# py-sc-kpm
The python implementation of the knowledge processing machine (kpm)
for [sc-machine](https://github.com/ostis-ai/sc-machine).
Library provides tools for interacting with knowledge bases.
Communication with server is implemented in separate library
named [py-sc-client](https://github.com/ostis-ai/py-sc-client).
This module is compatible with 0.10.0 version
of [OSTIS Platform](https://github.com/ostis-ai/ostis-web-platform).
# API Reference
1. [Classes](#classes)
+ [ScKeynodes](#sckeynodes)
+ [ScAgent](#scagent-and-scagentclassic)
+ [ScModule](#scmodule)
+ [ScServer](#scserver)
2. [Utils](#utils)
+ [Common utils](#common-utils)
+ [Generating utils](#generating-utils)
+ [Retrieve utils](#retrieve-utils)
+ [Action utils](#action-utils)
3. [Use-cases](#use-cases)
## Classes
The library contains the python implementation of useful classes and functions to work with the sc-memory.
### ScKeynodes
Class which provides the ability to cache the identifier and ScAddr of keynodes stored in the KB.
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
# Get the provided identifier
ScKeynodes["identifier_of_keynode"] # Returns an ScAddr of the given identifier
# Get the unprovided identifier
ScKeynodes["not_stored_in_kb"] # Raises InvalidValueError if an identifier doesn't exist in the KB
ScKeynodes.get("not_stored_in_kb") # Returns an invalid ScAddr(0) in the same situation
# Resolve identifier
ScKeynodes.resolve("my_class_node", sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS) # Returns the element if it exists, otherwise generates
ScKeynodes.resolve("some_node", None) # Returns the element if it exists, otherwise returns an invalid ScAddr(0)
# Erase identifier
ScKeynodes.erase("identifier_to_erase") # Erase keynode from kb and ScKeynodes cache
# Get rrel node
ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1) # Returns valid ScAddr of 'rrel_1'
ScKeynodes.rrel_index(11) # Raises KeyError if index more than 10
ScKeynodes.rrel_index("some_str") # Raises TypeError if index is not int
### ScAgent and ScAgentClassic
A classes for handling a single ScEvent. Define your agents like this:
from sc_client.models import ScAddr
from sc_kpm import ScAgent, ScAgentClassic, ScResult
class ScAgentTest(ScAgent):
def on_event(self, class_node: ScAddr, connector: ScAddr, action_node: ScAddr) -> ScResult:
return ScResult.OK
class ScAgentClassicTest(ScAgentClassic):
def on_event(self, class_node: ScAddr, connector: ScAddr, action_node: ScAddr) -> ScResult:
# ScAgentClassic automatically checks its action
return ScResult.OK
For the ScAgent initialization you should define the sc-element and the type of the ScEvent.
For the ScAgentClassic initialization you should define the identifier of the action class node and arguments of the ScAgent. `subscription_element` is set to the `action_initiated` keynode by default. `event_class` is set to the `ScEventType.AFTER_GENERATE_OUTGOING_ARC` type by default.
**ScAgentClassic checks its action element automatically and doesn't run `on_event` method if checking fails.**
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_client.constants.common import ScEventType
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
action_class = ScKeynodes.resolve("test_class", sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS)
agent = ScAgentTest(action_class, ScEventType.AFTER_GENERATE_OUTGOING_ARC)
classic_agent = ScAgentClassicTest("classic_test_class")
classic_agent_incoming = ScAgentClassicTest("classic_test_class", ScEventType.AFTER_GENERATE_INCOMING_ARC)
### ScModule
A class for handling multiple ScAgent objects.
Define your modules like this:
from sc_kpm import ScModule
module = ScModule(
_Note: you don't need remove agents in the end of program._
### ScServer
A class for serving, register ScModule objects.
Firstly you need connect to server. You can use connect/disconnect methods:
from sc_kpm import ScServer
SC_SERVER_URL = "ws://localhost:8090/ws_json"
server = ScServer(SC_SERVER_URL)
Or with-statement. We recommend it because it easier to use, and it's safe:
from sc_kpm import ScServer
SC_SERVER_URL = "ws://localhost:8090/ws_json"
server = ScServer(SC_SERVER_URL)
with server.connect():
After connection, you can add and remove your modules. Manage your modules like this:
with server.connect():
module = ScModule(...)
But the modules are still not registered. For this use register_modules/unregister_modules methods:
with server.connect():
Or one mode with-statement.
We also recommend to use so because it guarantees a safe agents unregistration if errors occur:
with server.connect():
with server.register_modules():
If you needn't separate connecting and registration, you can do it all using one command:
with server.start():
# or
There is also method for stopping program until a SIGINT signal (or ^C, or terminate in IDE) is received.
So you can leave agents registered for a long time:
with server.connect():
# Creating some agents
with server.register_modules():
# Registration some agents
server.serve() # Agents will be active until ^C
### ScSets
Sc-set is a construction that presents main node called `set_node` and linked elements.
There is no limit in types for sc-set elements:
![sc-set example](docs/schemes/png/set.png)
#### ScSet
- *sc_kpm.sc_sets*.**ScSet**
Class for handling simple sc-sets.
It is the parent class for `ScOrientedSet` and `ScNumberedSet`
Methods and properties:
1. *ScSet*(*elements: ScAddr, set_node: ScAddr = None, set_node_type: ScType = None) -> None
Constructor of sc-set receives all elements to add, optional `set_node` and optional `set_node_type`.
If you don't specify `set_node`, it will be generated with `set_node_type` (default CONST_NODE).
2. *ScSet*.**add**(*elements: ScAddr) -> None
Add elements to the end of sc-set construction.
3. *ScSet*.**set_node** -> ScAddr
Property to give the **main node** of sc-set.
4. *ScSet* == *ScSet* -> bool
Check sc-sets have the same set_nodes.
5. *ScSet*.**elements_set** -> Set[ScAddr]
Property to give all elements from sc-set as a set.
Use it if you don't need order in ordered sets.
6. **iter**(*ScSet*) -> Iterator[ScAddr]
Dunder method for iterating by sc-set.
Lazy algorithm (ScOrientedSet and ScNumberedSet).
7. **len**(*ScSet*) -> int
Fast dunder method to give **count of elements** (power of sc-set).
8. **bool**(*ScSet*) -> bool
Dunder method for if-statement: True if there are elements in sc-set.
9. *ScSet*.**is_empty**() -> bool
True if there are **no elements** in sc-set.
10. *ScAddr* **in** *ScSet* -> bool
Dunder method: True if sc-set contains element.
11. *ScSet*.**clear**() -> bool
Remove all elements from sc-set.
12. *ScSet*.**remove**(*elements: ScAddr) -> None
Remove elements from sc-set.
*WARNING*: method isn't optimized in ScOrientedSet and ScNumberedSet
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_client.models import ScAddr
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScSet
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, generate_nodes
# Example elements to add
example_set_node: ScAddr = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)
elements: list[ScAddr] = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 5)
# Init sc-set and add elements
empty_set = ScSet()
set_with_elements = ScSet(elements[0], elements[1])
set_with_elements.add(elements[2], elements[3])
set_with_elements_and_set_node = ScSet(elements[2], set_node=example_set_node)
empty_set_with_specific_set_node_type = ScSet(set_node_type=sc_type.NODE_VAR)
# Get set node
set_node = empty_set.set_node
assert set_with_elements_and_set_node.set_node == example_set_node
# Get elements: list and set
assert set_with_elements.elements_set == set(elements) # set view faster and safe
# Iterate by elements
for element in set_with_elements:
# Length, bool, is_empty, in
assert len(set_with_elements) == len(elements)
assert bool(set_with_elements)
assert not set_with_elements.is_empty()
assert empty_set.is_empty()
assert elements[2] in set_with_elements
# Clear and remove
assert len(set_with_elements), len(elements) - 1
assert set_with_elements.is_empty()
##### ScStructure
If `set_node` has type `sc_type.CONST_NODE_STRUCTURE` construction is called sc-structure
and looks like a loop in SCg:
- *sc_kpm*.**ScStructure**
Class for handling structure construction in the kb.
The same logic as in `ScSet`, but *set_node_type* if set CONST_NODE_STRUCTURE.
There are checks that set node has struct sc-type:
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScStructure
sc_struct = ScStructure(..., set_node=..., set_node_type=...)
sc_struct = ScStructure(..., set_node=generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)) # InvalidTypeError - not struct type
sc_struct = ScStructure(..., set_node_type=sc_type.CONST_NODE) # InvalidTypeError - not struct type
#### Ordered sc-sets
ScOrientedSet and ScNumberedSet are ordered sc-constructions.
Child classes of ScSet, have the order in iteration and get list elements:
- *Sc{ordered}Set*.**elements_set** -> List[ScAddr]
Get the list of all elements with order
##### ScOrientedSet
- *sc_kpm*.**ScOrientedSet**
Class for handling sc-oriented-set construction.
Has marked arcs between arcs from set_node to elements.
Easy lazy iterating.
No access by index.
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScOrientedSet
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes
elements = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 5)
numbered_set = ScOrientedSet(*elements)
assert numbered_set.elements_list == elements
##### ScNumberedSet
- *sc_kpm*.**ScNumberedSet**
Class for handling sc-numbered-set construction.
Set-node is set with numerating each element with rrel node.
Easy access to elements by index (index i is marked with rrel(i + 1))
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScNumberedSet
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes
elements = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 5)
numbered_set = ScNumberedSet(*elements)
assert numbered_set.elements_list == elements
assert numbered_set[2] == elements[2]
numbered_set[5] # raise KeyError
## Utils
There are some functions for working with nodes, connectors, links: generate them, search, get content, erase, etc.
There is also possibility to wrap in set or oriented set.
## Common utils
There are utils to work with basic elements
_You can import these utils from `sc_kpm.utils`_
### Nodes generating
If you want to generate one or more nodes use these functions with type setting argument:
def generate_node(node_type: ScType, sys_idtf: str = None) -> ScAddr: ...
def generate_nodes(*node_types: ScType) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
`sys_idtf` is optional name of keynode if you want to add it there.
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.utils.common_utils import generate_node, generate_nodes
lang = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS) # ScAddr(...)
lang_en = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS) # ScAddr(...)
assert lang.is_valid() and lang_en.is_valid()
elements = generate_nodes(sc_type.CONST_NODE, sc_type.NODE_VAR) # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]
assert len(elements) == 2
assert all(element.is_valid() for element in elements)
### Connectors generating
For generating connector between **src** and **trg** with setting its type use **generate_connector** function:
def generate_connector(connector_type: ScType, src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
def generate_connectors(connector_type: ScType, src: ScAddr, *targets: ScAddr) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_connector, generate_connectors
src, trg, trg2, trg3 = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 4)
connector = generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg) # ScAddr(...)
connectors = generate_connectors(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg2, trg3) # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]
assert connector.is_valid()
assert all(connectors)
Function **is_valid()** is used for validation addresses of nodes or connectors.
### Links generating
For generating links with string type content (by default) use these functions:
def generate_link(
content: Union[str, int],
content_type: ScLinkContentType = ScLinkContentType.STRING,
link_type: ScType = sc_type.CONST_NODE_LINK
) -> ScAddr: ...
def generate_links(
*contents: Union[str, int],
content_type: ScLinkContentType = ScLinkContentType.STRING,
link_type: ScType = sc_type.CONST_NODE_LINK,
) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
You may use **ScLinkContentType.STRING** and **ScLinkContentType.INT** types for content of generated links.
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_client.models import ScLinkContentType
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_link, generate_links
msg = generate_link("hello") # ScAddr(...)
four = generate_link(4, ScLinkContentType.INT) # ScAddr(...)
water = generate_link("water", link_type=sc_type.VAR_NODE_LINK) # ScAddr(...)
names = generate_links("Sam", "Pit") # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]
### Relations generating
Generate different binary relations with these functions:
def generate_binary_relation(connector_type: ScType, src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr, *relations: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
def generate_role_relation(src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr, *rrel_nodes: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
def generate_non_role_relation(src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr, *nrel_nodes: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
These methods return ScAddr of sc-arc generated between `src` and `trg` sc-elements.
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, generate_nodes
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_binary_relation, generate_role_relation, generate_non_role_relation
src, trg = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 2)
increase_relation = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS)
brel = generate_binary_relation(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg, increase_relation) # ScAddr(...)
rrel = generate_role_relation(src, trg, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1)) # ScAddr(...)
nrel = generate_non_role_relation(src, trg, generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_NON_ROLE)) # ScAddr(...)
### Erasing utils
If you want to erase all connectors between two elements, which define by their type use
def erase_connectors(source: ScAddr, target: ScAddr, *connector_types: ScType) -> bool: ...
It return **True** if operations was successful and **False** otherwise.
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes, generate_connector
from sc_kpm.utils import erase_connectors
src, trg = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 2)
connector = generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg)
erase_connectors(src, trg, sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC) # True
### Searching connectors
For getting connector or connectors between two elements use:
def search_connector(source: ScAddr, target: ScAddr, connector_type: ScType) -> ScAddr: ...
def search_connectors(source: ScAddr, target: ScAddr, *connector_types: ScType) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
_**NOTE: Use VAR type instead of CONST in getting utils**_
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes, generate_connector
from sc_kpm.utils import search_connector, search_connectors
src, trg = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 2)
connector1 = generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg)
connector2 = generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_COMMON_ARC, src, trg)
class_connector = search_connector(src, trg, sc_type.VAR_PERM_POS_ARC) # ScAddr(...)
assert class_connector == connector1
connectors = search_connectors(src, trg, sc_type.VAR_PERM_POS_ARC, sc_type.VAR_COMMON_ARC) # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]
assert connectors == [connector1, connector2]
### Searching elements by relation
Search target element by source element and relation:
def search_element_by_role_relation(src: ScAddr, rrel_node: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
def search_element_by_non_role_relation(src: ScAddr, nrel_node: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes, generate_role_relation, generate_non_role_relation
from sc_kpm.utils import search_element_by_role_relation, search_element_by_non_role_relation
src, trg_rrel, trg_nrel = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 3)
rrel = generate_role_relation(src, trg_rrel, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1)) # ScAddr(...)
nrel = generate_non_role_relation(src, trg_nrel, ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER]) # ScAddr(...)
result_rrel = search_element_by_role_relation(src, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1)) # ScAddr(...)
assert result_rrel == trg_rrel
result_nrel = search_element_by_non_role_relation(src, ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER]) # ScAddr(...)
assert result_nrel == trg_nrel
### Getting link content
For existed links you may get their content by address with this function:
def get_link_content(link: ScAddr) -> Union[str, int]: ...
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_link
from sc_kpm.utils import get_link_content_data
water = generate_link("water")
content = get_link_content_data(water) # "water"
### Getting element system identifier
For getting system identifier of keynode use:
def get_element_system_identifier(addr: ScAddr) -> str: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.utils import get_element_system_identifier
idtf = get_element_system_identifier(some_addr) # "lang_en"
## Action utils
Utils to work with actions, events and agents
### Check action class
def check_action_class(action_class: Union[ScAddr, Idtf], action_node: ScAddr) -> bool: ...
This function returns **True** if action class has connection to action node.
You can use identifier of action class instead of ScAddr.
This function should not be used in the ScAgentClassic.
![check action class](docs/schemes/png/check_action_class.png)
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, generate_connector
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import check_action_class
action_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)
generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.ACTION], action_node)
action_class = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS)
generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, action_class, action_node)
assert check_action_class(action_class, action_node)
# or
assert check_action_class("some_classification", action_node)
### Get action arguments
For getting list of action arguments concatenated by `rrel_[1 -> count]` use:
def get_action_arguments(action_class: Union[ScAddr, Idtf], count: int) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
![check action class](docs/schemes/png/get_arguments.png)
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, generate_connector, generate_role_relation
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import get_action_arguments
action_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)
# Static argument
argument1 = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)
generate_role_relation(action_node, argument1, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1))
# Dynamic argument
dynamic_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)
rrel_dynamic_arg = ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.RREL_DYNAMIC_ARGUMENT]
generate_role_relation(action_node, dynamic_node, rrel_dynamic_arg, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(2))
argument2 = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)
generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_TEMP_POS_ARC, dynamic_node, argument2)
arguments = get_action_arguments(action_node, 2)
assert arguments == [argument1, dynamic_node]
### Generate and get action result
def generate_action_result(action_node: ScAddr, *elements: ScAddr) -> None: ...
def get_action_result(action_node: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
Generate and get structure with output of action
![agent result](docs/schemes/png/agent_result.png)
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_node
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import generate_action_result, get_action_result
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScStructure
action_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)
result_element = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)
generate_action_result(action_node, result_element)
result = get_action_result(action_node)
result_elements = ScStructure(result).elements_set
assert result_elements == {result_element}
### Call, execute and wait agent
Agent call function: generates **action node** with some arguments, concepts and connects it to the node with initiation identifier.
Returns **action node**
def call_agent(
arguments: Dict[ScAddr, IsDynamic],
concepts: List[Idtf],
initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED,
) -> ScAddr: ...
Agent wait function: Waits for generation of arc from reaction node for some seconds.
Default reaction_node is `action_finished`.
def wait_agent(seconds: float, action_node: ScAddr, reaction_node: ScAddr = None) -> None: ...
Agent execute function: combines two previous functions -- calls, waits and returns action node and **True** if success
def execute_agent(
arguments: Dict[ScAddr, IsDynamic],
concepts: List[Idtf],
initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED,
reaction: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY,
wait_time: int = COMMON_WAIT_TIME, # 5
) -> Tuple[ScAddr, bool]: ...
from sc_client.models import ScLinkContentType
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers, ActionStatus
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_link
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import execute_agent, call_agent, wait_agent
arg1 = generate_link(2, ScLinkContentType.INT)
arg2 = generate_link(3, ScLinkContentType.INT)
kwargs = dict(
arguments={arg1: False, arg2: False},
concepts=[CommonIdentifiers.ACTION, "some_class_name"],
action = call_agent(**kwargs) # ScAddr(...)
wait_agent(3, action, ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED])
# or
action, is_successfully = execute_agent(**kwargs, wait_time=3) # ScAddr(...), bool
### Generate, call and execute action
Functions that allow to generate action and add arguments and call later.
Function that generates action with concepts and return its ScAddr.
def generate_action(*concepts: Idtf) -> ScAddr: ...
Function that generates arguments of action
def add_action_arguments(action_node: ScAddr, arguments: Dict[ScAddr, IsDynamic]) -> None: ...
Now you can call or execute action.
Action call functions don't return action_node because it's parameter to them.
def call_action(
action_node: ScAddr, initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED
) -> None: ...
def execute_action(
action_node: ScAddr,
initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED,
reaction: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY,
wait_time: float = COMMON_WAIT_TIME,
) -> bool: ...
from sc_client.models import ScLinkContentType
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers, ActionStatus
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_link
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import add_action_arguments, call_action, generate_action, execute_action, wait_agent
arg1 = generate_link(2, ScLinkContentType.INT)
arg2 = generate_link(3, ScLinkContentType.INT)
action_node = generate_action(CommonIdentifiers.ACTION, "some_class_name") # ScAddr(...)
# Do something here
arguments = {arg1: False, arg2: False}
add_action_arguments(action_node, arguments)
wait_agent(3, action_node, ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED])
# or
is_successful = execute_action(action_node, wait_time=3) # bool
### Finish action
Function `finish_action` connects status class to action node:
def finish_action(action_node: ScAddr, status: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED) -> ScAddr: ...
Function `finish_action_with_status` connects `action_finished` and `action_finished_(un)successfully` statuses to it:
def finish_action_with_status(action_node: ScAddr, is_success: bool = True) -> None: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_type
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import ActionStatus
from sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, check_connector
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import finish_action, finish_action_with_status
action_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)
# or
finish_action_with_status(action_node, True)
# or
finish_action(action_node, ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED)
finish_action(action_node, ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY)
action_finished = ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED]
action_finished_successfully = ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY]
assert check_connector(sc_type.VAR_PERM_POS_ARC, action_finished, action_node)
assert check_connector(sc_type.VAR_PERM_POS_ARC, action_finished_successfully, action_node)
# Use-cases
- Script for generating and registration agent until user press ^C:
- [based on ScAgentClassic](docs/examples/register_and_wait_for_user.py)
- Scripts for generating agent to calculate sum of two arguments and confirm result:
- [based on ScAgent](docs/examples/sum_agent.py)
- [based on ScAgentClassic](docs/examples/sum_agent_classic.py)
- Logging examples:
- [pretty project logging](docs/examples/pretty_logging.py)
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/ostis-ai/py-sc-kpm",
"name": "py-sc-kpm",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "<4,>=3.8",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "sc-kpm, kpm, knowledge processing",
"author": "ostis-ai",
"author_email": null,
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/94/34/79e84d24386d7948a0f8089aed2e4699106cebd50d4ce0b9056ca0896393/py_sc_kpm-0.4.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# py-sc-kpm\n\nThe python implementation of the knowledge processing machine (kpm)\nfor [sc-machine](https://github.com/ostis-ai/sc-machine).\nLibrary provides tools for interacting with knowledge bases.\nCommunication with server is implemented in separate library\nnamed [py-sc-client](https://github.com/ostis-ai/py-sc-client).\nThis module is compatible with 0.10.0 version\nof [OSTIS Platform](https://github.com/ostis-ai/ostis-web-platform).\n\n# API Reference\n\n1. [Classes](#classes)\n + [ScKeynodes](#sckeynodes)\n + [ScAgent](#scagent-and-scagentclassic)\n + [ScModule](#scmodule)\n + [ScServer](#scserver)\n2. [Utils](#utils)\n + [Common utils](#common-utils)\n + [Generating utils](#generating-utils)\n + [Retrieve utils](#retrieve-utils)\n + [Action utils](#action-utils)\n3. [Use-cases](#use-cases)\n\n## Classes\n\nThe library contains the python implementation of useful classes and functions to work with the sc-memory.\n\n### ScKeynodes\n\nClass which provides the ability to cache the identifier and ScAddr of keynodes stored in the KB.\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\n\n# Get the provided identifier\nScKeynodes[\"identifier_of_keynode\"] # Returns an ScAddr of the given identifier\n\n# Get the unprovided identifier\nScKeynodes[\"not_stored_in_kb\"] # Raises InvalidValueError if an identifier doesn't exist in the KB\nScKeynodes.get(\"not_stored_in_kb\") # Returns an invalid ScAddr(0) in the same situation\n\n# Resolve identifier\nScKeynodes.resolve(\"my_class_node\", sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS) # Returns the element if it exists, otherwise generates\nScKeynodes.resolve(\"some_node\", None) # Returns the element if it exists, otherwise returns an invalid ScAddr(0)\n\n# Erase identifier\nScKeynodes.erase(\"identifier_to_erase\") # Erase keynode from kb and ScKeynodes cache\n\n# Get rrel node\nScKeynodes.rrel_index(1) # Returns valid ScAddr of 'rrel_1'\nScKeynodes.rrel_index(11) # Raises KeyError if index more than 10\nScKeynodes.rrel_index(\"some_str\") # Raises TypeError if index is not int\n```\n\n### ScAgent and ScAgentClassic\n\nA classes for handling a single ScEvent. Define your agents like this:\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.models import ScAddr\nfrom sc_kpm import ScAgent, ScAgentClassic, ScResult\n\n\nclass ScAgentTest(ScAgent):\n def on_event(self, class_node: ScAddr, connector: ScAddr, action_node: ScAddr) -> ScResult:\n ...\n return ScResult.OK\n\n\nclass ScAgentClassicTest(ScAgentClassic):\n def on_event(self, class_node: ScAddr, connector: ScAddr, action_node: ScAddr) -> ScResult:\n # ScAgentClassic automatically checks its action\n ...\n return ScResult.OK\n```\n\nFor the ScAgent initialization you should define the sc-element and the type of the ScEvent.\n\nFor the ScAgentClassic initialization you should define the identifier of the action class node and arguments of the ScAgent. `subscription_element` is set to the `action_initiated` keynode by default. `event_class` is set to the `ScEventType.AFTER_GENERATE_OUTGOING_ARC` type by default.\n\n**ScAgentClassic checks its action element automatically and doesn't run `on_event` method if checking fails.**\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_client.constants.common import ScEventType\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\n\naction_class = ScKeynodes.resolve(\"test_class\", sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS)\nagent = ScAgentTest(action_class, ScEventType.AFTER_GENERATE_OUTGOING_ARC)\n\nclassic_agent = ScAgentClassicTest(\"classic_test_class\")\nclassic_agent_incoming = ScAgentClassicTest(\"classic_test_class\", ScEventType.AFTER_GENERATE_INCOMING_ARC)\n```\n\n### ScModule\n\nA class for handling multiple ScAgent objects.\nDefine your modules like this:\n\n```python\nfrom sc_kpm import ScModule\n\nmodule = ScModule(\n agent1,\n agent2,\n)\n...\nmodule.add_agent(agent3)\n...\nmodule.remove_agent(agent3)\n```\n\n_Note: you don't need remove agents in the end of program._\n\n### ScServer\n\nA class for serving, register ScModule objects.\n\nFirstly you need connect to server. You can use connect/disconnect methods:\n\n```python\nfrom sc_kpm import ScServer\n\nSC_SERVER_URL = \"ws://localhost:8090/ws_json\"\nserver = ScServer(SC_SERVER_URL)\nserver.connect()\n...\nserver.disconnect()\n```\n\nOr with-statement. We recommend it because it easier to use, and it's safe:\n\n```python\nfrom sc_kpm import ScServer\n\nSC_SERVER_URL = \"ws://localhost:8090/ws_json\"\nserver = ScServer(SC_SERVER_URL)\nwith server.connect():\n ...\n```\n\nAfter connection, you can add and remove your modules. Manage your modules like this:\n\n```python\n...\nwith server.connect():\n module = ScModule(...)\n server.add_modules(module)\n ...\n server.remove_modules(module)\n```\n\nBut the modules are still not registered. For this use register_modules/unregister_modules methods:\n\n```python\n...\nwith server.connect():\n ...\n server.register_modules()\n ...\n server.unregister_modules()\n```\n\nOr one mode with-statement.\nWe also recommend to use so because it guarantees a safe agents unregistration if errors occur:\n\n```python\n...\nwith server.connect():\n ...\n with server.register_modules():\n ...\n```\n\nIf you needn't separate connecting and registration, you can do it all using one command:\n\n```python\nwith server.start():\n ...\n# or\nserver.start()\n...\nserver.stop()\n```\n\nThere is also method for stopping program until a SIGINT signal (or ^C, or terminate in IDE) is received.\nSo you can leave agents registered for a long time:\n\n```python\n...\nwith server.connect():\n # Creating some agents\n with server.register_modules():\n # Registration some agents\n server.serve() # Agents will be active until ^C\n```\n\n### ScSets\n\nSc-set is a construction that presents main node called `set_node` and linked elements.\nThere is no limit in types for sc-set elements:\n\n![sc-set example](docs/schemes/png/set.png)\n\n#### ScSet\n\n- *sc_kpm.sc_sets*.**ScSet**\n\nClass for handling simple sc-sets.\nIt is the parent class for `ScOrientedSet` and `ScNumberedSet`\n\nMethods and properties:\n\n1. *ScSet*(*elements: ScAddr, set_node: ScAddr = None, set_node_type: ScType = None) -> None\n\n Constructor of sc-set receives all elements to add, optional `set_node` and optional `set_node_type`.\n If you don't specify `set_node`, it will be generated with `set_node_type` (default CONST_NODE).\n\n2. *ScSet*.**add**(*elements: ScAddr) -> None\n\n Add elements to the end of sc-set construction.\n\n3. *ScSet*.**set_node** -> ScAddr\n\n Property to give the **main node** of sc-set.\n\n4. *ScSet* == *ScSet* -> bool\n\n Check sc-sets have the same set_nodes.\n\n5. *ScSet*.**elements_set** -> Set[ScAddr]\n\n Property to give all elements from sc-set as a set.\n Use it if you don't need order in ordered sets.\n\n6. **iter**(*ScSet*) -> Iterator[ScAddr]\n\n Dunder method for iterating by sc-set.\n Lazy algorithm (ScOrientedSet and ScNumberedSet).\n\n7. **len**(*ScSet*) -> int\n\n Fast dunder method to give **count of elements** (power of sc-set).\n\n8. **bool**(*ScSet*) -> bool\n\n Dunder method for if-statement: True if there are elements in sc-set.\n\n9. *ScSet*.**is_empty**() -> bool\n\n True if there are **no elements** in sc-set.\n\n10. *ScAddr* **in** *ScSet* -> bool\n\n Dunder method: True if sc-set contains element.\n\n11. *ScSet*.**clear**() -> bool\n\n Remove all elements from sc-set.\n\n12. *ScSet*.**remove**(*elements: ScAddr) -> None\n\n Remove elements from sc-set.\n *WARNING*: method isn't optimized in ScOrientedSet and ScNumberedSet\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_client.models import ScAddr\n\nfrom sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScSet\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, generate_nodes\n\n# Example elements to add\nexample_set_node: ScAddr = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)\nelements: list[ScAddr] = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 5)\n\n# Init sc-set and add elements\nempty_set = ScSet()\n\nset_with_elements = ScSet(elements[0], elements[1])\nset_with_elements.add(elements[2], elements[3])\nset_with_elements.add(elements[4])\n\nset_with_elements_and_set_node = ScSet(elements[2], set_node=example_set_node)\nempty_set_with_specific_set_node_type = ScSet(set_node_type=sc_type.NODE_VAR)\n\n# Get set node\nset_node = empty_set.set_node\nassert set_with_elements_and_set_node.set_node == example_set_node\n\n# Get elements: list and set\nassert set_with_elements.elements_set == set(elements) # set view faster and safe\n\n# Iterate by elements\nfor element in set_with_elements:\n print(element)\n\n# Length, bool, is_empty, in\nassert len(set_with_elements) == len(elements)\nassert bool(set_with_elements)\nassert not set_with_elements.is_empty()\nassert empty_set.is_empty()\nassert elements[2] in set_with_elements\n\n# Clear and remove\nset_with_elements.remove(elements[4])\nassert len(set_with_elements), len(elements) - 1\nset_with_elements.clear()\nassert set_with_elements.is_empty()\n```\n\n##### ScStructure\n\nIf `set_node` has type `sc_type.CONST_NODE_STRUCTURE` construction is called sc-structure\nand looks like a loop in SCg:\n\n![structure](docs/schemes/png/structure.png)\n![structure2](docs/schemes/png/structure_circuit.png)\n\n- *sc_kpm*.**ScStructure**\n\nClass for handling structure construction in the kb.\nThe same logic as in `ScSet`, but *set_node_type* if set CONST_NODE_STRUCTURE.\nThere are checks that set node has struct sc-type:\n\n```python\nfrom sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScStructure\n\nsc_struct = ScStructure(..., set_node=..., set_node_type=...)\n\nsc_struct = ScStructure(..., set_node=generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)) # InvalidTypeError - not struct type\nsc_struct = ScStructure(..., set_node_type=sc_type.CONST_NODE) # InvalidTypeError - not struct type\n```\n\n#### Ordered sc-sets\n\nScOrientedSet and ScNumberedSet are ordered sc-constructions.\nChild classes of ScSet, have the order in iteration and get list elements:\n\n- *Sc{ordered}Set*.**elements_set** -> List[ScAddr]\n\n Get the list of all elements with order\n\n##### ScOrientedSet\n\n- *sc_kpm*.**ScOrientedSet**\n\n![oriented_set_example](docs/schemes/png/oriented_set.png)\n\nClass for handling sc-oriented-set construction.\nHas marked arcs between arcs from set_node to elements.\nEasy lazy iterating.\nNo access by index.\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\n\nfrom sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScOrientedSet\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes\n\n\nelements = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 5)\nnumbered_set = ScOrientedSet(*elements)\nassert numbered_set.elements_list == elements\n```\n\n##### ScNumberedSet\n\n- *sc_kpm*.**ScNumberedSet**\n\n![numbered_set_example](docs/schemes/png/numbered_set.png)\n\nClass for handling sc-numbered-set construction.\nSet-node is set with numerating each element with rrel node.\nEasy access to elements by index (index i is marked with rrel(i + 1))\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\n\nfrom sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScNumberedSet\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes\n\n\nelements = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 5)\nnumbered_set = ScNumberedSet(*elements)\nassert numbered_set.elements_list == elements\nassert numbered_set[2] == elements[2]\nnumbered_set[5] # raise KeyError\n```\n\n## Utils\n\nThere are some functions for working with nodes, connectors, links: generate them, search, get content, erase, etc.\nThere is also possibility to wrap in set or oriented set.\n\n## Common utils\n\nThere are utils to work with basic elements\n\n_You can import these utils from `sc_kpm.utils`_\n\n### Nodes generating\n\nIf you want to generate one or more nodes use these functions with type setting argument:\n\n```python\ndef generate_node(node_type: ScType, sys_idtf: str = None) -> ScAddr: ...\n\n\ndef generate_nodes(*node_types: ScType) -> List[ScAddr]: ...\n```\n\n`sys_idtf` is optional name of keynode if you want to add it there.\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\nfrom sc_kpm.utils.common_utils import generate_node, generate_nodes\n\nlang = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS) # ScAddr(...)\nlang_en = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS) # ScAddr(...)\nassert lang.is_valid() and lang_en.is_valid()\nelements = generate_nodes(sc_type.CONST_NODE, sc_type.NODE_VAR) # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]\nassert len(elements) == 2\nassert all(element.is_valid() for element in elements)\n```\n\n### Connectors generating\n\nFor generating connector between **src** and **trg** with setting its type use **generate_connector** function:\n\n```python\ndef generate_connector(connector_type: ScType, src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...\n\ndef generate_connectors(connector_type: ScType, src: ScAddr, *targets: ScAddr) -> List[ScAddr]: ...\n```\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_connector, generate_connectors\n\nsrc, trg, trg2, trg3 = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 4)\nconnector = generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg) # ScAddr(...)\nconnectors = generate_connectors(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg2, trg3) # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]\nassert connector.is_valid()\nassert all(connectors)\n```\n\nFunction **is_valid()** is used for validation addresses of nodes or connectors.\n\n### Links generating\n\nFor generating links with string type content (by default) use these functions:\n\n```python\ndef generate_link(\n content: Union[str, int],\n content_type: ScLinkContentType = ScLinkContentType.STRING,\n link_type: ScType = sc_type.CONST_NODE_LINK\n) -> ScAddr: ...\n\n\ndef generate_links(\n *contents: Union[str, int],\n content_type: ScLinkContentType = ScLinkContentType.STRING,\n link_type: ScType = sc_type.CONST_NODE_LINK,\n) -> List[ScAddr]: ...\n```\n\nYou may use **ScLinkContentType.STRING** and **ScLinkContentType.INT** types for content of generated links.\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_client.models import ScLinkContentType\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_link, generate_links\n\nmsg = generate_link(\"hello\") # ScAddr(...)\nfour = generate_link(4, ScLinkContentType.INT) # ScAddr(...)\nwater = generate_link(\"water\", link_type=sc_type.VAR_NODE_LINK) # ScAddr(...)\nnames = generate_links(\"Sam\", \"Pit\") # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]\n```\n\n### Relations generating\n\nGenerate different binary relations with these functions:\n\n```python\ndef generate_binary_relation(connector_type: ScType, src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr, *relations: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...\n\n\ndef generate_role_relation(src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr, *rrel_nodes: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...\n\n\ndef generate_non_role_relation(src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr, *nrel_nodes: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...\n```\n\nThese methods return ScAddr of sc-arc generated between `src` and `trg` sc-elements. \n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, generate_nodes\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_binary_relation, generate_role_relation, generate_non_role_relation\n\nsrc, trg = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 2)\nincrease_relation = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS)\n\nbrel = generate_binary_relation(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg, increase_relation) # ScAddr(...)\nrrel = generate_role_relation(src, trg, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1)) # ScAddr(...)\nnrel = generate_non_role_relation(src, trg, generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_NON_ROLE)) # ScAddr(...)\n```\n\n### Erasing utils\n\nIf you want to erase all connectors between two elements, which define by their type use\n\n```python\ndef erase_connectors(source: ScAddr, target: ScAddr, *connector_types: ScType) -> bool: ...\n```\n\nIt return **True** if operations was successful and **False** otherwise.\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes, generate_connector\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import erase_connectors\n\nsrc, trg = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 2)\nconnector = generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg)\nerase_connectors(src, trg, sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC) # True\n```\n\n### Searching connectors\n\nFor getting connector or connectors between two elements use:\n\n```python\ndef search_connector(source: ScAddr, target: ScAddr, connector_type: ScType) -> ScAddr: ...\n\n\ndef search_connectors(source: ScAddr, target: ScAddr, *connector_types: ScType) -> List[ScAddr]: ...\n```\n\n_**NOTE: Use VAR type instead of CONST in getting utils**_\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes, generate_connector\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import search_connector, search_connectors\n\nsrc, trg = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 2)\nconnector1 = generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, src, trg)\nconnector2 = generate_connector(sc_type.CONST_COMMON_ARC, src, trg)\n\nclass_connector = search_connector(src, trg, sc_type.VAR_PERM_POS_ARC) # ScAddr(...)\nassert class_connector == connector1\nconnectors = search_connectors(src, trg, sc_type.VAR_PERM_POS_ARC, sc_type.VAR_COMMON_ARC) # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]\nassert connectors == [connector1, connector2]\n```\n\n### Searching elements by relation\n\nSearch target element by source element and relation:\n\n```python\ndef search_element_by_role_relation(src: ScAddr, rrel_node: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...\n\n\ndef search_element_by_non_role_relation(src: ScAddr, nrel_node: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...\n```\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\nfrom sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_nodes, generate_role_relation, generate_non_role_relation\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import search_element_by_role_relation, search_element_by_non_role_relation\n\nsrc, trg_rrel, trg_nrel = generate_nodes(*[sc_type.CONST_NODE] * 3)\nrrel = generate_role_relation(src, trg_rrel, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1)) # ScAddr(...)\nnrel = generate_non_role_relation(src, trg_nrel, ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER]) # ScAddr(...)\n\nresult_rrel = search_element_by_role_relation(src, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1)) # ScAddr(...)\nassert result_rrel == trg_rrel\nresult_nrel = search_element_by_non_role_relation(src, ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER]) # ScAddr(...)\nassert result_nrel == trg_nrel\n```\n\n### Getting link content\n\nFor existed links you may get their content by address with this function:\n\n```python\ndef get_link_content(link: ScAddr) -> Union[str, int]: ...\n```\n\n```python\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_link\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import get_link_content_data\n\nwater = generate_link(\"water\")\ncontent = get_link_content_data(water) # \"water\"\n```\n\n### Getting element system identifier\n\nFor getting system identifier of keynode use:\n\n```python\ndef get_element_system_identifier(addr: ScAddr) -> str: ...\n```\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import get_element_system_identifier\n\nidtf = get_element_system_identifier(some_addr) # \"lang_en\"\n```\n\n## Action utils\n\nUtils to work with actions, events and agents\n\n![agent_base](docs/schemes/png/agent_base.png)\n\n### Check action class\n\n```python\ndef check_action_class(action_class: Union[ScAddr, Idtf], action_node: ScAddr) -> bool: ...\n```\n\nThis function returns **True** if action class has connection to action node.\nYou can use identifier of action class instead of ScAddr.\nThis function should not be used in the ScAgentClassic.\n\n![check action class](docs/schemes/png/check_action_class.png)\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\nfrom sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, generate_connector\nfrom sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import check_action_class\n\naction_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)\ngenerate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.ACTION], action_node)\naction_class = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE_CLASS)\ngenerate_connector(sc_type.CONST_PERM_POS_ARC, action_class, action_node)\n\nassert check_action_class(action_class, action_node)\n# or\nassert check_action_class(\"some_classification\", action_node)\n```\n\n### Get action arguments\n\nFor getting list of action arguments concatenated by `rrel_[1 -> count]` use:\n\n```python\ndef get_action_arguments(action_class: Union[ScAddr, Idtf], count: int) -> List[ScAddr]: ...\n```\n\n![check action class](docs/schemes/png/get_arguments.png)\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\nfrom sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, generate_connector, generate_role_relation\nfrom sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import get_action_arguments\n\naction_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)\n\n# Static argument\nargument1 = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)\ngenerate_role_relation(action_node, argument1, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1))\n\n# Dynamic argument\ndynamic_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)\nrrel_dynamic_arg = ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.RREL_DYNAMIC_ARGUMENT]\ngenerate_role_relation(action_node, dynamic_node, rrel_dynamic_arg, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(2))\nargument2 = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)\ngenerate_connector(sc_type.CONST_TEMP_POS_ARC, dynamic_node, argument2)\n\narguments = get_action_arguments(action_node, 2)\nassert arguments == [argument1, dynamic_node]\n```\n\n### Generate and get action result\n\n```python\ndef generate_action_result(action_node: ScAddr, *elements: ScAddr) -> None: ...\n\n\ndef get_action_result(action_node: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...\n```\n\nGenerate and get structure with output of action\n\n![agent result](docs/schemes/png/agent_result.png)\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_node\nfrom sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import generate_action_result, get_action_result\nfrom sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScStructure\n\naction_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)\nresult_element = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)\ngenerate_action_result(action_node, result_element)\nresult = get_action_result(action_node)\nresult_elements = ScStructure(result).elements_set\nassert result_elements == {result_element}\n```\n\n### Call, execute and wait agent\n\nAgent call function: generates **action node** with some arguments, concepts and connects it to the node with initiation identifier.\nReturns **action node**\n\n```python\ndef call_agent(\n arguments: Dict[ScAddr, IsDynamic],\n concepts: List[Idtf],\n initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED,\n) -> ScAddr: ...\n```\n\nAgent wait function: Waits for generation of arc from reaction node for some seconds.\nDefault reaction_node is `action_finished`.\n\n```python\ndef wait_agent(seconds: float, action_node: ScAddr, reaction_node: ScAddr = None) -> None: ...\n```\n\nAgent execute function: combines two previous functions -- calls, waits and returns action node and **True** if success\n\n```python\ndef execute_agent(\n arguments: Dict[ScAddr, IsDynamic],\n concepts: List[Idtf],\n initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED,\n reaction: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY,\n wait_time: int = COMMON_WAIT_TIME, # 5\n) -> Tuple[ScAddr, bool]: ...\n```\n\n\n![execute_agent](docs/schemes/png/execute_agent.png)\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.models import ScLinkContentType\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\nfrom sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers, ActionStatus\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_link\nfrom sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import execute_agent, call_agent, wait_agent\n\narg1 = generate_link(2, ScLinkContentType.INT)\narg2 = generate_link(3, ScLinkContentType.INT)\n\nkwargs = dict(\n arguments={arg1: False, arg2: False},\n concepts=[CommonIdentifiers.ACTION, \"some_class_name\"],\n)\n\naction = call_agent(**kwargs) # ScAddr(...)\nwait_agent(3, action, ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED])\n# or\naction, is_successfully = execute_agent(**kwargs, wait_time=3) # ScAddr(...), bool\n```\n\n### Generate, call and execute action\n\nFunctions that allow to generate action and add arguments and call later.\n\nFunction that generates action with concepts and return its ScAddr.\n\n```python\ndef generate_action(*concepts: Idtf) -> ScAddr: ...\n```\n\nFunction that generates arguments of action\n\n```python\ndef add_action_arguments(action_node: ScAddr, arguments: Dict[ScAddr, IsDynamic]) -> None: ...\n```\n\nNow you can call or execute action.\nAction call functions don't return action_node because it's parameter to them.\n\n```python\ndef call_action(\n action_node: ScAddr, initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED\n) -> None: ...\n```\n\n```python\ndef execute_action(\n action_node: ScAddr,\n initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED,\n reaction: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY,\n wait_time: float = COMMON_WAIT_TIME,\n) -> bool: ...\n```\n\nExample:\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.models import ScLinkContentType\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\nfrom sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers, ActionStatus\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_link\nfrom sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import add_action_arguments, call_action, generate_action, execute_action, wait_agent\n\narg1 = generate_link(2, ScLinkContentType.INT)\narg2 = generate_link(3, ScLinkContentType.INT)\n\naction_node = generate_action(CommonIdentifiers.ACTION, \"some_class_name\") # ScAddr(...)\n# Do something here\narguments = {arg1: False, arg2: False}\n\nadd_action_arguments(action_node, arguments)\ncall_action(action_node)\nwait_agent(3, action_node, ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED])\n# or\nis_successful = execute_action(action_node, wait_time=3) # bool\n```\n\n### Finish action\n\nFunction `finish_action` connects status class to action node:\n\n```python\ndef finish_action(action_node: ScAddr, status: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED) -> ScAddr: ...\n```\n\nFunction `finish_action_with_status` connects `action_finished` and `action_finished_(un)successfully` statuses to it:\n\n```python\ndef finish_action_with_status(action_node: ScAddr, is_success: bool = True) -> None: ...\n```\n\n![finish_action](docs/schemes/png/finish_action.png)\n\n```python\nfrom sc_client.constants import sc_type\nfrom sc_kpm import ScKeynodes\nfrom sc_kpm.identifiers import ActionStatus\nfrom sc_kpm.utils import generate_node, check_connector\nfrom sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import finish_action, finish_action_with_status\n\naction_node = generate_node(sc_type.CONST_NODE)\n\nfinish_action_with_status(action_node)\n# or\nfinish_action_with_status(action_node, True)\n# or\nfinish_action(action_node, ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED)\nfinish_action(action_node, ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY)\n\naction_finished = ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED]\naction_finished_successfully = ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY]\nassert check_connector(sc_type.VAR_PERM_POS_ARC, action_finished, action_node)\nassert check_connector(sc_type.VAR_PERM_POS_ARC, action_finished_successfully, action_node)\n```\n\n# Use-cases\n\n- Script for generating and registration agent until user press ^C:\n - [based on ScAgentClassic](docs/examples/register_and_wait_for_user.py)\n- Scripts for generating agent to calculate sum of two arguments and confirm result:\n - [based on ScAgent](docs/examples/sum_agent.py)\n - [based on ScAgentClassic](docs/examples/sum_agent_classic.py)\n- Logging examples:\n - [pretty project logging](docs/examples/pretty_logging.py)\n",
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"summary": "The Python implementation of the knowledge processing module for knowledge manipulations",
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"Source": "https://github.com/ostis-ai/py-sc-kpm"
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" knowledge processing"
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