Simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2 Python API.
Auto-detects ROS version from run-time environment, and provides
equivalent functionality in either ROS version.
Main use-cases:
- helper library for working with ROS messages and data types
- replacement for ROS1 / ROS2 Python API
- drop-in replacement for `rospy` to convert a ROS1 package to a ROS1/ROS2 package
- drop-in replacement for `rclpy` to convert a ROS2 package to a ROS1/ROS2 package
Requires the corresponding ROS Python libraries: `rospy` family for ROS1,
`rclpy` for ROS2.
Full API documentation available at
- Example usage
- Parameters
- Constructor args in publishers and services
- Timers
- Bags
- ROS core functionality
- Patches in ROS1
- Patches in ROS2
- API helpers
- Converting an existing package
- Existing ROS1 package to ROS1/ROS2 package
- Existing ROS2 package to ROS1/ROS2 package
- Running tests
- Dependencies
- Attribution
- License
Example usage
A simple node that publishes a message on receiving a service request:
import rosros
def on_trigger(req):
return {"success": True, "message": "Triggered!"}
params = rosros.init_params(service="/trigger", topic="/triggerings")
srv = rosros.create_service(params["service"], "std_srvs/Trigger", on_trigger)
pub = rosros.create_publisher(params["topic"], "std_msgs/Bool", latch=True, queue_size=2)
Equivalent ROS1 code using rospy:
import rospy, std_msgs.msg, std_srvs.srv
def on_trigger(req):
return {"success": True, "message": "Triggered!"}
service = rospy.get_param("~service", "/trigger")
topic = rospy.get_param("~topic", "/triggerings")
rospy.set_param("~service", service)
rospy.set_param("~topic", topic)
srv = rospy.Service(service, std_srvs.srv.Trigger, on_trigger)
pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, std_msgs.msg.Bool, latch=True, queue_size=2)
Equivalent ROS2 code using rclpy:
import rclpy, rclpy.qos, std_msgs.msg, std_srvs.srv
def on_trigger(req, resp):
resp.success = True
resp.message = "Triggered!"
return resp
node = rclpy.create_node("mynode")
service = node.get_parameter_or("service", rclpy.Parameter("", value="/trigger")).value
topic = node.get_parameter_or("topic", rclpy.Parameter("", value="/triggerings")).value
if not node.has_parameter("service"):
node.declare_parameter("service", service)
if not node.has_parameter("topic"):
node.declare_parameter("topic", topic)
srv = node.create_service(std_srvs.srv.Trigger, service, on_trigger)
qos = rclpy.qos.QoSProfile(depth=2, durability=rclpy.qos.DurabilityPolicy.TRANSIENT_LOCAL)
pub = node.create_publisher(std_msgs.msg.Bool, topic, qos)
Any ROS2-only extras used will be ignored under ROS1, like topic QoS reliability.
### Parameters
rosros provides a convenient way to auto-load all node parameters,
and override or populate additional parameters from a nested dictionary.
# If the given defaults were not among existing node parameters,
# they will be auto-declared on the node.
params = rosros.init_params({"my": {"nested": {"param1": 5, "param2": True}}})
### Constructor args in publishers and services
rosros provides short-hand convenience wrappers for publishing messages,
invoking services and returning service responses, without needing to
create the message or service request/response class instance explicitly.
ROS1 already provides this short-hand in `rospy`,
but ROS2 API requires the instances to be created explicitly.
rosros also supports giving message or service request as dictionary.
In rosros:
pub = rosros.create_publisher("/topic", "std_msgs/Bool")
pub.publish({"data": True})
# Service callback need not accept any parameters if request object is irrelevant
srv = rosros.create_service("/service", "std_srvs/SetBool", lambda: {"message": "Triggered!"})
cli = rosros.create_client("/service", "std_srvs/SetBool"){"data": True})
Equivalent ROS1 code using rospy:
pub = rospy.Publisher("/topic", std_msgs.msg.Bool, queue_size=0)
srv = rospy.Service("/service", std_srvs.srv.SetBool, lambda req: {"message": "Triggered!"})
cli = rospy.ServiceProxy("/service", std_srvs.srv.SetBool)
Equivalent ROS2 code using rospy:
pub = mynode.create_publisher(std_msgs.msg.Bool, "/topic", 0)
def callback(req, resp):
resp.message = "Triggered!"
return resp
srv = mynode.create_service(std_srvs.srv.SetBool, "/service", callback)
cli = mynode.create_client(std_srvs.srv.SetBool, "/service")
### Timers
rosros provides convenience one-shot timers in ROS2 like ROS1 does.
Additionally, rosros provides an option to start invoking the timer callback
immediately, instead of waiting one period before first call.
timer = rosros.create_timer(2, lambda: print("just once, after 2 sec"), oneshot=True)
timer = rosros.create_timer(5, lambda: print("every 5 sec, starting now"), immediate=True)
# Can take seconds, can take an explicit Duration object
timer = rosros.create_timer(rosros.api.make_duration(5), lambda: print("every 5 sec"))
### Bags
rosros provides a unified interface for reading and writing ROS bags.
Bag format is the custom ROS format in ROS1, and the SQLite database format in ROS2.
bag = rosros.Bag("my.bag", mode="a")
print(bag) # Prints bag metainfo, equivalent to "rosbag info"
bag.write("/my/topic", std_msgs.msg.Bool())
for topic, message, stamp in bag:
print("[%s] %s: %s" % (rosros.api.to_sec(stamp), topic, message))
ROS core functionality
Functionality for creating and operating a ROS node.
Objects returned are standard `rospy` / `rclpy` API objects, patched with
additional members for a unified interface _**conforming to ROS1 API**_.
| Name | Description | Arguments
| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| | **Startup, spin and shutdown** | |
| `rosros.init_node` | initializes ROS and creates ROS node (and returns Node object in ROS2) | `name, args=None, namespace=None, anonymous=True, log_level=None, enable_rosout=True, multithreaded=True, reentrant=False`
| `rosros.start_spin` | sets ROS node spinning forever in a background thread | |
| `rosros.spin` | spins ROS node forever | |
| `rosros.spin_once` | waits until timeout in ROS1; executes one ROS operation or waits until timeout in ROS2 | `timeout=None`
| `rosros.spin_until_future_complete` | spins ROS until future complete or timeout reached or ROS shut down | `future, timeout=None`
| `rosros.ok` | returns whether ROS has been initialized and is not shut down | |
| `rosros.on_shutdown` | registers function to be called on shutdown | `callback, *args, **kwargs`
| `rosros.shutdown` | shuts down live ROS node, if any | `reason=None`
| | | |
| | **Parameters** | |
| `rosros.init_params` | sets all parameters on node from defaults dictionary, returns full parameters dictionary. | `defaults=None, **defaultkws`
| | In ROS2, auto-declares unregistered parameters. | |
| `rosros.has_param` | returns whether the parameter exists | `name`
| `rosros.get_param` | returns parameter value from current ROS node | `name, default=None, autoset=True`
| `rosros.get_param_names` | returns the names of all current ROS node parameters | |
| `rosros.get_params` | returns the current ROS node parameters, by default as nested dictionary | `nested=True`
| `rosros.set_param` | sets a parameter on the node. | `name, value, descriptor=None`
| | In ROS2, parameter will be auto-declared if unknown so far. | |
| `rosros.delete_param` | deletes parameter from the node | `name`
| | | |
| | **Topics, services, timers and rates** | |
| `rosros.create_publisher` | returns a ROS publisher instance | `topic, cls_or_typename, latch=False, queue_size=0, **qosargs`
| `rosros.create_subscriber` | returns a ROS subscriber instance | `topic, cls_or_typename, callback, callback_args=None, queue_size=0, raw=False, **qosargs`
| `rosros.create_service` | returns a ROS service server instance, for providing a service | `service, cls_or_typename, callback, **qosargs`
| `rosros.create_client` | returns a ROS service client instance, for invoking a service | `service, cls_or_typename, **qosargs`
| `rosros.create_timer` | returns a ROS timer instance | `period, callback, oneshot=False, immediate=False`
| `rosros.create_rate` | returns a ROS rate instance, for sleeping at a fixed rate | `frequency`
| `rosros.destroy_entity` | closes the given publisher, subscriber, service client, service server, or timer instance | `item`
| `rosros.AnyMsg` | `rospy.AnyMsg` in ROS1, stand-in class with equivalent functionality in ROS2 | |
| `rosros.sleep` | sleeps for the specified duration in ROS time | `duration`
| `rosros.wait_for_publisher` | blocks until topic has at least one publisher | `topic, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None`
| `rosros.wait_for_subscriber` | blocks until topic has at least one subscriber | `topic, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None`
| `rosros.wait_for_service` | blocks until service is available | `service, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None`
| | | |
| | **ROS bags** | |
| `rosros.Bag` | ROS bag reader and writer; | |
| | `rosbag.Bag` in ROS1 with some additional functionality; | |
| | equivalent class in ROS2, using the ROS2 default SQLite format | |
| | | |
| | **Information queries** | |
| `rosros.get_namespace` | returns ROS node namespace | |
| `rosros.get_node_name` | returns ROS node full name with namespace | |
| `rosros.get_nodes` | returns all ROS nodes, as `[node full name, ]` | |
| `rosros.get_topics` | returns all available ROS topics, as `[(topic name, [type name, ]), ]` | |
| `rosros.get_services` | returns all available ROS services, as `[(service name, [type name, ]), ]` | |
| `rosros.remap_name` | returns the absolute remapped topic/service name if mapping exists | `name, namespace=None`
| `rosros.resolve_name` | returns absolute remapped name, namespaced under current node if relative or private | `name, namespace=None`
| | | |
| | **Miscellaneous** | |
| `rosros.get_logger` | returns `logging.Logger` for logging to ROS log handler; | |
| | logger supports additional keywords `__once__`, `__throttle__`, `__throttle_identical__` | |
| `rosros.get_ros_version` | returns ROS version information as a data dictionary | |
| `rosros.get_rostime` | returns ROS time instance for current ROS clock time | |
| `rosros.register_init` | informs `rosros` of ROS having been initialized outside of `init_node()`. | `node=None`
| | Giving node as argument is mandatory in ROS2. | |
### Patches in ROS1
Additional functionality patched onto `rospy` classes for convenience:
- `rospy.ServiceProxy.call_async(*args, **kwargs):`
makes service call in a background thread, returns `concurrent.futures.Future`-like response
- `rospy.ServiceProxy.wait_for_service(timeout=None, timeout_sec=None):`
waits for service to become available, returns `True`, or `False` on timeout
- `rospy.ServiceProxy.service_is_ready():`
returns whether service is currently available
- `rospy.Subscriber:`
callbacks are invoked with serialized message bytes if subscription was created with `raw=True`
- `rosbag.Bag.get_message_definition(msg_or_type):`
returns ROS1 message type definition full text from bag
- `rosbag.Bag.get_message_class(typename, typehash=None):`
returns ROS1 message class
- `rosbag.Bag.get_message_type_hash(msg_or_type):`
returns ROS1 message type MD5 hash
- `rosbag.Bag.get_topic_info():`
returns topic and message type metainfo as `{(topic, typename, typehash): count}`
- `rosbag.Bag.reindex_file(f):`
reindexes bag file on disk; makes a temporary copy in file directory
### Patches in ROS2
The following classes are patched with full conformity to their equivalents in ROS:
- `rclpy.client.Client`
- `rclpy.publisher.Publisher`
- `rclpy.service.Service`
- `rclpy.subscription.Subscription`
- `rclpy.duration.Duration`
- `rclpy.time.Time`
- `rclpy.timer.Rate`
- `rclpy.timer.Timer`
E.g. durations support `+-*/` arithmetic, and publisher / subscriber provide `.md5sum` for message type hash.
API helpers
Functionality for working with message types and data and metainfo.
Can be used as stand-alone library functions without initializing rosros core.
| Name | Description | Arguments
| --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------
| | **Message types and instances** | |
| `rosros.api.get_message_class` | returns ROS message / service class object, like `std_msgs.msg.Bool` for `"std_msgs/Bool"` | `msg_or_type`
| `rosros.api.get_message_definition` | returns ROS message or service request/response type definition text, | `msg_or_type, full=True`
| | by default including message subtype definitions | |
| `rosros.api.get_message_fields` | returns `{field name: field type name}` if ROS message or service request/response, else `{}` | `val`
| `rosros.api.get_message_header` | returns message `Header`-attribute if any, else `None` | `val`
| `rosros.api.get_message_type` | returns ROS message / service canonical type name, like `"std_msgs/Header"` | `msg_or_cls`
| | or `"*"` for `AnyMsg` | |
| `rosros.api.get_message_type_hash` | returns ROS message / service type MD5 hash | `msg_or_type`
| `rosros.api.get_message_value` | returns message attribute value, with numeric arrays converted to lists | `msg, name, default=...`
| `rosros.api.is_ros_message` | returns whether value is a ROS message or service request/response class or instance | `val`
| | | |
| | **Message conversion** | |
| `rosros.api.deserialize_message` | returns ROS message or service request/response instantiated from serialized binary | `raw, cls_or_typename`
| `rosros.api.dict_to_message` | returns ROS message populated from Python dictionary | `dct, msg_or_type`
| `rosros.api.message_to_dict` | returns ROS message as nested Python dictionary; | `msg, replace=None`
| | with optional replacements for certain values like `{math.nan: None}` | |
| `rosros.api.message_to_str` | returns ROS message as an evaluatable string, e.g. `"std_msgs.msg.UInt8(data=0)"` | `msg, indent=None`
| `rosros.api.serialize_message` | returns ROS message or service request/response as a serialized binary of `bytes()` | `msg`
| | | |
| | **Service classes and definitions** | |
| `rosros.api.get_service_definition` | returns ROS service type definition text | `srv_or_type`
| `rosros.api.get_service_request_class` | returns ROS service request class object | `srv_or_type`
| `rosros.api.get_service_response_class` | returns ROS service response class object | `srv_or_type`
| `rosros.api.is_ros_service` | returns whether value is a ROS service class object | `val`
| | | |
| | **Time and duration** | |
| `rosros.api.is_ros_time` | returns whether value is a ROS time/duration | `val`
| `rosros.api.make_duration` | returns a ROS duration | `secs=0, nsecs=0`
| `rosros.api.make_time` | returns a ROS time | `secs=0, nsecs=0`
| `rosros.api.time_category` | returns "time" or "duration" for time/duration type, else value | `msg_or_type`
| `rosros.api.time_message` | returns ROS2 time/duration from `rclpy` as `builtin_interfaces` or vice versa, | `val, to_message=True, clock_type=None`
| | or value if not convertible | |
| `rosros.api.to_datetime` | returns value as `datetime.datetime` if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`
| `rosros.api.to_decimal` | returns value as `decimal.Decimal` if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`
| `rosros.api.to_duration` | returns value as ROS duration if convertible (int/float/time/datetime/decimal), else value | `val`
| `rosros.api.to_nsec` | returns value in nanoseconds if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`
| `rosros.api.to_sec` | returns value in seconds if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`
| `rosros.api.to_sec_nsec` | returns value in (seconds, nanoseconds) if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`
| `rosros.api.to_time` | returns value as ROS time if convertible (int/float/duration/datetime/decimal), else value | `val`
| | | |
| | **Class and type names** | |
| `rosros.api.canonical` | returns `"pkg/Type"` for `"pkg/subdir/Type"` | `typename`
| `rosros.api.get_alias_type` | returns ROS built-in type for alias like `"char"`, if any; reverse of `get_type_alias()`. | `typename`
| | In ROS1, `byte` and `char` are aliases for `int8` and `uint8`; in ROS2 the reverse. | |
| `rosros.api.get_type_alias` | returns alias like `"char"` for ROS built-in type, if any; reverse of `get_alias_type()`. | `typename`
| | In ROS1, `byte` and `char` are aliases for `int8` and `uint8`; in ROS2 the reverse. | |
| `rosros.api.make_full_typename` | returns `"pkg/msg/Type"` or `"pkg/srv/Type"` for `"pkg/Type"` | `typename, category="msg"`
| `rosros.api.scalar` | returns scalar type from ROS message data type, like `"uint8"` from `uint8`-array; | `typename`
| | in ROS2, returns unbounded type, e.g. `"string"` from `"string<=10[<=5]"`. | |
| | | |
| | **Miscellaneous** | |
| `rosros.api.format_param_name` | returns parameter name with correct separator for ROS version, and leading sigils stripped | `name`
| `rosros.api.PARAM_SEPARATOR` | separator char between ROS parameter namespace parts | |
| `rosros.api.ROS_BUILTIN_TYPES` | list of ROS built-in numeric and string type names, like `["string", "uint8", ..]` | |
| `rosros.api.ROS_NUMERIC_TYPES` | list of ROS built-in numeric type names, like `["bool", "int8", ..]` | |
| `rosros.api.ROS_STRING_TYPES` | list of ROS built-in string type names | |
| `rosros.api.ROS_TIME_CLASSES` | ROS time/duration types mapped to type names | |
| `rosros.api.ROS_TIME_TYPES` | list of ROS built-in time/duration type names | |
Converting an existing package
### Existing ROS1 package to ROS1/ROS2 package
rosros can be used as a (mostly) drop-in replacement for rospy
to make a ROS1 package equally usable under ROS2 - if the code relies only
on `rospy`, and does not go too deeply into using ROS1 specifics like `rosgraph`.
`rospy` imports can be replaced with `rosros.rospify`, e.g.
import threading
from rosros import rospify as rospy
from std_msgs.msg import String
rospy.init_node("talker", anonymous=True)
pub = rospy.Publisher("chatter", String, queue_size=10)
rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz
threading.Thread(target=rospy.spin).start() # Concession for ROS2: spin is always needed
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
hello_str = "hello world %s" % rospy.get_time()
In ROS1 it provides `rospy`, and in ROS2 it provides matching API classes and functions.
Main behavioral differences of `rospify` in ROS2 vs ROS1:
- `Subscriber.get_num_connections()` always returns 0, as ROS2 does not provide this information
- subscribing with `AnyMsg` needs the publisher existing
- parameter operations always apply to node parameters, as ROS2 has no global parameters
- functions registered in `on_shutdown()` are called after node shutdown, not before
- `rosros.rospify.get_master()` requires local node to be initialized, unlike `rospy.get_master()`
- `rosros.rospify.SubscribeListener` does nothing
### Existing ROS2 package to ROS1/ROS2 package
rosros can also be used as a (mostly) drop-in replacement for rclpy
to make a ROS2 package equally usable under ROS1 - if the code mainly relies on
`rclpy` module and does not go deep into using ROS2 specifics like `builtin_interfaces`.
`rclpy` imports can be replaced with `rosros.rclify`, e.g.
from rosros import rclify as rclpy
from std_msgs.msg import String
class MinimalPublisher(rclpy.node.Node):
def __init__(self):
self.publisher_ = self.create_publisher(String, "chatter", 10)
timer_period = 0.1 # seconds
self.timer = self.create_timer(timer_period, self.timer_callback)
self.i = 0
def timer_callback(self):
msg = String() = "Hello World: %d" % self.i
self.get_logger().info('Publishing: "%s"' %
self.i += 1
minimal_publisher = MinimalPublisher()
In ROS2, `rclify` provides `rclpy`, and in ROS1 it provides
matching API modules and classes and functions.
Covers all the parts of `rclpy.node` that are supportable in ROS1, focused on:
creating nodes, publishing and subscribing topics, providing and invoking services,
working with rates and timers.
Main behavioral differences of `rclify` in ROS1 vs ROS2:
- one single node as always in ROS1
- QoS profiles ignore all options except `depth` (taken as `queue_size`),
and `durability` equaling `TRANSIENT_LOCAL` (taken as `latch=True`)
- no contexts, no executors, no waitables
- no callback groups, no guard conditions, no middleware events
Methods pertaining to unsupported functionality do nothing and return `None`.
Unsupported arguments in methods are ignored.
Developed and tested under ROS1 Noetic and ROS2 Foxy,
works in later ROS2 versions (tested up to ROS2 Jazzy).
### Using pip
pip install rosros
This will make the `rosros` library available to Python packages.
Requires ROS Python packages
(ROS1: rospy, roslib, rosbag, rosservice, genpy;
ROS2: rclpy, rosidl_parser, rosidl_runtime_py, ament_index_python, builtin_interfaces).
### Using catkin
In a ROS1 workspace, under the source directory:
git clone
cd rosros
catkin build --this
This will make the `rosros` library available in the ROS1 workspace.
### Using colcon
In a ROS2 workspace, at the workspace root:
git clone src/rosros
colcon build --packages-select rosros
This will make the `rosros` library available in the ROS2 workspace.
Running tests
catkin test rosros
colcon test --packages-select rosros
To run ROS2 tests with full log output:
colcon test --packages-select rosros --event-handlers console_direct+ \
--pytest-args "--capture=tee-sys"
Using pytest, either ROS1 or ROS2 (roscore needs to be running if ROS1):
cd rosros
- pyyaml (
- genpy
- rosbag
- roslib
- rospy
- rosservice
- ament_index_python
- builtin_interfaces
- rclpy
- rosidl_parser
- rosidl_runtime_py
ROS2 test dependencies:
- pytest (
- pytest-forked (
For generating API documentation:
- doxypypy (;
needs latest master: `pip install git+`)
This package includes partially copied and modified code from `rclpy` core library,
released under the Apache-2.0 license.
See [doc/3rd-party licenses.txt](doc/3rd-party%20licenses.txt) for full details.
Copyright (c) 2022 by Erki Suurjaak.
Released as free open source software under the BSD License,
see for full details.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "",
"name": "rosros",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "ROS ROS1 ROS2",
"author": "Erki Suurjaak",
"author_email": "",
"download_url": null,
"platform": "any",
"description": "rosros\n======\n\nSimple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2 Python API.\n\nAuto-detects ROS version from run-time environment, and provides\nequivalent functionality in either ROS version.\n\nMain use-cases:\n- helper library for working with ROS messages and data types\n- replacement for ROS1 / ROS2 Python API\n- drop-in replacement for `rospy` to convert a ROS1 package to a ROS1/ROS2 package\n- drop-in replacement for `rclpy` to convert a ROS2 package to a ROS1/ROS2 package\n\n\nRequires the corresponding ROS Python libraries: `rospy` family for ROS1,\n`rclpy` for ROS2.\n\nFull API documentation available at\n\n- Example usage\n - Parameters\n - Constructor args in publishers and services\n - Timers\n - Bags\n- ROS core functionality\n - Patches in ROS1\n - Patches in ROS2\n- API helpers\n- Converting an existing package\n - Existing ROS1 package to ROS1/ROS2 package\n - Existing ROS2 package to ROS1/ROS2 package\n- Running tests\n- Dependencies\n- Attribution\n- License\n\n\nExample usage\n-------------\n\nA simple node that publishes a message on receiving a service request:\n\n```python\nimport rosros\n\ndef on_trigger(req):\n pub.publish(True)\n return {\"success\": True, \"message\": \"Triggered!\"}\n\nrosros.init_node(\"mynode\")\nparams = rosros.init_params(service=\"/trigger\", topic=\"/triggerings\")\nsrv = rosros.create_service(params[\"service\"], \"std_srvs/Trigger\", on_trigger)\npub = rosros.create_publisher(params[\"topic\"], \"std_msgs/Bool\", latch=True, queue_size=2)\nrosros.spin()\n```\n\nEquivalent ROS1 code using rospy:\n\n```python\nimport rospy, std_msgs.msg, std_srvs.srv\n\ndef on_trigger(req):\n pub.publish(True)\n return {\"success\": True, \"message\": \"Triggered!\"}\n\nrospy.init_node(\"mynode\")\nservice = rospy.get_param(\"~service\", \"/trigger\")\ntopic = rospy.get_param(\"~topic\", \"/triggerings\")\nrospy.set_param(\"~service\", service)\nrospy.set_param(\"~topic\", topic)\nsrv = rospy.Service(service, std_srvs.srv.Trigger, on_trigger)\npub = rospy.Publisher(topic, std_msgs.msg.Bool, latch=True, queue_size=2)\nrospy.spin()\n```\n\nEquivalent ROS2 code using rclpy:\n\n```python\nimport rclpy, rclpy.qos, std_msgs.msg, std_srvs.srv\n\ndef on_trigger(req, resp):\n pub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Bool(data=True))\n resp.success = True\n resp.message = \"Triggered!\"\n return resp\n\nrclpy.init()\nnode = rclpy.create_node(\"mynode\")\nservice = node.get_parameter_or(\"service\", rclpy.Parameter(\"\", value=\"/trigger\")).value\ntopic = node.get_parameter_or(\"topic\", rclpy.Parameter(\"\", value=\"/triggerings\")).value\nif not node.has_parameter(\"service\"):\n node.declare_parameter(\"service\", service)\nif not node.has_parameter(\"topic\"):\n node.declare_parameter(\"topic\", topic)\nsrv = node.create_service(std_srvs.srv.Trigger, service, on_trigger)\nqos = rclpy.qos.QoSProfile(depth=2, durability=rclpy.qos.DurabilityPolicy.TRANSIENT_LOCAL)\npub = node.create_publisher(std_msgs.msg.Bool, topic, qos)\nrclpy.spin(node)\n```\n\nAny ROS2-only extras used will be ignored under ROS1, like topic QoS reliability.\n\n\n### Parameters\n\nrosros provides a convenient way to auto-load all node parameters,\nand override or populate additional parameters from a nested dictionary.\n\n```python\nrosros.init_node(\"mynode\")\n# If the given defaults were not among existing node parameters,\n# they will be auto-declared on the node.\nparams = rosros.init_params({\"my\": {\"nested\": {\"param1\": 5, \"param2\": True}}})\n```\n\n\n### Constructor args in publishers and services\n\nrosros provides short-hand convenience wrappers for publishing messages,\ninvoking services and returning service responses, without needing to\ncreate the message or service request/response class instance explicitly.\n\nROS1 already provides this short-hand in `rospy`,\nbut ROS2 API requires the instances to be created explicitly.\n\nrosros also supports giving message or service request as dictionary.\n\nIn rosros:\n\n```python\npub = rosros.create_publisher(\"/topic\", \"std_msgs/Bool\")\npub.publish(True)\npub.publish(data=True)\npub.publish({\"data\": True})\npub.publish()\n\n# Service callback need not accept any parameters if request object is irrelevant\nsrv = rosros.create_service(\"/service\", \"std_srvs/SetBool\", lambda: {\"message\": \"Triggered!\"})\n\ncli = rosros.create_client(\"/service\", \"std_srvs/SetBool\")\\\{\"data\": True})\ncli(True)\n```\n\nEquivalent ROS1 code using rospy:\n\n```python\npub = rospy.Publisher(\"/topic\", std_msgs.msg.Bool, queue_size=0)\npub.publish(True)\npub.publish(data=True)\npub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Bool(True))\npub.publish()\n\nsrv = rospy.Service(\"/service\", std_srvs.srv.SetBool, lambda req: {\"message\": \"Triggered!\"})\n\ncli = rospy.ServiceProxy(\"/service\", std_srvs.srv.SetBool)\\\\ncli(True)\n```\n\nEquivalent ROS2 code using rospy:\n\n```python\npub = mynode.create_publisher(std_msgs.msg.Bool, \"/topic\", 0)\npub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Bool(data=True))\npub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Bool(data=True))\npub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Bool(data=True))\npub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Bool())\n\ndef callback(req, resp):\n resp.message = \"Triggered!\"\n return resp\nsrv = mynode.create_service(std_srvs.srv.SetBool, \"/service\", callback)\n\ncli = mynode.create_client(std_srvs.srv.SetBool, \"/service\")\\n```\n\n### Timers\n\nrosros provides convenience one-shot timers in ROS2 like ROS1 does.\n\nAdditionally, rosros provides an option to start invoking the timer callback\nimmediately, instead of waiting one period before first call.\n\n```python\ntimer = rosros.create_timer(2, lambda: print(\"just once, after 2 sec\"), oneshot=True)\n\ntimer = rosros.create_timer(5, lambda: print(\"every 5 sec, starting now\"), immediate=True)\n\n# Can take seconds, can take an explicit Duration object\ntimer = rosros.create_timer(rosros.api.make_duration(5), lambda: print(\"every 5 sec\"))\n```\n\n### Bags\n\nrosros provides a unified interface for reading and writing ROS bags.\n\nBag format is the custom ROS format in ROS1, and the SQLite database format in ROS2.\n\n```python\nbag = rosros.Bag(\"my.bag\", mode=\"a\")\nprint(bag) # Prints bag metainfo, equivalent to \"rosbag info\"\n\nbag.write(\"/my/topic\", std_msgs.msg.Bool())\n\nfor topic, message, stamp in bag:\n print(\"[%s] %s: %s\" % (rosros.api.to_sec(stamp), topic, message))\n```\n\n\n\n\nROS core functionality\n----------------------\n\nFunctionality for creating and operating a ROS node.\n\nObjects returned are standard `rospy` / `rclpy` API objects, patched with\nadditional members for a unified interface _**conforming to ROS1 API**_.\n\n\n| Name | Description | Arguments\n| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n| | **Startup, spin and shutdown** | |\n| `rosros.init_node` | initializes ROS and creates ROS node (and returns Node object in ROS2) | `name, args=None, namespace=None, anonymous=True, log_level=None, enable_rosout=True, multithreaded=True, reentrant=False`\n| `rosros.start_spin` | sets ROS node spinning forever in a background thread | |\n| `rosros.spin` | spins ROS node forever | |\n| `rosros.spin_once` | waits until timeout in ROS1; executes one ROS operation or waits until timeout in ROS2 | `timeout=None`\n| `rosros.spin_until_future_complete` | spins ROS until future complete or timeout reached or ROS shut down | `future, timeout=None`\n| `rosros.ok` | returns whether ROS has been initialized and is not shut down | |\n| `rosros.on_shutdown` | registers function to be called on shutdown | `callback, *args, **kwargs`\n| `rosros.shutdown` | shuts down live ROS node, if any | `reason=None`\n| | | |\n| | **Parameters** | |\n| `rosros.init_params` | sets all parameters on node from defaults dictionary, returns full parameters dictionary. | `defaults=None, **defaultkws`\n| | In ROS2, auto-declares unregistered parameters. | |\n| `rosros.has_param` | returns whether the parameter exists | `name`\n| `rosros.get_param` | returns parameter value from current ROS node | `name, default=None, autoset=True`\n| `rosros.get_param_names` | returns the names of all current ROS node parameters | |\n| `rosros.get_params` | returns the current ROS node parameters, by default as nested dictionary | `nested=True`\n| `rosros.set_param` | sets a parameter on the node. | `name, value, descriptor=None`\n| | In ROS2, parameter will be auto-declared if unknown so far. | |\n| `rosros.delete_param` | deletes parameter from the node | `name`\n| | | |\n| | **Topics, services, timers and rates** | |\n| `rosros.create_publisher` | returns a ROS publisher instance | `topic, cls_or_typename, latch=False, queue_size=0, **qosargs`\n| `rosros.create_subscriber` | returns a ROS subscriber instance | `topic, cls_or_typename, callback, callback_args=None, queue_size=0, raw=False, **qosargs`\n| `rosros.create_service` | returns a ROS service server instance, for providing a service | `service, cls_or_typename, callback, **qosargs`\n| `rosros.create_client` | returns a ROS service client instance, for invoking a service | `service, cls_or_typename, **qosargs`\n| `rosros.create_timer` | returns a ROS timer instance | `period, callback, oneshot=False, immediate=False`\n| `rosros.create_rate` | returns a ROS rate instance, for sleeping at a fixed rate | `frequency`\n| `rosros.destroy_entity` | closes the given publisher, subscriber, service client, service server, or timer instance | `item`\n| `rosros.AnyMsg` | `rospy.AnyMsg` in ROS1, stand-in class with equivalent functionality in ROS2 | |\n| `rosros.sleep` | sleeps for the specified duration in ROS time | `duration`\n| `rosros.wait_for_publisher` | blocks until topic has at least one publisher | `topic, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None`\n| `rosros.wait_for_subscriber` | blocks until topic has at least one subscriber | `topic, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None`\n| `rosros.wait_for_service` | blocks until service is available | `service, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None`\n| | | |\n| | **ROS bags** | |\n| `rosros.Bag` | ROS bag reader and writer; | |\n| | `rosbag.Bag` in ROS1 with some additional functionality; | |\n| | equivalent class in ROS2, using the ROS2 default SQLite format | |\n| | | |\n| | **Information queries** | |\n| `rosros.get_namespace` | returns ROS node namespace | |\n| `rosros.get_node_name` | returns ROS node full name with namespace | |\n| `rosros.get_nodes` | returns all ROS nodes, as `[node full name, ]` | |\n| `rosros.get_topics` | returns all available ROS topics, as `[(topic name, [type name, ]), ]` | |\n| `rosros.get_services` | returns all available ROS services, as `[(service name, [type name, ]), ]` | |\n| `rosros.remap_name` | returns the absolute remapped topic/service name if mapping exists | `name, namespace=None`\n| `rosros.resolve_name` | returns absolute remapped name, namespaced under current node if relative or private | `name, namespace=None`\n| | | |\n| | **Miscellaneous** | |\n| `rosros.get_logger` | returns `logging.Logger` for logging to ROS log handler; | |\n| | logger supports additional keywords `__once__`, `__throttle__`, `__throttle_identical__` | |\n| `rosros.get_ros_version` | returns ROS version information as a data dictionary | |\n| `rosros.get_rostime` | returns ROS time instance for current ROS clock time | |\n| `rosros.register_init` | informs `rosros` of ROS having been initialized outside of `init_node()`. | `node=None`\n| | Giving node as argument is mandatory in ROS2. | |\n\n\n### Patches in ROS1\n\nAdditional functionality patched onto `rospy` classes for convenience:\n\n- `rospy.ServiceProxy.call_async(*args, **kwargs):`\n makes service call in a background thread, returns `concurrent.futures.Future`-like response\n- `rospy.ServiceProxy.wait_for_service(timeout=None, timeout_sec=None):`\n waits for service to become available, returns `True`, or `False` on timeout\n- `rospy.ServiceProxy.service_is_ready():`\n returns whether service is currently available\n- `rospy.Subscriber:`\n callbacks are invoked with serialized message bytes if subscription was created with `raw=True`\n- `rosbag.Bag.get_message_definition(msg_or_type):`\n returns ROS1 message type definition full text from bag\n- `rosbag.Bag.get_message_class(typename, typehash=None):`\n returns ROS1 message class\n- `rosbag.Bag.get_message_type_hash(msg_or_type):`\n returns ROS1 message type MD5 hash\n- `rosbag.Bag.get_topic_info():`\n returns topic and message type metainfo as `{(topic, typename, typehash): count}`\n- `rosbag.Bag.reindex_file(f):`\n reindexes bag file on disk; makes a temporary copy in file directory\n\n\n### Patches in ROS2\n\nThe following classes are patched with full conformity to their equivalents in ROS:\n\n- `rclpy.client.Client`\n- `rclpy.publisher.Publisher`\n- `rclpy.service.Service`\n- `rclpy.subscription.Subscription`\n- `rclpy.duration.Duration`\n- `rclpy.time.Time`\n- `rclpy.timer.Rate`\n- `rclpy.timer.Timer`\n\nE.g. durations support `+-*/` arithmetic, and publisher / subscriber provide `.md5sum` for message type hash.\n\n\nAPI helpers\n-----------\n\nFunctionality for working with message types and data and metainfo.\nCan be used as stand-alone library functions without initializing rosros core.\n\n| Name | Description | Arguments\n| --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------\n| | **Message types and instances** | |\n| `rosros.api.get_message_class` | returns ROS message / service class object, like `std_msgs.msg.Bool` for `\"std_msgs/Bool\"` | `msg_or_type`\n| `rosros.api.get_message_definition` | returns ROS message or service request/response type definition text, | `msg_or_type, full=True`\n| | by default including message subtype definitions | |\n| `rosros.api.get_message_fields` | returns `{field name: field type name}` if ROS message or service request/response, else `{}` | `val`\n| `rosros.api.get_message_header` | returns message `Header`-attribute if any, else `None` | `val`\n| `rosros.api.get_message_type` | returns ROS message / service canonical type name, like `\"std_msgs/Header\"` | `msg_or_cls`\n| | or `\"*\"` for `AnyMsg` | |\n| `rosros.api.get_message_type_hash` | returns ROS message / service type MD5 hash | `msg_or_type`\n| `rosros.api.get_message_value` | returns message attribute value, with numeric arrays converted to lists | `msg, name, default=...`\n| `rosros.api.is_ros_message` | returns whether value is a ROS message or service request/response class or instance | `val`\n| | | |\n| | **Message conversion** | |\n| `rosros.api.deserialize_message` | returns ROS message or service request/response instantiated from serialized binary | `raw, cls_or_typename`\n| `rosros.api.dict_to_message` | returns ROS message populated from Python dictionary | `dct, msg_or_type`\n| `rosros.api.message_to_dict` | returns ROS message as nested Python dictionary; | `msg, replace=None`\n| | with optional replacements for certain values like `{math.nan: None}` | |\n| `rosros.api.message_to_str` | returns ROS message as an evaluatable string, e.g. `\"std_msgs.msg.UInt8(data=0)\"` | `msg, indent=None`\n| `rosros.api.serialize_message` | returns ROS message or service request/response as a serialized binary of `bytes()` | `msg`\n| | | |\n| | **Service classes and definitions** | |\n| `rosros.api.get_service_definition` | returns ROS service type definition text | `srv_or_type`\n| `rosros.api.get_service_request_class` | returns ROS service request class object | `srv_or_type`\n| `rosros.api.get_service_response_class` | returns ROS service response class object | `srv_or_type`\n| `rosros.api.is_ros_service` | returns whether value is a ROS service class object | `val`\n| | | |\n| | **Time and duration** | |\n| `rosros.api.is_ros_time` | returns whether value is a ROS time/duration | `val`\n| `rosros.api.make_duration` | returns a ROS duration | `secs=0, nsecs=0`\n| `rosros.api.make_time` | returns a ROS time | `secs=0, nsecs=0`\n| `rosros.api.time_category` | returns \"time\" or \"duration\" for time/duration type, else value | `msg_or_type`\n| `rosros.api.time_message` | returns ROS2 time/duration from `rclpy` as `builtin_interfaces` or vice versa, | `val, to_message=True, clock_type=None`\n| | or value if not convertible | |\n| `rosros.api.to_datetime` | returns value as `datetime.datetime` if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`\n| `rosros.api.to_decimal` | returns value as `decimal.Decimal` if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`\n| `rosros.api.to_duration` | returns value as ROS duration if convertible (int/float/time/datetime/decimal), else value | `val`\n| `rosros.api.to_nsec` | returns value in nanoseconds if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`\n| `rosros.api.to_sec` | returns value in seconds if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`\n| `rosros.api.to_sec_nsec` | returns value in (seconds, nanoseconds) if value is ROS time/duration, else value | `val`\n| `rosros.api.to_time` | returns value as ROS time if convertible (int/float/duration/datetime/decimal), else value | `val`\n| | | |\n| | **Class and type names** | |\n| `rosros.api.canonical` | returns `\"pkg/Type\"` for `\"pkg/subdir/Type\"` | `typename`\n| `rosros.api.get_alias_type` | returns ROS built-in type for alias like `\"char\"`, if any; reverse of `get_type_alias()`. | `typename`\n| | In ROS1, `byte` and `char` are aliases for `int8` and `uint8`; in ROS2 the reverse. | |\n| `rosros.api.get_type_alias` | returns alias like `\"char\"` for ROS built-in type, if any; reverse of `get_alias_type()`. | `typename`\n| | In ROS1, `byte` and `char` are aliases for `int8` and `uint8`; in ROS2 the reverse. | |\n| `rosros.api.make_full_typename` | returns `\"pkg/msg/Type\"` or `\"pkg/srv/Type\"` for `\"pkg/Type\"` | `typename, category=\"msg\"`\n| `rosros.api.scalar` | returns scalar type from ROS message data type, like `\"uint8\"` from `uint8`-array; | `typename`\n| | in ROS2, returns unbounded type, e.g. `\"string\"` from `\"string<=10[<=5]\"`. | |\n| | | |\n| | **Miscellaneous** | |\n| `rosros.api.format_param_name` | returns parameter name with correct separator for ROS version, and leading sigils stripped | `name`\n| `rosros.api.PARAM_SEPARATOR` | separator char between ROS parameter namespace parts | |\n| `rosros.api.ROS_BUILTIN_TYPES` | list of ROS built-in numeric and string type names, like `[\"string\", \"uint8\", ..]` | |\n| `rosros.api.ROS_NUMERIC_TYPES` | list of ROS built-in numeric type names, like `[\"bool\", \"int8\", ..]` | |\n| `rosros.api.ROS_STRING_TYPES` | list of ROS built-in string type names | |\n| `rosros.api.ROS_TIME_CLASSES` | ROS time/duration types mapped to type names | |\n| `rosros.api.ROS_TIME_TYPES` | list of ROS built-in time/duration type names | |\n\n\nConverting an existing package\n------------------------------\n\n### Existing ROS1 package to ROS1/ROS2 package\n\nrosros can be used as a (mostly) drop-in replacement for rospy\nto make a ROS1 package equally usable under ROS2 - if the code relies only\non `rospy`, and does not go too deeply into using ROS1 specifics like `rosgraph`.\n\n`rospy` imports can be replaced with `rosros.rospify`, e.g.\n\n```python\nimport threading\nfrom rosros import rospify as rospy\nfrom std_msgs.msg import String\n\nrospy.init_node(\"talker\", anonymous=True)\npub = rospy.Publisher(\"chatter\", String, queue_size=10)\nrate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz\nthreading.Thread(target=rospy.spin).start() # Concession for ROS2: spin is always needed\nwhile not rospy.is_shutdown():\n hello_str = \"hello world %s\" % rospy.get_time()\n rospy.loginfo(hello_str)\n pub.publish(hello_str)\n rate.sleep()\n```\n\nIn ROS1 it provides `rospy`, and in ROS2 it provides matching API classes and functions.\n\nMain behavioral differences of `rospify` in ROS2 vs ROS1:\n- `Subscriber.get_num_connections()` always returns 0, as ROS2 does not provide this information\n- subscribing with `AnyMsg` needs the publisher existing\n- parameter operations always apply to node parameters, as ROS2 has no global parameters\n- functions registered in `on_shutdown()` are called after node shutdown, not before\n- `rosros.rospify.get_master()` requires local node to be initialized, unlike `rospy.get_master()`\n- `rosros.rospify.SubscribeListener` does nothing\n\n\n### Existing ROS2 package to ROS1/ROS2 package\n\nrosros can also be used as a (mostly) drop-in replacement for rclpy\nto make a ROS2 package equally usable under ROS1 - if the code mainly relies on\n`rclpy` module and does not go deep into using ROS2 specifics like `builtin_interfaces`.\n\n`rclpy` imports can be replaced with `rosros.rclify`, e.g.\n\n```python\nfrom rosros import rclify as rclpy\nfrom std_msgs.msg import String\n\nclass MinimalPublisher(rclpy.node.Node):\n def __init__(self):\n super().__init__(\"minimal_publisher\")\n self.publisher_ = self.create_publisher(String, \"chatter\", 10)\n timer_period = 0.1 # seconds\n self.timer = self.create_timer(timer_period, self.timer_callback)\n self.i = 0\n def timer_callback(self):\n msg = String()\n = \"Hello World: %d\" % self.i\n self.publisher_.publish(msg)\n self.get_logger().info('Publishing: \"%s\"' %\n self.i += 1\n\nrclpy.init()\nminimal_publisher = MinimalPublisher()\nrclpy.spin(minimal_publisher)\n```\n\nIn ROS2, `rclify` provides `rclpy`, and in ROS1 it provides\nmatching API modules and classes and functions.\n\nCovers all the parts of `rclpy.node` that are supportable in ROS1, focused on:\ncreating nodes, publishing and subscribing topics, providing and invoking services,\nworking with rates and timers.\n\nMain behavioral differences of `rclify` in ROS1 vs ROS2:\n- one single node as always in ROS1\n- QoS profiles ignore all options except `depth` (taken as `queue_size`),\n and `durability` equaling `TRANSIENT_LOCAL` (taken as `latch=True`)\n- no contexts, no executors, no waitables\n- no callback groups, no guard conditions, no middleware events\n\nMethods pertaining to unsupported functionality do nothing and return `None`.\nUnsupported arguments in methods are ignored.\n\n\nInstallation\n------------\n\nDeveloped and tested under ROS1 Noetic and ROS2 Foxy,\nworks in later ROS2 versions (tested up to ROS2 Jazzy). \n\n### Using pip\n\n pip install rosros\n\nThis will make the `rosros` library available to Python packages.\n\nRequires ROS Python packages\n(ROS1: rospy, roslib, rosbag, rosservice, genpy;\n ROS2: rclpy, rosidl_parser, rosidl_runtime_py, ament_index_python, builtin_interfaces).\n\n\n### Using catkin\n\nIn a ROS1 workspace, under the source directory:\n\n git clone\n cd rosros\n catkin build --this\n\nThis will make the `rosros` library available in the ROS1 workspace.\n\n\n### Using colcon\n\nIn a ROS2 workspace, at the workspace root:\n\n git clone src/rosros\n colcon build --packages-select rosros\n\nThis will make the `rosros` library available in the ROS2 workspace.\n\n\nRunning tests\n-------------\n\nROS1:\n\n catkin test rosros\n\nROS2:\n\n colcon test --packages-select rosros\n\nTo run ROS2 tests with full log output:\n\n colcon test --packages-select rosros --event-handlers console_direct+ \\\n --pytest-args \"--capture=tee-sys\"\n\nUsing pytest, either ROS1 or ROS2 (roscore needs to be running if ROS1):\n\n cd rosros\n pytest\n\n\nDependencies\n------------\n\n- pyyaml (\n\nROS1:\n- genpy\n- rosbag\n- roslib\n- rospy\n- rosservice\n\nROS2:\n- ament_index_python\n- builtin_interfaces\n- rclpy\n- rosidl_parser\n- rosidl_runtime_py\n\nROS2 test dependencies:\n- pytest (\n- pytest-forked (\n\nFor generating API documentation:\n\n- doxypypy (;\n needs latest master: `pip install git+`)\n\n\nAttribution\n-----------\n\nThis package includes partially copied and modified code from `rclpy` core library,\nreleased under the Apache-2.0 license.\nSee [doc/3rd-party licenses.txt](doc/3rd-party%20licenses.txt) for full details.\n\n\nLicense\n-------\n\nCopyright (c) 2022 by Erki Suurjaak.\nReleased as free open source software under the BSD License,\nsee for full details.\n\n\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "BSD",
"summary": "Simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2 Python API",
"version": "0.2.6",
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"urls": [
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