
Namepython-Pantry JSON
Version 3.0.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPython Package for Data structure and algorithms implementation with its proper explanation
upload_time2024-05-25 17:48:38
authorSattyam Jain
keywords pydsa pypantry dsa data structure algo algorithm ds python data structure
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
# pyPantry: Your One-Stop Solution for  DSA, Design Patterns and etc. in Python

`pyPantry` is a comprehensive Python library offering robust implementations of numerous data structures and algorithms. It serves as a reliable tool for educators, students, developers, and anyone keen on mastering or utilizing these foundational computer science concepts.

## ๐Ÿ“‹ Table of Contents

- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
  - [Data Structures](#data-structures)
  - [Algorithms](#algorithms)
  - [Design Patterns](#design-patterns)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Credits](#credits)
- [License](#license)
- [Contact](#contact)

## ๐ŸŒŸ Features

### Data Structures

- **Graph**: Traverse complex networks. 
  - ``
  - ``
- **Heap**: Efficient data management.
  - ``
  - ``
- **LinkedList**: Flexible data storage.
  - ``
  - ``
  - ``
  - ``
  - ``
  - ``
- **Queue**: FIFO data handling.
  - ``
  - ``
  - ``
  - ``
- **Stack**: LIFO data access.
  - ``
  - ``
- **Tree**: Hierarchical data modeling.
  - ``
  - ``
  - ``
  - ``
  - ``
- **Trie**: Rapid text retrieval.
  - ``

### Algorithms

#### Searching

- **Binary Search**: ``
- **Jump Search**: ``
- **Linear Search**: ``
- **Fibonacci Search**: ``
- **Exponential Search**: ``
- **Ternary Search**: ``
- **Meta Binary Search**: ``
- **Sentinel Linear Search**: ``
- **Interpolation Search**: ``

#### Sorting

- **BogoSort**: ``
- **Odd-Even Sort**: ``
- **Sleep Sort**: ``
- **Cocktail Sort**: ``
- **Radix Sort**: ``
- **Bubble Sort**: ``
- **Selection Sort**: ``
- **Bingo Sort**: ``
- **QuickSort**: ``
- **Counting Sort**: ``
- **Bucket Sort**: ``
- **Gnome Sort**: ``
- **HeapSort**: ``
- **Bitonic Sort**: ``
- **Strand Sort**: ``
- **Shell Sort**: ``
- **TimSort**: ``
- **Pancake Sort**: ``

### Design Patterns

#### Architectural Patterns

- **Event-Driven Architecture**: ``
- **Microservices**: ``
- **Model-View-Controller (MVC)**: ``
- **Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)**: ``
- **Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)**: ``

#### Behavioral Patterns

- **Chain of Responsibility**: ``
- **Command**: ``
- **Interpreter**: ``
- **Iterator**: ``
- **Mediator**: ``
- **Memento**: ``
- **Null Object**: ``
- **Observer**: ``
- **Specification**: ``
- **State**: ``
- **Strategy**: ``
- **Template**: ``
- **Visitor**: ``

#### Concurrency Patterns

- **Active Object**: ``
- **Half-Sync/Half-Async**: ``
- **Leader-Follower**: ``
- **Reactor**: ``
- **Thread Pool**: ``

#### Creational Patterns

- **Abstract Factory**: ``
- **Builder**: ``
- **Factory Method**: ``
- **Object Pool**: ``
- **Prototype**: ``
- **Singleton**: ``

#### Structural Patterns

- **Adapter**: ``
- **Bridge**: ``
- **Composite**: ``
- **Decorator**: ``
- **Facade**: ``
- **Flyweight**: ``
- **Private Class Data**: ``
- **Proxy**: ``

## ๐Ÿ”ง Installation

pip install python-Pantry 

## ๐Ÿš€ Usage

### Data Structures

from pyPantry.DS.Stack.PyStack import PyStack

# Create a new stack
stack = PyStack()

# Push elements onto the stack

# Pop an element from the stack
print(stack.pop())  # Output: 3

### Algorithms

from pyPantry.Algo.Sorting.PyBubbleSort import PyBubbleSort

# Sample list to be sorted
sample_list = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90]

# Apply bubble sort
sorted_list = PyBubbleSort(arr=sample_list).sort()
print(sorted_list)  # Output: [11, 12, 22, 25, 34, 64, 90]

### Design Patterns

#### Strategy Pattern

from pyPantry.DesignPatterns.Behavioral.Strategy.PyStrategyPattern import PyStrategyPattern

class CreditCardPayment(PyStrategyPattern.PaymentStrategy):
    def pay(self, amount):
        return f"Paid {amount} using Credit Card"

payment_method = CreditCardPayment()
print(  # Output: Paid 100 using Credit Card

## ๐Ÿงช Testing

All implementations come with corresponding test files located in the `tests` directory, ensuring reliability and correctness.

To run tests, use:
python -m unittest discover tests

## ๐Ÿค Contributing

We welcome and value contributions from the open-source community. Your input, whether it's a bug fix, feature addition, or documentation improvement, helps enhance `pyPantry`.

1. Fork the repository.
2. Create a new branch.
3. Make your changes.
4. Submit a pull request.

## ๐Ÿ‘ Credits

Crafted with โค๏ธ by [Sattyam Jain](

## ๐Ÿ“œ License

Licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).

## ๐Ÿ“ž Contact

For feedback or queries, [contact us]( We're always eager to connect!


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "python-Pantry",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "pydsa, pyPantry, dsa, data structure, algo, algorithm, ds, python data structure",
    "author": "Sattyam Jain",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "\n# pyPantry: Your One-Stop Solution for  DSA, Design Patterns and etc. in Python\n\n`pyPantry` is a comprehensive Python library offering robust implementations of numerous data structures and algorithms. It serves as a reliable tool for educators, students, developers, and anyone keen on mastering or utilizing these foundational computer science concepts.\n\n## \ud83d\udccb Table of Contents\n\n- [Features](#features)\n- [Installation](#installation)\n- [Usage](#usage)\n  - [Data Structures](#data-structures)\n  - [Algorithms](#algorithms)\n  - [Design Patterns](#design-patterns)\n- [Testing](#testing)\n- [Contributing](#contributing)\n- [Credits](#credits)\n- [License](#license)\n- [Contact](#contact)\n\n## \ud83c\udf1f Features\n\n### Data Structures\n\n- **Graph**: Traverse complex networks. \n  - ``\n  - ``\n  \n- **Heap**: Efficient data management.\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  \n- **LinkedList**: Flexible data storage.\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  \n- **Queue**: FIFO data handling.\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  \n- **Stack**: LIFO data access.\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  \n- **Tree**: Hierarchical data modeling.\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  - ``\n  \n- **Trie**: Rapid text retrieval.\n  - ``\n\n### Algorithms\n\n#### Searching\n\n- **Binary Search**: ``\n- **Jump Search**: ``\n- **Linear Search**: ``\n- **Fibonacci Search**: ``\n- **Exponential Search**: ``\n- **Ternary Search**: ``\n- **Meta Binary Search**: ``\n- **Sentinel Linear Search**: ``\n- **Interpolation Search**: ``\n\n#### Sorting\n\n- **BogoSort**: ``\n- **Odd-Even Sort**: ``\n- **Sleep Sort**: ``\n- **Cocktail Sort**: ``\n- **Radix Sort**: ``\n- **Bubble Sort**: ``\n- **Selection Sort**: ``\n- **Bingo Sort**: ``\n- **QuickSort**: ``\n- **Counting Sort**: ``\n- **Bucket Sort**: ``\n- **Gnome Sort**: ``\n- **HeapSort**: ``\n- **Bitonic Sort**: ``\n- **Strand Sort**: ``\n- **Shell Sort**: ``\n- **TimSort**: ``\n- **Pancake Sort**: ``\n\n### Design Patterns\n\n#### Architectural Patterns\n\n- **Event-Driven Architecture**: ``\n- **Microservices**: ``\n- **Model-View-Controller (MVC)**: ``\n- **Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)**: ``\n- **Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)**: ``\n\n#### Behavioral Patterns\n\n- **Chain of Responsibility**: ``\n- **Command**: ``\n- **Interpreter**: ``\n- **Iterator**: ``\n- **Mediator**: ``\n- **Memento**: ``\n- **Null Object**: ``\n- **Observer**: ``\n- **Specification**: ``\n- **State**: ``\n- **Strategy**: ``\n- **Template**: ``\n- **Visitor**: ``\n\n#### Concurrency Patterns\n\n- **Active Object**: ``\n- **Half-Sync/Half-Async**: ``\n- **Leader-Follower**: ``\n- **Reactor**: ``\n- **Thread Pool**: ``\n\n#### Creational Patterns\n\n- **Abstract Factory**: ``\n- **Builder**: ``\n- **Factory Method**: ``\n- **Object Pool**: ``\n- **Prototype**: ``\n- **Singleton**: ``\n\n#### Structural Patterns\n\n- **Adapter**: ``\n- **Bridge**: ``\n- **Composite**: ``\n- **Decorator**: ``\n- **Facade**: ``\n- **Flyweight**: ``\n- **Private Class Data**: ``\n- **Proxy**: ``\n\n## \ud83d\udd27 Installation\n\n```bash\npip install python-Pantry \n```\n\n## \ud83d\ude80 Usage\n\n### Data Structures\n\n```python\nfrom pyPantry.DS.Stack.PyStack import PyStack\n\n# Create a new stack\nstack = PyStack()\n\n# Push elements onto the stack\nstack.push(1)\nstack.push(2)\nstack.push(3)\n\n# Pop an element from the stack\nprint(stack.pop())  # Output: 3\n```\n\n### Algorithms\n\n```python\nfrom pyPantry.Algo.Sorting.PyBubbleSort import PyBubbleSort\n\n# Sample list to be sorted\nsample_list = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90]\n\n# Apply bubble sort\nsorted_list = PyBubbleSort(arr=sample_list).sort()\nprint(sorted_list)  # Output: [11, 12, 22, 25, 34, 64, 90]\n```\n\n### Design Patterns\n\n#### Strategy Pattern\n\n```python\nfrom pyPantry.DesignPatterns.Behavioral.Strategy.PyStrategyPattern import PyStrategyPattern\n\nclass CreditCardPayment(PyStrategyPattern.PaymentStrategy):\n    def pay(self, amount):\n        return f\"Paid {amount} using Credit Card\"\n\npayment_method = CreditCardPayment()\nprint(  # Output: Paid 100 using Credit Card\n```\n\n## \ud83e\uddea Testing\n\nAll implementations come with corresponding test files located in the `tests` directory, ensuring reliability and correctness.\n\nTo run tests, use:\n```bash\npython -m unittest discover tests\n```\n\n## \ud83e\udd1d Contributing\n\nWe welcome and value contributions from the open-source community. Your input, whether it's a bug fix, feature addition, or documentation improvement, helps enhance `pyPantry`.\n\n1. Fork the repository.\n2. Create a new branch.\n3. Make your changes.\n4. Submit a pull request.\n\n## \ud83d\udc4f Credits\n\nCrafted with \u2764\ufe0f by [Sattyam Jain](\n\n## \ud83d\udcdc License\n\nLicensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).\n\n## \ud83d\udcde Contact\n\nFor feedback or queries, [contact us]( We're always eager to connect!\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
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        " algo",
        " algorithm",
        " ds",
        " python data structure"
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