
Namesaritasa-invocations JSON
Version 1.3.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCollection of invoke commands used by Saritasa
upload_time2024-12-17 04:08:09
maintainerStanislav Khlud
keywords python invoke
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # saritasa-invocations

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Collection of [invoke]( commands used by Saritasa

## Table of contents

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Modules](#modules)
  * [printing](#printing)
  * [system](#system)
    * [system.copy-local-settings](#systemcopy-local-settings)
    * [system.copy-vscode-settings](#systemcopy-vscode-settings)
    * [system.chown](#systemchown)
    * [system.create-tmp-folder](#systemcreate-tmp-folder)
  * [git](#git)
    * [git.set-git-setting](#gitset-git-setting)
    * [git.setup](#gitsetup)
    * [git.clone-repo](#gitclone-repo)
  * [pre-commit](#pre-commit)
    * [pre-commit.install](#pre-commitinstall)
    * [](#pre-commitrun-hooks)
    * [pre-commit.update](#pre-commitupdate)
  * [docker](#docker)
    * [](#dockerbuild-service)
    * [docker.buildpack](#dockerbuildpack)
    * [docker.stop-all-containers](#dockerstop-all-containers)
    * [docker.up](#dockerup)
    * [docker.stop](#dockerstop)
    * [docker.clear](#dockerclear)
  * [github-actions](#github-actions)
    * [github-actions.set-up-hosts](#github-actionsset-up-hosts)
  * [python](#python)
    * [](#pythonrun)
  * [django](#django)
    * [django.manage](#djangomanage)
    * [django.makemigrations](#djangomakemigrations)
    * [django.migrate](#djangomigrate)
    * [django.resetdb](#djangoresetdb)
    * [django.createsuperuser](#djangocreatesuperuser)
    * [](#djangorun)
    * [](#djangoshell)
    * [django.dbshell](#djangodbshell)
    * [django.django.recompile-messages](#djangorecompile-messages)
    * [django.load-db-dump](#djangoload-db-dump)
    * [django.backup-local-db](#djangobackup-local-db)
    * [django.backup-remote-db](#djangobackup-remote-db)
    * [django.load-remote-db](#djangoload-remote-db)
    * [django.wait-for-database](#djangowait-for-database)
  * [fastapi](#fastapi)
    * [](#fastapirun)
  * [alembic](#alembic)
    * [](#alembicrun)
    * [alembic.autogenerate](#alembicautogenerate)
    * [alembic.upgrade](#alembicupgrade)
    * [alembic.downgrade](#alembicdowngrade)
    * [alembic.check-for-migrations](#alembiccheck-for-migrations)
    * [alembic.check-for-adjust-messages](#alembiccheck-for-adjust-messages)
    * [alembic.load-db-dump](#alembicload-db-dump)
    * [alembic.backup-local-db](#alembicbackup-local-db)
    * [alembic.backup-remote-db](#alembicbackup-remote-db)
    * [alembic.load-remote-db](#alembicload-remote-db)
    * [alembic.wait-for-database](#alembicwait-for-database)
  * [celery](#celery)
    * [](#celeryrun)
    * [celery.send-task](#celerysend-task)
  * [open-api](#open-api)
    * [open-api.validate-swagger](#open-apivalidate-swagger)
  * [db](#db)
    * [db.load-db-dump](#dbload-db-dump)
    * [db.backup-local-db](#dbbackup-local-db)
  * [k8s](#k8s)
    * [k8s.login](#k8slogin)
    * [k8s.set-context](#k8sset-context)
    * [k8s.logs](#k8slogs)
    * [k8s.pods](#k8spods)
    * [k8s.execute](#k8sexecute)
    * [k8s.python-shell](#k8spython-shell)
    * [](#k8shealth-check)
    * [](#k8sdownload-file)
  * [db-k8s](#db-k8s)
    * [db-k8s.create-dump](#db-k8screate-dump)
    * [db-k8s.get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump)
  * [cruft](#cruft)
    * [cruft.check-for-cruft-files](#cruftcheck-for-cruft-files)
    * [cruft.create_project](#cruftcreate_project)
  * [poetry](#poetry)
    * [poetry.install](#poetryinstall)
    * [poetry.update](#poetryupdate)
    * [poetry.update-to-latest](#poetryupdate-to-latest)
  * [pip](#pip)
    * [pip.install](#pipinstall)
    * [pip.compile](#pipcompile)
  * [mypy](#mypy)
    * [](#mypyrun)
  * [pytest](#pytest)
    * [](#pytestrun)
  * [secrets](#secrets)
    * [secrets.setup-env-credentials](#secretssetup-env-credentials)

## Installation

pip install saritasa-invocations

or if you are using [poetry](

poetry add saritasa-invocations

## Configuration

Configuration can be set in `` file.

Below is an example of config:

import invoke

import saritasa_invocations

ns = invoke.Collection(

# Configurations for run command
        "run": {
            "pty": True,
            "echo": True,
        "saritasa_invocations": saritasa_invocations.Config(
            # Default K8S Settings shared between envs

# For K8S settings you just need to create a instances of K8SSettings for each
# environnement. It'll be all collected automatically.

## Modules

### printing

While this module doesn't contain any invocations, it's used to print message
via `rich.panel.Panel`. There are three types:

* `print_success` - print message in green panel
* `print_warning` - print message in yellow panel
* `print_error` - print message in red panel

### system

#### system.copy-local-settings

Copies local template for settings into specified file


* `settings_template` path to settings template (Default: `config/settings/`)
* `save_settings_from_template_to` path to where save settings (Default: `config/settings/`)

#### system.copy-vscode-settings

Copies local template for vscode settings into `.vscode` folder


* `vs_code_settings_template` path to settings template (Default: `.vscode/recommended_settings.json`)

#### system.chown

Change ownership of files to user(current user by default).

Shortcut for owning apps dir by specified user after some files were
generated using docker-compose (migrations, new app, etc).

#### system.create-tmp-folder

Create folder for temporary files(`.tmp`).

### git

#### git.set-git-setting

Set git setting in config

#### git.setup

Preform setup of git:

* Install pre-commit hooks
* Set merge.ff
* Set pull.ff


* `merge_ff` setting value for `merge.ff` (Default: `false`)
* `pull_ff` setting value for `pull.ff` (Default: `only`)

#### git.clone-repo

Clone repo or pull latest changes to specified repo

#### git.blame-copy

Command for creating copies of a file with git blame history saving.

Original script written in bash [here](


  inv git.blame-copy <path to original file> <path to copy>,<path to copy>...

If `<path to copy>` is file, then data will be copied in it.

If `<path to copy>` is directory, then data will be copied in provided
directory with original name.


1) Remember current HEAD state
2) For each copy path:
    move file to copy path, restore file using `checkout`,
    remember result commits
3) Restore state of branch
4) Move file to temp file
5) Merge copy commits to branch
6) Move file to it's original path from temp file


* `copy_commit_template` template for commits created during command workflow
* `copy_init_message_template` template for init message printed at command start

Template variables:

* `action` - The copy algorithm consists of several intermediate actions
(creating temporary files, merging commits, etc.)
The `action` variable stores the header of the intermediate action.
* `original_path` - Contains value of first argument of the command
(path of original file that will be copied)
* `destination_paths` - Sequence of paths to which the original file will be copied
* `project_task` - project task that will be parsed from current git branch.
If no task found in branch, then will be empty

Default values for templates:

* `copy_commit_template`:

  "[automated-commit]: {action}\n\n"
  "copy: {original_path}\n"
  "to:\n* {destination_paths}\n\n"

* `copy_init_message_template`:

  "Copy {original_path} to:\n"
  "* {destination_paths}\n\n"
  "Count of created commits: {commits_count}"

### pre-commit

#### pre-commit.install

Install git hooks via pre-commit.


* `hooks` list of hooks to install (Default: `["pre-commit", "pre-push", "commit-msg"]`)


Run all hooks against all files.

#### pre-commit.update

Update pre-commit dependencies.

### docker


Build service image from docker compose

#### docker.buildpack

Build project via [pack-cli](


* `buildpack_builder` image tag of builder (Default: `paketobuildpacks/builder:base`)
* `buildpack_runner` image tag of runner (Default: `paketobuildpacks/run:base`)
* `build_image_tag` image tag of builder (Default: Name of project from `project_name`)
* `buildpack_requirements_path` path to folder with requirements (Default: `requirements`)

#### docker.stop-all-containers

Shortcut for stopping ALL running docker containers

#### docker.up

Bring up main containers and start them.


* `main_containers` image tag of builder (Default: `["postgres", "redis"]`)

#### docker.stop

Stop main containers.


* `main_containers` image tag of builder (Default: `["postgres", "redis"]`)

#### docker.clear

Stop and remove all containers defined in docker-compose. Also remove images.

### github-actions

#### github-actions.set-up-hosts

Add hosts to `/etc/hosts`.


* `hosts` image tag of builder (Default: see `docker-main-containers`)

### python

As of now we support two environments for python `local` and `docker`.

* `local` is a python that is located in your current virtualenv
* `docker` is python that is located inside your docker image of service (`python_docker_service`).

This was done to have ability to run code against environment close deployed one or simply test it out.

Example of usage

PYTHON_ENV=docker inv --command="--version"


Run python command depending on `PYTHON_ENV` variable(`docker` or `local`).


* `entry` python entry command (Default: `python`)
* `docker_service` python service name (Default: `web`)
* `docker_service_params` params for docker (Default: `--rm`)

### django

#### django.manage

Run `` with specified command.

This command also handle starting of required services and waiting DB to
be ready.

Requires [django_probes](


* `manage_file_path` path to `` file (Default: `./`)

#### django.makemigrations

Run `makemigrations` command and chown created migrations (only for docker env).

#### django.check_new_migrations

Check if there is new migrations or not. Result should be check via exit code.

#### django.migrate

Run `migrate` command.


* `migrate_command` migrate command (Default: `migrate`)

#### django.resetdb

Reset database to initial state (including test DB).

Requires [django-extensions](


* `settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)

#### django.createsuperuser

Create superuser.


* `default_superuser_email` default email of superuser.
if empty, will try to grab it from git config, before resorting to default (Default: `root@localhost`)
* `default_superuser_username` default username of superuser
if empty, will try to grab it from git config, before resorting to default (Default: `root`)
* `default_superuser_password` default password of superuser (Default: `root`)
* `verbose_email_name` verbose name for `email` field (Default: `Email address`)
* `verbose_username_name` verbose name for `username` field (Default: `Username`)
* `verbose_password_name` verbose name for `password` field (Default: `Password`)


* Values for `verbose_email_name`, `verbose_username_name`, `verbose_password_name`
should match with verbose names of model that used
[this setting](


Run development web-server.


* `runserver_docker_params` params for docker (Default: `--rm --service-ports`)
* `runserver_command` runserver command (Default: `runserver_plus`)
* `runserver_host` host of server (Default: ``)
* `runserver_port` port of server (Default: `8000`)
* `runserver_params` params for runserver command (Default: `""`)


Shortcut for shell command.


* `shell_command` command to start python shell (Default: `shell_plus --ipython`)

#### django.dbshell

Open database shell with credentials from current django settings.

#### django.recompile-messages

Generate and recompile translation messages.

Requires [gettext](


* `makemessages_params` params for makemessages command (Default: `--all --ignore venv`)
* `compilemessages_params` params for compilemessages command (Default: `""`)

#### django.load-db-dump

Reset db and load db dump.

Uses [resetdb](#djangoresetdb) and [load-db-dump](#dbload-db-dump)


* `django_settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)

#### django.backup-local-db

Back up local db.

Uses [backup_local_db](#dbbackup-local-db)


* `settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)

#### django.backup-remote-db

Make dump of remote db and download it.

Uses [create_dump](#db-k8screate-dump) and [get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump)


* `settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)
* `remote_db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config

      "dbname": "RDS_DB_NAME",
      "host": "RDS_DB_HOST",
      "port": "RDS_DB_PORT",
      "username": "RDS_DB_USER",
      "password": "RDS_DB_PASSWORD",

#### django.load-remote-db

Make dump of remote db and download it and apply to local db.

Uses [create_dump](#db-k8screate-dump) and [get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump) and


* `settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)

#### django.startapp

Create django app from a template using cookiecutter.


* `app_boilerplate_link` link to app template
* `app_template_directory` path to app template in project template (Default: `.`)
* `apps_path` path to apps folder in project (Default: `apps`)

#### django.wait-for-database

Launch docker compose and wait for database connection.

### fastapi


Run development web-server.


* `docker_params` params for docker (Default: `--rm --service-ports`)
* `uvicorn_command` uvicorn command (Default: `-m uvicorn`)
* `app` path to fastapi app (Default: `config:fastapi_app`)
* `host` host of server (Default: ``)
* `port` port of server (Default: `8000`)
* `params` params for uvicorn (Default: `--reload`)

### alembic


Run alembic command


* `command` alembic command (Default: `-m alembic`)
* `connect_attempts` numbers of attempts to connect to database (Default: `10`)

#### alembic.autogenerate

Generate migrations


* `migrations_folder` migrations files location (Default: `db/migrations/versions`)

#### alembic.upgrade

Upgrade database

#### alembic.downgrade

Downgrade database

#### alembic.check-for-migrations

Check if there any missing migrations to be generated

#### alembic.check-for-adjust-messages

Check migration files for adjust messages


* `migrations_folder` migrations files location (Default: `db/migrations/versions`)
* `adjust_messages` list of alembic adjust messages (Default: `# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###`, `# ### end Alembic commands ###`)

#### alembic.load-db-dump

Reset db and load db dump.

Uses [downgrade](#alembicdowngrade) and [load-db-dump](#dbload-db-dump)

Requires [python-decouple](

Installed with `[env_settings]`


* `db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config


    "dbname": "rds_db_name",
    "host": "rds_db_host",
    "port": "rds_db_port",
    "username": "rds_db_user",
    "password": "rds_db_password",

#### alembic.backup-local-db

Back up local db.

Uses [backup_local_db](#dbbackup-local-db)

Requires [python-decouple](

Installed with `[env_settings]`


* `db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config


    "dbname": "rds_db_name",
    "host": "rds_db_host",
    "port": "rds_db_port",
    "username": "rds_db_user",
    "password": "rds_db_password",

#### alembic.backup-remote-db

Make dump of remote db and download it.

Uses [create_dump](#db-k8screate-dump) and [get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump)

Requires [python-decouple](

Installed with `[env_settings]`


* `db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config


    "dbname": "rds_db_name",
    "host": "rds_db_host",
    "port": "rds_db_port",
    "username": "rds_db_user",
    "password": "rds_db_password",

#### alembic.load-remote-db

Make dump of remote db and download it and apply to local db.

Uses [create-dump](#db-k8screate-dump) and [get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump) and

Requires [python-decouple](

Installed with `[env_settings]`


* `db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config


    "dbname": "rds_db_name",
    "host": "rds_db_host",
    "port": "rds_db_port",
    "username": "rds_db_user",
    "password": "rds_db_password",

#### alembic.wait-for-database

Launch docker compose and wait for database connection.

### celery


Start celery worker.


* `app` path to app  (Default: ``)
* `scheduler` scheduler (Default: `django`)
* `loglevel` log level for celery (Default: `info`)
* `extra_params` extra params for worker (Default: `("--beat",)`)
* `local_cmd` command for celery (Default: `celery --app {app} worker --scheduler={scheduler} --loglevel={info} {extra_params}`)
* `service_name` name of celery service (Default: `celery`)

#### celery.send-task

Send task to celery worker.


* `app` path to app  (Default: ``)

### open-api

#### open-api.validate-swagger

Check that generated open_api spec is valid. This command uses
[drf-spectacular]( and
it's default validator. It creates spec file in ./tmp folder and then validates it.

### db

#### db.load-db-dump

Load db dump to local db.


* `load_dump_command` template for load command(Default located in `_config.pp > dbSettings`)
* `dump_filename` filename for dump (Default: `local_db_dump`)
* `load_additional_params` additional params for load command (Default: `--quite`)

#### db.backup-local-db

Back up local db.


* `dump_command` template for dump command (Default located in `_config.pp > dbSettings`)
* `dump_filename` filename for dump (Default: `local_db_dump`)
* `dump_additional_params` additional params for dump command (Default: `--no-owner`)

### k8s

For K8S settings you just need to create a instances of `K8SSettings` for each
environnement. It'll be all collected automatically.

#### k8s.login

Login into k8s via teleport.


* `proxy` teleport proxy (**REQUIRED**)
* `port` teleport port (Default: `443`)
* `auth` teleport auth method (Default: `github`)

#### k8s.set-context

Set k8s context to current project


* `namespace` namespace for k8s (Default: Name of project from `project_name`)

#### k8s.logs

Get logs for k8s pod


* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)

#### k8s.pods

Get pods from k8s.

#### k8s.execute

Execute command inside k8s pod.


* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)
* `default_entry` default entry cmd (Default: `/cnb/lifecycle/launcher bash`)

#### k8s.python-shell

Enter python shell inside k8s pod.


* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)
* `python_shell` shell cmd (Default: `shell_plus`)


Check health of component.


* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)
* `health_check` health check cmd (Default: `health_check`)


Download file from pod.

* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)

### db-k8s

While you probably won't use this module directly some other modules
commands are use it(getting remote db dump)

Make sure to set up these configs:

* `pod_namespace` db namespace (**REQUIRED**)
* `pod_selector` pod selector for db (**REQUIRED**)

#### db-k8s.create-dump

Execute dump command in db pod.


* `pod_namespace` db namespace (**REQUIRED**)
* `pod_selector` pod selector for db (**REQUIRED**)
* `get_pod_name_command` template for fetching db pod (Default located in `_config.pp > K8SdbSettings`)
* `dump_filename` default dump filename (Default: Name of project from `project_name` plus `_db_dump`)
* `dump_command` dump command template (Default located in `_config.pp > K8SDBSettings`)
* `dump_dir` folder where to put dump file (Default: `tmp`)
* `dump_additional_params` additional dump commands (Default: `--no-owner`)

#### db-k8s.get-dump

Download db data from db pod if it present


* `pod_namespace` db namespace (**REQUIRED**)
* `pod_selector` pod selector for db (**REQUIRED**)
* `get_pod_name_command` template for fetching db pod (Default located in `_config.pp > K8SDBSettings`)
* `dump_filename` default dump filename (Default: Name of project from `project_name` plus `_db_dump`)

### cruft

[Cruft]( is a tool used to synchronize changes
with cookiecutter based boilerplates.

#### cruft.check-for-cruft-files

Check that there are no cruft files (`*.rej`).

#### cruft.create_project

**Not invocation**, but a shortcut for creating cruft projects for testing

### poetry

#### poetry.install

Install dependencies via poetry.

#### poetry.update

Update dependencies with respect to
[version constraints](
using [poetry up plugin](

Fallbacks to `poetry update` in case of an error.

#### poetry.update-to-latest

Update dependencies to latest versions using
[poetry up plugin](

By default fallbacks to [`update`](#poetryupdate) task in case of an error.
Use `--no-fallback` to stop on error.

### pip

#### pip.install

Install dependencies via pip.


* `dependencies_folder` path to folder with dependencies files (Default: `requirements`)

#### pip.compile

Compile dependencies via


* `dependencies_folder` path to folder with dependencies files (Default: `requirements`)
* `in_files` sequence of `.in` files (Default: `""`, `""`)

### mypy


Run mypy in `path` with `params`.


* `mypy_entry` python entry command (Default: `-m mypy`)

### pytest


Run pytest in `path` with `params`.


* `pytest_entry` python entry command (Default: `-m pytest`)

### secrets

#### secrets.setup-env-credentials

Fill specified credentials in your file from k8s.
This invocations downloads `.env` file from pod in k8s.
It will replace specified credentials(`--credentials`) in
specified file `.env` file (`--env_file_path` or `.env` as default)

Requires [python-decouple](

Settings for k8s:

* `secret_file_path_in_pod` path to secret in pod (**REQUIRED**)
* `temp_secret_file_path` path for temporary file (Default: `.env.to_delete`)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "saritasa-invocations",
    "maintainer": "Stanislav Khlud",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.10",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "python, invoke",
    "author": "Saritasa",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# saritasa-invocations\n\n![GitHub Workflow Status (with event)](\n![PyPI](\n![PyPI - Status](\n![PyPI - Python Version](\n![PyPI - License](\n![PyPI - Downloads](\n[![Ruff](](\n\nCollection of [invoke]( commands used by Saritasa\n\n## Table of contents\n\n* [Installation](#installation)\n* [Configuration](#configuration)\n* [Modules](#modules)\n  * [printing](#printing)\n  * [system](#system)\n    * [system.copy-local-settings](#systemcopy-local-settings)\n    * [system.copy-vscode-settings](#systemcopy-vscode-settings)\n    * [system.chown](#systemchown)\n    * [system.create-tmp-folder](#systemcreate-tmp-folder)\n  * [git](#git)\n    * [git.set-git-setting](#gitset-git-setting)\n    * [git.setup](#gitsetup)\n    * [git.clone-repo](#gitclone-repo)\n  * [pre-commit](#pre-commit)\n    * [pre-commit.install](#pre-commitinstall)\n    * [](#pre-commitrun-hooks)\n    * [pre-commit.update](#pre-commitupdate)\n  * [docker](#docker)\n    * [](#dockerbuild-service)\n    * [docker.buildpack](#dockerbuildpack)\n    * [docker.stop-all-containers](#dockerstop-all-containers)\n    * [docker.up](#dockerup)\n    * [docker.stop](#dockerstop)\n    * [docker.clear](#dockerclear)\n  * [github-actions](#github-actions)\n    * [github-actions.set-up-hosts](#github-actionsset-up-hosts)\n  * [python](#python)\n    * [](#pythonrun)\n  * [django](#django)\n    * [django.manage](#djangomanage)\n    * [django.makemigrations](#djangomakemigrations)\n    * [django.migrate](#djangomigrate)\n    * [django.resetdb](#djangoresetdb)\n    * [django.createsuperuser](#djangocreatesuperuser)\n    * [](#djangorun)\n    * [](#djangoshell)\n    * [django.dbshell](#djangodbshell)\n    * [django.django.recompile-messages](#djangorecompile-messages)\n    * [django.load-db-dump](#djangoload-db-dump)\n    * [django.backup-local-db](#djangobackup-local-db)\n    * [django.backup-remote-db](#djangobackup-remote-db)\n    * [django.load-remote-db](#djangoload-remote-db)\n    * [django.wait-for-database](#djangowait-for-database)\n  * [fastapi](#fastapi)\n    * [](#fastapirun)\n  * [alembic](#alembic)\n    * [](#alembicrun)\n    * [alembic.autogenerate](#alembicautogenerate)\n    * [alembic.upgrade](#alembicupgrade)\n    * [alembic.downgrade](#alembicdowngrade)\n    * [alembic.check-for-migrations](#alembiccheck-for-migrations)\n    * [alembic.check-for-adjust-messages](#alembiccheck-for-adjust-messages)\n    * [alembic.load-db-dump](#alembicload-db-dump)\n    * [alembic.backup-local-db](#alembicbackup-local-db)\n    * [alembic.backup-remote-db](#alembicbackup-remote-db)\n    * [alembic.load-remote-db](#alembicload-remote-db)\n    * [alembic.wait-for-database](#alembicwait-for-database)\n  * [celery](#celery)\n    * [](#celeryrun)\n    * [celery.send-task](#celerysend-task)\n  * [open-api](#open-api)\n    * [open-api.validate-swagger](#open-apivalidate-swagger)\n  * [db](#db)\n    * [db.load-db-dump](#dbload-db-dump)\n    * [db.backup-local-db](#dbbackup-local-db)\n  * [k8s](#k8s)\n    * [k8s.login](#k8slogin)\n    * [k8s.set-context](#k8sset-context)\n    * [k8s.logs](#k8slogs)\n    * [k8s.pods](#k8spods)\n    * [k8s.execute](#k8sexecute)\n    * [k8s.python-shell](#k8spython-shell)\n    * [](#k8shealth-check)\n    * [](#k8sdownload-file)\n  * [db-k8s](#db-k8s)\n    * [db-k8s.create-dump](#db-k8screate-dump)\n    * [db-k8s.get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump)\n  * [cruft](#cruft)\n    * [cruft.check-for-cruft-files](#cruftcheck-for-cruft-files)\n    * [cruft.create_project](#cruftcreate_project)\n  * [poetry](#poetry)\n    * [poetry.install](#poetryinstall)\n    * [poetry.update](#poetryupdate)\n    * [poetry.update-to-latest](#poetryupdate-to-latest)\n  * [pip](#pip)\n    * [pip.install](#pipinstall)\n    * [pip.compile](#pipcompile)\n  * [mypy](#mypy)\n    * [](#mypyrun)\n  * [pytest](#pytest)\n    * [](#pytestrun)\n  * [secrets](#secrets)\n    * [secrets.setup-env-credentials](#secretssetup-env-credentials)\n\n## Installation\n\n```bash\npip install saritasa-invocations\n```\n\nor if you are using [poetry](\n\n```bash\npoetry add saritasa-invocations\n```\n\n## Configuration\n\nConfiguration can be set in `` file.\n\nBelow is an example of config:\n\n```python\nimport invoke\n\nimport saritasa_invocations\n\nns = invoke.Collection(\n    saritasa_invocations.docker,\n    saritasa_invocations.git,\n    saritasa_invocations.github_actions,\n    saritasa_invocations.pre_commit,\n    saritasa_invocations.system,\n)\n\n# Configurations for run command\nns.configure(\n    {\n        \"run\": {\n            \"pty\": True,\n            \"echo\": True,\n        },\n        \"saritasa_invocations\": saritasa_invocations.Config(\n            pre_commit=saritasa_invocations.PreCommitSettings(\n                hooks=(\n                    \"pre-commit\",\n                    \"pre-push\",\n                    \"commit-msg\",\n                )\n            ),\n            git=saritasa_invocations.GitSettings(\n                merge_ff=\"true\",\n                pull_ff=\"only\",\n            ),\n            docker=saritasa_invocations.DockerSettings(\n                main_containers=(\n                    \"opensearch\",\n                    \"redis\",\n                ),\n            ),\n            system=saritasa_invocations.SystemSettings(\n                vs_code_settings_template=\".vscode/recommended_settings.json\",\n                settings_template=\"config/.env.local\",\n                save_settings_from_template_to=\"config/.env\",\n            ),\n            # Default K8S Settings shared between envs\n            k8s_defaults=saritasa_invocations.K8SDefaultSettings(\n                proxy=\"\",\n                db_config=saritasa_invocations.K8SDBSettings(\n                    namespace=\"db\",\n                    pod_selector=\"app=pod-selector-db\",\n                ),\n            )\n        ),\n    },\n)\n\n# For K8S settings you just need to create a instances of K8SSettings for each\n# environnement. It'll be all collected automatically.\nsaritasa_invocations.K8SSettings(\n    name=\"dev\",\n    cluster=\"\",\n    namespace=\"project_name\",\n)\nsaritasa_invocations.K8SSettings(\n    name=\"prod\",\n    cluster=\"\",\n    namespace=\"project_name\",\n    proxy=\"\",\n)\n```\n\n## Modules\n\n### printing\n\nWhile this module doesn't contain any invocations, it's used to print message\nvia `rich.panel.Panel`. There are three types:\n\n* `print_success` - print message in green panel\n* `print_warning` - print message in yellow panel\n* `print_error` - print message in red panel\n\n### system\n\n#### system.copy-local-settings\n\nCopies local template for settings into specified file\n\nSettings:\n\n* `settings_template` path to settings template (Default: `config/settings/`)\n* `save_settings_from_template_to` path to where save settings (Default: `config/settings/`)\n\n#### system.copy-vscode-settings\n\nCopies local template for vscode settings into `.vscode` folder\n\nSettings:\n\n* `vs_code_settings_template` path to settings template (Default: `.vscode/recommended_settings.json`)\n\n#### system.chown\n\nChange ownership of files to user(current user by default).\n\nShortcut for owning apps dir by specified user after some files were\ngenerated using docker-compose (migrations, new app, etc).\n\n#### system.create-tmp-folder\n\nCreate folder for temporary files(`.tmp`).\n\n### git\n\n#### git.set-git-setting\n\nSet git setting in config\n\n#### git.setup\n\nPreform setup of git:\n\n* Install pre-commit hooks\n* Set merge.ff\n* Set pull.ff\n\nSettings:\n\n* `merge_ff` setting value for `merge.ff` (Default: `false`)\n* `pull_ff` setting value for `pull.ff` (Default: `only`)\n\n#### git.clone-repo\n\nClone repo or pull latest changes to specified repo\n\n#### git.blame-copy\n\nCommand for creating copies of a file with git blame history saving.\n\nOriginal script written in bash [here](\n\nUsage:\n\n```shell\n  inv git.blame-copy <path to original file> <path to copy>,<path to copy>...\n```\n\nIf `<path to copy>` is file, then data will be copied in it.\n\nIf `<path to copy>` is directory, then data will be copied in provided\ndirectory with original name.\n\nAlgorithm:\n\n1) Remember current HEAD state\n2) For each copy path:\n    move file to copy path, restore file using `checkout`,\n    remember result commits\n3) Restore state of branch\n4) Move file to temp file\n5) Merge copy commits to branch\n6) Move file to it's original path from temp file\n\nSettings:\n\n* `copy_commit_template` template for commits created during command workflow\n* `copy_init_message_template` template for init message printed at command start\n\nTemplate variables:\n\n* `action` - The copy algorithm consists of several intermediate actions\n(creating temporary files, merging commits, etc.)\nThe `action` variable stores the header of the intermediate action.\n* `original_path` - Contains value of first argument of the command\n(path of original file that will be copied)\n* `destination_paths` - Sequence of paths to which the original file will be copied\n* `project_task` - project task that will be parsed from current git branch.\nIf no task found in branch, then will be empty\n\nDefault values for templates:\n\n* `copy_commit_template`:\n\n```python\n  \"[automated-commit]: {action}\\n\\n\"\n  \"copy: {original_path}\\n\"\n  \"to:\\n* {destination_paths}\\n\\n\"\n  \"{project_task}\"\n```\n\n* `copy_init_message_template`:\n\n```python\n  \"Copy {original_path} to:\\n\"\n  \"* {destination_paths}\\n\\n\"\n  \"Count of created commits: {commits_count}\"\n```\n\n### pre-commit\n\n#### pre-commit.install\n\nInstall git hooks via pre-commit.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `hooks` list of hooks to install (Default: `[\"pre-commit\", \"pre-push\", \"commit-msg\"]`)\n\n####\n\nRun all hooks against all files.\n\n#### pre-commit.update\n\nUpdate pre-commit dependencies.\n\n### docker\n\n####\n\nBuild service image from docker compose\n\n#### docker.buildpack\n\nBuild project via [pack-cli](\n\nSettings:\n\n* `buildpack_builder` image tag of builder (Default: `paketobuildpacks/builder:base`)\n* `buildpack_runner` image tag of runner (Default: `paketobuildpacks/run:base`)\n* `build_image_tag` image tag of builder (Default: Name of project from `project_name`)\n* `buildpack_requirements_path` path to folder with requirements (Default: `requirements`)\n\n#### docker.stop-all-containers\n\nShortcut for stopping ALL running docker containers\n\n#### docker.up\n\nBring up main containers and start them.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `main_containers` image tag of builder (Default: `[\"postgres\", \"redis\"]`)\n\n#### docker.stop\n\nStop main containers.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `main_containers` image tag of builder (Default: `[\"postgres\", \"redis\"]`)\n\n#### docker.clear\n\nStop and remove all containers defined in docker-compose. Also remove images.\n\n### github-actions\n\n#### github-actions.set-up-hosts\n\nAdd hosts to `/etc/hosts`.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `hosts` image tag of builder (Default: see `docker-main-containers`)\n\n### python\n\nAs of now we support two environments for python `local` and `docker`.\n\n* `local` is a python that is located in your current virtualenv\n* `docker` is python that is located inside your docker image of service (`python_docker_service`).\n\nThis was done to have ability to run code against environment close deployed one or simply test it out.\n\nExample of usage\n\n```bash\nPYTHON_ENV=docker inv --command=\"--version\"\n```\n\n####\n\nRun python command depending on `PYTHON_ENV` variable(`docker` or `local`).\n\nSettings:\n\n* `entry` python entry command (Default: `python`)\n* `docker_service` python service name (Default: `web`)\n* `docker_service_params` params for docker (Default: `--rm`)\n\n### django\n\n#### django.manage\n\nRun `` with specified command.\n\nThis command also handle starting of required services and waiting DB to\nbe ready.\n\nRequires [django_probes](\n\nSettings:\n\n* `manage_file_path` path to `` file (Default: `./`)\n\n#### django.makemigrations\n\nRun `makemigrations` command and chown created migrations (only for docker env).\n\n#### django.check_new_migrations\n\nCheck if there is new migrations or not. Result should be check via exit code.\n\n#### django.migrate\n\nRun `migrate` command.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `migrate_command` migrate command (Default: `migrate`)\n\n#### django.resetdb\n\nReset database to initial state (including test DB).\n\nRequires [django-extensions](\n\nSettings:\n\n* `settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)\n\n#### django.createsuperuser\n\nCreate superuser.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `default_superuser_email` default email of superuser.\nif empty, will try to grab it from git config, before resorting to default (Default: `root@localhost`)\n* `default_superuser_username` default username of superuser\nif empty, will try to grab it from git config, before resorting to default (Default: `root`)\n* `default_superuser_password` default password of superuser (Default: `root`)\n* `verbose_email_name` verbose name for `email` field (Default: `Email address`)\n* `verbose_username_name` verbose name for `username` field (Default: `Username`)\n* `verbose_password_name` verbose name for `password` field (Default: `Password`)\n\nNote:\n\n* Values for `verbose_email_name`, `verbose_username_name`, `verbose_password_name`\nshould match with verbose names of model that used\n[this setting](\n\n####\n\nRun development web-server.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `runserver_docker_params` params for docker (Default: `--rm --service-ports`)\n* `runserver_command` runserver command (Default: `runserver_plus`)\n* `runserver_host` host of server (Default: ``)\n* `runserver_port` port of server (Default: `8000`)\n* `runserver_params` params for runserver command (Default: `\"\"`)\n\n####\n\nShortcut for shell command.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `shell_command` command to start python shell (Default: `shell_plus --ipython`)\n\n#### django.dbshell\n\nOpen database shell with credentials from current django settings.\n\n#### django.recompile-messages\n\nGenerate and recompile translation messages.\n\nRequires [gettext](\n\nSettings:\n\n* `makemessages_params` params for makemessages command (Default: `--all --ignore venv`)\n* `compilemessages_params` params for compilemessages command (Default: `\"\"`)\n\n#### django.load-db-dump\n\nReset db and load db dump.\n\nUses [resetdb](#djangoresetdb) and [load-db-dump](#dbload-db-dump)\n\nSettings:\n\n* `django_settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)\n\n#### django.backup-local-db\n\nBack up local db.\n\nUses [backup_local_db](#dbbackup-local-db)\n\nSettings:\n\n* `settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)\n\n#### django.backup-remote-db\n\nMake dump of remote db and download it.\n\nUses [create_dump](#db-k8screate-dump) and [get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump)\n\nSettings:\n\n* `settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)\n* `remote_db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config\n  Default:\n\n  ```python\n  {\n      \"dbname\": \"RDS_DB_NAME\",\n      \"host\": \"RDS_DB_HOST\",\n      \"port\": \"RDS_DB_PORT\",\n      \"username\": \"RDS_DB_USER\",\n      \"password\": \"RDS_DB_PASSWORD\",\n  }\n  ```\n\n#### django.load-remote-db\n\nMake dump of remote db and download it and apply to local db.\n\nUses [create_dump](#db-k8screate-dump) and [get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump) and\n[load-db-dump](#djangoload-db-dump)\n\nSettings:\n\n* `settings_path` default django settings (Default: `config.settings.local`)\n\n#### django.startapp\n\nCreate django app from a template using cookiecutter.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `app_boilerplate_link` link to app template\n* `app_template_directory` path to app template in project template (Default: `.`)\n* `apps_path` path to apps folder in project (Default: `apps`)\n\n#### django.wait-for-database\n\nLaunch docker compose and wait for database connection.\n\n### fastapi\n\n####\n\nRun development web-server.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `docker_params` params for docker (Default: `--rm --service-ports`)\n* `uvicorn_command` uvicorn command (Default: `-m uvicorn`)\n* `app` path to fastapi app (Default: `config:fastapi_app`)\n* `host` host of server (Default: ``)\n* `port` port of server (Default: `8000`)\n* `params` params for uvicorn (Default: `--reload`)\n\n### alembic\n\n####\n\nRun alembic command\n\nSettings:\n\n* `command` alembic command (Default: `-m alembic`)\n* `connect_attempts` numbers of attempts to connect to database (Default: `10`)\n\n#### alembic.autogenerate\n\nGenerate migrations\n\nSettings:\n\n* `migrations_folder` migrations files location (Default: `db/migrations/versions`)\n\n#### alembic.upgrade\n\nUpgrade database\n\n#### alembic.downgrade\n\nDowngrade database\n\n#### alembic.check-for-migrations\n\nCheck if there any missing migrations to be generated\n\n#### alembic.check-for-adjust-messages\n\nCheck migration files for adjust messages\n\nSettings:\n\n* `migrations_folder` migrations files location (Default: `db/migrations/versions`)\n* `adjust_messages` list of alembic adjust messages (Default: `# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###`, `# ### end Alembic commands ###`)\n\n#### alembic.load-db-dump\n\nReset db and load db dump.\n\nUses [downgrade](#alembicdowngrade) and [load-db-dump](#dbload-db-dump)\n\nRequires [python-decouple](\n\nInstalled with `[env_settings]`\n\nSettings:\n\n* `db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config\n\n  Default:\n\n  ```python\n  {\n    \"dbname\": \"rds_db_name\",\n    \"host\": \"rds_db_host\",\n    \"port\": \"rds_db_port\",\n    \"username\": \"rds_db_user\",\n    \"password\": \"rds_db_password\",\n  }\n  ```\n\n#### alembic.backup-local-db\n\nBack up local db.\n\nUses [backup_local_db](#dbbackup-local-db)\n\nRequires [python-decouple](\n\nInstalled with `[env_settings]`\n\nSettings:\n\n* `db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config\n\n  Default:\n\n  ```python\n  {\n    \"dbname\": \"rds_db_name\",\n    \"host\": \"rds_db_host\",\n    \"port\": \"rds_db_port\",\n    \"username\": \"rds_db_user\",\n    \"password\": \"rds_db_password\",\n  }\n  ```\n\n#### alembic.backup-remote-db\n\nMake dump of remote db and download it.\n\nUses [create_dump](#db-k8screate-dump) and [get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump)\n\nRequires [python-decouple](\n\nInstalled with `[env_settings]`\n\nSettings:\n\n* `db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config\n\n  Default:\n\n  ```python\n  {\n    \"dbname\": \"rds_db_name\",\n    \"host\": \"rds_db_host\",\n    \"port\": \"rds_db_port\",\n    \"username\": \"rds_db_user\",\n    \"password\": \"rds_db_password\",\n  }\n  ```\n\n#### alembic.load-remote-db\n\nMake dump of remote db and download it and apply to local db.\n\nUses [create-dump](#db-k8screate-dump) and [get-dump](#db-k8sget-dump) and\n[load-db-dump](#alembicload-db-dump)\n\nRequires [python-decouple](\n\nInstalled with `[env_settings]`\n\nSettings:\n\n* `db_config_mapping` Mapping of db config\n\n  Default:\n\n  ```python\n  {\n    \"dbname\": \"rds_db_name\",\n    \"host\": \"rds_db_host\",\n    \"port\": \"rds_db_port\",\n    \"username\": \"rds_db_user\",\n    \"password\": \"rds_db_password\",\n  }\n  ```\n\n#### alembic.wait-for-database\n\nLaunch docker compose and wait for database connection.\n\n### celery\n\n####\n\nStart celery worker.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `app` path to app  (Default: ``)\n* `scheduler` scheduler (Default: `django`)\n* `loglevel` log level for celery (Default: `info`)\n* `extra_params` extra params for worker (Default: `(\"--beat\",)`)\n* `local_cmd` command for celery (Default: `celery --app {app} worker --scheduler={scheduler} --loglevel={info} {extra_params}`)\n* `service_name` name of celery service (Default: `celery`)\n\n#### celery.send-task\n\nSend task to celery worker.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `app` path to app  (Default: ``)\n\n### open-api\n\n#### open-api.validate-swagger\n\nCheck that generated open_api spec is valid. This command uses\n[drf-spectacular]( and\nit's default validator. It creates spec file in ./tmp folder and then validates it.\n\n### db\n\n#### db.load-db-dump\n\nLoad db dump to local db.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `load_dump_command` template for load command(Default located in `_config.pp > dbSettings`)\n* `dump_filename` filename for dump (Default: `local_db_dump`)\n* `load_additional_params` additional params for load command (Default: `--quite`)\n\n#### db.backup-local-db\n\nBack up local db.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `dump_command` template for dump command (Default located in `_config.pp > dbSettings`)\n* `dump_filename` filename for dump (Default: `local_db_dump`)\n* `dump_additional_params` additional params for dump command (Default: `--no-owner`)\n\n### k8s\n\nFor K8S settings you just need to create a instances of `K8SSettings` for each\nenvironnement. It'll be all collected automatically.\n\n#### k8s.login\n\nLogin into k8s via teleport.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `proxy` teleport proxy (**REQUIRED**)\n* `port` teleport port (Default: `443`)\n* `auth` teleport auth method (Default: `github`)\n\n#### k8s.set-context\n\nSet k8s context to current project\n\nSettings:\n\n* `namespace` namespace for k8s (Default: Name of project from `project_name`)\n\n#### k8s.logs\n\nGet logs for k8s pod\n\nSettings:\n\n* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)\n\n#### k8s.pods\n\nGet pods from k8s.\n\n#### k8s.execute\n\nExecute command inside k8s pod.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)\n* `default_entry` default entry cmd (Default: `/cnb/lifecycle/launcher bash`)\n\n#### k8s.python-shell\n\nEnter python shell inside k8s pod.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)\n* `python_shell` shell cmd (Default: `shell_plus`)\n\n####\n\nCheck health of component.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)\n* `health_check` health check cmd (Default: `health_check`)\n\n####\n\nDownload file from pod.\n\n* `default_component` default component (Default: `backend`)\n\n### db-k8s\n\nWhile you probably won't use this module directly some other modules\ncommands are use it(getting remote db dump)\n\nMake sure to set up these configs:\n\n* `pod_namespace` db namespace (**REQUIRED**)\n* `pod_selector` pod selector for db (**REQUIRED**)\n\n#### db-k8s.create-dump\n\nExecute dump command in db pod.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `pod_namespace` db namespace (**REQUIRED**)\n* `pod_selector` pod selector for db (**REQUIRED**)\n* `get_pod_name_command` template for fetching db pod (Default located in `_config.pp > K8SdbSettings`)\n* `dump_filename` default dump filename (Default: Name of project from `project_name` plus `_db_dump`)\n* `dump_command` dump command template (Default located in `_config.pp > K8SDBSettings`)\n* `dump_dir` folder where to put dump file (Default: `tmp`)\n* `dump_additional_params` additional dump commands (Default: `--no-owner`)\n\n#### db-k8s.get-dump\n\nDownload db data from db pod if it present\n\nSettings:\n\n* `pod_namespace` db namespace (**REQUIRED**)\n* `pod_selector` pod selector for db (**REQUIRED**)\n* `get_pod_name_command` template for fetching db pod (Default located in `_config.pp > K8SDBSettings`)\n* `dump_filename` default dump filename (Default: Name of project from `project_name` plus `_db_dump`)\n\n### cruft\n\n[Cruft]( is a tool used to synchronize changes\nwith cookiecutter based boilerplates.\n\n#### cruft.check-for-cruft-files\n\nCheck that there are no cruft files (`*.rej`).\n\n#### cruft.create_project\n\n**Not invocation**, but a shortcut for creating cruft projects for testing\nboilerplates\n\n### poetry\n\n#### poetry.install\n\nInstall dependencies via poetry.\n\n#### poetry.update\n\nUpdate dependencies with respect to\n[version constraints](\nusing [poetry up plugin](\n\nFallbacks to `poetry update` in case of an error.\n\n#### poetry.update-to-latest\n\nUpdate dependencies to latest versions using\n[poetry up plugin](\n\nBy default fallbacks to [`update`](#poetryupdate) task in case of an error.\nUse `--no-fallback` to stop on error.\n\n### pip\n\n#### pip.install\n\nInstall dependencies via pip.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `dependencies_folder` path to folder with dependencies files (Default: `requirements`)\n\n#### pip.compile\n\nCompile dependencies via\n[pip-compile](\n\nSettings:\n\n* `dependencies_folder` path to folder with dependencies files (Default: `requirements`)\n* `in_files` sequence of `.in` files (Default: `\"\"`, `\"\"`)\n\n### mypy\n\n####\n\nRun mypy in `path` with `params`.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `mypy_entry` python entry command (Default: `-m mypy`)\n\n### pytest\n\n####\n\nRun pytest in `path` with `params`.\n\nSettings:\n\n* `pytest_entry` python entry command (Default: `-m pytest`)\n\n### secrets\n\n#### secrets.setup-env-credentials\n\nFill specified credentials in your file from k8s.\nThis invocations downloads `.env` file from pod in k8s.\nIt will replace specified credentials(`--credentials`) in\nspecified file `.env` file (`--env_file_path` or `.env` as default)\n\nRequires [python-decouple](\n\nSettings for k8s:\n\n* `secret_file_path_in_pod` path to secret in pod (**REQUIRED**)\n* `temp_secret_file_path` path for temporary file (Default: `.env.to_delete`)\n",
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    "summary": "Collection of invoke commands used by Saritasa",
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