
Namepython-highcharts-excentis JSON
Version 0.4.3b20230324 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPython Highcharts wrapper
upload_time2023-03-24 14:37:31
maintainerExcentis Software
authorKyper Developers
keywords python ipython highcharts chart visualization graph javascript html
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # python-highcharts [![CircleCI](](

## License

The python-highcharts wrapper is licensed under the [MIT license](

However, please be aware that the Highcharts project itself, as well as Highmaps and Highstock, are only free for non-commercial use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. Commercial use requires the purchase of a separate license. Pop over to [Highcharts]( for more information.

## Overview

python-highcharts is a simple translation layer between Python and Javascript for Highcharts projects (highcharts, highmaps, and highstocks).

In addition, python-highcharts integrates with [Jupyter notebook](, which enables you to render Highcharts, Highmaps, and Highstock visualizations directly in notebooks. See examples [here](

The original framework was inspired by [python-nvd3]( and [PyHighcharts](

## Installation

python-highcharts supports Python 2.7/3.4+ and is available on PyPI. To install:
pip install python-highcharts

# Highcharts/Highstock

## Basic Usage

Usage of python-highcharts is very similar to usage of the original Javascript library. 

The main input is a python dictionary similar to Highcharts's 'options' object. The dictionary supports most options listed in the official [Highcharts documentation]( 

However, the data_set(s) need to be input by a separate function.

from highcharts import Highchart

# A chart is the container that your data will be rendered in, it can (obviously) support multiple data series within it.
chart = Highchart()

# Adding a series requires at minimum an array of data points. 
# You can also change the series type, the name, or other series options as kwargs.
data = range(1,20)
chart.add_data_set(data, series_type='line', name='Example Series')

# This will generate and save a .html file at the location you assign

You can add chart options using set_options. Ex:
chart.set_options('chart', {'resetZoomButton': {'relativeTo': 'plot', 'position': {'x': 0,'y': -30}}})
chart.set_options('xAxis', {'events': {'afterBreaks': 'function(e){return}'}})
chart.set_options('tooltip', {'formatter': 'default_tooltip'})

The set_options function can update the options automatically if you input the same option_type. Ex:
chart.set_options('chart', {'style': {"fontSize": '22px'}})
chart.set_options('chart', {'resetZoomButton': {'position': {'x': 10}}})
chart.set_options('chart', {'resetZoomButton': {'relativeTo': 'chart'}})
chart.set_options('xAxis', {'plotBands': {'color': '#FCFFC5', 'from': 2, 'to': 4}})
chart.set_options('xAxis', {'plotBands': {'color': '#FCFFC5', 'from': 6, 'to': 8}})
chart.set_options('xAxis', {'plotBands': {'color': '#FCFFC5', 'from': 10, 'to': 12}})

However, the better practice is to construct chart options by a dictionary (as Highcharts suggests: and then input by the set_dict_options function. Ex:
options = {
    'title': {
        'text': 'Atmosphere Temperature by Altitude'
    'subtitle': {
        'text': 'According to the Standard Atmosphere Model'
    'xAxis': {
        'reversed': False,
        'title': {
            'enabled': True,
            'text': 'Altitude'
        'labels': {
            'formatter': 'function () {\
                return this.value + "km";\
        'maxPadding': 0.05,
        'showLastLabel': True
    'yAxis': {
        'title': {
            'text': 'Temperature'
        'labels': {
            'formatter': "function () {\
                return this.value + '°';\
        'lineWidth': 2
    'legend': {
        'enabled': False
    'tooltip': {
        'headerFormat': '<b>{}</b><br/>',
        'pointFormat': '{point.x} km: {point.y}°C'


Unlike Javascript Highcharts, the series option can't be included in the options dictionary. It needs to input by the add_data_set (and/or add_drilldown_data_set) function, Ex:
chart.add_data_set(data, 'scatter', 'Outlier', 
        'fillColor': 'white',
        'lineWidth': 1,
        'lineColor': 'Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]'
    tooltip={'pointFormat': 'Observation: {point.y}'}

chart.add_drilldown_data_set(data_2, 'column', 'Chrome', name='Chrome')

## Example Usage

from highcharts import Highchart
chart = Highchart()

chart.set_options('chart', {'inverted': True})

options = {
    'title': {
        'text': 'Atmosphere Temperature by Altitude'
    'subtitle': {
        'text': 'According to the Standard Atmosphere Model'
    'xAxis': {
        'reversed': False,
        'title': {
            'enabled': True,
            'text': 'Altitude'
        'labels': {
            'formatter': 'function () {\
                return this.value + "km";\
        'maxPadding': 0.05,
        'showLastLabel': True
    'yAxis': {
        'title': {
            'text': 'Temperature'
        'labels': {
            'formatter': "function () {\
                return this.value + '°';\
        'lineWidth': 2
    'legend': {
        'enabled': False
    'tooltip': {
        'headerFormat': '<b>{}</b><br/>',
        'pointFormat': '{point.x} km: {point.y}°C'

data =  [[0, 15], [10, -50], [20, -56.5], [30, -46.5], [40, -22.1], 
[50, -2.5], [60, -27.7], [70, -55.7], [80, -76.5]]
chart.add_data_set(data, 'spline', 'Temperature', marker={'enabled': False}) 



## Jupyter/IPython notebook

To render charts in Jupyter notebooks, simply put the chart object on the last line of a cell:

data =  [[0, 15], [10, -50], [20, -56.5], [30, -46.5], [40, -22.1], 
[50, -2.5], [60, -27.7], [70, -55.7], [80, -76.5]]
chart.add_data_set(data, 'spline', 'Temperature', marker={'enabled': False}) 


### Example notebooks:

* [Highcharts](
* [Highmaps](
* [Highstock](

## Todo:

* More charts support
* Clean code and put more explanation

Reference: [Highcharts API](

# Highmaps

## Basic Usage

Usage of python-highcharts is very similar to usage of the original Javascript library. 

The main input is a python dictionary similar to Highmaps's 'options' object. The dictionary supports most options listed in the official [Highmaps documentation]( 

However, the data_set(s) need to be input by a separate function.

from highcharts import Highmap

# A chart is the container that your data will be rendered in, it can (obviously) support multiple data series within it.
chart = Highmap()

# Adding a series requires a minimum of one argument, an array of data points
chart.add_data_set(data, series_type='map', name='Example Series')

# This will generate and save a .html file at the location you assign

Although you can add chart option using set_options, but
a better practice is to construct chart options by a dictionary (as highcharts suggests: and then input by set_dict_optoins function. Ex.

options = {
    'chart': {
        'borderWidth': 1,
        'marginRight': 50 

    'title': {
        'text': 'US Counties unemployment rates, April 2015'

    'legend': {
        'title': {
            'text': 'Unemployment<br>rate',
            'style': {
                'color': "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.textColor) || 'black'"
        'layout': 'vertical',
        'align': 'right',
        'floating': True,
        'valueDecimals': 0,
        'valueSuffix': '%',
        'backgroundColor': "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'",
        'symbolRadius': 0,
        'symbolHeight': 14

    'mapNavigation': {
        'enabled': True

    'colorAxis': {
        'dataClasses': [{
            'from': 0,
            'to': 2,
            'color': "#F1EEF6"
        }, {
            'from': 2,
            'to': 4,
            'color': "#D4B9DA"
        }, {
            'from': 4,
            'to': 6,
            'color': "#C994C7"
        }, {
            'from': 6,
            'to': 8,
            'color': "#DF65B0"
        }, {
            'from': 8,
            'to': 10,
            'color': "#DD1C77"
        }, {
            'from': 10,
            'color': "#980043"

    'plotOptions': {
        'mapData': 'geojson'

        'mapline': {
            'showInLegend': False,
            'enableMouseTracking': False



The map data is set by set_map_source function. It is recommended to use the map collection on highcharts:

For the map properties visit:

The default setting is to use the Highchart Javascript map.


# set_map_source requires a least one argument: the map data url
chart.set_map_source('', jsonp_map = False)

However, the better practice is to load map data using function in highmap_helper library 
and convert it in preparation to be added directly by the add_map or add_data_set functions. 

from highmap_helper import jsonp_loader, js_map_loader, geojson_handler

map_url = ''

# Load .js format map data from the source and convert to GeoJSON object
geojson = js_map_loader(map_url)

# Similarly, json format (jsonp) map data can be loaded using:
geojson = jsonp_loader("a_jsonp_map_url")

# Reconstruct a GeoJSON object in preparation to be read directly. 
# geojson_handler function is similar to Highcharts.geojson in Highcharts:
mapdata = geojson_handler(geojson)



The series option in Highmaps needs to be input separately using add_data_set (and/or add_drilldown_data_set) function, Ex.

chart.add_data_set(data, 'map', 'Unemployment rate', joinBy=['hc-key', 'code'], 
        'valueSuffix': '%'
    borderWidth = 0.5,
        'hover': {
            'color': '#bada55'
chart.add_drilldown_data_set(sub_data, 'map', id=mapkey, name=item['name'], 
        'enabled': True,
        'format': '{}'

The data set can be loaded directly from the url (jsonp format), but it is not recommended:
data_url = ''
chart.add_data_from_jsonp(data_url, 'json_data', 'map', 'Unemployment rate', joinBy=['hc-key', 'code'], 
        'valueSuffix': '%'
    borderWidth = 0.5,
        'hover': {
            'color': '#bada55'


Furthermore, python-highcharts has a function to add Javascript in the beginning or the end of JQuery body: $(function(){},
but, again, it is not recommended unless it is really necessary. 

# function requires at least two arguments: script (javascript) and location ('head' or 'end')
chart.add_JSscript("var lines = Highcharts.geojson(Highcharts.maps['countries/us/us-all-all'], 'mapline');", 'head')

## Examples

Bad practice: 
1) load data directly and handle it in Javascript 2) insert javascript into thea head 3) use unquote function RawJavaScriptText to prepare Javascript:
from highcharts import Highmap
from common import RawJavaScriptText

chart = Highmap()

options = {
    'chart': {
        'borderWidth': 1,
        'marginRight': 50 
    'title': {
        'text': 'US Counties unemployment rates, April 2015'
    'legend': {
        'title': {
            'text': 'Unemployment<br>rate',
            'style': {
                'color': "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.textColor) || 'black'"
        'layout': 'vertical',
        'align': 'right',
        'floating': True,
        'valueDecimals': 0,
        'valueSuffix': '%',
        'backgroundColor': "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'",
        'symbolRadius': 0,
        'symbolHeight': 14
    'mapNavigation': {
        'enabled': True
    'colorAxis': {
        'dataClasses': [{
            'from': 0,
            'to': 2,
            'color': "#F1EEF6"
        }, {
            'from': 2,
            'to': 4,
            'color': "#D4B9DA"
        }, {
            'from': 4,
            'to': 6,
            'color': "#C994C7"
        }, {
            'from': 6,
            'to': 8,
            'color': "#DF65B0"
        }, {
            'from': 8,
            'to': 10,
            'color': "#DD1C77"
        }, {
            'from': 10,
            'color': "#980043"
    'plotOptions': {
        'mapline': {
            'showInLegend': False,
            'enableMouseTracking': False

data_url = ''
chart.add_data_from_jsonp(data_url, 'json_data', 'map', 'Unemployment rate', 
    joinBy=['hc-key', 'code'], 
    tooltip={'valueSuffix': '%'},
    states={'hover': {'color': '#bada55'}}
chart.add_data_set(RawJavaScriptText('[lines[0]]'), 'mapline', 'State borders', color = 'white')
chart.add_data_set(RawJavaScriptText('[lines[1]]'), 'mapline', 'Separator', color = 'gray')
chart.set_map_source('', jsonp_map = False)
chart.add_JSscript("var lines = Highcharts.geojson(Highcharts.maps['countries/us/us-all-all'], 'mapline');", 'head')
chart.add_JSscript("Highcharts.each(geojson, function (mapPoint) {\ = + ', ' +['hc-key'].substr(3, 2);\
});", 'head')


Better practice: 

from highcharts import Highmap
from highmap_helper import jsonp_loader, js_map_loader, geojson_handler

chart = Highmap()
options = {
    'chart': {
        'borderWidth': 1,
        'marginRight': 50 
    'title': {
        'text': 'US Counties unemployment rates, April 2015'
    'legend': {
        'title': {
            'text': 'Unemployment<br>rate',
            'style': {
                'color': "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.textColor) || 'black'"
        'layout': 'vertical',
        'align': 'right',
        'floating': True,
        'valueDecimals': 0,
        'valueSuffix': '%',
        'backgroundColor': "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'",
        'symbolRadius': 0,
        'symbolHeight': 14
    'mapNavigation': {
        'enabled': True
    'colorAxis': {
        'dataClasses': [{
            'from': 0,
            'to': 2,
            'color': "#F1EEF6"
        }, {
            'from': 2,
            'to': 4,
            'color': "#D4B9DA"
        }, {
            'from': 4,
            'to': 6,
            'color': "#C994C7"
        }, {
            'from': 6,
            'to': 8,
            'color': "#DF65B0"
        }, {
            'from': 8,
            'to': 10,
            'color': "#DD1C77"
        }, {
            'from': 10,
            'color': "#980043"
    'plotOptions': {
            'mapData': 'geojson'
        'mapline': {
            'showInLegend': False,
            'enableMouseTracking': False


# read data and map directly from url
data_url = ''
map_url = ''

data = jsonp_loader(data_url)
geojson = js_map_loader(map_url)
mapdata = geojson_handler(geojson)
lines = geojson_handler(geojson, 'mapline')
for x in mapdata:
    x.update({'name':x['name']+', '+x['properties']['hc-key'].split('-')[1].upper()})

#map(lambda x: x['properties'].update({'name':x['properties']['name']+', '+x['properties']['hc-key'].split('-')[1]}), geojson['features'])

chart.add_data_set(data, 'map', 'Unemployment rate', joinBy = ['hc-key', 'code'], 
    tooltip={'valueSuffix': '%'},
        'hover': {
            'color': '#bada55'
chart.add_data_set([lines[0]], 'mapline', 'State borders', color = 'white')
chart.add_data_set([lines[3]], 'mapline', 'Separator', color = 'gray')



## Todo:

* More examples
* Clean code and put more explanation

Reference: [Highcharts API](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "python-highcharts-excentis",
    "maintainer": "Excentis Software",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "python,ipython,highcharts,chart,visualization,graph,javascript,html",
    "author": "Kyper Developers",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# python-highcharts [![CircleCI](](\n\n## License\n\nThe python-highcharts wrapper is licensed under the [MIT license](\n\nHowever, please be aware that the Highcharts project itself, as well as Highmaps and Highstock, are only free for non-commercial use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. Commercial use requires the purchase of a separate license. Pop over to [Highcharts]( for more information.\n\n## Overview\n\npython-highcharts is a simple translation layer between Python and Javascript for Highcharts projects (highcharts, highmaps, and highstocks).\n\nIn addition, python-highcharts integrates with [Jupyter notebook](, which enables you to render Highcharts, Highmaps, and Highstock visualizations directly in notebooks. See examples [here](\n\nThe original framework was inspired by [python-nvd3]( and [PyHighcharts](\n\n## Installation\n\npython-highcharts supports Python 2.7/3.4+ and is available on PyPI. To install:\n```\npip install python-highcharts\n```\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# Highcharts/Highstock\n\n## Basic Usage\n\nUsage of python-highcharts is very similar to usage of the original Javascript library. \n\nThe main input is a python dictionary similar to Highcharts's 'options' object. The dictionary supports most options listed in the official [Highcharts documentation]( \n\nHowever, the data_set(s) need to be input by a separate function.\n\n```python\nfrom highcharts import Highchart\n\n# A chart is the container that your data will be rendered in, it can (obviously) support multiple data series within it.\nchart = Highchart()\n\n# Adding a series requires at minimum an array of data points. \n# You can also change the series type, the name, or other series options as kwargs.\ndata = range(1,20)\nchart.add_data_set(data, series_type='line', name='Example Series')\n\n# This will generate and save a .html file at the location you assign\nchart.save_file()\n```\n\nYou can add chart options using set_options. Ex:\n```python\nchart.set_options('chart', {'resetZoomButton': {'relativeTo': 'plot', 'position': {'x': 0,'y': -30}}})\nchart.set_options('xAxis', {'events': {'afterBreaks': 'function(e){return}'}})\nchart.set_options('tooltip', {'formatter': 'default_tooltip'})\n```\n\nThe set_options function can update the options automatically if you input the same option_type. Ex:\n```python\nchart.set_options('chart', {'style': {\"fontSize\": '22px'}})\nchart.set_options('chart', {'resetZoomButton': {'position': {'x': 10}}})\nchart.set_options('chart', {'resetZoomButton': {'relativeTo': 'chart'}})\nchart.set_options('xAxis', {'plotBands': {'color': '#FCFFC5', 'from': 2, 'to': 4}})\nchart.set_options('xAxis', {'plotBands': {'color': '#FCFFC5', 'from': 6, 'to': 8}})\nchart.set_options('xAxis', {'plotBands': {'color': '#FCFFC5', 'from': 10, 'to': 12}})\n```\n\nHowever, the better practice is to construct chart options by a dictionary (as Highcharts suggests: and then input by the set_dict_options function. Ex:\n```python\noptions = {\n    'title': {\n        'text': 'Atmosphere Temperature by Altitude'\n    },\n    'subtitle': {\n        'text': 'According to the Standard Atmosphere Model'\n    },\n    'xAxis': {\n        'reversed': False,\n        'title': {\n            'enabled': True,\n            'text': 'Altitude'\n        },\n        'labels': {\n            'formatter': 'function () {\\\n                return this.value + \"km\";\\\n            }'\n        },\n        'maxPadding': 0.05,\n        'showLastLabel': True\n    },\n    'yAxis': {\n        'title': {\n            'text': 'Temperature'\n        },\n        'labels': {\n            'formatter': \"function () {\\\n                return this.value + '\u00b0';\\\n            }\"\n        },\n        'lineWidth': 2\n    },\n    'legend': {\n        'enabled': False\n    },\n    'tooltip': {\n        'headerFormat': '<b>{}</b><br/>',\n        'pointFormat': '{point.x} km: {point.y}\u00b0C'\n    }\n}\n\nchart.set_dict_options(options)\n```\n\nUnlike Javascript Highcharts, the series option can't be included in the options dictionary. It needs to input by the add_data_set (and/or add_drilldown_data_set) function, Ex:\n```python\nchart.add_data_set(data, 'scatter', 'Outlier', \n    marker={\n        'fillColor': 'white',\n        'lineWidth': 1,\n        'lineColor': 'Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]'\n    },\n    tooltip={'pointFormat': 'Observation: {point.y}'}\n)\n\nchart.add_drilldown_data_set(data_2, 'column', 'Chrome', name='Chrome')\n```\n\n\n## Example Usage\n\n```python\nfrom highcharts import Highchart\nchart = Highchart()\n\nchart.set_options('chart', {'inverted': True})\n\noptions = {\n    'title': {\n        'text': 'Atmosphere Temperature by Altitude'\n    },\n    'subtitle': {\n        'text': 'According to the Standard Atmosphere Model'\n    },\n    'xAxis': {\n        'reversed': False,\n        'title': {\n            'enabled': True,\n            'text': 'Altitude'\n        },\n        'labels': {\n            'formatter': 'function () {\\\n                return this.value + \"km\";\\\n            }'\n        },\n        'maxPadding': 0.05,\n        'showLastLabel': True\n    },\n    'yAxis': {\n        'title': {\n            'text': 'Temperature'\n        },\n        'labels': {\n            'formatter': \"function () {\\\n                return this.value + '\u00b0';\\\n            }\"\n        },\n        'lineWidth': 2\n    },\n    'legend': {\n        'enabled': False\n    },\n    'tooltip': {\n        'headerFormat': '<b>{}</b><br/>',\n        'pointFormat': '{point.x} km: {point.y}\u00b0C'\n    }\n}\n\nchart.set_dict_options(options)\ndata =  [[0, 15], [10, -50], [20, -56.5], [30, -46.5], [40, -22.1], \n[50, -2.5], [60, -27.7], [70, -55.7], [80, -76.5]]\nchart.add_data_set(data, 'spline', 'Temperature', marker={'enabled': False}) \n\nchart.save_file()\n\n```\n\n## Jupyter/IPython notebook\n\nTo render charts in Jupyter notebooks, simply put the chart object on the last line of a cell:\n\n```python\nchart.set_dict_options(options)\ndata =  [[0, 15], [10, -50], [20, -56.5], [30, -46.5], [40, -22.1], \n[50, -2.5], [60, -27.7], [70, -55.7], [80, -76.5]]\nchart.add_data_set(data, 'spline', 'Temperature', marker={'enabled': False}) \n\nchart\n```\n\n### Example notebooks:\n\n* [Highcharts](\n* [Highmaps](\n* [Highstock](\n\n## Todo:\n\n* More charts support\n* Clean code and put more explanation\n\nReference: [Highcharts API](\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# Highmaps\n\n## Basic Usage\n\nUsage of python-highcharts is very similar to usage of the original Javascript library. \n\nThe main input is a python dictionary similar to Highmaps's 'options' object. The dictionary supports most options listed in the official [Highmaps documentation]( \n\nHowever, the data_set(s) need to be input by a separate function.\n\n```python\nfrom highcharts import Highmap\n\n# A chart is the container that your data will be rendered in, it can (obviously) support multiple data series within it.\nchart = Highmap()\n\n# Adding a series requires a minimum of one argument, an array of data points\nchart.add_data_set(data, series_type='map', name='Example Series')\n\n# This will generate and save a .html file at the location you assign\nchart.save_file()\n```\n\nAlthough you can add chart option using set_options, but\na better practice is to construct chart options by a dictionary (as highcharts suggests: and then input by set_dict_optoins function. Ex.\n\n```python\noptions = {\n    'chart': {\n        'borderWidth': 1,\n        'marginRight': 50 \n    },\n\n    'title': {\n        'text': 'US Counties unemployment rates, April 2015'\n    },\n\n    'legend': {\n        'title': {\n            'text': 'Unemployment<br>rate',\n            'style': {\n                'color': \"(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.textColor) || 'black'\"\n            }\n        },\n        'layout': 'vertical',\n        'align': 'right',\n        'floating': True,\n        'valueDecimals': 0,\n        'valueSuffix': '%',\n        'backgroundColor': \"(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'\",\n        'symbolRadius': 0,\n        'symbolHeight': 14\n    },\n\n    'mapNavigation': {\n        'enabled': True\n    },\n\n    'colorAxis': {\n        'dataClasses': [{\n            'from': 0,\n            'to': 2,\n            'color': \"#F1EEF6\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 2,\n            'to': 4,\n            'color': \"#D4B9DA\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 4,\n            'to': 6,\n            'color': \"#C994C7\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 6,\n            'to': 8,\n            'color': \"#DF65B0\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 8,\n            'to': 10,\n            'color': \"#DD1C77\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 10,\n            'color': \"#980043\"\n        }]\n    },\n\n    'plotOptions': {\n        'map':{\n        'mapData': 'geojson'\n\n        },\n        'mapline': {\n            'showInLegend': False,\n            'enableMouseTracking': False\n        }\n    },\n} \n\nchart.set_dict_options(options)\n\n```\n\nThe map data is set by set_map_source function. It is recommended to use the map collection on highcharts:\n\nFor the map properties visit:\n\nThe default setting is to use the Highchart Javascript map.\n\n```python\n\n# set_map_source requires a least one argument: the map data url\nchart.set_map_source('', jsonp_map = False)\n```\n\nHowever, the better practice is to load map data using function in highmap_helper library \nand convert it in preparation to be added directly by the add_map or add_data_set functions. \n\n```python\nfrom highmap_helper import jsonp_loader, js_map_loader, geojson_handler\n\nmap_url = ''\n\n# Load .js format map data from the source and convert to GeoJSON object\ngeojson = js_map_loader(map_url)\n\n# Similarly, json format (jsonp) map data can be loaded using:\ngeojson = jsonp_loader(\"a_jsonp_map_url\")\n\n# Reconstruct a GeoJSON object in preparation to be read directly. \n# geojson_handler function is similar to Highcharts.geojson in Highcharts:\nmapdata = geojson_handler(geojson)\n\nchart.add_map_data(mapdata)\n\n```\n\nThe series option in Highmaps needs to be input separately using add_data_set (and/or add_drilldown_data_set) function, Ex.\n\n```python\nchart.add_data_set(data, 'map', 'Unemployment rate', joinBy=['hc-key', 'code'], \n    tooltip={\n        'valueSuffix': '%'\n    },\n    borderWidth = 0.5,\n    states={\n        'hover': {\n            'color': '#bada55'\n        }\n    }\n)\nchart.add_drilldown_data_set(sub_data, 'map', id=mapkey, name=item['name'], \n    dataLabels={\n        'enabled': True,\n        'format': '{}'\n    }\n)\n```\n\nThe data set can be loaded directly from the url (jsonp format), but it is not recommended:\n```python\ndata_url = ''\nchart.add_data_from_jsonp(data_url, 'json_data', 'map', 'Unemployment rate', joinBy=['hc-key', 'code'], \n    tooltip={\n        'valueSuffix': '%'\n    },\n    borderWidth = 0.5,\n    states={\n        'hover': {\n            'color': '#bada55'\n        }\n    }\n)\n\n```\n\nFurthermore, python-highcharts has a function to add Javascript in the beginning or the end of JQuery body: $(function(){},\nbut, again, it is not recommended unless it is really necessary. \n\n```python\n# function requires at least two arguments: script (javascript) and location ('head' or 'end')\nchart.add_JSscript(\"var lines = Highcharts.geojson(Highcharts.maps['countries/us/us-all-all'], 'mapline');\", 'head')\n```\n\n## Examples\n\nBad practice: \n1) load data directly and handle it in Javascript 2) insert javascript into thea head 3) use unquote function RawJavaScriptText to prepare Javascript:\n```python\nfrom highcharts import Highmap\nfrom common import RawJavaScriptText\n\nchart = Highmap()\n\noptions = {\n    'chart': {\n        'borderWidth': 1,\n        'marginRight': 50 \n    },\n    'title': {\n        'text': 'US Counties unemployment rates, April 2015'\n    },\n    'legend': {\n        'title': {\n            'text': 'Unemployment<br>rate',\n            'style': {\n                'color': \"(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.textColor) || 'black'\"\n            }\n        },\n        'layout': 'vertical',\n        'align': 'right',\n        'floating': True,\n        'valueDecimals': 0,\n        'valueSuffix': '%',\n        'backgroundColor': \"(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'\",\n        'symbolRadius': 0,\n        'symbolHeight': 14\n    },\n    'mapNavigation': {\n        'enabled': True\n    },\n    'colorAxis': {\n        'dataClasses': [{\n            'from': 0,\n            'to': 2,\n            'color': \"#F1EEF6\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 2,\n            'to': 4,\n            'color': \"#D4B9DA\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 4,\n            'to': 6,\n            'color': \"#C994C7\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 6,\n            'to': 8,\n            'color': \"#DF65B0\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 8,\n            'to': 10,\n            'color': \"#DD1C77\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 10,\n            'color': \"#980043\"\n        }]\n    },\n    'plotOptions': {\n        'mapline': {\n            'showInLegend': False,\n            'enableMouseTracking': False\n        }\n    }\n} \n\nchart.set_dict_options(options)\ndata_url = ''\nchart.add_data_from_jsonp(data_url, 'json_data', 'map', 'Unemployment rate', \n    joinBy=['hc-key', 'code'], \n    tooltip={'valueSuffix': '%'},\n    borderWidth=0.5,\n    states={'hover': {'color': '#bada55'}}\n)\nchart.add_data_set(RawJavaScriptText('[lines[0]]'), 'mapline', 'State borders', color = 'white')\nchart.add_data_set(RawJavaScriptText('[lines[1]]'), 'mapline', 'Separator', color = 'gray')\nchart.set_map_source('', jsonp_map = False)\nchart.add_JSscript(\"var lines = Highcharts.geojson(Highcharts.maps['countries/us/us-all-all'], 'mapline');\", 'head')\nchart.add_JSscript(\"Highcharts.each(geojson, function (mapPoint) {\\\n = + ', ' +['hc-key'].substr(3, 2);\\\n});\", 'head')\n\nchart.save_file()\n```\n\nBetter practice: \n```python\n\nfrom highcharts import Highmap\nfrom highmap_helper import jsonp_loader, js_map_loader, geojson_handler\n\nchart = Highmap()\noptions = {\n    'chart': {\n        'borderWidth': 1,\n        'marginRight': 50 \n    },\n    'title': {\n        'text': 'US Counties unemployment rates, April 2015'\n    },\n    'legend': {\n        'title': {\n            'text': 'Unemployment<br>rate',\n            'style': {\n                'color': \"(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.textColor) || 'black'\"\n            }\n        },\n        'layout': 'vertical',\n        'align': 'right',\n        'floating': True,\n        'valueDecimals': 0,\n        'valueSuffix': '%',\n        'backgroundColor': \"(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'\",\n        'symbolRadius': 0,\n        'symbolHeight': 14\n    },\n    'mapNavigation': {\n        'enabled': True\n    },\n    'colorAxis': {\n        'dataClasses': [{\n            'from': 0,\n            'to': 2,\n            'color': \"#F1EEF6\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 2,\n            'to': 4,\n            'color': \"#D4B9DA\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 4,\n            'to': 6,\n            'color': \"#C994C7\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 6,\n            'to': 8,\n            'color': \"#DF65B0\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 8,\n            'to': 10,\n            'color': \"#DD1C77\"\n        }, {\n            'from': 10,\n            'color': \"#980043\"\n        }]\n    },\n    'plotOptions': {\n        'map':{\n            'mapData': 'geojson'\n        },\n        'mapline': {\n            'showInLegend': False,\n            'enableMouseTracking': False\n        }\n    }\n} \n\nchart.set_dict_options(options)\n\n# read data and map directly from url\ndata_url = ''\nmap_url = ''\n\ndata = jsonp_loader(data_url)\ngeojson = js_map_loader(map_url)\nmapdata = geojson_handler(geojson)\nlines = geojson_handler(geojson, 'mapline')\nfor x in mapdata:\n    x.update({'name':x['name']+', '+x['properties']['hc-key'].split('-')[1].upper()})\n\n#map(lambda x: x['properties'].update({'name':x['properties']['name']+', '+x['properties']['hc-key'].split('-')[1]}), geojson['features'])\n\nchart.add_data_set(data, 'map', 'Unemployment rate', joinBy = ['hc-key', 'code'], \n    tooltip={'valueSuffix': '%'},\n    borderWidth=0.5,\n    states={\n        'hover': {\n            'color': '#bada55'\n        }\n    }\n)\nchart.add_data_set([lines[0]], 'mapline', 'State borders', color = 'white')\nchart.add_data_set([lines[3]], 'mapline', 'Separator', color = 'gray')\nchart.add_map_data(mapdata)\n\nchart.save_file()\n\n```\n\n## Todo:\n\n* More examples\n* Clean code and put more explanation\n\nReference: [Highcharts API](\n\n\n",
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