
Namesap-ai-core-datarobot JSON
Version 1.0.18 PyPI version JSON
Summarycontent package for DataRobot integration for SAP AI Core
upload_time2024-02-05 05:08:53
authorSAP SE
keywords sap ai core datarobot
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            ## content package for DataRobot integration for SAP AI Core

## Objective

sap-ai-core-datarobot is a content package to deploy DataRobot workflows in AI Core. This package provides support for two distinct deployment workflows, provided that a trained model is already present in DataRobot.
-  Export the model from DataRobot to an Object Store and then integrate the Object Store with AI Core for model deployment.
-  Directly integrate AI Core with the model in DataRobot utilizing the DataRobot API.

### User Guide

#### 1. Workflow 1: Exporting Models from DataRobot to Object Store and Integrating with AI Core


1. Complete [AI Core Onboarding](
    - [Initial setup](
    - Create a [Resource Group](
2. Access to the [Git repository](, [Docker repository]( and [Object Store]( onboarded to AI Core
3. You have a registered DataRobot account, trained a model, downloaded the model from DataRobot and stored the model in Object Store configured with AI Core.

The interface for sap-ai-core-datarobot content package is part of the `ai-core-sdk`.ai-core-sdk provides a command-line utility as well as a python library to use AICore content packages. 

Please note that this sap-ai-core-datarobot package documentation provides the instructions for using this specific content package. For a more comprehensive understanding of how to use a content package, refer to the [ai-core-sdk package documentation](

##### 1.1 CLI


1. Install AI Core SDK

    pip install "ai-core-sdk[aicore_content]"
2. Install this content package

    pip install sap-ai-core-datarobot
3. Explore the content package

    List all content packages installed in the environment.
    aicore-content list
    List all available pipelines in the sap-ai-core-datarobot content package.
    aicore-content list sap_datarobot
    View the parameters available in the selected pipeline.
    aicore-content show sap_datarobot model-jar-serving
    Check all available commands by using the `--help` flag.
    aicore-content --help
4. Create a config file with the name model_serving_config.yaml with the following content.

    .contentPackage: sap_datarobot
    .dockerType: default
    .workflow: model-jar-serving
5. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.

    .contentPackage: sap_datarobot
    .dockerType: default
    .workflow: model-jar-serving
    annotations: datarobot model serving datarobot-model-serving my datarobot scenario my-datarobot-scenario
    imagePullSecret: my-docker-secret
    labels: 0.0.1 00db4197-1538-4640-9ea9-44731041ed88
    name: datarobot-model-serving
6. Generate a docker image.

    This step involves building a docker image with the tag specified in the model_serving_config.yaml file. The command to perform this operation is as follows:
    aicore-content create-image -p sap_datarobot -w model-jar-serving model_serving_config.yaml
7. Push the docker image to your docker repository

    The image tag should correspond to the one provided in the 'model_serving_config.yaml' file.
    docker push <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>
8. Generate a serving template

    Clone the git repository that was registered with your SAP AI Core tenant during Onboarding.
    aicore-content create-template -p sap_datarobot -w model-jar-serving model_serving_config.yaml -o '<TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml'
    You can configure SAP AI Core to use different infrastructure resources for different tasks, based on demand. Within SAP AI Core, the resource plan is selected via the `` label in the serving template. By default, sap-ai-core-datarobot workflows use `starter` resource plan which entails the use of 1 CPU core and 3 Memeory GBs. For more information on how to select a different resource plan, you can refer to the documentation [choosing a resource plan](
9. Push the serving template to your git repository

    git add <TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml
    git commit -m 'updated template model-serving-template.yaml'
    git push
10. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core

    curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE AUTH ENDPOINT URL>/oauth/token' --header 'Authorization: Basic <YOUR AI CORE CREDENTIALS>'
11. Create an artifact to connect the DataRobot model, to make it available for use in SAP AI Core. Save the model artifact id from the response.

    curl --location --request POST "<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/artifacts" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>" \
    --data-raw '{
    "name": "my-datarobot-model",
    "kind": "model",
    "description": "my datarobot model jar",
    "scenarioId": "<YOUR SCENARIO ID>"
12. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.

    curl --request POST "<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>" \
    --header "AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{
        "name": "<CONFIGURATION NAME>",
        "executableId": "<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>",
        "scenarioId": "<YOUR SCENARIO ID>",
        "parameterBindings": [
                "key": "modelName",
                "value": "<YOUR MODEL JAR FILE NAME>"
        "inputArtifactBindings": [
                "key": "modeljar",
                "artifactId": "<YOUR MODEL ARTIFACT ID>"
13. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response

    curl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/deployments' \
    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'
14. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.

    curl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/deployments/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID>' \
    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'
15. Use your deployment. 

    curl --location '<YOUR DEPLOYMENT URL>/v1/models/,<YOUR MODEL JAR FILE NAME>:predict' \
    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
    --data '[
            "<FEATURE_NAME>": <VALUE>,

##### 1.2 Python


1. Install AI Core SDK

    !python -m pip install "ai_core_sdk[aicore-content]"
2. Install this content package

    !python -m pip install sap-ai-core-datarobot
3. Explore the content package

    List all content packages installed in the environment.
    from ai_core_sdk.content import get_content_packages
    pkgs = get_content_packages()
    for pkg in pkgs.values():
    List all available pipelines in the sap-ai-core-datarobot content package.
    content_pkg = pkgs['sap_datarobot']
    for workflow in content_pkg.workflows.values():
4. Create a config file with the name model_serving_config.yaml with the following content.

    !python -m pip install pyyaml
    serving_workflow = content_pkg.workflows["model-jar-serving"]

    serving_config = {
        '.contentPackage': 'sap_datarobot',
        '.workflow': 'model-jar-serving',
        '.dockerType': 'default',
        'name': '<YOUR SERVING TEMPLATE NAME>',
        'labels': {
            '': "<YOUR SCENARIO ID>",
            '': "<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>"
        "annotations": {
            "": "<YOUR SCENARIO NAME>",
            "": "<YOUR SCENARIO DESCRIPTION>",
            "": "<YOUR EXECUTABLE NAME>",
        'image': '<YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>',

    import yaml
    serving_config_yaml_file = "model_serving_config.yaml"
    ff = open(serving_config_yaml_file, 'w+')
    yaml.dump(serving_config, ff , allow_unicode=True)
5. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.

    serving_config = {
        '.contentPackage': 'sap_datarobot',
        '.workflow': 'model-jar-serving',
        '.dockerType': 'default',
        'name': 'datarobot-model-serving',
        'labels': {
            '': "00db4197-1538-4640-9ea9-44731041ed88",
            '': "0.0.1"
        "annotations": {
            "": "my-datarobot-scenario",
            "": "datarobot-model-serving",
            "": "datarobot model serving",
            "": "my datarobot scenario"
        'image': '<YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME>/model-serve:1.0',
        "imagePullSecret": "my-docker-secret"

    import yaml
    serving_config_yaml_file = "model_serving_config.yaml"
    ff = open(serving_config_yaml_file, 'w+')
    yaml.dump(serving_config, ff , allow_unicode=True)
6. Generate a docker image

    This step involves building a docker image with the tag specified in the model_serving_config.yaml file.
    # keep the docker up and running before executing this cell
    # docker login
    import os
    docker_user = "[USER NAME]"
    docker_pwd = "[PASSWORD]"
    os.system(f'docker login <YOUR_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL> -u {docker_user} -p {docker_pwd}')

    with open(serving_config_yaml_file) as stream:
        workflow_config = yaml.load(stream)
    serving_workflow.create_image(workflow_config) # actually build the docker container

    #When an error occurs, perform a dry run to debug any error occured while running the create_image() function.
    docker_build_cmd = serving_workflow.create_image(workflow_config, return_cmd = True)
    print(' '.join(docker_build_cmd))
7. Push the docker image to your docker repository

    os.system(f'docker push {workflow_config["image"]}') # push the container
8. Generate a serving template

    Clone the git repository that was registered with your SAP AI Core tenant during Onboarding.
    import pathlib
    output_file = '<TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml'
    serving_workflow.create_template(serving_config_yaml_file, output_file)
    You can configure SAP AI Core to use different infrastructure resources for different tasks, based on demand. Within SAP AI Core, the resource plan is selected via the `` label in the serving template. By default, sap-ai-core-datarobot workflows use `starter` resource plan which entails the use of 1 CPU core and 3 Memeory GBs. For more information on how to select a different resource plan, you can refer to the documentation [choosing a resource plan](
9. Push the serving template to your git repository

    import os
    import subprocess
    repo_path = "<PATH TO YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>" 
    current_dir = os.getcwd()

    # add the file to the git repository["git", "add", f"{output_file}"])

    # commit the changes["git", "commit", "-m", f'updated template {workflow_config["image"]}'])

    # push the changes["git", "push"])

10. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core

    import json
    from ai_api_client_sdk.ai_api_v2_client import AIAPIV2Client
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.artifact import Artifact
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.parameter_binding import ParameterBinding
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.input_artifact_binding import InputArtifactBinding
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.status import Status
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.target_status import TargetStatus
    import time
    from IPython.display import clear_output
    import requests
    import pprint

    # Load AICore and Object Store credentials
    credCF, credS3 = {}, {}
    with open('aicore-creds.json') as cf:
        credCF = json.load(cf)
    with open('s3-creds.json') as s3:
        credS3 = json.load(s3)

    ai_api_v2_client = AIAPIV2Client(
        base_url=credCF["serviceurls"]["ML_API_URL"] + "/v2/lm",
        auth_url=credCF["url"] + "/oauth/token",
11. Create an artifact to connect the DataRobot model, to make it available for use in SAP AI Core. Save the model artifact id from the response.

    # GET scenario
    response = ai_api_v2_client.scenario.query(RESOURCE_GROUP)
    ai_scenario = next(scenario_obj for scenario_obj in response.resources if == workflow_config["labels"][""] )
    print("Scenario id: ",
    print("Scenario name: ",

    # GET List of scenario executables
    response = ai_api_v2_client.executable.query(
    for executable in response.resources:

    #Register the model from Object Store as an artifact
    artifact = {
            "name": "my-datarobot-model",
            "kind": Artifact.Kind.MODEL,
            "url": "ai://<YOUR OBJECTSTORE NAME>/<YOUR MODEL PATH>",
            "description": "my datarobot model jar",
    artifact_resp = ai_api_v2_client.artifact.create(**artifact)
    assert artifact_resp.message == 'Artifact acknowledged'
12. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.

    #define deployment confgiuration
    artifact_binding = {
        "key": "modeljar",

    parameter_binding = {
        "key": "modelName",
        "value": "<YOUR MODEL JAR FILE NAME>" #model file name in Object Store

    deployment_configuration = {
        "name": "<CONFIGURATION NAME>",
        "scenario_id": workflow_config["labels"][""],
        "executable_id": workflow_config["name"],
        "parameter_bindings": [ParameterBinding(**parameter_binding)],
        "input_artifact_bindings": [ InputArtifactBinding(**artifact_binding) ]

    deployment_config_resp = ai_api_v2_client.configuration.create(**deployment_configuration)
    assert deployment_config_resp.message == 'Configuration created'
13. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response

    deployment_resp = ai_api_v2_client.deployment.create(
14. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.

    # poll deployment status
    status = None
    while status != Status.RUNNING and status != Status.DEAD:
        deployment = ai_api_v2_client.deployment.get(
        status = deployment.status
        print('...... deployment status ......', flush=True)

    time.sleep(10)  # time for deployment url getting ready
    print('endpoint: ', deployment.deployment_url)
15. Use your deployment.

    with open('sample_payload.json') as cf:
        sample_input = json.load(cf)

    # inference
    endpoint = "{deploy_url}/v1/models/{model_name}:predict".format(deploy_url=deployment.deployment_url, model_name = parameter_binding["value"])
    headers = {"Authorization": ai_api_v2_client.rest_client.get_token(), 'ai-resource-group': RESOURCE_GROUP}

    response =, headers=headers, json=test_input)
    pprint.pprint(['inference result:', response.json()])

#### 2. Direct Integration of AI Core with DataRobot Models via DataRobot API


1. Complete [AI Core Onboarding](
    - [Initial setup](
    - Create a [Resource Group](
2. Access to the [Git repository](, [Docker repository]( and [Object Store]( onboarded to AI Core
3. You have a registered DataRobot account, trained a model in DataRobot.

The interface for sap-ai-core-datarobot content package is part of the `ai-core-sdk`.ai-core-sdk provides a command-line utility as well as a python library to use AICore content packages. 

Please note that this sap-ai-core-datarobot package documentation provides the instructions for using this specific content package. For a more comprehensive understanding of how to use a content package, refer to the ai-core-sdk package documentation [here](

##### 2.1 CLI


1. Install AI Core SDK

    pip install ai-core-sdk[aicore_content]
2. Install this content package

    pip install sap-ai-core-datarobot
3. Explore the content package

    List all content packages installed in the environment.
    aicore-content list
    List all available pipelines in the sap-ai-core-datarobot content package.
    aicore-content list sap_datarobot
    View the parameters available in the selected pipeline.
    aicore-content show sap_datarobot model-id-serving
    Check all available commands by using the `--help` flag.
    aicore-content --help
4. Create a config file with the name model_serving_config.yaml with the following content.

    .contentPackage: sap_datarobot
    .dockerType: default
    .workflow: model-id-serving
5. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.

    .contentPackage: sap_datarobot
    .dockerType: default
    .workflow: model-id-serving
    annotations: datarobot model serving datarobot-model-serving my datarobot scenario my-datarobot-scenario
    imagePullSecret: my-docker-secret
    datarobotToken: my-datarobot-secret
    labels: 0.0.1 00db4197-1538-4640-9ea9-44731041ed88
    name: datarobot-model-serving
6. Generate a docker image

    This step involves building a docker image with the tag specified in the model_serving_config.yaml file. The command to perform this operation is as follows:
    aicore-content create-image -p sap_datarobot -w model-id-serving model_serving_config.yaml
7. Push the docker image to your docker repository

    The image tag should correspond to the one provided in the 'model_serving_config.yaml' file.
    docker push <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>
8. Generate a serving template

    Clone the git repository that was registered with your SAP AI Core tenant during Onboarding.
    aicore-content create-template -p sap_datarobot -w model-id-serving model_serving_config.yaml -o '<TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml'
    You can configure SAP AI Core to use different infrastructure resources for different tasks, based on demand. Within SAP AI Core, the resource plan is selected via the `` label in the serving template. By default, sap-ai-core-datarobot workflows use `starter` resource plan which entails the use of 1 CPU core and 3 Memeory GBs. For more information on how to select a different resource plan, you can refer to the documentation [choosing a resource plan](
9. Fill in the datarobot secrets name in serving template

    In the model-serving-template.yaml serving template file, substitute `<DATAROBOT-ENDPOINT-TOKEN>` with the name of your datarobot secrets.
10. Push the serving template to your git repository

    git add <TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml
    git commit -m 'updated template model-serving-template.yaml'
    git push
11. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core

    curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE AUTH ENDPOINT URL>/oauth/token' --header 'Authorization: Basic <YOUR AI CORE CREDENTIALS>'
12. Create Generic Secrets in ResourceGroup

    To authenticate with DataRobot's API, your code needs to have access to an endpoint and token. In AI Core, create a generic secret for the Endpoint and the token; these secrets are used to access the model from DataRobot. Refer AI Core documentation to [create a generic secret](

    Note that the AI Core AI API expects sensitive data to be Base64-encoded. You can easily encode your data in Base64 format using the following command on Linux or MacOS: 
    echo -n 'my-sensitive-data' | base64
    curl --location --request POST "<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/admin/secrets" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>" \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
    --data-raw '{
        "data": {
            "endpoint": "<BASE64-ENCODED DATAROBOT API ENDPOINT>",
            "token": "<BASE64-ENCODED DATAROBOT API TOKEN>"
13. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.

    curl --request POST "<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>" \
    --header "AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{
        "name": "<CONFIGURATION NAME>",
        "executableId": "<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>",
        "scenarioId": "<YOUR SCENARIO ID>",
        "parameterBindings": [
                "key": "projectID",
                "value": "<PROJECT ID OF YOUR MODEL IN DATAROBOT>"
                "key": "modelID",
                "value": "<YOUR MODEL ID FROM DATAROBOT>"
14. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response

    curl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/deployments' \
    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'
15. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.

    curl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/deployments/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID>' \
    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'
16. Use your deployment.

    curl --location '<YOUR DEPLOYMENT URL>/v1/models/model:predict' \
    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
    --data '[
            "<FEATURE_NAME>": <FEATURE_VALUE>,

##### 2.2 Python


1. Install AI Core SDK

    !python -m pip install "ai_core_sdk[aicore-content]"
2. Install this content package

    !python -m pip install sap-ai-core-datarobot
3. Explore the content package

    List all content packages installed in the environment.
    from ai_core_sdk.content import get_content_packages
    pkgs = get_content_packages()
    for pkg in pkgs.values():
    List all available pipelines in the sap-ai-core-datarobot content package.
    content_pkg = pkgs['sap_datarobot']
    for workflow in content_pkg.workflows.values():
4. Create a config file with the name model_serving_config.yaml with the following content.

    !python -m pip install pyyaml
    serving_workflow = content_pkg.workflows["model-id-serving"]

    serving_config = {
        '.contentPackage': 'sap_datarobot',
        '.workflow': 'model-id-serving',
        '.dockerType': 'default',
        'name': '<YOUR SERVING TEMPLATE NAME>',
        'labels': {
            '': "<YOUR SCENARIO ID>",
            '': "<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>"
        "annotations": {
            "": "<YOUR SCENARIO NAME>",
            "": "<YOUR SCENARIO DESCRIPTION>",
            "": "<YOUR EXECUTABLE NAME>",
        'image': '<YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>',
        "datarobotToken": "<DATAROBOT-API-TOKEN SECRET NAME IN AI CORE>"

    import yaml
    serving_config_yaml_file = "model_serving_config.yaml"
    ff = open(serving_config_yaml_file, 'w+')
    yaml.dump(serving_config, ff , allow_unicode=True)
5. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.

    serving_config = {
        '.contentPackage': 'sap_datarobot',
        '.workflow': 'model-id-serving',
        '.dockerType': 'default',
        'name': 'datarobot-model-serving',
        'labels': {
            '': "00db4197-1538-4640-9ea9-44731041ed88",
            '': "0.0.1"
        "annotations": {
            "": "my-datarobot-scenario",
            "": "datarobot-model-serving",
            "": "datarobot model serving",
            "": "my datarobot scenario"
        'image': '<YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME>/model-serve:1.0',
        "imagePullSecret": "my-docker-secret",
        "datarobotToken": "my-datarobot-secret"

    import yaml
    serving_config_yaml_file = "model_serving_config.yaml"
    ff = open(serving_config_yaml_file, 'w+')
    yaml.dump(serving_config, ff , allow_unicode=True)
6. Generate a docker image

    This step involves building a docker image with the tag specified in the model_serving_config.yaml file. 
    # keep the docker up and running before executing this cell
    # docker login
    import os
    docker_user = "[USER NAME]"
    docker_pwd = "[PASSWORD]"
    os.system(f'docker login <YOUR_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL> -u {docker_user} -p {docker_pwd}')

    with open(serving_config_yaml_file) as stream:
        workflow_config = yaml.load(stream)
    serving_workflow.create_image(workflow_config) # actually build the docker container

    #When an error occurs, perform a dry run to debug any error occured while running the create_image() function.
    docker_build_cmd = serving_workflow.create_image(workflow_config, return_cmd = True)
    print(' '.join(docker_build_cmd))
7. Push the docker image to your docker repository

    os.system(f'docker push {workflow_config["image"]}') # push the container
8. Generate a serving template

    Clone the git repository that was registered with your SAP AI Core tenant during Onboarding.
    import pathlib
    output_file = '<TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml'
    serving_workflow.create_template(serving_config_yaml_file, output_file)
    You can configure SAP AI Core to use different infrastructure resources for different tasks, based on demand. Within SAP AI Core, the resource plan is selected via the `` label in the serving template. By default, sap-ai-core-datarobot workflows use `starter` resource plan which entails the use of 1 CPU core and 3 Memeory GBs. For more information on how to select a different resource plan, you can refer to the documentation [choosing a resource plan](
9. Fill in the datarobot secrets name in serving template

    In the model-serving-template.yaml serving template file, substitute `<DATAROBOT-ENDPOINT-TOKEN>` with the name of your datarobot secrets.
    def modify_serving_template(workflow_config, template_file_path):
        import yaml
        import sys
        from yaml.resolver import BaseResolver
        with open(template_file_path, 'r') as f_read:
            content = yaml.load(f_read, yaml.FullLoader)   
        predictor_spec = content["spec"]["template"]["spec"]
        predictor_spec = predictor_spec.replace('<DATAROBOT-ENDPOINT-TOKEN>', serving_config['datarobotToken'] )
        content["spec"]["template"]["spec"] = predictor_spec
        yaml.SafeDumper.org_represent_str = yaml.SafeDumper.represent_str
        def repr_str(dumper, data):
            if '\n' in data:
                return dumper.represent_scalar(u',2002:str', data, style='|')
            return dumper.org_represent_str(data)
        yaml.add_representer(str, repr_str, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)
        with open(template_file_path, 'w') as f_write:

    modify_serving_template(workflow_config, output_file)
10. Push the serving template to your git repository

    import os
    import subprocess
    repo_path = "<PATH TO YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>" 
    current_dir = os.getcwd()

    # add the file to the git repository["git", "add", f"{output_file}"])

    # commit the changes["git", "commit", "-m", f'updated template {workflow_config["image"]}'])

    # push the changes["git", "push"])

11. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core

    import json
    from ai_api_client_sdk.ai_api_v2_client import AIAPIV2Client
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.artifact import Artifact
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.parameter_binding import ParameterBinding
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.input_artifact_binding import InputArtifactBinding
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.status import Status
    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.target_status import TargetStatus
    import time
    from IPython.display import clear_output
    import requests
    import pprint

    # Load AICore and Object Store credentials
    credCF, credS3 = {}, {}
    with open('aicore-creds.json') as cf:
        credCF = json.load(cf)
    with open('s3-creds.json') as s3:
        credS3 = json.load(s3)

    ai_api_v2_client = AIAPIV2Client(
        base_url=credCF["serviceurls"]["ML_API_URL"] + "/v2/lm",
        auth_url=credCF["url"] + "/oauth/token",
12. Create Generic Secrets in ResourceGroup

    To authenticate with DataRobot's API, your code needs to have access to an endpoint and token. In AI Core, create a generic secret for the Endpoint and the token; these secrets are used to access the model from DataRobot. Refer AI Core documentation to [create a generic secret](

    Note that the AI Core AI API expects sensitive data to be Base64-encoded. You can easily encode your data in Base64 format using the following command on Linux or MacOS: 
    echo -n 'my-sensitive-data' | base64
    import requests

    ai_api_url = credCF["serviceurls"]["ML_API_URL"] + "/v2/admin/secrets"
    token = ai_api_v2_client.rest_client.get_token()

    headers = {
        "Authorization": token,
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "AI-Resource-Group": RESOURCE_GROUP

    data = {
        "data": {
            "endpoint": "<BASE64-ENCODED DATAROBOT API ENDPOINT>",
            "token": "<BASE64-ENCODED DATAROBOT API TOKEN>"

    response =, headers=headers, json=data)

    if response.status_code == 201:
        print("Secret created successfully!")
        print("Request failed with status code:", response.status_code)
        print("Response text:", response.text)

13. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.

    #define deployment confgiuration
    project_id = {
        "key": "projectID",
    model_id = {
        "key": "modelID",
        "value": "<YOUR MODEL ID FROM DATAROBOT>" 

    deployment_configuration = {
        "name": "<CONFIGURATION NAME>",
        "scenario_id": workflow_config["labels"][""],
        "executable_id": workflow_config["name"],
        "parameter_bindings": [ParameterBinding(**project_id), ParameterBinding(**model_id)]

    deployment_config_resp = ai_api_v2_client.configuration.create(**deployment_configuration)
    assert deployment_config_resp.message == 'Configuration created'
14. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response

    deployment_resp = ai_api_v2_client.deployment.create(
15. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.

    # poll deployment status
    status = None
    while status != Status.RUNNING and status != Status.DEAD:
        deployment = ai_api_v2_client.deployment.get(
        status = deployment.status
        print('...... deployment status ......', flush=True)

    time.sleep(10)  # time for deployment url getting ready
    print('endpoint: ', deployment.deployment_url)
16. Use your deployment.

    with open('sample_payload.json') as cf:
        sample_input = json.load(cf)

    # inference
    endpoint = "{deploy_url}/v1/models/model:predict".format(deploy_url=deployment.deployment_url)
    headers = {"Authorization": ai_api_v2_client.rest_client.get_token(), 'ai-resource-group': RESOURCE_GROUP}

    response =, headers=headers, json=test_input)
    pprint.pprint(['inference result:', response.json()])

### Security Guide

See [Security in SAP AI Core]( for general information about how SAP AI Core handles security.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "sap-ai-core-datarobot",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "SAP AI Core,DataRobot",
    "author": "SAP SE",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "## content package for DataRobot integration for SAP AI Core\n\n## Objective\n\nsap-ai-core-datarobot is a content package to deploy DataRobot workflows in AI Core. This package provides support for two distinct deployment workflows, provided that a trained model is already present in DataRobot.\n-  Export the model from DataRobot to an Object Store and then integrate the Object Store with AI Core for model deployment.\n-  Directly integrate AI Core with the model in DataRobot utilizing the DataRobot API.\n\n### User Guide\n\n#### 1. Workflow 1: Exporting Models from DataRobot to Object Store and Integrating with AI Core\n\n*Pre-requisites*\n\n1. Complete [AI Core Onboarding](\n    - [Initial setup](\n    - Create a [Resource Group](\n2. Access to the [Git repository](, [Docker repository]( and [Object Store]( onboarded to AI Core\n3. You have a registered DataRobot account, trained a model, downloaded the model from DataRobot and stored the model in Object Store configured with AI Core.\n\nThe interface for sap-ai-core-datarobot content package is part of the `ai-core-sdk`.ai-core-sdk provides a command-line utility as well as a python library to use AICore content packages. \n\nPlease note that this sap-ai-core-datarobot package documentation provides the instructions for using this specific content package. For a more comprehensive understanding of how to use a content package, refer to the [ai-core-sdk package documentation](\n\n##### 1.1 CLI\n\n*Steps*\n\n1. Install AI Core SDK\n\n    ```\n    pip install \"ai-core-sdk[aicore_content]\"\n    ```\n2. Install this content package\n\n    ```\n    pip install sap-ai-core-datarobot\n    ```\n3. Explore the content package\n\n    List all content packages installed in the environment.\n    ```\n    aicore-content list\n    ```\n    List all available pipelines in the sap-ai-core-datarobot content package.\n    ```\n    aicore-content list sap_datarobot\n    ```\n    View the parameters available in the selected pipeline.\n    ```\n    aicore-content show sap_datarobot model-jar-serving\n    ```\n    Check all available commands by using the `--help` flag.\n    ```\n    aicore-content --help\n    ```\n4. Create a config file with the name model_serving_config.yaml with the following content.\n\n    ```\n    .contentPackage: sap_datarobot\n    .dockerType: default\n    .workflow: model-jar-serving\n    annotations:\n <YOUR EXECUTABLE DESCRIPTION>\n <YOUR EXECUTABLE NAME>\n <YOUR SCENARIO DESCRIPTION>\n <YOUR SCENARIO NAME>\n    image: <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>\n    imagePullSecret: <YOUR DOCKER REGISTRY SECRET NAME IN AI CORE>\n    labels:\n <YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>\n <YOUR SCENARIO ID>\n    name: <YOUR SERVING TEMPLATE NAME>\n    ```\n5. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.\n\n    ```\n    .contentPackage: sap_datarobot\n    .dockerType: default\n    .workflow: model-jar-serving\n    annotations:\n datarobot model serving\n datarobot-model-serving\n my datarobot scenario\n my-datarobot-scenario\n    image:<YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME>/model-serve:1.0\n    imagePullSecret: my-docker-secret\n    labels:\n 0.0.1\n 00db4197-1538-4640-9ea9-44731041ed88\n    name: datarobot-model-serving\n    ```\n6. Generate a docker image.\n\n    This step involves building a docker image with the tag specified in the model_serving_config.yaml file. The command to perform this operation is as follows:\n    ```\n    aicore-content create-image -p sap_datarobot -w model-jar-serving model_serving_config.yaml\n    ```\n7. Push the docker image to your docker repository\n\n    The image tag should correspond to the one provided in the 'model_serving_config.yaml' file.\n    ```\n    docker push <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>\n    ```\n8. Generate a serving template\n\n    Clone the git repository that was registered with your SAP AI Core tenant during Onboarding.\n    ```\n    aicore-content create-template -p sap_datarobot -w model-jar-serving model_serving_config.yaml -o '<TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml'\n    ```\n    You can configure SAP AI Core to use different infrastructure resources for different tasks, based on demand. Within SAP AI Core, the resource plan is selected via the `` label in the serving template. By default, sap-ai-core-datarobot workflows use `starter` resource plan which entails the use of 1 CPU core and 3 Memeory GBs. For more information on how to select a different resource plan, you can refer to the documentation [choosing a resource plan](\n9. Push the serving template to your git repository\n\n    ```\n    cd <PATH TO YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>\n    git add <TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml\n    git commit -m 'updated template model-serving-template.yaml'\n    git push\n    ```\n10. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core\n\n    ```\n    curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE AUTH ENDPOINT URL>/oauth/token' --header 'Authorization: Basic <YOUR AI CORE CREDENTIALS>'\n    ```\n11. Create an artifact to connect the DataRobot model, to make it available for use in SAP AI Core. Save the model artifact id from the response.\n\n    ```\n    curl --location --request POST \"<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/artifacts\" \\\n    --header \"Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>\" \\\n    --header \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\\n    --header \"AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>\" \\\n    --data-raw '{\n    \"name\": \"my-datarobot-model\",\n    \"kind\": \"model\",\n    \"url\": \"ai://<YOUR OBJECTSTORE NAME>/<YOUR MODEL PATH>\",\n    \"description\": \"my datarobot model jar\",\n    \"scenarioId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO ID>\"\n    }'\n    ```\n12. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.\n\n    ```\n    curl --request POST \"<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations\" \\\n    --header \"Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>\" \\\n    --header \"AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>\" \\\n    --header \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\\n    --data '{\n        \"name\": \"<CONFIGURATION NAME>\",\n        \"executableId\": \"<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>\",\n        \"scenarioId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO ID>\",\n        \"parameterBindings\": [\n            {\n                \"key\": \"modelName\",\n                \"value\": \"<YOUR MODEL JAR FILE NAME>\"\n            }\n        ],\n        \"inputArtifactBindings\": [\n            {\n                \"key\": \"modeljar\",\n                \"artifactId\": \"<YOUR MODEL ARTIFACT ID>\"\n            }\n        ]\n    }'\n    ```\n13. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response\n\n    ```\n    curl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/deployments' \\\n    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n    ```\n14. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.\n\n    ```\n    curl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/deployments/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID>' \\\n    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n    ```\n15. Use your deployment. \n\n    ```\n    curl --location '<YOUR DEPLOYMENT URL>/v1/models/,<YOUR MODEL JAR FILE NAME>:predict' \\\n    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n    --data '[\n        {\n            \"<FEATURE_NAME>\": <VALUE>,\n            ...\n        }\n    ]'\n    ```\n\n##### 1.2 Python\n\n*Steps*\n\n1. Install AI Core SDK\n\n    ```\n    !python -m pip install \"ai_core_sdk[aicore-content]\"\n    ```\n2. Install this content package\n\n    ```\n    !python -m pip install sap-ai-core-datarobot\n    ```\n3. Explore the content package\n\n    List all content packages installed in the environment.\n    ```\n    from ai_core_sdk.content import get_content_packages\n    pkgs = get_content_packages()\n    for pkg in pkgs.values():\n        print(pkg)\n    ```\n    List all available pipelines in the sap-ai-core-datarobot content package.\n    ```\n    content_pkg = pkgs['sap_datarobot']\n    for workflow in content_pkg.workflows.values():\n        print(workflow) \n    ```\n4. Create a config file with the name model_serving_config.yaml with the following content.\n\n    ```\n    !python -m pip install pyyaml\n    ```\n    ```\n    serving_workflow = content_pkg.workflows[\"model-jar-serving\"]\n\n    serving_config = {\n        '.contentPackage': 'sap_datarobot',\n        '.workflow': 'model-jar-serving',\n        '.dockerType': 'default',\n        'name': '<YOUR SERVING TEMPLATE NAME>',\n        'labels': {\n            '': \"<YOUR SCENARIO ID>\",\n            '': \"<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>\"\n        },\n        \"annotations\": {\n            \"\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO NAME>\",\n            \"\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO DESCRIPTION>\",\n            \"\": \"<YOUR EXECUTABLE NAME>\",\n            \"\": \"<YOUR EXECUTABLE DESCRIPTION>\"\n        },\n        'image': '<YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>',\n        \"imagePullSecret\": \"<YOUR DOCKER REGISTRY SECRET NAME IN AI CORE>\"\n    }\n\n    import yaml\n    serving_config_yaml_file = \"model_serving_config.yaml\"\n    ff = open(serving_config_yaml_file, 'w+')\n    yaml.dump(serving_config, ff , allow_unicode=True)\n    ```\n5. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.\n\n    ```\n    serving_config = {\n        '.contentPackage': 'sap_datarobot',\n        '.workflow': 'model-jar-serving',\n        '.dockerType': 'default',\n        'name': 'datarobot-model-serving',\n        'labels': {\n            '': \"00db4197-1538-4640-9ea9-44731041ed88\",\n            '': \"0.0.1\"\n        },\n        \"annotations\": {\n            \"\": \"my-datarobot-scenario\",\n            \"\": \"datarobot-model-serving\",\n            \"\": \"datarobot model serving\",\n            \"\": \"my datarobot scenario\"\n        },\n        'image': '<YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME>/model-serve:1.0',\n        \"imagePullSecret\": \"my-docker-secret\"\n    }\n\n    import yaml\n    serving_config_yaml_file = \"model_serving_config.yaml\"\n    ff = open(serving_config_yaml_file, 'w+')\n    yaml.dump(serving_config, ff , allow_unicode=True)\n    ```\n6. Generate a docker image\n\n    This step involves building a docker image with the tag specified in the model_serving_config.yaml file.\n    ```\n    # keep the docker up and running before executing this cell\n    # docker login\n    import os\n    docker_user = \"[USER NAME]\"\n    docker_pwd = \"[PASSWORD]\"\n    os.system(f'docker login <YOUR_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL> -u {docker_user} -p {docker_pwd}')\n\n    with open(serving_config_yaml_file) as stream:\n        workflow_config = yaml.load(stream)\n    serving_workflow.create_image(workflow_config) # actually build the docker container\n\n    #When an error occurs, perform a dry run to debug any error occured while running the create_image() function.\n    docker_build_cmd = serving_workflow.create_image(workflow_config, return_cmd = True)\n    print(' '.join(docker_build_cmd))\n    ```\n7. Push the docker image to your docker repository\n\n    ```\n    os.system(f'docker push {workflow_config[\"image\"]}') # push the container\n    ```\n8. Generate a serving template\n\n    Clone the git repository that was registered with your SAP AI Core tenant during Onboarding.\n    ```\n    import pathlib\n    output_file = '<TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml'\n    serving_workflow.create_template(serving_config_yaml_file, output_file)\n    ```\n    You can configure SAP AI Core to use different infrastructure resources for different tasks, based on demand. Within SAP AI Core, the resource plan is selected via the `` label in the serving template. By default, sap-ai-core-datarobot workflows use `starter` resource plan which entails the use of 1 CPU core and 3 Memeory GBs. For more information on how to select a different resource plan, you can refer to the documentation [choosing a resource plan](\n9. Push the serving template to your git repository\n\n    ```\n    import os\n    import subprocess\n    repo_path = \"<PATH TO YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>\" \n    current_dir = os.getcwd()\n    os.chdir(repo_path)\n\n    # add the file to the git repository\n[\"git\", \"add\", f\"{output_file}\"])\n\n    # commit the changes\n[\"git\", \"commit\", \"-m\", f'updated template {workflow_config[\"image\"]}'])\n\n    # push the changes\n[\"git\", \"push\"])\n\n    os.chdir(current_dir)\n    ```\n10. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core\n\n    ```\n    import json\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.ai_api_v2_client import AIAPIV2Client\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.artifact import Artifact\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.parameter_binding import ParameterBinding\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.input_artifact_binding import InputArtifactBinding\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.status import Status\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.target_status import TargetStatus\n    import time\n    from IPython.display import clear_output\n    import requests\n    import pprint\n\n    # Load AICore and Object Store credentials\n    credCF, credS3 = {}, {}\n    with open('aicore-creds.json') as cf:\n        credCF = json.load(cf)\n    with open('s3-creds.json') as s3:\n        credS3 = json.load(s3)\n\n    #Authentication\n    RESOURCE_GROUP=\"<YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>\"\n    ai_api_v2_client = AIAPIV2Client(\n        base_url=credCF[\"serviceurls\"][\"ML_API_URL\"] + \"/v2/lm\",\n        auth_url=credCF[\"url\"] + \"/oauth/token\",\n        client_id=credCF['clientid'],\n        client_secret=credCF['clientsecret'],\n        resource_group=RESOURCE_GROUP\n    )\n    ```\n11. Create an artifact to connect the DataRobot model, to make it available for use in SAP AI Core. Save the model artifact id from the response.\n\n    ```\n    # GET scenario\n    response = ai_api_v2_client.scenario.query(RESOURCE_GROUP)\n    ai_scenario = next(scenario_obj for scenario_obj in response.resources if == workflow_config[\"labels\"][\"\"] )\n    print(\"Scenario id: \",\n    print(\"Scenario name: \",\n\n    # GET List of scenario executables\n    response = ai_api_v2_client.executable.query(\n    for executable in response.resources:\n        print(executable)\n\n    #Register the model from Object Store as an artifact\n    artifact = {\n            \"name\": \"my-datarobot-model\",\n            \"kind\": Artifact.Kind.MODEL,\n            \"url\": \"ai://<YOUR OBJECTSTORE NAME>/<YOUR MODEL PATH>\",\n            \"description\": \"my datarobot model jar\",\n            \"scenario_id\":\n        }\n    artifact_resp = ai_api_v2_client.artifact.create(**artifact)\n    assert artifact_resp.message == 'Artifact acknowledged'\n    print(artifact_resp.url)\n    ```\n12. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.\n\n    ```\n    #define deployment confgiuration\n    artifact_binding = {\n        \"key\": \"modeljar\",\n        \"artifact_id\":\n    }\n\n    parameter_binding = {\n        \"key\": \"modelName\",\n        \"value\": \"<YOUR MODEL JAR FILE NAME>\" #model file name in Object Store\n    }\n\n    deployment_configuration = {\n        \"name\": \"<CONFIGURATION NAME>\",\n        \"scenario_id\": workflow_config[\"labels\"][\"\"],\n        \"executable_id\": workflow_config[\"name\"],\n        \"parameter_bindings\": [ParameterBinding(**parameter_binding)],\n        \"input_artifact_bindings\": [ InputArtifactBinding(**artifact_binding) ]\n    }\n\n    deployment_config_resp = ai_api_v2_client.configuration.create(**deployment_configuration)\n    assert deployment_config_resp.message == 'Configuration created'\n    ```\n13. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response\n\n    ```\n    deployment_resp = ai_api_v2_client.deployment.create(\n    ```\n14. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.\n\n    ```\n    # poll deployment status\n    status = None\n    while status != Status.RUNNING and status != Status.DEAD:\n        time.sleep(5)\n        clear_output(wait=True)\n        deployment = ai_api_v2_client.deployment.get(\n        status = deployment.status\n        print('...... deployment status ......', flush=True)\n        print(deployment.status)\n        print(deployment.status_details)\n\n    time.sleep(10)  # time for deployment url getting ready\n    print('endpoint: ', deployment.deployment_url)\n    ```\n15. Use your deployment.\n\n    ```\n    with open('sample_payload.json') as cf:\n        sample_input = json.load(cf)\n\n    # inference\n    endpoint = \"{deploy_url}/v1/models/{model_name}:predict\".format(deploy_url=deployment.deployment_url, model_name = parameter_binding[\"value\"])\n    headers = {\"Authorization\": ai_api_v2_client.rest_client.get_token(), 'ai-resource-group': RESOURCE_GROUP}\n\n    response =, headers=headers, json=test_input)\n    pprint.pprint(['inference result:', response.json()])\n    time.sleep(10)   \n    ```\n\n#### 2. Direct Integration of AI Core with DataRobot Models via DataRobot API\n\n*Pre-requisites*\n\n1. Complete [AI Core Onboarding](\n    - [Initial setup](\n    - Create a [Resource Group](\n2. Access to the [Git repository](, [Docker repository]( and [Object Store]( onboarded to AI Core\n3. You have a registered DataRobot account, trained a model in DataRobot.\n\nThe interface for sap-ai-core-datarobot content package is part of the `ai-core-sdk`.ai-core-sdk provides a command-line utility as well as a python library to use AICore content packages. \n\nPlease note that this sap-ai-core-datarobot package documentation provides the instructions for using this specific content package. For a more comprehensive understanding of how to use a content package, refer to the ai-core-sdk package documentation [here](\n\n##### 2.1 CLI\n\n*Steps*\n\n1. Install AI Core SDK\n\n    ```\n    pip install ai-core-sdk[aicore_content]\n    ```\n2. Install this content package\n\n    ```\n    pip install sap-ai-core-datarobot\n    ```\n3. Explore the content package\n\n    List all content packages installed in the environment.\n    ```\n    aicore-content list\n    ```\n    List all available pipelines in the sap-ai-core-datarobot content package.\n    ```\n    aicore-content list sap_datarobot\n    ```\n    View the parameters available in the selected pipeline.\n    ```\n    aicore-content show sap_datarobot model-id-serving\n    ```\n    Check all available commands by using the `--help` flag.\n    ```\n    aicore-content --help\n    ```\n4. Create a config file with the name model_serving_config.yaml with the following content.\n\n    ```\n    .contentPackage: sap_datarobot\n    .dockerType: default\n    .workflow: model-id-serving\n    annotations:\n <YOUR EXECUTABLE DESCRIPTION>\n <YOUR EXECUTABLE NAME>\n <YOUR SCENARIO DESCRIPTION>\n <YOUR SCENARIO NAME>\n    image: <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>\n    imagePullSecret: <YOUR DOCKER REGISTRY SECRET NAME IN AI CORE>\n    datarobotToken: <DATAROBOT-API-TOKEN SECRET NAME IN AI CORE>\n    labels:\n <YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>\n <YOUR SCENARIO ID>\n    name: <YOUR SERVING TEMPLATE NAME>\n    ```\n5. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.\n\n    ```\n    .contentPackage: sap_datarobot\n    .dockerType: default\n    .workflow: model-id-serving\n    annotations:\n datarobot model serving\n datarobot-model-serving\n my datarobot scenario\n my-datarobot-scenario\n    image:<YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME>/model-serve:1.0\n    imagePullSecret: my-docker-secret\n    datarobotToken: my-datarobot-secret\n    labels:\n 0.0.1\n 00db4197-1538-4640-9ea9-44731041ed88\n    name: datarobot-model-serving\n    ```\n6. Generate a docker image\n\n    This step involves building a docker image with the tag specified in the model_serving_config.yaml file. The command to perform this operation is as follows:\n    ```\n    aicore-content create-image -p sap_datarobot -w model-id-serving model_serving_config.yaml\n    ```\n7. Push the docker image to your docker repository\n\n    The image tag should correspond to the one provided in the 'model_serving_config.yaml' file.\n    ```\n    docker push <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>\n    ```\n8. Generate a serving template\n\n    Clone the git repository that was registered with your SAP AI Core tenant during Onboarding.\n    ```\n    aicore-content create-template -p sap_datarobot -w model-id-serving model_serving_config.yaml -o '<TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml'\n    ```\n    You can configure SAP AI Core to use different infrastructure resources for different tasks, based on demand. Within SAP AI Core, the resource plan is selected via the `` label in the serving template. By default, sap-ai-core-datarobot workflows use `starter` resource plan which entails the use of 1 CPU core and 3 Memeory GBs. For more information on how to select a different resource plan, you can refer to the documentation [choosing a resource plan](\n9. Fill in the datarobot secrets name in serving template\n\n    In the model-serving-template.yaml serving template file, substitute `<DATAROBOT-ENDPOINT-TOKEN>` with the name of your datarobot secrets.\n10. Push the serving template to your git repository\n\n    ```\n    cd <PATH TO YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>\n    git add <TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml\n    git commit -m 'updated template model-serving-template.yaml'\n    git push\n    ```\n11. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core\n\n    ```\n    curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE AUTH ENDPOINT URL>/oauth/token' --header 'Authorization: Basic <YOUR AI CORE CREDENTIALS>'\n    ```\n12. Create Generic Secrets in ResourceGroup\n\n    To authenticate with DataRobot's API, your code needs to have access to an endpoint and token. In AI Core, create a generic secret for the Endpoint and the token; these secrets are used to access the model from DataRobot. Refer AI Core documentation to [create a generic secret](\n\n    Note that the AI Core AI API expects sensitive data to be Base64-encoded. You can easily encode your data in Base64 format using the following command on Linux or MacOS: \n    ```\n    echo -n 'my-sensitive-data' | base64\n    ```\n    ```\n    curl --location --request POST \"<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/admin/secrets\" \\\n    --header \"Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>\" \\\n    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n    --data-raw '{\n        \"name\": \"<DATAROBOT-API-TOKEN SECRET NAME IN AI CORE>\",\n        \"data\": {\n            \"endpoint\": \"<BASE64-ENCODED DATAROBOT API ENDPOINT>\",\n            \"token\": \"<BASE64-ENCODED DATAROBOT API TOKEN>\"\n        }\n    }'\t\t\t\t\n    ```\n13. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.\n\n    ```\n    curl --request POST \"<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations\" \\\n    --header \"Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>\" \\\n    --header \"AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>\" \\\n    --header \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\\n    --data '{\n        \"name\": \"<CONFIGURATION NAME>\",\n        \"executableId\": \"<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>\",\n        \"scenarioId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO ID>\",\n        \"parameterBindings\": [\n            {\n                \"key\": \"projectID\",\n                \"value\": \"<PROJECT ID OF YOUR MODEL IN DATAROBOT>\"\n            },\n            {\n                \"key\": \"modelID\",\n                \"value\": \"<YOUR MODEL ID FROM DATAROBOT>\"\n            }\n        ]\n    }'\n    ```\n14. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response\n\n    ```\n    curl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/deployments' \\\n    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n    ```\n15. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.\n\n    ```\n    curl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/deployments/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID>' \\\n    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n    ```\n16. Use your deployment.\n\n    ```\n    curl --location '<YOUR DEPLOYMENT URL>/v1/models/model:predict' \\\n    --header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n    --data '[\n        {\n            \"<FEATURE_NAME>\": <FEATURE_VALUE>,\n            ...\n        }\n    ]'\n    ```\n\n##### 2.2 Python\n\n*Steps*\n\n1. Install AI Core SDK\n\n    ```\n    !python -m pip install \"ai_core_sdk[aicore-content]\"\n    ```\n2. Install this content package\n\n    ```\n    !python -m pip install sap-ai-core-datarobot\n    ```\n3. Explore the content package\n\n    List all content packages installed in the environment.\n    ```\n    from ai_core_sdk.content import get_content_packages\n    pkgs = get_content_packages()\n    for pkg in pkgs.values():\n        print(pkg)\n    ```\n    List all available pipelines in the sap-ai-core-datarobot content package.\n    ```\n    content_pkg = pkgs['sap_datarobot']\n    for workflow in content_pkg.workflows.values():\n        print(workflow) \n    ```\n4. Create a config file with the name model_serving_config.yaml with the following content.\n\n    ```\n    !python -m pip install pyyaml\n    ```\n    ```\n    serving_workflow = content_pkg.workflows[\"model-id-serving\"]\n\n    serving_config = {\n        '.contentPackage': 'sap_datarobot',\n        '.workflow': 'model-id-serving',\n        '.dockerType': 'default',\n        'name': '<YOUR SERVING TEMPLATE NAME>',\n        'labels': {\n            '': \"<YOUR SCENARIO ID>\",\n            '': \"<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>\"\n        },\n        \"annotations\": {\n            \"\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO NAME>\",\n            \"\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO DESCRIPTION>\",\n            \"\": \"<YOUR EXECUTABLE NAME>\",\n            \"\": \"<YOUR EXECUTABLE DESCRIPTION>\"\n        },\n        'image': '<YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>',\n        \"imagePullSecret\": \"<YOUR DOCKER REGISTRY SECRET NAME IN AI CORE>\",\n        \"datarobotToken\": \"<DATAROBOT-API-TOKEN SECRET NAME IN AI CORE>\"\n    }\n\n    import yaml\n    serving_config_yaml_file = \"model_serving_config.yaml\"\n    ff = open(serving_config_yaml_file, 'w+')\n    yaml.dump(serving_config, ff , allow_unicode=True)\n    ```\n5. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.\n\n    ```\n    serving_config = {\n        '.contentPackage': 'sap_datarobot',\n        '.workflow': 'model-id-serving',\n        '.dockerType': 'default',\n        'name': 'datarobot-model-serving',\n        'labels': {\n            '': \"00db4197-1538-4640-9ea9-44731041ed88\",\n            '': \"0.0.1\"\n        },\n        \"annotations\": {\n            \"\": \"my-datarobot-scenario\",\n            \"\": \"datarobot-model-serving\",\n            \"\": \"datarobot model serving\",\n            \"\": \"my datarobot scenario\"\n        },\n        'image': '<YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME>/model-serve:1.0',\n        \"imagePullSecret\": \"my-docker-secret\",\n        \"datarobotToken\": \"my-datarobot-secret\"\n    }\n\n    import yaml\n    serving_config_yaml_file = \"model_serving_config.yaml\"\n    ff = open(serving_config_yaml_file, 'w+')\n    yaml.dump(serving_config, ff , allow_unicode=True)\n    ```\n6. Generate a docker image\n\n    This step involves building a docker image with the tag specified in the model_serving_config.yaml file. \n    ```\n    # keep the docker up and running before executing this cell\n    # docker login\n    import os\n    docker_user = \"[USER NAME]\"\n    docker_pwd = \"[PASSWORD]\"\n    os.system(f'docker login <YOUR_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL> -u {docker_user} -p {docker_pwd}')\n\n    with open(serving_config_yaml_file) as stream:\n        workflow_config = yaml.load(stream)\n    serving_workflow.create_image(workflow_config) # actually build the docker container\n\n    #When an error occurs, perform a dry run to debug any error occured while running the create_image() function.\n    docker_build_cmd = serving_workflow.create_image(workflow_config, return_cmd = True)\n    print(' '.join(docker_build_cmd))\n    ```\n7. Push the docker image to your docker repository\n\n    ```\n    os.system(f'docker push {workflow_config[\"image\"]}') # push the container\n    ```\n8. Generate a serving template\n\n    Clone the git repository that was registered with your SAP AI Core tenant during Onboarding.\n    ```\n    import pathlib\n    output_file = '<TEMPLATES FOLDER PATH IN YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>/model-serving-template.yaml'\n    serving_workflow.create_template(serving_config_yaml_file, output_file)\n    ```\n    You can configure SAP AI Core to use different infrastructure resources for different tasks, based on demand. Within SAP AI Core, the resource plan is selected via the `` label in the serving template. By default, sap-ai-core-datarobot workflows use `starter` resource plan which entails the use of 1 CPU core and 3 Memeory GBs. For more information on how to select a different resource plan, you can refer to the documentation [choosing a resource plan](\n9. Fill in the datarobot secrets name in serving template\n\n    In the model-serving-template.yaml serving template file, substitute `<DATAROBOT-ENDPOINT-TOKEN>` with the name of your datarobot secrets.\n    ```\n    def modify_serving_template(workflow_config, template_file_path):\n        import yaml\n        import sys\n        from yaml.resolver import BaseResolver\n        with open(template_file_path, 'r') as f_read:\n            content = yaml.load(f_read, yaml.FullLoader)   \n        predictor_spec = content[\"spec\"][\"template\"][\"spec\"]\n        predictor_spec = predictor_spec.replace('<DATAROBOT-ENDPOINT-TOKEN>', serving_config['datarobotToken'] )\n        content[\"spec\"][\"template\"][\"spec\"] = predictor_spec\n        yaml.SafeDumper.org_represent_str = yaml.SafeDumper.represent_str\n        def repr_str(dumper, data):\n            if '\\n' in data:\n                return dumper.represent_scalar(u',2002:str', data, style='|')\n            return dumper.org_represent_str(data)\n        yaml.add_representer(str, repr_str, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)\n        with open(template_file_path, 'w') as f_write:\n            f_write.write(yaml.safe_dump(content))\n\n\n    modify_serving_template(workflow_config, output_file)\n    ```\n10. Push the serving template to your git repository\n\n    ```\n    import os\n    import subprocess\n    repo_path = \"<PATH TO YOUR CLONED GIT REPO>\" \n    current_dir = os.getcwd()\n    os.chdir(repo_path)\n\n    # add the file to the git repository\n[\"git\", \"add\", f\"{output_file}\"])\n\n    # commit the changes\n[\"git\", \"commit\", \"-m\", f'updated template {workflow_config[\"image\"]}'])\n\n    # push the changes\n[\"git\", \"push\"])\n\n    os.chdir(current_dir)\n    ```\n11. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core\n\n    ```\n    import json\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.ai_api_v2_client import AIAPIV2Client\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.artifact import Artifact\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.parameter_binding import ParameterBinding\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.input_artifact_binding import InputArtifactBinding\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.status import Status\n    from ai_api_client_sdk.models.target_status import TargetStatus\n    import time\n    from IPython.display import clear_output\n    import requests\n    import pprint\n\n    # Load AICore and Object Store credentials\n    credCF, credS3 = {}, {}\n    with open('aicore-creds.json') as cf:\n        credCF = json.load(cf)\n    with open('s3-creds.json') as s3:\n        credS3 = json.load(s3)\n\n    #Authentication\n    RESOURCE_GROUP=\"<YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>\"\n    ai_api_v2_client = AIAPIV2Client(\n        base_url=credCF[\"serviceurls\"][\"ML_API_URL\"] + \"/v2/lm\",\n        auth_url=credCF[\"url\"] + \"/oauth/token\",\n        client_id=credCF['clientid'],\n        client_secret=credCF['clientsecret'],\n        resource_group=RESOURCE_GROUP\n    )\n    ```\n12. Create Generic Secrets in ResourceGroup\n\n    To authenticate with DataRobot's API, your code needs to have access to an endpoint and token. In AI Core, create a generic secret for the Endpoint and the token; these secrets are used to access the model from DataRobot. Refer AI Core documentation to [create a generic secret](\n\n    Note that the AI Core AI API expects sensitive data to be Base64-encoded. You can easily encode your data in Base64 format using the following command on Linux or MacOS: \n    ```\n    echo -n 'my-sensitive-data' | base64\n    ```\n    ```\n    import requests\n\n    ai_api_url = credCF[\"serviceurls\"][\"ML_API_URL\"] + \"/v2/admin/secrets\"\n    token = ai_api_v2_client.rest_client.get_token()\n\n    headers = {\n        \"Authorization\": token,\n        \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\",\n        \"AI-Resource-Group\": RESOURCE_GROUP\n    }\n\n    data = {\n        \"name\": \"<DATAROBOT-API-TOKEN SECRET NAME IN AI CORE>\",\n        \"data\": {\n            \"endpoint\": \"<BASE64-ENCODED DATAROBOT API ENDPOINT>\",\n            \"token\": \"<BASE64-ENCODED DATAROBOT API TOKEN>\"\n        }\n    }\n\n    response =, headers=headers, json=data)\n\n    if response.status_code == 201:\n        print(\"Secret created successfully!\")\n    else:\n        print(\"Request failed with status code:\", response.status_code)\n        print(\"Response text:\", response.text)\n\n    ```\n13. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.\n\n    ```\n    #define deployment confgiuration\n    project_id = {\n        \"key\": \"projectID\",\n        \"value\": \"<PROJECT ID OF YOUR MODEL IN DATAROBOT>\" \n    }\n    model_id = {\n        \"key\": \"modelID\",\n        \"value\": \"<YOUR MODEL ID FROM DATAROBOT>\" \n    }\n\n    deployment_configuration = {\n        \"name\": \"<CONFIGURATION NAME>\",\n        \"scenario_id\": workflow_config[\"labels\"][\"\"],\n        \"executable_id\": workflow_config[\"name\"],\n        \"parameter_bindings\": [ParameterBinding(**project_id), ParameterBinding(**model_id)]\n    }\n\n    deployment_config_resp = ai_api_v2_client.configuration.create(**deployment_configuration)\n    assert deployment_config_resp.message == 'Configuration created'\n    ```\n14. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response\n\n    ```\n    deployment_resp = ai_api_v2_client.deployment.create(\n    ```\n15. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.\n\n    ```\n    # poll deployment status\n    status = None\n    while status != Status.RUNNING and status != Status.DEAD:\n        time.sleep(5)\n        clear_output(wait=True)\n        deployment = ai_api_v2_client.deployment.get(\n        status = deployment.status\n        print('...... deployment status ......', flush=True)\n        print(deployment.status)\n        print(deployment.status_details)\n\n    time.sleep(10)  # time for deployment url getting ready\n    print('endpoint: ', deployment.deployment_url)\n    ```\n16. Use your deployment.\n\n    ```\n    with open('sample_payload.json') as cf:\n        sample_input = json.load(cf)\n\n    # inference\n    endpoint = \"{deploy_url}/v1/models/model:predict\".format(deploy_url=deployment.deployment_url)\n    headers = {\"Authorization\": ai_api_v2_client.rest_client.get_token(), 'ai-resource-group': RESOURCE_GROUP}\n\n    response =, headers=headers, json=test_input)\n    pprint.pprint(['inference result:', response.json()])\n    time.sleep(10)   \n    ```\n\n### Security Guide\n\nSee [Security in SAP AI Core]( for general information about how SAP AI Core handles security.\n\n",
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