths to exclude checks, separated by
                                    commas.  [env var: EXCLUDE_LINT]
    -d, --pylint-disable-checks TEXT CSV
                                    Pylint checks to disable, separated by
                                    commas.  [env var: PYLINT_DISABLE_CHECKS]
    -S, --skip-string-normalization
                                    If '-t fix' is enabled, don't normalize
                                    string quotes or prefixes '' -> ""

                                    This parameter is related to 'black' hook
                                    [env var: BLACK_SKIP_STRING_NORMALIZATION]
    -t, --precommit-hooks-type [mandatory|optional|fix|experimental|all|-mandatory|-optional|-fix|-experimental]
                                    Pre-commit configuration file to run hooks,
                                    separated by commas.

                                    prefix '-' means that the option will be

                                    *Mandatory: Stable hooks that needs to be
                                    fixed (Affecting build status).

                                    *Optional: Optional hooks that could be
                                    fixed later. (No affects build status almost
                                    '--fail-optional' is set).

                                    *Experimental: Experimental hooks that only
                                    to test. (No affects build status).

                                    *Fix: Hooks auto fixing source code (Affects
                                    build status).

                                    *All: All configuration files to run hooks.
                                    [env var: PRECOMMIT_HOOKS_TYPE; default:
                                    all, -fix]
    --install                       Install the pre-commit script

                                    Using this option a '.git/hooks/pre-commit'
                                    will be created

                                    Now your command 'git commit' will run 'pre-
                                    commit-vauxoo' before to commit
    --version                       Show the version of this package
    --odoo-version TEXT             Odoo version used for the repository.  [env
                                    var: VERSION]
    --help                          Show this message and exit.

.. Documentation
.. =============



To run all the tests run::


Note, to combine the coverage data from all the tox environments run:

.. list-table::
    :widths: 10 90
    :stub-columns: 1

    - - Windows
      - ::

            set PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append

    - - Other
      - ::

            PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append tox



* Bump version: 8.0.1 → 8.0.2
* [IMP] cfg: update pylint-odoo


* Bump version: 8.0.0 → 8.0.1
* [CI]: fix wrong path on windows runners
* [IMP] cfg: update black version


* Bump version: 7.0.26 → 8.0.0
* [REF] cfg: bump pylint-odoo to v9.0.4 (#127)


* Bump version: 7.0.25 → 7.0.26
* [IMP] cfg: bump pylint-odoo to v8.0.21 (#126)
* [REF] Remove redundant autofix checks (#125)
* [REF] CI: Update CI/RTD (#123)
* ci: Update actions/checkout (#122)


* Bump version: 7.0.24 → 7.0.25
* [REF] .pre-commit-config: pylint-odoo bumpversion v8.0.20 (#120)
* [REF] tox: Build ChangeLog again (#119)


* Bump version: 7.0.23 → 7.0.24
* [REF] setup: Enable py311 classifier (#117)
* [IMP] cfg: update oca odoo hooks version (#114)
* [REF] .gitignore: Ignore .oca\_hooks\*


* Bump version: 7.0.22 → 7.0.23
* [IMP] support disabling oca hooks through env var (#116)


* Bump version: 7.0.21 → 7.0.22
* [REF] use config files for oca-hooks (#112)


* Bump version: 7.0.20 → 7.0.21
* [REF] Disable xml-oe-structure-missing-id (#110)


* Bump version: 7.0.19 → 7.0.20
* [REF] Disable xml-oe-structure-id (#109)


* Bump version: 7.0.18 → 7.0.19
* [REF] cfg: Update bandit version and disable "defusedxml" checks part 2 (#108)


* Bump version: 7.0.17 → 7.0.18
* [REF] cfg: Update bandit version and disable "defusedxml" checks (#107)


* Bump version: 7.0.16 → 7.0.17
* [REF] pre-commit-config: Upgrade OCA/odoo-pre-commit-hooks to v0.0.28


* Bump version: 7.0.15 → 7.0.16
* [FIX] CI: Add ignored installed to Cannot uninstall 'distlib' error
* [IMP] update odoo-pre-commit-hooks, add po-pretty-format, oe\_structure


* Bump version: 7.0.14 → 7.0.15
* [FIX] non-installable module regex (#103)
* [FIX] CI: Fix typo for windows (#101)


* Bump version: 7.0.13 → 7.0.14
* [FIX] pre-commit-vauxoo: Fix isort hook - RuntimeError The Poetry configuration is invalid (#100)


* Bump version: 7.0.12 → 7.0.13
* [REF] pylint.conf: Update partner name as required author


* Bump version: 7.0.11 → 7.0.12
* [REF] pre-commit-vauxoo: Include migrations script for versions 15 and higher (#98)
* [FIX] ci: Array matrix syntax, rm tox envs and fix src (#96)


* Bump version: 7.0.10 → 7.0.11
* [REF] pre-commit-vauxoo: Fix missing newline for pyproject.toml (#95)


* Bump version: 7.0.9 → 7.0.10
* [REF] pre-commit-config-autofix: Update latest version of repos for autofixes (#94)


* Bump version: 7.0.8 → 7.0.9
* [FIX] pre-commit-config\*.yaml: Replace deprecated gitlab URL (#92)


* Bump version: 7.0.7 → 7.0.8
* [ADD] pre-commit-config-optional: Add new bandit security checks experimental (#88)


* Bump version: 7.0.6 → 7.0.7
* [REF] pre-commit-config-optional: Bump hooks version


* Bump version: 7.0.5 → 7.0.6
* [REF] pre-commit-config: bumpversion hooks (#87)


* Bump version: 7.0.4 → 7.0.5
* [REF] tox: More testing for package build and dependencies
* [REF] .pre-commit-config: pylint-odoo bumpversion v8.0.16


* Bump version: 7.0.3 → 7.0.4
* [REF] pre-commit-config-optional: Bump OCA odoo-pre-commit-hooks version (#83)


* Bump version: 7.0.2 → 7.0.3
* [REF] .pylintrc: Disable unsupported-binary-operation check (#82)


* Bump version: 7.0.1 → 7.0.2
* [REF] pre-commit-config: Migrate to new pylint-odoo - #apocalintSYS (#79)


* Bump version: 7.0.0 → 7.0.1
* [FIX] eslint: Fix 'import' sentence error (#80)
* [REF] CI: Remove deprecated MQT build (#78)


* Bump version: 6.0.0 → 7.0.0
* [REF] CI: Add py3.11, update tox, gitignore (#75)


* Bump version: 5.3.2 → 6.0.0
* [REF] tests: Remove git --initial-branch parameter incompatible with old git version (#76)
* [REF] pylintrc: Add 'column' to message-template option and change format (#74)
* [REM] Remove unused "tests" directory (#73)
* [REF] pylintrc: re-enable check bad-super-call (#72)
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Use the same git diff command than original (#71)
* [REF] pylintrc: Disable assignment-from-none and bad-super-call (#70)


* Bump version: 5.3.1 → 5.3.2
* [REF] cfg/.flake8: ignore E203 (whitespace before ':')


* Bump version: 5.3.0 → 5.3.1
* [IMP] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: show diff with changes made in autofixes
* [FIX] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Removed non autofix checks from autofix cfg #58
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Merge vauxoo hooks into repo


* Bump version: 5.2.3 → 5.3.0
* [REF] tests: Improve unittests to be more deterministic
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Test repo structure set to standards The previous structure was: /tmp\_dir/resources/all\_modules
* [IMP] pre-commit-vauxoo: Uninstallable modules are no longer checked


* Bump version: 5.2.2 → 5.2.3
* [REF] pre-commit-config: Update sha of pylint-odoo from vx (#62)


* Bump version: 5.2.1 → 5.2.2
* [REF] mandatory: Update custom hook (#60)
* [REF] readme: Update from help command and add multiple ways to install it (#57)


* Bump version: 5.2.0 → 5.2.1
* [REF] pre-commit-vauxoo: Better message for CI autofixes and add --version option parameter


* Bump version: 5.1.2 → 5.2.0
* [REF] CI: No install ecpg since MQT  must install it
* [REF] tests: Add module\_autofix1 in order to validate it is working well
* [REF] test: Improve the unittest to check if logs were raised
* [REF] tox: No use workers in order to show the full logs
* [REF] autofixes: Better message for CI if autofixes are required


* Bump version: 5.1.1 → 5.1.2
* [REF] cfg: Update custom vx hook to v0.0.2 (#53)


* Bump version: 5.1.0 → 5.1.1
* [REF] README: Update README --help to last version (#52)
* [REF] CI: Trigger pipeline to dockerv if new release (#51)


* Bump version: 5.0.0 → 5.1.0
* [ADD] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Mandatory - Add vx-check-deactivate hook (#50)


* Bump version: 4.0.0 → 5.0.0
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Enable black's string normalization and add extra parameter to disable it (#38)


* Bump version: 3.5.0 → 4.0.0
* [ADD] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Add option to install .git/hooks/pre\_commit (#48)
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Mandatory green even if mandatory are red (#47)
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Deprecate PRECOMMIT\_AUTOFIX in pro PRECOMMIT\_HOOKS\_TYPE=all (#46)
* [FIX] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Fix duplicate '-w' parameter (#45)
* [REF] CI: Faster pypi publish, remove "needs" to run parallel but only trigger for stable branches and PRs and tags (#44)
* [REF] CI: Enable pytest-xdist to run tests with multiple CPUs to speed up test execution (#43)
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Reformat code running black with string-normalizatio


* Bump version: 3.4.0 → 3.5.0
* [REF] cli: fail-optional now is a flag (#36)


* Bump version: 3.3.0 → 3.4.0
* [IMP] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Support fail if 'optional' hooks type and support "-" prefix to remove hooks type (#35)


* Bump version: 3.2.4 → 3.3.0
* [FIX] click: Match envvar for disable-pylint-checks and use csv string (#34)


* Bump version: 3.2.3 → 3.2.4
* [ADD] requirements.txt: Add requirements.txt file and read this file (#32)
* [REF] cli: Show env var for INCLUDE\_LINT and add help to path option (#31)
* [REF] docs: Clean dummy files and add docs badge and logo (#30)


* Bump version: 3.2.2 → 3.2.3
* [REF] CI: Generates ChangeLog with pbr installed (#29)


* Bump version: 3.2.1 → 3.2.2
* [REF] Autogenerate ChangeLog (#28)


* Bump version: 3.2.0 → 3.2.1
* [REF] cli: Bypassing errors if git repo is not found allow to run --help (#27)


* Bump version: 3.1.0 → 3.2.0
* [REF] README: Better help output with newlines (#26)
* [REF] cli: Small refactoring, typos and py3.5 compatibility (#25)


* Bump version: 3.0.0 → 3.1.0
* [FIX] click: Compatibility with click==8.0.1 used by big image (#24)


* Bump version: 2.1.1 → 3.0.0
* [REF] click: Use standard parameters, envvar and callback transformation and a few refactoring and more (#23)


* Bump version: 2.1.0 → 2.1.1
* [REF] CI: Add test to run with dockerv vauxoo image (#22)
* [REF] click: Remove incompatible parameter for all click versions (#21)


* Bump version: 2.0.0 → 2.1.0
* [FIX] CI: Auto deploy pypi


* Bump version: 1.3.2 → 2.0.0
* [IMP] pre-commit-vauxoo: Add params, help, default and environment variable matches (#20)
* [FIX] prettierrc: Enable only for js and xml files (#19)
* [REF] CI: Order builds by OS and add py3.10 (#17)
* [REF] tests: Create dummy repo in tmp folder
* [REF] CI: Fix covtest
* [REF] tests: Migrating tests to unittest


* Bump version: 1.3.1 → 1.3.2
* [REF] CI: Build package before to publish it (#15)


* Bump version: 1.3.0 → 1.3.1
* [REF] gh-actions: Publish package (#14)
* [FIX] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: typos in log messages (#13)


* Bump version: 1.2.1 → 1.3.0
* [REF] CI: Enable py3.10 (#12)
* [REF] github: Set pre-commit cache
* [REF] tests: Fixing test
* [FIX] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Fix current path
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Use INCLUDE\_LINT and EXCLUDE\_AUTOFIX
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Add logging colorized and summary result
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Small refactoring
* [REF] config: Add flake8 optional checks includes bugbear (#8)


* Bump version: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1
* [REF] README: Fix installation command and version (#9)
* [FIX] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Return the same type of object (#7)
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Add verbose wrapper in order to know what command was executed (#6)


* Bump version: 1.1.0 → 1.2.0
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Run pre-commit only in current path (#5)


* Bump version: 1.0.1 → 1.1.0
* [REF] prettierrc.yml: Enable xmlSelfClosingSpace (#3)


* Bump version: 1.0.0 → 1.0.1
* [REF] pre\_commit\_vauxoo: Look for .git dir in parent dirs and allow to run the command in any subfolder (#2)
* [REF] cfg: Update configuration from vx/mqt (remove flake8 bugbear)
* [REF] eslintrc: Support syntax "??="
* [ADD] pre-commit-vauxoo: first code


* Add initial project skeleton


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "pre-commit-vauxoo",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Vauxoo",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "========\nOverview\n========\n\n.. image::\n   :alt: Vauxoo\n   :target:\n\n\n\n\npre-commit script to run automatically the configuration and variables custom from Vauxoo\n\n* Free software: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)\n\nInstallation\n============\n\nInstall in the same way than you usually install pypi packages\n\n    python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall -U pre-commit-vauxoo\n\nOr using 'sudo':\n\n    sudo python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall -U pre-commit-vauxoo\n\nOr using '--user':\n\n    python3 -m pip install --user --force-reinstall -U pre-commit-vauxoo\n\nOr using virtualenv\n\n    source YOUR_VENV/bin/activate && pip install --force-reinstall -U pre-commit-vauxoo\n\nYou can confirm your environment running `pre-commit-vauxoo --version`\n\nUsage\n=====\n\nRun pre-commit-vauxoo command in git repository where you want to run our lints\n\nThe autofixes are disabled by default you can use the following option to enable it\n\n  pre-commit-vauxoo -t all\n\nFull --help command result:\n\n::\n\n  Usage: pre-commit-vauxoo [OPTIONS]\n\n    pre-commit-vauxoo run pre-commit with custom validations and configuration\n    files\n\n  Options:\n    -p, --paths PATH CSV            PATHS are the specific filenames to run\n                                    hooks on separated by commas.  [env var:\n                                    INCLUDE_LINT; default: .]\n    --no-overwrite                  Overwrite configuration files.\n\n                                    *If True, existing configuration files into\n                                    the project will be overwritten.\n\n                                    *If False, then current files will be used,\n                                    if they exist.  [env var:\n                                    PRECOMMIT_NO_OVERWRITE_CONFIG_FILES]\n    --fail-optional                 Change the exit_code for 'optional'\n                                    precommit-hooks-type.\n\n                                    *If this flag is enabled so the exit_code\n                                    will be -1 (error) if 'optional' fails.\n\n                                    *If it is disabled (by default), exit_code\n                                    will be 0 (successful) even if 'optional'\n                                    fails.  [env var: PRECOMMIT_FAIL_OPTIONAL]\n    -x, --exclude-autofix PATH CSV  Exclude paths on which to run the autofix\n                                    pre-commit configuration, separated by\n                                    commas  [env var: EXCLUDE_AUTOFIX]\n    -l, --exclude-lint PATH CSV     Paths to exclude checks, separated by\n                                    commas.  [env var: EXCLUDE_LINT]\n    -d, --pylint-disable-checks TEXT CSV\n                                    Pylint checks to disable, separated by\n                                    commas.  [env var: PYLINT_DISABLE_CHECKS]\n    -S, --skip-string-normalization\n                                    If '-t fix' is enabled, don't normalize\n                                    string quotes or prefixes '' -> \"\"\n\n                                    This parameter is related to 'black' hook\n                                    [env var: BLACK_SKIP_STRING_NORMALIZATION]\n    -t, --precommit-hooks-type [mandatory|optional|fix|experimental|all|-mandatory|-optional|-fix|-experimental]\n                                    Pre-commit configuration file to run hooks,\n                                    separated by commas.\n\n                                    prefix '-' means that the option will be\n                                    removed.\n\n                                    *Mandatory: Stable hooks that needs to be\n                                    fixed (Affecting build status).\n\n                                    *Optional: Optional hooks that could be\n                                    fixed later. (No affects build status almost\n                                    '--fail-optional' is set).\n\n                                    *Experimental: Experimental hooks that only\n                                    to test. (No affects build status).\n\n                                    *Fix: Hooks auto fixing source code (Affects\n                                    build status).\n\n                                    *All: All configuration files to run hooks.\n                                    [env var: PRECOMMIT_HOOKS_TYPE; default:\n                                    all, -fix]\n    --install                       Install the pre-commit script\n\n                                    Using this option a '.git/hooks/pre-commit'\n                                    will be created\n\n                                    Now your command 'git commit' will run 'pre-\n                                    commit-vauxoo' before to commit\n    --version                       Show the version of this package\n    --odoo-version TEXT             Odoo version used for the repository.  [env\n                                    var: VERSION]\n    --help                          Show this message and exit.\n\n\n.. Documentation\n.. =============\n\n\n..\n\n\nDevelopment\n===========\n\nTo run all the tests run::\n\n    tox\n\nNote, to combine the coverage data from all the tox environments run:\n\n.. list-table::\n    :widths: 10 90\n    :stub-columns: 1\n\n    - - Windows\n      - ::\n\n            set PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append\n            tox\n\n    - - Other\n      - ::\n\n            PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append tox\n\nCHANGES\n=======\n\nv8.0.2\n------\n\n* Bump version: 8.0.1 \u2192 8.0.2\n* [IMP] cfg: update pylint-odoo\n\nv8.0.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 8.0.0 \u2192 8.0.1\n* [CI]: fix wrong path on windows runners\n* [IMP] cfg: update black version\n\nv8.0.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.26 \u2192 8.0.0\n* [REF] cfg: bump pylint-odoo to v9.0.4 (#127)\n\nv7.0.26\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.25 \u2192 7.0.26\n* [IMP] cfg: bump pylint-odoo to v8.0.21 (#126)\n* [REF] Remove redundant autofix checks (#125)\n* [REF] CI: Update CI/RTD (#123)\n* ci: Update actions/checkout (#122)\n\nv7.0.25\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.24 \u2192 7.0.25\n* [REF] .pre-commit-config: pylint-odoo bumpversion v8.0.20 (#120)\n* [REF] tox: Build ChangeLog again (#119)\n\nv7.0.24\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.23 \u2192 7.0.24\n* [REF] setup: Enable py311 classifier (#117)\n* [IMP] cfg: update oca odoo hooks version (#114)\n* [REF] .gitignore: Ignore .oca\\_hooks\\*\n\nv7.0.23\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.22 \u2192 7.0.23\n* [IMP] support disabling oca hooks through env var (#116)\n\nv7.0.22\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.21 \u2192 7.0.22\n* [REF] use config files for oca-hooks (#112)\n\nv7.0.21\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.20 \u2192 7.0.21\n* [REF] Disable xml-oe-structure-missing-id (#110)\n\nv7.0.20\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.19 \u2192 7.0.20\n* [REF] Disable xml-oe-structure-id (#109)\n\nv7.0.19\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.18 \u2192 7.0.19\n* [REF] cfg: Update bandit version and disable \"defusedxml\" checks part 2 (#108)\n\nv7.0.18\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.17 \u2192 7.0.18\n* [REF] cfg: Update bandit version and disable \"defusedxml\" checks (#107)\n\nv7.0.17\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.16 \u2192 7.0.17\n* [REF] pre-commit-config: Upgrade OCA/odoo-pre-commit-hooks to v0.0.28\n\nv7.0.16\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.15 \u2192 7.0.16\n* [FIX] CI: Add ignored installed to Cannot uninstall 'distlib' error\n* [IMP] update odoo-pre-commit-hooks, add po-pretty-format, oe\\_structure\n\nv7.0.15\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.14 \u2192 7.0.15\n* [FIX] non-installable module regex (#103)\n* [FIX] CI: Fix typo for windows (#101)\n\nv7.0.14\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.13 \u2192 7.0.14\n* [FIX] pre-commit-vauxoo: Fix isort hook - RuntimeError The Poetry configuration is invalid (#100)\n\nv7.0.13\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.12 \u2192 7.0.13\n* [REF] pylint.conf: Update partner name as required author\n\nv7.0.12\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.11 \u2192 7.0.12\n* [REF] pre-commit-vauxoo: Include migrations script for versions 15 and higher (#98)\n* [FIX] ci: Array matrix syntax, rm tox envs and fix src (#96)\n\nv7.0.11\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.10 \u2192 7.0.11\n* [REF] pre-commit-vauxoo: Fix missing newline for pyproject.toml (#95)\n\nv7.0.10\n-------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.9 \u2192 7.0.10\n* [REF] pre-commit-config-autofix: Update latest version of repos for autofixes (#94)\n\nv7.0.9\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.8 \u2192 7.0.9\n* [FIX] pre-commit-config\\*.yaml: Replace deprecated gitlab URL (#92)\n\nv7.0.8\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.7 \u2192 7.0.8\n* [ADD] pre-commit-config-optional: Add new bandit security checks experimental (#88)\n\nv7.0.7\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.6 \u2192 7.0.7\n* [REF] pre-commit-config-optional: Bump hooks version\n\nv7.0.6\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.5 \u2192 7.0.6\n* [REF] pre-commit-config: bumpversion hooks (#87)\n\nv7.0.5\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.4 \u2192 7.0.5\n* [REF] tox: More testing for package build and dependencies\n* [REF] .pre-commit-config: pylint-odoo bumpversion v8.0.16\n\nv7.0.4\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.3 \u2192 7.0.4\n* [REF] pre-commit-config-optional: Bump OCA odoo-pre-commit-hooks version (#83)\n\nv7.0.3\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.2 \u2192 7.0.3\n* [REF] .pylintrc: Disable unsupported-binary-operation check (#82)\n\nv7.0.2\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.1 \u2192 7.0.2\n* [REF] pre-commit-config: Migrate to new pylint-odoo - #apocalintSYS (#79)\n\nv7.0.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 7.0.0 \u2192 7.0.1\n* [FIX] eslint: Fix 'import' sentence error (#80)\n* [REF] CI: Remove deprecated MQT build (#78)\n\nv7.0.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 6.0.0 \u2192 7.0.0\n* [REF] CI: Add py3.11, update tox, gitignore (#75)\n\nv6.0.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.3.2 \u2192 6.0.0\n* [REF] tests: Remove git --initial-branch parameter incompatible with old git version (#76)\n* [REF] pylintrc: Add 'column' to message-template option and change format (#74)\n* [REM]\u00a0Remove unused \"tests\" directory (#73)\n* [REF] pylintrc: re-enable check bad-super-call (#72)\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Use the same git diff command than original (#71)\n* [REF] pylintrc: Disable assignment-from-none and bad-super-call (#70)\n\nv5.3.2\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.3.1 \u2192 5.3.2\n* [REF] cfg/.flake8: ignore E203 (whitespace before ':')\n\nv5.3.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.3.0 \u2192 5.3.1\n* [IMP] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: show diff with changes made in autofixes\n* [FIX] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Removed non autofix checks from autofix cfg #58\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Merge vauxoo hooks into repo\n\nv5.3.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.2.3 \u2192 5.3.0\n* [REF] tests: Improve unittests to be more deterministic\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Test repo structure set to standards The previous structure was: /tmp\\_dir/resources/all\\_modules\n* [IMP] pre-commit-vauxoo: Uninstallable modules are no longer checked\n\nv5.2.3\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.2.2 \u2192 5.2.3\n* [REF] pre-commit-config: Update sha of pylint-odoo from vx (#62)\n\nv5.2.2\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.2.1 \u2192 5.2.2\n* [REF] mandatory: Update custom hook (#60)\n* [REF] readme: Update from help command and add multiple ways to install it (#57)\n\nv5.2.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.2.0 \u2192 5.2.1\n* [REF] pre-commit-vauxoo: Better message for CI autofixes and add --version option parameter\n\nv5.2.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.1.2 \u2192 5.2.0\n* [REF] CI: No install ecpg since MQT  must install it\n* [REF] tests: Add module\\_autofix1 in order to validate it is working well\n* [REF] test: Improve the unittest to check if logs were raised\n* [REF] tox: No use workers in order to show the full logs\n* [REF] autofixes: Better message for CI if autofixes are required\n\nv5.1.2\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.1.1 \u2192 5.1.2\n* [REF] cfg: Update custom vx hook to v0.0.2 (#53)\n\nv5.1.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.1.0 \u2192 5.1.1\n* [REF] README: Update README --help to last version (#52)\n* [REF] CI: Trigger pipeline to dockerv if new release (#51)\n\nv5.1.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 5.0.0 \u2192 5.1.0\n* [ADD] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Mandatory - Add vx-check-deactivate hook (#50)\n\nv5.0.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 4.0.0 \u2192 5.0.0\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Enable black's string normalization and add extra parameter to disable it (#38)\n\nv4.0.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.5.0 \u2192 4.0.0\n* [ADD] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Add option to install .git/hooks/pre\\_commit (#48)\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Mandatory green even if mandatory are red (#47)\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Deprecate PRECOMMIT\\_AUTOFIX in pro PRECOMMIT\\_HOOKS\\_TYPE=all (#46)\n* [FIX] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Fix duplicate '-w' parameter (#45)\n* [REF] CI: Faster pypi publish, remove \"needs\" to run parallel but only trigger for stable branches and PRs and tags (#44)\n* [REF] CI: Enable pytest-xdist to run tests with multiple CPUs to speed up test execution (#43)\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Reformat code running black with string-normalizatio\n\nv3.5.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.4.0 \u2192 3.5.0\n* [REF] cli: fail-optional now is a flag (#36)\n\nv3.4.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.3.0 \u2192 3.4.0\n* [IMP] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Support fail if 'optional' hooks type and support \"-\" prefix to remove hooks type (#35)\n\nv3.3.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.2.4 \u2192 3.3.0\n* [FIX] click: Match envvar for disable-pylint-checks and use csv string (#34)\n\nv3.2.4\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.2.3 \u2192 3.2.4\n* [ADD] requirements.txt: Add requirements.txt file and read this file (#32)\n* [REF] cli: Show env var for INCLUDE\\_LINT and add help to path option (#31)\n* [REF] docs: Clean dummy files and add docs badge and logo (#30)\n\nv3.2.3\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.2.2 \u2192 3.2.3\n* [REF] CI: Generates ChangeLog with pbr installed (#29)\n\nv3.2.2\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.2.1 \u2192 3.2.2\n* [REF] Autogenerate ChangeLog (#28)\n\nv3.2.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.2.0 \u2192 3.2.1\n* [REF] cli: Bypassing errors if git repo is not found allow to run --help (#27)\n\nv3.2.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.1.0 \u2192 3.2.0\n* [REF] README: Better help output with newlines (#26)\n* [REF] cli: Small refactoring, typos and py3.5 compatibility (#25)\n\nv3.1.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 3.0.0 \u2192 3.1.0\n* [FIX] click: Compatibility with click==8.0.1 used by big image (#24)\n\nv3.0.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 2.1.1 \u2192 3.0.0\n* [REF] click: Use standard parameters, envvar and callback transformation and a few refactoring and more (#23)\n\nv2.1.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 2.1.0 \u2192 2.1.1\n* [REF] CI: Add test to run with dockerv vauxoo image (#22)\n* [REF] click: Remove incompatible parameter for all click versions (#21)\n\nv2.1.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 2.0.0 \u2192 2.1.0\n* [FIX] CI: Auto deploy pypi\n\nv2.0.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 1.3.2 \u2192 2.0.0\n* [IMP] pre-commit-vauxoo: Add params, help, default and environment variable matches (#20)\n* [FIX]\u00a0prettierrc: Enable only for js and xml files (#19)\n* [REF] CI: Order builds by OS and add py3.10 (#17)\n* [REF] tests: Create dummy repo in tmp folder\n* [REF] CI: Fix covtest\n* [REF] tests: Migrating tests to unittest\n\nv1.3.2\n------\n\n* Bump version: 1.3.1 \u2192 1.3.2\n* [REF] CI: Build package before to publish it (#15)\n\nv1.3.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 1.3.0 \u2192 1.3.1\n* [REF] gh-actions: Publish package (#14)\n* [FIX] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: typos in log messages (#13)\n\nv1.3.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 1.2.1 \u2192 1.3.0\n* [REF] CI: Enable py3.10 (#12)\n* [REF] github: Set pre-commit cache\n* [REF] tests: Fixing test\n* [FIX] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Fix current path\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Use INCLUDE\\_LINT and EXCLUDE\\_AUTOFIX\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Add logging colorized and summary result\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Small refactoring\n* [REF] config: Add flake8 optional checks includes bugbear (#8)\n\nv1.2.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 1.2.0 \u2192 1.2.1\n* [REF] README: Fix installation command and version (#9)\n* [FIX] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Return the same type of object (#7)\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Add verbose wrapper in order to know what command was executed (#6)\n\nv1.2.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 1.1.0 \u2192 1.2.0\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Run pre-commit only in current path (#5)\n\nv1.1.0\n------\n\n* Bump version: 1.0.1 \u2192 1.1.0\n* [REF] prettierrc.yml: Enable xmlSelfClosingSpace (#3)\n\nv1.0.1\n------\n\n* Bump version: 1.0.0 \u2192 1.0.1\n* [REF] pre\\_commit\\_vauxoo: Look for .git dir in parent dirs and allow to run the command in any subfolder (#2)\n* [REF] cfg: Update configuration from vx/mqt (remove flake8 bugbear)\n* [REF] eslintrc: Support syntax \"??=\"\n* [ADD] pre-commit-vauxoo: first code\n\nv1.0.0\n------\n\n* Add initial project skeleton\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "LGPL-3.0-or-later",
    "summary": "pre-commit script to run automatically the configuration and variables custom from Vauxoo",
    "version": "8.0.2",
    "project_urls": {
        "Changelog": "",
        "Documentation": "",
        "Homepage": "",
        "Issue Tracker": ""
    "split_keywords": [],
    "urls": [
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                "sha256": "8b1bee83def8770573d9107dec90f27818e119a8bad741de85e4b031629de1f9"
            "downloads": -1,
            "filename": "pre_commit_vauxoo-8.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl",
            "has_sig": false,
            "md5_digest": "e5d76be5b2d4122f23dd02e2de12d36a",
            "packagetype": "bdist_wheel",
            "python_version": "py2.py3",
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            "size": 52438,
            "upload_time": "2024-01-30T09:27:07",
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            "downloads": -1,
            "filename": "pre-commit-vauxoo-8.0.2.tar.gz",
            "has_sig": false,
            "md5_digest": "cf0d0bdc31da1bf5363d327774cdd0c7",
            "packagetype": "sdist",
            "python_version": "source",
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            "size": 74099,
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            "yanked": false,
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    "upload_time": "2024-01-30 09:27:09",
    "github": true,
    "gitlab": false,
    "bitbucket": false,
    "codeberg": false,
    "github_user": "Vauxoo",
    "github_project": "pre-commit-vauxoo",
    "travis_ci": true,
    "coveralls": true,
    "github_actions": true,
    "appveyor": true,
    "requirements": [],
    "tox": true,
    "lcname": "pre-commit-vauxoo"
Elapsed time: 0.17564s