
Namesap-ai-core-llm JSON
Version 1.0.18 PyPI version JSON
Summarycontent package for large language models for SAP AI Core
upload_time2023-06-23 10:50:42
authorSAP SE
keywords sap ai core large language models llm
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Content Package for Large Language Models for SAP AI Core

## Objective

A content package to deploy LLM workflows in AI Core.

## User Guide

### 1. Deploying a Proxy to Your Deployment in Azure OpenAI


1. Complete [AI Core Onboarding](
2. Access to the Git repository, Docker repository and S3 bucket onboarded to AI Core
3. You have an Azure OpenAI account, created an API key to access this account and created a model deployment.


_Note: Do not work in a directory path with a dot. For example, do not create a virtual environment with `.venv`, use `venv` instead. Otherwise, this leads to issues in the metaflow template generation._

1. Install AI Core SDK

pip install 'ai-core-sdk[aicore_content]'

2. Install this content package

pip install sap-ai-core-llm

or build it from source for latest state
pip install -e .

3. Create a config file with the name proxy_serving_config.yaml with the following content.

.contentPackage: sap-ai-core-llm
.dockerType: default
.workflow: azure-openai-proxy

4. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.

.contentPackage: sap-ai-core-llm
.dockerType: default
.workflow: azure-openai-proxy
annotations: My Azure OpenAI Proxy my-azure-openai-proxy My Azure OpenAI Proxy Scenario my-azure-openai-scenario
imagePullSecret: my-docker-secret
labels: '1.0' my-azure-openai-scenario
name: my-azure-openai-proxy

5. Generate a docker image

aicore-content create-image -p sap-ai-core-llm -w azure-openai-proxy proxy_serving_config.yaml

6. Generate a serving template

aicore-content create-template -p sap-ai-core-llm -w azure-openai-proxy proxy_serving_config.yaml -o './proxy-serving-template.yaml'

7. Push the docker image to your docker repository

docker push

8. Push the serving template to your git repository

cd <repo_path>
git add <path_within_repo>/proxy-serving-template.yaml
git commit -m 'updated template proxy-serving-template.yaml'
git push

9. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core

curl --location '<YOUR AUTH ENDPOINT URL>/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials' --header 'Authorization: Basic <YOUR AI CORE CREDENTIALS>'

10. Create a secret for your Azure OpenAI API key

curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/admin/secrets' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
--data '{
  "name": "azure-openai-key",
  "data": {
    "azureapikey": "<YOUR AZURE OPENAI KEY ENCODED IN BASE64>"

11. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.
    Note that `azureDeploymentURL` should be the full URL consisting of the API host, model and api version, i.e. `https://{{apihost}}/openai/deployments/{deployment_name}/chat/completions?api-version={api_version}`

curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
--data '{
    "name": "<CONFIGURATION NAME>",
    "executableId": "<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>",
    "scenarioId": "<YOUR SCENARIO ID>",
    "versionId": "<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>",
    "parameterBindings": [
            "key": "azureDeploymentURL",
            "value": "<YOUR FULL AZURE OPENAI DEPLOYMENT URL>, should be of format <https://{{api_url}}/openai/deployments/{deployment_name}/chat/completions?api-version={api_version}>"

12. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response

curl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/deployments' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'

13. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.

curl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/deployments/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID>' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'

14. Use your deployment. The example shown below is for a davinci-003 text completions model

curl --location '<YOUR DEPLOYMENT URL>/v1/predict' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
--data '{
    "prompt": "Who are you?",
    "max_tokens": 100

### 2. Question Answering With Embeddings


1. Previous section completed
2. Following Python packages installed for template generation:

pip install langchain==0.0.177 openai==0.27.6 huggingface_hub==0.14.1 sentence_transformers==2.2.2 transformers==4.29.2 'sap-ai-core-metaflow[kubernetes]'==1.1.12

3. Install the [aws cli](
4. Create an object store secret in AI Core with the name `default`. See [documentation]( for details.
5. Configure aws credentials and metaflow as follows:

Using the object store credentials, configure your aws cli via `aws configure` as described [here](

When templates are created metaflow pushes tarballs to the S3 bucket. Those tarballs are loaded during pipeline execution. For this to work metaflow needs writing permissions to the S3 bucket onboarded to AI Core and `metaflow` has to be configured to use this bucket as its data store. In order to enable `metaflow` to copy the tarballs into the bucket, the `awscli` must not ask for a password when starting a copy process. To achieve this either give the `default` profile the permissions to access the bucket or run **`export AWS_PROFILE=default`** before creating templates.

Full documentation on how to configure `metaflow` can be found in the [metaflow documentation]( We only need to configure the S3 as the storage backend and **do not need** the configuration for AWS Batch. A mininmal configuration file (`~/.metaflowconfig/config.json`) looks like this:

    "METAFLOW_DATASTORE_SYSROOT_S3": "<path-in-bucket>",
    "METAFLOW_DATATOOLS_SYSROOT_S3": "<path-in-bucket>/data",

6. Redis vector database available and vector index schema created:

FT.CREATE "langchain"
        PREFIX 1 "doc:"
        "metadata" TEXT
        "content" TEXT
        "content_vector"  VECTOR FLAT
            "TYPE" "FLOAT32"
            "DIM" 384  // embedding size

            "INITIAL_CAP" 5
            "BLOCK_SIZE" 5


1. Create a config file with the name qa_indexing_config.yaml and fill it for example as follows:

.contentPackage: sap-ai-core-llm
.workflow: qa-indexing
.dockerType: default
name: qa-retrieval-indexing
labels: qa-retrieval 1.0.0
annotations: qa-retrieval Questions Answering with document retrieval qa-retrieval-indexing Embed documents

2. Similarly, create a config file named qa_serving_config.yaml:

.contentPackage: sap-ai-core-llm
.workflow: qa-serving
.dockerType: default
name: qa-retrieval-serving
labels: qa-retrieval 1.0.0
annotations: qa-retrieval Questions Answering with document retrieval qa-retrieval-serving Serve queries

3. Run the following command to build the docker image. The image will be tagged with the provided tag. Both indexing and serving components use the same docker image. You only have to built it once.

If not building from source, use the following statements:
package_path=$(pip show sap-ai-core-llm | grep -E "Location:" | awk '{print $2}')
cd $package_path
docker build --tag=$tag --build-arg pkg_version=1.1.0 -f sap_aicore_llm/pipelines/qa/Dockerfile .

Otherwise make sure you are in the project root. Then start the build via:
docker build --tag=$tag --build-arg pkg_version=1.1.0 -f pipelines/qa/Dockerfile .

On Mac M1/M2 use the `docker buildx build` command instead.
aicore-content create-template -p sap-ai-core-llm -w qa-indexing qa_indexing_config.yaml -o './qa_indexing_template.json'

Set the environment variables under `env` in the generated `qa-indexing-template.json` of the container called **`start`**. Add the environment variables with secret key reference:

    "name": "VECTOR_STORE",
    "value": "redis"
    "name": "VECTOR_STORE_URL",
    "value": "redis://<host>:<port, e.g. 6379>"
    "name": "EMBEDDING_MODEL",
    "value": "<either local model e.g. sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 or proxied. For local the following variables are not needed.>"
    "value": "<proxy deployment inference url>"
    "name": "AICORE_AUTH_URL",
    "valueFrom": {
        "secretKeyRef": {
        "name": "aicore-creds",
        "key": "authurl"
    "name": "AICORE_CLIENT_ID",
    "valueFrom": {
        "secretKeyRef": {
        "name": "aicore-creds",
        "key": "clientid"
    "valueFrom": {
        "secretKeyRef": {
        "name": "aicore-creds",
        "key": "clientsecret"

Also add the following outside of `env`:

"envFrom": [
                    "secretRef": {
                        "name": "default-object-store-secret"

**Replace `mkdir metaflow` with `mkdir -p metaflow` in the generated template json file.**

5. Generate a serving template

aicore-content create-template -p sap-ai-core-llm -w qa-serving qa_serving_config.yaml -o './qa_serving_template.yaml'

6. Push the docker image to your docker repository

docker push <TAG>

7. Push the serving template to your git repository

cd <repo_path>
git add <path_within_repo>/qa-indexing-template.yaml
git add <path_within_repo>/qa-serving-template.yaml
git commit -m 'updated templates'
git push

8. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core

curl --location '<YOUR AUTH ENDPOINT URL>/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials' --header 'Authorization: Basic <YOUR AI CORE CREDENTIALS>'

9. Create a secret for your AI Core credentials to allow for authentication and encrypted communication between the components.

curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/admin/secrets' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
--data '{
    "name": "aicore-creds",
    "data": {
        "authurl": "<base64_encoded_auth_url>",
        "clientid": "<base64_encoded_client_id>",
        "clientsecret": "<base64_encoded_client_secret>"

10. Register your data as an artifact and note down the artifact id

curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/artifacts' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
--data '{
    "name": "<YOUR DATASET NAME>",
    "url": "ai://default/<FOLDER>"
    "type": "dataset",
    "description": "<YOUR DATASET DESCRIPTION>",
    "scenarioId": "<YOUR SCENARIO ID>"

11. Create an indexing configuration

curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
--data '{
    "name": "<CONFIGURATION NAME>",
    "executableId": "<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>",
    "scenarioId": "<YOUR SCENARIO ID>",
    "versionId": "<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>",
    "inputArtifactBindings": [
            "key": "data",
            "artifactId": "<YOUR DATASETS ARTIFACT ID>"

12. Create a serving configuration.

curl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
--data '{
    "name": "<CONFIGURATION NAME>",
    "executableId": "<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>",
    "scenarioId": "<YOUR SCENARIO ID>",
    "versionId": "<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>",
    "parameterBindings": [
            "key": "proxyCompletionModelUrl",
            "value": "<PROXY URL FOR THE COMPLETION MODEL>"
            "key": "vectorStoreUrl",
            "value": "redis://<host>:<port>"
            "key": "vectorStore",
            "value": "redis"

13. Create an execution and note down the exeuction id from the response

curl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/executions' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'

In case of errors see troubleshooting section below.

14. Check the status of the execution. Wait until it is COMPLETED.

curl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/executions/<YOUR EXECUTION ID>' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'

15. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response

curl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/deployments' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'

16. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.

curl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/deployments/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID>' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'

17. Use your deployment. The following example is based on the indexed SAP AI Core documentation from the help portal.

curl --location '<YOUR DEPLOYMENT URL>/v1/query' \
--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \
--data '{
    "query": "How do I register an object store secret in AI Core via the API?",

- Execution fails with `Unable to locate credentials` in the logs: Verify that you have created an object store secret by the name `default` in the same resource group as the execution (by default the resource group is `default`). Note, that when consuming object store secrets in workflows (e.g. via envFrom) the secret name must be `{name}-object-store-secret`. So by standard: `default-object-store-secret`.
- Tarball does not contain Make sure that your path does not contain a dot (.) in the name. This is a known issue. For example do not create a virtual environment called `.venv` but use `venv` instead.

## Security Guide

See [Security in SAP AI Core]( for general information about how SAP AI Core handles security.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "sap-ai-core-llm",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "SAP AI Core,Large Language Models,LLM",
    "author": "SAP SE",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Content Package for Large Language Models for SAP AI Core\n\n## Objective\n\nA content package to deploy LLM workflows in AI Core.\n\n## User Guide\n\n### 1. Deploying a Proxy to Your Deployment in Azure OpenAI\n\n*Pre-requisites*\n\n1. Complete [AI Core Onboarding](\n2. Access to the Git repository, Docker repository and S3 bucket onboarded to AI Core\n3. You have an Azure OpenAI account, created an API key to access this account and created a model deployment.\n\n*Steps*\n\n_Note: Do not work in a directory path with a dot. For example, do not create a virtual environment with `.venv`, use `venv` instead. Otherwise, this leads to issues in the metaflow template generation._\n\n1. Install AI Core SDK\n\n```\npip install 'ai-core-sdk[aicore_content]'\n```\n\n2. Install this content package\n\n```\npip install sap-ai-core-llm\n```\n\nor build it from source for latest state\n```\npip install -e .\n```\n\n3. Create a config file with the name proxy_serving_config.yaml with the following content.\n\n```\n.contentPackage: sap-ai-core-llm\n.dockerType: default\n.workflow: azure-openai-proxy\nannotations:\n <YOUR EXECUTABLE DESCRIPTION>\n <YOUR EXECUTABLE NAME>\n <YOUR SCENARIO DESCRIPTION>\n <YOUR SCENARIO NAME>\nimage: <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>\nimagePullSecret: <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE PULL SECRET NAME>\nlabels:\n <YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>\n <YOUR SCENARIO ID>\nname: <YOUR SERVING TEMPLATE NAME>\n```\n\n4. Fill in the desired values in the config file. An example config file is shown below.\n\n```\n.contentPackage: sap-ai-core-llm\n.dockerType: default\n.workflow: azure-openai-proxy\nannotations:\n My Azure OpenAI Proxy\n my-azure-openai-proxy\n My Azure OpenAI Proxy Scenario\n my-azure-openai-scenario\nimage:\nimagePullSecret: my-docker-secret\nlabels:\n '1.0'\n my-azure-openai-scenario\nname: my-azure-openai-proxy\n```\n\n5. Generate a docker image\n\n```\naicore-content create-image -p sap-ai-core-llm -w azure-openai-proxy proxy_serving_config.yaml\n```\n\n6. Generate a serving template\n\n```\naicore-content create-template -p sap-ai-core-llm -w azure-openai-proxy proxy_serving_config.yaml -o './proxy-serving-template.yaml'\n```\n\n7. Push the docker image to your docker repository\n\n```\ndocker push\n```\n\n8. Push the serving template to your git repository\n\n```\ncd <repo_path>\ngit add <path_within_repo>/proxy-serving-template.yaml\ngit commit -m 'updated template proxy-serving-template.yaml'\ngit push\n```\n\n9. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR AUTH ENDPOINT URL>/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials' --header 'Authorization: Basic <YOUR AI CORE CREDENTIALS>'\n```\n\n10. Create a secret for your Azure OpenAI API key\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/admin/secrets' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n--data '{\n  \"name\": \"azure-openai-key\",\n  \"data\": {\n    \"azureapikey\": \"<YOUR AZURE OPENAI KEY ENCODED IN BASE64>\"\n  }\n}'\n```\n\n11. Create a configuration and save the configuration id from the response.\n    Note that `azureDeploymentURL` should be the full URL consisting of the API host, model and api version, i.e. `https://{{apihost}}/openai/deployments/{deployment_name}/chat/completions?api-version={api_version}`\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n--data '{\n    \"name\": \"<CONFIGURATION NAME>\",\n    \"executableId\": \"<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>\",\n    \"scenarioId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO ID>\",\n    \"versionId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>\",\n    \"parameterBindings\": [\n        {\n            \"key\": \"azureDeploymentURL\",\n            \"value\": \"<YOUR FULL AZURE OPENAI DEPLOYMENT URL>, should be of format <https://{{api_url}}/openai/deployments/{deployment_name}/chat/completions?api-version={api_version}>\"\n        }\n    ]\n}'\n```\n\n12. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response\n\n```\ncurl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/deployments' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n```\n\n13. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.\n\n```\ncurl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/deployments/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID>' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n```\n\n14. Use your deployment. The example shown below is for a davinci-003 text completions model\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR DEPLOYMENT URL>/v1/predict' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n--data '{\n    \"prompt\": \"Who are you?\",\n    \"max_tokens\": 100\n}'\n```\n\n### 2. Question Answering With Embeddings\n\n*Pre-requisites*\n\n1. Previous section completed\n2. Following Python packages installed for template generation:\n\n```\npip install langchain==0.0.177 openai==0.27.6 huggingface_hub==0.14.1 sentence_transformers==2.2.2 transformers==4.29.2 'sap-ai-core-metaflow[kubernetes]'==1.1.12\n```\n\n3. Install the [aws cli](\n4. Create an object store secret in AI Core with the name `default`. See [documentation]( for details.\n5. Configure aws credentials and metaflow as follows:\n\nUsing the object store credentials, configure your aws cli via `aws configure` as described [here](\n\nWhen templates are created metaflow pushes tarballs to the S3 bucket. Those tarballs are loaded during pipeline execution. For this to work metaflow needs writing permissions to the S3 bucket onboarded to AI Core and `metaflow` has to be configured to use this bucket as its data store. In order to enable `metaflow` to copy the tarballs into the bucket, the `awscli` must not ask for a password when starting a copy process. To achieve this either give the `default` profile the permissions to access the bucket or run **`export AWS_PROFILE=default`** before creating templates.\n\nFull documentation on how to configure `metaflow` can be found in the [metaflow documentation]( We only need to configure the S3 as the storage backend and **do not need** the configuration for AWS Batch. A mininmal configuration file (`~/.metaflowconfig/config.json`) looks like this:\n\n```\n{\n    \"METAFLOW_DATASTORE_SYSROOT_S3\": \"<path-in-bucket>\",\n    \"METAFLOW_DATATOOLS_SYSROOT_S3\": \"<path-in-bucket>/data\",\n    \"METAFLOW_DEFAULT_DATASTORE\": \"s3\"\n}\n```\n\n6. Redis vector database available and vector index schema created:\n\n```\nFT.CREATE \"langchain\"\n    ON HASH\n        PREFIX 1 \"doc:\"\n    SCHEMA\n        \"metadata\" TEXT\n        \"content\" TEXT\n        \"content_vector\"  VECTOR FLAT\n            10\n            \"TYPE\" \"FLOAT32\"\n            \"DIM\" 384  // embedding size\n\n            \"DISTANCE_METRIC\" \"COSINE\"\n            \"INITIAL_CAP\" 5\n            \"BLOCK_SIZE\" 5\n```\n\n*Steps*\n\n1. Create a config file with the name qa_indexing_config.yaml and fill it for example as follows:\n\n```\n.contentPackage: sap-ai-core-llm\n.workflow: qa-indexing\n.dockerType: default\nname: qa-retrieval-indexing\nlabels:\n qa-retrieval\n 1.0.0\nannotations:\n qa-retrieval\n Questions Answering with document retrieval\n qa-retrieval-indexing\n Embed documents\nimage: <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>\n```\n\n2. Similarly, create a config file named qa_serving_config.yaml:\n\n```\n.contentPackage: sap-ai-core-llm\n.workflow: qa-serving\n.dockerType: default\nname: qa-retrieval-serving\nlabels:\n qa-retrieval\n 1.0.0\nannotations:\n qa-retrieval\n Questions Answering with document retrieval\n qa-retrieval-serving\n Serve queries\nimage: <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE TAG>\nimagePullSecret: <YOUR DOCKER IMAGE PULL SECRET NAME>\n```\n\n3. Run the following command to build the docker image. The image will be tagged with the provided tag. Both indexing and serving components use the same docker image. You only have to built it once.\n\nIf not building from source, use the following statements:\n```bash\ntag=<TAG>\npackage_path=$(pip show sap-ai-core-llm | grep -E \"Location:\" | awk '{print $2}')\ncd $package_path\ndocker build --tag=$tag --build-arg pkg_version=1.1.0 -f sap_aicore_llm/pipelines/qa/Dockerfile .\n```\n\nOtherwise make sure you are in the project root. Then start the build via:\n```bash\ndocker build --tag=$tag --build-arg pkg_version=1.1.0 -f pipelines/qa/Dockerfile .\n```\n\nOn Mac M1/M2 use the `docker buildx build` command instead.\n```\naicore-content create-template -p sap-ai-core-llm -w qa-indexing qa_indexing_config.yaml -o './qa_indexing_template.json'\n```\n\nSet the environment variables under `env` in the generated `qa-indexing-template.json` of the container called **`start`**. Add the environment variables with secret key reference:\n\n```json\n{\n    \"name\": \"VECTOR_STORE\",\n    \"value\": \"redis\"\n},\n{\n    \"name\": \"VECTOR_STORE_URL\",\n    \"value\": \"redis://<host>:<port, e.g. 6379>\"\n},\n{\n    \"name\": \"EMBEDDING_MODEL\",\n    \"value\": \"<either local model e.g. sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 or proxied. For local the following variables are not needed.>\"\n},\n{\n    \"name\": \"EMBEDDING_MODEL_API_BASE\",\n    \"value\": \"<proxy deployment inference url>\"\n},\n{\n    \"name\": \"AICORE_AUTH_URL\",\n    \"valueFrom\": {\n        \"secretKeyRef\": {\n        \"name\": \"aicore-creds\",\n        \"key\": \"authurl\"\n        }\n    }\n},\n{\n    \"name\": \"AICORE_CLIENT_ID\",\n    \"valueFrom\": {\n        \"secretKeyRef\": {\n        \"name\": \"aicore-creds\",\n        \"key\": \"clientid\"\n        }\n    }\n},\n{\n    \"name\": \"AICORE_CLIENT_SECRET\",\n    \"valueFrom\": {\n        \"secretKeyRef\": {\n        \"name\": \"aicore-creds\",\n        \"key\": \"clientsecret\"\n        }\n    }\n}\n```\n\nAlso add the following outside of `env`:\n\n```json\n\"envFrom\": [\n                {\n                    \"secretRef\": {\n                        \"name\": \"default-object-store-secret\"\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n```\n\n**Replace `mkdir metaflow` with `mkdir -p metaflow` in the generated template json file.**\n\n5. Generate a serving template\n\n```\naicore-content create-template -p sap-ai-core-llm -w qa-serving qa_serving_config.yaml -o './qa_serving_template.yaml'\n```\n\n6. Push the docker image to your docker repository\n\n```\ndocker push <TAG>\n```\n\n7. Push the serving template to your git repository\n\n```\ncd <repo_path>\ngit add <path_within_repo>/qa-indexing-template.yaml\ngit add <path_within_repo>/qa-serving-template.yaml\ngit commit -m 'updated templates'\ngit push\n```\n\n8. Obtain a client credentials token to AI Core\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR AUTH ENDPOINT URL>/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials' --header 'Authorization: Basic <YOUR AI CORE CREDENTIALS>'\n```\n\n9. Create a secret for your AI Core credentials to allow for authentication and encrypted communication between the components.\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/admin/secrets' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n--data '{\n    \"name\": \"aicore-creds\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"authurl\": \"<base64_encoded_auth_url>\",\n        \"clientid\": \"<base64_encoded_client_id>\",\n        \"clientsecret\": \"<base64_encoded_client_secret>\"\n    }\n}'\n```\n\n10. Register your data as an artifact and note down the artifact id\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/artifacts' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n--data '{\n    \"name\": \"<YOUR DATASET NAME>\",\n    \"url\": \"ai://default/<FOLDER>\"\n    \"type\": \"dataset\",\n    \"description\": \"<YOUR DATASET DESCRIPTION>\",\n    \"scenarioId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO ID>\"\n}'\n```\n\n11. Create an indexing configuration\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n--data '{\n    \"name\": \"<CONFIGURATION NAME>\",\n    \"executableId\": \"<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>\",\n    \"scenarioId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO ID>\",\n    \"versionId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>\",\n    \"inputArtifactBindings\": [\n        {\n            \"key\": \"data\",\n            \"artifactId\": \"<YOUR DATASETS ARTIFACT ID>\"\n        }\n    ]\n}'\n```\n\n12. Create a serving configuration.\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n--data '{\n    \"name\": \"<CONFIGURATION NAME>\",\n    \"executableId\": \"<YOUR EXECUTABLE ID>\",\n    \"scenarioId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO ID>\",\n    \"versionId\": \"<YOUR SCENARIO VERSION>\",\n    \"parameterBindings\": [\n        {\n            \"key\": \"proxyCompletionModelUrl\",\n            \"value\": \"<PROXY URL FOR THE COMPLETION MODEL>\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"key\": \"vectorStoreUrl\",\n            \"value\": \"redis://<host>:<port>\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"key\": \"vectorStore\",\n            \"value\": \"redis\"\n        }\n    ]\n}'\n```\n\n13. Create an execution and note down the exeuction id from the response\n\n```\ncurl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/executions' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n```\n\nIn case of errors see troubleshooting section below.\n\n14. Check the status of the execution. Wait until it is COMPLETED.\n\n```\ncurl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/executions/<YOUR EXECUTION ID>' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n```\n\n15. Create a deployment and note down the deployment id from the response\n\n```\ncurl --location --globoff --request POST '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/configurations/<YOUR CONFIGURATION ID>/deployments' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n```\n\n16. Check the status of the deployment. Note down the deployment URL after the status changes to RUNNING.\n\n```\ncurl --location --globoff '<YOUR AI CORE URL>/v2/lm/deployments/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID>' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>'\n```\n\n17. Use your deployment. The following example is based on the indexed SAP AI Core documentation from the help portal.\n\n```\ncurl --location '<YOUR DEPLOYMENT URL>/v1/query' \\\n--header 'AI-Resource-Group: <YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME>' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CLIENT CREDENTAILS TOKEN>' \\\n--data '{\n    \"query\": \"How do I register an object store secret in AI Core via the API?\",\n}'\n```\n\n*Troubleshooting*\n- Execution fails with `Unable to locate credentials` in the logs: Verify that you have created an object store secret by the name `default` in the same resource group as the execution (by default the resource group is `default`). Note, that when consuming object store secrets in workflows (e.g. via envFrom) the secret name must be `{name}-object-store-secret`. So by standard: `default-object-store-secret`.\n- Tarball does not contain Make sure that your path does not contain a dot (.) in the name. This is a known issue. For example do not create a virtual environment called `.venv` but use `venv` instead.\n\n## Security Guide\n\nSee [Security in SAP AI Core]( for general information about how SAP AI Core handles security.\n\n\n",
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    "version": "1.0.18",
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        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
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        "large language models",
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