Name | robot_descriptions JSON |
Version |
| download |
home_page | None |
Summary | Import open source robot description as Python modules. |
upload_time | 2024-10-30 16:08:29 |
maintainer | None |
docs_url | None |
author | None |
requires_python | >=3.7 |
license | None |
keywords |
bugtrack_url |
requirements |
No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI |
No Travis.
coveralls test coverage |
No coveralls.
# Robot descriptions in Python
Import open source robot descriptions as Python modules.
Importing a description for the first time automatically downloads and caches files for future imports. Most [Awesome Robot Descriptions]( are available. All of them load successfully in respectively MuJoCo (MJCF) or Pinocchio, iDynTree, PyBullet and yourdfpy (URDF).
## Installation
### From conda-forge
conda install -c conda-forge robot_descriptions
### From PyPI
pip install robot_descriptions
## Usage
The library provides `load_robot_description` functions that return an instance of a robot description directly usable in the corresponding software. For example:
from robot_descriptions.loaders.pinocchio import load_robot_description
robot = load_robot_description("upkie_description")
Loaders are implemented for the following robotics software:
| Software | Loader |
| [iDynTree]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.idyntree` |
| [MuJoCo]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.mujoco` |
| [Pinocchio]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.pinocchio` |
| [PyBullet]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.pybullet` |
| [RoboMeshCat]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.robomeshcat` |
| [yourdfpy]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.yourdfpy` |
Loading will automatically download the robot description if needed, and cache it to a local directory.
### Import as submodule
You can also import a robot description directly as a submodule of ``robot_descriptions``:
from robot_descriptions import my_robot_description
The import will automatically download the robot description if you don't have it already, and cache it to a local directory. The submodule then provides the following paths:
<code>URDF_PATH</code> / <code>MJCF_PATH</code>
Path to the main URDF/MJCF file of the robot description.
Path to the root of the robot description package.
Path to the working directory of the git repository hosting the robot description.
Some robot descriptions include additional fields. For instance, the ``iiwa14_description`` exports ``URDF_PATH_POLYTOPE_COLLISION`` with more detailed collision meshes.
## Examples
Loading a robot description:
- [iDynTree](
- [MuJoCo](
- [Pinocchio](
- [PyBullet](
- [RoboMeshCat](
- [yourdfpy](
Visualizing a robot description:
- [MeshCat](
- [MuJoCo](
- [PyBullet](
- [RoboMeshCat](
- [yourdfpy](
## Command line tool
The command line tool can be used to visualize any of the robot descriptions below. For example:
robot_descriptions show solo_description
## Descriptions
Available robot descriptions ([gallery]( are listed in the following categories:
- [Arms](#arms)
- [Bipeds](#bipeds)
- [Dual arms](#dual-arms)
- [Drones](#drones)
- [Educational](#educational)
- [End effectors](#end-effectors)
- [Humanoids](#humanoids)
- [Mobile manipulators](#mobile-manipulators)
- [Quadrupeds](#quadrupeds)
The DOF column denotes the number of actuated degrees of freedom.
### Arms
| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |
| `edo_description` | e.DO | Comau | 6 | URDF |
| `fanuc_m710ic_description` | M-710iC | Fanuc | 6 | URDF |
| `fr3_mj_description` | FR3 | Franka Robotics | 7 | MJCF |
| `gen2_description` | Gen2 | Kinova | 6 | URDF |
| `gen3_description` | Gen3 | Kinova | 6 | URDF |
| `gen3_mj_description` | Gen3 | Kinova | 7 | MJCF |
| `iiwa14_description` | iiwa 14 | KUKA | 7 | URDF |
| `iiwa14_mj_description` | iiwa 14 | KUKA | 7 | MJCF |
| `iiwa7_description` | iiwa 7 | KUKA | 7 | URDF |
| `panda_description` | Panda | Franka Robotics | 8 | URDF |
| `panda_mj_description` | Panda | Franka Robotics | 8 | MJCF |
| `poppy_ergo_jr_description` | Poppy Ergo Jr | Poppy Project | 6 | URDF |
| `sawyer_mj_description` | Sawyer | Rethink Robotics | 7 | MJCF |
| `so_arm100` | SO-ARM100 | The Robot Studio | 6 | URDF |
| `ur10_description` | UR10 | Universal Robots | 6 | URDF |
| `ur10e_mj_description` | UR10e | Universal Robots | 6 | MJCF |
| `ur3_description` | UR3 | Universal Robots | 6 | URDF |
| `ur5_description` | UR5 | Universal Robots | 6 | URDF |
| `ur5e_mj_description` | UR5e | Universal Robots | 6 | MJCF |
| `viper_mj_description` | ViperX | Trossen Robotics | 8 | MJCF |
| `widow_mj_description` | WidowX | Trossen Robotics | 8 | MJCF |
| `xarm7_mj_description` | xArm7 | UFACTORY | 7 | MJCF |
| `z1_description` | Z1 | UNITREE Robotics | 6 | URDF |
### Bipeds
| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |
| `bolt_description` | Bolt | ODRI | 6 | URDF |
| `cassie_description` | Cassie | Agility Robotics | 16 | URDF |
| `cassie_mj_description` | Cassie | Agility Robotics | 16 | MJCF |
| `rhea_description` | Rhea | Gabrael Levine | 7 | URDF |
| `spryped_description` | Spryped | Benjamin Bokser | 8 | URDF |
| `upkie_description` | Upkie | Tast's Robots | 6 | URDF |
### Dual arms
| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |
| `aloha_mj_description` | Aloha 2 | Trossen Robotics | 14 | MJCF |
| `baxter_description` | Baxter | Rethink Robotics | 15 | URDF |
| `nextage_description` | NEXTAGE | Kawada Robotics | 15 | URDF |
| `poppy_torso_description` | Poppy Torso | Poppy Project | 13 | URDF |
| `yumi_description` | YuMi | ABB | 16 | URDF |
### Drones
| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |
| `cf2_description` | Crazyflie 2.0 | Bitcraze | 0 | URDF |
| `cf2_mj_description` | Crazyflie 2.0 | Bitcraze | 6 | MJCF |
| `skydio_x2_description` | Skydio X2 | Skydio | 6 | URDF |
| `skydio_x2_mj_description` | Skydio X2 | Skydio | 6 | MJCF |
### Educational
| Name | Robot | DOF | Format |
| `double_pendulum_description` | Double Pendulum | 2 | URDF |
| `finger_edu_description` | FingerEdu | 3 | URDF |
| `simple_humanoid_description` | Simple Humanoid | 29 | URDF |
| `trifinger_edu_description` | TriFingerEdu | 9 | URDF |
### End effectors
| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |
| `allegro_hand_description` | Allegro Hand | Wonik Robotics | 16 | URDF |
| `allegro_hand_mj_description` | Allegro Hand | Wonik Robotics | 16 | MJCF |
| `barrett_hand_description` | BarrettHand | Barrett Technology | 8 | URDF |
| `leap_hand_v1` | LEAP Hand v1 | Carnegie Mellon University | 16 | URDF |
| `leap_hand_mj_description` | LEAP Hand | Carnegie Mellon University | 16 | MJCF |
| `robotiq_2f85_description` | Robotiq 2F-85 | Robotiq | 1 | URDF |
| `robotiq_2f85_mj_description` | Robotiq 2F-85 | Robotiq | 1 | MJCF |
| `shadow_dexee_mj_description` | Shadow DEX-EE | The Shadow Robot Company | 12 | MJCF |
| `shadow_hand_mj_description` | Shadow Hand | The Shadow Robot Company | 24 | MJCF |
### Humanoids
| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |
| `atlas_drc_description` | Atlas DRC (v3) | Boston Dynamics | 30 | URDF |
| `atlas_v4_description` | Atlas v4 | Boston Dynamics | 30 | URDF |
| `draco3_description` | Draco3 | Apptronik | 25 | URDF |
| `ergocub_description` | ergoCub | IIT | 57 | URDF |
| `g1_description` | G1 | UNITREE Robotics | 37 | URDF |
| `g1_mj_description` | G1 | UNITREE Robotics | 37 | MJCF |
| `h1_description` | H1 | UNITREE Robotics | 25 | URDF |
| `h1_mj_description` | H1 | UNITREE Robotics | 25 | MJCF |
| `icub_description` | iCub | IIT | 32 | URDF |
| `jaxon_description` | JAXON | JSK | 38 | URDF |
| `jvrc_description` | JVRC-1 | AIST | 34 | URDF |
| `jvrc_mj_description` | JVRC-1 | AIST | 34 | MJCF |
| `op3_mj_description` | OP3 | ROBOTIS | 20 | MJCF |
| `r2_description` | Robonaut 2 | NASA JSC Robotics | 56 | URDF |
| `romeo_description` | Romeo | Aldebaran Robotics | 37 | URDF |
| `sigmaban_description` | SigmaBan | Rhoban | 20 | URDF |
| `talos_description` | TALOS | PAL Robotics | 32 | URDF |
| `talos_mj_description` | TALOS | PAL Robotics | 32 | MJCF |
| `valkyrie_description` | Valkyrie | NASA JSC Robotics | 59 | URDF |
### Mobile manipulators
| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |
| `eve_r3_description` | Eve R3 | Halodi | 23 | URDF |
| `fetch_description` | Fetch | Fetch Robotics | 14 | URDF |
| `ginger_description` | Ginger | Paaila Technology | 49 | URDF |
| `pepper_description` | Pepper | SoftBank Robotics | 17 | URDF |
| `pr2_description` | PR2 | Willow Garage | 32 | URDF |
| `reachy_description` | Reachy | Pollen Robotics | 21 | URDF |
| `stretch_description` | Stretch RE1 | Hello Robot | 14 | URDF |
| `sretch_mj_description` | Stretch 2 | Hello Robot | 14 | MJCF |
| `sretch_3_mj_description` | Stretch 3 | Hello Robot | 14 | MJCF |
| `tiago_description` | TIAGo | PAL Robotics | 48 | URDF |
### Quadrupeds
| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |
| `a1_description` | A1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |
| `a1_mj_description` | A1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF |
| `aliengo_description` | Aliengo | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |
| `aliengo_mj_description` | Aliengo | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF |
| `anymal_b_description` | ANYmal B | ANYbotics | 12 | URDF |
| `anymal_b_mj_description` | ANYmal B | ANYbotics | 12 | MJCF |
| `anymal_c_description` | ANYmal C | ANYbotics | 12 | URDF |
| `anymal_c_mj_description` | ANYmal C | ANYbotics | 12 | MJCF |
| `b1_description` | B1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |
| `b2_description` | B2 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |
| `spot_mj_description` | Spot | Boston Dynamics | 12 | MJCF |
| `go1_description` | Go1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |
| `go1_mj_description` | Go1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF |
| `go2_description` | Go2 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |
| `go2_mj_description` | Go2 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF |
| `hyq_description` | HyQ | IIT | 12 | URDF |
| `laikago_description` | Laikago | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF, URDF |
| `mini_cheetah_description` | Mini Cheetah | MIT | 12 | URDF |
| `minitaur_description` | Minitaur | Ghost Robotics | 16 | URDF |
| `solo_description` | Solo | ODRI | 12 | URDF |
## Contributing
New robot descriptions are welcome! Check out the [guidelines]( then open a PR.
## Thanks
Thanks to the maintainers of all the git repositories that made these robot descriptions available.
## Citation
If you use this project in your works, please cite as follows:
title = {{ Robot descriptions in Python}},
author = {Caron, Stéphane and Romualdi, Giulio and Kozlov, Lev and Ordoñez Apraez, Daniel Felipe and Tadashi Kussaba, Hugo and Bang, Seung Hyeon and Zakka, Kevin and Schramm, Fabian},
license = {Apache-2.0},
url = {},
version = {1.13.0},
year = {2024}
## See also
- [Awesome Robot Descriptions]( curated list of robot descriptions in URDF, Xacro or MJCF formats.
- [drake\_models]( collection of URDF and SDF descriptions curated for the Drake framework.
- [MuJoCo Menagerie]( collection of MJCF robot descriptions curated for the MuJoCo physics engine.
- [robot\_descriptions.cpp]( package to use ```` in C++.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": null,
"name": "robot_descriptions",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.7",
"maintainer_email": "St\u00e9phane Caron <>",
"keywords": "robot, description, urdf, mjcf",
"author": null,
"author_email": "St\u00e9phane Caron <>",
"download_url": "",
"platform": null,
"description": "# Robot descriptions in Python\n\n[](\n[](\n[](\n[](\n[](\n[](\n\nImport open source robot descriptions as Python modules.\n\nImporting a description for the first time automatically downloads and caches files for future imports. Most [Awesome Robot Descriptions]( are available. All of them load successfully in respectively MuJoCo (MJCF) or Pinocchio, iDynTree, PyBullet and yourdfpy (URDF).\n\n## Installation\n\n### From conda-forge\n\n[](\n\n```console\nconda install -c conda-forge robot_descriptions\n```\n\n### From PyPI\n\n[](\n\n```console\npip install robot_descriptions\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe library provides `load_robot_description` functions that return an instance of a robot description directly usable in the corresponding software. For example:\n\n```python\nfrom robot_descriptions.loaders.pinocchio import load_robot_description\n\nrobot = load_robot_description(\"upkie_description\")\n```\n\nLoaders are implemented for the following robotics software:\n\n| Software | Loader |\n|--------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------|\n| [iDynTree]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.idyntree` |\n| [MuJoCo]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.mujoco` |\n| [Pinocchio]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.pinocchio` |\n| [PyBullet]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.pybullet` |\n| [RoboMeshCat]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.robomeshcat` |\n| [yourdfpy]( | `robot_descriptions.loaders.yourdfpy` |\n\nLoading will automatically download the robot description if needed, and cache it to a local directory.\n\n### Import as submodule\n\nYou can also import a robot description directly as a submodule of ``robot_descriptions``:\n\n```python\nfrom robot_descriptions import my_robot_description\n```\n\nThe import will automatically download the robot description if you don't have it already, and cache it to a local directory. The submodule then provides the following paths:\n\n<dl>\n <dt>\n <code>URDF_PATH</code> / <code>MJCF_PATH</code>\n </dt>\n <dd>\n Path to the main URDF/MJCF file of the robot description.\n </dd>\n <dt>\n <code>PACKAGE_PATH</code>\n </dt>\n <dd>\n Path to the root of the robot description package.\n </dd>\n <dt>\n <code>REPOSITORY_PATH</code>\n </dt>\n <dd>\n Path to the working directory of the git repository hosting the robot description.\n </dd>\n</dl>\n\nSome robot descriptions include additional fields. For instance, the ``iiwa14_description`` exports ``URDF_PATH_POLYTOPE_COLLISION`` with more detailed collision meshes.\n\n## Examples\n\nLoading a robot description:\n\n- [iDynTree](\n- [MuJoCo](\n- [Pinocchio](\n- [PyBullet](\n- [RoboMeshCat](\n- [yourdfpy](\n\nVisualizing a robot description:\n\n- [MeshCat](\n- [MuJoCo](\n- [PyBullet](\n- [RoboMeshCat](\n- [yourdfpy](\n\n## Command line tool\n\nThe command line tool can be used to visualize any of the robot descriptions below. For example:\n\n```console\nrobot_descriptions show solo_description\n```\n\n## Descriptions\n\nAvailable robot descriptions ([gallery]( are listed in the following categories:\n\n- [Arms](#arms)\n- [Bipeds](#bipeds)\n- [Dual arms](#dual-arms)\n- [Drones](#drones)\n- [Educational](#educational)\n- [End effectors](#end-effectors)\n- [Humanoids](#humanoids)\n- [Mobile manipulators](#mobile-manipulators)\n- [Quadrupeds](#quadrupeds)\n\nThe DOF column denotes the number of actuated degrees of freedom.\n\n### Arms\n\n| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|-----|------------|\n| `edo_description` | e.DO | Comau | 6 | URDF |\n| `fanuc_m710ic_description` | M-710iC | Fanuc | 6 | URDF |\n| `fr3_mj_description` | FR3 | Franka Robotics | 7 | MJCF |\n| `gen2_description` | Gen2 | Kinova | 6 | URDF |\n| `gen3_description` | Gen3 | Kinova | 6 | URDF |\n| `gen3_mj_description` | Gen3 | Kinova | 7 | MJCF |\n| `iiwa14_description` | iiwa 14 | KUKA | 7 | URDF |\n| `iiwa14_mj_description` | iiwa 14 | KUKA | 7 | MJCF |\n| `iiwa7_description` | iiwa 7 | KUKA | 7 | URDF |\n| `panda_description` | Panda | Franka Robotics | 8 | URDF |\n| `panda_mj_description` | Panda | Franka Robotics | 8 | MJCF |\n| `poppy_ergo_jr_description` | Poppy Ergo Jr | Poppy Project | 6 | URDF |\n| `sawyer_mj_description` | Sawyer | Rethink Robotics | 7 | MJCF |\n| `so_arm100` | SO-ARM100 | The Robot Studio | 6 | URDF |\n| `ur10_description` | UR10 | Universal Robots | 6 | URDF |\n| `ur10e_mj_description` | UR10e | Universal Robots | 6 | MJCF |\n| `ur3_description` | UR3 | Universal Robots | 6 | URDF |\n| `ur5_description` | UR5 | Universal Robots | 6 | URDF |\n| `ur5e_mj_description` | UR5e | Universal Robots | 6 | MJCF |\n| `viper_mj_description` | ViperX | Trossen Robotics | 8 | MJCF |\n| `widow_mj_description` | WidowX | Trossen Robotics | 8 | MJCF |\n| `xarm7_mj_description` | xArm7 | UFACTORY | 7 | MJCF |\n| `z1_description` | Z1 | UNITREE Robotics | 6 | URDF |\n\n### Bipeds\n\n| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|-----|------------|\n| `bolt_description` | Bolt | ODRI | 6 | URDF |\n| `cassie_description` | Cassie | Agility Robotics | 16 | URDF |\n| `cassie_mj_description` | Cassie | Agility Robotics | 16 | MJCF |\n| `rhea_description` | Rhea | Gabrael Levine | 7 | URDF |\n| `spryped_description` | Spryped | Benjamin Bokser | 8 | URDF |\n| `upkie_description` | Upkie | Tast's Robots | 6 | URDF |\n\n### Dual arms\n\n| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|-----|------------|\n| `aloha_mj_description` | Aloha 2 | Trossen Robotics | 14 | MJCF |\n| `baxter_description` | Baxter | Rethink Robotics | 15 | URDF |\n| `nextage_description` | NEXTAGE | Kawada Robotics | 15 | URDF |\n| `poppy_torso_description` | Poppy Torso | Poppy Project | 13 | URDF |\n| `yumi_description` | YuMi | ABB | 16 | URDF |\n\n### Drones\n\n| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|-----|------------|\n| `cf2_description` | Crazyflie 2.0 | Bitcraze | 0 | URDF |\n| `cf2_mj_description` | Crazyflie 2.0 | Bitcraze | 6 | MJCF |\n| `skydio_x2_description` | Skydio X2 | Skydio | 6 | URDF |\n| `skydio_x2_mj_description` | Skydio X2 | Skydio | 6 | MJCF |\n\n### Educational\n\n| Name | Robot | DOF | Format |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------|-----|------------|\n| `double_pendulum_description` | Double Pendulum | 2 | URDF |\n| `finger_edu_description` | FingerEdu | 3 | URDF |\n| `simple_humanoid_description` | Simple Humanoid | 29 | URDF |\n| `trifinger_edu_description` | TriFingerEdu | 9 | URDF |\n\n### End effectors\n\n| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------|----------------------------|-----|------------|\n| `allegro_hand_description` | Allegro Hand | Wonik Robotics | 16 | URDF |\n| `allegro_hand_mj_description` | Allegro Hand | Wonik Robotics | 16 | MJCF |\n| `barrett_hand_description` | BarrettHand | Barrett Technology | 8 | URDF |\n| `leap_hand_v1` | LEAP Hand v1 | Carnegie Mellon University | 16 | URDF |\n| `leap_hand_mj_description` | LEAP Hand | Carnegie Mellon University | 16 | MJCF |\n| `robotiq_2f85_description` | Robotiq 2F-85 | Robotiq | 1 | URDF |\n| `robotiq_2f85_mj_description` | Robotiq 2F-85 | Robotiq | 1 | MJCF |\n| `shadow_dexee_mj_description` | Shadow DEX-EE | The Shadow Robot Company | 12 | MJCF |\n| `shadow_hand_mj_description` | Shadow Hand | The Shadow Robot Company | 24 | MJCF |\n\n### Humanoids\n\n| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|-----|------------|\n| `atlas_drc_description` | Atlas DRC (v3) | Boston Dynamics | 30 | URDF |\n| `atlas_v4_description` | Atlas v4 | Boston Dynamics | 30 | URDF |\n| `draco3_description` | Draco3 | Apptronik | 25 | URDF |\n| `ergocub_description` | ergoCub | IIT | 57 | URDF |\n| `g1_description` | G1 | UNITREE Robotics | 37 | URDF |\n| `g1_mj_description` | G1 | UNITREE Robotics | 37 | MJCF |\n| `h1_description` | H1 | UNITREE Robotics | 25 | URDF |\n| `h1_mj_description` | H1 | UNITREE Robotics | 25 | MJCF |\n| `icub_description` | iCub | IIT | 32 | URDF |\n| `jaxon_description` | JAXON | JSK | 38 | URDF |\n| `jvrc_description` | JVRC-1 | AIST | 34 | URDF |\n| `jvrc_mj_description` | JVRC-1 | AIST | 34 | MJCF |\n| `op3_mj_description` | OP3 | ROBOTIS | 20 | MJCF |\n| `r2_description` | Robonaut 2 | NASA JSC Robotics | 56 | URDF |\n| `romeo_description` | Romeo | Aldebaran Robotics | 37 | URDF |\n| `sigmaban_description` | SigmaBan | Rhoban | 20 | URDF |\n| `talos_description` | TALOS | PAL Robotics | 32 | URDF |\n| `talos_mj_description` | TALOS | PAL Robotics | 32 | MJCF |\n| `valkyrie_description` | Valkyrie | NASA JSC Robotics | 59 | URDF |\n\n### Mobile manipulators\n\n| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|-----|------------|\n| `eve_r3_description` | Eve R3 | Halodi | 23 | URDF |\n| `fetch_description` | Fetch | Fetch Robotics | 14 | URDF |\n| `ginger_description` | Ginger | Paaila Technology | 49 | URDF |\n| `pepper_description` | Pepper | SoftBank Robotics | 17 | URDF |\n| `pr2_description` | PR2 | Willow Garage | 32 | URDF |\n| `reachy_description` | Reachy | Pollen Robotics | 21 | URDF |\n| `stretch_description` | Stretch RE1 | Hello Robot | 14 | URDF |\n| `sretch_mj_description` | Stretch 2 | Hello Robot | 14 | MJCF |\n| `sretch_3_mj_description` | Stretch 3 | Hello Robot | 14 | MJCF |\n| `tiago_description` | TIAGo | PAL Robotics | 48 | URDF |\n\n### Quadrupeds\n\n| Name | Robot | Maker | DOF | Format |\n|-------------------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|-----|------------|\n| `a1_description` | A1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |\n| `a1_mj_description` | A1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF |\n| `aliengo_description` | Aliengo | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |\n| `aliengo_mj_description` | Aliengo | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF |\n| `anymal_b_description` | ANYmal B | ANYbotics | 12 | URDF |\n| `anymal_b_mj_description` | ANYmal B | ANYbotics | 12 | MJCF |\n| `anymal_c_description` | ANYmal C | ANYbotics | 12 | URDF |\n| `anymal_c_mj_description` | ANYmal C | ANYbotics | 12 | MJCF |\n| `b1_description` | B1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |\n| `b2_description` | B2 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |\n| `spot_mj_description` | Spot | Boston Dynamics | 12 | MJCF |\n| `go1_description` | Go1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |\n| `go1_mj_description` | Go1 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF |\n| `go2_description` | Go2 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | URDF |\n| `go2_mj_description` | Go2 | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF |\n| `hyq_description` | HyQ | IIT | 12 | URDF |\n| `laikago_description` | Laikago | UNITREE Robotics | 12 | MJCF, URDF |\n| `mini_cheetah_description` | Mini Cheetah | MIT | 12 | URDF |\n| `minitaur_description` | Minitaur | Ghost Robotics | 16 | URDF |\n| `solo_description` | Solo | ODRI | 12 | URDF |\n\n## Contributing\n\nNew robot descriptions are welcome! Check out the [guidelines]( then open a PR.\n\n## Thanks\n\nThanks to the maintainers of all the git repositories that made these robot descriptions available.\n\n## Citation\n\nIf you use this project in your works, please cite as follows:\n\n```bibtex\n@software{robot_descriptions_py,\n title = {{ Robot descriptions in Python}},\n author = {Caron, St\u00e9phane and Romualdi, Giulio and Kozlov, Lev and Ordo\u00f1ez Apraez, Daniel Felipe and Tadashi Kussaba, Hugo and Bang, Seung Hyeon and Zakka, Kevin and Schramm, Fabian},\n license = {Apache-2.0},\n url = {},\n version = {1.13.0},\n year = {2024}\n}\n```\n\n## See also\n\n- [Awesome Robot Descriptions]( curated list of robot descriptions in URDF, Xacro or MJCF formats.\n- [drake\\_models]( collection of URDF and SDF descriptions curated for the Drake framework.\n- [MuJoCo Menagerie]( collection of MJCF robot descriptions curated for the MuJoCo physics engine.\n- [robot\\_descriptions.cpp]( package to use ```` in C++.\n",
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"Source": "",
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