
Namerestructuredtext-lint JSON
Version 1.4.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryreStructuredText linter
upload_time2022-02-24 05:51:10
authorTodd Wolfson
keywords restructuredtext restructured text rest rst lint
requirements docutils
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

.. image::
   :alt: Build Status

`reStructuredText`_ `linter`_

This was created out of frustration with `PyPI`_; it sucks finding out your `reST`_ is invalid **after** uploading it. It is being developed in junction with a `Sublime Text`_ linter.

.. _`reStructuredText`:
.. _`linter`:
.. _`reST`: `reStructuredText`_
.. _`PyPI`:
.. _`Sublime Text`:

Getting Started
Install the module with: ``pip install restructuredtext_lint``

.. code:: python

    import restructuredtext_lint
    errors = restructuredtext_lint.lint("""
    Hello World

    # `errors` will be list of system messages
    # [<system_message: <paragraph...><literal_block...>>]
    errors[0].message  # Title underline too short.

CLI Utility
For your convenience, we present a CLI utility ``rst-lint`` (also available as ``restructuredtext-lint``).

.. code:: console

    $ rst-lint --help
    usage: rst-lint [-h] [--version] [--format {text,json}] [--encoding ENCODING]
                    [--level {debug,info,warning,error,severe}]
                    [--rst-prolog RST_PROLOG]
                    path [path ...]

    Lint reStructuredText files. Returns 0 if all files pass linting, 1 for an
    internal error, and 2 if linting failed.

    positional arguments:
      path                  File/folder to lint

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --version             show program's version number and exit
      --format {text,json}  Format of the output (default: "text")
      --encoding ENCODING   Encoding of the input file (e.g. "utf-8")
      --level {debug,info,warning,error,severe}
                            Minimum error level to report (default: "warning")
      --rst-prolog RST_PROLOG
                            reStructuredText content to prepend to all files
                            (useful for substitutions)

    $ rst-lint README.rst
    WARNING README.rst:2 Title underline too short.

Other tools
``restructuredtext-lint`` is also integrated in other tools. A list can be found and updated in our wiki

PyPI issues
While a document may lint cleanly locally, there can be issues when submitted it to `PyPI`_. Here are some common problems:

- Usage of non-builtin lexers (e.g. ``bibtex``) will pass locally but not be recognized/parsable on `PyPI`_

  - This is due to `PyPI`_ not having a non-builtin lexer installed
  - Please avoid non-builtin lexers to avoid complications
  - For more information, see `#27`_

- Relative hyperlinks will not work (e.g. ``./UNLICENSE``)

  - According to Stack Overflow, hyperlinks must use a scheme (e.g. ``http``, ``https``) and that scheme must be whitelisted


  - Please use absolute hyperlinks (e.g. ````)

.. _`#27`:

``restructuredtext-lint`` exposes a ``lint`` and ``lint_file`` function

``restructuredtext_lint.lint(content, filepath=None, rst_prolog=None)``
Lint `reStructuredText`_ and return errors

- content ``String`` - `reStructuredText`_ to be linted
- filepath ``String`` - Optional path to file, this will be returned as the source
- rst_prolog ``String`` - Optional content to prepend to content, line numbers will be offset to ignore this


- errors ``List`` - List of errors

  - Each error is a class from `docutils`_ with the following attrs

    - line ``Integer|None`` - Line where the error occurred

      - On rare occasions, this will be ``None`` (e.g. anonymous link mismatch)

    - source ``String`` - ``filepath`` provided in parameters
    - level ``Integer`` - Level of the warning

      - Levels represent 'info': 1, 'warning': 2, 'error': 3, 'severe': 4

    - type ``String`` - Noun describing the error level

      - Levels can be 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', or 'SEVERE'
    - message ``String`` - Error message
    - full_message ``String`` - Error message and source lines where the error occurred

  - It should be noted that ``level``, ``type``, ``message``, and ``full_message`` are custom attrs added onto the original ``system_message``

.. _`docutils`:

``restructuredtext_lint.lint_file(filepath, encoding=None, *args, **kwargs)``
Lint a `reStructuredText`_ file and return errors

- filepath ``String`` - Path to file for linting
- encoding ``String`` - Encoding to read file in as

  - When ``None`` is provided, it will use OS default as provided by `locale.getpreferredencoding`_
  - The list of supported encodings can be found at

- ``*args`` - Additional arguments to be passed to ``lint``
- ``**kwargs`` - Additional keyword arguments to be passed to ``lint``

.. _`locale.getpreferredencoding`:

Returns: Same structure as ``restructuredtext_lint.lint``

Under the hood, we leverage `docutils`_ for parsing reStructuredText documents. `docutils`_ supports adding new directives and roles via ``register_directive`` and ``register_role``.

Unfortunately due to customizations in `Sphinx's parser`_ we cannot include all of its directives/roles (see `#29`_). However, we can include some of them as one-offs. Here is an example of adding a directive from `Sphinx`_.

.. _`Sphinx`:
.. _`Sphinx's parser`:  Sphinx_
.. _`#29`:


.. code:: rst


    .. highlight:: python

        Hello World!


.. code:: python

    # Load in our dependencies
    from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import register_directive
    from sphinx.directives.code import Highlight
    import restructuredtext_lint

    # Load our new directive
    register_directive('highlight', Highlight)

    # Lint our README
    errors = restructuredtext_lint.lint_file('docs/sphinx/README.rst')
    print errors[0].message # Error in "highlight" directive: no content permitted.

Here is an example of all invalid properties

.. code:: python

    rst = """
    Some content.

    Hello World
    Some more content!
    errors = restructuredtext_lint.lint(rst, '')
    errors[0].line  # 5
    errors[0].source  #
    errors[0].level  # 2
    errors[0].type  # WARNING
    errors[0].message  # Title underline too short.
    errors[0].full_message  # Title underline too short.
                            # Hello World
                            # =======

In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Test via ``nosetests``.

Support this project and `others by twolfson`_ via `donations`_.

.. _`others by twolfson`:
.. _donations:

As of Nov 22 2013, Todd Wolfson has released this repository and its contents to the public domain.

It has been released under the `UNLICENSE`_.



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "restructuredtext-lint",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "restructuredtext,restructured text,rest,rst,lint",
    "author": "Todd Wolfson",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "",
    "description": "restructuredtext-lint\n=====================\n\n.. image::\n   :target:\n   :alt: Build Status\n\n`reStructuredText`_ `linter`_\n\nThis was created out of frustration with `PyPI`_; it sucks finding out your `reST`_ is invalid **after** uploading it. It is being developed in junction with a `Sublime Text`_ linter.\n\n.. _`reStructuredText`:\n.. _`linter`:\n.. _`reST`: `reStructuredText`_\n.. _`PyPI`:\n.. _`Sublime Text`:\n\nGetting Started\n---------------\nInstall the module with: ``pip install restructuredtext_lint``\n\n.. code:: python\n\n    import restructuredtext_lint\n    errors = restructuredtext_lint.lint(\"\"\"\n    Hello World\n    =======\n    \"\"\")\n\n    # `errors` will be list of system messages\n    # [<system_message: <paragraph...><literal_block...>>]\n    errors[0].message  # Title underline too short.\n\nCLI Utility\n^^^^^^^^^^^\nFor your convenience, we present a CLI utility ``rst-lint`` (also available as ``restructuredtext-lint``).\n\n.. code:: console\n\n    $ rst-lint --help\n    usage: rst-lint [-h] [--version] [--format {text,json}] [--encoding ENCODING]\n                    [--level {debug,info,warning,error,severe}]\n                    [--rst-prolog RST_PROLOG]\n                    path [path ...]\n\n    Lint reStructuredText files. Returns 0 if all files pass linting, 1 for an\n    internal error, and 2 if linting failed.\n\n    positional arguments:\n      path                  File/folder to lint\n\n    optional arguments:\n      -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n      --version             show program's version number and exit\n      --format {text,json}  Format of the output (default: \"text\")\n      --encoding ENCODING   Encoding of the input file (e.g. \"utf-8\")\n      --level {debug,info,warning,error,severe}\n                            Minimum error level to report (default: \"warning\")\n      --rst-prolog RST_PROLOG\n                            reStructuredText content to prepend to all files\n                            (useful for substitutions)\n\n    $ rst-lint README.rst\n    WARNING README.rst:2 Title underline too short.\n\nOther tools\n^^^^^^^^^^^\n``restructuredtext-lint`` is also integrated in other tools. A list can be found and updated in our wiki\n\n\n\nPyPI issues\n^^^^^^^^^^^\nWhile a document may lint cleanly locally, there can be issues when submitted it to `PyPI`_. Here are some common problems:\n\n- Usage of non-builtin lexers (e.g. ``bibtex``) will pass locally but not be recognized/parsable on `PyPI`_\n\n  - This is due to `PyPI`_ not having a non-builtin lexer installed\n  - Please avoid non-builtin lexers to avoid complications\n  - For more information, see `#27`_\n\n- Relative hyperlinks will not work (e.g. ``./UNLICENSE``)\n\n  - According to Stack Overflow, hyperlinks must use a scheme (e.g. ``http``, ``https``) and that scheme must be whitelisted\n\n    -\n\n  - Please use absolute hyperlinks (e.g. ````)\n\n.. _`#27`:\n\nDocumentation\n-------------\n``restructuredtext-lint`` exposes a ``lint`` and ``lint_file`` function\n\n``restructuredtext_lint.lint(content, filepath=None, rst_prolog=None)``\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nLint `reStructuredText`_ and return errors\n\n- content ``String`` - `reStructuredText`_ to be linted\n- filepath ``String`` - Optional path to file, this will be returned as the source\n- rst_prolog ``String`` - Optional content to prepend to content, line numbers will be offset to ignore this\n\nReturns:\n\n- errors ``List`` - List of errors\n\n  - Each error is a class from `docutils`_ with the following attrs\n\n    - line ``Integer|None`` - Line where the error occurred\n\n      - On rare occasions, this will be ``None`` (e.g. anonymous link mismatch)\n\n    - source ``String`` - ``filepath`` provided in parameters\n    - level ``Integer`` - Level of the warning\n\n      - Levels represent 'info': 1, 'warning': 2, 'error': 3, 'severe': 4\n\n    - type ``String`` - Noun describing the error level\n\n      - Levels can be 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', or 'SEVERE'\n    - message ``String`` - Error message\n    - full_message ``String`` - Error message and source lines where the error occurred\n\n  - It should be noted that ``level``, ``type``, ``message``, and ``full_message`` are custom attrs added onto the original ``system_message``\n\n.. _`docutils`:\n\n``restructuredtext_lint.lint_file(filepath, encoding=None, *args, **kwargs)``\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nLint a `reStructuredText`_ file and return errors\n\n- filepath ``String`` - Path to file for linting\n- encoding ``String`` - Encoding to read file in as\n\n  - When ``None`` is provided, it will use OS default as provided by `locale.getpreferredencoding`_\n  - The list of supported encodings can be found at\n\n- ``*args`` - Additional arguments to be passed to ``lint``\n- ``**kwargs`` - Additional keyword arguments to be passed to ``lint``\n\n.. _`locale.getpreferredencoding`:\n\nReturns: Same structure as ``restructuredtext_lint.lint``\n\nExtension\n---------\nUnder the hood, we leverage `docutils`_ for parsing reStructuredText documents. `docutils`_ supports adding new directives and roles via ``register_directive`` and ``register_role``.\n\nSphinx\n^^^^^^\nUnfortunately due to customizations in `Sphinx's parser`_ we cannot include all of its directives/roles (see `#29`_). However, we can include some of them as one-offs. Here is an example of adding a directive from `Sphinx`_.\n\n.. _`Sphinx`:\n.. _`Sphinx's parser`:  Sphinx_\n.. _`#29`:\n\n\n\n**sphinx.rst**\n\n.. code:: rst\n\n    Hello\n    =====\n    World\n\n    .. highlight:: python\n\n        Hello World!\n\n****\n\n.. code:: python\n\n    # Load in our dependencies\n    from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import register_directive\n    from sphinx.directives.code import Highlight\n    import restructuredtext_lint\n\n    # Load our new directive\n    register_directive('highlight', Highlight)\n\n    # Lint our README\n    errors = restructuredtext_lint.lint_file('docs/sphinx/README.rst')\n    print errors[0].message # Error in \"highlight\" directive: no content permitted.\n\nExamples\n--------\nHere is an example of all invalid properties\n\n.. code:: python\n\n    rst = \"\"\"\n    Some content.\n\n    Hello World\n    =======\n    Some more content!\n    \"\"\"\n    errors = restructuredtext_lint.lint(rst, '')\n    errors[0].line  # 5\n    errors[0].source  #\n    errors[0].level  # 2\n    errors[0].type  # WARNING\n    errors[0].message  # Title underline too short.\n    errors[0].full_message  # Title underline too short.\n                            #\n                            # Hello World\n                            # =======\n\nContributing\n------------\nIn lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Test via ``nosetests``.\n\nDonating\n--------\nSupport this project and `others by twolfson`_ via `donations`_.\n\n\n\n.. _`others by twolfson`:\n.. _donations:\n\nUnlicense\n---------\nAs of Nov 22 2013, Todd Wolfson has released this repository and its contents to the public domain.\n\nIt has been released under the `UNLICENSE`_.\n\n.. _UNLICENSE:\n\n\n",
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    "summary": "reStructuredText linter",
    "version": "1.4.0",
    "project_urls": {
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        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
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    "urls": [
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            "md5_digest": "05aae776c7fe02edb03f3b2601ac6b67",
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            "size": 16723,
            "upload_time": "2022-02-24T05:51:10",
            "upload_time_iso_8601": "2022-02-24T05:51:10.907416Z",
            "url": "",
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    "upload_time": "2022-02-24 05:51:10",
    "github": true,
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    "bitbucket": false,
    "codeberg": false,
    "github_user": "twolfson",
    "github_project": "restructuredtext-lint",
    "travis_ci": true,
    "coveralls": false,
    "github_actions": false,
    "requirements": [
            "name": "docutils",
            "specs": [
    "lcname": "restructuredtext-lint"
Elapsed time: 0.37062s