
Nameqcio JSON
Version 0.11.14 PyPI version JSON
SummaryBeautiful and user friendly data structures for quantum chemistry.
upload_time2024-10-16 20:42:43
authorColton Hicks
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Quantum Chemistry I/O

[![Actions status](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/workflows/Tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/actions)
[![Actions status](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/workflows/Basic%20Code%20Quality/badge.svg)](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/actions)

Elegant and intuitive data structures for quantum chemistry, featuring seamless Jupyter Notebook visualizations. Also featuring NIST/CODATA2022 core physical constants and a Periodic Table.

Inspired by [QCElemental](https://github.com/MolSSI/QCElemental). Built for consistency and rapid development.

`qcio` works in harmony with a suite of other quantum chemistry tools for fast, structured, and interoperable quantum chemistry.

## The QC Suite of Programs

- [qcio](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio) - Elegant and intuitive data structures for quantum chemistry, featuring seamless Jupyter Notebook visualizations. [Documentation](https://qcio.coltonhicks.com)
- [qcparse](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcparse) - A library for efficient parsing of quantum chemistry data into structured `qcio` objects.
- [qcop](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcop) - A package for operating quantum chemistry programs using `qcio` standardized data structures. Compatible with `TeraChem`, `psi4`, `QChem`, `NWChem`, `ORCA`, `Molpro`, `geomeTRIC` and many more.
- [BigChem](https://github.com/mtzgroup/bigchem) - A distributed application for running quantum chemistry calculations at scale across clusters of computers or the cloud. Bring multi-node scaling to your favorite quantum chemistry program.
- `ChemCloud` - A [web application](https://github.com/mtzgroup/chemcloud-server) and associated [Python client](https://github.com/mtzgroup/chemcloud-client) for exposing a BigChem cluster securely over the internet.

## Installation

pip install qcio

## Quickstart

`qcio` is built around a simple mental model: `Input` objects are used to define inputs for a quantum chemistry program, and `Output` objects are used to capture the outputs from a quantum chemistry program.

All `qcio` objects can be serialized and saved to disk by calling `.save("filename.json")` and loaded from disk by calling `.open("filename.json")`. `qcio` supports `json`, `yaml`, and `toml` file formats. Binary data will be automatically base64 encoded and decoded when saving and loading.

### Input Objects

#### ProgramInput - Core input object for a single QC program.

from qcio import Structure, ProgramInput
# xyz files or saved Structure objects can be opened from disk
caffeine = Structure.open("caffeine.xyz")
# Define the program input
prog_input = ProgramInput(
    keywords={"purify": "no", "restricted": False},
    model={"method": "hf", "basis": "sto-3g"},
    extras={"comment": "This is a comment"}, # Anything extra not in the schema
# Binary or other files used as input can be added
prog_input.keywords["initial_guess"] = "wfn.dat"

# Save the input to disk in json, yaml, or toml format

# Open the input from disk
prog_input = ProgramInput.open("input.json")

`Structure` objects can be opened from and saved as xyz files or saved to disk as `.json`, `.yaml`, or `.toml` formats by changing the extension of the file. For `.xyz` files precision can be controlled by passing the `precision` argument to the `save` method.

caffeine = Structure.open("caffeine.xyz")
caffeine.save("caffeine2.json", precision=6)

#### DualProgramInput - Input object for a workflow that uses multiple QC programs.

`DualProgramInput` objects can be used to power workflows that require multiple QC programs. For example, a geometry optimization workflow might use `geomeTRIC` to power the optimization and use `terachem` to compute the energies and gradients.

from qcio import Structure, DualProgramInput
# xyz files or saved Structure objects can be opened from disk
caffeine = Structure.open("caffeine.xyz")
# Define the program input
prog_input = DualProgramInput(
    keywords={"maxiter": 250},
    subprogram_args = {
        "model": {"method": "hf", "basis": "sto-3g"},
        "keywords": {"purify": "no", "restricted": False},
    extras={"comment": "This is a comment"}, # Anything extra not in the schema

#### FileInput - Input object for a QC programs using native file formats.

`qcio` also supports the native file formats of each QC program with a `FileInput` object. Assume you have a directory like this with your input files for `psi4`:


You can collect these native files and any associated command line arguments needed to specify a calculation into a `FileInput` object like this:

from qcio import FileInput
psi4_input = FileInput.from_directory("psi4")

# All input files will be loaded into the `files` attribute
# {'input.dat': '...', 'geometry.xyz': '...', 'wfn.dat': '...'}

# Add psi4 command line args to the input
psi4_input.cmdline_args.extend(["-n", "4"])

# Files can be dumped to a directory for a calculation

#### Modifying Input Objects

Objects are immutable by default so if you want to modify an object cast it to a dictionary, make the desired modification, and then instantiate a new object. This prevents accidentally modifying objects that may already be referenced in other calculations--perhaps as `.input_data` on an `Output` object.

# Cast to a dictionary and modify
new_input_dict = prog_input.model_dumps()
new_input_dict["model"]["method"] = "b3lyp"
# Instantiate a new object
new_prog_input = ProgramInput(**new_input_dict)

### Output Objects

#### ProgramOutput

All computations result in a `ProgramOutput` object that encapsulates the core results, files, stdout, and additional details of the calculation. A `ProgramOutput` object has the following attributes:

output.input_data # Input data used by the QC program
output.success # Whether the calculation succeeded or failed
output.results # All structured results from the calculation
output.results.files # Any files returned by the calculation
output.stdout # Stdout log from the calculation
output.pstdout # Shortcut to print out the stdout in human readable format
output.provenance # Provenance information about the calculation
output.extras # Any extra information not in the schema

The `.results` attribute on a `ProgramOutput` is polymorphic and may be either `Files`, `SinglePointResults` or `OptimizationResults` depending on the type of calculation requested. Available attributes for each result type can be found by calling `dir()` on the object.


Results can be saved to disk in json, yaml, or toml format by calling `.save("filename.{json/yaml/toml}")` and loaded from disk by calling `.open("filename.{json/yaml/toml}")`.

## ✨ Visualization ✨

Visualize all your results with a single line of code!

First install the visualization module:

pip install qcio[view]

or if your shell requires `''` around arguments with brackets:

pip install 'qcio[view]'

Then in a Jupyter notebook import the `qcio` view module and call `view.view(...)` passing it one or any number of `qcio` objects you want to visualizing including `Structure` objects or any `ProgramOutput` object. You may also pass an array of `titles` and/or `subtitles` to add additional information to the molecular structure display. If no titles are passed `qcio` with look for `Structure` identifiers such as a name or SMILES to label the `Structure`.

![Structure Viewer](https://public.coltonhicks.com/assets/qcio/structure_viewer.png)

Seamless visualizations for `ProgramOutput` objects make results analysis easy!

![Optimization Viewer](https://public.coltonhicks.com/assets/qcio/optimization_viewer.png)

Single point calculations display their results in a table.

![Single Point Viewer](https://public.coltonhicks.com/assets/qcio/single_point_viewer.png)

If you want to use the HTML generated by the viewer to build your own dashboards use the functions inside of `qcio.view.py` that begin with the word `generate_` to create HTML you can insert into any dashboard.

## Constants and Periodic Table

Core physical constants are available in the `constants` module. The source of all values is documented and kept up-to-date with the latest NIST/CODATA2022 values.

from qcio import constants


Periodic Table is also available from the `constants` module.

from qcio.constants import periodic_table as pt


group_6 = pt.group(6)
period_3 = pt.period(3)

# Check Data Source

## Support

If you have any issues with `qcio` or would like to request a feature, please open an [issue](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/issues).


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio",
    "name": "qcio",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Colton Hicks",
    "author_email": "github@coltonhicks.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/d9/2e/92034cb2f912989a817cb3be93b9cd68bf5a7676b5bd7cb44a90ce010416/qcio-0.11.14.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Quantum Chemistry I/O\n\n[![image](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/qcio.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/qcio)\n[![image](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/qcio.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/qcio)\n[![image](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/qcio.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/qcio)\n[![Actions status](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/workflows/Tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/actions)\n[![Actions status](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/workflows/Basic%20Code%20Quality/badge.svg)](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/actions)\n[![Ruff](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/charliermarsh/ruff/main/assets/badge/v1.json)](https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff)\n\nElegant and intuitive data structures for quantum chemistry, featuring seamless Jupyter Notebook visualizations. Also featuring NIST/CODATA2022 core physical constants and a Periodic Table.\n\nInspired by [QCElemental](https://github.com/MolSSI/QCElemental). Built for consistency and rapid development.\n\n`qcio` works in harmony with a suite of other quantum chemistry tools for fast, structured, and interoperable quantum chemistry.\n\n## The QC Suite of Programs\n\n- [qcio](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio) - Elegant and intuitive data structures for quantum chemistry, featuring seamless Jupyter Notebook visualizations. [Documentation](https://qcio.coltonhicks.com)\n- [qcparse](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcparse) - A library for efficient parsing of quantum chemistry data into structured `qcio` objects.\n- [qcop](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcop) - A package for operating quantum chemistry programs using `qcio` standardized data structures. Compatible with `TeraChem`, `psi4`, `QChem`, `NWChem`, `ORCA`, `Molpro`, `geomeTRIC` and many more.\n- [BigChem](https://github.com/mtzgroup/bigchem) - A distributed application for running quantum chemistry calculations at scale across clusters of computers or the cloud. Bring multi-node scaling to your favorite quantum chemistry program.\n- `ChemCloud` - A [web application](https://github.com/mtzgroup/chemcloud-server) and associated [Python client](https://github.com/mtzgroup/chemcloud-client) for exposing a BigChem cluster securely over the internet.\n\n## Installation\n\n```bash\npip install qcio\n```\n\n## Quickstart\n\n`qcio` is built around a simple mental model: `Input` objects are used to define inputs for a quantum chemistry program, and `Output` objects are used to capture the outputs from a quantum chemistry program.\n\nAll `qcio` objects can be serialized and saved to disk by calling `.save(\"filename.json\")` and loaded from disk by calling `.open(\"filename.json\")`. `qcio` supports `json`, `yaml`, and `toml` file formats. Binary data will be automatically base64 encoded and decoded when saving and loading.\n\n### Input Objects\n\n#### ProgramInput - Core input object for a single QC program.\n\n```python\nfrom qcio import Structure, ProgramInput\n# xyz files or saved Structure objects can be opened from disk\ncaffeine = Structure.open(\"caffeine.xyz\")\n# Define the program input\nprog_input = ProgramInput(\n    structure=caffeine,\n    calctype=\"energy\",\n    keywords={\"purify\": \"no\", \"restricted\": False},\n    model={\"method\": \"hf\", \"basis\": \"sto-3g\"},\n    extras={\"comment\": \"This is a comment\"}, # Anything extra not in the schema\n)\n# Binary or other files used as input can be added\nprog_input.add_file(\"wfn.dat\")\nprog_input.keywords[\"initial_guess\"] = \"wfn.dat\"\n\n# Save the input to disk in json, yaml, or toml format\nprog_input.save(\"input.json\")\n\n# Open the input from disk\nprog_input = ProgramInput.open(\"input.json\")\n```\n\n`Structure` objects can be opened from and saved as xyz files or saved to disk as `.json`, `.yaml`, or `.toml` formats by changing the extension of the file. For `.xyz` files precision can be controlled by passing the `precision` argument to the `save` method.\n\n```python\ncaffeine = Structure.open(\"caffeine.xyz\")\ncaffeine.save(\"caffeine2.json\", precision=6)\ncaffeine.save(\"caffeine.toml\")\n```\n\n#### DualProgramInput - Input object for a workflow that uses multiple QC programs.\n\n`DualProgramInput` objects can be used to power workflows that require multiple QC programs. For example, a geometry optimization workflow might use `geomeTRIC` to power the optimization and use `terachem` to compute the energies and gradients.\n\n```python\nfrom qcio import Structure, DualProgramInput\n# xyz files or saved Structure objects can be opened from disk\ncaffeine = Structure.open(\"caffeine.xyz\")\n# Define the program input\nprog_input = DualProgramInput(\n    structure=caffeine,\n    calctype=\"optimization\",\n    keywords={\"maxiter\": 250},\n    subprogram=\"terachem\",\n    subprogram_args = {\n        \"model\": {\"method\": \"hf\", \"basis\": \"sto-3g\"},\n        \"keywords\": {\"purify\": \"no\", \"restricted\": False},\n    },\n    extras={\"comment\": \"This is a comment\"}, # Anything extra not in the schema\n)\n```\n\n#### FileInput - Input object for a QC programs using native file formats.\n\n`qcio` also supports the native file formats of each QC program with a `FileInput` object. Assume you have a directory like this with your input files for `psi4`:\n\n```\npsi4/\n    input.dat\n    geometry.xyz\n    wfn.dat\n```\n\nYou can collect these native files and any associated command line arguments needed to specify a calculation into a `FileInput` object like this:\n\n```python\nfrom qcio import FileInput\npsi4_input = FileInput.from_directory(\"psi4\")\n\n# All input files will be loaded into the `files` attribute\npsi4_input.files\n# {'input.dat': '...', 'geometry.xyz': '...', 'wfn.dat': '...'}\n\n# Add psi4 command line args to the input\npsi4_input.cmdline_args.extend([\"-n\", \"4\"])\n\n# Files can be dumped to a directory for a calculation\npsi4_input.save_files(\"psi4\")\n```\n\n#### Modifying Input Objects\n\nObjects are immutable by default so if you want to modify an object cast it to a dictionary, make the desired modification, and then instantiate a new object. This prevents accidentally modifying objects that may already be referenced in other calculations--perhaps as `.input_data` on an `Output` object.\n\n```python\n# Cast to a dictionary and modify\nnew_input_dict = prog_input.model_dumps()\nnew_input_dict[\"model\"][\"method\"] = \"b3lyp\"\n# Instantiate a new object\nnew_prog_input = ProgramInput(**new_input_dict)\n```\n\n### Output Objects\n\n#### ProgramOutput\n\nAll computations result in a `ProgramOutput` object that encapsulates the core results, files, stdout, and additional details of the calculation. A `ProgramOutput` object has the following attributes:\n\n```python\noutput.input_data # Input data used by the QC program\noutput.success # Whether the calculation succeeded or failed\noutput.results # All structured results from the calculation\noutput.results.files # Any files returned by the calculation\noutput.stdout # Stdout log from the calculation\noutput.pstdout # Shortcut to print out the stdout in human readable format\noutput.provenance # Provenance information about the calculation\noutput.extras # Any extra information not in the schema\n```\n\nThe `.results` attribute on a `ProgramOutput` is polymorphic and may be either `Files`, `SinglePointResults` or `OptimizationResults` depending on the type of calculation requested. Available attributes for each result type can be found by calling `dir()` on the object.\n\n```python\ndir(output.results)\n```\n\nResults can be saved to disk in json, yaml, or toml format by calling `.save(\"filename.{json/yaml/toml}\")` and loaded from disk by calling `.open(\"filename.{json/yaml/toml}\")`.\n\n## \u2728 Visualization \u2728\n\nVisualize all your results with a single line of code!\n\nFirst install the visualization module:\n\n```sh\npip install qcio[view]\n```\n\nor if your shell requires `''` around arguments with brackets:\n\n```sh\npip install 'qcio[view]'\n```\n\nThen in a Jupyter notebook import the `qcio` view module and call `view.view(...)` passing it one or any number of `qcio` objects you want to visualizing including `Structure` objects or any `ProgramOutput` object. You may also pass an array of `titles` and/or `subtitles` to add additional information to the molecular structure display. If no titles are passed `qcio` with look for `Structure` identifiers such as a name or SMILES to label the `Structure`.\n\n![Structure Viewer](https://public.coltonhicks.com/assets/qcio/structure_viewer.png)\n\nSeamless visualizations for `ProgramOutput` objects make results analysis easy!\n\n![Optimization Viewer](https://public.coltonhicks.com/assets/qcio/optimization_viewer.png)\n\nSingle point calculations display their results in a table.\n\n![Single Point Viewer](https://public.coltonhicks.com/assets/qcio/single_point_viewer.png)\n\nIf you want to use the HTML generated by the viewer to build your own dashboards use the functions inside of `qcio.view.py` that begin with the word `generate_` to create HTML you can insert into any dashboard.\n\n## Constants and Periodic Table\n\nCore physical constants are available in the `constants` module. The source of all values is documented and kept up-to-date with the latest NIST/CODATA2022 values.\n\n```python\nfrom qcio import constants\n\nconstants.BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM\n```\n\nPeriodic Table is also available from the `constants` module.\n\n```python\nfrom qcio.constants import periodic_table as pt\n\npt.He.symbol\npt.He.number\npt.He.name\npt.Ht.mass\npt.He.group\npt.He.period\npt.He.block\npt.He.electron_confg\n\ngroup_6 = pt.group(6)\nperiod_3 = pt.period(3)\n\n# Check Data Source\npt.data_source\npt.data_url\n```\n\n## Support\n\nIf you have any issues with `qcio` or would like to request a feature, please open an [issue](https://github.com/coltonbh/qcio/issues).\n\n",
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