
Nameqase-pytest JSON
Version 6.0.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryQase Pytest Plugin for Qase TestOps and Qase Report
upload_time2024-06-04 08:43:56
keywords qase pytest plugin testops report qase reporting test observability
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # [Qase TestOps]( Pytest Reporter


## Installation

To install the latest version, run:

pip install pre qase-pytest

## Upgrade from 4.x to 5.x and to 6.x

The new version 6.x of the Pytest reporter has breaking changes.
To migrate from versions 4.x or 5.x, follow the [upgrade guide](docs/

## Configuration

Qase Pytest Reporter is configured in multiple ways:

- using a config file `qase.config.json`
- using environment variables
- using command line options

Environment variables override the values given in the config file, 
and command line options override both other values.

Configuration options are described in the
[configuration reference](docs/

### Example: qase.config.json

  "mode": "testops", 
  "fallback": "report",
  "testops": {
    "project": "YOUR_PROJECT_CODE",
    "api": {
      "token": "YOUR_API_TOKEN",
      "host": ""
    "run": {
      "title": "Test run title"
    "batch": {
      "size": 100
    "report": {
    "driver": "local",
    "connection": {
      "local": {
        "path": "./build/qase-report",
        "format": "json" 
  "framework": {
    "pytest": {
      "capture": {
        "logs": true,
        "http": true
  "environment": "local"

## Usage

### Link tests with test cases in Qase TestOps

To link the automated tests with the test cases in Qase TestOps, use the `` decorator.
Other test data, such as case title, system and custom fields,
can be added with `@qase.title()` and `@qase.fields()`:

from qase.pytest import qase
@qase.title("My first test")
    ("severity", "critical"),
    ("priority", "high"),
    ("layer", "unit"),
    ("description", "Try to login to Qase TestOps using login and password"),
    ("preconditions", "*Precondition 1*. Markdown is supported."),
def test_example_1():

Each unique number can only be assigned once to the class or function being used.

### Ignore a particular test

To exclude a particular test from the report, use the `@qase.ignore` decorator:

from qase.pytest import qase

def test_example_1():

### Possible test result statuses

- PASSED - when test passed
- FAILED - when test failed with `AssertionError`
- BLOCKED - when test failed with any other exception
- SKIPPED - when test has been skipped

### Capture network logs

To capture the network logs, enable the `http` option in the `framework.capture` section
of the configuration file.

The Qase Pytest reporter will capture all HTTP requests and responses
and save them as a test steps automatically.

### Add attachments to test results

To upload screenshots, logs, and other information to,
use `qase.attach()`.
It works both with files in the filesystem and with data available in the code.
There is no limit on the amount of attachments from a single test.

import pytest
from qase.pytest import qase

@qase.title("File attachments")
def test_example_1():
    # attach files from the filesystem:
    qase.attach("/path/to/file", "/path/to/file/2")
    # to add multiple attachments, pass them in tuples:
        ("/path/to/file/1", "application/json"),
        ("/path/to/file/3", "application/xml"),

def driver():
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
    yield driver
    logs = "\n".join(str(row) for row in driver.get_log('browser')).encode('utf-8')
    # attach logs from a code variable as a text file:
    qase.attach((logs, "text/plain", "browser.log"))
def test_example_2(driver):
    # attach the output of driver.get_screenshot_as_png() as a png image
    qase.attach((driver.get_screenshot_as_png(), "image/png", "result.png"))

### Linking code with steps

To mark a test step, either annotate a function with `@qase.step()`,
or use the `with qase.step()` context:

from qase.pytest import qase

@qase.step("First step") # test step name
def some_step():

@qase.step("Second step")  # test step name
def another_step():

# ...

def test_example():
    # test step hash
    with qase.step("Third step"):

### Creating new testrun according to current pytest run

By default, qase-pytest will create a new test run in Qase TestOps
and report results to this test run.
To provide a custom name for this run, add
the option `--qase-testops-run-title`.

pytest \
    --qase-mode=testops \
    --qase-testops-api-token=<your api token here> \
    --qase-testops-project=PRJCODE \ # project, where your testrun would be created
    --qase-testops-run-title=My\ First\ Automated\ Run

### Sending tests to existing testrun

Test results can be reported to an existing test run in Qase using its ID.
This is useful when a test run combines tests from multiple sources:

* manual and automated
* autotests from different frameworks
* tests running in multiple shards on different machines

For example, if the test run has ID=3, the following command will
run tests and report results to this test run:

pytest \
    --qase-mode=testops \
    --qase-testops-api-token=<your api token here> \
    --qase-testops-project=PRJCODE \ # project, where the test run is created
    --qase-testops-run-id=3 # testrun id

### Creating test run based on test plan (selective launch)

Create a new testrun base on a testplan. Testrun in Qase TestOps will contain only those
test results. `qase-pytest` supports selective execution.

pytest \
    --qase-mode=testops \
    --qase-testops-api-token=<your api token here> \
    --qase-testops-project=PRJCODE \ # project, where your testrun exists in
    --qase-testops-plan-id=3 # testplan id


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "qase-pytest",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "qase, pytest, plugin, testops, report, qase reporting, test observability",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Qase Team <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# [Qase TestOps]( Pytest Reporter\n\n[![License](](\n\n## Installation\n\nTo install the latest version, run:\n\n```sh\npip install pre qase-pytest\n```\n\n## Upgrade from 4.x to 5.x and to 6.x\n\nThe new version 6.x of the Pytest reporter has breaking changes.\nTo migrate from versions 4.x or 5.x, follow the [upgrade guide](docs/\n\n## Configuration\n\nQase Pytest Reporter is configured in multiple ways:\n\n- using a config file `qase.config.json`\n- using environment variables\n- using command line options\n\nEnvironment variables override the values given in the config file, \nand command line options override both other values.\n\nConfiguration options are described in the\n[configuration reference](docs/\n\n\n### Example: qase.config.json\n\n```json\n{\n  \"mode\": \"testops\", \n  \"fallback\": \"report\",\n  \"testops\": {\n    \"project\": \"YOUR_PROJECT_CODE\",\n    \"api\": {\n      \"token\": \"YOUR_API_TOKEN\",\n      \"host\": \"\"\n    },\n    \"run\": {\n      \"title\": \"Test run title\"\n    },\n    \"batch\": {\n      \"size\": 100\n    }\n  },\n    \"report\": {\n    \"driver\": \"local\",\n    \"connection\": {\n      \"local\": {\n        \"path\": \"./build/qase-report\",\n        \"format\": \"json\" \n      }\n    }\n  },\n  \"framework\": {\n    \"pytest\": {\n      \"capture\": {\n        \"logs\": true,\n        \"http\": true\n      }\n    }\n  },\n  \"environment\": \"local\"\n}\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n### Link tests with test cases in Qase TestOps\n\nTo link the automated tests with the test cases in Qase TestOps, use the `` decorator.\nOther test data, such as case title, system and custom fields,\ncan be added with `@qase.title()` and `@qase.fields()`:\n\n```python\nfrom qase.pytest import qase\n\\n@qase.title(\"My first test\")\n@qase.fields(\n    (\"severity\", \"critical\"),\n    (\"priority\", \"high\"),\n    (\"layer\", \"unit\"),\n    (\"description\", \"Try to login to Qase TestOps using login and password\"),\n    (\"preconditions\", \"*Precondition 1*. Markdown is supported.\"),\n)\ndef test_example_1():\n    pass\n```\n\nEach unique number can only be assigned once to the class or function being used.\n\n### Ignore a particular test\n\nTo exclude a particular test from the report, use the `@qase.ignore` decorator:\n\n```python\nfrom qase.pytest import qase\n\n@qase.ignore\ndef test_example_1():\n    pass\n```\n\n### Possible test result statuses\n\n- PASSED - when test passed\n- FAILED - when test failed with `AssertionError`\n- BLOCKED - when test failed with any other exception\n- SKIPPED - when test has been skipped\n\n### Capture network logs\n\nTo capture the network logs, enable the `http` option in the `framework.capture` section\nof the configuration file.\n\nThe Qase Pytest reporter will capture all HTTP requests and responses\nand save them as a test steps automatically.\n\n### Add attachments to test results\n\nTo upload screenshots, logs, and other information to,\nuse `qase.attach()`.\nIt works both with files in the filesystem and with data available in the code.\nThere is no limit on the amount of attachments from a single test.\n\n```python\nimport pytest\nfrom qase.pytest import qase\n\n@qase.title(\"File attachments\")\ndef test_example_1():\n    # attach files from the filesystem:\n    qase.attach(\"/path/to/file\", \"/path/to/file/2\")\n    # to add multiple attachments, pass them in tuples:\n    qase.attach(\n        (\"/path/to/file/1\", \"application/json\"),\n        (\"/path/to/file/3\", \"application/xml\"),\n    )\n\n@pytest.fixture(scope=\"session\")\ndef driver():\n    driver = webdriver.Chrome()\n    yield driver\n    logs = \"\\n\".join(str(row) for row in driver.get_log('browser')).encode('utf-8')\n    # attach logs from a code variable as a text file:\n    qase.attach((logs, \"text/plain\", \"browser.log\"))\n    driver.quit()\n\\ndef test_example_2(driver):\n    # attach the output of driver.get_screenshot_as_png() as a png image\n    qase.attach((driver.get_screenshot_as_png(), \"image/png\", \"result.png\"))\n```\n\n### Linking code with steps\n\nTo mark a test step, either annotate a function with `@qase.step()`,\nor use the `with qase.step()` context:\n\n```python\nfrom qase.pytest import qase\n\n@qase.step(\"First step\") # test step name\ndef some_step():\n    sleep(5)\n\n@qase.step(\"Second step\")  # test step name\ndef another_step():\n    sleep(3)\n\n# ...\n\ndef test_example():\n    some_step()\n    another_step()\n    # test step hash\n    with qase.step(\"Third step\"):\n        sleep(1)\n```\n\n### Creating new testrun according to current pytest run\n\nBy default, qase-pytest will create a new test run in Qase TestOps\nand report results to this test run.\nTo provide a custom name for this run, add\nthe option `--qase-testops-run-title`.\n\n```bash\npytest \\\n    --qase-mode=testops \\\n    --qase-testops-api-token=<your api token here> \\\n    --qase-testops-project=PRJCODE \\ # project, where your testrun would be created\n    --qase-testops-run-title=My\\ First\\ Automated\\ Run\n```\n\n### Sending tests to existing testrun\n\nTest results can be reported to an existing test run in Qase using its ID.\nThis is useful when a test run combines tests from multiple sources:\n\n* manual and automated\n* autotests from different frameworks\n* tests running in multiple shards on different machines\n\nFor example, if the test run has ID=3, the following command will\nrun tests and report results to this test run:\n\n```bash\npytest \\\n    --qase-mode=testops \\\n    --qase-testops-api-token=<your api token here> \\\n    --qase-testops-project=PRJCODE \\ # project, where the test run is created\n    --qase-testops-run-id=3 # testrun id\n```\n\n### Creating test run based on test plan (selective launch)\n\nCreate a new testrun base on a testplan. Testrun in Qase TestOps will contain only those\ntest results. `qase-pytest` supports selective execution.\n\n```bash\npytest \\\n    --qase-mode=testops \\\n    --qase-testops-api-token=<your api token here> \\\n    --qase-testops-project=PRJCODE \\ # project, where your testrun exists in\n    --qase-testops-plan-id=3 # testplan id\n```\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "Qase Pytest Plugin for Qase TestOps and Qase Report",
    "version": "6.0.1",
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        "Documentation": "",
        "Homepage": "",
        "Repository": ""
    "split_keywords": [
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        " plugin",
        " testops",
        " report",
        " qase reporting",
        " test observability"
    "urls": [
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