
Namepyreindexer JSON
Version 0.2.37 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA connector that allows to interact with Reindexer
upload_time2024-10-08 12:37:48
maintainerReindexer Team
authorIgor Tulmentyev
licenseApache License 2.0
keywords reindexer in-memory-database database python connector
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <h1 id="pyreindexer">pyreindexer</h1>

The pyreindexer module provides a connector and its auxiliary tools for interaction with Reindexer.

<h1 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector">pyreindexer.rx_connector</h1>

<h2 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector">RxConnector</h2>

RxConnector(self, dsn)
RxConnector provides a binding to Reindexer upon two shared libraries (hereinafter - APIs): '' and ''.
The first one is aimed to a builtin way usage. That API embeds Reindexer so it could be used right in-place as is.
The second one acts as a lightweight client which establishes a connection to Reindexer server via RPC.
The APIs interfaces are completely the same.


    api (module): An API module loaded dynamically for Reindexer calls
    rx (int): A memory pointer to Reindexer instance
    err_code (int): the API error code
    err_msg (string): the API error message

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.close">close</h3>

Closes an API instance with Reindexer resources freeing



<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.namespace_open">namespace_open</h3>

RxConnector.namespace_open(self, namespace)
Opens a namespace specified or creates a namespace if it does not exist


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.namespace_close">namespace_close</h3>

RxConnector.namespace_close(self, namespace)
Closes a namespace specified


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.namespace_drop">namespace_drop</h3>

RxConnector.namespace_drop(self, namespace)
Drops a namespace specified


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.namespaces_enum">namespaces_enum</h3>

RxConnector.namespaces_enum(self, enum_not_opened=False)
Gets a list of namespaces available


    enum_not_opened (bool, optional): An enumeration mode flag. If it is
        set then closed namespaces are in result list too. Defaults to False.


    (:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`): A list of dictionaries which describe each namespace.


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.index_add">index_add</h3>

RxConnector.index_add(self, namespace, index_def)
Adds an index to the namespace specified


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    index_def (dict): A dictionary of index definiton


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.index_update">index_update</h3>

RxConnector.index_update(self, namespace, index_def)
Updates an index in the namespace specified


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    index_def (dict): A dictionary of index definiton


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.index_drop">index_drop</h3>

RxConnector.index_drop(self, namespace, index_name)
Drops an index from the namespace specified


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    index_name (string): A name of an index


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.item_insert">item_insert</h3>

RxConnector.item_insert(self, namespace, item_def, precepts=[])
Inserts an item with its precepts to the namespace specified.


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    item_def (dict): A dictionary of item definiton
    precepts (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A dictionary of index definiton


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.item_update">item_update</h3>

RxConnector.item_update(self, namespace, item_def, precepts=[])
Updates an item with its precepts in the namespace specified.


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    item_def (dict): A dictionary of item definiton
    precepts (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A dictionary of index definiton


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.item_upsert">item_upsert</h3>

RxConnector.item_upsert(self, namespace, item_def, precepts=[])
Updates an item with its precepts in the namespace specified. Creates the item if it not exist.


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    item_def (dict): A dictionary of item definiton
    precepts (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A dictionary of index definiton


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.item_delete">item_delete</h3>

RxConnector.item_delete(self, namespace, item_def)
Deletes an item from the namespace specified.


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    item_def (dict): A dictionary of item definiton


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.meta_put">meta_put</h3>

RxConnector.meta_put(self, namespace, key, value)
Puts metadata to a storage of Reindexer by key


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    key (string): A key in a storage of Reindexer for metadata keeping
    value (string): A metadata for storage


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.meta_get">meta_get</h3>

RxConnector.meta_get(self, namespace, key)
Gets metadata from a storage of Reindexer by key specified


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    key (string): A key in a storage of Reindexer where metadata is kept


    string: A metadata value


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.meta_delete">meta_delete</h3>

RxConnector.meta_delete(self, namespace, key)
Deletes metadata from a storage of Reindexer by key specified


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace
    key (string): A key in a storage of Reindexer where metadata is kept


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.meta_enum">meta_enum</h3>

RxConnector.meta_enum(self, namespace)
Gets a list of metadata keys from a storage of Reindexer


    namespace (string): A name of a namespace


    (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A list of all metadata keys.


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h3 id="">select</h3>

```python, query)
Executes an SQL query and returns query results


    query (string): An SQL query


    (:obj:`QueryResults`): A QueryResults iterator.


    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.
    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.

<h1 id="pyreindexer.query_results">pyreindexer.query_results</h1>

<h2 id="pyreindexer.query_results.QueryResults">QueryResults</h2>

QueryResults(self, api, qres_wrapper_ptr, qres_iter_count)
QueryResults is a disposable iterator of Reindexer results for such queries as SELECT and etc.
When the results are fetched the iterator closes and frees a memory of results buffer of Reindexer


    api (module): An API module for Reindexer calls
    err_code (int): the API error code
    err_msg (string): the API error message
    qres_wrapper_ptr (int): A memory pointer to Reindexer iterator object
    qres_iter_count (int): A count of results for iterations
    pos (int): The current result position in iterator

<h3 id="pyreindexer.query_results.QueryResults.count">count</h3>

Returns a count of results


`int`: A count of results

<h1 id="pyreindexer.index_definition">pyreindexer.index_definition</h1>

<h2 id="pyreindexer.index_definition.IndexDefinition">IndexDefinition</h2>

IndexDefinition(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
IndexDefinition is a dictionary subclass which allows to construct and manage indexes more efficiently.


    name (str): An index name.
    json_paths (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A name for mapping a value to a json field.
    field_type (str): A type of a field. Possible values are: `int`, `int64`, `double`, `string`, `bool`, `composite`.
    index_type (str): An index type. Possible values are: `hash`, `tree`, `text`, `-`.
    is_pk (bool): True if a field is a primary key.
    is_array (bool): True if an index is an array.
    is_dense (bool): True if an index is dense. reduce index size. Saves 8 bytes per unique key value for 'hash' and 'tree' index types.
        For '-' index type saves 4-8 bytes per each element. Useful for indexes with high selectivity, but for tree and hash indexes with low selectivity could
        significantly decrease update performance.
    is_sparse (bool): True if a value of an index may be not presented.
    collate_mode (str): Sets an order of values by collate mode. Possible values are: `none`, `ascii`, `utf8`, `numeric`, `custom`.
    sort_order_letters (str): Order for a sort sequence for a custom collate mode.
    config (dict): A config for a fulltext engine. [More]( .


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "pyreindexer",
    "maintainer": "Reindexer Team",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<3.13,>=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "reindexer, in-memory-database, database, python, connector",
    "author": "Igor Tulmentyev",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "ALT Linux",
    "description": "<h1 id=\"pyreindexer\">pyreindexer</h1>\n\n\nThe pyreindexer module provides a connector and its auxiliary tools for interaction with Reindexer.\n\n<h1 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector\">pyreindexer.rx_connector</h1>\n\n\n<h2 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector\">RxConnector</h2>\n\n```python\nRxConnector(self, dsn)\n```\nRxConnector provides a binding to Reindexer upon two shared libraries (hereinafter - APIs): '' and ''.\nThe first one is aimed to a builtin way usage. That API embeds Reindexer so it could be used right in-place as is.\nThe second one acts as a lightweight client which establishes a connection to Reindexer server via RPC.\nThe APIs interfaces are completely the same.\n\n__Attributes:__\n\n    api (module): An API module loaded dynamically for Reindexer calls\n    rx (int): A memory pointer to Reindexer instance\n    err_code (int): the API error code\n    err_msg (string): the API error message\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.close\">close</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.close(self)\n```\nCloses an API instance with Reindexer resources freeing\n\n__Returns:__\n\n    None\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.namespace_open\">namespace_open</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.namespace_open(self, namespace)\n```\nOpens a namespace specified or creates a namespace if it does not exist\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.namespace_close\">namespace_close</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.namespace_close(self, namespace)\n```\nCloses a namespace specified\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.namespace_drop\">namespace_drop</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.namespace_drop(self, namespace)\n```\nDrops a namespace specified\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.namespaces_enum\">namespaces_enum</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.namespaces_enum(self, enum_not_opened=False)\n```\nGets a list of namespaces available\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    enum_not_opened (bool, optional): An enumeration mode flag. If it is\n        set then closed namespaces are in result list too. Defaults to False.\n\n__Returns:__\n\n    (:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`): A list of dictionaries which describe each namespace.\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.index_add\">index_add</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.index_add(self, namespace, index_def)\n```\nAdds an index to the namespace specified\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    index_def (dict): A dictionary of index definiton\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.index_update\">index_update</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.index_update(self, namespace, index_def)\n```\nUpdates an index in the namespace specified\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    index_def (dict): A dictionary of index definiton\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.index_drop\">index_drop</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.index_drop(self, namespace, index_name)\n```\nDrops an index from the namespace specified\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    index_name (string): A name of an index\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.item_insert\">item_insert</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.item_insert(self, namespace, item_def, precepts=[])\n```\nInserts an item with its precepts to the namespace specified.\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    item_def (dict): A dictionary of item definiton\n    precepts (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A dictionary of index definiton\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.item_update\">item_update</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.item_update(self, namespace, item_def, precepts=[])\n```\nUpdates an item with its precepts in the namespace specified.\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    item_def (dict): A dictionary of item definiton\n    precepts (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A dictionary of index definiton\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.item_upsert\">item_upsert</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.item_upsert(self, namespace, item_def, precepts=[])\n```\nUpdates an item with its precepts in the namespace specified. Creates the item if it not exist.\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    item_def (dict): A dictionary of item definiton\n    precepts (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A dictionary of index definiton\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.item_delete\">item_delete</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.item_delete(self, namespace, item_def)\n```\nDeletes an item from the namespace specified.\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    item_def (dict): A dictionary of item definiton\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.meta_put\">meta_put</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.meta_put(self, namespace, key, value)\n```\nPuts metadata to a storage of Reindexer by key\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    key (string): A key in a storage of Reindexer for metadata keeping\n    value (string): A metadata for storage\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.meta_get\">meta_get</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.meta_get(self, namespace, key)\n```\nGets metadata from a storage of Reindexer by key specified\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    key (string): A key in a storage of Reindexer where metadata is kept\n\n__Returns:__\n\n    string: A metadata value\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.meta_delete\">meta_delete</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.meta_delete(self, namespace, key)\n```\nDeletes metadata from a storage of Reindexer by key specified\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n    key (string): A key in a storage of Reindexer where metadata is kept\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.rx_connector.RxConnector.meta_enum\">meta_enum</h3>\n\n```python\nRxConnector.meta_enum(self, namespace)\n```\nGets a list of metadata keys from a storage of Reindexer\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    namespace (string): A name of a namespace\n\n__Returns:__\n\n    (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A list of all metadata keys.\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h3 id=\"\">select</h3>\n\n```python\, query)\n```\nExecutes an SQL query and returns query results\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    query (string): An SQL query\n\n__Returns:__\n\n    (:obj:`QueryResults`): A QueryResults iterator.\n\n__Raises:__\n\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return if Reindexer instance is not initialized yet.\n    Exception: Raises with an error message of API return on non-zero error code.\n\n\n<h1 id=\"pyreindexer.query_results\">pyreindexer.query_results</h1>\n\n\n<h2 id=\"pyreindexer.query_results.QueryResults\">QueryResults</h2>\n\n```python\nQueryResults(self, api, qres_wrapper_ptr, qres_iter_count)\n```\nQueryResults is a disposable iterator of Reindexer results for such queries as SELECT and etc.\nWhen the results are fetched the iterator closes and frees a memory of results buffer of Reindexer\n\n__Attributes:__\n\n    api (module): An API module for Reindexer calls\n    err_code (int): the API error code\n    err_msg (string): the API error message\n    qres_wrapper_ptr (int): A memory pointer to Reindexer iterator object\n    qres_iter_count (int): A count of results for iterations\n    pos (int): The current result position in iterator\n\n<h3 id=\"pyreindexer.query_results.QueryResults.count\">count</h3>\n\n```python\nQueryResults.count(self)\n```\nReturns a count of results\n\n__Returns__\n\n`int`: A count of results\n\n\n<h1 id=\"pyreindexer.index_definition\">pyreindexer.index_definition</h1>\n\n\n<h2 id=\"pyreindexer.index_definition.IndexDefinition\">IndexDefinition</h2>\n\n```python\nIndexDefinition(self, /, *args, **kwargs)\n```\nIndexDefinition is a dictionary subclass which allows to construct and manage indexes more efficiently.\nNOT IMPLEMENTED YET. USE FIELDS DESCRIPTION ONLY.\n\n__Arguments:__\n\n    name (str): An index name.\n    json_paths (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): A name for mapping a value to a json field.\n    field_type (str): A type of a field. Possible values are: `int`, `int64`, `double`, `string`, `bool`, `composite`.\n    index_type (str): An index type. Possible values are: `hash`, `tree`, `text`, `-`.\n    is_pk (bool): True if a field is a primary key.\n    is_array (bool): True if an index is an array.\n    is_dense (bool): True if an index is dense. reduce index size. Saves 8 bytes per unique key value for 'hash' and 'tree' index types.\n        For '-' index type saves 4-8 bytes per each element. Useful for indexes with high selectivity, but for tree and hash indexes with low selectivity could\n        significantly decrease update performance.\n    is_sparse (bool): True if a value of an index may be not presented.\n    collate_mode (str): Sets an order of values by collate mode. Possible values are: `none`, `ascii`, `utf8`, `numeric`, `custom`.\n    sort_order_letters (str): Order for a sort sequence for a custom collate mode.\n    config (dict): A config for a fulltext engine. [More]( .\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "Apache License 2.0",
    "summary": "A connector that allows to interact with Reindexer",
    "version": "0.2.37",
    "project_urls": {
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        "Homepage": "",
        "Releases": "",
        "Tracker": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        " in-memory-database",
        " database",
        " python",
        " connector"
    "urls": [
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    "coveralls": false,
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    "requirements": [],
    "lcname": "pyreindexer"
Elapsed time: 0.67510s