# pyEPVis
A package that allows you to easily visualize single or two variable functions and allows you to visualize particle/point movements along two or three Dimensions with an interactive plotly visualization.
## Used for Development
## Using the package
Install the package using the command
pip install pyEPVis
### Visualizing Single Variable Functions
This function takes a string and evaluates it as a function of x i.e. f(x) and plots a graph for the function.
----Required Arguments----
formula (string): formula in terms of x and y for the function f(x)
xstart (float): starting extreme of x value to evaluate f(x) from
xend (float): ending extreme of x value to evaluate f(x) to
step (float): incrementation to continuously evaluate f(x) with i.e. (x +/- step)
----Optional Arguments----
color (string): Default 'lime'
width (float): Default 2, width of the curve
title (string): Default to the formula parameter, title of the plot
xtitle (string): Default to 'X-axis', x-axis title
ytitle (string): Default to 'Y-axis', y-axis title
StepsError: step must be higher than 0
xIntervalError: xend is lesser than xstart
Other Errors such as invalid evaluation
wrong argument passed as colorscale
[Assuming the output is given to a variable fig]
The graph can be shown using the output with fig.show()
The graph can be further modified using fig.update_layout, refer here: https://plotly.com/python/reference/layout/
from pyEPVis import do_fx_plot
do_fx_plot(formula = "x**4 - 10*(x**3) - 2*(x**2) - 5*x + 4",xstart = -100,xend = 100,step = 1, color = "steelblue").show()
### Visualizing Double Variable Functions
This function takes a string and evaluates it as a function of x and y i.e. f(x,y) and plots a graph for the function.
----Required Arguments----
formula (string): formula in terms of x and y for the function f(x,y)
xstart (float): starting extreme of x value to evaluate f(x,y) from
xend (float): ending extreme of x value to evaluate f(x,y) to
ystart (float): starting extreme of y value to evaluate f(x,y) from
yend (float): ending extreme of y value to evaluate f(x,y) to
step (float): incrementation to continuously evaluate f(x,y) with i.e. (x +/- step, y +/- step)
----Optional Arguments----
colorscale (string): Default 'Electric', can be any of the following (Blackbody, Bluered, Blues, C ividis,
Earth, Electric, Greens, Greys, Hot, Jet, Picnic, Portland, Rainbow, RdBu, Reds, Viridis, YlGnBu, YlOrRd)
title (string): Default to the formula parameter, title of the plot
xtitle (string): Default to 'X-axis', x-axis title
ytitle (string): Default to 'Y-axis', y-axis title
ztitle (string): Default to 'Z-axis', z-axis title
StepsError: step must be higher than 0
xIntervalError: xend is lesser than xstart
yIntervalError: yend is lesser than ystart
Other Errors such as invalid evaluation
wrong argument passed as colorscale
[Assuming the output is given to a variable fig]
The graph can be shown using the output with fig.show()
The graph can be further modified using fig.update_layout, refer here: https://plotly.com/python/reference/layout/
from pyEPVis import do_fxy_plot
do_fxy_plot(formula = "(x**2 + y**2)/(x - y)",xstart = -5,xend = 5,ystart = -5,yend = 5,step = 0.1,colorscale = 'Viridis').show()
### Visualizing 2D Particle Movements
This function takes a set of particles and animates its movements
----Required Arguments----
x (list): A list of list of x coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.
y (list): A list of list of y coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.
----Optional Arguments----
size (float): Default size is 7, size of particles.
colors (list): Default all particles are colored 'steelblue', a list of strings with n colors.
title (string): Title of the plot
timeperframe (float): Default value is 1000, time taken to move to the next frame (milliseconds)
DimensionError: x and y list don't have the same dimensions
TPFError: timeperframe must be greater than 0
Other Errors such as invalid evaluation
wrong argument passed as colors
[Assuming the output is given to a variable fig]
The graph can be shown using the output with fig.show()
The graph can be further modified using fig.update_layout, refer here: https://plotly.com/python/reference/layout/
from pyEPVis import animate_xy_particles
animate_xy_particles(x = [[1,4,7],[4,7,1],[7,1,4],[1,4,7]],y = [[1,4,1],[4,1,1],[1,1,4],[1,4,1]],colors = ["red","blue","green"]).show()
### Visualizing 3D Particle Movements
This function takes a set of particles and animates its movements
----Required Arguments----
x (list): A list of list of x coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.
y (list): A list of list of y coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.
z (list): A list of list of z coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.
----Optional Arguments----
size (float): Default size is 7, size of particles.
colors (list): Default all particles are colored 'steelblue', a list of strings with n colors.
title (string): Title of the plot.
framespmov (int): Default value is 10, Frames for movement from one position to another, must be greater than 1.
timeperframe (float): Default value is 1000, time taken to move to the next frame (milliseconds) "high frametime with framespmov results in a smooth animation"
DimensionError: x, y, and z lists don't have the same dimensions
FramesError: framespmov should be greater or equal to 1
TPFError: timeperframe must be greater than 0
Other Errors such as invalid evaluation
wrong argument passed as colors
[Assuming the output is given to a variable fig]
The graph can be shown using the output with fig.show()
The graph can be further modified using fig.update_layout, refer here: https://plotly.com/python/reference/layout/
from pyEPVis import animate_xyz_particles
animate_xyz_particles(x = [[1,8,7],[3,3,6],[1,1,1]],y = [[5,2,2],[7,9,0],[5,2,6]],z = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,1,1]],colors = ["red","green","blue"],framespmov = 15,timeperframe = 100).show()
## Warnings
* ***(Note: for function evaluation please stick to x and y and not other variables as it will lead to evaluation errors and framespmove should be high in order to visualize the movement smoothly in animate_xyz_particles)***
## Other Help
* Use the **help(enter_function_name_here)** function to refer to the full documentation of the function.
* The figure is a plotly.graph_objects.Figure variable it can be further modified for including more plots inside the figure.
* All math package syntaxes along with python expressions are supported as well, to use the math package in your formula and use it as follows: **math.enter_function_name()**
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/AAbhijithA/pyEPVis",
"name": "pyEPVis",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.9.2",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "particle,expression,expression visualizer,particle movement,visualizer,animation",
"author": "Abhijith Ajith",
"author_email": "",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9e/34/c933a9b021afd631b8485130ec15540763187f0dc7cf2da132faf3a72f6c/pyEPVis-0.0.4.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# pyEPVis\r\nA package that allows you to easily visualize single or two variable functions and allows you to visualize particle/point movements along two or three Dimensions with an interactive plotly visualization.\r\n\r\n## Used for Development\r\n![Python](https://img.shields.io/badge/Python-FFD43B?style=for-the-badge&logo=python&logoColor=blue)![NumPy](https://img.shields.io/badge/Numpy-777BB4?style=for-the-badge&logo=numpy&logoColor=white)![Plotly](https://img.shields.io/badge/Plotly-239120?style=for-the-badge&logo=plotly&logoColor=white)\r\n\r\n## Using the package\r\n\r\nInstall the package using the command\r\n```\r\npip install pyEPVis\r\n```\r\n### Visualizing Single Variable Functions\r\n```\r\n\"\"\"\r\nThis function takes a string and evaluates it as a function of x i.e. f(x) and plots a graph for the function.\r\n Args:\r\n ----Required Arguments----\r\n formula (string): formula in terms of x and y for the function f(x)\r\n xstart (float): starting extreme of x value to evaluate f(x) from\r\n xend (float): ending extreme of x value to evaluate f(x) to\r\n step (float): incrementation to continuously evaluate f(x) with i.e. (x +/- step)\r\n ----Optional Arguments----\r\n color (string): Default 'lime'\r\n width (float): Default 2, width of the curve\r\n title (string): Default to the formula parameter, title of the plot\r\n xtitle (string): Default to 'X-axis', x-axis title\r\n ytitle (string): Default to 'Y-axis', y-axis title\r\n Returns:\r\n plotly.graph_objects.Figure\r\n Raises:\r\n StepsError: step must be higher than 0\r\n xIntervalError: xend is lesser than xstart\r\n Other Errors such as invalid evaluation\r\n wrong argument passed as colorscale\r\n Note:\r\n [Assuming the output is given to a variable fig]\r\n The graph can be shown using the output with fig.show()\r\n The graph can be further modified using fig.update_layout, refer here: https://plotly.com/python/reference/layout/\r\n\"\"\"\r\nfrom pyEPVis import do_fx_plot\r\ndo_fx_plot(formula = \"x**4 - 10*(x**3) - 2*(x**2) - 5*x + 4\",xstart = -100,xend = 100,step = 1, color = \"steelblue\").show()\r\n```\r\n![plotfx](pkgWork/plotfx.png)\r\n\r\n### Visualizing Double Variable Functions\r\n```\r\n\"\"\"\r\nThis function takes a string and evaluates it as a function of x and y i.e. f(x,y) and plots a graph for the function.\r\n Args:\r\n ----Required Arguments----\r\n formula (string): formula in terms of x and y for the function f(x,y)\r\n xstart (float): starting extreme of x value to evaluate f(x,y) from\r\n xend (float): ending extreme of x value to evaluate f(x,y) to\r\n ystart (float): starting extreme of y value to evaluate f(x,y) from\r\n yend (float): ending extreme of y value to evaluate f(x,y) to\r\n step (float): incrementation to continuously evaluate f(x,y) with i.e. (x +/- step, y +/- step)\r\n ----Optional Arguments----\r\n colorscale (string): Default 'Electric', can be any of the following (Blackbody, Bluered, Blues, C ividis,\r\n Earth, Electric, Greens, Greys, Hot, Jet, Picnic, Portland, Rainbow, RdBu, Reds, Viridis, YlGnBu, YlOrRd)\r\n title (string): Default to the formula parameter, title of the plot\r\n xtitle (string): Default to 'X-axis', x-axis title\r\n ytitle (string): Default to 'Y-axis', y-axis title\r\n ztitle (string): Default to 'Z-axis', z-axis title\r\n Returns:\r\n plotly.graph_objects.Figure\r\n Raises:\r\n StepsError: step must be higher than 0\r\n xIntervalError: xend is lesser than xstart\r\n yIntervalError: yend is lesser than ystart\r\n Other Errors such as invalid evaluation\r\n wrong argument passed as colorscale\r\n Note:\r\n [Assuming the output is given to a variable fig]\r\n The graph can be shown using the output with fig.show()\r\n The graph can be further modified using fig.update_layout, refer here: https://plotly.com/python/reference/layout/\r\n\"\"\"\r\nfrom pyEPVis import do_fxy_plot\r\ndo_fxy_plot(formula = \"(x**2 + y**2)/(x - y)\",xstart = -5,xend = 5,ystart = -5,yend = 5,step = 0.1,colorscale = 'Viridis').show()\r\n```\r\n![plotfx](pkgWork/plotfxy.png)\r\n\r\n### Visualizing 2D Particle Movements\r\n```\r\n\"\"\"\r\nThis function takes a set of particles and animates its movements\r\n Args:\r\n ----Required Arguments----\r\n x (list): A list of list of x coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.\r\n y (list): A list of list of y coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.\r\n ----Optional Arguments----\r\n size (float): Default size is 7, size of particles.\r\n colors (list): Default all particles are colored 'steelblue', a list of strings with n colors.\r\n title (string): Title of the plot\r\n timeperframe (float): Default value is 1000, time taken to move to the next frame (milliseconds)\r\n Returns:\r\n plotly.graph_objects.Figure\r\n Raises:\r\n DimensionError: x and y list don't have the same dimensions\r\n TPFError: timeperframe must be greater than 0\r\n Other Errors such as invalid evaluation\r\n wrong argument passed as colors\r\n Note:\r\n [Assuming the output is given to a variable fig]\r\n The graph can be shown using the output with fig.show()\r\n The graph can be further modified using fig.update_layout, refer here: https://plotly.com/python/reference/layout/\r\n\"\"\"\r\nfrom pyEPVis import animate_xy_particles\r\nanimate_xy_particles(x = [[1,4,7],[4,7,1],[7,1,4],[1,4,7]],y = [[1,4,1],[4,1,1],[1,1,4],[1,4,1]],colors = [\"red\",\"blue\",\"green\"]).show()\r\n```\r\n![vis2D](pkgWork/vis2D.gif)\r\n\r\n### Visualizing 3D Particle Movements\r\n```\r\n\"\"\"\r\nThis function takes a set of particles and animates its movements\r\n Args:\r\n ----Required Arguments----\r\n x (list): A list of list of x coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.\r\n y (list): A list of list of y coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.\r\n z (list): A list of list of z coordinates of n particles for iterations equal to number of rows.\r\n ----Optional Arguments----\r\n size (float): Default size is 7, size of particles.\r\n colors (list): Default all particles are colored 'steelblue', a list of strings with n colors.\r\n title (string): Title of the plot.\r\n framespmov (int): Default value is 10, Frames for movement from one position to another, must be greater than 1.\r\n timeperframe (float): Default value is 1000, time taken to move to the next frame (milliseconds) \"high frametime with framespmov results in a smooth animation\"\r\n Returns:\r\n plotly.graph_objects.Figure\r\n Raises:\r\n DimensionError: x, y, and z lists don't have the same dimensions\r\n FramesError: framespmov should be greater or equal to 1\r\n TPFError: timeperframe must be greater than 0\r\n Other Errors such as invalid evaluation\r\n wrong argument passed as colors\r\n Note:\r\n [Assuming the output is given to a variable fig]\r\n The graph can be shown using the output with fig.show()\r\n The graph can be further modified using fig.update_layout, refer here: https://plotly.com/python/reference/layout/\r\n\"\"\"\r\nfrom pyEPVis import animate_xyz_particles\r\nanimate_xyz_particles(x = [[1,8,7],[3,3,6],[1,1,1]],y = [[5,2,2],[7,9,0],[5,2,6]],z = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,1,1]],colors = [\"red\",\"green\",\"blue\"],framespmov = 15,timeperframe = 100).show()\r\n```\r\n![vis3D](pkgWork/vis3D.gif)\r\n\r\n## Warnings\r\n* ***(Note: for function evaluation please stick to x and y and not other variables as it will lead to evaluation errors and framespmove should be high in order to visualize the movement smoothly in animate_xyz_particles)***\r\n\r\n## Other Help\r\n* Use the **help(enter_function_name_here)** function to refer to the full documentation of the function.\r\n* The figure is a plotly.graph_objects.Figure variable it can be further modified for including more plots inside the figure.\r\n* All math package syntaxes along with python expressions are supported as well, to use the math package in your formula and use it as follows: **math.enter_function_name()**\r\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "",
"summary": "A Expression and Particle movement visualizer package",
"version": "0.0.4",
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"split_keywords": [
"expression visualizer",
"particle movement",
"urls": [
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