
Nameqaseio JSON
Version 4.0.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryQase TestOps API client for Python
upload_time2024-04-09 15:20:30
keywords openapi openapi-generator testops api
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # qaseio
Qase TestOps API Specification.

This Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project:

- API version: v1
- Package version: 4.0.1
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
For more information, please visit [](

## Requirements.

Python 3.7+

## Installation & Usage
### pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+
(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+`)

Then import the package:
import qaseio

### Setuptools

Install via [Setuptools](

python install --user
(or `sudo python install` to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:
import qaseio

### Tests

Execute `pytest` to run the tests.

## Getting Started

Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:


import time
import qaseio
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = qaseio.Configuration(
    host = ""

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth
configuration.api_key['TokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]

# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with qaseio.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = qaseio.AttachmentsApi(api_client)
    hash = 'hash_example' # str | Hash.

        # Remove attachment by Hash.
        api_response = api_instance.delete_attachment(hash)
        print("The response of AttachmentsApi->delete_attachment:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AttachmentsApi->delete_attachment: %s\n" % e)


## Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to **

Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*AttachmentsApi* | [**delete_attachment**](docs/ | **DELETE** /attachment/{hash} | Remove attachment by Hash.
*AttachmentsApi* | [**get_attachment**](docs/ | **GET** /attachment/{hash} | Get attachment by Hash.
*AttachmentsApi* | [**get_attachments**](docs/ | **GET** /attachment | Get all attachments.
*AttachmentsApi* | [**upload_attachment**](docs/ | **POST** /attachment/{code} | Upload attachment.
*AuthorsApi* | [**get_author**](docs/ | **GET** /author/{id} | Get a specific author.
*AuthorsApi* | [**get_authors**](docs/ | **GET** /author | Get all authors.
*CasesApi* | [**bulk**](docs/ | **POST** /case/{code}/bulk | Create test cases in bulk.
*CasesApi* | [**case_attach_external_issue**](docs/ | **POST** /case/{code}/external-issue/attach | Attach the external issues to the test cases.
*CasesApi* | [**case_detach_external_issue**](docs/ | **POST** /case/{code}/external-issue/detach | Detach the external issues from the test cases.
*CasesApi* | [**create_case**](docs/ | **POST** /case/{code} | Create a new test case.
*CasesApi* | [**delete_case**](docs/ | **DELETE** /case/{code}/{id} | Delete test case.
*CasesApi* | [**get_case**](docs/ | **GET** /case/{code}/{id} | Get a specific test case.
*CasesApi* | [**get_cases**](docs/ | **GET** /case/{code} | Get all test cases.
*CasesApi* | [**update_case**](docs/ | **PATCH** /case/{code}/{id} | Update test case.
*ConfigurationsApi* | [**create_configuration**](docs/ | **POST** /configuration/{code} | Create a new configuration in a particular group.
*ConfigurationsApi* | [**create_configuration_group**](docs/ | **POST** /configuration/{code}/group | Create a new configuration group.
*ConfigurationsApi* | [**get_configurations**](docs/ | **GET** /configuration/{code} | Get all configuration groups with configurations.
*CustomFieldsApi* | [**create_custom_field**](docs/ | **POST** /custom_field | Create new Custom Field.
*CustomFieldsApi* | [**delete_custom_field**](docs/ | **DELETE** /custom_field/{id} | Delete Custom Field by id.
*CustomFieldsApi* | [**get_custom_field**](docs/ | **GET** /custom_field/{id} | Get Custom Field by id.
*CustomFieldsApi* | [**get_custom_fields**](docs/ | **GET** /custom_field | Get all Custom Fields.
*CustomFieldsApi* | [**update_custom_field**](docs/ | **PATCH** /custom_field/{id} | Update Custom Field by id.
*DefectsApi* | [**create_defect**](docs/ | **POST** /defect/{code} | Create a new defect.
*DefectsApi* | [**delete_defect**](docs/ | **DELETE** /defect/{code}/{id} | Delete defect.
*DefectsApi* | [**get_defect**](docs/ | **GET** /defect/{code}/{id} | Get a specific defect.
*DefectsApi* | [**get_defects**](docs/ | **GET** /defect/{code} | Get all defects.
*DefectsApi* | [**resolve_defect**](docs/ | **PATCH** /defect/{code}/resolve/{id} | Resolve a specific defect.
*DefectsApi* | [**update_defect**](docs/ | **PATCH** /defect/{code}/{id} | Update defect.
*DefectsApi* | [**update_defect_status**](docs/ | **PATCH** /defect/{code}/status/{id} | Update a specific defect status.
*EnvironmentsApi* | [**create_environment**](docs/ | **POST** /environment/{code} | Create a new environment.
*EnvironmentsApi* | [**delete_environment**](docs/ | **DELETE** /environment/{code}/{id} | Delete environment.
*EnvironmentsApi* | [**get_environment**](docs/ | **GET** /environment/{code}/{id} | Get a specific environment.
*EnvironmentsApi* | [**get_environments**](docs/ | **GET** /environment/{code} | Get all environments.
*EnvironmentsApi* | [**update_environment**](docs/ | **PATCH** /environment/{code}/{id} | Update environment.
*MilestonesApi* | [**create_milestone**](docs/ | **POST** /milestone/{code} | Create a new milestone.
*MilestonesApi* | [**delete_milestone**](docs/ | **DELETE** /milestone/{code}/{id} | Delete milestone.
*MilestonesApi* | [**get_milestone**](docs/ | **GET** /milestone/{code}/{id} | Get a specific milestone.
*MilestonesApi* | [**get_milestones**](docs/ | **GET** /milestone/{code} | Get all milestones.
*MilestonesApi* | [**update_milestone**](docs/ | **PATCH** /milestone/{code}/{id} | Update milestone.
*PlansApi* | [**create_plan**](docs/ | **POST** /plan/{code} | Create a new plan.
*PlansApi* | [**delete_plan**](docs/ | **DELETE** /plan/{code}/{id} | Delete plan.
*PlansApi* | [**get_plan**](docs/ | **GET** /plan/{code}/{id} | Get a specific plan.
*PlansApi* | [**get_plans**](docs/ | **GET** /plan/{code} | Get all plans.
*PlansApi* | [**update_plan**](docs/ | **PATCH** /plan/{code}/{id} | Update plan.
*ProjectsApi* | [**create_project**](docs/ | **POST** /project | Create new project.
*ProjectsApi* | [**delete_project**](docs/ | **DELETE** /project/{code} | Delete Project by code.
*ProjectsApi* | [**get_project**](docs/ | **GET** /project/{code} | Get Project by code.
*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects**](docs/ | **GET** /project | Get All Projects.
*ProjectsApi* | [**grant_access_to_project**](docs/ | **POST** /project/{code}/access | Grant access to project by code.
*ProjectsApi* | [**revoke_access_to_project**](docs/ | **DELETE** /project/{code}/access | Revoke access to project by code.
*ResultsApi* | [**create_result**](docs/ | **POST** /result/{code}/{id} | Create test run result.
*ResultsApi* | [**create_result_bulk**](docs/ | **POST** /result/{code}/{id}/bulk | Bulk create test run result.
*ResultsApi* | [**delete_result**](docs/ | **DELETE** /result/{code}/{id}/{hash} | Delete test run result.
*ResultsApi* | [**get_result**](docs/ | **GET** /result/{code}/{hash} | Get test run result by code.
*ResultsApi* | [**get_results**](docs/ | **GET** /result/{code} | Get all test run results.
*ResultsApi* | [**update_result**](docs/ | **PATCH** /result/{code}/{id}/{hash} | Update test run result.
*RunsApi* | [**complete_run**](docs/ | **POST** /run/{code}/{id}/complete | Complete a specific run.
*RunsApi* | [**create_run**](docs/ | **POST** /run/{code} | Create a new run.
*RunsApi* | [**delete_run**](docs/ | **DELETE** /run/{code}/{id} | Delete run.
*RunsApi* | [**get_run**](docs/ | **GET** /run/{code}/{id} | Get a specific run.
*RunsApi* | [**get_runs**](docs/ | **GET** /run/{code} | Get all runs.
*RunsApi* | [**update_run_publicity**](docs/ | **PATCH** /run/{code}/{id}/public | Update publicity of a specific run.
*SearchApi* | [**search**](docs/ | **GET** /search | Search entities by Qase Query Language (QQL).
*SharedStepsApi* | [**create_shared_step**](docs/ | **POST** /shared_step/{code} | Create a new shared step.
*SharedStepsApi* | [**delete_shared_step**](docs/ | **DELETE** /shared_step/{code}/{hash} | Delete shared step.
*SharedStepsApi* | [**get_shared_step**](docs/ | **GET** /shared_step/{code}/{hash} | Get a specific shared step.
*SharedStepsApi* | [**get_shared_steps**](docs/ | **GET** /shared_step/{code} | Get all shared steps.
*SharedStepsApi* | [**update_shared_step**](docs/ | **PATCH** /shared_step/{code}/{hash} | Update shared step.
*SuitesApi* | [**create_suite**](docs/ | **POST** /suite/{code} | Create a new test suite.
*SuitesApi* | [**delete_suite**](docs/ | **DELETE** /suite/{code}/{id} | Delete test suite.
*SuitesApi* | [**get_suite**](docs/ | **GET** /suite/{code}/{id} | Get a specific test suite.
*SuitesApi* | [**get_suites**](docs/ | **GET** /suite/{code} | Get all test suites.
*SuitesApi* | [**update_suite**](docs/ | **PATCH** /suite/{code}/{id} | Update test suite.
*SystemFieldsApi* | [**get_system_fields**](docs/ | **GET** /system_field | Get all System Fields.

## Documentation For Models

 - [Attachment](docs/
 - [AttachmentGet](docs/
 - [AttachmentHash](docs/
 - [AttachmentListResponse](docs/
 - [AttachmentListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [AttachmentResponse](docs/
 - [AttachmentUploadsResponse](docs/
 - [Attachmentupload](docs/
 - [Author](docs/
 - [AuthorListResponse](docs/
 - [AuthorListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [AuthorResponse](docs/
 - [BaseResponse](docs/
 - [Bulk200Response](docs/
 - [Bulk200ResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [Configuration](docs/
 - [ConfigurationCreate](docs/
 - [ConfigurationGroup](docs/
 - [ConfigurationGroupCreate](docs/
 - [ConfigurationListResponse](docs/
 - [ConfigurationListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [CustomField](docs/
 - [CustomFieldCreate](docs/
 - [CustomFieldCreateValueInner](docs/
 - [CustomFieldListResponse](docs/
 - [CustomFieldResponse](docs/
 - [CustomFieldUpdate](docs/
 - [CustomFieldValue](docs/
 - [CustomFieldsResponse](docs/
 - [CustomFieldsResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [Defect](docs/
 - [DefectCreate](docs/
 - [DefectListResponse](docs/
 - [DefectListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [DefectQuery](docs/
 - [DefectResponse](docs/
 - [DefectStatus](docs/
 - [DefectUpdate](docs/
 - [Environment](docs/
 - [EnvironmentCreate](docs/
 - [EnvironmentListResponse](docs/
 - [EnvironmentListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [EnvironmentResponse](docs/
 - [EnvironmentUpdate](docs/
 - [ExternalIssue](docs/
 - [ExternalIssueIssuesInner](docs/
 - [HashResponse](docs/
 - [HashResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [IdResponse](docs/
 - [IdResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [Milestone](docs/
 - [MilestoneCreate](docs/
 - [MilestoneListResponse](docs/
 - [MilestoneListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [MilestoneResponse](docs/
 - [MilestoneUpdate](docs/
 - [Plan](docs/
 - [PlanCreate](docs/
 - [PlanDetailed](docs/
 - [PlanDetailedAllOfCases](docs/
 - [PlanListResponse](docs/
 - [PlanListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [PlanQuery](docs/
 - [PlanResponse](docs/
 - [PlanUpdate](docs/
 - [Project](docs/
 - [ProjectAccess](docs/
 - [ProjectCodeResponse](docs/
 - [ProjectCodeResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [ProjectCounts](docs/
 - [ProjectCountsDefects](docs/
 - [ProjectCountsRuns](docs/
 - [ProjectCreate](docs/
 - [ProjectListResponse](docs/
 - [ProjectListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [ProjectResponse](docs/
 - [QqlDefect](docs/
 - [QqlPlan](docs/
 - [QqlTestCase](docs/
 - [Requirement](docs/
 - [Response](docs/
 - [Result](docs/
 - [ResultCreate](docs/
 - [ResultCreateBulk](docs/
 - [ResultCreateCase](docs/
 - [ResultCreateResponse](docs/
 - [ResultCreateResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [ResultListResponse](docs/
 - [ResultListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [ResultResponse](docs/
 - [ResultUpdate](docs/
 - [ResultcreateBulk](docs/
 - [Run](docs/
 - [RunCreate](docs/
 - [RunEnvironment](docs/
 - [RunListResponse](docs/
 - [RunListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [RunMilestone](docs/
 - [RunPublic](docs/
 - [RunPublicResponse](docs/
 - [RunPublicResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [RunResponse](docs/
 - [RunStats](docs/
 - [SearchResponse](docs/
 - [SearchResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [SearchResponseAllOfResultEntities](docs/
 - [SharedStep](docs/
 - [SharedStepContent](docs/
 - [SharedStepContentCreate](docs/
 - [SharedStepCreate](docs/
 - [SharedStepListResponse](docs/
 - [SharedStepListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [SharedStepResponse](docs/
 - [SharedStepUpdate](docs/
 - [Suite](docs/
 - [SuiteCreate](docs/
 - [SuiteDelete](docs/
 - [SuiteListResponse](docs/
 - [SuiteListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [SuiteResponse](docs/
 - [SuiteUpdate](docs/
 - [SystemField](docs/
 - [SystemFieldListResponse](docs/
 - [SystemFieldOption](docs/
 - [TagValue](docs/
 - [TestCase](docs/
 - [TestCaseCreate](docs/
 - [TestCaseExternalIssues](docs/
 - [TestCaseExternalIssuesLinksInner](docs/
 - [TestCaseListResponse](docs/
 - [TestCaseListResponseAllOfResult](docs/
 - [TestCaseParams](docs/
 - [TestCaseQuery](docs/
 - [TestCaseResponse](docs/
 - [TestCaseUpdate](docs/
 - [TestCasebulk](docs/
 - [TestCasebulkCasesInner](docs/
 - [TestCaseexternalIssues](docs/
 - [TestStep](docs/
 - [TestStepCreate](docs/
 - [TestStepResult](docs/
 - [TestStepResultCreate](docs/

<a id="documentation-for-authorization"></a>
## Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:
<a id="TokenAuth"></a>
### TokenAuth

- **Type**: API key
- **API key parameter name**: Token
- **Location**: HTTP header

## Author


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "qaseio",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "OpenAPI, OpenAPI-Generator, TestOps API",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Qase Team <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# qaseio\nQase TestOps API Specification.\n\nThis Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project:\n\n- API version: v1\n- Package version: 4.0.1\n- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen\nFor more information, please visit [](\n\n## Requirements.\n\nPython 3.7+\n\n## Installation & Usage\n### pip install\n\nIf the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:\n\n```sh\npip install git+\n```\n(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+`)\n\nThen import the package:\n```python\nimport qaseio\n```\n\n### Setuptools\n\nInstall via [Setuptools](\n\n```sh\npython install --user\n```\n(or `sudo python install` to install the package for all users)\n\nThen import the package:\n```python\nimport qaseio\n```\n\n### Tests\n\nExecute `pytest` to run the tests.\n\n## Getting Started\n\nPlease follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:\n\n```python\n\nimport time\nimport qaseio\nfrom import ApiException\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n# Defining the host is optional and defaults to\n# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.\nconfiguration = qaseio.Configuration(\n    host = \"\"\n)\n\n# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters\n# in accordance with the API server security policy.\n# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that\n# satisfies your auth use case.\n\n# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth\nconfiguration.api_key['TokenAuth'] = os.environ[\"API_KEY\"]\n\n# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed\n# configuration.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'\n\n\n# Enter a context with an instance of the API client\nwith qaseio.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:\n    # Create an instance of the API class\n    api_instance = qaseio.AttachmentsApi(api_client)\n    hash = 'hash_example' # str | Hash.\n\n    try:\n        # Remove attachment by Hash.\n        api_response = api_instance.delete_attachment(hash)\n        print(\"The response of AttachmentsApi->delete_attachment:\\n\")\n        pprint(api_response)\n    except ApiException as e:\n        print(\"Exception when calling AttachmentsApi->delete_attachment: %s\\n\" % e)\n\n```\n\n## Documentation for API Endpoints\n\nAll URIs are relative to **\n\nClass | Method | HTTP request | Description\n------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------\n*AttachmentsApi* | [**delete_attachment**](docs/ | **DELETE** /attachment/{hash} | Remove attachment by Hash.\n*AttachmentsApi* | [**get_attachment**](docs/ | **GET** /attachment/{hash} | Get attachment by Hash.\n*AttachmentsApi* | [**get_attachments**](docs/ | **GET** /attachment | Get all attachments.\n*AttachmentsApi* | [**upload_attachment**](docs/ | **POST** /attachment/{code} | Upload attachment.\n*AuthorsApi* | [**get_author**](docs/ | **GET** /author/{id} | Get a specific author.\n*AuthorsApi* | [**get_authors**](docs/ | **GET** /author | Get all authors.\n*CasesApi* | [**bulk**](docs/ | **POST** /case/{code}/bulk | Create test cases in bulk.\n*CasesApi* | [**case_attach_external_issue**](docs/ | **POST** /case/{code}/external-issue/attach | Attach the external issues to the test cases.\n*CasesApi* | [**case_detach_external_issue**](docs/ | **POST** /case/{code}/external-issue/detach | Detach the external issues from the test cases.\n*CasesApi* | [**create_case**](docs/ | **POST** /case/{code} | Create a new test case.\n*CasesApi* | [**delete_case**](docs/ | **DELETE** /case/{code}/{id} | Delete test case.\n*CasesApi* | [**get_case**](docs/ | **GET** /case/{code}/{id} | Get a specific test case.\n*CasesApi* | [**get_cases**](docs/ | **GET** /case/{code} | Get all test cases.\n*CasesApi* | [**update_case**](docs/ | **PATCH** /case/{code}/{id} | Update test case.\n*ConfigurationsApi* | [**create_configuration**](docs/ | **POST** /configuration/{code} | Create a new configuration in a particular group.\n*ConfigurationsApi* | [**create_configuration_group**](docs/ | **POST** /configuration/{code}/group | Create a new configuration group.\n*ConfigurationsApi* | [**get_configurations**](docs/ | **GET** /configuration/{code} | Get all configuration groups with configurations.\n*CustomFieldsApi* | [**create_custom_field**](docs/ | **POST** /custom_field | Create new Custom Field.\n*CustomFieldsApi* | [**delete_custom_field**](docs/ | **DELETE** /custom_field/{id} | Delete Custom Field by id.\n*CustomFieldsApi* | [**get_custom_field**](docs/ | **GET** /custom_field/{id} | Get Custom Field by id.\n*CustomFieldsApi* | [**get_custom_fields**](docs/ | **GET** /custom_field | Get all Custom Fields.\n*CustomFieldsApi* | [**update_custom_field**](docs/ | **PATCH** /custom_field/{id} | Update Custom Field by id.\n*DefectsApi* | [**create_defect**](docs/ | **POST** /defect/{code} | Create a new defect.\n*DefectsApi* | [**delete_defect**](docs/ | **DELETE** /defect/{code}/{id} | Delete defect.\n*DefectsApi* | [**get_defect**](docs/ | **GET** /defect/{code}/{id} | Get a specific defect.\n*DefectsApi* | [**get_defects**](docs/ | **GET** /defect/{code} | Get all defects.\n*DefectsApi* | [**resolve_defect**](docs/ | **PATCH** /defect/{code}/resolve/{id} | Resolve a specific defect.\n*DefectsApi* | [**update_defect**](docs/ | **PATCH** /defect/{code}/{id} | Update defect.\n*DefectsApi* | [**update_defect_status**](docs/ | **PATCH** /defect/{code}/status/{id} | Update a specific defect status.\n*EnvironmentsApi* | [**create_environment**](docs/ | **POST** /environment/{code} | Create a new environment.\n*EnvironmentsApi* | [**delete_environment**](docs/ | **DELETE** /environment/{code}/{id} | Delete environment.\n*EnvironmentsApi* | [**get_environment**](docs/ | **GET** /environment/{code}/{id} | Get a specific environment.\n*EnvironmentsApi* | [**get_environments**](docs/ | **GET** /environment/{code} | Get all environments.\n*EnvironmentsApi* | [**update_environment**](docs/ | **PATCH** /environment/{code}/{id} | Update environment.\n*MilestonesApi* | [**create_milestone**](docs/ | **POST** /milestone/{code} | Create a new milestone.\n*MilestonesApi* | [**delete_milestone**](docs/ | **DELETE** /milestone/{code}/{id} | Delete milestone.\n*MilestonesApi* | [**get_milestone**](docs/ | **GET** /milestone/{code}/{id} | Get a specific milestone.\n*MilestonesApi* | [**get_milestones**](docs/ | **GET** /milestone/{code} | Get all milestones.\n*MilestonesApi* | [**update_milestone**](docs/ | **PATCH** /milestone/{code}/{id} | Update milestone.\n*PlansApi* | [**create_plan**](docs/ | **POST** /plan/{code} | Create a new plan.\n*PlansApi* | [**delete_plan**](docs/ | **DELETE** /plan/{code}/{id} | Delete plan.\n*PlansApi* | [**get_plan**](docs/ | **GET** /plan/{code}/{id} | Get a specific plan.\n*PlansApi* | [**get_plans**](docs/ | **GET** /plan/{code} | Get all plans.\n*PlansApi* | [**update_plan**](docs/ | **PATCH** /plan/{code}/{id} | Update plan.\n*ProjectsApi* | [**create_project**](docs/ | **POST** /project | Create new project.\n*ProjectsApi* | [**delete_project**](docs/ | **DELETE** /project/{code} | Delete Project by code.\n*ProjectsApi* | [**get_project**](docs/ | **GET** /project/{code} | Get Project by code.\n*ProjectsApi* | [**get_projects**](docs/ | **GET** /project | Get All Projects.\n*ProjectsApi* | [**grant_access_to_project**](docs/ | **POST** /project/{code}/access | Grant access to project by code.\n*ProjectsApi* | [**revoke_access_to_project**](docs/ | **DELETE** /project/{code}/access | Revoke access to project by code.\n*ResultsApi* | [**create_result**](docs/ | **POST** /result/{code}/{id} | Create test run result.\n*ResultsApi* | [**create_result_bulk**](docs/ | **POST** /result/{code}/{id}/bulk | Bulk create test run result.\n*ResultsApi* | [**delete_result**](docs/ | **DELETE** /result/{code}/{id}/{hash} | Delete test run result.\n*ResultsApi* | [**get_result**](docs/ | **GET** /result/{code}/{hash} | Get test run result by code.\n*ResultsApi* | [**get_results**](docs/ | **GET** /result/{code} | Get all test run results.\n*ResultsApi* | [**update_result**](docs/ | **PATCH** /result/{code}/{id}/{hash} | Update test run result.\n*RunsApi* | [**complete_run**](docs/ | **POST** /run/{code}/{id}/complete | Complete a specific run.\n*RunsApi* | [**create_run**](docs/ | **POST** /run/{code} | Create a new run.\n*RunsApi* | [**delete_run**](docs/ | **DELETE** /run/{code}/{id} | Delete run.\n*RunsApi* | [**get_run**](docs/ | **GET** /run/{code}/{id} | Get a specific run.\n*RunsApi* | [**get_runs**](docs/ | **GET** /run/{code} | Get all runs.\n*RunsApi* | [**update_run_publicity**](docs/ | **PATCH** /run/{code}/{id}/public | Update publicity of a specific run.\n*SearchApi* | [**search**](docs/ | **GET** /search | Search entities by Qase Query Language (QQL).\n*SharedStepsApi* | [**create_shared_step**](docs/ | **POST** /shared_step/{code} | Create a new shared step.\n*SharedStepsApi* | [**delete_shared_step**](docs/ | **DELETE** /shared_step/{code}/{hash} | Delete shared step.\n*SharedStepsApi* | [**get_shared_step**](docs/ | **GET** /shared_step/{code}/{hash} | Get a specific shared step.\n*SharedStepsApi* | [**get_shared_steps**](docs/ | **GET** /shared_step/{code} | Get all shared steps.\n*SharedStepsApi* | [**update_shared_step**](docs/ | **PATCH** /shared_step/{code}/{hash} | Update shared step.\n*SuitesApi* | [**create_suite**](docs/ | **POST** /suite/{code} | Create a new test suite.\n*SuitesApi* | [**delete_suite**](docs/ | **DELETE** /suite/{code}/{id} | Delete test suite.\n*SuitesApi* | [**get_suite**](docs/ | **GET** /suite/{code}/{id} | Get a specific test suite.\n*SuitesApi* | [**get_suites**](docs/ | **GET** /suite/{code} | Get all test suites.\n*SuitesApi* | [**update_suite**](docs/ | **PATCH** /suite/{code}/{id} | Update test suite.\n*SystemFieldsApi* | [**get_system_fields**](docs/ | **GET** /system_field | Get all System Fields.\n\n\n## Documentation For Models\n\n - [Attachment](docs/\n - [AttachmentGet](docs/\n - [AttachmentHash](docs/\n - [AttachmentListResponse](docs/\n - [AttachmentListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [AttachmentResponse](docs/\n - [AttachmentUploadsResponse](docs/\n - [Attachmentupload](docs/\n - [Author](docs/\n - [AuthorListResponse](docs/\n - [AuthorListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [AuthorResponse](docs/\n - [BaseResponse](docs/\n - [Bulk200Response](docs/\n - [Bulk200ResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [Configuration](docs/\n - [ConfigurationCreate](docs/\n - [ConfigurationGroup](docs/\n - [ConfigurationGroupCreate](docs/\n - [ConfigurationListResponse](docs/\n - [ConfigurationListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [CustomField](docs/\n - [CustomFieldCreate](docs/\n - [CustomFieldCreateValueInner](docs/\n - [CustomFieldListResponse](docs/\n - [CustomFieldResponse](docs/\n - [CustomFieldUpdate](docs/\n - [CustomFieldValue](docs/\n - [CustomFieldsResponse](docs/\n - [CustomFieldsResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [Defect](docs/\n - [DefectCreate](docs/\n - [DefectListResponse](docs/\n - [DefectListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [DefectQuery](docs/\n - [DefectResponse](docs/\n - [DefectStatus](docs/\n - [DefectUpdate](docs/\n - [Environment](docs/\n - [EnvironmentCreate](docs/\n - [EnvironmentListResponse](docs/\n - [EnvironmentListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [EnvironmentResponse](docs/\n - [EnvironmentUpdate](docs/\n - [ExternalIssue](docs/\n - [ExternalIssueIssuesInner](docs/\n - [HashResponse](docs/\n - [HashResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [IdResponse](docs/\n - [IdResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [Milestone](docs/\n - [MilestoneCreate](docs/\n - [MilestoneListResponse](docs/\n - [MilestoneListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [MilestoneResponse](docs/\n - [MilestoneUpdate](docs/\n - [Plan](docs/\n - [PlanCreate](docs/\n - [PlanDetailed](docs/\n - [PlanDetailedAllOfCases](docs/\n - [PlanListResponse](docs/\n - [PlanListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [PlanQuery](docs/\n - [PlanResponse](docs/\n - [PlanUpdate](docs/\n - [Project](docs/\n - [ProjectAccess](docs/\n - [ProjectCodeResponse](docs/\n - [ProjectCodeResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [ProjectCounts](docs/\n - [ProjectCountsDefects](docs/\n - [ProjectCountsRuns](docs/\n - [ProjectCreate](docs/\n - [ProjectListResponse](docs/\n - [ProjectListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [ProjectResponse](docs/\n - [QqlDefect](docs/\n - [QqlPlan](docs/\n - [QqlTestCase](docs/\n - [Requirement](docs/\n - [Response](docs/\n - [Result](docs/\n - [ResultCreate](docs/\n - [ResultCreateBulk](docs/\n - [ResultCreateCase](docs/\n - [ResultCreateResponse](docs/\n - [ResultCreateResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [ResultListResponse](docs/\n - [ResultListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [ResultResponse](docs/\n - [ResultUpdate](docs/\n - [ResultcreateBulk](docs/\n - [Run](docs/\n - [RunCreate](docs/\n - [RunEnvironment](docs/\n - [RunListResponse](docs/\n - [RunListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [RunMilestone](docs/\n - [RunPublic](docs/\n - [RunPublicResponse](docs/\n - [RunPublicResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [RunResponse](docs/\n - [RunStats](docs/\n - [SearchResponse](docs/\n - [SearchResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [SearchResponseAllOfResultEntities](docs/\n - [SharedStep](docs/\n - [SharedStepContent](docs/\n - [SharedStepContentCreate](docs/\n - [SharedStepCreate](docs/\n - [SharedStepListResponse](docs/\n - [SharedStepListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [SharedStepResponse](docs/\n - [SharedStepUpdate](docs/\n - [Suite](docs/\n - [SuiteCreate](docs/\n - [SuiteDelete](docs/\n - [SuiteListResponse](docs/\n - [SuiteListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [SuiteResponse](docs/\n - [SuiteUpdate](docs/\n - [SystemField](docs/\n - [SystemFieldListResponse](docs/\n - [SystemFieldOption](docs/\n - [TagValue](docs/\n - [TestCase](docs/\n - [TestCaseCreate](docs/\n - [TestCaseExternalIssues](docs/\n - [TestCaseExternalIssuesLinksInner](docs/\n - [TestCaseListResponse](docs/\n - [TestCaseListResponseAllOfResult](docs/\n - [TestCaseParams](docs/\n - [TestCaseQuery](docs/\n - [TestCaseResponse](docs/\n - [TestCaseUpdate](docs/\n - [TestCasebulk](docs/\n - [TestCasebulkCasesInner](docs/\n - [TestCaseexternalIssues](docs/\n - [TestStep](docs/\n - [TestStepCreate](docs/\n - [TestStepResult](docs/\n - [TestStepResultCreate](docs/\n\n\n<a id=\"documentation-for-authorization\"></a>\n## Documentation For Authorization\n\n\nAuthentication schemes defined for the API:\n<a id=\"TokenAuth\"></a>\n### TokenAuth\n\n- **Type**: API key\n- **API key parameter name**: Token\n- **Location**: HTTP header\n\n\n## Author\n\\n\n\n",
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