
Nameslamcore-utils JSON
Version 0.1.6 PyPI version JSON
SummarySLAMcore SLAM Utilities
upload_time2023-05-31 18:08:58
authorNikos Koukis
licenseBSD License
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # `slamcore_utils`

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## Description

<!-- Change this when we add more scripts -->

This repo contains a collection of complementary scripts to the main Slamcore
SDK. It currently offers the following two main scripts:

- [slamcore-setup-dataset](#slamcore-setup-dataset)
- [slamcore-convert-rosbag2](#slamcore-convert-rosbag2)

## `slamcore-setup-dataset`

### Description

`slamcore-setup-dataset` can be used for installing a sample dataset for
offline testing and evaluation of [Slamcore][slamcore]'s Localization and
Mapping capabilities.

Currently the following types of datasets are supported:

- [EuRoC MAV Datasets]( (use the `ASL Dataset Format` format)
- [OpenLORIS-Scene Datasets](
- [TUM VI Datasets]( (use the `Euroc / DSO` format)

### Usage

After [installation](#installation) the script should be available in your path.
Executing it will guide you through a list of questions in order to properly
setup a sample SLAM dataset.

Here is a sample execution of the said script to enable processing of the `TUM-VI`


Here's the same execution for the `OpenLORIS` `cafe1-1` dataset


And here's the execution guiding the user to the right download page, when
the datasets are not available locally yet.


## `slamcore-convert-rosbag2`

### Description

The `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` script allows you to convert datasets stored in
a [rosbag2]( format to the Slamcore
dataset format. Given the path to the rosbag2 _file_ (the `.db3`, `.mcap`) file
and given mappings of ROS 2 topics to subdirectories in the Slamcore Dataset
format, it will go through the rosbag2 and convert the required streams to
generate the Slamcore dataset. By default, the `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` is
only aware of the following messages:

- `sensor_msgs/Imu`
- `sensor_msgs/Camera`
- `nav_msgs/Odometry`
- `geometry_msgs/PoseStamped`

The user can also specify plugins for conversions of arbitrary messages - see
the [plugins](#rosbag-2-converter-plugins) section for more.

It's also worth noting that `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` does not require the
existence of the `metadata.yaml` file of the rosbag2 as it can read the metadata
from the rosbag2 database file itself.

### Usage - Convert a sample `rosbag2`

source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
slamcore-convert-rosbag2 \
  -b tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 \
  -o output \
  -c tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2.json


- A test `rosbag2` is included in the test directory of this repo. It's in the
  [mcap]( format. For Ubuntu 20.04
  and the galactic distribution, you will have to install the
  `ros-galactic-rosbag2-storage-mcap` package to process a `rosbag2` in this
- The following mappings are used:

  cat tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2.json

    "ir0": {
      "topic": "/slamcore/visible_0/image_raw"
    "ir1": {
      "topic": "/slamcore/visible_1/image_raw"
    "imu0": {
      "topic": "/irrelevant_imu"
    "odometry0": {
      "topic": "/slamcore/odom"
    "groundtruth0": {
      "topic": "/irrelevant_gts"

- The layout of the output directory is as follows:

  tree -L 2 output

  ├── groundtruth0
  │   └── data.csv
  ├── imu0
  │   ├── acc.csv
  │   └── gyro.csv
  ├── ir0
  │   ├── data
  │   └── data.csv
  ├── ir1
  │   ├── data
  │   └── data.csv
  ├── metadata.txt
  └── odometry0
      └── data.csv

- You should expect output like the following during execution
    <summary>Command execution output</summary>

  13:25:24 | WARNING  -  Output path already exists. Overwriting it...
  13:25:24 | WARNING  -


    - Input bag file            : tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3
    - Storage                   : sqlite3
    - Output directory          : output
    - Converter plugins 0       : None
    - Overwrite output directory: True

  INFO | 1685528724.276752680 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY.
  INFO | 1685528724.360516990 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY.
  13:25:24 | WARNING  -  Finished converting tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 -> output .


  You can also increase the verbosity of the tool with `-v` (for `INFO`) or with
  `-vv` for (for `DEBUG` and `INFO`) messages .

    <summary>Command execution output with -vv</summary>

  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Determined storage type sqlite3 from file extension .db3
  13:26:01 | WARNING  -  Output path already exists. Overwriting it...
  13:26:01 | WARNING  -


    - Input bag file            : tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3
    - Storage                   : sqlite3
    - Output directory          : output
    - Converter plugins 0       : None
    - Overwrite output directory: True

  INFO | 1685528761.113749019 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY.
  INFO | 1685528761.195022167 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY.
  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Rosbag metadata:

  Files:             tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3
  Bag size:          36.4 MiB
  Storage id:        sqlite3
  Duration:          16.350s
  Start:             May 31 2023 10:55:05.54 (1685519705.54)
  End:               May 31 2023 10:55:21.404 (1685519721.404)
  Messages:          94576
  Topic information: Topic: /irrelevant_gts | Type: geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped | Count: 490 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /irrelevant_imu | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 817 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/accel | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 34530 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/gyro | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 34530 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/distance_travelled | Type: std_msgs/msg/Float64 | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/num_features | Type: std_msgs/msg/Int64 | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/slam_event | Type: slamcore_msgs/msg/SLAMEvent | Count: 3 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/tracked_features | Type: std_msgs/msg/Int64 | Count: 6906 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/tracking_status | Type: slamcore_msgs/msg/TrackingStatus | Count: 3454 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/odom | Type: nav_msgs/msg/Odometry | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/pose | Type: geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/visible_0/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 7 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/visible_0/image_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 11 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/visible_1/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 8 | Serialization Format: cdr
                    Topic: /slamcore/visible_1/image_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 8 | Serialization Format: cdr

  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Validating input config file and contents of rosbag...
  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping Infrared        - /slamcore/visible_0/image_raw -> ir0...
  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping Infrared        - /slamcore/visible_1/image_raw -> ir1...
  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping Imu             - /irrelevant_imu -> imu0...
  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping Odometry        - /slamcore/odom -> odometry0...
  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping GroundTruth     - /irrelevant_gts -> groundtruth0...
  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Consuming rosbag...
  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Consumed rosbag.
  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Flushing pending data...
  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Flushed pending data.
  13:26:01 | WARNING  -  Finished converting tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 -> output .


### Rosbag 2 Converter Plugins

In addition to the standard message types specified in the tool's description,
the `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` tool allows the conversion of arbitrary topics
given that you teach it how to convert them and what type of messages they are.
You can specify this in a separate python module, and specify this module's
path during the `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` execution. For example, here's one
plugin to convert the `TrackingStatus` messages published by the [Slamcore ROS 2

  <summary>Code in Rosbag2 Converter Plugin -</summary>

from slamcore_utils import DatasetSubdirWriter, MeasurementType
from slamcore_utils.ros2 import Ros2ConverterPlugin

class TrackingStatusWriter(DatasetSubdirWriter):
    def __init__(self, directory):

        self.ofs_tracking_status = ( / "data.csv").open("w", newline="")
        self.csv_tracking_status = csv.writer(self.ofs_tracking_status, delimiter=",")
        self.csv_tracking_status.writerow(["tracking_status_val", "tracking_status_str"])

    def write(self, msg):
        if is TrackingStatus.NOT_INITIALISED:
            self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([, "NOT_INITIALISED"])
        elif is TrackingStatus.OK:
            self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([, "OK"])
        elif is TrackingStatus.LOST:
            self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([, "LOST"])
            logger.error(f"Unknown TrackingStatus {}")

    def teardown(self):

converter_plugins = [
            name="TrackingStatus", shortname="tracking_status", is_camera=False


You can then specify the path to the plugin above during the tool execution and
specify the extra topics to convert in the provided JSON file


  "tracking_status0": {
    "topic": "/slamcore/metadata/tracking_status"


slamcore-convert-rosbag2 \
  -b tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 \
  -o output -c ammended_trimmed_rosbag2.json
  -p /path/to/

This will, in addition to the standard topics conversion also write the
tracking status data to the `output/tracking_status0/data.csv` file.

You can also have a look at the blackbox test of the plugins at
and at

## Installation

Install it directly from PyPI:

pip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils[tqdm]

# Or if you don't want tqdm's polished progress bars
pip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils

# Always install the `ros2` extra if you intend to use the
# `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` executable
pip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils[ros2]

  <summary>I don't want to have to install it</summary>

Make sure the project dependencies are installed:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then adjust your `PYTHONPATH` variable and run accordingly:

git clone
cd slamcore_utils


  <summary>I don't want to install any of your dependencies in my user's install directory</summary>

Consider using either [pipx]( or
[poetry]( to install this package and
its dependencies isolated in a virtual environment:

git clone
poetry install
poetry shell

# the executables should now be available in your $PATH


## About Slamcore

Slamcore offers commercial-grade visual-inertial
simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) software for real-time autonomous
navigation on robots and drones. Find out more at [][slamcore].



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "slamcore-utils",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6.8,<3.11",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Nikos Koukis",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# `slamcore_utils`\n\n<a href=\"\" alt=\"CI\">\n<img src=\"\" /></a>\n\n<a href=\"\" alt=\"LICENSE\">\n<img src=\"\" /></a>\n<a href=\"\" alt=\"pypi\">\n<img src=\"\" /></a>\n<a href=\"\" alt=\"lint\">\n<img src=\"\" /></a>\n<a href=\"\">\n<img src=\"\" alt=\"PyPI version\" height=\"18\"></a>\n<!-- <a href=\"\"> -->\n<!-- <img alt=\"Downloads\" src=\"\"></a> -->\n<a href=\"\">\n<img alt=\"Code style: black\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n## Description\n\n<!-- Change this when we add more scripts -->\n\nThis repo contains a collection of complementary scripts to the main Slamcore\nSDK. It currently offers the following two main scripts:\n\n- [slamcore-setup-dataset](#slamcore-setup-dataset)\n- [slamcore-convert-rosbag2](#slamcore-convert-rosbag2)\n\n## `slamcore-setup-dataset`\n\n### Description\n\n`slamcore-setup-dataset` can be used for installing a sample dataset for\noffline testing and evaluation of [Slamcore][slamcore]'s Localization and\nMapping capabilities.\n\nCurrently the following types of datasets are supported:\n\n- [EuRoC MAV Datasets]( (use the `ASL Dataset Format` format)\n- [OpenLORIS-Scene Datasets](\n- [TUM VI Datasets]( (use the `Euroc / DSO` format)\n\n### Usage\n\nAfter [installation](#installation) the script should be available in your path.\nExecuting it will guide you through a list of questions in order to properly\nsetup a sample SLAM dataset.\n\nHere is a sample execution of the said script to enable processing of the `TUM-VI`\n`dataset-room4_1024_16`\n\n![setup-dataset2](\n\nHere's the same execution for the `OpenLORIS` `cafe1-1` dataset\n\n![setup-dataset1](\n\nAnd here's the execution guiding the user to the right download page, when\nthe datasets are not available locally yet.\n\n![setup-dataset3](\n\n## `slamcore-convert-rosbag2`\n\n### Description\n\nThe `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` script allows you to convert datasets stored in\na [rosbag2]( format to the Slamcore\ndataset format. Given the path to the rosbag2 _file_ (the `.db3`, `.mcap`) file\nand given mappings of ROS 2 topics to subdirectories in the Slamcore Dataset\nformat, it will go through the rosbag2 and convert the required streams to\ngenerate the Slamcore dataset. By default, the `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` is\nonly aware of the following messages:\n\n- `sensor_msgs/Imu`\n- `sensor_msgs/Camera`\n- `nav_msgs/Odometry`\n- `geometry_msgs/PoseStamped`\n\nThe user can also specify plugins for conversions of arbitrary messages - see\nthe [plugins](#rosbag-2-converter-plugins) section for more.\n\nIt's also worth noting that `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` does not require the\nexistence of the `metadata.yaml` file of the rosbag2 as it can read the metadata\nfrom the rosbag2 database file itself.\n\n### Usage - Convert a sample `rosbag2`\n\n```\nsource /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash\nslamcore-convert-rosbag2 \\\n  -b tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 \\\n  -o output \\\n  -c tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2.json\n```\n\nNotes:\n\n- A test `rosbag2` is included in the test directory of this repo. It's in the\n  [mcap]( format. For Ubuntu 20.04\n  and the galactic distribution, you will have to install the\n  `ros-galactic-rosbag2-storage-mcap` package to process a `rosbag2` in this\n  format.\n- The following mappings are used:\n\n  ```sh\n  cat tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2.json\n  ```\n\n  ```json\n  {\n    \"ir0\": {\n      \"topic\": \"/slamcore/visible_0/image_raw\"\n    },\n    \"ir1\": {\n      \"topic\": \"/slamcore/visible_1/image_raw\"\n    },\n    \"imu0\": {\n      \"topic\": \"/irrelevant_imu\"\n    },\n    \"odometry0\": {\n      \"topic\": \"/slamcore/odom\"\n    },\n    \"groundtruth0\": {\n      \"topic\": \"/irrelevant_gts\"\n    }\n  }\n  ```\n\n- The layout of the output directory is as follows:\n\n  ```sh\n  tree -L 2 output\n  ```\n\n  ```text\n  output/\n  \u251c\u2500\u2500 groundtruth0\n  \u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u2514\u2500\u2500 data.csv\n  \u251c\u2500\u2500 imu0\n  \u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u251c\u2500\u2500 acc.csv\n  \u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u2514\u2500\u2500 gyro.csv\n  \u251c\u2500\u2500 ir0\n  \u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u251c\u2500\u2500 data\n  \u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u2514\u2500\u2500 data.csv\n  \u251c\u2500\u2500 ir1\n  \u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u251c\u2500\u2500 data\n  \u2502\u00a0\u00a0 \u2514\u2500\u2500 data.csv\n  \u251c\u2500\u2500 metadata.txt\n  \u2514\u2500\u2500 odometry0\n      \u2514\u2500\u2500 data.csv\n  ```\n\n- You should expect output like the following during execution\n  <details>\n    <summary>Command execution output</summary>\n\n  ```text\n  13:25:24 | WARNING  -  Output path already exists. Overwriting it...\n  13:25:24 | WARNING  -\n\n  Configuration:\n  ===============\n\n    - Input bag file            : tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3\n    - Storage                   : sqlite3\n    - Output directory          : output\n    - Converter plugins 0       : None\n    - Overwrite output directory: True\n\n\n\n  INFO | 1685528724.276752680 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY.\n  INFO | 1685528724.360516990 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY.\n  13:25:24 | WARNING  -  Finished converting tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 -> output .\n  ```\n\n  </details>\n\n  You can also increase the verbosity of the tool with `-v` (for `INFO`) or with\n  `-vv` for (for `DEBUG` and `INFO`) messages .\n\n  <details>\n    <summary>Command execution output with -vv</summary>\n\n  ```text\n  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Determined storage type sqlite3 from file extension .db3\n  13:26:01 | WARNING  -  Output path already exists. Overwriting it...\n  13:26:01 | WARNING  -\n\n  Configuration:\n  ===============\n\n    - Input bag file            : tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3\n    - Storage                   : sqlite3\n    - Output directory          : output\n    - Converter plugins 0       : None\n    - Overwrite output directory: True\n\n\n\n  INFO | 1685528761.113749019 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY.\n  INFO | 1685528761.195022167 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY.\n  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Rosbag metadata:\n\n\n  Files:             tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3\n  Bag size:          36.4 MiB\n  Storage id:        sqlite3\n  Duration:          16.350s\n  Start:             May 31 2023 10:55:05.54 (1685519705.54)\n  End:               May 31 2023 10:55:21.404 (1685519721.404)\n  Messages:          94576\n  Topic information: Topic: /irrelevant_gts | Type: geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped | Count: 490 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /irrelevant_imu | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 817 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/accel | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 34530 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/gyro | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 34530 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/distance_travelled | Type: std_msgs/msg/Float64 | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/num_features | Type: std_msgs/msg/Int64 | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/slam_event | Type: slamcore_msgs/msg/SLAMEvent | Count: 3 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/tracked_features | Type: std_msgs/msg/Int64 | Count: 6906 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/metadata/tracking_status | Type: slamcore_msgs/msg/TrackingStatus | Count: 3454 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/odom | Type: nav_msgs/msg/Odometry | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/pose | Type: geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/visible_0/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 7 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/visible_0/image_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 11 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/visible_1/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 8 | Serialization Format: cdr\n                    Topic: /slamcore/visible_1/image_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 8 | Serialization Format: cdr\n\n  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Validating input config file and contents of rosbag...\n  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping Infrared        - /slamcore/visible_0/image_raw -> ir0...\n  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping Infrared        - /slamcore/visible_1/image_raw -> ir1...\n  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping Imu             - /irrelevant_imu -> imu0...\n  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping Odometry        - /slamcore/odom -> odometry0...\n  13:26:01 | DEBUG    -  Mapping GroundTruth     - /irrelevant_gts -> groundtruth0...\n  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Consuming rosbag...\n  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Consumed rosbag.\n  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Flushing pending data...\n  13:26:01 | INFO     -  Flushed pending data.\n  13:26:01 | WARNING  -  Finished converting tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 -> output .\n  ```\n\n  </details>\n\n### Rosbag 2 Converter Plugins\n\nIn addition to the standard message types specified in the tool's description,\nthe `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` tool allows the conversion of arbitrary topics\ngiven that you teach it how to convert them and what type of messages they are.\nYou can specify this in a separate python module, and specify this module's\npath during the `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` execution. For example, here's one\nplugin to convert the `TrackingStatus` messages published by the [Slamcore ROS 2\nwrapper](\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Code in Rosbag2 Converter Plugin -</summary>\n\n```python\nfrom slamcore_utils import DatasetSubdirWriter, MeasurementType\nfrom slamcore_utils.ros2 import Ros2ConverterPlugin\n\nclass TrackingStatusWriter(DatasetSubdirWriter):\n    def __init__(self, directory):\n        super().__init__(directory=directory)\n\n        self.ofs_tracking_status = ( / \"data.csv\").open(\"w\", newline=\"\")\n        self.csv_tracking_status = csv.writer(self.ofs_tracking_status, delimiter=\",\")\n        self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([\"tracking_status_val\", \"tracking_status_str\"])\n\n    def write(self, msg):\n        if is TrackingStatus.NOT_INITIALISED:\n            self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([, \"NOT_INITIALISED\"])\n        elif is TrackingStatus.OK:\n            self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([, \"OK\"])\n        elif is TrackingStatus.LOST:\n            self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([, \"LOST\"])\n        else:\n            logger.error(f\"Unknown TrackingStatus {}\")\n\n    def teardown(self):\n        self.ofs_tracking_status.close()\n\nconverter_plugins = [\n    Ros2ConverterPlugin(\n        writer_type=TrackingStatusWriter,\n        measurement_type=MeasurementType(\n            name=\"TrackingStatus\", shortname=\"tracking_status\", is_camera=False\n        ),\n        topic_type=\"slamcore_msgs/msg/TrackingStatus\",\n    ),\n  ]\n```\n\n</details>\n\nYou can then specify the path to the plugin above during the tool execution and\nspecify the extra topics to convert in the provided JSON file\n\n```json\n  ...\n\n  \"tracking_status0\": {\n    \"topic\": \"/slamcore/metadata/tracking_status\"\n  },\n\n  ...\n```\n\n```sh\nslamcore-convert-rosbag2 \\\n  -b tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 \\\n  -o output -c ammended_trimmed_rosbag2.json\n  -p /path/to/\n```\n\nThis will, in addition to the standard topics conversion also write the\ntracking status data to the `output/tracking_status0/data.csv` file.\n\nYou can also have a look at the blackbox test of the plugins at\n[slamcore_convert_rosbag2_with_plugin](tests/test_data/executables/slamcore_convert_rosbag2_with_plugin)\nand at\n[](tests/\n\n## Installation\n\nInstall it directly from PyPI:\n\n```sh\npip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils[tqdm]\n\n# Or if you don't want tqdm's polished progress bars\npip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils\n\n# Always install the `ros2` extra if you intend to use the\n# `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` executable\npip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils[ros2]\n```\n\n<details>\n  <summary>I don't want to have to install it</summary>\n\nMake sure the project dependencies are installed:\n\n```sh\npip3 install -r requirements.txt\n```\n\nThen adjust your `PYTHONPATH` variable and run accordingly:\n\n```sh\ngit clone\ncd slamcore_utils\nexport PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$PWD\n./slamcore_utils/scripts/\n```\n\n</details>\n\n<details>\n  <summary>I don't want to install any of your dependencies in my user's install directory</summary>\n\nConsider using either [pipx]( or\n[poetry]( to install this package and\nits dependencies isolated in a virtual environment:\n\n```sh\ngit clone\npoetry install\npoetry shell\n\n# the executables should now be available in your $PATH\nsetup-dataset\n```\n\n</details>\n\n## About Slamcore\n\nSlamcore offers commercial-grade visual-inertial\nsimultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) software for real-time autonomous\nnavigation on robots and drones. Find out more at [][slamcore].\n\n[slamcore]:\n",
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