
Namespacy-syncha JSON
Version 0.9.2 PyPI version JSON
SummarySynCha-CaboCha-MeCab wrapper for spaCy
upload_time2023-04-17 23:51:15
authorKoichi Yasuoka
keywords spacy nlp
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            [![Current PyPI packages](](

# spaCy-SynCha

SynCha-CaboCha-MeCab wrapper for spaCy

## Basic Usage

>>> import spacy_syncha
>>> nlp=spacy_syncha.load()
>>> doc=nlp("太郎は花子が読んでいる本を次郎に渡した")
>>> for t in doc:
...   print(t.i,t.orth_,t.lemma_,t.pos_,t.tag_,t.head.i,t.dep_,t.norm_,t.ent_iob_,t.ent_type_)
0 太郎 太郎 PROPN 名詞-固有名詞-人名-名 12 nsubj タロウ B PERSON
1 は は ADP 助詞-係助詞 0 case ハ O
2 花子 花子 PROPN 名詞-固有名詞-人名-名 4 nsubj ハナコ B PERSON
3 が が ADP 助詞-格助詞-一般 2 case ガ O
4 読ん 読む VERB 動詞-自立 7 acl ヨン O
5 で で CCONJ 助詞-接続助詞 4 mark デ O
6 いる いる AUX 動詞-非自立 4 aux イル O
7 本 本 NOUN 名詞-一般 12 obj ホン O
8 を を ADP 助詞-格助詞-一般 7 case ヲ O
9 次 次 NOUN 名詞-一般 10 compound ツギ O
10 郎 郎 NOUN 名詞-一般 12 iobj ロウ O
11 に に ADP 助詞-格助詞-一般 10 case ニ O
12 渡し 渡す VERB 動詞-自立 12 ROOT ワタシ O
13 た た AUX 助動詞 12 aux タ O
>>> import deplacy
>>> deplacy.render(doc,Japanese=True)
太郎 PROPN ═╗<══════════╗ nsubj(主語)
は   ADP   <╝           ║ case(格表示)
花子 PROPN ═╗<╗         ║ nsubj(主語)
が   ADP   <╝ ║         ║ case(格表示)
読ん VERB  ═══╝═╗═╗<╗   ║ acl(連体修飾節)
で   CCONJ <════╝ ║ ║   ║ mark(標識)
いる AUX   <══════╝ ║   ║ aux(動詞補助成分)
本   NOUN  ═╗═══════╝<╗ ║ obj(目的語)
を   ADP   <╝         ║ ║ case(格表示)
次   NOUN  <╗         ║ ║ compound(複合)
郎   NOUN  ═╝═╗<╗     ║ ║ iobj(間接目的語)
に   ADP   <══╝ ║     ║ ║ case(格表示)
渡し VERB  ═╗═══╝═════╝═╝ ROOT(親)
た   AUX   <╝             aux(動詞補助成分)
>>> from deplacy.deprelja import deprelja
>>> for b in spacy_syncha.bunsetu_spans(doc):
...   for t in b.lefts:
...     print(spacy_syncha.bunsetu_span(t),"->",b,"("+deprelja[t.dep_]+")")
花子が -> 読んでいる (主語)
読んでいる -> 本を (連体修飾節)
太郎は -> 渡した (主語)
本を -> 渡した (目的語)
次郎に -> 渡した (間接目的語)

`spacy_syncha.load(UniDic)` loads spaCy Language pipeline for SynCha-CaboCha-MeCab. Available `UniDic` options are:

* `UniDic="gendai"`: Use [現代書き言葉UniDic](
* `UniDic="spoken"`: Use [現代話し言葉UniDic](
* `UniDic="novel"`: Use [近現代口語小説UniDic](
* `UniDic="qkana"`: Use [旧仮名口語UniDic](
* `UniDic="kindai"`: Use [近代文語UniDic](
* `UniDic="kinsei"`: Use [近世江戸口語UniDic](
* `UniDic="kyogen"`: Use [中世口語UniDic](
* `UniDic="wakan"`: Use [中世文語UniDic](
* `UniDic="wabun"`: Use [中古和文UniDic](
* `UniDic="manyo"`: Use [上代語UniDic](
* `UniDic=None`: Use IPADic (default).

You can simply use `syncha2ud` on the command line to get [Universal Dependencies](

echo 太郎は花子が読んでいる本を次郎に渡した | syncha2ud

## Installation for Linux (Debian)

First, install [MeCab]( and necessary packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mecab libmecab-dev mecab-ipadic-utf8 python3-pip python3-dev g++ make curl lp-solve
pip3 install gdown --user
cd /tmp
curl -L '' | tar xzf -
cd CRF++-0.58
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=`mecab-config --libs-only-L`
make && sudo make install

Second, install [CaboCha](

cd /tmp
gdown ''
tar xjf cabocha-0.69.tar.bz2
cd cabocha-0.69
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=`mecab-config --libs-only-L` --with-charset=UTF8
make && sudo make install

Third, install [SynCha](

cd /tmp
curl -L | tar xzf -
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
sudo mv syncha- /usr/local/syncha
( echo '#! /bin/sh' ; echo 'exec /usr/local/syncha/syncha "$@"' ) > syncha
sudo install syncha /usr/local/bin

And last, install spaCy-SynCha:

pip3 install spacy_syncha --user

## Installation for Linux (Ubuntu)

Same as Debian.

## Installation for Linux (Kali)

Same as Debian.

## Installation for Linux (CentOS)

First, install [MeCab]( and necessary packages:

sudo yum update
sudo yum install python3-pip python3-devel gcc-c++ make curl bzip2 lpsolve epel-release
pip3 install gdown --user
sudo rpm -ivh
sudo yum install mecab mecab-devel mecab-ipadic
cd /tmp
curl -L '' | tar xzf -
cd CRF++-0.58
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=`mecab-config --libs-only-L`
make && sudo make install

Second, third, and last are same as Debian.

## Installation for Cygwin

Make sure to get `python37-devel` `python37-pip` `python37-cython` `python37-numpy` `git` `gcc-g++` `perl`, and then:

pip3.7 install git+
pip3.7 install spacy_syncha

## Installation for Google Colaboratory

Try [notebook](

## Benchmarks

Results of [舞姬/雪國/荒野より-Benchmarks](

|UniDic="qkana" |81.13|66.67|70.37|

|UniDic="qkana" |87.50|81.63|77.55|

|UniDic="qkana" |63.87|32.88|43.84|

## Reference

* 安岡孝一: [形態素解析部の付け替えによる近代日本語(旧字旧仮名)の係り受け解析](, 情報処理学会研究報告, Vol.2020-CH-124「人文科学とコンピュータ」, No.3 (2020年9月5日), pp.1-8.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "spacy-syncha",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "spacy nlp",
    "author": "Koichi Yasuoka",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "[![Current PyPI packages](](\n\n# spaCy-SynCha\n\nSynCha-CaboCha-MeCab wrapper for spaCy\n\n## Basic Usage\n\n```py\n>>> import spacy_syncha\n>>> nlp=spacy_syncha.load()\n>>> doc=nlp(\"\u592a\u90ce\u306f\u82b1\u5b50\u304c\u8aad\u3093\u3067\u3044\u308b\u672c\u3092\u6b21\u90ce\u306b\u6e21\u3057\u305f\")\n>>> for t in doc:\n...   print(t.i,t.orth_,t.lemma_,t.pos_,t.tag_,t.head.i,t.dep_,t.norm_,t.ent_iob_,t.ent_type_)\n...\n0 \u592a\u90ce \u592a\u90ce PROPN \u540d\u8a5e-\u56fa\u6709\u540d\u8a5e-\u4eba\u540d-\u540d 12 nsubj \u30bf\u30ed\u30a6 B PERSON\n1 \u306f \u306f ADP \u52a9\u8a5e-\u4fc2\u52a9\u8a5e 0 case \u30cf O\n2 \u82b1\u5b50 \u82b1\u5b50 PROPN \u540d\u8a5e-\u56fa\u6709\u540d\u8a5e-\u4eba\u540d-\u540d 4 nsubj \u30cf\u30ca\u30b3 B PERSON\n3 \u304c \u304c ADP \u52a9\u8a5e-\u683c\u52a9\u8a5e-\u4e00\u822c 2 case \u30ac O\n4 \u8aad\u3093 \u8aad\u3080 VERB \u52d5\u8a5e-\u81ea\u7acb 7 acl \u30e8\u30f3 O\n5 \u3067 \u3067 CCONJ \u52a9\u8a5e-\u63a5\u7d9a\u52a9\u8a5e 4 mark \u30c7 O\n6 \u3044\u308b \u3044\u308b AUX \u52d5\u8a5e-\u975e\u81ea\u7acb 4 aux \u30a4\u30eb O\n7 \u672c \u672c NOUN \u540d\u8a5e-\u4e00\u822c 12 obj \u30db\u30f3 O\n8 \u3092 \u3092 ADP \u52a9\u8a5e-\u683c\u52a9\u8a5e-\u4e00\u822c 7 case \u30f2 O\n9 \u6b21 \u6b21 NOUN \u540d\u8a5e-\u4e00\u822c 10 compound \u30c4\u30ae O\n10 \u90ce \u90ce NOUN \u540d\u8a5e-\u4e00\u822c 12 iobj \u30ed\u30a6 O\n11 \u306b \u306b ADP \u52a9\u8a5e-\u683c\u52a9\u8a5e-\u4e00\u822c 10 case \u30cb O\n12 \u6e21\u3057 \u6e21\u3059 VERB \u52d5\u8a5e-\u81ea\u7acb 12 ROOT \u30ef\u30bf\u30b7 O\n13 \u305f \u305f AUX \u52a9\u52d5\u8a5e 12 aux \u30bf O\n>>> import deplacy\n>>> deplacy.render(doc,Japanese=True)\n\u592a\u90ce PROPN \u2550\u2557<\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2557 nsubj(\u4e3b\u8a9e)\n\u306f   ADP   <\u255d           \u2551 case(\u683c\u8868\u793a)\n\u82b1\u5b50 PROPN \u2550\u2557<\u2557         \u2551 nsubj(\u4e3b\u8a9e)\n\u304c   ADP   <\u255d \u2551         \u2551 case(\u683c\u8868\u793a)\n\u8aad\u3093 VERB  \u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d\u2550\u2557\u2550\u2557<\u2557   \u2551 acl(\u9023\u4f53\u4fee\u98fe\u7bc0)\n\u3067   CCONJ <\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d \u2551 \u2551   \u2551 mark(\u6a19\u8b58)\n\u3044\u308b AUX   <\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d \u2551   \u2551 aux(\u52d5\u8a5e\u88dc\u52a9\u6210\u5206)\n\u672c   NOUN  \u2550\u2557\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d<\u2557 \u2551 obj(\u76ee\u7684\u8a9e)\n\u3092   ADP   <\u255d         \u2551 \u2551 case(\u683c\u8868\u793a)\n\u6b21   NOUN  <\u2557         \u2551 \u2551 compound(\u8907\u5408)\n\u90ce   NOUN  \u2550\u255d\u2550\u2557<\u2557     \u2551 \u2551 iobj(\u9593\u63a5\u76ee\u7684\u8a9e)\n\u306b   ADP   <\u2550\u2550\u255d \u2551     \u2551 \u2551 case(\u683c\u8868\u793a)\n\u6e21\u3057 VERB  \u2550\u2557\u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d\u2550\u255d ROOT(\u89aa)\n\u305f   AUX   <\u255d             aux(\u52d5\u8a5e\u88dc\u52a9\u6210\u5206)\n>>> from deplacy.deprelja import deprelja\n>>> for b in spacy_syncha.bunsetu_spans(doc):\n...   for t in b.lefts:\n...     print(spacy_syncha.bunsetu_span(t),\"->\",b,\"(\"+deprelja[t.dep_]+\")\")\n...\n\u82b1\u5b50\u304c -> \u8aad\u3093\u3067\u3044\u308b (\u4e3b\u8a9e)\n\u8aad\u3093\u3067\u3044\u308b -> \u672c\u3092 (\u9023\u4f53\u4fee\u98fe\u7bc0)\n\u592a\u90ce\u306f -> \u6e21\u3057\u305f (\u4e3b\u8a9e)\n\u672c\u3092 -> \u6e21\u3057\u305f (\u76ee\u7684\u8a9e)\n\u6b21\u90ce\u306b -> \u6e21\u3057\u305f (\u9593\u63a5\u76ee\u7684\u8a9e)\n```\n\n`spacy_syncha.load(UniDic)` loads spaCy Language pipeline for SynCha-CaboCha-MeCab. Available `UniDic` options are:\n\n* `UniDic=\"gendai\"`: Use [\u73fe\u4ee3\u66f8\u304d\u8a00\u8449UniDic](\n* `UniDic=\"spoken\"`: Use [\u73fe\u4ee3\u8a71\u3057\u8a00\u8449UniDic](\n* `UniDic=\"novel\"`: Use [\u8fd1\u73fe\u4ee3\u53e3\u8a9e\u5c0f\u8aacUniDic](\n* `UniDic=\"qkana\"`: Use [\u65e7\u4eee\u540d\u53e3\u8a9eUniDic](\n* `UniDic=\"kindai\"`: Use [\u8fd1\u4ee3\u6587\u8a9eUniDic](\n* `UniDic=\"kinsei\"`: Use [\u8fd1\u4e16\u6c5f\u6238\u53e3\u8a9eUniDic](\n* `UniDic=\"kyogen\"`: Use [\u4e2d\u4e16\u53e3\u8a9eUniDic](\n* `UniDic=\"wakan\"`: Use [\u4e2d\u4e16\u6587\u8a9eUniDic](\n* `UniDic=\"wabun\"`: Use [\u4e2d\u53e4\u548c\u6587UniDic](\n* `UniDic=\"manyo\"`: Use [\u4e0a\u4ee3\u8a9eUniDic](\n* `UniDic=None`: Use IPADic (default).\n\nYou can simply use `syncha2ud` on the command line to get [Universal Dependencies](\n\n```sh\necho \u592a\u90ce\u306f\u82b1\u5b50\u304c\u8aad\u3093\u3067\u3044\u308b\u672c\u3092\u6b21\u90ce\u306b\u6e21\u3057\u305f | syncha2ud\n```\n\n## Installation for Linux (Debian)\n\nFirst, install [MeCab]( and necessary packages:\n\n```sh\nsudo apt update\nsudo apt install mecab libmecab-dev mecab-ipadic-utf8 python3-pip python3-dev g++ make curl lp-solve\npip3 install gdown --user\ncd /tmp\ncurl -L '' | tar xzf -\ncd CRF++-0.58\n./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=`mecab-config --libs-only-L`\nmake && sudo make install\n```\n\nSecond, install [CaboCha](\n\n```sh\ncd /tmp\ngdown ''\ntar xjf cabocha-0.69.tar.bz2\ncd cabocha-0.69\n./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=`mecab-config --libs-only-L` --with-charset=UTF8\nmake && sudo make install\n```\n\nThird, install [SynCha](\n\n```sh\ncd /tmp\ncurl -L | tar xzf -\nsudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin\nsudo mv syncha- /usr/local/syncha\n( echo '#! /bin/sh' ; echo 'exec /usr/local/syncha/syncha \"$@\"' ) > syncha\nsudo install syncha /usr/local/bin\n```\n\nAnd last, install spaCy-SynCha:\n\n```sh\npip3 install spacy_syncha --user\n```\n\n## Installation for Linux (Ubuntu)\n\nSame as Debian.\n\n## Installation for Linux (Kali)\n\nSame as Debian.\n\n## Installation for Linux (CentOS)\n\nFirst, install [MeCab]( and necessary packages:\n\n```sh\nsudo yum update\nsudo yum install python3-pip python3-devel gcc-c++ make curl bzip2 lpsolve epel-release\npip3 install gdown --user\nsudo rpm -ivh\nsudo yum install mecab mecab-devel mecab-ipadic\ncd /tmp\ncurl -L '' | tar xzf -\ncd CRF++-0.58\n./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=`mecab-config --libs-only-L`\nmake && sudo make install\n```\n\nSecond, third, and last are same as Debian.\n\n## Installation for Cygwin\n\nMake sure to get `python37-devel` `python37-pip` `python37-cython` `python37-numpy` `git` `gcc-g++` `perl`, and then:\n\n```sh\npip3.7 install git+\npip3.7 install spacy_syncha\n```\n\n## Installation for Google Colaboratory\n\nTry [notebook](\n\n## Benchmarks\n\nResults of [\u821e\u59ec/\u96ea\u570b/\u8352\u91ce\u3088\u308a-Benchmarks](\n\n|[\u821e\u59ec](|LAS|MLAS|BLEX|\n|---------------|-----|-----|-----|\n|UniDic=\"kindai\"|84.91|70.37|74.07|\n|UniDic=\"qkana\" |81.13|66.67|70.37|\n|UniDic=\"kinsei\"|72.22|57.14|57.14|\n\n|[\u96ea\u570b](|LAS|MLAS|BLEX|\n|---------------|-----|-----|-----|\n|UniDic=\"qkana\" |87.50|81.63|77.55|\n|UniDic=\"kinsei\"|85.71|83.33|75.00|\n|UniDic=\"kindai\"|83.19|77.55|73.47|\n\n|[\u8352\u91ce\u3088\u308a](|LAS|MLAS|BLEX|\n|---------------|-----|-----|-----|\n|UniDic=\"kindai\"|67.02|32.43|43.24|\n|UniDic=\"qkana\" |63.87|32.88|43.84|\n|UniDic=\"kinsei\"|63.54|29.73|40.54|\n\n## Reference\n\n* \u5b89\u5ca1\u5b5d\u4e00: [\u5f62\u614b\u7d20\u89e3\u6790\u90e8\u306e\u4ed8\u3051\u66ff\u3048\u306b\u3088\u308b\u8fd1\u4ee3\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e(\u65e7\u5b57\u65e7\u4eee\u540d)\u306e\u4fc2\u308a\u53d7\u3051\u89e3\u6790](, \u60c5\u5831\u51e6\u7406\u5b66\u4f1a\u7814\u7a76\u5831\u544a, Vol.2020-CH-124\u300c\u4eba\u6587\u79d1\u5b66\u3068\u30b3\u30f3\u30d4\u30e5\u30fc\u30bf\u300d, No.3 (2020\u5e749\u67085\u65e5), pp.1-8.\n\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "SynCha-CaboCha-MeCab wrapper for spaCy",
    "version": "0.9.2",
    "split_keywords": [
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