# shooju
_shooju_ is the official python client library for [Shooju](http://shooju.com) with the following features:
- Authentication via username and api key
- Getting series points and fields
- Registering import jobs and writing and removing points and fields
# Installation
Install with:
pip install shooju
To install from source, use:
python setup.py install
# Basic Usage
>>> from shooju import Connection, sid, Point
>>> from datetime import date
>>> conn = Connection(server = <API_SERVER>, user = <USERNAME>, api_key = <API_KEY>)
>>> series_id = sid("users", <USERNAME>, "china", "population")
>>> series_query = 'sid="{}"'.format(series_id)
>>> with conn.register_job('China Pop.') as job:
>>> job.write(series_query, fields={"unit": "millions"}, points=[Point(date(2012, 1, 1), 314.3)])
>>> series = conn.get_series('sid="{}"'.format(series_id), fields=['unit'],
max_points=1, df=date(2012, 1, 1), dt=date(2012, 1, 1))
>>> print(series['points'][0].value)
>>> print(series['fields']['unit'])
#Code samples
Code samples are in the usage_samples/ directory. You will need to replace your user and server settings in usage_samples/sample_settings.py.
# Tutorial
## Connecting to Shooju
The first step when working with _shooju_ is to connect to Shooju using your **username** and **API key** or **google account email** and **google auth refresh token**. To authenticate with Shooju username and API key, find they api key in the accounts section of [Shooju.com](http://shooju.com)). You should also supply the server you are using:
>>> from shooju import Connection
>>> conn = Connection(server = API_SERVER, username = USERNAME, api_key = API_KEY)
`Connection` accepts optional `requests_session` parameter of `requests.Session` type:
>>> import requests
>>> session = requests.Session()
>>> sj = Connection(API_SERVER, USERNAME, API_KEY, requests_session=session)
To retrieve the Google OAuth refresh token, follow these steps:
>>> from shooju import Client, Connection
>>> client = Client(API_SERVER, base_path="/api/1")
>>> oauth_link = client.get('/auth/google_refresh_token')['link']
Open the oauth link in a web browser and copy the CODE, then use the following to retrieve the refresh token:
>>> refresh_token = client.post('/auth/google_refresh_token', data_json={'code': CODE})['refresh_token']
## Shooju Series Representation
The basic data building block in Shooju is the **series** (i.e. time series), and each **series** is identified by a **series id**. A **series id** is a path-like string delimited by **\\** characters. The path helps keep data series organized into folder-like structures. By default, each user can write into the id space **users\\your_username\\\* **. So if I'm Sam and I want to import my GDP forecasts, I might use the series id **users\\sam\\china\\gdp**. To help put the string together you can use a helper function like so:
>>> from shooju import sid
>>> series_id = sid("users","sam","china","gdp")
>>> print(series_id)
## Writing Data
To write data, first register a **job** with Shooju:
>>> job = conn.register_job("My description")
To write a data point onto Shooju, we first instantiate a **Point** object and specify the datetime and float value:
>>> from datetime import date
>>> from shooju import Point
>>> series_id = sid("users", USERNAME, "gdp", "china")
>>> series_query = 'sid="{}"'.format(series_id)
>>> points = []
>>> for i in range(1,28):
>>> points.append(Point(date(2010+i, 1, 1), i))
>>> job.write(series_query, points=points)
Shooju also stores field/value data for each series. This is commonly used to store meta-data such as source, unit, notes, etc. To write fields into Shooju use:
>>> job.write(series_query, fields={'source': 'Sam analysis', 'unit': 'US$bn'})
By default, **write()** call send data to Shooju immediately. When making many **write()** calls, it is recommended to queue **write()** calls and submit them in batches. This is done by specifying a **batch_size** when registering the job:
>>> job = conn.register_job("another job", batch_size = 500)
>>> series_id = sid("users", USERNAME, "gdp", "germany")
>>> series_query = 'sid="{}"'.format(series_id)
>>> points = []
>>> for i in range(1,28):
>>> points.append(Point(date(2010+i, 1, 1), i))
>>> job.write(series_query, fields={'source': 'My analysis', 'unit', 'US$bn'}, points=points)
>>> job.submit() #NOTE: otherwise nothing would happen!
The job object can be used as a context manager. The below two snippets are equivalent:
>>> job = conn.register_job("another job", batch_size = 500)
>>> job.write(series_query, fields={'unit': 'US$bn'})
>>> job.submit()
>>> with conn.register_job("another job", batch_size = 500) as job:
>>> job.write(series_query, fields={'unit': 'US$bn'})
To delete a single series, use:
>>> with conn.register_job("another job", batch_size = 500) as job:
>>> job.delete_series('sid={}'.format(series_id))
to delete many series by a query, use:
>>> with conn.register_job("another job", batch_size = 500) as job:
>>> job.delete_series('sid:data', one=False)
## Getting Data
To read a single series data use **get_series()** function. The function returns a dict with `series_id`, `points` and `fields` keys. `points` and `fields` may be omitted if no points/fields were returned.
By default the function does not fetch points/fields.
To get an array of points pass the following parameters: `df` (date from), `dt` (date to) and `max_points`. Note that `df` and `dt` arguments are optional, but `max_points` is required when fetching points because the default value is 0:
>>> from datetime import date
>>> series = conn.get_series(u'sid="{}"'.format(series_id), df=date(2011,1,1), dt=date(2020,1,1), max_points=-1)
>>> print(series['points'][0].date, ser['points'][0].value)
2012-01-01 00:00:00 1.0
As noted above get_series() doesn't fetch points by default. To fetch points explicitly set `max_points` (must be integer greater than 0). To fetch ALL points set `max_points` to a special value `-1`:
>>> print(conn.get_series(u'sid="{}"'.format(series_id), df=date(2011,1,1), max_points=1)['points'].value)
To get field values, use:
>>> print(conn.get_series('sid="{}".format(series_id), fields=["unit"]))['fields']['unit']
To get all of the fields for a given series pass '*' in the `fields` parameter:
>>> print conn.get_series(u'sid="{}"'.format(series_id), fields=['*'])['points']['fields']
{"unit":"US$bn", "source":"usa"}
To get some of the fields under given series, use:
>>> print conn.get_fields(u'sid="{}"'.format(series_id), fields=["source"])
## Getting multiple data at once (multi-get)
By default, each **get_series()** call makes one blocking API request. If we were to make all the calls in the getting data example above, we would be making 5 API calls. Shooju API supports multiple get requests via the BULK API, which is much more efficient if we intend to make multiple requests.
To initialize a muti-get request:
>>> mget = conn.mget()
Now we can use **get_series()*** function. Keep in mind that the function does not return the data, but instead queues the requests for fetching. We can reproduce the **get_series()*** requests introduced above:
>>> series_query = u'sid="{}"'.format(series_id)
>>> mget.get_series(series_query, df=date(2011,1,1), dt=date(2020,1,1), max_points=-1)
>>> mget.get_series(series_query, df=date(2011,1,1), max_points=1)
>>> mget.get_series(series_query, fields=["unit"])
>>> mget.get_series(series_query, fields=["*""])
>>> mget.get_fields(series_query, fields=["source"])
To get an array containing the results in the order that the **get\_\*** requests were called:
>>> result = mget.fetch()
>>> print result[2]['fields']
## Scroll
To fetch a big number of series by a given query use `scroll()`. This function accepts the same points/fields related parameters as `get_series()`:
>>> for s in conn.scroll('sid:users\\me', fields=['unit'], max_points=-1, df=date(2001, 1, 1)):
>>> print('sid: {} points: {} fields: {}'.format(s['series_id'], s.get('points'), s.get('fields')))
## Points serializers
By default `get_series` and `scroll` return points represented as a list of `shooju.Point` objects. This behaviour can be changed by using `shooju.points_serializers`.
>>> from shooju import points_serializers as ps
>>> ser = conn.get_series(u'sid="{}"'.format(series_id), max_points=-1, serializer=ps.pd_series)
>>> print(ser['points'])
1980-01-01 12.0
dtype: float64
Supported serializers:
- `milli_tuple` - an array of date milli and value tuples.
- `pd_series` - pandas.Series where date represented as `DatetimeIndex`.
- `pd_series_localized` - the same is above but `DatetimeIndex` is localized if `@localize` operator was used.
- `np_array` - a Numpy array.
## Generating a pandas.DataFrame from Shooju series data (get_df)
To generate a pandas.DataFrame from series query use `get_df()`. This function has a private parameter `series_axis`, which is used to set series position on DataFrame - the default `rows` or `columns`. Beside that, `get_df()` accepts the same points/fields related parameters as `get_series()` and `scroll()`.
Generates pandas.DataFrame with fields as columns and series as rows.
>>> df = conn.get_df('sid:users\\me', fields=['*'])
>>> print(df)
series_id unit description
0 users\me\unit-a unit A Unit A
1 users\me\unit-b unit B Unit B
3 users\me\unit-c unit C Unit C
To generate DataFrame with series values as columns and points as rows, pass the parameter `series_axis='columns'`. If specific fields are passed, the values will define the DataFrame indexes joined by the character `'/'`.
>>> df = conn.get_df('sid:users\\me', fields=['unit', 'description'], series_axis='columns', max_points=-1)
>>> print(df)
unit A/Unit A unit B/Unit B ... unit Z/Unit Z
2000-04-03 20.50 31.50 ... 34.20
2000-04-04 32.25 20.50 ... 36.00
2000-04-05 31.25 40.50 ... 46.50
`get_df()` always returns localized DataFrame. By default it's in UTC, but if `@localized:<tz>` operator applied, it will be in `<tz>`. To convert DataFrame's index to naive use `df.tz_localize(None)`.
## REST Client
To use other APIs, use the configured REST client in Connection:
>>> from shooju import Connection
>>> conn = Connection(username = USERNAME, api_key = API_KEY, server = API_SERVER)
>>> conn.raw.get('/teams')
>>> conn.raw.post('/teams/myteam/', data_json={'description': 'my description'})
To send url parameters, use the `params` argument:
>>> conn.raw.get('/series', params={'series_id': r'user\series\s1'}
## Change log
- Added `no_history` param to `Connection.register_job`
- Minor improvements
- BREAKING CHANGE: Switched `mode` argument for `get_reported_dates` to `all` ( fetches both points and fields reported dates )
- Added the ability to pass `pandas.Series` to `job.write`
- `Connection.scroll` extra params improvements
- Updated for compatibility with NumPy 1.24
- `Connection.scroll` improvements. Now returns a ScrollIterable object which has a `raw_response` property which can also be accessed during iteration
- Minor performance improvements
- Added `Connection.upload_files` function
- Renamed `scroll_batch_size` parameter to `batch_size`
- Fix pandas FutureWarnings
- Minor improvements
- Minor fixes
- Added support of low level API hooks
- New attributes `Point.timestamp` and `Point.job`
- BREAKING CHANGE: Columns of`pandas.DataFrame` that `Connection.get_df()` returns were renamed from `points` and `date` to `val` and `dt`
- Reduced `Connection.get_df()` memory footprint
- `Connection.get_df()` omits rows where points values are nan
- new `custom_fields` parameter in Connection.upload_file()
- introduce Connection.upload_file() and Connection.init_multipart_upload() methods
- deprecate Connection.create_uploader_session() and UploaderSession()
- job.delete_reported() to delete certain reported dates
- Fix exception in `Connection.get_df()` due to mixing naive and localized pandas.Series().
- Global extra_params was ignored in Connection.raw calls.
- Minor internal changes. Stopped using the derprecated parameters of /series/write endpoint.
- Fix Connection.get_df() error when scrolling over series with no points.
- New `options.return_series_errors` to control how series level errors are handled
- `Connection` accepts new `extra_params` parameter
- `RemoteJob.delete()` and `RemoteJob.delete_by_query()` are now deprecated. Use `RemoteJob.delete_series()`.
- `Connection.get_df()` now always returns localized DataFrame
- Added multipart upload for huge files
- Fixed ability to make anonymous calls against public endpoints
- Fixed Python 2 compatibility issues
- Minor internal refactoring
- New `Connection.get_df()` function to generate a pandas.DataFrame from Shooju series data
- Removed deprecated Connection.get_point()/get_field() and GetBulk.get_point()/get_field()
- Removed the following deprecated parameters from read functions: snapshot_job_id, snapshot_date, reported_date, operators, date_start, date_finish
- Added RemoteJob(skip_meta_if_no_fields=...) parameter
- `Connection.search()` been deprecated and now removed.
- Added `timeout` parameter to Connection. This controls HTTP requests timeout.
- Fix compatibility issues with the most recent msgpack version.
- Deprecate put_* job methods. The new write()/write_reported() methods introduced as a replacement.
- Improve date parse error message
- Connection(...proxies={...}) parameter has been replaced by Connection(...requests_session=requests.Session()) in favor of better flexibility
- added proxies support
- fixed error when writing points with tz-aware dates
- added ability to define direct IPs of API servers
- fixed milliseconds being cut-off on points write
- pd_series points serializer fix
- Stopped using Pandas deprecated feature
- Minor request retry logic improvements
- Deprecate `snapshot_job_id`, `snapshot_date` and `reported_date` parameters. `@asof` and `@repdate` must be used instead.
- get_series() accepts `operators` parameter
- Added `pd_series_localized` points serializer
- Fix Python 3.7 compatibility.
- Edge case fix. Wasn't able to wrap sj.raw.<method> with functools.wraps.
- Fixed thread safety bug.
- New optional "location" Connection() parameter to identify the application that using the API.
- Breaking change: the first parameter of Connection.get_reported_dates() is now series_query. It was series_id before. To convert from series_id to series_query, remove the $ from the beginning or prepend sid="<series_id>".
- Log warning on request retry.
- Bug fixes.
- Added preferred new get_series() method.
- Moved writes to SJTS format for serialization and transport.
- Allowed relative date format in df / dt parameters.
- Big changes in scroll():
- date_start -> df (date_start still works but will be removed in future versions)
- date_finish -> dt (date_finish still works but will be removed in future versions)
- removed deprecated parameters: query_size, sort_on, sort_order, size
- added max_series
- added extra_params
- Deprecated get_point and get_field methods. These will be removed in future versions.
- Deprecated search method in favor of scroll. It will be removed in future versions.
- Python 3 compatibility fixes.
- Points serializers bug fixes.
- Added operators parameter in the pd.search() function.
- Added reported_date parameter to the get_points() functions.
- Added job.put_reported_points(series_id, reported_date, points) to write reported points based on a date.
- Added get_reported_dates(series_id=None, job_id=None, processor=None, df=None, dt=None) to retrieve all reported_dates for one of: series_id, job_id, processor.
- Added snapshot_date and snapshot_job_id to all get_points() functions.
- Added serializer parameter to all get_points() functions. Built-in options are under shooju.points_serializers.*. The default can be set using shooju.options.point_serializer = shooju.points_serializers.pd_series.
- Removed pd.get_points() and pd.get_fields(). Use serializer=shooju.points_serializers.pd_series instead.
- Fixed negative epoch times (before year 1970) on non-unix.
- Now using DatetimeIndex in pandas formatter for faster pandas dataframe serialization.
- Removed pd.get_points and pd.get_fields functions. Use pd.search() instead.
- Now applying options.point_serializer everywhere. (edited)
- Job.delete() is now part of bulk request. Use Job.submit() to run immediately.
- Connection.delete() and Connection.delete_by_query() have been removed. Use the equivalents in job instead.
- Fixed mget().get_point() bug.
- Bug fixes.
- SJTS bug fixes.
- Bug fixes and json/msgpack/sjts auto support.
- Bug fixes.
- Removed ujson.
- Using new /series API.
- Changed size to max_points parameter. Size is still supported, but switching to max_points is encouraged.
- Optional ujson.
- Added options.point_serializer (shooju_point / milli_tuple).
- Bug fixes.
- Added options.sjts_stream.
- Added options.sjts_chunk_size.
- Do not fetch fields when not necessary.
- Added SJTS.
- Moved internal dates from unix to milli.
- Added internal async.
- Bug fixes.
- Series are now written in the order of put\_* calls.
- Added retry on lock failures.
- Retry on temporary API failure.
- Added reported_group concept.
- Added support for Python 3.
- Add operators parameter to scroll and search functions. To use, pass in an array of operators without the @. For example, operators = ['MA'].
- Ability to upload files using sess = conn.create_uploader_session() and sess.upload_file()
- conn.get_points(), get_point(), get_field() and get_fields() now accept snapshot_job_id and snapshot_date parameters. These parameters allow fetching historic snapshots of how the series looked after the job or at specific datetime.
- BREAKING CHANGE: search() now returns a list instead of a dictionary.
- search() and scroll() now accept sort_on and sort_order paramters.
- If a non-url string is provided to Connection(), https://{}.shooju.com will be attempted.
- Simpler OAuth interface and instructions have been added. See bitbucket page for details.
- Added force parameter to delete_by_query.
- Added job.finish(submit=True) to submit job buffer and mark a job as finished.
- Added job context to be used like: with connection.register_job('testjob') as job: ...
- Added email and google_oauth_token kwargs to Connection() to allow authentication through Google Oauth. Environment variables SHOOJU_EMAIL and SHOOJU_GOOGLE_OAUTH_TOKEN can be used instead of parameters.
- Added Connection.user property to find the currently logged in user.
- Bug fixes.
- Added delete_by_query function.
- Exposed query_size in scroll().
- Changed default size from 10 to 0 in scroll().
- Added remove_points and remove_fields methods to RemoteJob to clear the fields/points before sending new data.
- Change Connection search default point size to 0
- Fix another job cache error.
- Added pre and post submit hooks to RemoteJob to perform actions after submitting a job to shooju
- Fix job cache error, if exception was raised cache was not flushed
- Connection().pd.search_series renamed to search
- Change way DataFrame is formatted when using Connection().pd.search()
- Added key_field parameters to Connection().pd.search() to add a custom name for the column using series fields
- Connection().scroll() fixed
- Initializing Connection doesn't ping the API
- If series does not exist get_point, get_points, get_field, get_fields return None
- Connection().multi_get() renamed to mget()
- mget().get_points(), get_fields(), get_point() and get_field() return index of their result
- Connection().register_job() requires a description of more than 3 chars
- Connection().scroll_series() renamed to scroll()
- Renamed and rearranged Connection parameters: Connection(server, user, api_key)
- Field object removed, fields return a simple dict
- Points can have value of None
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "http://shooju.com",
"name": "shooju",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "data,client,shooju",
"author": "Serge Aluker",
"author_email": "serge@shooju.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/58/23/11894f8075cf172304929c461e1fe312026931a719281e647be715fbbff3/shooju-3.8.13.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# shooju\n\n_shooju_ is the official python client library for [Shooju](http://shooju.com) with the following features:\n\n - Authentication via username and api key\n - Getting series points and fields\n - Registering import jobs and writing and removing points and fields\n\n# Installation\n\nInstall with:\n\n pip install shooju\n\nTo install from source, use:\n\n python setup.py install\n\n# Basic Usage\n\n >>> from shooju import Connection, sid, Point\n >>> from datetime import date\n >>> conn = Connection(server = <API_SERVER>, user = <USERNAME>, api_key = <API_KEY>)\n >>> series_id = sid(\"users\", <USERNAME>, \"china\", \"population\")\n >>> series_query = 'sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id)\n >>> with conn.register_job('China Pop.') as job:\n >>> job.write(series_query, fields={\"unit\": \"millions\"}, points=[Point(date(2012, 1, 1), 314.3)])\n >>> series = conn.get_series('sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id), fields=['unit'],\n max_points=1, df=date(2012, 1, 1), dt=date(2012, 1, 1))\n >>> print(series['points'][0].value)\n >>> print(series['fields']['unit'])\n\n#Code samples\n\nCode samples are in the usage_samples/ directory. You will need to replace your user and server settings in usage_samples/sample_settings.py.\n\n# Tutorial\n## Connecting to Shooju\n\nThe first step when working with _shooju_ is to connect to Shooju using your **username** and **API key** or **google account email** and **google auth refresh token**. To authenticate with Shooju username and API key, find they api key in the accounts section of [Shooju.com](http://shooju.com)). You should also supply the server you are using:\n\n >>> from shooju import Connection\n >>> conn = Connection(server = API_SERVER, username = USERNAME, api_key = API_KEY)\n\n`Connection` accepts optional `requests_session` parameter of `requests.Session` type:\n\n >>> import requests\n >>> session = requests.Session()\n >>> sj = Connection(API_SERVER, USERNAME, API_KEY, requests_session=session)\n\nTo retrieve the Google OAuth refresh token, follow these steps:\n\n >>> from shooju import Client, Connection\n >>> client = Client(API_SERVER, base_path=\"/api/1\")\n >>> oauth_link = client.get('/auth/google_refresh_token')['link']\n\nOpen the oauth link in a web browser and copy the CODE, then use the following to retrieve the refresh token:\n\n >>> refresh_token = client.post('/auth/google_refresh_token', data_json={'code': CODE})['refresh_token']\n\n\n## Shooju Series Representation\n\nThe basic data building block in Shooju is the **series** (i.e. time series), and each **series** is identified by a **series id**. A **series id** is a path-like string delimited by **\\\\** characters. The path helps keep data series organized into folder-like structures. By default, each user can write into the id space **users\\\\your_username\\\\\\* **. So if I'm Sam and I want to import my GDP forecasts, I might use the series id **users\\\\sam\\\\china\\\\gdp**. To help put the string together you can use a helper function like so:\n\n >>> from shooju import sid\n >>> series_id = sid(\"users\",\"sam\",\"china\",\"gdp\")\n >>> print(series_id)\n users\\sam\\china\\gdp\n\n\n## Writing Data\n\nTo write data, first register a **job** with Shooju:\n\n >>> job = conn.register_job(\"My description\")\n\nTo write a data point onto Shooju, we first instantiate a **Point** object and specify the datetime and float value:\n\n >>> from datetime import date\n >>> from shooju import Point\n >>> series_id = sid(\"users\", USERNAME, \"gdp\", \"china\")\n >>> series_query = 'sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id)\n >>> points = []\n >>> for i in range(1,28):\n >>> points.append(Point(date(2010+i, 1, 1), i))\n >>> job.write(series_query, points=points)\n\n\nShooju also stores field/value data for each series. This is commonly used to store meta-data such as source, unit, notes, etc. To write fields into Shooju use:\n\n >>> job.write(series_query, fields={'source': 'Sam analysis', 'unit': 'US$bn'})\n\nBy default, **write()** call send data to Shooju immediately. When making many **write()** calls, it is recommended to queue **write()** calls and submit them in batches. This is done by specifying a **batch_size** when registering the job:\n\n >>> job = conn.register_job(\"another job\", batch_size = 500)\n >>> series_id = sid(\"users\", USERNAME, \"gdp\", \"germany\")\n >>> series_query = 'sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id)\n >>> points = []\n >>> for i in range(1,28):\n >>> points.append(Point(date(2010+i, 1, 1), i))\n >>> job.write(series_query, fields={'source': 'My analysis', 'unit', 'US$bn'}, points=points)\n >>> job.submit() #NOTE: otherwise nothing would happen!\n\nThe job object can be used as a context manager. The below two snippets are equivalent:\n\n >>> job = conn.register_job(\"another job\", batch_size = 500)\n >>> job.write(series_query, fields={'unit': 'US$bn'})\n >>> job.submit()\n\n >>> with conn.register_job(\"another job\", batch_size = 500) as job:\n >>> job.write(series_query, fields={'unit': 'US$bn'})\n\nTo delete a single series, use:\n\n >>> with conn.register_job(\"another job\", batch_size = 500) as job:\n >>> job.delete_series('sid={}'.format(series_id))\n\nto delete many series by a query, use:\n\n >>> with conn.register_job(\"another job\", batch_size = 500) as job:\n >>> job.delete_series('sid:data', one=False)\n\n## Getting Data\n\nTo read a single series data use **get_series()** function. The function returns a dict with `series_id`, `points` and `fields` keys. `points` and `fields` may be omitted if no points/fields were returned.\nBy default the function does not fetch points/fields.\n\nTo get an array of points pass the following parameters: `df` (date from), `dt` (date to) and `max_points`. Note that `df` and `dt` arguments are optional, but `max_points` is required when fetching points because the default value is 0:\n\n >>> from datetime import date\n >>> series = conn.get_series(u'sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id), df=date(2011,1,1), dt=date(2020,1,1), max_points=-1)\n >>> print(series['points'][0].date, ser['points'][0].value)\n 2012-01-01 00:00:00 1.0\n\nAs noted above get_series() doesn't fetch points by default. To fetch points explicitly set `max_points` (must be integer greater than 0). To fetch ALL points set `max_points` to a special value `-1`:\n\n >>> print(conn.get_series(u'sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id), df=date(2011,1,1), max_points=1)['points'].value)\n 1.0\n\nTo get field values, use:\n\n >>> print(conn.get_series('sid=\"{}\".format(series_id), fields=[\"unit\"]))['fields']['unit']\n US$bn\n\n\nTo get all of the fields for a given series pass '*' in the `fields` parameter:\n\n >>> print conn.get_series(u'sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id), fields=['*'])['points']['fields']\n {\"unit\":\"US$bn\", \"source\":\"usa\"}\n\nTo get some of the fields under given series, use:\n\n >>> print conn.get_fields(u'sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id), fields=[\"source\"])\n {\"unit\":\"US$bn\"}\n\n## Getting multiple data at once (multi-get)\n\nBy default, each **get_series()** call makes one blocking API request. If we were to make all the calls in the getting data example above, we would be making 5 API calls. Shooju API supports multiple get requests via the BULK API, which is much more efficient if we intend to make multiple requests.\n\nTo initialize a muti-get request:\n\n >>> mget = conn.mget()\n\nNow we can use **get_series()*** function. Keep in mind that the function does not return the data, but instead queues the requests for fetching. We can reproduce the **get_series()*** requests introduced above:\n\n >>> series_query = u'sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id)\n >>> mget.get_series(series_query, df=date(2011,1,1), dt=date(2020,1,1), max_points=-1)\n 0\n >>> mget.get_series(series_query, df=date(2011,1,1), max_points=1)\n 1\n >>> mget.get_series(series_query, fields=[\"unit\"])\n 2\n >>> mget.get_series(series_query, fields=[\"*\"\"])\n 3\n >>> mget.get_fields(series_query, fields=[\"source\"])\n 4\n\nTo get an array containing the results in the order that the **get\\_\\*** requests were called:\n\n >>> result = mget.fetch()\n >>> print result[2]['fields']\n US$bn\n\n## Scroll\n\nTo fetch a big number of series by a given query use `scroll()`. This function accepts the same points/fields related parameters as `get_series()`:\n\n >>> for s in conn.scroll('sid:users\\\\me', fields=['unit'], max_points=-1, df=date(2001, 1, 1)):\n >>> print('sid: {} points: {} fields: {}'.format(s['series_id'], s.get('points'), s.get('fields')))\n\n\n## Points serializers\n\nBy default `get_series` and `scroll` return points represented as a list of `shooju.Point` objects. This behaviour can be changed by using `shooju.points_serializers`.\n\n >>> from shooju import points_serializers as ps\n >>> ser = conn.get_series(u'sid=\"{}\"'.format(series_id), max_points=-1, serializer=ps.pd_series)\n >>> print(ser['points'])\n 1980-01-01 12.0\n dtype: float64\n\nSupported serializers:\n\n- `milli_tuple` - an array of date milli and value tuples.\n- `pd_series` - pandas.Series where date represented as `DatetimeIndex`.\n- `pd_series_localized` - the same is above but `DatetimeIndex` is localized if `@localize` operator was used.\n- `np_array` - a Numpy array.\n\n## Generating a pandas.DataFrame from Shooju series data (get_df)\n\nTo generate a pandas.DataFrame from series query use `get_df()`. This function has a private parameter `series_axis`, which is used to set series position on DataFrame - the default `rows` or `columns`. Beside that, `get_df()` accepts the same points/fields related parameters as `get_series()` and `scroll()`.\n\nGenerates pandas.DataFrame with fields as columns and series as rows.\n\n >>> df = conn.get_df('sid:users\\\\me', fields=['*'])\n >>> print(df)\n series_id unit description\n 0 users\\me\\unit-a unit A Unit A\n 1 users\\me\\unit-b unit B Unit B\n 3 users\\me\\unit-c unit C Unit C\n ...\n\n To generate DataFrame with series values as columns and points as rows, pass the parameter `series_axis='columns'`. If specific fields are passed, the values will define the DataFrame indexes joined by the character `'/'`.\n\n >>> df = conn.get_df('sid:users\\\\me', fields=['unit', 'description'], series_axis='columns', max_points=-1)\n >>> print(df)\n unit A/Unit A unit B/Unit B ... unit Z/Unit Z\n 2000-04-03 20.50 31.50 ... 34.20\n 2000-04-04 32.25 20.50 ... 36.00\n 2000-04-05 31.25 40.50 ... 46.50\n ...\n\n`get_df()` always returns localized DataFrame. By default it's in UTC, but if `@localized:<tz>` operator applied, it will be in `<tz>`. To convert DataFrame's index to naive use `df.tz_localize(None)`.\n\n## REST Client\n\nTo use other APIs, use the configured REST client in Connection:\n\n >>> from shooju import Connection\n >>> conn = Connection(username = USERNAME, api_key = API_KEY, server = API_SERVER)\n >>> conn.raw.get('/teams')\n >>> conn.raw.post('/teams/myteam/', data_json={'description': 'my description'})\n\nTo send url parameters, use the `params` argument:\n\n >>> conn.raw.get('/series', params={'series_id': r'user\\series\\s1'}\n\n\n## Change log\n\n**3.8.13**\n\n- Added `no_history` param to `Connection.register_job`\n\n**3.8.12**\n\n- Minor improvements\n\n**3.8.11**\n\n- BREAKING CHANGE: Switched `mode` argument for `get_reported_dates` to `all` ( fetches both points and fields reported dates )\n\n**3.8.10**\n\n- Added the ability to pass `pandas.Series` to `job.write`\n\n**3.8.9**\n\n- `Connection.scroll` extra params improvements\n\n**3.8.8**\n\n- Updated for compatibility with NumPy 1.24\n\n**3.8.7**\n\n- `Connection.scroll` improvements. Now returns a ScrollIterable object which has a `raw_response` property which can also be accessed during iteration\n\n**3.8.6**\n\n- Minor performance improvements\n\n**3.8.5**\n\n- Added `Connection.upload_files` function\n\n**3.8.4**\n\n- Renamed `scroll_batch_size` parameter to `batch_size`\n\n**3.8.3**\n\n- Fix pandas FutureWarnings\n\n**3.8.2**\n\n- Minor improvements\n\n**3.8.1**\n\n- Minor fixes\n\n**3.8.0**\n\n- Added support of low level API hooks\n\n**3.7.0**\n\n- New attributes `Point.timestamp` and `Point.job`\n\n**3.6.0**\n\n- BREAKING CHANGE: Columns of`pandas.DataFrame` that `Connection.get_df()` returns were renamed from `points` and `date` to `val` and `dt` \n- Reduced `Connection.get_df()` memory footprint\n- `Connection.get_df()` omits rows where points values are nan\n\n**3.5.1**\n\n- new `custom_fields` parameter in Connection.upload_file()\n\n**3.5.0**\n\n- introduce Connection.upload_file() and Connection.init_multipart_upload() methods\n- deprecate Connection.create_uploader_session() and UploaderSession()\n- job.delete_reported() to delete certain reported dates\n\n\n**3.4.3**\n\n- Fix exception in `Connection.get_df()` due to mixing naive and localized pandas.Series().\n\n**3.4.2**\n\n- Global extra_params was ignored in Connection.raw calls.\n\n**3.4.1**\n\n- Minor internal changes. Stopped using the derprecated parameters of /series/write endpoint.\n- Fix Connection.get_df() error when scrolling over series with no points.\n\n**3.4.0**\n\n- New `options.return_series_errors` to control how series level errors are handled\n\n**3.3.1**\n\n- `Connection` accepts new `extra_params` parameter\n\n**3.3.0**\n\n- `RemoteJob.delete()` and `RemoteJob.delete_by_query()` are now deprecated. Use `RemoteJob.delete_series()`.\n\n**3.2.0**\n\n- `Connection.get_df()` now always returns localized DataFrame\n\n**3.1.0**\n\n- Added multipart upload for huge files\n\n**3.0.3**\n\n- Fixed ability to make anonymous calls against public endpoints\n\n**3.0.2**\n\n- Fixed Python 2 compatibility issues\n\n**3.0.1**\n\n- Minor internal refactoring\n\n**3.0.0**\n\n- New `Connection.get_df()` function to generate a pandas.DataFrame from Shooju series data\n- Removed deprecated Connection.get_point()/get_field() and GetBulk.get_point()/get_field()\n- Removed the following deprecated parameters from read functions: snapshot_job_id, snapshot_date, reported_date, operators, date_start, date_finish\n\n**2.3.0**\n\n- Added RemoteJob(skip_meta_if_no_fields=...) parameter\n\n**2.2.0**\n\n- `Connection.search()` been deprecated and now removed.\n- Added `timeout` parameter to Connection. This controls HTTP requests timeout.\n\n**2.1.1**\n\n- Fix compatibility issues with the most recent msgpack version.\n\n\n**2.1.0**\n\n- Deprecate put_* job methods. The new write()/write_reported() methods introduced as a replacement.\n\n\n**2.0.16**\n\n- Improve date parse error message\n\n\n**2.0.15**\n\n- Connection(...proxies={...}) parameter has been replaced by Connection(...requests_session=requests.Session()) in favor of better flexibility\n\n\n**2.0.14**\n\n- added proxies support\n\n**2.0.13**\n\n- fixed error when writing points with tz-aware dates\n\n**2.0.12**\n\n- added ability to define direct IPs of API servers\n\n**2.0.11**\n\n- fixed milliseconds being cut-off on points write\n\n**2.0.10**\n\n- pd_series points serializer fix\n\n**2.0.9**\n\n- Stopped using Pandas deprecated feature\n\n**2.0.8**\n\n- Minor request retry logic improvements\n\n**2.0.7**\n\n- Deprecate `snapshot_job_id`, `snapshot_date` and `reported_date` parameters. `@asof` and `@repdate` must be used instead.\n- get_series() accepts `operators` parameter\n- Added `pd_series_localized` points serializer\n\n**2.0.6**\n\n- Fix Python 3.7 compatibility.\n\n**2.0.5**\n\n- Edge case fix. Wasn't able to wrap sj.raw.<method> with functools.wraps.\n\n**2.0.4**\n\n- Fixed thread safety bug.\n- New optional \"location\" Connection() parameter to identify the application that using the API.\n\n**2.0.3**\n\n- Breaking change: the first parameter of Connection.get_reported_dates() is now series_query. It was series_id before. To convert from series_id to series_query, remove the $ from the beginning or prepend sid=\"<series_id>\".\n\n**2.0.2**\n\n- Log warning on request retry.\n\n**2.0.1**\n\n- Bug fixes.\n\n**2.0.0**\n\n- Added preferred new get_series() method.\n- Moved writes to SJTS format for serialization and transport.\n- Allowed relative date format in df / dt parameters.\n- Big changes in scroll():\n - date_start -> df (date_start still works but will be removed in future versions)\n - date_finish -> dt (date_finish still works but will be removed in future versions)\n - removed deprecated parameters: query_size, sort_on, sort_order, size\n - added max_series\n - added extra_params\n- Deprecated get_point and get_field methods. These will be removed in future versions.\n- Deprecated search method in favor of scroll. It will be removed in future versions.\n\n**0.9.7**\n\n- Python 3 compatibility fixes.\n\n**0.9.6**\n\n- Points serializers bug fixes.\n\n**0.9.5**\n\n- Added operators parameter in the pd.search() function.\n- Added reported_date parameter to the get_points() functions.\n- Added job.put_reported_points(series_id, reported_date, points) to write reported points based on a date.\n- Added get_reported_dates(series_id=None, job_id=None, processor=None, df=None, dt=None) to retrieve all reported_dates for one of: series_id, job_id, processor.\n- Added snapshot_date and snapshot_job_id to all get_points() functions.\n- Added serializer parameter to all get_points() functions. Built-in options are under shooju.points_serializers.*. The default can be set using shooju.options.point_serializer = shooju.points_serializers.pd_series.\n- Removed pd.get_points() and pd.get_fields(). Use serializer=shooju.points_serializers.pd_series instead.\n\n**0.9.1**\n\n- Fixed negative epoch times (before year 1970) on non-unix.\n- Now using DatetimeIndex in pandas formatter for faster pandas dataframe serialization.\n- Removed pd.get_points and pd.get_fields functions. Use pd.search() instead.\n- Now applying options.point_serializer everywhere. (edited)\n\n**0.9.0**\n\n- Job.delete() is now part of bulk request. Use Job.submit() to run immediately.\n- Connection.delete() and Connection.delete_by_query() have been removed. Use the equivalents in job instead.\n\n**0.8.5**\n\n- Fixed mget().get_point() bug.\n\n**0.8.4**\n\n- Bug fixes.\n\n**0.8.3**\n\n- SJTS bug fixes.\n\n**0.8.2**\n\n- Bug fixes and json/msgpack/sjts auto support.\n\n**0.8.1**\n\n- Bug fixes.\n\n**0.8.0**\n\n- Removed ujson.\n- Using new /series API.\n- Changed size to max_points parameter. Size is still supported, but switching to max_points is encouraged.\n\n**0.7.8**\n\n- Optional ujson.\n- Added options.point_serializer (shooju_point / milli_tuple).\n\n**0.7.7**\n\n- Bug fixes.\n\n**0.7.6**\n\n- Added options.sjts_stream.\n\n**0.7.5**\n\n- Added options.sjts_chunk_size.\n- Do not fetch fields when not necessary.\n\n**0.7.4**\n\n- Added SJTS.\n- Moved internal dates from unix to milli.\n\n**0.7.3**\n\n- Added internal async.\n\n**0.7.2**\n\n- Bug fixes.\n\n**0.7.1**\n\n- Series are now written in the order of put\\_* calls.\n- Added retry on lock failures.\n\n**0.7.0**\n\n- Retry on temporary API failure.\n- Added reported_group concept.\n- Added support for Python 3.\n\n**0.6.2**\n\n- Add operators parameter to scroll and search functions. To use, pass in an array of operators without the @. For example, operators = ['MA'].\n\n\n**0.6.1**\n\n- Ability to upload files using sess = conn.create_uploader_session() and sess.upload_file()\n- conn.get_points(), get_point(), get_field() and get_fields() now accept snapshot_job_id and snapshot_date parameters. These parameters allow fetching historic snapshots of how the series looked after the job or at specific datetime.\n\n\n**0.6.0**\n\n- BREAKING CHANGE: search() now returns a list instead of a dictionary.\n- search() and scroll() now accept sort_on and sort_order paramters.\n- If a non-url string is provided to Connection(), https://{}.shooju.com will be attempted.\n- Simpler OAuth interface and instructions have been added. See bitbucket page for details.\n- Added force parameter to delete_by_query.\n\n**0.5.0**\n\n- Added job.finish(submit=True) to submit job buffer and mark a job as finished.\n- Added job context to be used like: with connection.register_job('testjob') as job: ...\n\n**0.4.8**\n\n- Added email and google_oauth_token kwargs to Connection() to allow authentication through Google Oauth. Environment variables SHOOJU_EMAIL and SHOOJU_GOOGLE_OAUTH_TOKEN can be used instead of parameters.\n- Added Connection.user property to find the currently logged in user.\n\n**0.4.7**\n\n- Bug fixes.\n\n**0.4.6**\n\n- Added delete_by_query function.\n- Exposed query_size in scroll().\n- Changed default size from 10 to 0 in scroll().\n\n**0.4.5**\n\n- Added remove_points and remove_fields methods to RemoteJob to clear the fields/points before sending new data.\n\n**0.4.4**\n\n- Change Connection search default point size to 0\n\n**0.4.3**\n\n- Fix another job cache error.\n\n**0.4.2**\n\n- Added pre and post submit hooks to RemoteJob to perform actions after submitting a job to shooju\n\n\n**0.4.1**\n\n- Fix job cache error, if exception was raised cache was not flushed\n\n**0.4**\n\n- Connection().pd.search_series renamed to search\n- Change way DataFrame is formatted when using Connection().pd.search()\n- Added key_field parameters to Connection().pd.search() to add a custom name for the column using series fields\n\n**0.3**\n\n- Connection().scroll() fixed\n- Initializing Connection doesn't ping the API\n- If series does not exist get_point, get_points, get_field, get_fields return None\n\n**0.2**\n\n- Connection().multi_get() renamed to mget()\n- mget().get_points(), get_fields(), get_point() and get_field() return index of their result\n- Connection().register_job() requires a description of more than 3 chars\n- Connection().scroll_series() renamed to scroll()\n- Renamed and rearranged Connection parameters: Connection(server, user, api_key)\n- Field object removed, fields return a simple dict\n- Points can have value of None",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "MIT",
"summary": "Official Shooju Client",
"version": "3.8.13",
"project_urls": {
"Homepage": "http://shooju.com"
"split_keywords": [
"urls": [
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