
Namerialto JSON
Version 2.0.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryRialto is a framework for building and deploying machine learning features in a scalable and reusable way. It provides a set of tools that make it easy to define and deploy features and models, and it provides a way to orchestrate the execution of these features and models.
upload_time2024-10-02 09:00:00
authorMarek Dobransky
keywords feature featureslib featuremaker metadata featureloader loader
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            from pydantic import BaseModelfrom rialto.runner.config_loader import PipelineConfigfrom rialto.jobs import config

# Rialto

Rialto is a framework for building and deploying machine learning features in a scalable and reusable way. It provides a set of tools that make it easy to define and deploy new features, and it provides a way to orchestrate the execution of these features.

The name Rialto is a reference to the Rialto Bridge in Venice, Italy. The Rialto Bridge was a major marketplace for goods and ideas the Middle Ages.
Rialto is intended to be a foundation of a similar marketplace for machine learning features, where users and find and share reusable features.

Sphinx-Generated autodocs pages available **[here](https://absaoss.github.io/rialto/)**.

# Contents
1. [Installation](#install)
2. [Library Overview](#overview)
3. [Contributing](#contributing)

# <a id="install"></a> 1. Installation
pip install rialto

# <a id="overview"></a> 2. Library Overview
This library currently contains:
1. [runner](#runner)
2. [maker](#maker)
3. [jobs](#jobs)
3. [loader](#loader)
4. [metadata](#metadata)
5. [common](#common)

## <a id="runner"></a> 2.1 - runner

Runner is the orchestrator and scheduler of Rialto. It can be used to execute any [job](#jobs) but is primarily designed to execute feature [maker](#maker) jobs.
The core of runner is execution of a Transformation class that can be extended for any purpose and the execution configuration that defines the handling of i/o, scheduling, dependencies and reporting.

### Transformation
For the details on the interface see the [implementation](rialto/runner/transformation.py)
Inside the transformation you have access to a [TableReader](#common), date of running, and if provided to Runner, a live spark session and [metadata manager](#metadata).
You can either implement your jobs directly via extending the Transformation class, or by using the [jobs](#jobs) abstraction.

### Runner

Bellow is the minimal code necessary to execute the runner.

from rialto.runner import Runner
# Create the runner instance
runner = Runner(spark, config_path=cfg)
# Execute the run

A runner by default executes all the jobs provided in the configuration file, for all the viable execution dates according to the configuration file for which the job has not yet run successfully (i.e. the date partition doesn't exist on the storage)
This behavior can be modified by various parameters and switches available.

* **run_date** - date at which the runner is triggered (defaults to day of running)
* **rerun** - rerun all jobs even if they already succeeded in the past runs
* **op** - run only selected operation / pipeline
* **skip_dependencies** - ignore dependency checks and run all jobs
* **overrides** - dictionary of overrides for the configuration

Transformations are not included in the runner itself, it imports them dynamically according to the configuration, therefore it's necessary to have them locally installed.

### Configuration

  watched_period_units: "months" # unit of default run period
  watched_period_value: 2 # value of default run period
    to: # a list of email addresses
      - name@host.domain
      - name2@host.domain
    sender: rialto.noreply@domain # what a sender should say
    smtp: smtp.server.url # your smtp server
    subject: "Rialto report" # Email subject header

pipelines: # a list of pipelines to run
- name: Pipeline1  #Pipeline name & a name of table it creates (table will be converted to have _ instead of uppercase letters)
  module: # Python transformation class location
    python_module: module_name
    python_class: Pipeline1Class
    frequency: weekly # daily/weekly/monthly
    day: 7 # day of the week or month
    info_date_shift: #Optional shift in the written information date from the scheduled day
      - units: "days" # days/weeks/months/years
        value: 5 # subtracted from scheduled day
  dependencies: # list of dependent tables
    - table: catalog.schema.table1
      name: "table1" # Optional table name, used to recall dependency details in transformation
      date_col: generation_date # Mandatory date column name
      interval: # mandatory availability interval, subtracted from scheduled day
        units: "days"
        value: 1
    - table: catalog.schema.table2
      name: "table2"
        units: "months"
        value: 1
      target_schema: catalog.schema # schema where tables will be created, must exist
      target_partition_column: INFORMATION_DATE # date to partition new tables on
  metadata_manager: # optional
      metadata_schema: catalog.metadata # schema where metadata is stored
  feature_loader: # optional
      config_path: model_features_config.yaml # path to the feature loader configuration file
      feature_schema: catalog.feature_tables # schema where feature tables are stored
      metadata_schema: catalog.metadata # schema where metadata is stored
  extras: #optional arguments processed as dictionary
    some_value: 3
    some_other_value: giraffe

- name: PipelineTable1 # will be written as pipeline_table1
    python_module: module_name
    python_class: Pipeline2Class
    frequency: monthly
    day: 6
    info_date_shift: # can be combined as a list
      - units: "days"
        value: 5
      - units: "months"
        value: 3
    - table: catalog.schema.table3
        units: "days"
        value: 6
      target_schema: catalog.schema # schema where tables will be created, must exist
      target_partition_column: INFORMATION_DATE # date to partition new tables on

The configuration can be dynamically overridden by providing a dictionary of overrides to the runner. All overrides must adhere to configurations schema, with pipeline.extras section available for custom schema.
Here are few examples of overrides:

#### Simple override of a single value
Specify the path to the value in the configuration file as a dot-separated string

        overrides={"runner.watch_period_value": 4},

#### Override list element
You can refer to list elements by their index (starting with 0)
overrides={"runner.mail.to[1]": "a@b.c"}

#### Append to list
You can append to list by using index -1
overrides={"runner.mail.to[-1]": "test@test.com"}

#### Lookup by attribute value in a list
You can use the following syntax to find a specific element in a list by its attribute value
overrides={"pipelines[name=SimpleGroup].target.target_schema": "new_schema"},

#### Injecting/Replacing whole sections
You can directly replace a bigger section of the configuration by providing a dictionary
When the whole section doesn't exist, it will be added to the configuration, however it needs to be added as a whole.
i.e. if the yaml file doesn't specify feature_loader, you can't just add a feature_loader.config_path, you need to add the whole section.
                           {"config_path": "features_cfg.yaml",
                            "feature_schema": "catalog.features",
                            "metadata_schema": "catalog.metadata"}}

#### Multiple overrides
You can provide multiple overrides at once, the order of execution is not guaranteed
overrides={"runner.watch_period_value": 4,
           "runner.watch_period_units": "weeks",
           "pipelines[name=SimpleGroup].target.target_schema": "new_schema",
                           {"config_path": "features_cfg.yaml",
                            "feature_schema": "catalog.features",
                            "metadata_schema": "catalog.metadata"}

## <a id="maker"></a> 2.2 - maker
The purpose of (feature) maker is to simplify feature creation, allow for consistent feature implementation that is standardized and easy to test.

Maker provides the utilities to define feature generating functions by wrapping python functions with provided decorators and a framework to execute these functions.

### FeatureMaker
FeatureMaker is pre-initialized class that provides the means to execute pre-defined feature functions. It has 2 modes, sequential features and aggregated features.
Features need to be defined in a separate importable module as in the examples.

Since there is always only one FeatureMaker object, you can use its state variables from inside feature functions. Specifically
**FeatureMaker.make_date** and **FeatureMaker.key**. These variables are set when calling a FeatureMaker.make(...) function to the values of its parameters.

#### Sequential
Sequential feature generation can be simply interpreted as appending a new column for every feature to the existing dataframe.

from rialto.maker import FeatureMaker
from my_features import simple_features

features, metadata = FeatureMaker.make(

#### Aggregated
In aggregated generation, the source dataframe is grouped by the key or keys and the features themselves are the aggregations put into the spark agg function.

from rialto.maker import FeatureMaker
from my_features import agg_features

features, metadata = FeatureMaker.make_aggregated(

There are also **make_single_feature** and **make_single_agg_feature** available, intended to be used in tests. (See full documentation)

### Features
Features, whether sequential or aggregated ar defined as simple python functions that return a PySpark **function**, that generates the desired column.
In the case of sequential, this function is inserted into PySpark withColumn function as following

data_frame.withColumn("feature_name", RETURNED_FUNCTION_GOES_HERE)

in the case of aggregated features, they are used as follows


All the features in one python module are processed in one call of FeatureMakers make functions, therefore you can't mix aggregated and sequential features into one module.

### Decorators
To define Rialto features, the framework provides a set of decorators.

#### @feature
This registers the function as a feature. Every feature has to be decorated with @feature as the **outermost** wrapper.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import rialto.maker as rfm
from pyspark.sql import Column
from rialto.metadata import ValueType as VT

def RECENCY() -> Column:
    return F.months_between(F.lit(rfm.FeatureMaker.make_date), F.col("DATE"))

@feature takes one parameter, [metadata](#metadata) enum of value type.

#### @desc
Provides an option to pass a string describing the feature that is then saved as part of feature [metadata](#metadata).

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import rialto.maker as rfm
from pyspark.sql import Column
from rialto.metadata import ValueType as VT

@rfm.desc("Recency of the action")
def RECENCY() -> Column:
    return F.months_between(F.lit(rfm.FeatureMaker.make_date), F.col("DATE"))

#### @param
Inspired by @pytest.mark.parametrize, it has similar interface and fulfills the same role. It allows you to invoke the feature function multiple times with different values of the parameter.
If multiple @params are used, the number of final features will be a product of all parameters. The feature function has to expect a parameter with the same name as the @params name.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import rialto.maker as fml
from pyspark.sql import Column
from rialto.metadata import ValueType as VT

@fml.param("product", ["A", "B", "C"])
@fml.param("status", ["ACTIVE", "INACTIVE"])
@fml.desc("Number of given products with given status")
def NUM(product: str, status: str) -> Column:
    return F.count(F.when((F.col("PRODUCT") == product) & (F.col("STATUS") == status), F.lit(1)))

The above code creates following features

#### @depends
@depends allows for a definition of features that depend on each other / need to be calculated in certain order.
**Dependency resolution uses the raw feature names (function names)** not parameter expanded names.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import rialto.maker as rfm
from pyspark.sql import Column
from rialto.metadata import ValueType as VT

@rfm.desc("Recency of the action")
def RECENCY() -> Column:
    return F.months_between(F.lit(rfm.FeatureMaker.make_date), F.col("DATE"))

@rfm.desc("Action month delay")
@rfm.param("month", [1, 2, 3])
def DELAY(month) -> Column:
    recency = F.col("RECENCY")
    return F.when((recency < month) & (recency >= month - 1), F.lit(1))

In this example, @depends, ensures that RECENCY is calculated before DELAY

### Feature name
Publicly available as rialto.maker.utils.feature_name(...), this function is used to create final names of all features.
It concatenates the name of the python function with any given @params and their values used in that instance of the feature.

## <a id="jobs"></a> 2.3 - jobs
Rialto jobs simplify creation of runner transformations. Instead of having to inherit the base *Transformation* class, this module offers two decorators: *datasource*, and *job*.

As the names might suggest,
* *datasource* registers the function below as a valid datasource, which can be used as dependency
* *job* registers the decorated function as a Rialto transformation.

The output / return value of both functions **should/has to be** a python dataframe *(or nothing for jobs, more on that later)*.

### rialto job dependencies
Both jobs and datasources can request dependencies as function arguments. Rialto will attempt to resolve those dependencies and provide them during the job run(s).

We have a set of pre-defined dependencies:
* **run_date** gives you the *date* on which the job is supposed to run
* **spark** contains the *spark session*
* **config** returns the custom config you can specify with each job run
* **dependencies** returns a dictionary containing the job dependencies config
* **table_reader** returns *TableReader*
* **feature_loader** provides *PysparkFeatureLoader*
* **metadata_manager** provides *MetadataManager*

Apart from that, each **datasource** also becomes a fully usable dependency. Note, that this means that datasources can also be dependent on other datasources - just beware of any circular dependencies!

With that sorted out, we can now provide a quick example of the *rialto.jobs* module's capabilities:

from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from rialto.common import TableReader
from rialto.jobs import config_parser, job, datasource
from rialto.runner.config_loader import PipelineConfig
from pydantic import BaseModel

class ConfigModel(BaseModel):
    some_value: int
    some_other_value: str

def my_config(config: PipelineConfig):
    return ConfigModel(**config.extras)

def my_datasource(run_date: datetime.date, table_reader: TableReader) -> DataFrame:
    return table_reader.get_latest("my_catalog.my_schema.my_table", date_until=run_date)

def my_job(my_datasource: DataFrame, my_config: ConfigModel) -> DataFrame:
    return my_datasource.withColumn("HelloWorld", F.lit(my_config.some_value))
This piece of code
1. creates a rialto transformation called *my_job*, which is then callable by the rialto runner.
2. It sources the *my_datasource* and then runs *my_job* on top of that datasource.
3. Rialto adds VERSION (of your package) and INFORMATION_DATE (as per config) columns automatically.
4. The rialto runner stores the final to a catalog, to a table according to the job's name.

### Custom job names
Note, that by default, the rialto job name is your function name. To allow more flexibility, we allow renaming of the job:
def f(...):
Just note that any *WeirdCaseNames* will be transformed to *lower_case_with_underscores*.

### Disabling Versioning
If you want to disable versioning of your job (adding package VERSION column to your output):

def my_job(...):
These parameters can be used separately, or combined.

### Notes & Rules
The rules for the dependencies are fairly straightforward.
Both **jobs** and **datasources** can only depend on *pre-defined* dependencies and other *datasources*. Meaning:
* *datasource -> datasource -> job* is perfectly fine,
* *datasource -> job -> datasource* will result in an error.

Secondly, the jobs can, but **don't necessarily have to output** a dataframe.
In case your job doesn't output a dataframe, your job will return an artificially-created, one-row dataframe, which will ensure that rialto notices that the job ran successfully.
This can be useful in **model training**.

Finally, remember, that your jobs are still just *Rialto Transformations* internally.
Meaning that at the end of the day, you should always read some data, do some operations on it and either return a pyspark DataFrame, or not return anything and let the framework return the placeholder one.

### Importing / Registering Datasources
Datasources required for a job (or another datasource) can be defined in a different module. 
To register your module as a datasource, you can use the following functions:

from rialto.jobs import register_dependency_callable, register_dependency_module
import my_package.my_datasources as md
import my_package.my_datasources_big as big_md

# Register an entire dependency module

# Register a single datasource from a bigger module

def my_job(my_datasource, sample_datasource: DataFrame, ...):

Each job/datasource can only resolve datasources it has defined as dependencies.

**NOTE**: While ```register_dependency_module``` only registers a module as available dependencies, the ```register_dependency_callable``` actually brings the datasource into the targed module - and thus becomes available for export in the dependency chains.

### Testing
One of the main advantages of the jobs module is simplification of unit tests for your transformations. Rialto provides following tools:

#### 1. Disabling Decorators

Assuming we have a my_package.test_job_module.py module:
def datasource_a(...)
    ... code...

def my_job(datasource_a, ...)
    ... code...
The *disable_job_decorators* context manager, as the name suggests, disables all decorator functionality and lets you access your functions as raw functions - making it super simple to unit-test:

from rialto.jobs.test_utils import disable_job_decorators
import my_package.test_job_module as tjm

# Datasource Testing
def test_datasource_a():
    ... mocks here...

    with disable_job_decorators(tjm):
        datasource_a_output = tjm.datasource_a(...mocks...)


# Job Testing
def test_my_job():
    datasource_a_mock = ...
    ...other mocks...

    with disable_job_decorators(tjm):
        job_output = tjm.my_job(datasource_a_mock, ...mocks...)


#### 2. Testing the @job Dependency Tree
In complex use cases, it may happen that the dependencies of a job become quite complex. Or you simply want to be sure that you didn't accidentally misspelled your dependency name:

from rialto.jobs.test_utils import resolver_resolves
import my_job.test_job_module as tjm

def test_my_job_resolves(spark):
    assert resolver_resolves(spark, tjm.my_job)

The code above fails if *my_job* depends on an undefined datasource (even indirectly), and detects cases where there's a circular dependency.

## <a id="loader"></a> 2.4 - loader
This module is used to load features from feature store into your models and scripts. Loader provides options to load singular features, whole feature groups, as well as a selection of features from multiple groups defined in a config file, and served as a singular dataframe. It also provides interface to access feature metadata.

Two public classes are exposed form this module. **DatabricksLoader**(DataLoader), **PysparkFeatureLoader**(FeatureLoaderInterface).

### PysparkFeatureLoader

This class needs to be instantiated with an active spark session, data loader and a path to the metadata schema (in the format of "catalog_name.schema_name").

from rialto.loader import PysparkFeatureLoader

feature_loader = PysparkFeatureLoader(spark= spark_instance, feature_schema="catalog.schema", metadata_schema= "catalog.schema2", date_column="information_date")

#### Single feature

from rialto.loader import PysparkFeatureLoader
from datetime import datetime

feature_loader = PysparkFeatureLoader(spark, "feature_catalog.feature_schema", "metadata_catalog.metadata_schema")
my_date = datetime.strptime("2020-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d").date()

feature = feature_loader.get_feature(group_name="CustomerFeatures", feature_name="AGE", information_date=my_date)
metadata = feature_loader.get_feature_metadata(group_name="CustomerFeatures", feature_name="AGE")

#### Feature group
This method of data access is only recommended for experimentation, as the group schema can evolve over time.

from rialto.loader import PysparkFeatureLoader
from datetime import datetime

feature_loader = PysparkFeatureLoader(spark, "feature_catalog.feature_schema", "metadata_catalog.metadata_schema")
my_date = datetime.strptime("2020-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d").date()

features = feature_loader.get_group(group_name="CustomerFeatures", information_date=my_date)
metadata = feature_loader.get_group_metadata(group_name="CustomerFeatures")

#### Configuration

from rialto.loader import PysparkFeatureLoader
from datetime import datetime

feature_loader = PysparkFeatureLoader(spark, "feature_catalog.feature_schema", "metadata_catalog.metadata_schema")
my_date = datetime.strptime("2020-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d").date()

features = feature_loader.get_features_from_cfg(path="local/configuration/file.yaml", information_date=my_date)
metadata = feature_loader.get_metadata_from_cfg(path="local/configuration/file.yaml")

The configuration file is expected to be in a yaml format and has 3 sections: selection, base, maps.
* **selection** is a list of feature groups and desired features in those groups. Each group also needs a prefix defined, which will prefix a name of every feature from that group
* **base** is a feature group with a set of keys defined, a unique selection of these keys from this group will form the base of the resulting dataframe and all feature will be left-joined onto that
* **maps** is an optional list of dataframes that will be joined onto the base as a whole and their purpose is to bridge feature sets with different primary keys, i.e. we have a map linking IDnumbers and AccountNumbers so we can use feature groups based on either of the primary keys.

  - group: Group_A
    prefix: A_PREFIX
      - Feature_A1
      - Feature_A2
  - group: Group_B
    prefix: B_PREFIX
      - Feature_B1
      - Feature_B2
  group: Group_D
    - Column_Key1
    - Column_Key2
  - MapGroup1
  - MapGroup2

## <a id="metadata"></a> 2.5 - metadata
Rialto metadata module is designed specifically to work with features. It's a support function to pass data from [maker](#maker) to [loader](#loader), and to have additional metadata available for further features processing.

Metadata module consists of 3 parts: enums, metadata dataclasses and MetadataManager.

### enums
There's two enums available used across Rialto, **Schedule** and **ValueType**. Schedule defines the frequency of execution (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) and ValueType defines the feature type (nominal, ordinal, numeric)

### data classes

There are 2 metadata data classes: FeatureMetadata and GroupMetadata. They are used as containers to pass metadata information around, and are the return types of metadata requests in loader.

    value_type: ValueType # type of feature value
    name: str # feature name
    description: str # feature description
    group: GroupMetadata # feature group this feature belongs to

    name: str # group name (Original name mirroring the transformation class name)
    frequency: Schedule # generation frequency
    description: str # group description
    key: List[str] # group primary keys
    fs_name: str = None # actual table name of this feature group in DataBricks
    features: List[str] = None # A list of feature names belonging to this group

### MetadataManager
This class manages the metadata and provides the interface to fetch or write. Metadata is stored in 2 dataframes **group_metadata** and **feature_metadata**, in the schema provided as a parameter.

## <a id="common"></a> 2.6 - common
Common houses functions and utilities used throughout the whole framework.
Most importantly it defines _DataReader_ class which is implemented as _TableReader_ with two public functions, _get_latest(...)_ and _get_table(...)_.

_TableReader_ can be used as a standalone delta or parquet table loader.

from rialto.common import TableReader

reader = TableReader(spark=spark_instance)

usage of _get_table_:

# get whole table
df = reader.get_table(table="catalog.schema.table", date_column="information_date")

# get a slice of the table
from datetime import datetime

start = datetime.strptime("2020-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d").date()
end = datetime.strptime("2024-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d").date()

df = reader.get_table(table="catalog.schema.table", date_from=start, date_to=end, date_column="information_date")

usage of _get_latest_:

# most recent partition
df = reader.get_latest(table="catalog.schema.table", date_column="information_date")

# most recent partition until
until = datetime.strptime("2020-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d").date()

df = reader.get_latest(table="catalog.schema.table", date_until=until, date_column="information_date")

For full information on parameters and their optionality see technical documentation.

_TableReader_ needs an active spark session and an information which column is the **date column**.
There are three options how to pass that information on.

# <a id="contributing"></a> 3. Contributing
* Implement the change in a custom branch split off **develop**
* Create a pull request from your **branch** to **develop**
* Get PR approved, merged to **develop**

* Create a Release/1.x.y branch off **develop**
* Bump all necessary versions
* Create PR from release branch to **MASTER**
* Merge to **master** with a **merge commit**
* Actions will fast-forward new commits from master to develop and deploy new version to pypi repository


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/AbsaOSS/rialto",
    "name": "rialto",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.10",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "feature, featureslib, featuremaker, metadata, featureloader, loader",
    "author": "Marek Dobransky",
    "author_email": "marekdobr@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/04/9d/82bfffda57a860758718468cd96f73dc3fe4323405f35dd89f24589bbdef/rialto-2.0.1.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "from pydantic import BaseModelfrom rialto.runner.config_loader import PipelineConfigfrom rialto.jobs import config\n\n# Rialto\n\nRialto is a framework for building and deploying machine learning features in a scalable and reusable way. It provides a set of tools that make it easy to define and deploy new features, and it provides a way to orchestrate the execution of these features.\n\nThe name Rialto is a reference to the Rialto Bridge in Venice, Italy. The Rialto Bridge was a major marketplace for goods and ideas the Middle Ages.\nRialto is intended to be a foundation of a similar marketplace for machine learning features, where users and find and share reusable features.\n\nSphinx-Generated autodocs pages available **[here](https://absaoss.github.io/rialto/)**.\n\n# Contents\n1. [Installation](#install)\n2. [Library Overview](#overview)\n3. [Contributing](#contributing)\n\n# <a id=\"install\"></a> 1. Installation\n```bash\npip install rialto\n```\n\n# <a id=\"overview\"></a> 2. Library Overview\nThis library currently contains:\n1. [runner](#runner)\n2. [maker](#maker)\n3. [jobs](#jobs)\n3. [loader](#loader)\n4. [metadata](#metadata)\n5. [common](#common)\n\n## <a id=\"runner\"></a> 2.1 - runner\n\nRunner is the orchestrator and scheduler of Rialto. It can be used to execute any [job](#jobs) but is primarily designed to execute feature [maker](#maker) jobs.\nThe core of runner is execution of a Transformation class that can be extended for any purpose and the execution configuration that defines the handling of i/o, scheduling, dependencies and reporting.\n\n### Transformation\nFor the details on the interface see the [implementation](rialto/runner/transformation.py)\nInside the transformation you have access to a [TableReader](#common), date of running, and if provided to Runner, a live spark session and [metadata manager](#metadata).\nYou can either implement your jobs directly via extending the Transformation class, or by using the [jobs](#jobs) abstraction.\n\n### Runner\n\nBellow is the minimal code necessary to execute the runner.\n\n```python\nfrom rialto.runner import Runner\n# Create the runner instance\nrunner = Runner(spark, config_path=cfg)\n# Execute the run\nrunner()\n```\n\nA runner by default executes all the jobs provided in the configuration file, for all the viable execution dates according to the configuration file for which the job has not yet run successfully (i.e. the date partition doesn't exist on the storage)\nThis behavior can be modified by various parameters and switches available.\n\n* **run_date** - date at which the runner is triggered (defaults to day of running)\n* **rerun** - rerun all jobs even if they already succeeded in the past runs\n* **op** - run only selected operation / pipeline\n* **skip_dependencies** - ignore dependency checks and run all jobs\n* **overrides** - dictionary of overrides for the configuration\n\n\nTransformations are not included in the runner itself, it imports them dynamically according to the configuration, therefore it's necessary to have them locally installed.\n\n### Configuration\n\n```yaml\nrunner:\n  watched_period_units: \"months\" # unit of default run period\n  watched_period_value: 2 # value of default run period\n  mail:\n    to: # a list of email addresses\n      - name@host.domain\n      - name2@host.domain\n    sender: rialto.noreply@domain # what a sender should say\n    smtp: smtp.server.url # your smtp server\n    subject: \"Rialto report\" # Email subject header\n\npipelines: # a list of pipelines to run\n- name: Pipeline1  #Pipeline name & a name of table it creates (table will be converted to have _ instead of uppercase letters)\n  module: # Python transformation class location\n    python_module: module_name\n    python_class: Pipeline1Class\n  schedule:\n    frequency: weekly # daily/weekly/monthly\n    day: 7 # day of the week or month\n    info_date_shift: #Optional shift in the written information date from the scheduled day\n      - units: \"days\" # days/weeks/months/years\n        value: 5 # subtracted from scheduled day\n  dependencies: # list of dependent tables\n    - table: catalog.schema.table1\n      name: \"table1\" # Optional table name, used to recall dependency details in transformation\n      date_col: generation_date # Mandatory date column name\n      interval: # mandatory availability interval, subtracted from scheduled day\n        units: \"days\"\n        value: 1\n    - table: catalog.schema.table2\n      name: \"table2\"\n      interval:\n        units: \"months\"\n        value: 1\n  target:\n      target_schema: catalog.schema # schema where tables will be created, must exist\n      target_partition_column: INFORMATION_DATE # date to partition new tables on\n  metadata_manager: # optional\n      metadata_schema: catalog.metadata # schema where metadata is stored\n  feature_loader: # optional\n      config_path: model_features_config.yaml # path to the feature loader configuration file\n      feature_schema: catalog.feature_tables # schema where feature tables are stored\n      metadata_schema: catalog.metadata # schema where metadata is stored\n  extras: #optional arguments processed as dictionary\n    some_value: 3\n    some_other_value: giraffe\n\n- name: PipelineTable1 # will be written as pipeline_table1\n  module:\n    python_module: module_name\n    python_class: Pipeline2Class\n  schedule:\n    frequency: monthly\n    day: 6\n    info_date_shift: # can be combined as a list\n      - units: \"days\"\n        value: 5\n      - units: \"months\"\n        value: 3\n  dependencies:\n    - table: catalog.schema.table3\n      interval:\n        units: \"days\"\n        value: 6\n  target:\n      target_schema: catalog.schema # schema where tables will be created, must exist\n      target_partition_column: INFORMATION_DATE # date to partition new tables on\n```\n\nThe configuration can be dynamically overridden by providing a dictionary of overrides to the runner. All overrides must adhere to configurations schema, with pipeline.extras section available for custom schema.\nHere are few examples of overrides:\n\n#### Simple override of a single value\nSpecify the path to the value in the configuration file as a dot-separated string\n\n```python\nRunner(\n        spark,\n        config_path=\"tests/overrider.yaml\",\n        run_date=\"2023-03-31\",\n        overrides={\"runner.watch_period_value\": 4},\n    )\n```\n\n#### Override list element\nYou can refer to list elements by their index (starting with 0)\n```python\noverrides={\"runner.mail.to[1]\": \"a@b.c\"}\n```\n\n#### Append to list\nYou can append to list by using index -1\n```python\noverrides={\"runner.mail.to[-1]\": \"test@test.com\"}\n```\n\n#### Lookup by attribute value in a list\nYou can use the following syntax to find a specific element in a list by its attribute value\n```python\noverrides={\"pipelines[name=SimpleGroup].target.target_schema\": \"new_schema\"},\n```\n\n#### Injecting/Replacing whole sections\nYou can directly replace a bigger section of the configuration by providing a dictionary\nWhen the whole section doesn't exist, it will be added to the configuration, however it needs to be added as a whole.\ni.e. if the yaml file doesn't specify feature_loader, you can't just add a feature_loader.config_path, you need to add the whole section.\n```python\noverrides={\"pipelines[name=SimpleGroup].feature_loader\":\n                           {\"config_path\": \"features_cfg.yaml\",\n                            \"feature_schema\": \"catalog.features\",\n                            \"metadata_schema\": \"catalog.metadata\"}}\n```\n\n#### Multiple overrides\nYou can provide multiple overrides at once, the order of execution is not guaranteed\n```python\noverrides={\"runner.watch_period_value\": 4,\n           \"runner.watch_period_units\": \"weeks\",\n           \"pipelines[name=SimpleGroup].target.target_schema\": \"new_schema\",\n           \"pipelines[name=SimpleGroup].feature_loader\":\n                           {\"config_path\": \"features_cfg.yaml\",\n                            \"feature_schema\": \"catalog.features\",\n                            \"metadata_schema\": \"catalog.metadata\"}\n           }\n```\n\n\n## <a id=\"maker\"></a> 2.2 - maker\nThe purpose of (feature) maker is to simplify feature creation, allow for consistent feature implementation that is standardized and easy to test.\n\nMaker provides the utilities to define feature generating functions by wrapping python functions with provided decorators and a framework to execute these functions.\n\n### FeatureMaker\nFeatureMaker is pre-initialized class that provides the means to execute pre-defined feature functions. It has 2 modes, sequential features and aggregated features.\nFeatures need to be defined in a separate importable module as in the examples.\n\nSince there is always only one FeatureMaker object, you can use its state variables from inside feature functions. Specifically\n**FeatureMaker.make_date** and **FeatureMaker.key**. These variables are set when calling a FeatureMaker.make(...) function to the values of its parameters.\n\n#### Sequential\nSequential feature generation can be simply interpreted as appending a new column for every feature to the existing dataframe.\n\n```python\nfrom rialto.maker import FeatureMaker\nfrom my_features import simple_features\n\nfeatures, metadata = FeatureMaker.make(\n    df=input_data,\n    key=\"KEY\",\n    make_date=run_date,\n    features_module=simple_features,\n    keep_preexisting=True)\n```\n\n#### Aggregated\nIn aggregated generation, the source dataframe is grouped by the key or keys and the features themselves are the aggregations put into the spark agg function.\n\n```python\nfrom rialto.maker import FeatureMaker\nfrom my_features import agg_features\n\nfeatures, metadata = FeatureMaker.make_aggregated(\n    df=input_data,\n    key=\"KEY\",\n    make_date=run_date,\n    features_module=agg_features)\n```\n\nThere are also **make_single_feature** and **make_single_agg_feature** available, intended to be used in tests. (See full documentation)\n\n### Features\nFeatures, whether sequential or aggregated ar defined as simple python functions that return a PySpark **function**, that generates the desired column.\nIn the case of sequential, this function is inserted into PySpark withColumn function as following\n\n```python\ndata_frame.withColumn(\"feature_name\", RETURNED_FUNCTION_GOES_HERE)\n```\n\nin the case of aggregated features, they are used as follows\n\n```python\ndata_frame.groupBy(\"key\").agg(RETURNED_FUNCTION_GOES_HERE.alias(\"feature_name\"))\n```\n\nAll the features in one python module are processed in one call of FeatureMakers make functions, therefore you can't mix aggregated and sequential features into one module.\n\n### Decorators\nTo define Rialto features, the framework provides a set of decorators.\n\n#### @feature\nThis registers the function as a feature. Every feature has to be decorated with @feature as the **outermost** wrapper.\n\n```python\nimport pyspark.sql.functions as F\nimport rialto.maker as rfm\nfrom pyspark.sql import Column\nfrom rialto.metadata import ValueType as VT\n\n@rfm.feature(VT.numerical)\ndef RECENCY() -> Column:\n    return F.months_between(F.lit(rfm.FeatureMaker.make_date), F.col(\"DATE\"))\n```\n\n@feature takes one parameter, [metadata](#metadata) enum of value type.\n\n#### @desc\nProvides an option to pass a string describing the feature that is then saved as part of feature [metadata](#metadata).\n\n```python\nimport pyspark.sql.functions as F\nimport rialto.maker as rfm\nfrom pyspark.sql import Column\nfrom rialto.metadata import ValueType as VT\n\n@rfm.feature(VT.numerical)\n@rfm.desc(\"Recency of the action\")\ndef RECENCY() -> Column:\n    return F.months_between(F.lit(rfm.FeatureMaker.make_date), F.col(\"DATE\"))\n```\n\n#### @param\nInspired by @pytest.mark.parametrize, it has similar interface and fulfills the same role. It allows you to invoke the feature function multiple times with different values of the parameter.\nIf multiple @params are used, the number of final features will be a product of all parameters. The feature function has to expect a parameter with the same name as the @params name.\n\n```python\nimport pyspark.sql.functions as F\nimport rialto.maker as fml\nfrom pyspark.sql import Column\nfrom rialto.metadata import ValueType as VT\n\n@fml.feature(VT.numerical)\n@fml.param(\"product\", [\"A\", \"B\", \"C\"])\n@fml.param(\"status\", [\"ACTIVE\", \"INACTIVE\"])\n@fml.desc(\"Number of given products with given status\")\ndef NUM(product: str, status: str) -> Column:\n    return F.count(F.when((F.col(\"PRODUCT\") == product) & (F.col(\"STATUS\") == status), F.lit(1)))\n```\n\nThe above code creates following features\n* NUM_PRODUCT_A_STATUS_ACTIVE\n* NUM_PRODUCT_A_STATUS_INACTIVE\n* NUM_PRODUCT_B_STATUS_ACTIVE\n* NUM_PRODUCT_B_STATUS_INACTIVE\n* NUM_PRODUCT_C_STATUS_ACTIVE\n* NUM_PRODUCT_C_STATUS_INACTIVE\n\n\n#### @depends\n@depends allows for a definition of features that depend on each other / need to be calculated in certain order.\n**Dependency resolution uses the raw feature names (function names)** not parameter expanded names.\n\n```python\nimport pyspark.sql.functions as F\nimport rialto.maker as rfm\nfrom pyspark.sql import Column\nfrom rialto.metadata import ValueType as VT\n\n@rfm.feature(VT.numerical)\n@rfm.desc(\"Recency of the action\")\ndef RECENCY() -> Column:\n    return F.months_between(F.lit(rfm.FeatureMaker.make_date), F.col(\"DATE\"))\n\n\n@rfm.feature(VT.numerical)\n@rfm.desc(\"Action month delay\")\n@rfm.param(\"month\", [1, 2, 3])\n@rfm.depends(\"RECENCY\")\ndef DELAY(month) -> Column:\n    recency = F.col(\"RECENCY\")\n    return F.when((recency < month) & (recency >= month - 1), F.lit(1))\n```\n\nIn this example, @depends, ensures that RECENCY is calculated before DELAY\n\n### Feature name\nPublicly available as rialto.maker.utils.feature_name(...), this function is used to create final names of all features.\nIt concatenates the name of the python function with any given @params and their values used in that instance of the feature.\n\n\n## <a id=\"jobs\"></a> 2.3 - jobs\nRialto jobs simplify creation of runner transformations. Instead of having to inherit the base *Transformation* class, this module offers two decorators: *datasource*, and *job*.\n\nAs the names might suggest,\n* *datasource* registers the function below as a valid datasource, which can be used as dependency\n* *job* registers the decorated function as a Rialto transformation.\n\nThe output / return value of both functions **should/has to be** a python dataframe *(or nothing for jobs, more on that later)*.\n\n### rialto job dependencies\nBoth jobs and datasources can request dependencies as function arguments. Rialto will attempt to resolve those dependencies and provide them during the job run(s).\n\nWe have a set of pre-defined dependencies:\n* **run_date** gives you the *date* on which the job is supposed to run\n* **spark** contains the *spark session*\n* **config** returns the custom config you can specify with each job run\n* **dependencies** returns a dictionary containing the job dependencies config\n* **table_reader** returns *TableReader*\n* **feature_loader** provides *PysparkFeatureLoader*\n* **metadata_manager** provides *MetadataManager*\n\nApart from that, each **datasource** also becomes a fully usable dependency. Note, that this means that datasources can also be dependent on other datasources - just beware of any circular dependencies!\n\nWith that sorted out, we can now provide a quick example of the *rialto.jobs* module's capabilities:\n\n```python\nfrom pyspark.sql import DataFrame\nfrom rialto.common import TableReader\nfrom rialto.jobs import config_parser, job, datasource\nfrom rialto.runner.config_loader import PipelineConfig\nfrom pydantic import BaseModel\n\n\nclass ConfigModel(BaseModel):\n    some_value: int\n    some_other_value: str\n\n\n@config_parser\ndef my_config(config: PipelineConfig):\n    return ConfigModel(**config.extras)\n\n\n@datasource\ndef my_datasource(run_date: datetime.date, table_reader: TableReader) -> DataFrame:\n    return table_reader.get_latest(\"my_catalog.my_schema.my_table\", date_until=run_date)\n\n\n@job\ndef my_job(my_datasource: DataFrame, my_config: ConfigModel) -> DataFrame:\n    return my_datasource.withColumn(\"HelloWorld\", F.lit(my_config.some_value))\n```\nThis piece of code\n1. creates a rialto transformation called *my_job*, which is then callable by the rialto runner.\n2. It sources the *my_datasource* and then runs *my_job* on top of that datasource.\n3. Rialto adds VERSION (of your package) and INFORMATION_DATE (as per config) columns automatically.\n4. The rialto runner stores the final to a catalog, to a table according to the job's name.\n\n### Custom job names\nNote, that by default, the rialto job name is your function name. To allow more flexibility, we allow renaming of the job:\n```python\n@job(custom_name=\"my_custom_name\")\ndef f(...):\n    ...\n```\nJust note that any *WeirdCaseNames* will be transformed to *lower_case_with_underscores*.\n\n### Disabling Versioning\nIf you want to disable versioning of your job (adding package VERSION column to your output):\n\n```python3\n@job(disable_version=True)\ndef my_job(...):\n    ...\n```\nThese parameters can be used separately, or combined.\n\n### Notes & Rules\nThe rules for the dependencies are fairly straightforward.\nBoth **jobs** and **datasources** can only depend on *pre-defined* dependencies and other *datasources*. Meaning:\n* *datasource -> datasource -> job* is perfectly fine,\n* *datasource -> job -> datasource* will result in an error.\n\nSecondly, the jobs can, but **don't necessarily have to output** a dataframe.\nIn case your job doesn't output a dataframe, your job will return an artificially-created, one-row dataframe, which will ensure that rialto notices that the job ran successfully.\nThis can be useful in **model training**.\n\nFinally, remember, that your jobs are still just *Rialto Transformations* internally.\nMeaning that at the end of the day, you should always read some data, do some operations on it and either return a pyspark DataFrame, or not return anything and let the framework return the placeholder one.\n\n\n### Importing / Registering Datasources\nDatasources required for a job (or another datasource) can be defined in a different module. \nTo register your module as a datasource, you can use the following functions:\n\n```python3\nfrom rialto.jobs import register_dependency_callable, register_dependency_module\nimport my_package.my_datasources as md\nimport my_package.my_datasources_big as big_md\n\n# Register an entire dependency module\nregister_dependency_module(md)\n\n# Register a single datasource from a bigger module\nregister_dependency_callable(big_md.sample_datasource)\n\n@job\ndef my_job(my_datasource, sample_datasource: DataFrame, ...):\n    ...\n```\n\nEach job/datasource can only resolve datasources it has defined as dependencies.\n\n**NOTE**: While ```register_dependency_module``` only registers a module as available dependencies, the ```register_dependency_callable``` actually brings the datasource into the targed module - and thus becomes available for export in the dependency chains.\n\n\n### Testing\nOne of the main advantages of the jobs module is simplification of unit tests for your transformations. Rialto provides following tools:\n\n#### 1. Disabling Decorators\n\nAssuming we have a my_package.test_job_module.py module:\n```python3\n@datasource\ndef datasource_a(...)\n    ... code...\n\n@job\ndef my_job(datasource_a, ...)\n    ... code...\n```\nThe *disable_job_decorators* context manager, as the name suggests, disables all decorator functionality and lets you access your functions as raw functions - making it super simple to unit-test:\n\n```python3\nfrom rialto.jobs.test_utils import disable_job_decorators\nimport my_package.test_job_module as tjm\n\n\n# Datasource Testing\ndef test_datasource_a():\n    ... mocks here...\n\n    with disable_job_decorators(tjm):\n        datasource_a_output = tjm.datasource_a(...mocks...)\n\n        ...asserts...\n\n\n# Job Testing\ndef test_my_job():\n    datasource_a_mock = ...\n    ...other mocks...\n\n    with disable_job_decorators(tjm):\n        job_output = tjm.my_job(datasource_a_mock, ...mocks...)\n\n        ...asserts...\n```\n\n#### 2. Testing the @job Dependency Tree\nIn complex use cases, it may happen that the dependencies of a job become quite complex. Or you simply want to be sure that you didn't accidentally misspelled your dependency name:\n\n```python3\nfrom rialto.jobs.test_utils import resolver_resolves\nimport my_job.test_job_module as tjm\n\n\ndef test_my_job_resolves(spark):\n    assert resolver_resolves(spark, tjm.my_job)\n```\n\nThe code above fails if *my_job* depends on an undefined datasource (even indirectly), and detects cases where there's a circular dependency.\n\n## <a id=\"loader\"></a> 2.4 - loader\nThis module is used to load features from feature store into your models and scripts. Loader provides options to load singular features, whole feature groups, as well as a selection of features from multiple groups defined in a config file, and served as a singular dataframe. It also provides interface to access feature metadata.\n\nTwo public classes are exposed form this module. **DatabricksLoader**(DataLoader), **PysparkFeatureLoader**(FeatureLoaderInterface).\n\n### PysparkFeatureLoader\n\nThis class needs to be instantiated with an active spark session, data loader and a path to the metadata schema (in the format of \"catalog_name.schema_name\").\n\n```python\nfrom rialto.loader import PysparkFeatureLoader\n\nfeature_loader = PysparkFeatureLoader(spark= spark_instance, feature_schema=\"catalog.schema\", metadata_schema= \"catalog.schema2\", date_column=\"information_date\")\n```\n\n#### Single feature\n\n```python\nfrom rialto.loader import PysparkFeatureLoader\nfrom datetime import datetime\n\nfeature_loader = PysparkFeatureLoader(spark, \"feature_catalog.feature_schema\", \"metadata_catalog.metadata_schema\")\nmy_date = datetime.strptime(\"2020-01-01\", \"%Y-%m-%d\").date()\n\nfeature = feature_loader.get_feature(group_name=\"CustomerFeatures\", feature_name=\"AGE\", information_date=my_date)\nmetadata = feature_loader.get_feature_metadata(group_name=\"CustomerFeatures\", feature_name=\"AGE\")\n```\n\n#### Feature group\nThis method of data access is only recommended for experimentation, as the group schema can evolve over time.\n\n```python\nfrom rialto.loader import PysparkFeatureLoader\nfrom datetime import datetime\n\nfeature_loader = PysparkFeatureLoader(spark, \"feature_catalog.feature_schema\", \"metadata_catalog.metadata_schema\")\nmy_date = datetime.strptime(\"2020-01-01\", \"%Y-%m-%d\").date()\n\nfeatures = feature_loader.get_group(group_name=\"CustomerFeatures\", information_date=my_date)\nmetadata = feature_loader.get_group_metadata(group_name=\"CustomerFeatures\")\n```\n\n#### Configuration\n\n```python\nfrom rialto.loader import PysparkFeatureLoader\nfrom datetime import datetime\n\nfeature_loader = PysparkFeatureLoader(spark, \"feature_catalog.feature_schema\", \"metadata_catalog.metadata_schema\")\nmy_date = datetime.strptime(\"2020-01-01\", \"%Y-%m-%d\").date()\n\nfeatures = feature_loader.get_features_from_cfg(path=\"local/configuration/file.yaml\", information_date=my_date)\nmetadata = feature_loader.get_metadata_from_cfg(path=\"local/configuration/file.yaml\")\n```\n\nThe configuration file is expected to be in a yaml format and has 3 sections: selection, base, maps.\n* **selection** is a list of feature groups and desired features in those groups. Each group also needs a prefix defined, which will prefix a name of every feature from that group\n* **base** is a feature group with a set of keys defined, a unique selection of these keys from this group will form the base of the resulting dataframe and all feature will be left-joined onto that\n* **maps** is an optional list of dataframes that will be joined onto the base as a whole and their purpose is to bridge feature sets with different primary keys, i.e. we have a map linking IDnumbers and AccountNumbers so we can use feature groups based on either of the primary keys.\n\n\n```yaml\nselection:\n  - group: Group_A\n    prefix: A_PREFIX\n    features:\n      - Feature_A1\n      - Feature_A2\n  - group: Group_B\n    prefix: B_PREFIX\n    features:\n      - Feature_B1\n      - Feature_B2\nbase:\n  group: Group_D\n  keys:\n    - Column_Key1\n    - Column_Key2\nmaps:\n  - MapGroup1\n  - MapGroup2\n```\n\n\n\n## <a id=\"metadata\"></a> 2.5 - metadata\nRialto metadata module is designed specifically to work with features. It's a support function to pass data from [maker](#maker) to [loader](#loader), and to have additional metadata available for further features processing.\n\nMetadata module consists of 3 parts: enums, metadata dataclasses and MetadataManager.\n\n### enums\nThere's two enums available used across Rialto, **Schedule** and **ValueType**. Schedule defines the frequency of execution (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) and ValueType defines the feature type (nominal, ordinal, numeric)\n\n### data classes\n\nThere are 2 metadata data classes: FeatureMetadata and GroupMetadata. They are used as containers to pass metadata information around, and are the return types of metadata requests in loader.\n\n```python\nFeatureMetadata\n    value_type: ValueType # type of feature value\n    name: str # feature name\n    description: str # feature description\n    group: GroupMetadata # feature group this feature belongs to\n```\n\n```python\nGroupMetadata\n    name: str # group name (Original name mirroring the transformation class name)\n    frequency: Schedule # generation frequency\n    description: str # group description\n    key: List[str] # group primary keys\n    fs_name: str = None # actual table name of this feature group in DataBricks\n    features: List[str] = None # A list of feature names belonging to this group\n```\n\n### MetadataManager\nThis class manages the metadata and provides the interface to fetch or write. Metadata is stored in 2 dataframes **group_metadata** and **feature_metadata**, in the schema provided as a parameter.\n\n\n\n## <a id=\"common\"></a> 2.6 - common\nCommon houses functions and utilities used throughout the whole framework.\nMost importantly it defines _DataReader_ class which is implemented as _TableReader_ with two public functions, _get_latest(...)_ and _get_table(...)_.\n\n_TableReader_ can be used as a standalone delta or parquet table loader.\n\ninitialization:\n```python\nfrom rialto.common import TableReader\n\nreader = TableReader(spark=spark_instance)\n```\n\nusage of _get_table_:\n\n```python\n# get whole table\ndf = reader.get_table(table=\"catalog.schema.table\", date_column=\"information_date\")\n\n# get a slice of the table\nfrom datetime import datetime\n\nstart = datetime.strptime(\"2020-01-01\", \"%Y-%m-%d\").date()\nend = datetime.strptime(\"2024-01-01\", \"%Y-%m-%d\").date()\n\ndf = reader.get_table(table=\"catalog.schema.table\", date_from=start, date_to=end, date_column=\"information_date\")\n```\n\nusage of _get_latest_:\n\n```python\n# most recent partition\ndf = reader.get_latest(table=\"catalog.schema.table\", date_column=\"information_date\")\n\n# most recent partition until\nuntil = datetime.strptime(\"2020-01-01\", \"%Y-%m-%d\").date()\n\ndf = reader.get_latest(table=\"catalog.schema.table\", date_until=until, date_column=\"information_date\")\n\n```\nFor full information on parameters and their optionality see technical documentation.\n\n_TableReader_ needs an active spark session and an information which column is the **date column**.\nThere are three options how to pass that information on.\n\n\n# <a id=\"contributing\"></a> 3. Contributing\nContributing:\n* Implement the change in a custom branch split off **develop**\n* Create a pull request from your **branch** to **develop**\n* Get PR approved, merged to **develop**\n\nReleasing:\n* Create a Release/1.x.y branch off **develop**\n* Bump all necessary versions\n* Create PR from release branch to **MASTER**\n* Merge to **master** with a **merge commit**\n* Actions will fast-forward new commits from master to develop and deploy new version to pypi repository\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "Rialto is a framework for building and deploying machine learning features in a scalable and reusable way. It provides a set of tools that make it easy to define and deploy features and models, and it provides a way to orchestrate the execution of these features and models.",
    "version": "2.0.1",
    "project_urls": {
        "Documentation": "https://absaoss.github.io/rialto/",
        "Homepage": "https://github.com/AbsaOSS/rialto",
        "Repository": "https://github.com/AbsaOSS/rialto"
    "split_keywords": [
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