
Namepywerview JSON
Version 0.6.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA Python port of PowerSploit's PowerView
upload_time2024-06-12 08:17:35
authorYannick Méheut
licenseGNU GPLv3
keywords python powersploit pentesting recon active directory windows
requirements impacket beautifulsoup4 lxml pyasn1 ldap3 gssapi pycryptodome
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # PywerView
      ____                        __     ___
     |  _ \ _   ___      _____ _ _\ \   / (_) _____      __
     | |_) | | | \ \ /\ / / _ \ '__\ \ / /| |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
     |  __/| |_| |\ V  V /  __/ |   \ V / | |  __/\ V  V /
     |_|    \__, | \_/\_/ \___|_|    \_/  |_|\___| \_/\_/

A (partial) Python rewriting of [PowerSploit]('s

Fork me on [GitHub](

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As a pentester, I love using PowerView during my assignments. It makes it so
easy to find vulnerable machines, or list what domain users were added to the
local Administrators group of a machine, and much more.

However, running PowerView on a computer which is not connected to the domain
is a pain: I always find myself using [mimikatz]('s
`sekurlsa::pth` to run a Powershell prompt with stolen domain credentials, and
that's not easy to script. Plus, I'm a Linux guy and I've always found it a
shame that there were no complete Windows/Active Directory enumeration tool on

That's why I decided to rewrite some of PowerView's functionalities in Python,
using the wonderful [impacket](

*Update:* I haven't tested the last version of PowerView yet, which can run
from a machine not connected to a domain. I don't know if it works correctly
under Linux using Powershell. If anyone has had any experience with this at all,
you can contact me, I'm really interested. We'll see if pywerview has become
obsoleted ;) but I think I'll continue working on it eitherway: I'd still
rather use Python than Powershell on Linux, and I'm learning a lot! Plus, it
may integrated in existing Linux tools written in Python. It's still great news
that PowerView now supports machines not connected to the domain!


This tool is far from complete (as you'll see in the [TODO](#todo) section)! I
still have a lot more awesome PowerView functionalities to implement (the user
hunting functions, the GPO functions, the local process enumeration, etc.),
but I still think it can be useful as is.

It's also (very) possible that there are (many) bugs in the code: I've only
tested the simplest test cases. If you use this tool during an assignment and
you get an error, please, open an issue with the error and the conditions that
triggered this error.

Also, blah blah blah, don't use it for evil purposes.


* Python 3.6
* impacket >= 0.9.22
* ldap3 >= 2.8.1
* gssapi (Which requires `libkrb5-dev`)
* pycryptodomex (or pycryptodome)


If you like living on the bleeding edge, check out the
[development branch](

Here's the list of available commands:

    $ ./ --help
    usage: [-h]

    Rewriting of some PowerView's functionalities in Python

      -h, --help            show this help message and exit

      Available subcommands

        get-adobject        Takes a domain SID, samAccountName or name, and return the associated object
        get-objectowner     Takes a domain SID, samAccountName or name, and return the associated object owner
        get-netgmsa         Returns a list of all the gMSA of the specified domain. To retrieve passwords, you need a privileged account and a TLS connection to the LDAP server (use the --tls switch).
        get-netsmsa         Returns a list of all the sMSA of the specified domain.
        get-objectacl       Takes a domain SID, samAccountName or name, and return the ACL of the associated object
        get-netuser         Queries information about a domain user
        get-netgroup        Get a list of all current domain groups, or a list of groups a domain user is member of
        get-netcomputer     Queries informations about domain computers
                            Get a list of domain controllers for the given domain
        get-netfileserver   Return a list of file servers, extracted from the domain users' homeDirectory, scriptPath, and profilePath fields
        get-dfsshare        Return a list of all fault tolerant distributed file systems for a given domain
        get-netou           Get a list of all current OUs in the domain
        get-netsite         Get a list of all current sites in the domain
        get-netsubnet       Get a list of all current subnets in the domain
        get-netdomaintrust  Returns a list of all the trusts of the specified domain
        get-netgpo          Get a list of all current GPOs in the domain
        get-netpso          Get a list of all current PSOs in the domain
        get-domainpolicy    Returns the default domain or DC policy for the queried domain or DC
        get-gpttmpl         Helper to parse a GptTmpl.inf policy file path into a custom object
        get-netgpogroup     Parses all GPOs in the domain that set "Restricted Group" or "Groups.xml"
                            Takes a computer (or OU) and determine who has administrative access to it via GPO
        find-gpolocation    Takes a username or a group name and determine the computers it has administrative access to via GPO
        get-netgroupmember  Return a list of members of a domain group
        get-netsession      Queries a host to return a list of active sessions on the host (you can use local credentials instead of domain credentials)
        get-localdisks      Queries a host to return a list of active disks on the host (you can use local credentials instead of domain credentials)
        get-netdomain       Queries a host for available domains
        get-netshare        Queries a host to return a list of available shares on the host (you can use local credentials instead of domain credentials)
        get-netloggedon     This function will execute the NetWkstaUserEnum RPC call to query a given host for actively logged on users
        get-netlocalgroup   Gets a list of members of a local group on a machine, or returns every local group. You can use local credentials instead of domain credentials, however, domain credentials are needed
                            to resolve domain SIDs.
                            Checks if the given user has local admin access on the given host
        get-netprocess      This function will execute the 'Select * from Win32_Process' WMI query to a given host for a list of executed process
        get-userevent       This function will execute the 'SELECT * from Win32_NTLogEvent' WMI query to a given host for a list of executed process
        invoke-userhunter   Finds which machines domain users are logged into
                            Searches machines for processes with specific name, or ran by specific users
        invoke-eventhunter  Searches machines for events with specific name, or ran by specific users

Take a look at the [wiki]( to
see a more detailed usage of every command.

*Attention:* in every command, the used domain name must be the post-Win2k UPN,
and not the Win2k compatible name.

For example, my domain name is `uselessdomain.local`. The Win2K compatible name
is `USELESSDOMAIN`. In every command,  I must use __`uselessdomain.local`__ as
an argument, and __not__ `USELESSDOMAIN`.


### Logging

You can provide a logging level to `pywerview` modules by using `-l` or `--logging-level` options. Supported levels are:

* `CRITICAL`: Only critical errors are displayed **(default)**
* `WARNING` Warnings are displayed, along with citical errors
* `DEBUG`: Debug level (caution: **very** verbose)
* `ULTRA`: Extreme debugging level (caution: **very very** verbose)

(level names are case insensitive)

### Kerberos authentication

Kerberos authentication is now (partially) supported, which means you can
pass the ticket and other stuff. To authenticate via Kerberos:

1. Point the `KRB5CCNAME` environment variable to your cache credential file.
2. Use the `-k` option in your function call, or the `do_kerberos` in your
   library call.

$ klist stormtroopers.ccache
Ticket cache: FILE:stormtroopers.ccache
Default principal: stormtroopers@CONTOSO.COM

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
10/03/2022 16:46:45  11/03/2022 02:46:45  ldap/
	renew until 11/03/2022 16:43:17
$ KRB5CCNAME=stormtroopers.ccache python3 get-netcomputer -t -u stormtroopers -k 






If your cache credential file contains a corresponding TGS, or a TGT for your
calling user, Kerberos authentication will be used.

__SPN patching is partial__. Right now, we're in a mixed configuration where we
use `ldap3` for LDAP commands and `impacket` for the other protocols (SMB,
RPC). That is because `impacket`'s LDAP implementation has several problems,
such as mismanagement of non-ASCII characters (which is problematic for us

`ldap3` uses `gssapi` to authenticate with Kerberos, and `gssapi` needs the
full hostname in the SPN of a ticket, otherwise it throws an error. It would
be possible to patch an SPN with an incomplete hostname, however it's not done
for now.

For any functions that only rely on `impacket` (SMB or RPC functions), you can
use tickets with SPNs with an incomplete hostname. In the following example, we
use an LDAP ticket with an incomplete hostname for an SMB function, without any
trouble. You just have to make sure that the `--computername` argument matches
this incomplete hostname in the SPN:

$ klist skywalker.ccache
Ticket cache: FILE:skywalker.ccache
Default principal: skywalker@CONTOSO.COM

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
13/04/2022 14:26:59  14/04/2022 00:26:58  ldap/srv-ad@CONTOSO.COM
	renew until 14/04/2022 14:23:29
$ KRB5CCNAME=skywalker.ccache python3 get-localdisks --computername srv-ad -u skywalker -k  
disk: A: 

disk: C: 

disk: D:

To recap:

|           SPN in the ticket           | Can be used with LDAP functions | Can be used with SMB/RPC functions |
| :-----------------------------------: | :-----------------------------: | :--------------------------------: |
| `ldap/` |              ✔️                  |                 ✔️                  |
| `cifs/` |              ✔️                  |                 ✔️                  |
|       `ldap/srv-ad@CONTOSO.COM`       |              ❌                 |                 ✔️                  |

*NOTE:* The same limitation exists for TGT in your cache credential file: `krbtgt/` will work 
but not `krbtgt/srv-ad@CONTOSO.COM`.

### LDAP SChannel authentication

SChannel authentication is supported for a subset of the submodules. Functions that support SChannel authentication are:

* get-adobject
* get-objectowner
* get-adserviceaccount
* get-objectacl
* get-netuser
* get-netgroup
* get-netcomputer
* get-netdomaincontroller
* get-netfileserver
* get-netou
* get-netsite
* get-netsubnet
* get-netdomaintrust
* get-netpso
* get-netgpo
* get-netgroupmember

To authenticate via SChannel:

1. Retrieve the certificate and the key with your favorite tool ([](, [certipy](,...)
2. `pywerview` needs a certificate file and a key file, so you need to extract them from the `.pfx`.
3. Use `--cert` and  `--key` as in the following example:

$ python3 get-netuser -w --dc-ip --cert stormtroopers.crt --key stormtroopers.key --username administrator --attributes distinguishedname useraccountcontrol --tls
distinguishedname:  CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com
useraccountcontrol: NORMAL_ACCOUNT


If you don't specify the `--tls` flag when using certificate authentication, `pywerview` will try to use StartTLS and an `EXTERNAL SASL` bind 
as described in the [Microsoft documentation](

### TLS connection

You can force a connection to the LDAPS port by using the `--tls` switch. It
can be necessary with some functions, for example when retrieving gMSA
passwords with `get-adserviceaccount`:

$ python3 get-adserviceaccount -t -u 'SRV-MAIL$' --hashes $NT_HASH --resolve-sids
distinguishedname:       CN=gMSA-01,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com
objectsid:               S-1-5-21-863927164-4106933278-53377030-3115
samaccountname:          gMSA-01$
msds-groupmsamembership: CN=SRV-MAIL,CN=Computers,DC=contoso,DC=com
enabled:                 True
$ python3 get-adserviceaccount -t -u 'SRV-MAIL$' --hashes $NT_HASH --resolve-sids --tls
distinguishedname:       CN=gMSA-01,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com
objectsid:               S-1-5-21-863927164-4106933278-53377030-3115
samaccountname:          gMSA-01$
msds-managedpassword:    69730ce3914ac6[redacted]
msds-groupmsamembership: CN=SRV-MAIL,CN=Computers,DC=contoso,DC=com
enabled:                 True

### JSON output

Pywerview can print results in json format by using the `--json` switch.

### The case of LDAP Signing and LDAP Channel Binding

If you want to use pywerview against DCs that implment LDAP Signing and/or LDAP Channel Binding,
you need to install a forked version of the `ldap3` library. You can find this special version 
This version adds [this PR]( by 
and [this one]( by [@CravateRouge](

`pip install` this branch within your pywerview virtual env. You can check if your pywerview 
installation uses the fork by enabling debug logging (`-l DEBUG`).

pywerview falls back to [simple authentication]( if the custom branch is 
not installed.


* Many, many more PowerView functionalities to implement. I'll now focus on
  forest functions, then inter-forest trust functions
* Lots of rewrite due to the last version of PowerView
* Gracefully fail against Unix machines running Samba
* Perform range cycling in `get-netgroupmember`
* Manage request to the Global Catalog
* Try to fall back to `tcp/139` for RPC communications if `tcp/445` is closed
* Comment, document, and clean the code


* Thanks to the [@PowerSploit](
  team for an awesome tool.
* Thanks to [@SecureAuthCorp]( for this complete
  and comprehensive library that is [impacket](
* Special thanks to [@asolino]( for his help on
  developing using impacket.
* Thanks to [@byt3bl33d3r]( for his
* Thanks to [@ThePirateWhoSmellsOfSunflowers](
  for his debugging, love you baby :heart:
* Thanks to [@mpgn]( for his python 3 contributions.


PywerView - A Python rewriting of PowerSploit's PowerView

Yannick Méheut [yannick (at) meheut (dot) org] - Copyright © 2023

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "pywerview",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "python powersploit pentesting recon active directory windows",
    "author": "Yannick M\u00e9heut",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# PywerView\n      ____                        __     ___\n     |  _ \\ _   ___      _____ _ _\\ \\   / (_) _____      __\n     | |_) | | | \\ \\ /\\ / / _ \\ '__\\ \\ / /| |/ _ \\ \\ /\\ / /\n     |  __/| |_| |\\ V  V /  __/ |   \\ V / | |  __/\\ V  V /\n     |_|    \\__, | \\_/\\_/ \\___|_|    \\_/  |_|\\___| \\_/\\_/\n            |___/\n\nA (partial) Python rewriting of [PowerSploit]('s\n[PowerView](\n\nFork me on [GitHub](\n\n[![License](](\n![Python versions](\n[![GitHub release](](\n[![PyPI version](](\n\n## HISTORY\n\nAs a pentester, I love using PowerView during my assignments. It makes it so\neasy to find vulnerable machines, or list what domain users were added to the\nlocal Administrators group of a machine, and much more.\n\nHowever, running PowerView on a computer which is not connected to the domain\nis a pain: I always find myself using [mimikatz]('s\n`sekurlsa::pth` to run a Powershell prompt with stolen domain credentials, and\nthat's not easy to script. Plus, I'm a Linux guy and I've always found it a\nshame that there were no complete Windows/Active Directory enumeration tool on\nLinux.\n\nThat's why I decided to rewrite some of PowerView's functionalities in Python,\nusing the wonderful [impacket](\nlibrary.\n\n*Update:* I haven't tested the last version of PowerView yet, which can run\nfrom a machine not connected to a domain. I don't know if it works correctly\nunder Linux using Powershell. If anyone has had any experience with this at all,\nyou can contact me, I'm really interested. We'll see if pywerview has become\nobsoleted ;) but I think I'll continue working on it eitherway: I'd still\nrather use Python than Powershell on Linux, and I'm learning a lot! Plus, it\nmay integrated in existing Linux tools written in Python. It's still great news\nthat PowerView now supports machines not connected to the domain!\n\n## DISCLAIMER\n\nThis tool is far from complete (as you'll see in the [TODO](#todo) section)! I\nstill have a lot more awesome PowerView functionalities to implement (the user\nhunting functions, the GPO functions, the local process enumeration, etc.),\nbut I still think it can be useful as is.\n\nIt's also (very) possible that there are (many) bugs in the code: I've only\ntested the simplest test cases. If you use this tool during an assignment and\nyou get an error, please, open an issue with the error and the conditions that\ntriggered this error.\n\nAlso, blah blah blah, don't use it for evil purposes.\n\n## REQUIREMENTS\n\n* Python 3.6\n* impacket >= 0.9.22\n* ldap3 >= 2.8.1\n* gssapi (Which requires `libkrb5-dev`)\n* pycryptodomex (or pycryptodome)\n\n## FUNCTIONALITIES\n\nIf you like living on the bleeding edge, check out the\n[development branch](\n\nHere's the list of available commands:\n\n    $ ./ --help\n    usage: [-h]\n                        {get-adobject,get-objectowner,get-netgmsa,get-netsmsa,get-objectacl,get-netuser,get-netgroup,get-netcomputer,get-netdomaincontroller,get-netfileserver,get-dfsshare,get-netou,get-netsite,get-netsubnet,get-netdomaintrust,get-netgpo,get-netpso,get-domainpolicy,get-gpttmpl,get-netgpogroup,find-gpocomputeradmin,find-gpolocation,get-netgroupmember,get-netsession,get-localdisks,get-netdomain,get-netshare,get-netloggedon,get-netlocalgroup,invoke-checklocaladminaccess,get-netprocess,get-userevent,invoke-userhunter,invoke-processhunter,invoke-eventhunter}\n                        ...\n\n    Rewriting of some PowerView's functionalities in Python\n\n    options:\n      -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n\n    Subcommands:\n      Available subcommands\n\n      {get-adobject,get-objectowner,get-netgmsa,get-netsmsa,get-objectacl,get-netuser,get-netgroup,get-netcomputer,get-netdomaincontroller,get-netfileserver,get-dfsshare,get-netou,get-netsite,get-netsubnet,get-netdomaintrust,get-netgpo,get-netpso,get-domainpolicy,get-gpttmpl,get-netgpogroup,find-gpocomputeradmin,find-gpolocation,get-netgroupmember,get-netsession,get-localdisks,get-netdomain,get-netshare,get-netloggedon,get-netlocalgroup,invoke-checklocaladminaccess,get-netprocess,get-userevent,invoke-userhunter,invoke-processhunter,invoke-eventhunter}\n        get-adobject        Takes a domain SID, samAccountName or name, and return the associated object\n        get-objectowner     Takes a domain SID, samAccountName or name, and return the associated object owner\n        get-netgmsa         Returns a list of all the gMSA of the specified domain. To retrieve passwords, you need a privileged account and a TLS connection to the LDAP server (use the --tls switch).\n        get-netsmsa         Returns a list of all the sMSA of the specified domain.\n        get-objectacl       Takes a domain SID, samAccountName or name, and return the ACL of the associated object\n        get-netuser         Queries information about a domain user\n        get-netgroup        Get a list of all current domain groups, or a list of groups a domain user is member of\n        get-netcomputer     Queries informations about domain computers\n        get-netdomaincontroller\n                            Get a list of domain controllers for the given domain\n        get-netfileserver   Return a list of file servers, extracted from the domain users' homeDirectory, scriptPath, and profilePath fields\n        get-dfsshare        Return a list of all fault tolerant distributed file systems for a given domain\n        get-netou           Get a list of all current OUs in the domain\n        get-netsite         Get a list of all current sites in the domain\n        get-netsubnet       Get a list of all current subnets in the domain\n        get-netdomaintrust  Returns a list of all the trusts of the specified domain\n        get-netgpo          Get a list of all current GPOs in the domain\n        get-netpso          Get a list of all current PSOs in the domain\n        get-domainpolicy    Returns the default domain or DC policy for the queried domain or DC\n        get-gpttmpl         Helper to parse a GptTmpl.inf policy file path into a custom object\n        get-netgpogroup     Parses all GPOs in the domain that set \"Restricted Group\" or \"Groups.xml\"\n        find-gpocomputeradmin\n                            Takes a computer (or OU) and determine who has administrative access to it via GPO\n        find-gpolocation    Takes a username or a group name and determine the computers it has administrative access to via GPO\n        get-netgroupmember  Return a list of members of a domain group\n        get-netsession      Queries a host to return a list of active sessions on the host (you can use local credentials instead of domain credentials)\n        get-localdisks      Queries a host to return a list of active disks on the host (you can use local credentials instead of domain credentials)\n        get-netdomain       Queries a host for available domains\n        get-netshare        Queries a host to return a list of available shares on the host (you can use local credentials instead of domain credentials)\n        get-netloggedon     This function will execute the NetWkstaUserEnum RPC call to query a given host for actively logged on users\n        get-netlocalgroup   Gets a list of members of a local group on a machine, or returns every local group. You can use local credentials instead of domain credentials, however, domain credentials are needed\n                            to resolve domain SIDs.\n        invoke-checklocaladminaccess\n                            Checks if the given user has local admin access on the given host\n        get-netprocess      This function will execute the 'Select * from Win32_Process' WMI query to a given host for a list of executed process\n        get-userevent       This function will execute the 'SELECT * from Win32_NTLogEvent' WMI query to a given host for a list of executed process\n        invoke-userhunter   Finds which machines domain users are logged into\n        invoke-processhunter\n                            Searches machines for processes with specific name, or ran by specific users\n        invoke-eventhunter  Searches machines for events with specific name, or ran by specific users\n\nTake a look at the [wiki]( to\nsee a more detailed usage of every command.\n\n*Attention:* in every command, the used domain name must be the post-Win2k UPN,\nand not the Win2k compatible name.\n\nFor example, my domain name is `uselessdomain.local`. The Win2K compatible name\nis `USELESSDOMAIN`. In every command,  I must use __`uselessdomain.local`__ as\nan argument, and __not__ `USELESSDOMAIN`.\n\n## GLOBAL ARGUMENTS\n\n### Logging\n\nYou can provide a logging level to `pywerview` modules by using `-l` or `--logging-level` options. Supported levels are:\n\n* `CRITICAL`: Only critical errors are displayed **(default)**\n* `WARNING` Warnings are displayed, along with citical errors\n* `DEBUG`: Debug level (caution: **very** verbose)\n* `ULTRA`: Extreme debugging level (caution: **very very** verbose)\n\n(level names are case insensitive)\n\n### Kerberos authentication\n\nKerberos authentication is now (partially) supported, which means you can\npass the ticket and other stuff. To authenticate via Kerberos:\n\n1. Point the `KRB5CCNAME` environment variable to your cache credential file.\n2. Use the `-k` option in your function call, or the `do_kerberos` in your\n   library call.\n\n```console\n$ klist stormtroopers.ccache\nTicket cache: FILE:stormtroopers.ccache\nDefault principal: stormtroopers@CONTOSO.COM\n\nValid starting       Expires              Service principal\n10/03/2022 16:46:45  11/03/2022 02:46:45  ldap/\n\trenew until 11/03/2022 16:43:17\n$ KRB5CCNAME=stormtroopers.ccache python3 get-netcomputer -t -u stormtroopers -k \ndnshostname: \n\ndnshostname: \n\ndnshostname: \n\ndnshostname: \n\ndnshostname: \n\ndnshostname: \n```\n\nIf your cache credential file contains a corresponding TGS, or a TGT for your\ncalling user, Kerberos authentication will be used.\n\n__SPN patching is partial__. Right now, we're in a mixed configuration where we\nuse `ldap3` for LDAP commands and `impacket` for the other protocols (SMB,\nRPC). That is because `impacket`'s LDAP implementation has several problems,\nsuch as mismanagement of non-ASCII characters (which is problematic for us\nbaguette-eaters).\n\n`ldap3` uses `gssapi` to authenticate with Kerberos, and `gssapi` needs the\nfull hostname in the SPN of a ticket, otherwise it throws an error. It would\nbe possible to patch an SPN with an incomplete hostname, however it's not done\nfor now.\n\nFor any functions that only rely on `impacket` (SMB or RPC functions), you can\nuse tickets with SPNs with an incomplete hostname. In the following example, we\nuse an LDAP ticket with an incomplete hostname for an SMB function, without any\ntrouble. You just have to make sure that the `--computername` argument matches\nthis incomplete hostname in the SPN:\n\n```console\n$ klist skywalker.ccache\nTicket cache: FILE:skywalker.ccache\nDefault principal: skywalker@CONTOSO.COM\n\nValid starting       Expires              Service principal\n13/04/2022 14:26:59  14/04/2022 00:26:58  ldap/srv-ad@CONTOSO.COM\n\trenew until 14/04/2022 14:23:29\n$ KRB5CCNAME=skywalker.ccache python3 get-localdisks --computername srv-ad -u skywalker -k  \ndisk: A: \n\ndisk: C: \n\ndisk: D:\n```\n\nTo recap:\n\n|           SPN in the ticket           | Can be used with LDAP functions | Can be used with SMB/RPC functions |\n| :-----------------------------------: | :-----------------------------: | :--------------------------------: |\n| `ldap/` |              \u2714\ufe0f                  |                 \u2714\ufe0f                  |\n| `cifs/` |              \u2714\ufe0f                  |                 \u2714\ufe0f                  |\n|       `ldap/srv-ad@CONTOSO.COM`       |              \u274c                 |                 \u2714\ufe0f                  |\n\n*NOTE:* The same limitation exists for TGT in your cache credential file: `krbtgt/` will work \nbut not `krbtgt/srv-ad@CONTOSO.COM`.\n\n### LDAP SChannel authentication\n\nSChannel authentication is supported for a subset of the submodules. Functions that support SChannel authentication are:\n\n* get-adobject\n* get-objectowner\n* get-adserviceaccount\n* get-objectacl\n* get-netuser\n* get-netgroup\n* get-netcomputer\n* get-netdomaincontroller\n* get-netfileserver\n* get-netou\n* get-netsite\n* get-netsubnet\n* get-netdomaintrust\n* get-netpso\n* get-netgpo\n* get-netgroupmember\n\nTo authenticate via SChannel:\n\n1. Retrieve the certificate and the key with your favorite tool ([](, [certipy](,...)\n2. `pywerview` needs a certificate file and a key file, so you need to extract them from the `.pfx`.\n3. Use `--cert` and  `--key` as in the following example:\n\n```console\n$ python3 get-netuser -w --dc-ip --cert stormtroopers.crt --key stormtroopers.key --username administrator --attributes distinguishedname useraccountcontrol --tls\ndistinguishedname:  CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com\nuseraccountcontrol: NORMAL_ACCOUNT\n\n```\n\nIf you don't specify the `--tls` flag when using certificate authentication, `pywerview` will try to use StartTLS and an `EXTERNAL SASL` bind \nas described in the [Microsoft documentation](\n\n### TLS connection\n\nYou can force a connection to the LDAPS port by using the `--tls` switch. It\ncan be necessary with some functions, for example when retrieving gMSA\npasswords with `get-adserviceaccount`:\n\n```console\n$ python3 get-adserviceaccount -t -u 'SRV-MAIL$' --hashes $NT_HASH --resolve-sids\ndistinguishedname:       CN=gMSA-01,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com\nobjectsid:               S-1-5-21-863927164-4106933278-53377030-3115\nsamaccountname:          gMSA-01$\nmsds-groupmsamembership: CN=SRV-MAIL,CN=Computers,DC=contoso,DC=com\ndescription:\nenabled:                 True\n$ python3 get-adserviceaccount -t -u 'SRV-MAIL$' --hashes $NT_HASH --resolve-sids --tls\ndistinguishedname:       CN=gMSA-01,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com\nobjectsid:               S-1-5-21-863927164-4106933278-53377030-3115\nsamaccountname:          gMSA-01$\nmsds-managedpassword:    69730ce3914ac6[redacted]\nmsds-groupmsamembership: CN=SRV-MAIL,CN=Computers,DC=contoso,DC=com\ndescription:\nenabled:                 True\n```\n\n### JSON output\n\nPywerview can print results in json format by using the `--json` switch.\n\n### The case of LDAP Signing and LDAP Channel Binding\n\nIf you want to use pywerview against DCs that implment LDAP Signing and/or LDAP Channel Binding,\nyou need to install a forked version of the `ldap3` library. You can find this special version \n[here]( \nThis version adds [this PR]( by \n[@ThePirateWhoSmellsOfSunflowers]( \nand [this one]( by [@CravateRouge](\n\n`pip install` this branch within your pywerview virtual env. You can check if your pywerview \ninstallation uses the fork by enabling debug logging (`-l DEBUG`).\n\npywerview falls back to [simple authentication]( if the custom branch is \nnot installed.\n\n## TODO\n\n* Many, many more PowerView functionalities to implement. I'll now focus on\n  forest functions, then inter-forest trust functions\n* Lots of rewrite due to the last version of PowerView\n* Gracefully fail against Unix machines running Samba\n* Perform range cycling in `get-netgroupmember`\n* Manage request to the Global Catalog\n* Try to fall back to `tcp/139` for RPC communications if `tcp/445` is closed\n* Comment, document, and clean the code\n\n## THANKS\n\n* Thanks to the [@PowerSploit](\n  team for an awesome tool.\n* Thanks to [@SecureAuthCorp]( for this complete\n  and comprehensive library that is [impacket](\n* Special thanks to [@asolino]( for his help on\n  developing using impacket.\n* Thanks to [@byt3bl33d3r]( for his\n  contributions.\n* Thanks to [@ThePirateWhoSmellsOfSunflowers](\n  for his debugging, love you baby :heart:\n* Thanks to [@mpgn]( for his python 3 contributions.\n\n## COPYRIGHT\n\nPywerView - A Python rewriting of PowerSploit's PowerView\n\nYannick M\u00e9heut [yannick (at) meheut (dot) org] - Copyright \u00a9 2023\n\nThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it\nunder the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the\nFree Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your\noption) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\nWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General\nPublic License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\nwith this program. If not, see\n[](\n\n",
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