
Namesecrules-parsing JSON
Version 0.2.10 PyPI version JSON
SummaryModSecurity DSL Parser package using textX
upload_time2024-05-29 21:13:44
authorFelipe Zipitria
keywords secrule modsecurity parser textx
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # OWASP CRS Rules parser

Incomplete parser model and sample application for parsing [Core Rule Set]( written in the ModSecurity DSL SecRule language. It uses the python library [textX]( for parsing.

## How to use it (CLI):

1. Install dependencies
    Dependencies can be installed system-wide, or just for your user (using `--user`).

    sudo pip install secrules-parsing
    pip install --user secrules-parsing

2. Execute `secrules-parser` specifying the location of the files you want to scan using the -f/--files argument. This takes wildcards or individual files.
   `$ secrules-parser -c -f /owasp-crs/rules/*.conf`

3. Add flags to accomplish needed tasks:

 - -h, --help:
    * *Description:* show the help message and exit
    * *Example:* `$ secrules-parser -h`

 - -r, --regex:
    * *Description:* Extract regular expressions from rules file
    * *Example:*
    $ secrules-parser --regex -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf
    {"/owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf": [{"920100": ["^(?i:(?:[a-z]{3,10}\\s+(?:\\w{3,7}?://[\\w\\-\\./]*(?::\\d+)?)?/[^?#]*(?:\\?[^#\\s]*)?(?:#[\\S]*)?|connect (?:\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}\\.?(?::\\d+)?|options \\*)\\s+[\\w\\./]+|get /[^?#]*(?:\\?[^#\\s]*)?(?:#[\\S]*)?)$"]}, {"920120": ["(?<!&(?:[aAoOuUyY]uml)|&(?:[aAeEiIoOuU]circ)|&(?:[eEiIoOuUyY]acute)|&(?:[aAeEiIoOuU]grave)|&(?:[cC]cedil)|&(?:[aAnNoO]tilde)|&(?:amp)|&(?:apos));|['\\\"=]"]}, {"920160": ["^\\d+$"]}, {"920170": ["^(?:GET|HEAD)$"]}, {"920171": ["^(?:GET|HEAD)$"]}, {"920180": ["^POST$"]}, {"920190": ["(\\d+)\\-(\\d+)\\,"]}, {"920210": ["\\b(?:keep-alive|close),\\s?(?:keep-alive|close)\\b"]}, {"920220": ["\\%(?:(?!$|\\W)|[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})"]}, {"920240": ["^(?:application\\/x-www-form-urlencoded|text\\/xml)(?:;(?:\\s?charset\\s?=\\s?[\\w\\d\\-]{1,18})?)??$"]}, {"920260": ["\\%u[fF]{2}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"]}, {"920290": ["^$"]}, {"920310": ["^$"]}, {"920311": ["^$"]}, {"920330": ["^$"]}, {"920340": ["^0$"]}, {"920350": ["^[\\d.:]+$"]}, {"920420": ["^(?:GET|HEAD|PROPFIND|OPTIONS)$"]}, {"920440": ["\\.(.*)$"]}, {"920450": ["^.*$"]}, {"920200": ["^bytes=(?:(?:\\d+)?\\-(?:\\d+)?\\s*,?\\s*){6}"]}, {"920230": ["\\%((?!$|\\W)|[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})"]}, {"920121": ["['\\\";=]"]}, {"920460": ["(?<!\\Q\\\\\\E)\\Q\\\\\\E[cdeghijklmpqwxyz123456789]"]}]}

 * -c, --correctness:
    * *Description:* Check the validity of the syntax
    * *Example:*
    $ secrules-parser -c -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf
    Syntax OK: ../../../rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf

 * -v, --verbose
    * *Description:* Print verbose messages
    * *Example:*
    $ secrules-parser -c -v -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf

 * -o FILE, --output FILE
    * *Description:* Output results to file
    * *Example:*
    $ secrules-parser -c -o out.json -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf    

 * --output-type github | plain
    * *Description:* Desired output format. Useful if running from Github Actions and you want annotated output
    * *Example:*
    $ secrules-parser -c --output-type github -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf

## How to use it (API):

### process_rules(list files)
Takes a list of file path's and returns models
import glob
import os
from secrules_parsing import parser

# Extract all of our pathing
files = glob.glob("../../rules/*.conf")
# Pass absolute paths because of module location
files = [os.path.abspath(path) for path in files]
models = parser.process_rules(files)

### get_correctness(list files, list models)
import glob
import os
from secrules_parsing import parser

# Extract all of our pathing
files = glob.glob("../../rules/*.conf")
# Pass absolute paths because of module location
files = [os.path.abspath(path) for path in files]
models = parser.process_rules(files)
parser.get_correctness(files, models)

## Development

If you want to modify this module, follow these steps:
1. Clone this repository: `git clone`
1. Do not forget to install dependencies using [poetry]( `poetry install` first!
1. Edit and change the files you want.
1. Write tests! Tests are in the `tests` subdirectory
1. Create a PR [here](, and ask for review!

## Misc

To visualize the syntax tree, use:

textx visualize secrules.tx
dot -Tpng -O

Then review the generated PNG!

Please file an [issue]( if you find a bug or you want some feature added.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "secrules-parsing",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "secrule, modsecurity, parser, textX",
    "author": "Felipe Zipitria",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# OWASP CRS Rules parser\n\nIncomplete parser model and sample application for parsing [Core Rule Set]( written in the ModSecurity DSL SecRule language. It uses the python library [textX]( for parsing.\n\n## How to use it (CLI):\n\n1. Install dependencies\n    Dependencies can be installed system-wide, or just for your user (using `--user`).\n\n    System-wide:\n    ```shell\n    sudo pip install secrules-parsing\n    ```\n    User:\n    ```shell\n    pip install --user secrules-parsing\n    ```\n\n2. Execute `secrules-parser` specifying the location of the files you want to scan using the -f/--files argument. This takes wildcards or individual files.\n   `$ secrules-parser -c -f /owasp-crs/rules/*.conf`\n\n3. Add flags to accomplish needed tasks:\n\n - -h, --help:\n    * *Description:* show the help message and exit\n    * *Example:* `$ secrules-parser -h`\n\n - -r, --regex:\n    * *Description:* Extract regular expressions from rules file\n    * *Example:*\n    ```\n    $ secrules-parser --regex -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf\n    {\"/owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf\": [{\"920100\": [\"^(?i:(?:[a-z]{3,10}\\\\s+(?:\\\\w{3,7}?://[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\./]*(?::\\\\d+)?)?/[^?#]*(?:\\\\?[^#\\\\s]*)?(?:#[\\\\S]*)?|connect (?:\\\\d{1,3}\\\\.){3}\\\\d{1,3}\\\\.?(?::\\\\d+)?|options \\\\*)\\\\s+[\\\\w\\\\./]+|get /[^?#]*(?:\\\\?[^#\\\\s]*)?(?:#[\\\\S]*)?)$\"]}, {\"920120\": [\"(?<!&(?:[aAoOuUyY]uml)|&(?:[aAeEiIoOuU]circ)|&(?:[eEiIoOuUyY]acute)|&(?:[aAeEiIoOuU]grave)|&(?:[cC]cedil)|&(?:[aAnNoO]tilde)|&(?:amp)|&(?:apos));|['\\\\\\\"=]\"]}, {\"920160\": [\"^\\\\d+$\"]}, {\"920170\": [\"^(?:GET|HEAD)$\"]}, {\"920171\": [\"^(?:GET|HEAD)$\"]}, {\"920180\": [\"^POST$\"]}, {\"920190\": [\"(\\\\d+)\\\\-(\\\\d+)\\\\,\"]}, {\"920210\": [\"\\\\b(?:keep-alive|close),\\\\s?(?:keep-alive|close)\\\\b\"]}, {\"920220\": [\"\\\\%(?:(?!$|\\\\W)|[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})\"]}, {\"920240\": [\"^(?:application\\\\/x-www-form-urlencoded|text\\\\/xml)(?:;(?:\\\\s?charset\\\\s?=\\\\s?[\\\\w\\\\d\\\\-]{1,18})?)??$\"]}, {\"920260\": [\"\\\\%u[fF]{2}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}\"]}, {\"920290\": [\"^$\"]}, {\"920310\": [\"^$\"]}, {\"920311\": [\"^$\"]}, {\"920330\": [\"^$\"]}, {\"920340\": [\"^0$\"]}, {\"920350\": [\"^[\\\\d.:]+$\"]}, {\"920420\": [\"^(?:GET|HEAD|PROPFIND|OPTIONS)$\"]}, {\"920440\": [\"\\\\.(.*)$\"]}, {\"920450\": [\"^.*$\"]}, {\"920200\": [\"^bytes=(?:(?:\\\\d+)?\\\\-(?:\\\\d+)?\\\\s*,?\\\\s*){6}\"]}, {\"920230\": [\"\\\\%((?!$|\\\\W)|[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})\"]}, {\"920121\": [\"['\\\\\\\";=]\"]}, {\"920460\": [\"(?<!\\\\Q\\\\\\\\\\\\E)\\\\Q\\\\\\\\\\\\E[cdeghijklmpqwxyz123456789]\"]}]}\n    ```\n\n * -c, --correctness:\n    * *Description:* Check the validity of the syntax\n    * *Example:*\n    ```\n    $ secrules-parser -c -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf\n    Syntax OK: ../../../rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf\n    ```\n\n * -v, --verbose\n    * *Description:* Print verbose messages\n    * *Example:*\n    ```\n    $ secrules-parser -c -v -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf\n    ...\n    ```\n\n * -o FILE, --output FILE\n    * *Description:* Output results to file\n    * *Example:*\n    ```\n    $ secrules-parser -c -o out.json -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf    \n    ```\n\n * --output-type github | plain\n    * *Description:* Desired output format. Useful if running from Github Actions and you want annotated output\n    * *Example:*\n    ```\n    $ secrules-parser -c --output-type github -f /owasp-crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf\n    ```\n\n## How to use it (API):\n\n### process_rules(list files)\nTakes a list of file path's and returns models\n```python\nimport glob\nimport os\nfrom secrules_parsing import parser\n\n# Extract all of our pathing\nfiles = glob.glob(\"../../rules/*.conf\")\n# Pass absolute paths because of module location\nfiles = [os.path.abspath(path) for path in files]\nmodels = parser.process_rules(files)\n```\n\n### get_correctness(list files, list models)\n```python\nimport glob\nimport os\nfrom secrules_parsing import parser\n\n# Extract all of our pathing\nfiles = glob.glob(\"../../rules/*.conf\")\n# Pass absolute paths because of module location\nfiles = [os.path.abspath(path) for path in files]\nmodels = parser.process_rules(files)\nparser.get_correctness(files, models)\n```\n\n## Development\n\nIf you want to modify this module, follow these steps:\n1. Clone this repository: `git clone`\n1. Do not forget to install dependencies using [poetry]( `poetry install` first!\n1. Edit and change the files you want.\n1. Write tests! Tests are in the `tests` subdirectory\n1. Create a PR [here](, and ask for review!\n\n## Misc\n\nTo visualize the syntax tree, use:\n\n```\ntextx visualize secrules.tx\ndot -Tpng -O\n```\n\nThen review the generated PNG!\n\nPlease file an [issue]( if you find a bug or you want some feature added.\n",
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    "license": "Apache-2.0",
    "summary": "ModSecurity DSL Parser package using textX",
    "version": "0.2.10",
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        "Documentation": "",
        "Homepage": "",
        "Repository": ""
    "split_keywords": [
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        " parser",
        " textx"
    "urls": [
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    "requirements": [],
    "lcname": "secrules-parsing"
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