
Namesnyk-tags JSON
Version 2.3.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCLI tool designed to manage tags and attributes at scale
upload_time2024-07-09 11:36:23
keywords snyk
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Snyk Tags Tool


#### **Snyk Tags is a CLI tool which can:**

- Help filter Snyk projects by product type by adding product tags across a Snyk Group or Organization - using ```snyk-tags tag```
- Help filter Snyk projects by applying tags to all projects containing a specific name ```snyk-tags tag alltargets --contains-name=```
- Help filter Snyk projects by applying tags to a target import (for example a git repo like **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**) - using ```snyk-tags target tag``` or from a csv/json file with ```snyk-tags fromfile target-tag```
- Help filter Snyk projects by applying attributes to a target import (for example a git repo like **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**) - using ```snyk-tags target attributes``` or from a csv/json file with ```snyk-tags fromfile target-attributes```
- Help filter Snyk projects by adding the GitHub CODEOWNERS (only GitHub handles) as tags to the target import (must be a GitHub repo in the form **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**) - using ```snyk-tags target github owners```
- Help with tag management by removing tags from a Group or a target import (for example a git repo like **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**) - using ```snyk-tags target remove``` or listing all tags using ```snyk-tags list tags``` (also in bulk or from a csv/json file with ```snyk-tags fromfile```)
- [Associate Snyk Open Source, Code and Container projects]( with software component tags, using ```snyk-tags component tag```.

### **snyk-tags tag**

```snyk-tags tag``` is a CLI tool that uses the Snyk Project Tag API to assign tags in bulk to Snyk projects based on the product.

```snyk-tags tag``` will update all projects of the specified product within a Snyk Group or Organization with the product's tag.

You can also specify a custom tag for the specific project types.

[List all project types](#list-of-all-project-types)

### **snyk-tags target**

```snyk-tags target``` goes through a target (repo, container, CLI import) to assign tags, attributes and assign GitHub metadata. Targets in snyk can be varied like:

- **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof** is the target from a git import
- **library/httpd** is the target from a container import
- **/snyk-labs/nodejs-goof** is the target from a CLI import

You can use:

- **```snyk-tags target tag```** to add tags to a target
- **```snyk-tags target attributes```** to add attributes to a target
- **```snyk-tags target github```** for specific GitHub metadata. The GitHub repo must include the GitHub Organization e.g. **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**

[List all possible attributes](#list-of-all-attributes)

#### **snyk-tags target github**

To import GitHub metadata such as CODEOWNERS or Topics, you can use this command.


- GitHub PAT with ```read:org``` permissions


- **```snyk-tags target github owners```** to add the CODEOWNERS file information as tags (limited to GitHub handles for now)
- **```snyk-tags target github topics```** to add the GitHub Topics as tags

### **Viewing results**

Once you run ```snyk-tags```, go into the UI, naviagate to the projects page and find the tags filter or attribute filter options on the left-hand menu. Select the tag/attribute you have applied and you will see all projects associated.

### **snyk-tags component tag**

```snyk-tags component tag``` automates tagging software components at scale for Snyk, based on powerful regular-expression based rules. Read more about this feature in [components](

## **Installation and requirements**

### **Requirements**

Requires Python version above 3.8

### **Installation**

To install the simplest way is to use pip:

pip install snyk-tags

Alternatively you can clone the repo and then run the following commands:

poetry install # To install dependencies
python -m snyk-tags # To run snyk-tags

## Examples

For the following examples you will need a Snyk API token, this can either be a personal Snyk Group/Org admin or a service account, [here]( is more information on how to generate a Snyk API token. You can then pass this token as part of the command through ```--snyktkn=abc``` or as an environment variable ```SNYK_TOKEN```

### Applying tags by Snyk product

I want to filter all my Snyk Code projects to the whole Snyk Group:

``` bash
snyk-tags tag sast --group-id=abc --snyktkn=abc

I want to filter all my ```npm``` Snyk Open Source projects within a specific Snyk Organization:

``` bash
snyk-tags tag sca --scatype=npm --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc

### Applying tags based on project name

I want to filter all my Snyk projects sharing a common project name substring

``` bash
snyk-tags tag alltargets --contains-name=microservice --group-id=abc --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --tagkey=app --tagvalue=microservice

### Managing tags based on target SCM repository

I want to filter all projects within my ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof``` repo by ```project:snyk```

``` bash
snyk-tags target tag --target=snyk-labs/nodejs-goof --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --tagkey=project --tagvalue=snyk

I want to add attributes to all projects within my ```snyk-labs/python-goof``` repo. The attributes are ```critical, production, backend```

``` bash
snyk-tags target attributes  --target=snyk-labs/python-goof --org-id=abc --snytkn=abc --criticality=critical --environment=backend --lifecycle=production

I want mark with the repo owners all projects of the repo ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof``` so I can filter by owner e.g.```Owner:EricFernandezSnyk```
(to use a private GitHub instance, use `--gh-base-url=<your instance's API baseurl>`. Example: `--gh-base-url=https://gh.local/api/v3`)

``` bash
snyk-tags target github owners --target=snyk-labs/nodejs-goof --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --githubtkn=abc

I want add my GitHub Topics to all projects of the repo ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof``` so I can filter by topics e.g.```GitHubTopic:python3```
(to use a private GitHub instance, use `--gh-base-url=<your instance's API baseurl>`. Example: `--gh-base-url=https://gh.local/api/v3`)

``` bash
snyk-tags target github topics --target=snyk-labs/nodejs-goof --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --githubtkn=abc

I want to remove the tag project:snyk from the repo ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof```

``` bash
snyk-tags remove tag-from-target --target=snyk-labs/nodejs-goof --group-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --tagkey=project --tagkey=snyk

I want to remove the tag app:microservice from all targets within a specific Snyk Organization

``` bash
snyk-tags remove tag-from-alltargets --contains-name=apps-demo --org-id=abc --tagkey=app --tagvalue=microservice

I want to filter all projects within ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof``` and ```snyk-labs/goof``` repo by ```project:snyk``` so I use a csv in the format ```org-id,target,key,value```

``` bash
snyk-tags fromfile target-tag --file=path/to/file.csv --snyktkn

## Types of projects and attributes

### List of all project types

|       Snyk IaC       | Snyk Open Source | Snyk Container | Snyk Code |
|    terraformconfig   |       maven      |   dockerfile   |    sast   |
|     terraformplan    |        npm       |       apk      |           |
|       k8sconfig      |       nuget      |       deb      |           |
|      helmconfig      |      gradle      |       rpm      |           |
| cloudformationconfig |        pip       |      linux     |           |
|       armconfig      |       yarn       |                |           |
|                      |     gomodules    |                |           |
|                      |     rubygems     |                |           |
|                      |     composer     |                |           |
|                      |        sbt       |                |           |
|                      |     golangdep    |                |           |
|                      |     cocoapods    |                |           |
|                      |      poetry      |                |           |
|                      |     govendor     |                |           |
|                      |        cpp       |                |           |
|                      |  yarn-workspace  |                |           |
|                      |        hex       |                |           |
|                      |       paket      |                |           |
|                      |      golang      |                |           |

### List of all attributes

| Criticality          | Environment | Lifecycle       |
|       critical       |   frontend  |    production   |
|         high         |   backend   |   development   |
|        medium        |   internal  |     sandbox     |
|          low         |   external  |                 |
|                      |    mobile   |                 |
|                      |     saas    |                 |
|                      |    onprem   |                 |
|                      |    hosted   |                 |
|                      | distributed |                 |


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "snyk-tags",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "snyk",
    "author": "EricFernandezSnyk",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Snyk Tags Tool\n\n![snyk-oss-category](\n\n#### **Snyk Tags is a CLI tool which can:**\n\n- Help filter Snyk projects by product type by adding product tags across a Snyk Group or Organization - using ```snyk-tags tag```\n- Help filter Snyk projects by applying tags to all projects containing a specific name ```snyk-tags tag alltargets --contains-name=```\n- Help filter Snyk projects by applying tags to a target import (for example a git repo like **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**) - using ```snyk-tags target tag``` or from a csv/json file with ```snyk-tags fromfile target-tag```\n- Help filter Snyk projects by applying attributes to a target import (for example a git repo like **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**) - using ```snyk-tags target attributes``` or from a csv/json file with ```snyk-tags fromfile target-attributes```\n- Help filter Snyk projects by adding the GitHub CODEOWNERS (only GitHub handles) as tags to the target import (must be a GitHub repo in the form **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**) - using ```snyk-tags target github owners```\n- Help with tag management by removing tags from a Group or a target import (for example a git repo like **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**) - using ```snyk-tags target remove``` or listing all tags using ```snyk-tags list tags``` (also in bulk or from a csv/json file with ```snyk-tags fromfile```)\n- [Associate Snyk Open Source, Code and Container projects]( with software component tags, using ```snyk-tags component tag```.\n\n### **snyk-tags tag**\n\n```snyk-tags tag``` is a CLI tool that uses the Snyk Project Tag API to assign tags in bulk to Snyk projects based on the product.\n\n```snyk-tags tag``` will update all projects of the specified product within a Snyk Group or Organization with the product's tag.\n\nYou can also specify a custom tag for the specific project types.\n\n[List all project types](#list-of-all-project-types)\n\n### **snyk-tags target**\n\n```snyk-tags target``` goes through a target (repo, container, CLI import) to assign tags, attributes and assign GitHub metadata. Targets in snyk can be varied like:\n\n- **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof** is the target from a git import\n- **library/httpd** is the target from a container import\n- **/snyk-labs/nodejs-goof** is the target from a CLI import\n\nYou can use:\n\n- **```snyk-tags target tag```** to add tags to a target\n- **```snyk-tags target attributes```** to add attributes to a target\n- **```snyk-tags target github```** for specific GitHub metadata. The GitHub repo must include the GitHub Organization e.g. **snyk-labs/nodejs-goof**\n\n[List all possible attributes](#list-of-all-attributes)\n\n#### **snyk-tags target github**\n\nTo import GitHub metadata such as CODEOWNERS or Topics, you can use this command.\n\n**Requirements:**\n\n- GitHub PAT with ```read:org``` permissions\n\n**Usage:**\n\n- **```snyk-tags target github owners```** to add the CODEOWNERS file information as tags (limited to GitHub handles for now)\n- **```snyk-tags target github topics```** to add the GitHub Topics as tags\n\n### **Viewing results**\n\nOnce you run ```snyk-tags```, go into the UI, naviagate to the projects page and find the tags filter or attribute filter options on the left-hand menu. Select the tag/attribute you have applied and you will see all projects associated.\n\n### **snyk-tags component tag**\n\n```snyk-tags component tag``` automates tagging software components at scale for Snyk, based on powerful regular-expression based rules. Read more about this feature in [components](\n\n## **Installation and requirements**\n\n### **Requirements**\n\nRequires Python version above 3.8\n\n### **Installation**\n\nTo install the simplest way is to use pip:\n\n```bash\npip install snyk-tags\n```\n\nAlternatively you can clone the repo and then run the following commands:\n\n```python\npoetry install # To install dependencies\npython -m snyk-tags # To run snyk-tags\n```\n\n## Examples\n\nFor the following examples you will need a Snyk API token, this can either be a personal Snyk Group/Org admin or a service account, [here]( is more information on how to generate a Snyk API token. You can then pass this token as part of the command through ```--snyktkn=abc``` or as an environment variable ```SNYK_TOKEN```\n\n### Applying tags by Snyk product\n\nI want to filter all my Snyk Code projects to the whole Snyk Group:\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags tag sast --group-id=abc --snyktkn=abc\n```\n\nI want to filter all my ```npm``` Snyk Open Source projects within a specific Snyk Organization:\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags tag sca --scatype=npm --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc\n```\n\n### Applying tags based on project name\n\nI want to filter all my Snyk projects sharing a common project name substring\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags tag alltargets --contains-name=microservice --group-id=abc --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --tagkey=app --tagvalue=microservice\n```\n\n### Managing tags based on target SCM repository\n\nI want to filter all projects within my ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof``` repo by ```project:snyk```\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags target tag --target=snyk-labs/nodejs-goof --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --tagkey=project --tagvalue=snyk\n```\n\nI want to add attributes to all projects within my ```snyk-labs/python-goof``` repo. The attributes are ```critical, production, backend```\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags target attributes  --target=snyk-labs/python-goof --org-id=abc --snytkn=abc --criticality=critical --environment=backend --lifecycle=production\n```\n\nI want mark with the repo owners all projects of the repo ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof``` so I can filter by owner e.g.```Owner:EricFernandezSnyk```\n(to use a private GitHub instance, use `--gh-base-url=<your instance's API baseurl>`. Example: `--gh-base-url=https://gh.local/api/v3`)\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags target github owners --target=snyk-labs/nodejs-goof --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --githubtkn=abc\n```\n\nI want add my GitHub Topics to all projects of the repo ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof``` so I can filter by topics e.g.```GitHubTopic:python3```\n(to use a private GitHub instance, use `--gh-base-url=<your instance's API baseurl>`. Example: `--gh-base-url=https://gh.local/api/v3`)\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags target github topics --target=snyk-labs/nodejs-goof --org-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --githubtkn=abc\n```\n\nI want to remove the tag project:snyk from the repo ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof```\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags remove tag-from-target --target=snyk-labs/nodejs-goof --group-id=abc --snyktkn=abc --tagkey=project --tagkey=snyk\n```\n\nI want to remove the tag app:microservice from all targets within a specific Snyk Organization\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags remove tag-from-alltargets --contains-name=apps-demo --org-id=abc --tagkey=app --tagvalue=microservice\n```\n\nI want to filter all projects within ```snyk-labs/nodejs-goof``` and ```snyk-labs/goof``` repo by ```project:snyk``` so I use a csv in the format ```org-id,target,key,value```\n\n``` bash\nsnyk-tags fromfile target-tag --file=path/to/file.csv --snyktkn\n```\n\n## Types of projects and attributes\n\n### List of all project types\n\n|       Snyk IaC       | Snyk Open Source | Snyk Container | Snyk Code |\n|:--------------------:|:----------------:|:--------------:|:---------:|\n|    terraformconfig   |       maven      |   dockerfile   |    sast   |\n|     terraformplan    |        npm       |       apk      |           |\n|       k8sconfig      |       nuget      |       deb      |           |\n|      helmconfig      |      gradle      |       rpm      |           |\n| cloudformationconfig |        pip       |      linux     |           |\n|       armconfig      |       yarn       |                |           |\n|                      |     gomodules    |                |           |\n|                      |     rubygems     |                |           |\n|                      |     composer     |                |           |\n|                      |        sbt       |                |           |\n|                      |     golangdep    |                |           |\n|                      |     cocoapods    |                |           |\n|                      |      poetry      |                |           |\n|                      |     govendor     |                |           |\n|                      |        cpp       |                |           |\n|                      |  yarn-workspace  |                |           |\n|                      |        hex       |                |           |\n|                      |       paket      |                |           |\n|                      |      golang      |                |           |\n\n### List of all attributes\n\n| Criticality          | Environment | Lifecycle       |\n|:--------------------:|:-----------:|:---------------:|\n|       critical       |   frontend  |    production   |\n|         high         |   backend   |   development   |\n|        medium        |   internal  |     sandbox     |\n|          low         |   external  |                 |\n|                      |    mobile   |                 |\n|                      |     saas    |                 |\n|                      |    onprem   |                 |\n|                      |    hosted   |                 |\n|                      | distributed |                 |\n",
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