
Namespawn-parallel-instances JSON
Version 1.1.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA package to run multiple instances of the same script.
upload_time2024-07-28 09:21:47
authorRohit Kumar
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Spawn Parallel Instances

Spawn Parallel Instances is a versatile tool designed to facilitate running multiple instances of various types of scripts with customizable environment variables and arguments. By leveraging its command-line options, you can efficiently manage and execute scripts in parallel, making it an essential tool for developers and system administrators.

## Features

- Run multiple instances of a script concurrently.
- Load environment variables from a YAML file.
- Pass arguments to each process via a json file
- Specify the interpreter to use.
- Log output for each process with unique identifiers.

## Installation

You can install the package using pip:

pip install spawn_parallel_instances

## Usage

To use the concurrent executor, run the following command:

spawn_parallel_instances <script_name> --processes <num_processes> --env_file <env_file> --interpreter <interpreter> --script-type <script_type>

## Arguments

### Command-Line Arguments

The `ScriptRunner` accepts the following command-line arguments:

1. **script** (positional, required):
   - **Description:** The script to run.
   - **Type:** `str`
   - **Example:** `` or `my_script.js`

2. **--processes** (optional):
   - **Description:** Number of processes to spawn.
   - **Type:** `int`
   - **Default:** `1`
   - **Example:** `--processes 4`

3. **--env-file** (optional):
   - **Description:** YAML file containing environment variables.
   - **Type:** `str`
   - **Default:** `env_variables.yml`
   - **Example:** `--env-file config.yml`

4. **--script-type** (optional):
   - **Description:** Script type (either `python`, `nodejs`, `go`).
   - **Type:** `str`
   - **Choices:** `["python", "nodejs", "go"]`
   - **Default:** `python`
   - **Example:** `--script-type nodejs`

5. **--interpreter** (optional):
   - **Description:** Interpreter to use (Python interpreter or node).
   - **Type:** `str`
   - **Default:** If not specified, defaults to `python3.11` for Python scripts or `node` for Node.js scripts or `go run` for go.
   - **Example:** `--interpreter python3.8` or `--interpreter node`

6. **--script-args-file** (optional):
   - **Description:** JSON file containing script arguments for each process.
   - **Type:** `str`
   - **Default:** `""`
   - **Example:** `--script-args-file args.json`

7. **--script-args** (optional):
   - **Description:** Arguments to pass to each script instance, comma-separated for each instance.
   - **Type:** `str`
   - **Default:** `""`
   - **Example:** `--script-args "arg1,arg2,arg3"`

### Environment Variables

Environment variables should be defined in a YAML file. For example:

FOO: bar
BAZ: qux

The above YAML file can be used with the --env_file argument to set environment variables for the script.

### Arguments

The JSON file specified with `--script-args-file` should contain a list of argument sets, one for each process instance. The number of argument sets in the JSON file must match the number of processes specified.

#### Json file format

    ["arg1", "arg2", "arg3"],
    ["arg4", "arg5", "arg6"],
    ["arg7", "arg8", "arg9"]

### Logging
Each process will log its output to a file with a unique identifier. The log files are named based on the script name, process number, and a unique UUID.

### Example
Assuming you have a script called [`tests/sample/`](tests/sample/ and an environment file [`tests/sample/config.yml`](tests/sample/config.yml), you can run:

spawn_parallel_instances tests/sample/ --processes 3 --env_file tests/sample/config.yml --script-type python --interpreter python3.9
## Use Cases

### Running a Python Script with Default Settings:


### Running a Node.js Script with 4 Processes:

spawn_parallel_instances my_script.js --script-type nodejs --processes 4

### Running a Go Script with Environment Variables:

spawn_parallel_instances my_script.go --script-type go --env-file my_env.yml

### Running a Python Script with Specific Interpreter and Arguments:

spawn_parallel_instances --interpreter python3.9 --script-args-file args.json
### Running a Python Script with Direct Arguments:

spawn_parallel_instances --script-args "arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4"

## Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues while running ScriptRunner, consider the following tips:

### Interpreter Not Found:

Ensure that the interpreter specified in --interpreter or derived from --script-type is correctly installed and available in your PATH.

### Incorrect JSON Format:

Verify that the JSON file used for --script-args-file is correctly formatted as a list of lists. Each inner list should correspond to the arguments for one process instance.

### Environment Variables Not Loaded:

Check if the YAML file specified with --env-file exists and is correctly formatted. Ensure it contains valid key-value pairs.

### Script Execution Errors:

Review the log files generated for each process to identify any specific errors related to script execution.

## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:

- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes.
- Write tests for your changes.
- Ensure all tests pass.
- Submit a pull request.

### Development
To set up a development environment:

#### Clone the repository:

git clone
cd spawn_parallel_instances

#### Create a virtual environment and activate it:

Copy code
python3.9 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

#### Install the package in editable mode with development dependencies:

Copy code
pip install -e .[test]

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "spawn-parallel-instances",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Rohit Kumar",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Spawn Parallel Instances\n\nSpawn Parallel Instances is a versatile tool designed to facilitate running multiple instances of various types of scripts with customizable environment variables and arguments. By leveraging its command-line options, you can efficiently manage and execute scripts in parallel, making it an essential tool for developers and system administrators.\n\n## Features\n\n- Run multiple instances of a script concurrently.\n- Load environment variables from a YAML file.\n- Pass arguments to each process via a json file\n- Specify the interpreter to use.\n- Log output for each process with unique identifiers.\n\n## Installation\n\nYou can install the package using pip:\n\n```sh\npip install spawn_parallel_instances\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nTo use the concurrent executor, run the following command:\n\n```sh\nspawn_parallel_instances <script_name> --processes <num_processes> --env_file <env_file> --interpreter <interpreter> --script-type <script_type>\n```\n\n## Arguments\n\n### Command-Line Arguments\n\nThe `ScriptRunner` accepts the following command-line arguments:\n\n1. **script** (positional, required):\n   - **Description:** The script to run.\n   - **Type:** `str`\n   - **Example:** `` or `my_script.js`\n\n2. **--processes** (optional):\n   - **Description:** Number of processes to spawn.\n   - **Type:** `int`\n   - **Default:** `1`\n   - **Example:** `--processes 4`\n\n3. **--env-file** (optional):\n   - **Description:** YAML file containing environment variables.\n   - **Type:** `str`\n   - **Default:** `env_variables.yml`\n   - **Example:** `--env-file config.yml`\n\n4. **--script-type** (optional):\n   - **Description:** Script type (either `python`, `nodejs`, `go`).\n   - **Type:** `str`\n   - **Choices:** `[\"python\", \"nodejs\", \"go\"]`\n   - **Default:** `python`\n   - **Example:** `--script-type nodejs`\n\n5. **--interpreter** (optional):\n   - **Description:** Interpreter to use (Python interpreter or node).\n   - **Type:** `str`\n   - **Default:** If not specified, defaults to `python3.11` for Python scripts or `node` for Node.js scripts or `go run` for go.\n   - **Example:** `--interpreter python3.8` or `--interpreter node`\n\n6. **--script-args-file** (optional):\n   - **Description:** JSON file containing script arguments for each process.\n   - **Type:** `str`\n   - **Default:** `\"\"`\n   - **Example:** `--script-args-file args.json`\n\n7. **--script-args** (optional):\n   - **Description:** Arguments to pass to each script instance, comma-separated for each instance.\n   - **Type:** `str`\n   - **Default:** `\"\"`\n   - **Example:** `--script-args \"arg1,arg2,arg3\"`\n\n### Environment Variables\n\nEnvironment variables should be defined in a YAML file. For example:\n\n```yaml\nFOO: bar\nBAZ: qux\n```\n\nThe above YAML file can be used with the --env_file argument to set environment variables for the script.\n\n### Arguments\n\nThe JSON file specified with `--script-args-file` should contain a list of argument sets, one for each process instance. The number of argument sets in the JSON file must match the number of processes specified.\n\n#### Json file format\n\n```json\n[\n    [\"arg1\", \"arg2\", \"arg3\"],\n    [\"arg4\", \"arg5\", \"arg6\"],\n    [\"arg7\", \"arg8\", \"arg9\"]\n]\n```\n\n### Logging\nEach process will log its output to a file with a unique identifier. The log files are named based on the script name, process number, and a unique UUID.\n\n### Example\nAssuming you have a script called [`tests/sample/`](tests/sample/ and an environment file [`tests/sample/config.yml`](tests/sample/config.yml), you can run:\n\n```sh\nspawn_parallel_instances tests/sample/ --processes 3 --env_file tests/sample/config.yml --script-type python --interpreter python3.9\n```\n## Use Cases\n\n### Running a Python Script with Default Settings:\n\n```bash\nspawn_parallel_instances\n```\n\n### Running a Node.js Script with 4 Processes:\n\n```bash\nspawn_parallel_instances my_script.js --script-type nodejs --processes 4\n```\n\n### Running a Go Script with Environment Variables:\n\n```bash\nspawn_parallel_instances my_script.go --script-type go --env-file my_env.yml\n```\n\n### Running a Python Script with Specific Interpreter and Arguments:\n\n```bash\nspawn_parallel_instances --interpreter python3.9 --script-args-file args.json\n```\n### Running a Python Script with Direct Arguments:\n\n```bash\nspawn_parallel_instances --script-args \"arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4\"\n```\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nIf you encounter issues while running ScriptRunner, consider the following tips:\n\n### Interpreter Not Found:\n\nEnsure that the interpreter specified in --interpreter or derived from --script-type is correctly installed and available in your PATH.\n\n### Incorrect JSON Format:\n\nVerify that the JSON file used for --script-args-file is correctly formatted as a list of lists. Each inner list should correspond to the arguments for one process instance.\n\n### Environment Variables Not Loaded:\n\nCheck if the YAML file specified with --env-file exists and is correctly formatted. Ensure it contains valid key-value pairs.\n\n### Script Execution Errors:\n\nReview the log files generated for each process to identify any specific errors related to script execution.\n\n\n## Contributing\nContributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:\n\n- Fork the repository.\n- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.\n- Make your changes.\n- Write tests for your changes.\n- Ensure all tests pass.\n- Submit a pull request.\n\n### Development\nTo set up a development environment:\n\n#### Clone the repository:\n\n```sh\ngit clone\ncd spawn_parallel_instances\n```\n\n#### Create a virtual environment and activate it:\n\n```sh\nCopy code\npython3.9 -m venv venv\nsource venv/bin/activate\n```\n\n#### Install the package in editable mode with development dependencies:\n\n```sh\nCopy code\npip install -e .[test]\n```\n\n## License\n\nThis project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.\n\n\n",
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