# Shopware API Client
A Django-ORM like, Python 3.12, async Shopware 6 admin and store-front API client.
## Installation
pip install shopware-api-client
## Usage
There are two kinds of clients provided by this library. The `client.AdminClient` for the Admin API and the
`client.StoreClient` for the Store API.
### client.AdminClient
To use the AdminClient you need to create a `config.AdminConfig`. The `AdminConfig` class supports two login methods
- **client_credentials** (Default) Let's you log in with a `client_id` and `client_secret`
- **password** Let's you log in using a `username` and `password`
You also need to provide the Base-URL of your shop.
from shopware_api_client.config import AdminConfig
CLIENT_ID = "MyClientID"
CLIENT_SECRET = "SuperSecretToken"
SHOP_URL = "https://pets24.shop"
config = AdminConfig(url=SHOP_URL, client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, grant_type="client_credentials")
# or for "password"
ADMIN_USER = "admin"
ADMIN_PASSWORD = "!MeowMoewMoew~"
config = AdminConfig(url=SHOP_URL, username=ADMIN_USER, password=ADMIN_PASSWORD, grant_type="password")
Now you can create the Client. There are two output formats for the client, that can be selected by the `raw` parameter:
- **raw=True** Outputs the result as a plain dict or list of dicts
- **raw=False** (Default) Outputs the result as Pydantic-Models
from shopware_api_client.client import AdminClient
# Model-Mode
client = AdminClient(config=config)
# raw-Mode
client = AdminClient(config=config, raw=True)
Client-Connections should be closed after usage: `await client.close()`. The client can also be used in an `async with`
block to be closed automatically.
from shopware_api_client.client import AdminClient
async with AdminClient(config=config) as client:
# do important stuff
All registered Endpoints are directly available from the client instance. For example if you want to query the Customer
customer = await client.customer.first()
All available Endpoint functions can be found in the [EndpointBase](#list-of-available-functions) section.
There are two additional ways how the client can be utilized by using it with the Endpoint-Class directly or the
associated Pydantic Model:
from shopware_api_client.endpoints.admin.core.customer import Customer, CustomerEndpoint
# Endpoint
customer_endpoint = CustomerEndpoint(client=client)
customer = await customer_endpoint.first()
# Pydantic Model
customer = await Customer.using(client=client).first()
#### Related Objects
If you use the Pydantic-Model approach (`raw=False`) you can also use the returned object to access its related objects:
from shopware_api_client.endpoints.admin import Customer
customer = await Customer.using(client=client).first()
customer_group = await customer.group # Returns a CustomerGroup object
all_the_customers = await customer_group.customers # Returns a list of Customer objects
**!! Be careful to not close the client before doing related objects calls, since they use the same Client instance !!**
from shopware_api_client.client import AdminClient
from shopware_api_client.endpoints.admin import Customer
async with AdminClient(config=config) as client:
customer = await Customer.using(client=client).first()
customer_group = await customer.group # This will fail, because the client connection is already closed!
#### CustomEntities
Shopware allows to create custom entities. You can use the `load_custom_entities` function to load them into the client.
from shopware_api_client.client import AdminClient
config = ...
client = AdminClient(config=config)
await client.load_custom_entities(client)
# Endpoint for the custom entity ce_blog
await client.ce_blog.all()
# Pydantic Model for the custom entity ce_blog
CeBlog = client.ce_blog.model_class
Since custom entities are completely dynamic no autocompletion in IDE is available. However there are some pydantic validations added for the field-types of the custom entity. Relations are currently not supported, but everything else should work as expected.
### client.StoreClient
To use the StoreClient you need to create a `config.StoreConfig`. The `StoreConfig` needs a store api access key.
You also need to provide the Base-URL of your shop.
Some Endpoints (that are somehow related to a user) require a context-token. This parameter is optional.
from shopware_api_client.config import StoreConfig
SHOP_URL = "https://pets24.shop"
config = StoreConfig(url=SHOP_URL, access_key=STORE_API_ACCESS_KEY, context_token=CONTEXT_TOKEN)
This config can be used with the `StoreClient`, which works exactly like the `AdminClient`.
## EndpointBase
The `base.EndpointBase` class should be used for creating new Endpoints. It provides some usefull functions to call
the Shopware-API.
The base structure of an Endpoint is pretty simple:
from shopware_api_client.base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase
class CustomerGroup(ApiModelBase["CustomerGroupEndpoint"]):
# Model definition
class CustomerGroupEndpoint(EndpointBase[CustomerGroup]):
name = "customer_group" # name of the Shopware-Endpoint (snaky)
path = "/customer-group" # path of the Shopware-Endpoint
model_class = CustomerGroup # Pydantic-Model of this Endpoint
### List of available Functions
- `all()` return all objects (GET /customer-group or POST /search/customer-group if filter or sort is set)
- `get(pk: str = id)` returns the object with the passed id (GET /customer-group/id)
- `update(pk: str = id, obj: ModelClass | dict[str: Any]` updates an object (PATCH /customer-group/id)
- `create(obj: ModelClass | dict[str: Any]` creates a new object (POST /customer-group)
- `delete(pk: str = id)` deletes an object (DELETE /customer-group/id)
- `filter(name="Cats")` adds a filter to the query. Needs to be called with .all(), .iter() or .first())) More Info: [Filter](#filter)
- `limit(count: int | None)` sets the limit parameter, to limit the amount of results. Needs to be called with .all() or .first()
- `first()` sets the limit to 1 and returns the result (calling .all())
- `order_by(fields: str | tuple[str]` sets the sort parameter. Needs to be called with .all(), .iter() or .first(). Syntax: "name" for ASC, "-name" for DESC
- `select_related(**kwargs: dict[str, Any])` sets the _associations parameter to define which related models to load in the request. Needs to be called with .all(), .iter() or .first().
- `only(**kwargs: list[str])` sets the _includes parameter to define which fields to request. Needs to be called with .all(), .iter() or .first().
- `iter(batch_size: int = 100)` sets the limit-parameter to batch_size and makes use of the pagination of the api. Should be used when requesting a big set of data (GET /customer-group or POST /search/customer-group if filter or sort is set)
- `bulk_upsert(objs: list[ModelClass] | list[dict[str, Any]` creates/updates multiple objects. Does always return dict of plain response. (POST /_action/sync)
- `bulk_delete(objs: list[ModelClass] | list[dict[str, Any]` deletes multiple objects. Does always return dict or plain response. (POST /_action/sync)
Not all functions are available for the StoreClient-Endpoints. But some of them have some additional functions.
### Filter
The `filter()` functions allows you to filter the result of an query. The parameters are basically the field names.
You can add an appendix to change the filter type. Without it looks for direct matches (equals). The following
appendices are available:
- `__in` expects a list of values, matches if the value is provided in this list (equalsAny)
- `__contains` matches values that contain this value (contains)
- `__gt` greater than (range)
- `__gte` greater than equal (range)
- `__lt` lower than (range)
- `__lte` lower than equal (range)
- `__range` expects a touple of two items, matches everything inbetween. inclusive. (range)
- `__startswith` matches if the value starts with this (prefix)
- `__endswith` matches if the value ends with this (suffix)
For some fields (that are returned as dict, like custom_fields) it's also possible to filter over the values of it's
keys. To do so you can append the key seperated by "__" For example if we have a custom field called "preferred_protein"
we can filter on it like this:
customer = await Customer.using(client=client).filter(custom_field__preferred_protein="fish")
# or with filter-type-appendix
customer = await Customer.using(client=client).filter(custom_field__preferred_protein__in=["fish", "chicken"])
## ApiModelBase
The `base.ApiModelBase` class is basicly a `pydantic.BaseModel` which should be used to create Endpoint-Models.
The base structure of an Endpoint-Model looks like this. Field names are converted to snake_case. Aliases are autogenerated:
from pydantic import Field
from typing import Any
from shopware_api_client.base import ApiModelBase
class CustomerGroup(ApiModelBase["CustomerGroupEndpoint"]):
_identifier = "customer_group" # name of the Shopware-Endpoint (snaky)
name: str # Field with type
display_gross: bool | None = None
custom_fields: dict[str, Any] | None = None
# other fields...
The `id`, `created_at` and `updated_at` attributes are provided in the ApiModelBase and must not be added.
### List of available Function
- `save()` executes `Endpoint.update()` if an id is set otherwise `Endpoint.create()`
- `delete()` executes `Endpoint.delete()`
### Relations
To make relations to other models work, we have to define them in the Model. There are two classes to make this work:
`endpoints.relations.ForeignRelation` and `endpoints.relations.ManyRelation`.
- `ForeignRelation[class]` is used when we get the id of the related object in the api response.
- `class`: Class of the related model
- `ManyRelation[class]` is used for the reverse relation. We don't get ids in the api response, but it can be used through
relation links.
- `class`: Class of the related model
Example (Customer):
from pydantic import Field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from shopware_api_client.base import ApiModelBase, EndpointClass
from shopware_api_client.endpoints.relations import ForeignRelation, ManyRelation
from ...base_fields import IdField
from shopware_api_client.endpoints.admin import CustomerAddress
# Base-Class for the normal model fields
class CustomerBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):
# we have an id so we can create a ForeignRelation to it
default_billing_address_id: IdField
# Relations-Class for the related fields
class CustomerRelations:
default_billing_address: ForeignRelation["CustomerAddress"]
# We don't have a field for all addresses of a customer, but there is a relation for it!
addresses: ManyRelation["CustomerAddress"]
# Final Class, that combines both of them
class Customer(CustomerBase["CustomerEndpoint"], CustomerRelations):
We have two classes `Base` and `Relations`. This way we can [reuse the Base-Model](#reusing-admin-models-for-store-endpoints).
## Development
### Model Creation
Shopware provides API-definitions for their whole API. You can download it from `<shopurl>/api/_info/openapi3.json`
Then you can use tools like `datamodel-code-generator`
datamodel-codegen --input openapi3.json --output model_openapi3.py --snake-case-field --use-double-quotes --output-model-type=pydantic_v2.BaseModel --use-standard-collections --use-union-operator
The file may look confusing at first, but you can search for Endpoint-Name + JsonApi (Example: class CustomerJsonApi)
to get all returned fields + relationships class as an overview over the available Relations. However, the Models will
need some Modifications. But it's a good start.
Not all fields returned by the API are writeable and the API will throw an error when you try to set it. So this fields
must have an `exclude=True` in their definition. To find out which fields need to be excluded check the Shopware
Endpoint documentation at https://shopware.stoplight.io/. Go to the Endpoint your Model belongs to and check the
available POST fields.
The newly created Model and its Endpoint must than be imported to `admin/__init__.py` or `store/__init__.py`. The Model must be added to `__all__`
The Endpoint must be added to the Endpoints class. The `__all__` statement is necessary so they
don't get cleaned away as unused imports by code-formaters/cleaners.
We need to import all related models at the **end** of the file. If we don't add them, Pydantic fails to build the model. If we add them before
our model definition, we run into circular imports.
### Step by Step Example (Admin Endpoint Media Thumbnail)
1. Create the file for the endpoint. Since Media Thumbnail is an Admin > Core Endpoint we create a file called `media_thumbnail.py` in `endpoints/admin/core/`
2. You can copy & paste the following example as a base for the new Endpoint:
from typing import Any
from pydantic import Field
from ....base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase, EndpointClass
from ...base_fields import IdField
from ...relations import ForeignRelation, ManyRelation
class YourModelBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):
_identifier = "your_model"
foreign_id: IdField
# more direct fields
class YourModelRelations:
foreign: ForeignRelation["ForeignRelationModel"]
many: ManyRelation["ManyRelationModel"]
class YourModel(YourModelBase["YourModelEndpoint"], YourModelRelations):
class YourModelEndpoint(EndpointBase[YourModel]):
name = "your_model"
path = "/your-model"
model_class = YourModel
from .foreign_relation_model import ForeignRelationModel # noqa: E402
from .may_relation_model import ManyRelationModel # noqa: E402
3. Update the example to your needs (Media Thumbnail Example):
* Replace `YourModel` with `MediaThumbnail`
* Replace `your_model` with `media_thumbnail`
* Replace `your-model` with `media-thumbnail`
4. Assuming you used the datamodel-codegen command above to generate datamodels you can search the file for
`class MediaThumbnailJsonApi` and copy all fields except `id`, `created_at`, `updated_at` (included in ApiModelBase) and `relationships`.
ID-Fields will use the type `constr(pattern=r"^[0-9a-f]{32}$")`. Replace it with `IdField` from `endpoints.base_fields`.
Remove the generated alias entries, because we use a generator for this.
5. Now your `media_thumbnail.py` should look like this:
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar
from pydantic import Field
from ....base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase, EndpointClass
from ....client import registry
from ...base_fields import IdField
from ...relations import ForeignRelation, ManyRelation
class MediaThumbnailBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):
_identifier = "media_thumbnail"
media_id: IdField
width: int
height: int
url: str | None = Field(
None, description="Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria."
path: str | None = None
custom_fields: dict[str, Any] | None = None
class MediaThumbnailRelations:
foreign: ClassVar[ForeignRelation["ForeignRelationModel"]] = ForeignRelation("ForeignRelationModel", "foreign_id")
many: ClassVar[ManyRelation["ManyRelationModel"]] = ManyRelation("ManyRelationModel", "manyRelation")
class MediaThumbnail(MediaThumbnailBase["MediaThumbnailEndpoint"], MediaThumbnailRelations):
class MediaThumbnailEndpoint(EndpointBase[MediaThumbnail]):
name = "media_thumbnail"
path = "/media-thumbnail"
model_class = MediaThumbnail
from .foreign_relation_model import ForeignRelationModel # noqa: E402
from .may_relation_model import ManyRelationModel # noqa: E402
6. Next up: Relations. For this check the type of the `relationships`. `MediaThumbnail` has only one relation to `media`.
If you follow the types of `media > data` you can see the actual model type in the `type` field as examples attribute: media.
So it relates to the Media Endpoint.
For this relation our related Field looks like this:
`media: ForeignRelation["Media"]`.
We add it to the Relations class.
7. Updated `media_thumbnails.py`:
from typing import Any
from pydantic import Field
from ....base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase, EndpointClass
from ...base_fields import IdField
from ...relations import ForeignRelation
class MediaThumbnailBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):
_identifier = "media_thumbnail"
media_id: IdField
width: int
height: int
url: str | None = Field(
None, description="Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria."
path: str | None = None
custom_fields: dict[str, Any] | None = None
class MediaThumbnailRelations:
media: ForeignRelation["Media"]
class MediaThumbnail(MediaThumbnailBase["MediaThumbnailEndpoint"], MediaThumbnailRelations):
class MediaThumbnailEndpoint(EndpointBase[MediaThumbnail]):
name = "media_thumbnail"
path = "/media-thumbnail"
model_class = MediaThumbnail
from .media import Media # noqa: E402
8. Now we have to check, which fields are read-only fields. The easiest way for this is to head to the POST section of the documentation of this Endpoint: https://shopware.stoplight.io/docs/admin-api/9724c473cce7d-create-a-new-media-thumbnail-resources
All fields that aren't listed here are read-only fields. So for our example this are: width, height, path, created_at and updated_at. We need to add an `exclude=True` to this fields, to make Pydantic ignore this fields when we send them back to the
API for saving or creating entries. We try to provide default values for excluded fields which are required, so we don't have to set them, when we create
a new object.
9. After adding `exclude=True` our final file should look like this:
from typing import Any
from pydantic import AwareDatetime, Field
from ....base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase, EndpointClass
from ....client import registry
from ...base_fields import IdField
from ...relations import ForeignRelation
class MediaThumbnailBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):
_identifier = "media_thumbnail"
media_id: IdField
width: int = Field(default=0, exclude=True)
height: int = Field(default=0, exclude=True)
url: str | None = Field(
None, description="Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria."
path: str | None = Field(None, exclude=True)
custom_fields: dict[str, Any] | None = None
class MediaThumbnailRelations:
media: ClassVar[ForeignRelation["Media"]] = ForeignRelation("Media", "media_id")
class MediaThumbnail(MediaThumbnailBase["MediaThumbnailEndpoint"], MediaThumbnailRelations):
class MediaThumbnailEndpoint(EndpointBase[MediaThumbnail]):
name = "media_thumbnail"
path = "/media-thumbnail"
model_class = MediaThumbnail
from .media import Media # noqa: E402
10. As final step we need to add an import for the Model to `endpoints/admin/__init__.py` and add the Model to `__all__` and to the `AdminEndpoints.init_endpoints`
# other imports
from .core.admin.media_thumbnail import MediaThumbnail, MediaThumbnailEndpoint
# more imports
__all__ = [
# other models
# more models
class AdminEndpoints:
def init_endpoints(self, client: "AdminClient"):
# other endpoints
self.media_thumbnail = MediaThumbnailEndpoint(client)
# more endpoints
We are done and you are now ready to use your new endpoint! 🎉
### Reusing Admin-Models for Store-Endpoints
The Store-Endpoints use the same Model structure as the Admin-Endpoints, but have no relations. Some of the related
objects are added to the response directly. We can use the Base-Models from our Admin-Endpoints for this purpose:
from ...admin.core.country import CountryBase
from ...admin.core.country_state import CountryStateBase
from ...admin.core.customer_address import CustomerAddressBase
from ...admin.core.salutation import SalutationBase
class Address(CustomerAddressBase["AddressEndpoint"]):
_identifier = "address"
country: CountryBase | None = None
customer_state: CountryStateBase | None = None
salutation: SalutationBase | None = None
Since country, customerState and salutation are returned in the response, we can use their Base-Models to define
their types.
This "related" fields should always be optional, because their value is not always returned (object-creation).
### Structure
> endpoints -- All endpoints live here
> admin -- AdminAPI endpoints
> core -- AdminAPI > Core
customer_address.py -- Every Endpoint has its own file. Model and Endpoint are defined here
> commercial -- AdminAPI > Commercial
> digital_sales_rooms -- AdminAPI > Digital Sales Rooms
> store -- StoreAPI
> core -- StoreAPI > Core
> commercial -- StoreAPI > Commercial
> digital_sales_rooms -- StoreAPI > Digital Sales Rooms
base.py -- All the Base Classes
client.py -- Clients & Registry
config.py -- Configs
exceptions.py -- Exceptions
logging.py -- Logging
tests.py -- tests
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/GWS-mbH",
"name": "shopware-api-client",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.12",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "shopware, api, client",
"author": "GWS Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Warenwirtschafts-Systeme mbH",
"author_email": "ebusiness@gws.ms",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/1b/8a/70e1ef1bb22661db206f08ce4e482b2707802cf8add07cb5093a2e8e8759/shopware_api_client-1.0.83.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# Shopware API Client\n\nA Django-ORM like, Python 3.12, async Shopware 6 admin and store-front API client.\n\n## Installation\n\npip install shopware-api-client\n\n## Usage\n\nThere are two kinds of clients provided by this library. The `client.AdminClient` for the Admin API and the\n`client.StoreClient` for the Store API.\n\n### client.AdminClient\n\nTo use the AdminClient you need to create a `config.AdminConfig`. The `AdminConfig` class supports two login methods\n(grant-types):\n- **client_credentials** (Default) Let's you log in with a `client_id` and `client_secret`\n- **password** Let's you log in using a `username` and `password`\n\nYou also need to provide the Base-URL of your shop.\n\nExample:\n\n```python\nfrom shopware_api_client.config import AdminConfig\n\nCLIENT_ID = \"MyClientID\"\nCLIENT_SECRET = \"SuperSecretToken\"\nSHOP_URL = \"https://pets24.shop\"\n\nconfig = AdminConfig(url=SHOP_URL, client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, grant_type=\"client_credentials\")\n\n# or for \"password\"\n\nADMIN_USER = \"admin\"\nADMIN_PASSWORD = \"!MeowMoewMoew~\"\n\nconfig = AdminConfig(url=SHOP_URL, username=ADMIN_USER, password=ADMIN_PASSWORD, grant_type=\"password\")\n```\n\nNow you can create the Client. There are two output formats for the client, that can be selected by the `raw` parameter:\n- **raw=True** Outputs the result as a plain dict or list of dicts\n- **raw=False** (Default) Outputs the result as Pydantic-Models\n\n```python\nfrom shopware_api_client.client import AdminClient\n\n# Model-Mode\nclient = AdminClient(config=config)\n\n# raw-Mode\nclient = AdminClient(config=config, raw=True)\n```\n\nClient-Connections should be closed after usage: `await client.close()`. The client can also be used in an `async with`\nblock to be closed automatically.\n\n```python\nfrom shopware_api_client.client import AdminClient\n\nasync with AdminClient(config=config) as client:\n # do important stuff\n pass\n```\n\nAll registered Endpoints are directly available from the client instance. For example if you want to query the Customer\nEndpoint:\n\n```python\ncustomer = await client.customer.first()\n```\n\nAll available Endpoint functions can be found in the [EndpointBase](#list-of-available-functions) section.\n\nThere are two additional ways how the client can be utilized by using it with the Endpoint-Class directly or the\nassociated Pydantic Model:\n\n```python\nfrom shopware_api_client.endpoints.admin.core.customer import Customer, CustomerEndpoint\n\n# Endpoint\ncustomer_endpoint = CustomerEndpoint(client=client)\ncustomer = await customer_endpoint.first()\n\n# Pydantic Model\ncustomer = await Customer.using(client=client).first()\n```\n\n#### Related Objects\n\nIf you use the Pydantic-Model approach (`raw=False`) you can also use the returned object to access its related objects:\n\n```python\nfrom shopware_api_client.endpoints.admin import Customer\n\ncustomer = await Customer.using(client=client).first()\ncustomer_group = await customer.group # Returns a CustomerGroup object\nall_the_customers = await customer_group.customers # Returns a list of Customer objects\n```\n\n**!! Be careful to not close the client before doing related objects calls, since they use the same Client instance !!**\n```python\nfrom shopware_api_client.client import AdminClient\nfrom shopware_api_client.endpoints.admin import Customer\n\nasync with AdminClient(config=config) as client:\n customer = await Customer.using(client=client).first()\n\ncustomer_group = await customer.group # This will fail, because the client connection is already closed!\n```\n\n#### CustomEntities\n\nShopware allows to create custom entities. You can use the `load_custom_entities` function to load them into the client.\n\n```python\nfrom shopware_api_client.client import AdminClient\n\nconfig = ...\nclient = AdminClient(config=config)\nawait client.load_custom_entities(client)\n\n# Endpoint for the custom entity ce_blog\nawait client.ce_blog.all()\n\n# Pydantic Model for the custom entity ce_blog\nCeBlog = client.ce_blog.model_class\n``` \nSince custom entities are completely dynamic no autocompletion in IDE is available. However there are some pydantic validations added for the field-types of the custom entity. Relations are currently not supported, but everything else should work as expected.\n\n### client.StoreClient\n\nTo use the StoreClient you need to create a `config.StoreConfig`. The `StoreConfig` needs a store api access key.\nYou also need to provide the Base-URL of your shop.\n\nSome Endpoints (that are somehow related to a user) require a context-token. This parameter is optional.\n\nExample:\n\n```python\nfrom shopware_api_client.config import StoreConfig\n\nACCESS_KEY = \"SJMSAKSOMEKEY\"\nCONTEXT_TOKEN = \"ASKSKJNNMMS\"\nSHOP_URL = \"https://pets24.shop\"\n\nconfig = StoreConfig(url=SHOP_URL, access_key=STORE_API_ACCESS_KEY, context_token=CONTEXT_TOKEN)\n```\n\nThis config can be used with the `StoreClient`, which works exactly like the `AdminClient`.\n\n## EndpointBase\nThe `base.EndpointBase` class should be used for creating new Endpoints. It provides some usefull functions to call\nthe Shopware-API.\n\nThe base structure of an Endpoint is pretty simple:\n\n```python\nfrom shopware_api_client.base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase\n\nclass CustomerGroup(ApiModelBase[\"CustomerGroupEndpoint\"]):\n # Model definition\n pass\n\nclass CustomerGroupEndpoint(EndpointBase[CustomerGroup]):\n name = \"customer_group\" # name of the Shopware-Endpoint (snaky)\n path = \"/customer-group\" # path of the Shopware-Endpoint\n model_class = CustomerGroup # Pydantic-Model of this Endpoint\n```\n\n### List of available Functions\n\n- `all()` return all objects (GET /customer-group or POST /search/customer-group if filter or sort is set)\n- `get(pk: str = id)` returns the object with the passed id (GET /customer-group/id)\n- `update(pk: str = id, obj: ModelClass | dict[str: Any]` updates an object (PATCH /customer-group/id)\n- `create(obj: ModelClass | dict[str: Any]` creates a new object (POST /customer-group)\n- `delete(pk: str = id)` deletes an object (DELETE /customer-group/id)\n- `filter(name=\"Cats\")` adds a filter to the query. Needs to be called with .all(), .iter() or .first())) More Info: [Filter](#filter)\n- `limit(count: int | None)` sets the limit parameter, to limit the amount of results. Needs to be called with .all() or .first()\n- `first()` sets the limit to 1 and returns the result (calling .all())\n- `order_by(fields: str | tuple[str]` sets the sort parameter. Needs to be called with .all(), .iter() or .first(). Syntax: \"name\" for ASC, \"-name\" for DESC\n- `select_related(**kwargs: dict[str, Any])` sets the _associations parameter to define which related models to load in the request. Needs to be called with .all(), .iter() or .first().\n- `only(**kwargs: list[str])` sets the _includes parameter to define which fields to request. Needs to be called with .all(), .iter() or .first().\n- `iter(batch_size: int = 100)` sets the limit-parameter to batch_size and makes use of the pagination of the api. Should be used when requesting a big set of data (GET /customer-group or POST /search/customer-group if filter or sort is set)\n- `bulk_upsert(objs: list[ModelClass] | list[dict[str, Any]` creates/updates multiple objects. Does always return dict of plain response. (POST /_action/sync)\n- `bulk_delete(objs: list[ModelClass] | list[dict[str, Any]` deletes multiple objects. Does always return dict or plain response. (POST /_action/sync)\n\nNot all functions are available for the StoreClient-Endpoints. But some of them have some additional functions.\n\n### Filter\n\nThe `filter()` functions allows you to filter the result of an query. The parameters are basically the field names.\nYou can add an appendix to change the filter type. Without it looks for direct matches (equals). The following\nappendices are available:\n\n- `__in` expects a list of values, matches if the value is provided in this list (equalsAny)\n- `__contains` matches values that contain this value (contains)\n- `__gt` greater than (range)\n- `__gte` greater than equal (range)\n- `__lt` lower than (range)\n- `__lte` lower than equal (range)\n- `__range` expects a touple of two items, matches everything inbetween. inclusive. (range)\n- `__startswith` matches if the value starts with this (prefix)\n- `__endswith` matches if the value ends with this (suffix)\n\nFor some fields (that are returned as dict, like custom_fields) it's also possible to filter over the values of it's\nkeys. To do so you can append the key seperated by \"__\" For example if we have a custom field called \"preferred_protein\"\nwe can filter on it like this:\n```python\ncustomer = await Customer.using(client=client).filter(custom_field__preferred_protein=\"fish\")\n\n# or with filter-type-appendix\ncustomer = await Customer.using(client=client).filter(custom_field__preferred_protein__in=[\"fish\", \"chicken\"])\n```\n\n## ApiModelBase\n\nThe `base.ApiModelBase` class is basicly a `pydantic.BaseModel` which should be used to create Endpoint-Models.\n\nThe base structure of an Endpoint-Model looks like this. Field names are converted to snake_case. Aliases are autogenerated:\n\n```python\nfrom pydantic import Field\nfrom typing import Any\nfrom shopware_api_client.base import ApiModelBase\n\nclass CustomerGroup(ApiModelBase[\"CustomerGroupEndpoint\"]):\n _identifier = \"customer_group\" # name of the Shopware-Endpoint (snaky)\n\n name: str # Field with type\n display_gross: bool | None = None\n custom_fields: dict[str, Any] | None = None\n # other fields...\n```\n\nThe `id`, `created_at` and `updated_at` attributes are provided in the ApiModelBase and must not be added.\n\n### List of available Function\n\n- `save()` executes `Endpoint.update()` if an id is set otherwise `Endpoint.create()`\n- `delete()` executes `Endpoint.delete()`\n\n\n### Relations\n\nTo make relations to other models work, we have to define them in the Model. There are two classes to make this work:\n`endpoints.relations.ForeignRelation` and `endpoints.relations.ManyRelation`.\n\n- `ForeignRelation[class]` is used when we get the id of the related object in the api response.\n - `class`: Class of the related model\n\n- `ManyRelation[class]` is used for the reverse relation. We don't get ids in the api response, but it can be used through\nrelation links.\n - `class`: Class of the related model\n\nExample (Customer):\n```python\nfrom pydantic import Field\nfrom typing import TYPE_CHECKING\n\nfrom shopware_api_client.base import ApiModelBase, EndpointClass\nfrom shopware_api_client.endpoints.relations import ForeignRelation, ManyRelation\n\nfrom ...base_fields import IdField\n\nif TYPE_CHECKING:\n from shopware_api_client.endpoints.admin import CustomerAddress\n\n# Base-Class for the normal model fields\nclass CustomerBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):\n # we have an id so we can create a ForeignRelation to it\n default_billing_address_id: IdField\n\n\n# Relations-Class for the related fields\nclass CustomerRelations:\n default_billing_address: ForeignRelation[\"CustomerAddress\"]\n\n # We don't have a field for all addresses of a customer, but there is a relation for it!\n addresses: ManyRelation[\"CustomerAddress\"]\n\n\n# Final Class, that combines both of them\nclass Customer(CustomerBase[\"CustomerEndpoint\"], CustomerRelations):\n pass\n```\n\nWe have two classes `Base` and `Relations`. This way we can [reuse the Base-Model](#reusing-admin-models-for-store-endpoints).\n\n## Development\n\n### Model Creation\n\nShopware provides API-definitions for their whole API. You can download it from `<shopurl>/api/_info/openapi3.json`\nThen you can use tools like `datamodel-code-generator`\n\n```\ndatamodel-codegen --input openapi3.json --output model_openapi3.py --snake-case-field --use-double-quotes --output-model-type=pydantic_v2.BaseModel --use-standard-collections --use-union-operator\n```\n\nThe file may look confusing at first, but you can search for Endpoint-Name + JsonApi (Example: class CustomerJsonApi)\nto get all returned fields + relationships class as an overview over the available Relations. However, the Models will\nneed some Modifications. But it's a good start.\n\nNot all fields returned by the API are writeable and the API will throw an error when you try to set it. So this fields\nmust have an `exclude=True` in their definition. To find out which fields need to be excluded check the Shopware\nEndpoint documentation at https://shopware.stoplight.io/. Go to the Endpoint your Model belongs to and check the\navailable POST fields.\n\nThe newly created Model and its Endpoint must than be imported to `admin/__init__.py` or `store/__init__.py`. The Model must be added to `__all__`\nThe Endpoint must be added to the Endpoints class. The `__all__` statement is necessary so they\ndon't get cleaned away as unused imports by code-formaters/cleaners.\n\nWe need to import all related models at the **end** of the file. If we don't add them, Pydantic fails to build the model. If we add them before\nour model definition, we run into circular imports.\n\n### Step by Step Example (Admin Endpoint Media Thumbnail)\n\n1. Create the file for the endpoint. Since Media Thumbnail is an Admin > Core Endpoint we create a file called `media_thumbnail.py` in `endpoints/admin/core/`\n\n2. You can copy & paste the following example as a base for the new Endpoint:\n\n```python\nfrom typing import Any\n\nfrom pydantic import Field\n\nfrom ....base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase, EndpointClass\nfrom ...base_fields import IdField\nfrom ...relations import ForeignRelation, ManyRelation\n\n\nclass YourModelBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):\n _identifier = \"your_model\"\n\n foreign_id: IdField\n # more direct fields\n\n\nclass YourModelRelations:\n foreign: ForeignRelation[\"ForeignRelationModel\"]\n many: ManyRelation[\"ManyRelationModel\"]\n\n\nclass YourModel(YourModelBase[\"YourModelEndpoint\"], YourModelRelations):\n pass\n\n\nclass YourModelEndpoint(EndpointBase[YourModel]):\n name = \"your_model\"\n path = \"/your-model\"\n model_class = YourModel\n\n\nfrom .foreign_relation_model import ForeignRelationModel # noqa: E402\nfrom .may_relation_model import ManyRelationModel # noqa: E402\n\n```\n\n3. Update the example to your needs (Media Thumbnail Example):\n * Replace `YourModel` with `MediaThumbnail`\n * Replace `your_model` with `media_thumbnail`\n * Replace `your-model` with `media-thumbnail`\n\n4. Assuming you used the datamodel-codegen command above to generate datamodels you can search the file for\n`class MediaThumbnailJsonApi` and copy all fields except `id`, `created_at`, `updated_at` (included in ApiModelBase) and `relationships`.\nID-Fields will use the type `constr(pattern=r\"^[0-9a-f]{32}$\")`. Replace it with `IdField` from `endpoints.base_fields`.\nRemove the generated alias entries, because we use a generator for this.\n\n5. Now your `media_thumbnail.py` should look like this:\n\n```python\nfrom typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar\n\nfrom pydantic import Field\n\nfrom ....base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase, EndpointClass\nfrom ....client import registry\nfrom ...base_fields import IdField\nfrom ...relations import ForeignRelation, ManyRelation\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnailBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):\n _identifier = \"media_thumbnail\"\n\n media_id: IdField\n width: int\n height: int\n url: str | None = Field(\n None, description=\"Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria.\"\n )\n path: str | None = None\n custom_fields: dict[str, Any] | None = None\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnailRelations:\n foreign: ClassVar[ForeignRelation[\"ForeignRelationModel\"]] = ForeignRelation(\"ForeignRelationModel\", \"foreign_id\")\n many: ClassVar[ManyRelation[\"ManyRelationModel\"]] = ManyRelation(\"ManyRelationModel\", \"manyRelation\")\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnail(MediaThumbnailBase[\"MediaThumbnailEndpoint\"], MediaThumbnailRelations):\n pass\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnailEndpoint(EndpointBase[MediaThumbnail]):\n name = \"media_thumbnail\"\n path = \"/media-thumbnail\"\n model_class = MediaThumbnail\n\n\nfrom .foreign_relation_model import ForeignRelationModel # noqa: E402\nfrom .may_relation_model import ManyRelationModel # noqa: E402\n```\n\n6. Next up: Relations. For this check the type of the `relationships`. `MediaThumbnail` has only one relation to `media`.\nIf you follow the types of `media > data` you can see the actual model type in the `type` field as examples attribute: media.\nSo it relates to the Media Endpoint.\nFor this relation our related Field looks like this:\n`media: ForeignRelation[\"Media\"]`.\nWe add it to the Relations class.\n\n7. Updated `media_thumbnails.py`:\n```python\nfrom typing import Any\n\nfrom pydantic import Field\n\nfrom ....base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase, EndpointClass\nfrom ...base_fields import IdField\nfrom ...relations import ForeignRelation\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnailBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):\n _identifier = \"media_thumbnail\"\n\n media_id: IdField\n width: int\n height: int\n url: str | None = Field(\n None, description=\"Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria.\"\n )\n path: str | None = None\n custom_fields: dict[str, Any] | None = None\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnailRelations:\n media: ForeignRelation[\"Media\"]\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnail(MediaThumbnailBase[\"MediaThumbnailEndpoint\"], MediaThumbnailRelations):\n pass\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnailEndpoint(EndpointBase[MediaThumbnail]):\n name = \"media_thumbnail\"\n path = \"/media-thumbnail\"\n model_class = MediaThumbnail\n\n\nfrom .media import Media # noqa: E402\n```\n\n8. Now we have to check, which fields are read-only fields. The easiest way for this is to head to the POST section of the documentation of this Endpoint: https://shopware.stoplight.io/docs/admin-api/9724c473cce7d-create-a-new-media-thumbnail-resources\nAll fields that aren't listed here are read-only fields. So for our example this are: width, height, path, created_at and updated_at. We need to add an `exclude=True` to this fields, to make Pydantic ignore this fields when we send them back to the\nAPI for saving or creating entries. We try to provide default values for excluded fields which are required, so we don't have to set them, when we create\na new object.\n\n9. After adding `exclude=True` our final file should look like this:\n```python\nfrom typing import Any\n\nfrom pydantic import AwareDatetime, Field\n\nfrom ....base import ApiModelBase, EndpointBase, EndpointClass\nfrom ....client import registry\nfrom ...base_fields import IdField\nfrom ...relations import ForeignRelation\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnailBase(ApiModelBase[EndpointClass]):\n _identifier = \"media_thumbnail\"\n\n media_id: IdField\n width: int = Field(default=0, exclude=True)\n height: int = Field(default=0, exclude=True)\n url: str | None = Field(\n None, description=\"Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria.\"\n )\n path: str | None = Field(None, exclude=True)\n custom_fields: dict[str, Any] | None = None\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnailRelations:\n media: ClassVar[ForeignRelation[\"Media\"]] = ForeignRelation(\"Media\", \"media_id\")\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnail(MediaThumbnailBase[\"MediaThumbnailEndpoint\"], MediaThumbnailRelations):\n pass\n\n\nclass MediaThumbnailEndpoint(EndpointBase[MediaThumbnail]):\n name = \"media_thumbnail\"\n path = \"/media-thumbnail\"\n model_class = MediaThumbnail\n\n\nfrom .media import Media # noqa: E402\n```\n10. As final step we need to add an import for the Model to `endpoints/admin/__init__.py` and add the Model to `__all__` and to the `AdminEndpoints.init_endpoints`\n```python\n# other imports\nfrom .core.admin.media_thumbnail import MediaThumbnail, MediaThumbnailEndpoint\n# more imports\n\n__all__ = [\n # other models\n \"MediaThumbnail\",\n # more models\n]\n\n...\n\nclass AdminEndpoints:\n def init_endpoints(self, client: \"AdminClient\"):\n # other endpoints\n self.media_thumbnail = MediaThumbnailEndpoint(client)\n # more endpoints\n```\n\nWe are done and you are now ready to use your new endpoint! \ud83c\udf89\n\n### Reusing Admin-Models for Store-Endpoints\n\nThe Store-Endpoints use the same Model structure as the Admin-Endpoints, but have no relations. Some of the related\nobjects are added to the response directly. We can use the Base-Models from our Admin-Endpoints for this purpose:\n\n```python\nfrom ...admin.core.country import CountryBase\nfrom ...admin.core.country_state import CountryStateBase\nfrom ...admin.core.customer_address import CustomerAddressBase\nfrom ...admin.core.salutation import SalutationBase\n\n\nclass Address(CustomerAddressBase[\"AddressEndpoint\"]):\n _identifier = \"address\"\n\n country: CountryBase | None = None\n customer_state: CountryStateBase | None = None\n salutation: SalutationBase | None = None\n```\n\nSince country, customerState and salutation are returned in the response, we can use their Base-Models to define\ntheir types.\n\nThis \"related\" fields should always be optional, because their value is not always returned (object-creation).\n\n### Structure\n\n```\n> endpoints -- All endpoints live here\n > admin -- AdminAPI endpoints\n > core -- AdminAPI > Core\n customer_address.py -- Every Endpoint has its own file. Model and Endpoint are defined here\n > commercial -- AdminAPI > Commercial\n > digital_sales_rooms -- AdminAPI > Digital Sales Rooms\n > store -- StoreAPI\n > core -- StoreAPI > Core\n > commercial -- StoreAPI > Commercial\n > digital_sales_rooms -- StoreAPI > Digital Sales Rooms\nbase.py -- All the Base Classes\nclient.py -- Clients & Registry\nconfig.py -- Configs\nexceptions.py -- Exceptions\nlogging.py -- Logging\ntests.py -- tests\n```\n",
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"summary": " An api client for the Shopware API",
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"Changelog": "https://github.com/GWS-mbH/shopware-api-client",
"Documentation": "https://github.com/GWS-mbH/shopware-api-client/wiki",
"Homepage": "https://github.com/GWS-mbH",
"Repository": "https://github.com/GWS-mbH/shopware-api-client"
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