Important Notice
Around 2017, starting from Skype version 8, Skype moved away from its famous
peer-to-peer architecture to a client-server system, and started to store
conversation history on its own servers only.
Formerly, it used a local SQLite `main.db` database to store chats and messages,
which is what Skyperious was originally created to work with - merging chat
histories from different computers into one.
Skyperious still works with existing `main.db` files, and can also download
newer messages from Skype online service. But any changes done to the database
no longer affect what is visible in the official Skype program.
Skyperious is a Skype chat history tool.
You can open Skype SQLite databases and work with their contents:
- import messages from Skype online service and Skype export archives
- search across all messages and contacts
- read chat history in full, see chat statistics and word clouds
- export chats as HTML, text or spreadsheet
- view any database table and export their data, fix database corruption
- change, add or delete data in any table
- execute direct SQL queries
- synchronize messages in two Skype databases, merging their differences
Additionally, it doubles as a useful database tool for any SQLite file.
Also, a [command line interface](
is available with key functions like exporting, searching, syncing, and merging.
The graphical version includes a Python console window.
Downloads, help texts, and more screenshots at
Using The Program
Skyperious can look through user directories and detect Skype databases
automatically, or you can select specific files or folders.
Once added to the database list, a file can be opened for reading, searching
and exporting, or compared with another database for merging.
Searching an opened database supports a simple
[query syntax](
You can use keywords to search among specific authors or chats only
(`from:john`, `chat:links`), or from certain dates only
(`date:2012`, `date:2010..2013-06`). Search supports
wildcards, exact phrases, grouping, excluding, and either-or queries.
Skyperious can log into Skype online service and download and save new messages
into the local database file. It can also create a new `main.db` database from
scratch, by downloading all available history.
Skyperious can read chat history archives exported from Skype, and merge their
contents into an existing database, or create a new database from their contents.
(Skype export is available in Skype web interface under
My account -> Export files and chat history.
The result is a `.tar` archive containing a `messages.json` file.)
HTML export can download shared photos and embed them in the resulting HTML,
if password for the Skype account has been entered in online-page.
This can be disabled in File -> Advanced Options -> SharedImageAutoDownload.
Image download is also supported in the command-line interface.
In database comparison, you can scan one database for messages not found in
the other, and merge all detected messages to the other database. Or you can
read and copy specific chats and contacts. You can also merge chat history
archives exported from Skype, via Compare and merge ->
Select a Skype chat history export archive from your computer.
Skyperious offers a number of options from the
[command line](
export FILE [-t format] export Skype databases as HTML, text or spreadsheet
search "query" FILE search Skype databases for messages or data
sync FILE download new messages from Skype online service
contacts FILE [-t format] export Skype contacts as HTML, text or spreadsheet
create FILE [-u user] create new Skype database, blank or from a Skype source
merge FILE FILE ... merge two or more Skype databases into a new database
diff FILE1 FILE2 compare chat history in two Skype databases
gui [FILE] launch Skyperious graphical program (default option)
-h [option] show command line help, for option if specified
Skyperious can be minimized to tray, clicking the tray icon opens
a search popup.
The program itself is stand-alone, can work from any directory, and does not
need additional installation, Windows installers have been provided for
convenience. The installed program can be copied to a USB stick and used
elsewhere, same goes for the source code. The command line interface only needs
Python to run.
Skyperious has been tested under Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows Vista,
Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux, and reported to work under OS X and Windows 8.
In source code form, it should run wherever Python and the required
Python packages are installed.
If running from pip installation, run `skyperious` from the command-line.
If running from straight source code, launch `` where shell
scripts are supported, or launch `skyperious.bat` under Windows, or open
a terminal to Skyperious src-directory and run `python -m skyperious`.
Windows: download and launch the latest setup from
Linux Snap Store: install Skyperious, or run
`snap install skyperious`.
Mac/Linux/other: install Python, wxPython, pip, and run
`pip install skyperious`.
The pip installation will add the `skyperious` command to path.
For more thorough instructions, see [](
Skyperious has a [Dockerfile](, see
[build/README for](
Source Dependencies
If running from source code, Skyperious needs Python 3.5+ or Python 2.7,
and the following 3rd-party Python packages:
* wxPython 4.0+ (
The following are also listed in `requirements.txt` for pip:
* appdirs (
* beautifulsoup4 (
* filetype (, Py3 only)
* ijson (
* Pillow (
* pyparsing (
* six (
* SkPy (
* step (
* XlsxWriter (
If wxPython is not available, the command line interface will function
If other Python libraries are not available, the program will function
regardless, only with lesser service - like lacking Excel export or full
search syntax. `appdirs` and `six` are mandatory.
Shared images slideshow in HTML export implemented with jsOnlyLightbox,
(c) 2014, Felix Hagspiel (
Emoticon images in HTML export are property of Skype Limited, (c) 2004-2006,
released under the [Skype Component License 1.0](
Default avatar icon from:
Fancy Avatars, (c) 2009 Brandon Mathis,
Several icons from:
Fugue Icons, (c) 2010 Yusuke Kamiyamane,
Includes fonts Carlito Regular and Carlito bold,
Binaries compiled with PyInstaller,
Installers created with Nullsoft Scriptable Install System,
Copyright (c) by Erki Suurjaak.
Released as free open source software under the MIT License,
see []( for full details.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "",
"name": "skyperious",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "skype sqlite merge export",
"author": "Erki Suurjaak",
"author_email": "",
"download_url": null,
"platform": "any",
"description": "Skyperious\r\n==========\r\n\r\n\r\nImportant Notice\r\n----------------\r\n\r\nAround 2017, starting from Skype version 8, Skype moved away from its famous\r\npeer-to-peer architecture to a client-server system, and started to store \r\nconversation history on its own servers only.\r\n\r\nFormerly, it used a local SQLite `main.db` database to store chats and messages,\r\nwhich is what Skyperious was originally created to work with - merging chat \r\nhistories from different computers into one.\r\n\r\nSkyperious still works with existing `main.db` files, and can also download\r\nnewer messages from Skype online service. But any changes done to the database\r\nno longer affect what is visible in the official Skype program.\r\n\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n\r\nSkyperious is a Skype chat history tool.\r\n\r\nYou can open Skype SQLite databases and work with their contents:\r\n\r\n- import messages from Skype online service and Skype export archives\r\n- search across all messages and contacts\r\n- read chat history in full, see chat statistics and word clouds\r\n- export chats as HTML, text or spreadsheet\r\n- view any database table and export their data, fix database corruption\r\n- change, add or delete data in any table\r\n- execute direct SQL queries\r\n\r\nand\r\n\r\n- synchronize messages in two Skype databases, merging their differences\r\n\r\n\r\nAdditionally, it doubles as a useful database tool for any SQLite file.\r\nAlso, a [command line interface](\r\nis available with key functions like exporting, searching, syncing, and merging.\r\nThe graphical version includes a Python console window.\r\n\r\nDownloads, help texts, and more screenshots at\r\n\r\n\r\n[](\r\n\r\n\r\nUsing The Program\r\n-----------------\r\n\r\nSkyperious can look through user directories and detect Skype databases\r\nautomatically, or you can select specific files or folders.\r\nOnce added to the database list, a file can be opened for reading, searching \r\nand exporting, or compared with another database for merging.\r\n\r\nSearching an opened database supports a simple\r\n[query syntax](\r\nYou can use keywords to search among specific authors or chats only\r\n(`from:john`, `chat:links`), or from certain dates only\r\n(`date:2012`, `date:2010..2013-06`). Search supports\r\nwildcards, exact phrases, grouping, excluding, and either-or queries.\r\n\r\nSkyperious can log into Skype online service and download and save new messages\r\ninto the local database file. It can also create a new `main.db` database from\r\nscratch, by downloading all available history.\r\n\r\nSkyperious can read chat history archives exported from Skype, and merge their\r\ncontents into an existing database, or create a new database from their contents.\r\n\r\n(Skype export is available in Skype web interface under \r\n My account -> Export files and chat history.\r\n The result is a `.tar` archive containing a `messages.json` file.)\r\n\r\nHTML export can download shared photos and embed them in the resulting HTML,\r\nif password for the Skype account has been entered in online-page.\r\nThis can be disabled in File -> Advanced Options -> SharedImageAutoDownload.\r\nImage download is also supported in the command-line interface.\r\n\r\nIn database comparison, you can scan one database for messages not found in\r\nthe other, and merge all detected messages to the other database. Or you can\r\nread and copy specific chats and contacts. You can also merge chat history \r\narchives exported from Skype, via Compare and merge -> \r\nSelect a Skype chat history export archive from your computer.\r\n\r\nSkyperious offers a number of options from the\r\n[command line](\r\n```\r\n export FILE [-t format] export Skype databases as HTML, text or spreadsheet\r\n search \"query\" FILE search Skype databases for messages or data\r\n sync FILE download new messages from Skype online service\r\n contacts FILE [-t format] export Skype contacts as HTML, text or spreadsheet\r\n create FILE [-u user] create new Skype database, blank or from a Skype source\r\n merge FILE FILE ... merge two or more Skype databases into a new database\r\n diff FILE1 FILE2 compare chat history in two Skype databases\r\n gui [FILE] launch Skyperious graphical program (default option)\r\n -h [option] show command line help, for option if specified\r\n```\r\n\r\nSkyperious can be minimized to tray, clicking the tray icon opens \r\na search popup.\r\n\r\nThe program itself is stand-alone, can work from any directory, and does not \r\nneed additional installation, Windows installers have been provided for \r\nconvenience. The installed program can be copied to a USB stick and used\r\nelsewhere, same goes for the source code. The command line interface only needs\r\nPython to run.\r\n\r\nSkyperious has been tested under Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows Vista,\r\nWindows XP and Ubuntu Linux, and reported to work under OS X and Windows 8.\r\nIn source code form, it should run wherever Python and the required \r\nPython packages are installed.\r\n\r\nIf running from pip installation, run `skyperious` from the command-line. \r\nIf running from straight source code, launch `` where shell \r\nscripts are supported, or launch `skyperious.bat` under Windows, or open \r\na terminal to Skyperious src-directory and run `python -m skyperious`.\r\n\r\n\r\nInstallation\r\n------------\r\n\r\nWindows: download and launch the latest setup from\r\n\r\n\r\nLinux Snap Store: install Skyperious, or run\r\n`snap install skyperious`.\r\n\r\nMac/Linux/other: install Python, wxPython, pip, and run\r\n`pip install skyperious`.\r\n\r\nThe pip installation will add the `skyperious` command to path.\r\nFor more thorough instructions, see [](\r\n\r\nSkyperious has a [Dockerfile](, see\r\n[build/README for](\r\n\r\n\r\nSource Dependencies\r\n-------------------\r\n\r\nIf running from source code, Skyperious needs Python 3.5+ or Python 2.7,\r\nand the following 3rd-party Python packages:\r\n* wxPython 4.0+ (\r\n\r\nThe following are also listed in `requirements.txt` for pip:\r\n* appdirs (\r\n* beautifulsoup4 (\r\n* filetype (, Py3 only)\r\n* ijson (\r\n* Pillow (\r\n* pyparsing (\r\n* six (\r\n* SkPy (\r\n* step (\r\n* XlsxWriter (\r\n\r\nIf wxPython is not available, the command line interface will function\r\nregardless.\r\n\r\nIf other Python libraries are not available, the program will function \r\nregardless, only with lesser service - like lacking Excel export or full \r\nsearch syntax. `appdirs` and `six` are mandatory.\r\n\r\n\r\nAttribution\r\n-----------\r\n\r\nShared images slideshow in HTML export implemented with jsOnlyLightbox, \r\n(c) 2014, Felix Hagspiel (\r\n\r\nEmoticon images in HTML export are property of Skype Limited, (c) 2004-2006,\r\nreleased under the [Skype Component License 1.0](\r\n\r\nDefault avatar icon from:\r\n Fancy Avatars, (c) 2009 Brandon Mathis,\r\n\r\n\r\nSeveral icons from:\r\n Fugue Icons, (c) 2010 Yusuke Kamiyamane,\r\n\r\n\r\nIncludes fonts Carlito Regular and Carlito bold,\r\n\r\n\r\nBinaries compiled with PyInstaller,\r\n\r\nInstallers created with Nullsoft Scriptable Install System,\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLicense\r\n-------\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) by Erki Suurjaak.\r\nReleased as free open source software under the MIT License,\r\nsee []( for full details.\r\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "MIT",
"summary": "Skype chat history tool",
"version": "5.6",
"project_urls": {
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"split_keywords": [
"urls": [
"comment_text": "",
"digests": {
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"sha256": "18f344fd99dc93f64c10759c95db62fddf9af40a99edac9cafa82780db8a724e"
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"md5_digest": "2aeb40add2a9c282c8f501f2cc60eadd",
"packagetype": "bdist_wheel",
"python_version": "py2.py3",
"requires_python": null,
"size": 4704394,
"upload_time": "2024-06-02T18:37:16",
"upload_time_iso_8601": "2024-06-02T18:37:16.580048Z",
"url": "",
"yanked": false,
"yanked_reason": null
"upload_time": "2024-06-02 18:37:16",
"github": true,
"gitlab": false,
"bitbucket": false,
"codeberg": false,
"github_user": "suurjaak",
"github_project": "Skyperious",
"travis_ci": false,
"coveralls": false,
"github_actions": false,
"requirements": [
"name": "appdirs",
"specs": []
"name": "beautifulsoup4",
"specs": []
"name": "filetype",
"specs": []
"name": "ijson",
"specs": []
"name": "Pillow",
"specs": []
"name": "pyparsing",
"specs": []
"name": "six",
"specs": []
"name": "SkPy",
"specs": []
"name": "step-template",
"specs": [
"name": "XlsxWriter",
"specs": []
"name": "wxPython",
"specs": [
"lcname": "skyperious"