
Namepyasice JSON
Version 1.1.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryManipulate ASiC-E containers and XAdES/eIDAS signatures for Estonian e-identity services
upload_time2024-02-28 09:33:24
maintainerJyrno Ader
keywords esteid asice smartid mobile-id idcard
requirements No requirements were recorded.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # pyasice - ASiC-E (BDOC) and XAdES Manipulation Library

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The `pyasice` library is designed to:
* create, read, and verify XAdES/XMLDsig/eIDAS electronic signatures,
* validate signers' certificates with OCSP,
* confirm these signatures with TimeStamping, 
* create and manipulate [ASiC-E]( or BDoc 2.1 containers, 
which are based on the XAdES/eIDAS stack.  

## Contents

* [Quickstart](#quickstart)
* * [ASiC-E/BDOC Container File Manipulation](#asic-ebdoc-container-file-manipulation)
* * [Signing Flow Utilities](#signing-flow-utilities)
* [Normative References](#normative-references)
* [Module Layout](#module-layout)
* [Technology Stack](#technology-stack)
* [Build the XAdES XML Signature meta-file](#build-the-xades-xml-signature-meta-file)
* * [SignedInfo](#signedinfo)
* * [SignatureValue](#signaturevalue)
* * [KeyInfo](#keyinfo)
* * [SignedProperties](#signedproperties)
* [Secondary Services](#secondary-services)
* * [OCSP](#ocsp)
* * [Timestamping Service](#timestamping-service)

## Quickstart

### ASiC-E/BDOC Container File Manipulation

Create a new container:
from pyasice import Container, XmlSignature

xmlsig = XmlSignature.create().add_document('test.txt', b'Test data', 'application/pdf')
# ... here goes the signing, confirming and timestamping part ... 

container = Container()
    .add_file('test.txt', b'Test data', 'application/pdf')\

# container is a context manager:
with Container() as container:
    container.add_file('a', b'b', 'c').save('path/to')

# Open an existing container:
container ='test.asice')

# Verify container. Raises pyasice.SignatureVerificationError on failure

# Read files in the container
with container.open_file('test.txt') as f:
    assert == b'Test data'

# Iterate over signatures
for xmlsig in container.iter_signatures():

### Signing Flow Utilities

from pyasice import Container, finalize_signature

# get this from an external service, ID card, or elsewhere
user_certificate = b'user certificate in DER/PEM format'

container = Container()
container.add_file("test.txt", b'Test', "text/plain")

xml_sig = container.prepare_signature(user_certificate)

# Use an external service, or ID card, or a private key from elsewhere
# to sign the XML signature structure
signature_value = externally.sign(xml_sig.signed_data())

# Get issuer certificate from the ID service provider, e.g. 
# Here we use the user certificate's `issuer.common_name` field to identify the issuer cert,
# and find the cert in the `esteid-certificates` PyPI package. 
issuer_cert_name = xml_sig.get_certificate_issuer_common_name()
import esteid_certificates
issuer_certificate = esteid_certificates.get_certificate(issuer_cert_name)

# Complete the XML signature with OCSP and optionally Timestamping
finalize_signature(xml_sig, ocsp_url="https://ocsp.server.url", tsa_url="https://tsa.server.url")


## Normative References

The main document this library is based on:
the [BDOC 2.1.2 spec](

The specific standards outlined in that document:

* [ETSI TS 101 903 v1.4.2]( 
  – XML Advanced Electronic Signatures (XAdES) and its Baseline Profile ETSI TS 103 171;
* ITU-T Recommendation X.509;
* [RFC 3161]( – PKIX Time-Stamp protocol;
* [RFC 6960]( – Online Certificate Status Protocol;
* ETSI TS 102 918 v1.2.1 - Associated Signature Containers (ASiC) and its
  Baseline Profile ETSI TS 103 174.

The difference between ASiC-E and BDOC is almost exclusively in terminology.

The [BDOC 2.1.2 spec]( states:

> The BDOC file format is based on ASiC standard which is in turn profiled by ASiC BP.
> BDOC packaging is a ASiC-E XAdES type ZIP container ...

So with a moderate risk of confusion, we can accept that ASiC-E and BDOC refer to the same thing.

## Module Layout

* []( -- the `Container` class, that deals with ASiC-E (BDOC v.2.1) container format 
* []( -- the `XmlSignature` class, that deals with XAdES/XMLDSig XML structures
* []( -- the `OCSP` class that deals with OCSP requests and responses
* []( -- the `TSA` class that deals with TimeStamping service requests and responses
* []( -- the `verify` function, to verify signatures against a certificate.

## Technology Stack

Dealing with the subject involves, at least:
* public key cryptography (RSA, ECDSA);
* ASN.1 encoding;
* XML processing;
* Zip archives;
* and also requests to various services (obtaining signer's certificate and the signature,
  validating the certificate through OCSP, time-stamping the signature).

The [asn1crypto]( library and its higher-level complement 
allow handling certificates and ASN.1 structures quite easily.

The [cryptography]( library is by far the most powerful python library 
for dealing with public key cryptography algorithms.

## Build the XAdES XML Signature meta-file

The structure of the XAdES XML signature file looks like this:
<asic:XAdESSignatures xmlns:asic="" xmlns:ds=""
    <ds:Signature Id="S0">
        <ds:SignedInfo Id="S0-SignedInfo">...</ds:SignedInfo>
        <ds:SignatureValue Id="S0-SIG">...</ds:SignatureValue>
        <ds:KeyInfo Id="S0-KeyInfo">...</ds:KeyInfo>
        <ds:Object Id="S0-object-xades">
            <xades:QualifyingProperties Id="S0-QualifyingProperties" Target="#S0">
                <xades:SignedProperties Id="S0-SignedProperties">
                    <xades:SignedSignatureProperties Id="S0-SignedSignatureProperties">

We'll go over each section below.

* [SignedInfo](#signedinfo)
* [SignatureValue](#signaturevalue)
* [KeyInfo](#keyinfo)
* [SignedProperties](#signedproperties)

### SignedInfo

The `SignedInfo` node is the source of the data being signed. The XML content of the node, canonicalized
using the `CanonicalizationMethod` as per the respective child node, is hashed using an algorithm defined in
the `SignatureMethod` child node, and this hash is fed to a signing service (ID card, SmartID etc.) 

<ds:SignedInfo Id="S0-SignedInfo">
    <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></ds:CanonicalizationMethod>
    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></ds:SignatureMethod>
    <ds:Reference Id="S0-ref-0" URI="test.pdf">
        <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></ds:DigestMethod>
    <ds:Reference Id="S0-ref-sp" Type="" URI="#S0-SignedProperties">
            <ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
        <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></ds:DigestMethod>

The `Reference` fields are different in purpose and formation.

The first `Reference` field is about the signed document and as such, has an `URI` attribute of the document's file name.
Its child `DigestValue` element is the SHA256 hash of the document, it is, incidentally, the very hash that is sent to the SmartID API for signing.

The second `Reference` is built on the basis of some fields defined later in the [SignedProperties](#SignedProperties) section.
Its child `DigestValue` is calculated as a SHA256 hash of the canonicalized XML output of the  `SignedProperties` tag, after that one is formed:
The `URI` attribute of this `Reference` tag is the `#`-prefixed `Id` attribute of the `SignedProperties` tag.

import base64
import hashlib
from lxml import etree

buf = etree.tostring(el, method='c14n', exclusive=True or False)  # NOTE below
digest_value = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(buf).digest())
(Assuming the `el` here to be the XML `<SignedProperties>` element)

#### Canonicalization

The `exclusive` kwarg controls whether the namespace declarations of ancestor tags should be included in the resulting canonical representation, or _excluded_.
Whether to use `exclusive=True` depends on the canonicalization tag's `Algorithm` attribute: 
* ``, uses `exclusive=True`,  
* the two others, the required ``, or ``, are not exclusive.

The aforementioned `<ds:CanonicalizationMethod>` tag controls the c14n of the `SignedInfo` node before feeding its digest to the signature service. 
The c14n of `SignedProperties` prior to getting its digest is determined by the `ds:Transform` tag within this `ds:Reference` node. 
If it's not present, then the default, ie. not exclusive, c14n is used.  

### KeyInfo

This section contains the base64-encoded user certificate value, e.g. the SmartID API response's `cert.value`,
or the certificate obtained from an ID card:
<ds:KeyInfo Id="S0-KeyInfo">
More details about the certificate in the [SigningCertificate](#SigningCertificate) subsection.
### SignedProperties

The XML section of `SignedProperties` consists of, [at least](, 
the `SigningTime`, `SigningCertificate` and `SignaturePolicyIdentifer` elements.

:question: The signatures returned by e.g. [Dokobit](, 
do not contain the `SignaturePolicyIdentifer` node.

#### SigningTime

A timestamp in ISO 8601 format.

#### SignaturePolicyIdentifier 

This appears to be a static^1 XML chunk referencing the BDOC 2.1 Specifications document:
            <xades:Identifier Qualifier="OIDAsURN">urn:oid:</xades:Identifier>
            <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="">

[1] The DigestValue is the hash value of the document referenced by `SPURI`, encoded in base64. 
Refer to [BDOC 2.1:2014 Specification]( for more information.

#### SigningCertificate

The user certificate is a base64-encoded DER certificate which can be loaded as follows:
import base64
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
cert_asn1 = base64.b64decode(cert_value)
cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(base64.b64decode(cert_asn1), default_backend())
or with `pyopenssl`:
import base64
from OpenSSL.crypto import load_certificate, FILETYPE_ASN1
cert_asn1 = base64.b64decode(cert_value)
openssl_cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_ASN1, base64.b64decode(cert_asn1))
These objects expose a slightly different but similar API.

What we need is the issuer name and certificate serial number:
assert openssl_cert.get_serial_number() == cert.sertial_number == '6454262457486410408874311107672836969'
assert cert.issuer.rfc4514_string() == 'C=EE,O=AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus,,CN=TEST of ESTEID-SK 2015'
assert openssl_cert.issuer.get_components() == [(b'C', b'EE'), (b'O', b'AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus'), (b'organizationIdentifier', b'NTREE-10747013'), (b'CN', b'ESTEID-SK 2015')]  

Also we need a SHA256 digest value of the certificate:
cert_digest = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(cert_asn1).digest())

With these values we can build the certificate information entry of the SignedProperties:
            <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></ds:DigestMethod>
            <ds:X509IssuerName>C=EE,O=AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus,,CN=TEST of EID-SK 2016</ds:X509IssuerName>

:question: Does `X509IssuerName` content need to be a `cert.issuer.rfc4514_string()` or can it be anything else?

So, in the end, we get a `<xades:SignedProperties>` element which we then canonicalize and calculate a sha256 hash of this string,
to place it in the appropriate `<ds:Reference>` element.

### SignatureValue

<ds:SignatureValue Id="SIG-{SIGNATURE_ID}"><!-- Base64-encoded SIGNATURE_VALUE, gotten externally --></ds:SignatureValue>

A base64-encoded value of the signature calculated over the signed data. 
The signed data is the `ds:SignedInfo` section, as [described above](#signedinfo).

When using SmartID/MobileID, this is taken from the `signature.value` field of the response.

### KeyInfo

Contains the base64-encoded certificate, as gotten from the SmartID response.
<ds:KeyInfo Id="S0-KeyInfo">

## Secondary Services

### OCSP

OCSP ([Online Certificate Status Protocol]( 
is designed to check that the signing certificate is valid at the point of signing. It is a binary protocol, and uses ASN.1 encoding in both request and response payload.
To deal with it, we're using the `asn1crypto` library.

The OCSP request should be made immediately after signing, and the base64-encoded response is embedded in the XAdES signature as a `xades:UnsignedSignatureProperties` descendant node,
namely `xades:EncapsulatedOCSPValue`.

#### Estonian eID

URLs for OCSP services:
* Demo: ``
* Production: ``

More detail on the [ OCSP page](

### Timestamping service

The [TimeStamp protocol]( is also a binary protocol, for getting a Long-Term Validity Timestamp for a signature. 
Also handled with the help of the `asn1crypto` library.

The TSA request should be made immediately after OCSP validity confirmation, and the base64-encoded response is embedded in the XAdES signature as a `xades:UnsignedSignatureProperties` descendant node,
namely `xades:EncapsulatedTimeStamp`.

#### Estonian eID

URLs for timestamping services:
* Demo: ``
* Production: ``

More detail on the [ TSA page](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "pyasice",
    "maintainer": "Jyrno Ader",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6,<4.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "esteid,asice,smartid,mobile-id,idcard",
    "author": "Thorgate",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# pyasice - ASiC-E (BDOC) and XAdES Manipulation Library\n\n[![pypi Package](](\n[![Build Status](](\n[![Coverage Status](](\n\nThe `pyasice` library is designed to:\n* create, read, and verify XAdES/XMLDsig/eIDAS electronic signatures,\n* validate signers' certificates with OCSP,\n* confirm these signatures with TimeStamping, \n* create and manipulate [ASiC-E]( or BDoc 2.1 containers, \nwhich are based on the XAdES/eIDAS stack.  \n\n## Contents\n\n* [Quickstart](#quickstart)\n* * [ASiC-E/BDOC Container File Manipulation](#asic-ebdoc-container-file-manipulation)\n* * [Signing Flow Utilities](#signing-flow-utilities)\n* [Normative References](#normative-references)\n* [Module Layout](#module-layout)\n* [Technology Stack](#technology-stack)\n* [Build the XAdES XML Signature meta-file](#build-the-xades-xml-signature-meta-file)\n* * [SignedInfo](#signedinfo)\n* * [SignatureValue](#signaturevalue)\n* * [KeyInfo](#keyinfo)\n* * [SignedProperties](#signedproperties)\n* [Secondary Services](#secondary-services)\n* * [OCSP](#ocsp)\n* * [Timestamping Service](#timestamping-service)\n\n## Quickstart\n\n### ASiC-E/BDOC Container File Manipulation\n\nCreate a new container:\n```python\nfrom pyasice import Container, XmlSignature\n\nxmlsig = XmlSignature.create().add_document('test.txt', b'Test data', 'application/pdf')\n# ... here goes the signing, confirming and timestamping part ... \n\ncontainer = Container()\ncontainer\\\n    .add_file('test.txt', b'Test data', 'application/pdf')\\\n    .add_signature(xmlsig)\\\n    .save('test.asice')\n\n# container is a context manager:\nwith Container() as container:\n    container.add_file('a', b'b', 'c').save('path/to')\n\n# Open an existing container:\ncontainer ='test.asice')\n\n# Verify container. Raises pyasice.SignatureVerificationError on failure\ncontainer.verify_signatures()\n\n# Read files in the container\nwith container.open_file('test.txt') as f:\n    assert == b'Test data'\n\n# Iterate over signatures\nfor xmlsig in container.iter_signatures():\n    xmlsig.get_signing_time()\n```\n\n### Signing Flow Utilities\n\n```python\nfrom pyasice import Container, finalize_signature\n\n# get this from an external service, ID card, or elsewhere\nuser_certificate = b'user certificate in DER/PEM format'\n\ncontainer = Container()\ncontainer.add_file(\"test.txt\", b'Test', \"text/plain\")\n\nxml_sig = container.prepare_signature(user_certificate)\n\n# Use an external service, or ID card, or a private key from elsewhere\n# to sign the XML signature structure\nsignature_value = externally.sign(xml_sig.signed_data())\nxml_sig.set_signature_value(signature_value)\n\n# Get issuer certificate from the ID service provider, e.g. \n# Here we use the user certificate's `issuer.common_name` field to identify the issuer cert,\n# and find the cert in the `esteid-certificates` PyPI package. \nissuer_cert_name = xml_sig.get_certificate_issuer_common_name()\nimport esteid_certificates\nissuer_certificate = esteid_certificates.get_certificate(issuer_cert_name)\n\n# Complete the XML signature with OCSP and optionally Timestamping\nfinalize_signature(xml_sig, ocsp_url=\"https://ocsp.server.url\", tsa_url=\"https://tsa.server.url\")\n\ncontainer.add_signature(xml_sig)\n\\"path/to/file.asice\")\n```\n\n\n## Normative References\n\nThe main document this library is based on:\nthe [BDOC 2.1.2 spec](\n\nThe specific standards outlined in that document:\n\n* [ETSI TS 101 903 v1.4.2]( \n  \u2013 XML Advanced Electronic Signatures (XAdES) and its Baseline Profile ETSI TS 103 171;\n* ITU-T Recommendation X.509;\n* [RFC 3161]( \u2013 PKIX Time-Stamp protocol;\n* [RFC 6960]( \u2013 Online Certificate Status Protocol;\n* ETSI TS 102 918 v1.2.1 - Associated Signature Containers (ASiC) and its\n  Baseline Profile ETSI TS 103 174.\n\nThe difference between ASiC-E and BDOC is almost exclusively in terminology.\n\nThe [BDOC 2.1.2 spec]( states:\n\n> The BDOC file format is based on ASiC standard which is in turn profiled by ASiC BP.\n> BDOC packaging is a ASiC-E XAdES type ZIP container ...\n\nSo with a moderate risk of confusion, we can accept that ASiC-E and BDOC refer to the same thing.\n\n## Module Layout\n\n* []( -- the `Container` class, that deals with ASiC-E (BDOC v.2.1) container format \n* []( -- the `XmlSignature` class, that deals with XAdES/XMLDSig XML structures\n* []( -- the `OCSP` class that deals with OCSP requests and responses\n* []( -- the `TSA` class that deals with TimeStamping service requests and responses\n* []( -- the `verify` function, to verify signatures against a certificate.\n\n## Technology Stack\n\nDealing with the subject involves, at least:\n* public key cryptography (RSA, ECDSA);\n* ASN.1 encoding;\n* XML processing;\n* Zip archives;\n* and also requests to various services (obtaining signer's certificate and the signature,\n  validating the certificate through OCSP, time-stamping the signature).\n\nThe [asn1crypto]( library and its higher-level complement \n[oscrypto](\nallow handling certificates and ASN.1 structures quite easily.\n\nThe [cryptography]( library is by far the most powerful python library \nfor dealing with public key cryptography algorithms.\n\n\n## Build the XAdES XML Signature meta-file\n\nThe structure of the XAdES XML signature file looks like this:\n```xml\n<asic:XAdESSignatures xmlns:asic=\"\" xmlns:ds=\"\"\n                      xmlns:xades=\"\">\n    <ds:Signature Id=\"S0\">\n        <ds:SignedInfo Id=\"S0-SignedInfo\">...</ds:SignedInfo>\n        <ds:SignatureValue Id=\"S0-SIG\">...</ds:SignatureValue>\n        <ds:KeyInfo Id=\"S0-KeyInfo\">...</ds:KeyInfo>\n        <ds:Object Id=\"S0-object-xades\">\n            <xades:QualifyingProperties Id=\"S0-QualifyingProperties\" Target=\"#S0\">\n                <xades:SignedProperties Id=\"S0-SignedProperties\">\n                    <xades:SignedSignatureProperties Id=\"S0-SignedSignatureProperties\">\n                        <xades:SigningTime>2019-06-07T14:03:50Z</xades:SigningTime>\n                        <xades:SigningCertificate>...</xades:SigningCertificate>\n                        <xades:SignaturePolicyIdentifer>...</xades:SignaturePolicyIdentifer>\n                    </xades:SignedSignatureProperties>\n                </xades:SignedProperties>\n            </xades:QualifyingProperties>\n        </ds:Object>\n    </ds:Signature>\n</asic:XAdESSignatures>\n```\n\nWe'll go over each section below.\n\n* [SignedInfo](#signedinfo)\n* [SignatureValue](#signaturevalue)\n* [KeyInfo](#keyinfo)\n* [SignedProperties](#signedproperties)\n\n### SignedInfo\n\nThe `SignedInfo` node is the source of the data being signed. The XML content of the node, canonicalized\nusing the `CanonicalizationMethod` as per the respective child node, is hashed using an algorithm defined in\nthe `SignatureMethod` child node, and this hash is fed to a signing service (ID card, SmartID etc.) \n\n```xml\n<ds:SignedInfo Id=\"S0-SignedInfo\">\n    <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:CanonicalizationMethod>\n    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:SignatureMethod>\n    <ds:Reference Id=\"S0-ref-0\" URI=\"test.pdf\">\n        <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:DigestMethod>\n        <ds:DigestValue>...</ds:DigestValue>\n    </ds:Reference>\n    <ds:Reference Id=\"S0-ref-sp\" Type=\"\" URI=\"#S0-SignedProperties\">\n        <ds:Transforms>\n            <ds:Transform Algorithm=\"\"/>\n        </ds:Transforms>\n        <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:DigestMethod>\n        <ds:DigestValue>...</ds:DigestValue>\n    </ds:Reference>\n</ds:SignedInfo>\n```\n\nThe `Reference` fields are different in purpose and formation.\n\nThe first `Reference` field is about the signed document and as such, has an `URI` attribute of the document's file name.\nIts child `DigestValue` element is the SHA256 hash of the document, it is, incidentally, the very hash that is sent to the SmartID API for signing.\n\nThe second `Reference` is built on the basis of some fields defined later in the [SignedProperties](#SignedProperties) section.\nIts child `DigestValue` is calculated as a SHA256 hash of the canonicalized XML output of the  `SignedProperties` tag, after that one is formed:\nThe `URI` attribute of this `Reference` tag is the `#`-prefixed `Id` attribute of the `SignedProperties` tag.\n\n```python\nimport base64\nimport hashlib\nfrom lxml import etree\n\nbuf = etree.tostring(el, method='c14n', exclusive=True or False)  # NOTE below\ndigest_value = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(buf).digest())\n```\n(Assuming the `el` here to be the XML `<SignedProperties>` element)\n\n#### Canonicalization\n\nThe `exclusive` kwarg controls whether the namespace declarations of ancestor tags should be included in the resulting canonical representation, or _excluded_.\nWhether to use `exclusive=True` depends on the canonicalization tag's `Algorithm` attribute: \n* ``, uses `exclusive=True`,  \n* the two others, the required ``, or ``, are not exclusive.\n\nThe aforementioned `<ds:CanonicalizationMethod>` tag controls the c14n of the `SignedInfo` node before feeding its digest to the signature service. \nThe c14n of `SignedProperties` prior to getting its digest is determined by the `ds:Transform` tag within this `ds:Reference` node. \nIf it's not present, then the default, ie. not exclusive, c14n is used.  \n\n### KeyInfo\n\nThis section contains the base64-encoded user certificate value, e.g. the SmartID API response's `cert.value`,\nor the certificate obtained from an ID card:\n```xml\n<ds:KeyInfo Id=\"S0-KeyInfo\">\n    <ds:X509Data>\n        <ds:X509Certificate>MIIGJDCCBAygAwIBAgIQBNsLtTIpnmNbbE4+laSLaTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBr...</ds:X509Certificate>\n    </ds:X509Data>\n</ds:KeyInfo>\n```\nMore details about the certificate in the [SigningCertificate](#SigningCertificate) subsection.\n \n### SignedProperties\n\nThe XML section of `SignedProperties` consists of, [at least](, \nthe `SigningTime`, `SigningCertificate` and `SignaturePolicyIdentifer` elements.\n\n:question: The signatures returned by e.g. [Dokobit](, \ndo not contain the `SignaturePolicyIdentifer` node.\n\n#### SigningTime\n\nA timestamp in ISO 8601 format.\n\n#### SignaturePolicyIdentifier \n\nThis appears to be a static^1 XML chunk referencing the BDOC 2.1 Specifications document:\n```xml\n<xades:SignaturePolicyIdentifier>\n    <xades:SignaturePolicyId>\n        <xades:SigPolicyId>\n            <xades:Identifier Qualifier=\"OIDAsURN\">urn:oid:</xades:Identifier>\n        </xades:SigPolicyId>\n        <xades:SigPolicyHash>\n            <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=\"\">\n            </ds:DigestMethod>\n            <ds:DigestValue>3Tl1oILSvOAWomdI9VeWV6IA/32eSXRUri9kPEz1IVs=</ds:DigestValue>\n        </xades:SigPolicyHash>\n        <xades:SigPolicyQualifiers>\n            <xades:SigPolicyQualifier>\n                <xades:SPURI></xades:SPURI>\n            </xades:SigPolicyQualifier>\n        </xades:SigPolicyQualifiers>\n    </xades:SignaturePolicyId>\n</xades:SignaturePolicyIdentifier>\n```\n\n[1] The DigestValue is the hash value of the document referenced by `SPURI`, encoded in base64. \nRefer to [BDOC 2.1:2014 Specification]( for more information.\n\n#### SigningCertificate\n\nThe user certificate is a base64-encoded DER certificate which can be loaded as follows:\n```python\nimport base64\nfrom cryptography import x509\nfrom cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend\ncert_asn1 = base64.b64decode(cert_value)\ncert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(base64.b64decode(cert_asn1), default_backend())\n```\nor with `pyopenssl`:\n```python\nimport base64\nfrom OpenSSL.crypto import load_certificate, FILETYPE_ASN1\ncert_asn1 = base64.b64decode(cert_value)\nopenssl_cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_ASN1, base64.b64decode(cert_asn1))\n```\nThese objects expose a slightly different but similar API.\n\nWhat we need is the issuer name and certificate serial number:\n```python\nassert openssl_cert.get_serial_number() == cert.sertial_number == '6454262457486410408874311107672836969'\nassert cert.issuer.rfc4514_string() == 'C=EE,O=AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus,,CN=TEST of ESTEID-SK 2015'\nassert openssl_cert.issuer.get_components() == [(b'C', b'EE'), (b'O', b'AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus'), (b'organizationIdentifier', b'NTREE-10747013'), (b'CN', b'ESTEID-SK 2015')]  \n```\n\nAlso we need a SHA256 digest value of the certificate:\n```python\ncert_digest = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(cert_asn1).digest())\n```\n\nWith these values we can build the certificate information entry of the SignedProperties:\n```xml\n<xades:SigningCertificate>\n    <xades:Cert>\n        <xades:CertDigest>\n            <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:DigestMethod>\n            <ds:DigestValue>hdsLTm4aaFKaGMwF6fvH5vWmiMBBnTCH3kba+TjY+pE=</ds:DigestValue>\n        </xades:CertDigest>\n        <xades:IssuerSerial>\n            <ds:X509IssuerName>C=EE,O=AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus,,CN=TEST of EID-SK 2016</ds:X509IssuerName>\n            <ds:X509SerialNumber>98652662091042892833248946646759285960</ds:X509SerialNumber>\n        </xades:IssuerSerial>\n    </xades:Cert>\n</xades:SigningCertificate>\n```\n\n:question: Does `X509IssuerName` content need to be a `cert.issuer.rfc4514_string()` or can it be anything else?\n\nSo, in the end, we get a `<xades:SignedProperties>` element which we then canonicalize and calculate a sha256 hash of this string,\nto place it in the appropriate `<ds:Reference>` element.\n\n### SignatureValue\n\n```xml\n<ds:SignatureValue Id=\"SIG-{SIGNATURE_ID}\"><!-- Base64-encoded SIGNATURE_VALUE, gotten externally --></ds:SignatureValue>\n```\n\nA base64-encoded value of the signature calculated over the signed data. \nThe signed data is the `ds:SignedInfo` section, as [described above](#signedinfo).\n\nWhen using SmartID/MobileID, this is taken from the `signature.value` field of the response.\n\n### KeyInfo\n\nContains the base64-encoded certificate, as gotten from the SmartID response.\n```xml\n<ds:KeyInfo Id=\"S0-KeyInfo\">\n    <ds:X509Data>\n        <ds:X509Certificate>...</ds:X509Certificate>\n    </ds:X509Data>\n</ds:KeyInfo>\n```\n\n## Secondary Services\n\n### OCSP\n\nOCSP ([Online Certificate Status Protocol]( \nis designed to check that the signing certificate is valid at the point of signing. It is a binary protocol, and uses ASN.1 encoding in both request and response payload.\nTo deal with it, we're using the `asn1crypto` library.\n\nThe OCSP request should be made immediately after signing, and the base64-encoded response is embedded in the XAdES signature as a `xades:UnsignedSignatureProperties` descendant node,\nnamely `xades:EncapsulatedOCSPValue`.\n\n#### Estonian eID\n\nURLs for OCSP services:\n* Demo: ``\n* Production: ``\n\nMore detail on the [ OCSP page](\n\n\n### Timestamping service\n\nThe [TimeStamp protocol]( is also a binary protocol, for getting a Long-Term Validity Timestamp for a signature. \nAlso handled with the help of the `asn1crypto` library.\n\nThe TSA request should be made immediately after OCSP validity confirmation, and the base64-encoded response is embedded in the XAdES signature as a `xades:UnsignedSignatureProperties` descendant node,\nnamely `xades:EncapsulatedTimeStamp`.\n\n#### Estonian eID\n\nURLs for timestamping services:\n* Demo: ``\n* Production: ``\n\nMore detail on the [ TSA page](\n",
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