
Namepython-gitmoji JSON
Version 1.0.1 PyPI version JSON
Summary😜 A helper package to apply and manage Gitmojis in Python projects 🐍
upload_time2023-09-06 09:13:46
keywords python gitmoji
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
            # python-gitmoji




> The idea of Gitmoji was originally proposed, developed, and maintained by [@carloscuesta][carlosquesta].
> For more information, see the official [repository][gitmoji-repo] and [website][gitmoji-website] of the project.

The term Gitmoji refers to a framework for marking commits and pull requests with carefully selected emojis to indicate the type of changes they introduce to software projects.
The still-growing popularity of the Gitmoji guide is evidenced by the numerous [tools][gitmoji-tools] related to that idea, written in a variety of programming languages.

The main purpose of the `python-gitmoji` project is to provide a handy way of managing the available [set of Gitmojis][gitmoji-website] in Python packages.
It may serve as a helper utility in projects related to versioning and automatic changelog generators, as well as automation tools for validating commit and pull request titles.

## Installation

To install `python-gitmoji`, use `pip`:

$ pip install python-gitmoji

or any other dependency manager you like.

## Usage

The package provides two main functionalities: the `Gitmoji`/`GitmojiList` classes and the `gitmojis` object.
Both can be imported directly from the `gitmoji` module:

from gitmoji import Gitmoji, GitmojiList, gitmojis

The classes represent a Pythonic interface to create and manage `Gitmoji` objects and their lists with some extra features regarding indexing, slicing, and iteration.
On the other hand, the `gitmojis` is simply an instance of `GitmojiList` representing the current state of the Gitmoji [API][gitmoji-api] (or the local backup if issues hindering communication with the API are found).

### `gitmoji.Gitmoji` class

The `Gitmoji` class can be used like a regular Python `@dataclass` (see [PEP 557][pep-557]).
To create a `Gitmoji` object, just run the constructor and pass the field values as the parameters (preferably keyword parameters):

from gitmoji import Gitmoji

dependabot_gitmoji = Gitmoji(
    description="Add or update Dependabot configuration.",

# Assert the object is constructed
assert isinstance(dependabot_gitmoji, Gitmoji)

The meaning of respective fields is as follows:

- `emoji` – the actual emoji character representing the Gitmoji;
- `entity` – the HTML entity of the Gitmoji;
- `code` – the emoji's code, to be eventually used when rendering Gitmojis in markdown documents (see: the official [GitHub API][github-emoji-api], 3rd party projects like [`emoji`][emoji], or less official [`emoji-cheat-sheet`][emoji-cheat-sheet]);
- `description` – a short note on the type of changes the Gitmoji represents;
- `name` – the text identifier of the Gitmoji;
- `semver` – the level of the [Semantic Version]( affected by the changes marked with the Gitmoji.

> All the fields listed in the example above are mandatory except `semver`.

Except for the standard way presented above, `Gitmoji` objects can be created from Python dictionaries and converted to them by using `from_dict` class method and `to_dict` instance method, respectively:

from gitmoji import Gitmoji

gitmoji_dict = {
    "emoji" : "🤖",
    "entity" : "&#x1f916",
    "code" : ":robot:",
    "description" : "Add or update Dependabot configuration.",
    "name" : "robot",
    "semver" : None,

# Constructor: the standard way
gitmoji = Gitmoji(**gitmoji_dict)

# Assert `from_dict` class method
assert Gitmoji.from_dict(gitmoji_dict) == gitmoji

# Assert `to_dict` instance method
assert gitmoji.to_dict() == gitmoji_dict

Creating a `Gitmoji` object from a `dict` using `from_class` method is safer because the method filters out all the irrelevant items from the source `dict`.
Besides, this method raises a specific `GitmojiDataError` if the `dict` doesn't contain the key-value pairs to create all the required fields.

> Basically, `to_dict` is only a shortcut for the `dataclass.asdict` builtin.
> You're welcome. Just another import you can forget. 😜

### `gitmoji.GitmojiList` class

`GitmojiList` is a subclass of `collections.UserList` designed to store and manage sequences of the `Gitmoji` objects.
Compared to plain Python lists, `GitmojiList` instances can be:
* indexed by using the `name` field values of the constituting `Gitmoji` objects;
* iterated over a selected `Gitmoji` class field or a subset of the fields at once using `iter_field` and `iter_fields` methods, respectively.

For example:

from dataclasses import astuple

from gitmoji import Gitmoji, GitmojiList

# The data, e.g., from API or JSON file
gitmoji_dicts = [
        "emoji": "💥",
        "entity": "💥",
        "code": ":boom:",
        "description": "Introduce breaking changes.",
        "name": "boom",
        "semver": "major",
        "emoji": "✨",
        "entity": "✨",
        "code": ":sparkles:",
        "description": "Introduce new features.",
        "name": "sparkles",
        "semver": "minor",
        "emoji": "🐛",
        "entity": "🐛",
        "code": ":bug:",
        "description": "Fix a bug.",
        "name": "bug",
        "semver": "patch",

# List of Gitmojis
gitmoji_list = GitmojiList(
    [Gitmoji.from_dict(gitmoji) for gitmoji in gitmoji_dicts]

# Assert indexing
for index, gitmoji in enumerate(gitmoji_list):
    # Standard indexing with integers
    assert gitmoji_list[index] == gitmoji

    # Indexing using `name` field
    assert gitmoji_list[] == gitmoji

# Assert iteration over a single field
assert list(gitmoji_list.iter_field("emoji")) == ["💥", "✨", "🐛"]

# Assert iteration over a subset of fields
assert list(gitmoji_list.iter_fields("emoji", "code")) == [
    ("💥", ":boom:"),
    ("✨", ":sparkles:"),
    ("🐛", ":bug:"),

# Assert iteration over all the fields
for item, gitmoji in zip(gitmoji_list.iter_fields(), gitmoji_list):
    assert item == astuple(gitmoji)

> The `Gitmoji` class fields to be used in indexing `GitmojiList` objects can be modified by overriding the latter's private `_index_fields` attribute.
> For example, if you prefer to access the `data` items with the `code` values, just call `GitmojiList._index_fields = ("code",)` before creating the instances.
> Note that this attribute is of type `tuple`, so such field-based indexing can be generalized to multiple indices.

### `gitmoji.gitmojis` object

`gitmoji.gitmojis` refers to an instance of `GitmojiList` class with the `data` containing `Gitmoji` objects fetched from the official Gitmoji [API][gitmoji-api].
If there are some issues with connection or API access, the backup data is loaded from the [JSON file][gitmojis-json] installed along with the package.

The data are loaded on the fly when the object is imported.
If you want to download them at your code's runtime, use the implemented loader class (see `gitmoji.loaders` module for more information) or the core loading function (from the `gitmoji.core` module):

from gitmoji import gitmojis  # That's it! Loading done (recommended)

# Import the tools
from gitmoji.core import get_gitmojis
from gitmoji.loaders import GitmojiApiLoader

# `GitmojiApiLoader` is a callable class
load_gitmojis = GitmojiApiLoader()

# Loading at runtime (may fail due to connection or response errors)
gitmojis = load_gitmojis()

# Load Gitmoji from the API, **OR** the backup file
# This is exactly what's happening at the `gitmoji` module's import
gitmojis = get_gitmojis()

### CLI

#### `dump-gitmoji-api`

The backup file can be kept up-to-date with the official API by using `dump-gitmoji-api` command:

$ dump-gitmoji-api --help

Usage: dump-gitmoji-api [OPTIONS]

  --dry-run  Show the JSON file update summary, but do not make the actual dump.
  --dev      Dump the API to the repository's backup, not the installed one.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

If no updates are available, the command simply notifies about that fact:

$ dump-gitmoji-api
😎 The JSON backup is up-to-date with the Gitmoji API. ✅

If there are some changes (for example, let's say that "🦺" is added to and "🤖" is discarded from the API), the command echos the summary message in the markdown format and actually updates the backup JSON file:

$ dump-gitmoji-api
## Gitmoji API dumped! 🎉

The official Gitmoji [API][gitmoji-api] has been dumped to the repo's backup file! 🗃️

### ➕ Added

* 🦺 `:safety_vest:` – Add or update code related to validation.

### ➖ Removed

* 🤖 `:robot:` – Add or update Dependabot configuration.


Note that the `dump-gitmoji-api` command updates the JSON file which is a part of `python-gitmoji` package *installed* in your Python environment.
So, if you (for some reason) want to experiment with it, make sure that you know what you're doing and check whether you have the appropriate permissions.

Alternatively, if you want to just check whether the API has been changed, run the script with `--dry-run` flag.
This will echo the notifications without touching the files.
Finally, if you're work with a clone of this repository, you can add `--dev` flag to update NOT the backup file of the installed package, but the backup file of the clone.
If the API is dumped, you will see the changes in the backup file as you call `git status`.

### Automation

The API state is scheduled to be compared to the JSON backup file every week.
This is implemented by executing `dump-gitmoji-api` command at GitHub Actions runner.
The respective [workflow][github-dump-gitmojis-api] automatically applies the update and opens pull request commented using the command's output message.

Every update of the backup file is followed by the version bump.

> 🚨 Every update of the backup file is followed by the version bump.
> Therefore, to stay tuned with the Gitmoji API backed up by this library, you should update `python-gitmoji` systematically.
> This particularly concerns the developers, who work with local repositories most of the time.

## Contributing

This is an open-source project, so it welcomes all kinds of contributions.
Feel free to open an issue by filing a bug or proposing new (or enhancing existing) functionality.
Check out the [Contributing Guide][contributing-guide] for detailed instructions.

All contributors must follow the project's [Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct].
It's not as complicated as it looks; just be kind and understanding to others! 🙂

## Authors

Created by [@paduszyk][paduszyk].

## License

Released under the [MIT License][license].



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "python-gitmoji",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "python,gitmoji",
    "author": "",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# python-gitmoji\n\n[![](][pypi]\n[![](][pypi]\n[![](][pypi]\n[![](][license]\n\n[![](][]\n[![](][github-lint-package]\n[![](][github-test-package]\n[![](][codecov]\n\n[![](][nox]\n[![](][ruff]\n[![](][black]\n[![](][mypy]\n\n> The idea of Gitmoji was originally proposed, developed, and maintained by [@carloscuesta][carlosquesta].\n> For more information, see the official [repository][gitmoji-repo] and [website][gitmoji-website] of the project.\n\nThe term Gitmoji refers to a framework for marking commits and pull requests with carefully selected emojis to indicate the type of changes they introduce to software projects.\nThe still-growing popularity of the Gitmoji guide is evidenced by the numerous [tools][gitmoji-tools] related to that idea, written in a variety of programming languages.\n\nThe main purpose of the `python-gitmoji` project is to provide a handy way of managing the available [set of Gitmojis][gitmoji-website] in Python packages.\nIt may serve as a helper utility in projects related to versioning and automatic changelog generators, as well as automation tools for validating commit and pull request titles.\n\n## Installation\n\nTo install `python-gitmoji`, use `pip`:\n\n```console\n$ pip install python-gitmoji\n```\n\nor any other dependency manager you like.\n\n## Usage\n\nThe package provides two main functionalities: the `Gitmoji`/`GitmojiList` classes and the `gitmojis` object.\nBoth can be imported directly from the `gitmoji` module:\n\n```python\nfrom gitmoji import Gitmoji, GitmojiList, gitmojis\n```\n\nThe classes represent a Pythonic interface to create and manage `Gitmoji` objects and their lists with some extra features regarding indexing, slicing, and iteration.\nOn the other hand, the `gitmojis` is simply an instance of `GitmojiList` representing the current state of the Gitmoji [API][gitmoji-api] (or the local backup if issues hindering communication with the API are found).\n\n### `gitmoji.Gitmoji` class\n\nThe `Gitmoji` class can be used like a regular Python `@dataclass` (see [PEP 557][pep-557]).\nTo create a `Gitmoji` object, just run the constructor and pass the field values as the parameters (preferably keyword parameters):\n\n```python\nfrom gitmoji import Gitmoji\n\ndependabot_gitmoji = Gitmoji(\n    emoji=\"\ud83e\udd16\",\n    entity=\"&#x1f916\",\n    code=\":robot:\",\n    description=\"Add or update Dependabot configuration.\",\n    name=\"robot\",\n    semver=None,\n)\n\n# Assert the object is constructed\nassert isinstance(dependabot_gitmoji, Gitmoji)\n```\n\nThe meaning of respective fields is as follows:\n\n- `emoji` – the actual emoji character representing the Gitmoji;\n- `entity` – the HTML entity of the Gitmoji;\n- `code` – the emoji's code, to be eventually used when rendering Gitmojis in markdown documents (see: the official [GitHub API][github-emoji-api], 3rd party projects like [`emoji`][emoji], or less official [`emoji-cheat-sheet`][emoji-cheat-sheet]);\n- `description` – a short note on the type of changes the Gitmoji represents;\n- `name` – the text identifier of the Gitmoji;\n- `semver` – the level of the [Semantic Version]( affected by the changes marked with the Gitmoji.\n\n> All the fields listed in the example above are mandatory except `semver`.\n\nExcept for the standard way presented above, `Gitmoji` objects can be created from Python dictionaries and converted to them by using `from_dict` class method and `to_dict` instance method, respectively:\n\n```python\nfrom gitmoji import Gitmoji\n\ngitmoji_dict = {\n    \"emoji\" : \"\ud83e\udd16\",\n    \"entity\" : \"&#x1f916\",\n    \"code\" : \":robot:\",\n    \"description\" : \"Add or update Dependabot configuration.\",\n    \"name\" : \"robot\",\n    \"semver\" : None,\n}\n\n# Constructor: the standard way\ngitmoji = Gitmoji(**gitmoji_dict)\n\n# Assert `from_dict` class method\nassert Gitmoji.from_dict(gitmoji_dict) == gitmoji\n\n# Assert `to_dict` instance method\nassert gitmoji.to_dict() == gitmoji_dict\n```\n\nCreating a `Gitmoji` object from a `dict` using `from_class` method is safer because the method filters out all the irrelevant items from the source `dict`.\nBesides, this method raises a specific `GitmojiDataError` if the `dict` doesn't contain the key-value pairs to create all the required fields.\n\n> Basically, `to_dict` is only a shortcut for the `dataclass.asdict` builtin.\n> You're welcome. Just another import you can forget. \ud83d\ude1c\n\n### `gitmoji.GitmojiList` class\n\n`GitmojiList` is a subclass of `collections.UserList` designed to store and manage sequences of the `Gitmoji` objects.\nCompared to plain Python lists, `GitmojiList` instances can be:\n* indexed by using the `name` field values of the constituting `Gitmoji` objects;\n* iterated over a selected `Gitmoji` class field or a subset of the fields at once using `iter_field` and `iter_fields` methods, respectively.\n\nFor example:\n\n```python\nfrom dataclasses import astuple\n\nfrom gitmoji import Gitmoji, GitmojiList\n\n# The data, e.g., from API or JSON file\ngitmoji_dicts = [\n    {\n        \"emoji\": \"\ud83d\udca5\",\n        \"entity\": \"💥\",\n        \"code\": \":boom:\",\n        \"description\": \"Introduce breaking changes.\",\n        \"name\": \"boom\",\n        \"semver\": \"major\",\n    },\n    {\n        \"emoji\": \"\u2728\",\n        \"entity\": \"✨\",\n        \"code\": \":sparkles:\",\n        \"description\": \"Introduce new features.\",\n        \"name\": \"sparkles\",\n        \"semver\": \"minor\",\n    },\n    {\n        \"emoji\": \"\ud83d\udc1b\",\n        \"entity\": \"🐛\",\n        \"code\": \":bug:\",\n        \"description\": \"Fix a bug.\",\n        \"name\": \"bug\",\n        \"semver\": \"patch\",\n    },\n]\n\n# List of Gitmojis\ngitmoji_list = GitmojiList(\n    [Gitmoji.from_dict(gitmoji) for gitmoji in gitmoji_dicts]\n)\n\n# Assert indexing\nfor index, gitmoji in enumerate(gitmoji_list):\n    # Standard indexing with integers\n    assert gitmoji_list[index] == gitmoji\n\n    # Indexing using `name` field\n    assert gitmoji_list[] == gitmoji\n\n# Assert iteration over a single field\nassert list(gitmoji_list.iter_field(\"emoji\")) == [\"\ud83d\udca5\", \"\u2728\", \"\ud83d\udc1b\"]\n\n# Assert iteration over a subset of fields\nassert list(gitmoji_list.iter_fields(\"emoji\", \"code\")) == [\n    (\"\ud83d\udca5\", \":boom:\"),\n    (\"\u2728\", \":sparkles:\"),\n    (\"\ud83d\udc1b\", \":bug:\"),\n]\n\n# Assert iteration over all the fields\nfor item, gitmoji in zip(gitmoji_list.iter_fields(), gitmoji_list):\n    assert item == astuple(gitmoji)\n```\n\n> The `Gitmoji` class fields to be used in indexing `GitmojiList` objects can be modified by overriding the latter's private `_index_fields` attribute.\n> For example, if you prefer to access the `data` items with the `code` values, just call `GitmojiList._index_fields = (\"code\",)` before creating the instances.\n> Note that this attribute is of type `tuple`, so such field-based indexing can be generalized to multiple indices.\n\n### `gitmoji.gitmojis` object\n\n`gitmoji.gitmojis` refers to an instance of `GitmojiList` class with the `data` containing `Gitmoji` objects fetched from the official Gitmoji [API][gitmoji-api].\nIf there are some issues with connection or API access, the backup data is loaded from the [JSON file][gitmojis-json] installed along with the package.\n\nThe data are loaded on the fly when the object is imported.\nIf you want to download them at your code's runtime, use the implemented loader class (see `gitmoji.loaders` module for more information) or the core loading function (from the `gitmoji.core` module):\n\n```python\nfrom gitmoji import gitmojis  # That's it! Loading done (recommended)\n\n# Import the tools\nfrom gitmoji.core import get_gitmojis\nfrom gitmoji.loaders import GitmojiApiLoader\n\n# `GitmojiApiLoader` is a callable class\nload_gitmojis = GitmojiApiLoader()\n\n# Loading at runtime (may fail due to connection or response errors)\ngitmojis = load_gitmojis()\n\n# Load Gitmoji from the API, **OR** the backup file\n# This is exactly what's happening at the `gitmoji` module's import\ngitmojis = get_gitmojis()\n```\n\n### CLI\n\n#### `dump-gitmoji-api`\n\nThe backup file can be kept up-to-date with the official API by using `dump-gitmoji-api` command:\n\n```console\n$ dump-gitmoji-api --help\n\nUsage: dump-gitmoji-api [OPTIONS]\n\nOptions:\n  --dry-run  Show the JSON file update summary, but do not make the actual dump.\n  --dev      Dump the API to the repository's backup, not the installed one.\n  --help     Show this message and exit.\n```\n\nIf no updates are available, the command simply notifies about that fact:\n\n```console\n$ dump-gitmoji-api\n\ud83d\ude0e The JSON backup is up-to-date with the Gitmoji API. \u2705\n```\n\nIf there are some changes (for example, let's say that \"\ud83e\uddba\" is added to and \"\ud83e\udd16\" is discarded from the API), the command echos the summary message in the markdown format and actually updates the backup JSON file:\n\n```console\n$ dump-gitmoji-api\n## Gitmoji API dumped! \ud83c\udf89\n\nThe official Gitmoji [API][gitmoji-api] has been dumped to the repo's backup file! \ud83d\uddc3\ufe0f\n\n### \u2795 Added\n\n* \ud83e\uddba `:safety_vest:` – Add or update code related to validation.\n\n### \u2796 Removed\n\n* \ud83e\udd16 `:robot:` – Add or update Dependabot configuration.\n\n[gitmoji-api]:\n```\n\nNote that the `dump-gitmoji-api` command updates the JSON file which is a part of `python-gitmoji` package *installed* in your Python environment.\nSo, if you (for some reason) want to experiment with it, make sure that you know what you're doing and check whether you have the appropriate permissions.\n\nAlternatively, if you want to just check whether the API has been changed, run the script with `--dry-run` flag.\nThis will echo the notifications without touching the files.\nFinally, if you're work with a clone of this repository, you can add `--dev` flag to update NOT the backup file of the installed package, but the backup file of the clone.\nIf the API is dumped, you will see the changes in the backup file as you call `git status`.\n\n### Automation\n\nThe API state is scheduled to be compared to the JSON backup file every week.\nThis is implemented by executing `dump-gitmoji-api` command at GitHub Actions runner.\nThe respective [workflow][github-dump-gitmojis-api] automatically applies the update and opens pull request commented using the command's output message.\n\nEvery update of the backup file is followed by the version bump.\n\n> \ud83d\udea8 Every update of the backup file is followed by the version bump.\n>\n> Therefore, to stay tuned with the Gitmoji API backed up by this library, you should update `python-gitmoji` systematically.\n> This particularly concerns the developers, who work with local repositories most of the time.\n\n## Contributing\n\nThis is an open-source project, so it welcomes all kinds of contributions.\nFeel free to open an issue by filing a bug or proposing new (or enhancing existing) functionality.\nCheck out the [Contributing Guide][contributing-guide] for detailed instructions.\n\nAll contributors must follow the project's [Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct].\nIt's not as complicated as it looks; just be kind and understanding to others! \ud83d\ude42\n\n## Authors\n\nCreated by [@paduszyk][paduszyk].\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT License][license].\n\n[black]:\n[carlosquesta]:\n[code-of-conduct]:\n[codecov]:\n[contributing-guide]:\n[emoji]:\n[emoji-cheat-sheet]:\n[github-emoji-api]:\n[github-dump-gitmojis-api]:\n[github-lint-package]:\n[github-test-package]:\n[gitmoji-api]:\n[gitmoji-repo]:\n[gitmoji-tools]:\n[gitmoji-website]:\n[gitmojis-json]:\n[license]:\n[mypy]:\n[nox]:\n[paduszyk]:\n[pep-557]:\n[]:\n[pypi]:\n[ruff]:\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
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    "summary": "\ud83d\ude1c A helper package to apply and manage Gitmojis in Python projects \ud83d\udc0d",
    "version": "1.0.1",
    "project_urls": {
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Elapsed time: 0.12507s