
Namepython-dev-cli JSON
Version 1.0.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPython developer CLI for running custom scripts defined in pyproject.toml
upload_time2023-09-23 21:14:05
keywords python dev cli scripts pyproject.toml automation
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Python Developer CLI

Python developer CLI enables you to run custom scripts defined in your [pyproject.toml] file, eliminating the need for
shell scripts and Makefiles, and reducing extraneous cognitive load on your teammates and contributors.

- Optional [Jinja2] template support enables you to reference built-in Python syntax, arbitrary Python modules, and even
other scripts from within your script configurations.
- String together multiple scripts with a single command, to simplify complex workflows.
- All custom scripts are automatically documented in the `dev` CLI help page. Just run `dev --help` to see exactly what
each script does.

## Installation

pip install python-dev-cli

## Usage

Define custom scripts in your `pyproject.toml` file:

up = "docker compose up -d"
down = "docker compose down -v --remove-orphans"

Then run the `dev` command followed by the script name:

dev up
# docker compose up -d

dev down
# docker compose down -v --remove-orphans

All scripts defined in your `pyproject.toml` file will be automatically documented in the `dev` CLI help page:

dev --help
# usage: dev [-h] [-d] {down,up} ...
# Python developer CLI for running custom scripts defined in pyproject.toml
# options:
#   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#   -d, --debug           enable debug logging
# available scripts:
#   {down,up}
#     down                ['docker compose down -v --remove-orphans']
#     up                  ['docker compose up -d']

Any script that is prefixed with an underscore (`_`) will be hidden from the help page and cannot be run directly:

_foo = "foo"
_bar = "bar"
foobar = "echo {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}"

dev -h
# usage: dev [-h] [-d] {foobar} ...
# Python developer CLI for running custom scripts defined in pyproject.toml
# options:
#   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#   -d, --debug           enable debug logging
# available scripts:
#   {foobar}
#     foobar              ['echo foobar']

You can also define scripts as a list of script references, which will be run in order:

black = "black --check --config pyproject.toml ."
black_fix = "black --config pyproject.toml ."
ruff = "ruff --config pyproject.toml ."
ruff_fix = "ruff --fix --exit-non-zero-on-fix --config pyproject.toml ."
lint = ["black", "ruff"]
lint_fix = ["black_fix", "ruff_fix"]

dev lint
# black --check --config pyproject.toml .
# ruff --config pyproject.toml .

dev lint_fix
# black --config pyproject.toml .
# ruff --fix --exit-non-zero-on-fix --config pyproject.toml .

By default, scripts can utilize [Jinja2] template syntax, enabling you to reference built-in Python syntax, arbitrary
Python modules, and even other scripts:

include = ["os", "uuid:uuid4 as uuid"]

python = "echo {{ 1 + 1 }}"
module = "echo {{ uuid() }}"
env_vars = "echo PATH={{ os.getenv('PATH') }} PWD={{ os.getenv('PWD') }} HOME={{ os.getenv('HOME') }}"
other_scripts = "echo {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}"
_foo = "foo"
_bar = "bar"

dev python
# 2

dev module
# 2b2e0b9e-0b9e-4a4a-9a9a-9a9a9a9a9a9a

dev env_vars
# PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin PWD=/Users/username/Projects HOME=/Users/username

dev other_scripts
# foobar

Script template functionality can be disabled, if you prefer to keep things simple. See the [Settings](#settings)
section below for more information.

## Settings

You can configure this package by adding a `tool.python-dev-cli.settings` section to your `pyproject.toml` file:

enable_templates = true
include = ["os", "sys"]
script_refs = "dev"

### enable_templates

Enable or disable the use of [Jinja2] templates in your scripts. If you disable this, all other settings will be ignored
and scripts will be run as-is, without any preprocessing.

> **NOTE:** Disabling this setting will prevent you from referencing other scripts from within a script, but you will
> still be able to reference other scripts in a list of scripts.

For example, this will still work:

enable_templates = false

_foo = "echo foo"
_bar = "echo bar"
foobar = ["_foo", "_bar"]

dev foobar
# foo
# bar

However, this will not work as intended because the template will not be parsed:

enable_templates = false

_foo = "foo"
_bar = "bar"
foobar = "echo {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}"

dev foobar
# {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}

### include

A list of modules to include in the [Jinja2] environment, when parsing scripts. This enables you to reference Python
modules in your scripts:

include = ["os:getcwd", "os:getenv as env"]

test_docker = "docker run -it --rm -v {{ getcwd() }}:/app -w /app --name test {{ env('MY_DOCKER_IMAGE', 'python:3.11-alpine') }} echo test"

dev test_docker
# docker run -it --rm -v /Users/username/Projects/dev:/app -w /app --name test python:3.11-alpine echo test

MY_DOCKER_IMAGE="python:3.11-slim-bookworm"; dev test_docker
# docker run -it --rm -v /Users/username/Projects/dev:/app -w /app --name test python:3.11-slim-bookworm echo test

Valid formats for including modules are:

| Include Syntax                | Python Equivalent                       |
| `"os"`                        | `import os`                             |
| `"os:path"`                   | `from os import path`                   |
| `"os.path:join"`              | `from os.path import join`              |
| `"os.path:join as path_join"` | `from os.path import join as path_join` |

> **NOTE:** Any module available in your project can be made available to your scripts, including third-party modules
> and even your own modules.

### script_refs

Scripts can contain references to other scripts, using the `{{ dev.my_script }}` syntax:

_foo = "foo"
_bar = "bar"
foobar = "echo {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}"

dev foobar
# foobar

The name of the `dev` object is configurable using the `script_refs` setting. For example, you could change it to

script_refs = "scripts"

_foo = "foo"
_bar = "bar"
foobar = "echo {{ scripts._foo }}{{ scripts._bar }}"

dev foobar
# foobar

## Caveats

### Shell Syntax

Scripts are run in a Python subprocess using [], not the shell interpreter that the `dev` CLI is being
run in. As a result, it has the following limitations:

- Environment variables cannot be referenced as you would in a shell script (e.g. `$HOME` or `${HOME}`).
- Shell syntax (e.g. pipes `|`; redirects `>`, `>>`, `<`; backgrounding [`&`]) is not supported.

To work around these limitations, you can use the `os` module to reference environment variables, and the `subprocess`
module to run shell commands:

include = ["os", "subprocess"]

env_vars = "echo PATH={{ os.getenv('PATH') }} PWD={{ os.getenv('PWD') }} HOME={{ os.getenv('HOME') }}"
shell = "echo {{'echo foo | tr a-z A-Z', shell=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode().strip() }}"

dev env_vars
# PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin PWD=/Users/username/Projects HOME=/Users/username

dev shell

These constraints actually have the benefit of making your `dev` scripts more cross-platform compatible, as they do not
rely on any shell-specific syntax (unless you use the `subprocess` workaround, as in the example above). This means your
scripts should work on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Also, it's worth pointing out that the `shell` example above would be better written as a Python script, rather than a
`dev` script in your `pyproject.toml` file:

# scripts/
import subprocess

def main() -> str:
    return'echo foo | tr a-z A-Z', shell=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode().strip()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    output: str = main()

Then, you could reference it in your script definition:

shell = "python -m"

This is a better design pattern, as it keeps your Python logic in a Python file rather than a TOML file, where it cannot
be easily tested or linted.

### Script Names

Script names must be valid Python identifiers, which means they must start with a letter or underscore (`_`), and can
only contain letters, numbers, and underscores (`_`).  This is because script names are used as attribute names on the
`dev` object, which means they must be valid Python identifiers.

Also, keep in mind that any scripts prefixed with an underscore (`_`) will be hidden from the help page and cannot be
run directly. Think of these as "private" script variables, which can only be referenced by other scripts.

## License

This open source project is licensed under the terms of the [BSD 3-Clause License].

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please read [] for details.

### Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the [Contributor Covenant]. For more information, see the [Code of Conduct]

[BSD 3-Clause License]:
[Code of Conduct]:
[Contributor Covenant]:


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "python-dev-cli",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.11",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "python,dev,cli,scripts,pyproject.toml,automation",
    "author": "",
    "author_email": "Shaun Scovil <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Python Developer CLI\n\nPython developer CLI enables you to run custom scripts defined in your [pyproject.toml] file, eliminating the need for\nshell scripts and Makefiles, and reducing extraneous cognitive load on your teammates and contributors.\n\n- Optional [Jinja2] template support enables you to reference built-in Python syntax, arbitrary Python modules, and even\nother scripts from within your script configurations.\n- String together multiple scripts with a single command, to simplify complex workflows.\n- All custom scripts are automatically documented in the `dev` CLI help page. Just run `dev --help` to see exactly what\neach script does.\n\n## Installation\n\n```shell\npip install python-dev-cli\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nDefine custom scripts in your `pyproject.toml` file:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\nup = \"docker compose up -d\"\ndown = \"docker compose down -v --remove-orphans\"\n```\n\nThen run the `dev` command followed by the script name:\n\n```shell\ndev up\n# docker compose up -d\n\ndev down\n# docker compose down -v --remove-orphans\n```\n\nAll scripts defined in your `pyproject.toml` file will be automatically documented in the `dev` CLI help page:\n\n```shell\ndev --help\n# usage: dev [-h] [-d] {down,up} ...\n# \n# Python developer CLI for running custom scripts defined in pyproject.toml\n# \n# options:\n#   -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n#   -d, --debug           enable debug logging\n# \n# available scripts:\n#   {down,up}\n#     down                ['docker compose down -v --remove-orphans']\n#     up                  ['docker compose up -d']\n```\n\nAny script that is prefixed with an underscore (`_`) will be hidden from the help page and cannot be run directly:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\n_foo = \"foo\"\n_bar = \"bar\"\nfoobar = \"echo {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}\"\n```\n\n```shell\ndev -h\n# usage: dev [-h] [-d] {foobar} ...\n# Python developer CLI for running custom scripts defined in pyproject.toml\n# \n# options:\n#   -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n#   -d, --debug           enable debug logging\n# \n# available scripts:\n#   {foobar}\n#     foobar              ['echo foobar']\n```\n\nYou can also define scripts as a list of script references, which will be run in order:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\nblack = \"black --check --config pyproject.toml .\"\nblack_fix = \"black --config pyproject.toml .\"\nruff = \"ruff --config pyproject.toml .\"\nruff_fix = \"ruff --fix --exit-non-zero-on-fix --config pyproject.toml .\"\nlint = [\"black\", \"ruff\"]\nlint_fix = [\"black_fix\", \"ruff_fix\"]\n```\n\n```shell\ndev lint\n# black --check --config pyproject.toml .\n# ruff --config pyproject.toml .\n\ndev lint_fix\n# black --config pyproject.toml .\n# ruff --fix --exit-non-zero-on-fix --config pyproject.toml .\n```\n\nBy default, scripts can utilize [Jinja2] template syntax, enabling you to reference built-in Python syntax, arbitrary\nPython modules, and even other scripts:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.settings]\ninclude = [\"os\", \"uuid:uuid4 as uuid\"]\n\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\npython = \"echo {{ 1 + 1 }}\"\nmodule = \"echo {{ uuid() }}\"\nenv_vars = \"echo PATH={{ os.getenv('PATH') }} PWD={{ os.getenv('PWD') }} HOME={{ os.getenv('HOME') }}\"\nother_scripts = \"echo {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}\"\n_foo = \"foo\"\n_bar = \"bar\"\n```\n\n```shell\ndev python\n# 2\n\ndev module\n# 2b2e0b9e-0b9e-4a4a-9a9a-9a9a9a9a9a9a\n\ndev env_vars\n# PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin PWD=/Users/username/Projects HOME=/Users/username\n\ndev other_scripts\n# foobar\n```\n\nScript template functionality can be disabled, if you prefer to keep things simple. See the [Settings](#settings)\nsection below for more information.\n\n## Settings\n\nYou can configure this package by adding a `tool.python-dev-cli.settings` section to your `pyproject.toml` file:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.settings]\nenable_templates = true\ninclude = [\"os\", \"sys\"]\nscript_refs = \"dev\"\n```\n\n### enable_templates\n\nEnable or disable the use of [Jinja2] templates in your scripts. If you disable this, all other settings will be ignored\nand scripts will be run as-is, without any preprocessing.\n\n> **NOTE:** Disabling this setting will prevent you from referencing other scripts from within a script, but you will\n> still be able to reference other scripts in a list of scripts.\n\nFor example, this will still work:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.settings]\nenable_templates = false\n\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\n_foo = \"echo foo\"\n_bar = \"echo bar\"\nfoobar = [\"_foo\", \"_bar\"]\n```\n\n```shell\ndev foobar\n# foo\n# bar\n```\n\nHowever, this will not work as intended because the template will not be parsed:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.settings]\nenable_templates = false\n\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\n_foo = \"foo\"\n_bar = \"bar\"\nfoobar = \"echo {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}\"\n```\n\n```shell\ndev foobar\n# {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}\n```\n\n### include\n\nA list of modules to include in the [Jinja2] environment, when parsing scripts. This enables you to reference Python\nmodules in your scripts:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.settings]\ninclude = [\"os:getcwd\", \"os:getenv as env\"]\n\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\ntest_docker = \"docker run -it --rm -v {{ getcwd() }}:/app -w /app --name test {{ env('MY_DOCKER_IMAGE', 'python:3.11-alpine') }} echo test\"\n```\n\n```shell\ndev test_docker\n# docker run -it --rm -v /Users/username/Projects/dev:/app -w /app --name test python:3.11-alpine echo test\n\nMY_DOCKER_IMAGE=\"python:3.11-slim-bookworm\"; dev test_docker\n# docker run -it --rm -v /Users/username/Projects/dev:/app -w /app --name test python:3.11-slim-bookworm echo test\n```\n\nValid formats for including modules are:\n\n| Include Syntax                | Python Equivalent                       |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|\n| `\"os\"`                        | `import os`                             |\n| `\"os:path\"`                   | `from os import path`                   |\n| `\"os.path:join\"`              | `from os.path import join`              |\n| `\"os.path:join as path_join\"` | `from os.path import join as path_join` |\n\n> **NOTE:** Any module available in your project can be made available to your scripts, including third-party modules\n> and even your own modules.\n\n### script_refs\n\nScripts can contain references to other scripts, using the `{{ dev.my_script }}` syntax:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\n_foo = \"foo\"\n_bar = \"bar\"\nfoobar = \"echo {{ dev._foo }}{{ dev._bar }}\"\n```\n\n```shell\ndev foobar\n# foobar\n```\n\nThe name of the `dev` object is configurable using the `script_refs` setting. For example, you could change it to\n`scripts`:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.settings]\nscript_refs = \"scripts\"\n\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\n_foo = \"foo\"\n_bar = \"bar\"\nfoobar = \"echo {{ scripts._foo }}{{ scripts._bar }}\"\n```\n\n```shell\ndev foobar\n# foobar\n```\n\n## Caveats\n\n### Shell Syntax\n\nScripts are run in a Python subprocess using [], not the shell interpreter that the `dev` CLI is being\nrun in. As a result, it has the following limitations:\n\n- Environment variables cannot be referenced as you would in a shell script (e.g. `$HOME` or `${HOME}`).\n- Shell syntax (e.g. pipes `|`; redirects `>`, `>>`, `<`; backgrounding [`&`]) is not supported.\n\nTo work around these limitations, you can use the `os` module to reference environment variables, and the `subprocess`\nmodule to run shell commands:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.settings]\ninclude = [\"os\", \"subprocess\"]\n\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\nenv_vars = \"echo PATH={{ os.getenv('PATH') }} PWD={{ os.getenv('PWD') }} HOME={{ os.getenv('HOME') }}\"\nshell = \"echo {{'echo foo | tr a-z A-Z', shell=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode().strip() }}\"\n```\n\n```shell\ndev env_vars\n# PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin PWD=/Users/username/Projects HOME=/Users/username\n\ndev shell\n# FOO\n```\n\nThese constraints actually have the benefit of making your `dev` scripts more cross-platform compatible, as they do not\nrely on any shell-specific syntax (unless you use the `subprocess` workaround, as in the example above). This means your\nscripts should work on Windows, Linux, and macOS.\n\nAlso, it's worth pointing out that the `shell` example above would be better written as a Python script, rather than a\n`dev` script in your `pyproject.toml` file:\n\n```python\n# scripts/\nimport subprocess\n\ndef main() -> str:\n    return'echo foo | tr a-z A-Z', shell=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode().strip()\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n    output: str = main()\n    print(output)\n```\n\nThen, you could reference it in your script definition:\n\n```toml\n[tool.python-dev-cli.scripts]\nshell = \"python -m\"\n```\n\nThis is a better design pattern, as it keeps your Python logic in a Python file rather than a TOML file, where it cannot\nbe easily tested or linted.\n\n### Script Names\n\nScript names must be valid Python identifiers, which means they must start with a letter or underscore (`_`), and can\nonly contain letters, numbers, and underscores (`_`).  This is because script names are used as attribute names on the\n`dev` object, which means they must be valid Python identifiers.\n\nAlso, keep in mind that any scripts prefixed with an underscore (`_`) will be hidden from the help page and cannot be\nrun directly. Think of these as \"private\" script variables, which can only be referenced by other scripts.\n\n## License\n\nThis open source project is licensed under the terms of the [BSD 3-Clause License].\n\n## Contributing\n\nContributions are welcome! Please read [] for details.\n\n### Code of Conduct\n\nThis project has adopted the [Contributor Covenant]. For more information, see the [Code of Conduct]\npage.\n\n\n[BSD 3-Clause License]:\n[Code of Conduct]:\n[]:\n[Contributor Covenant]:\n[Jinja2]:\n[pyproject.toml]:\n[]:\n",
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