
Namesmooth-servo JSON
Version 0.0.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryThis library provides a set of slowdowns for my servo packages.
upload_time2023-02-11 15:52:02
keywords micropython servo easing
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            This is an automatic translation, may be incorrect in some places.
# Smooth Servo Library
This library is a collection of deceleration options for my servo libraries.
Since this functionality is not mandatory, I decided to move it to a separate library.

Library features:
- Allows you to create iterators based on: value, time, regrettable slowdown.

Materials used to create the library:
- Material [CSS Transitions](, by MDN
- Material []( by Andrey Sitnik and Ivan Solovev

### Compatibility
- MicroPython 1.19.1
- Raspberry Pi Pico

On the hardware above the library has been tested and works correctly.

You use this module at your own risk.
I am new to MicroPython programming. So there may be nuances that I did not take into account.
If you notice an error or have suggestions for improvement, please write to Issues.

## Contents
- [Install](
- [Initialization](
- [Documentation](
- [Bugs and feedback](

<a id="install"></a>
## Installation
- Install the library via pip (Thonny -> Manage Packages) by name **smooth-servo**
- Or manual installation:
   - [Download library from GitHub](
   - take the **smooth_servo** folder from the archive.
   - upload to the root of the microcontroller or to the **lib** folder.

<a id="init"></a>
## Usage
This library is primarily designed to be used with my servo libraries.
But you can also use it in other projects like this:

from smooth_servo import SmoothLinear

# Set parameters
value = 100  # End value the iterator should reach
time_ms = 1000  # Time in milliseconds to reach end value
start_value = 0  # Start value
tick_time_ms = 50  # Time between iterations (used to calculate the number of steps)

# Create an instance of the iterator class
linear = SmoothLinear(value, time_ms, start_value)

# create an iterator with a given time between iterations
iterator = linear.generate(tick_time_ms)

# Use an iterator
for i in iterator:

<a id="doc"></a>
## Documentation
### Constructor parameters

| Parameter   | type | default | description                                                |
| value       | int  | None    | End value                                                  |
| time_ms     | int  | None    | The time in milliseconds it takes to reach the final value |
| start_value | int  | 0       | Initial value                                              |

- `value` - cannot be equal to or less than 0.
- `time_ms` - cannot be equal to or less than 0.
- `start_value` - cannot be greater than `value`.

### Iterator classes

| Class                | Easing type    | Description                                      |
| ServoSmoothBase      | None           | Base class for iterators                         |
| SmoothLinear         | Linear         | Linear dependence of value on time.              |
| SmoothEaseIn         | EaseIn         | [Example](     |
| SmoothEaseOut        | EaseOut        | [Example](    |
| SmoothEaseInOut      | EaseInOut      | [Example](  |
| SmoothEaseInQuad     | EaseInQuad     | [Example](     |
| SmoothEaseOutQuad    | EaseOutQuad    | [Example](    |
| SmoothEaseInOutQuad  | EaseInOutQuad  | [Example](  |
| SmoothEaseInCubic    | EaseInCubic    | [Example](    |
| SmoothEaseOutCubic   | EaseOutCubic   | [Example](   |
| SmoothEaseInOutCubic | EaseInOutCubic | [Example]( |
| SmoothEaseInQuart    | EaseInQuart    | [Example](    |
| SmoothEaseOutQuart   | EaseOutQuart   | [Example](   |
| SmoothEaseInOutQuart | EaseInOutQuart | [Example]( |
| SmoothEaseInQuint    | EaseInQuint    | [Example](    |
| SmoothEaseOutQuint   | EaseOutQuint   | [Example](   |
| SmoothEaseInOutQuint | EaseInOutQuint | [Example]( |
| SmoothEaseInExpo     | EaseInExpo     | [Example](     |
| SmoothEaseOutExpo    | EaseOutExpo    | [Example](    |
| SmoothEaseInOutExpo  | EaseInOutExpo  | [Example](  |
| SmoothEaseInCirc     | EaseInCirc     | [Example](     |
| SmoothEaseOutCirc    | EaseOutCirc    | [Example](    |
| SmoothEaseInOutCirc  | EaseInOutCirc  | [Example](  |
| SmoothEaseInBack     | EaseInBack     | [Example](     |
| SmoothEaseOutBack    | EaseOutBack    | [Example](    |
| SmoothEaseInOutBack  | EaseInOutBack  | [Example](  |

<a id="feedback"></a>
## Bugs and feedback
Create an [issue]( when you find bugs.
The library is open for revision and your [pull requests](

Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "smooth-servo",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.5",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "micropython,servo easing",
    "author": "TTitanUA",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "micropython",
    "description": "This is an automatic translation, may be incorrect in some places.\n# Smooth Servo Library\nThis library is a collection of deceleration options for my servo libraries.\nSince this functionality is not mandatory, I decided to move it to a separate library.\n\nLibrary features:\n- Allows you to create iterators based on: value, time, regrettable slowdown.\n\n\nMaterials used to create the library:\n- Material [CSS Transitions](, by MDN\n- Material []( by Andrey Sitnik and Ivan Solovev\n\n### Compatibility\n- MicroPython 1.19.1\n- Raspberry Pi Pico\n\nOn the hardware above the library has been tested and works correctly.\n\n### ATTENTION\nYou use this module at your own risk.\nI am new to MicroPython programming. So there may be nuances that I did not take into account.\nIf you notice an error or have suggestions for improvement, please write to Issues.\n\n## Contents\n- [Install](\n- [Initialization](\n- [Documentation](\n- [Bugs and feedback](\n\n<a id=\"install\"></a>\n## Installation\n- Install the library via pip (Thonny -> Manage Packages) by name **smooth-servo**\n- Or manual installation:\n   - [Download library from GitHub](\n   - take the **smooth_servo** folder from the archive.\n   - upload to the root of the microcontroller or to the **lib** folder.\n\n<a id=\"init\"></a>\n## Usage\nThis library is primarily designed to be used with my servo libraries.\nBut you can also use it in other projects like this:\n\n```python\nfrom smooth_servo import SmoothLinear\n\n# Set parameters\nvalue = 100  # End value the iterator should reach\ntime_ms = 1000  # Time in milliseconds to reach end value\nstart_value = 0  # Start value\ntick_time_ms = 50  # Time between iterations (used to calculate the number of steps)\n\n# Create an instance of the iterator class\nlinear = SmoothLinear(value, time_ms, start_value)\n\n# create an iterator with a given time between iterations\niterator = linear.generate(tick_time_ms)\n\n# Use an iterator\nfor i in iterator:\n    print(i)\n```\n\n<a id=\"doc\"></a>\n## Documentation\n### Constructor parameters\n\n| Parameter   | type | default | description                                                |\n|-------------|------|---------|------------------------------------------------------------|\n| value       | int  | None    | End value                                                  |\n| time_ms     | int  | None    | The time in milliseconds it takes to reach the final value |\n| start_value | int  | 0       | Initial value                                              |\n\n- `value` - cannot be equal to or less than 0.\n- `time_ms` - cannot be equal to or less than 0.\n- `start_value` - cannot be greater than `value`.\n\n### Iterator classes\n\n| Class                | Easing type    | Description                                      |\n|----------------------|----------------|--------------------------------------------------|\n| ServoSmoothBase      | None           | Base class for iterators                         |\n| SmoothLinear         | Linear         | Linear dependence of value on time.              |\n| SmoothEaseIn         | EaseIn         | [Example](     |\n| SmoothEaseOut        | EaseOut        | [Example](    |\n| SmoothEaseInOut      | EaseInOut      | [Example](  |\n| SmoothEaseInQuad     | EaseInQuad     | [Example](     |\n| SmoothEaseOutQuad    | EaseOutQuad    | [Example](    |\n| SmoothEaseInOutQuad  | EaseInOutQuad  | [Example](  |\n| SmoothEaseInCubic    | EaseInCubic    | [Example](    |\n| SmoothEaseOutCubic   | EaseOutCubic   | [Example](   |\n| SmoothEaseInOutCubic | EaseInOutCubic | [Example]( |\n| SmoothEaseInQuart    | EaseInQuart    | [Example](    |\n| SmoothEaseOutQuart   | EaseOutQuart   | [Example](   |\n| SmoothEaseInOutQuart | EaseInOutQuart | [Example]( |\n| SmoothEaseInQuint    | EaseInQuint    | [Example](    |\n| SmoothEaseOutQuint   | EaseOutQuint   | [Example](   |\n| SmoothEaseInOutQuint | EaseInOutQuint | [Example]( |\n| SmoothEaseInExpo     | EaseInExpo     | [Example](     |\n| SmoothEaseOutExpo    | EaseOutExpo    | [Example](    |\n| SmoothEaseInOutExpo  | EaseInOutExpo  | [Example](  |\n| SmoothEaseInCirc     | EaseInCirc     | [Example](     |\n| SmoothEaseOutCirc    | EaseOutCirc    | [Example](    |\n| SmoothEaseInOutCirc  | EaseInOutCirc  | [Example](  |\n| SmoothEaseInBack     | EaseInBack     | [Example](     |\n| SmoothEaseOutBack    | EaseOutBack    | [Example](    |\n| SmoothEaseInOutBack  | EaseInOutBack  | [Example](  |\n\n<a id=\"feedback\"></a>\n## Bugs and feedback\nCreate an [issue]( when you find bugs.\nThe library is open for revision and your [pull requests](",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "This library provides a set of slowdowns for my servo packages.",
    "version": "0.0.2",
    "split_keywords": [
        "servo easing"
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    "github": true,
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    "github_user": "TTitanUA",
    "github_project": "servo_smooth",
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    "lcname": "smooth-servo"
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