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# Sports2D
**`Sports2D` automatically computes 2D joint positions, as well as joint and segment angles from a video or a webcam.**
> **`Announcement:`\
> Complete rewriting of the code!** Run `pip install sports2d -U` to get the latest version.
> - Faster, more accurate
> - Works from a webcam
> - Results in meters rather than pixels. **New in v0.5!**
> - Better visualization output
> - More flexible, easier to run
> - Batch process multiple videos at once
> Note: Colab version broken for now. I'll fix it in the next few weeks.
<!--User-friendly Colab version released! (and latest issues fixed, too)\
Works on any smartphone!**\
[![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://bit.ly/Sports2D_Colab)-->
`Warning:` Angle estimation is only as good as the pose estimation algorithm, i.e., it is not perfect.\
`Warning:` Results are acceptable only if the persons move in the 2D plane (sagittal or frontal plane). The persons need to be filmed as parallel as possible to the motion plane.\
If you need 3D research-grade markerless joint kinematics, consider using several cameras, and constraining angles to a biomechanically accurate model. See **[Pose2Sim](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim)** for example.
<!--`Warning:` Google Colab does not follow the European GDPR requirements regarding data privacy. [Install locally](#installation) if this matters.-->
<!--`Know issue`: Results won't be good with some iPhone videos in portrait mode (unless you are working on Colab). This is solved by priorly converting them with `ffmpeg -i video_input.mov video_output.mp4`, or even more simply with any random online video converter such as https://video-converter.com.-->
## Contents
1. [Installation and Demonstration](#installation-and-demonstration)
1. [Installation](#installation)
2. [Demonstration](#demonstration)
3. [Play with the parameters](#play-with-the-parameters)
2. [Go further](#go-further)
1. [Too slow for you?](#too-slow-for-you)
2. [What you need is what you get](#what-you-need-is-what-you-get)
3. [All the parameters](#all-the-parameters)
4. [How it works](#how-it-works)
3. [How to cite and how to contribute](#how-to-cite-and-how-to-contribute)
## Installation and Demonstration
### Installation
<!--- OPTION 0: **Use Colab** \
User-friendly (but full) version, also works on a phone or a tablet.\
[![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://bit.ly/Sports2D_Colab)\
YouTube tutorial:\
<a href = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er5RpcJ8o1Y"><img src="Content/Video_tuto_Sports2D_Colab.png" width="380"></a>
- OPTION 1: **Quick install** \
Open a terminal. Type `python -V` to make sure python >=3.8 <=3.11 is installed. If not, install it [from there](https://www.python.org/downloads/). Run:
``` cmd
pip install sports2d
- OPTION 2: **Safer install with Anaconda**\
Install [Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html):\
Open an Anaconda prompt and create a virtual environment by typing:
``` cmd
conda create -n Sports2D python=3.9 -y
conda activate Sports2D
pip install sports2d
- OPTION 3: **Build from source and test the last changes**\
Open a terminal in the directory of your choice and clone the Sports2D repository.
``` cmd
git clone https://github.com/davidpagnon/sports2d.git
cd sports2d
pip install .
### Demonstration
Just open a command line and run:
``` cmd
You should see the joint positions and angles being displayed in real time.
Check the folder where you run that command line to find the resulting `video`, `images`, `TRC pose` and `MOT angle` files (which can be opened with any spreadsheet software), and `logs`.
***Important:*** If you ran the conda install, you first need to activate the environment: run `conda activate sports2d` in the Anaconda prompt.
<img src="Content/Demo_results.png" width="760">
<img src="Content/Demo_plots.png" width="760">
<img src="Content/Demo_terminal.png" width="760">
The Demo video is voluntarily challenging to demonstrate the robustness of the process after sorting, interpolation and filtering. It contains:
- One person walking in the sagittal plane
- One person doing jumping jacks in the frontal plane. This person then performs a flip while being backlit, both of which are challenging for the pose detection algorithm
- One tiny person flickering in the background who needs to be ignored
- The first person is starting high and ending low on the image, which messes up the automatic floor angle calculation. You can set it up manually with the parameter `--floor_angle 0`
### Play with the parameters
For a full list of the available parameters, see [this section](#all-the-parameters) of the documentation, check the [Config_Demo.toml](https://github.com/davidpagnon/Sports2D/blob/main/Sports2D/Demo/Config_demo.toml) file, or type:
``` cmd
sports2d --help
#### Run on custom video with default parameters:
``` cmd
sports2d --video_input path_to_video.mp4
#### Run on webcam with default parameters:
``` cmd
sports2d --video_input webcam
#### Get coordinates in meters rather than in pixels:
<!-- You either need to provide a calibration file, or simply the height of a person (Note that the latter will not take distortions into account, and that it will be less accurate for motion in the frontal plane).\-->
Just provide the height of the analyzed person (and their ID in case of multiple person detection).\
The floor angle and the origin of the xy axis are computed automatically from gait. If you analyze another type of motion, you can manually specify them.\
Note that it does not take distortions into account, and that it will be less accurate for motions in the frontal plane.
``` cmd
sports2d --to_meters True --calib_file calib_demo.toml
``` cmd
sports2d --to_meters True --person_height 1.65 --calib_on_person_id 2
``` cmd
sports2d --to_meters True --person_height 1.65 --calib_on_person_id 2 --floor_angle 0 --xy_origin 0 940
#### Run with custom parameters (all non specified are set to default):
``` cmd
sports2d --video_input demo.mp4 other_video.mp4
``` cmd
sports2d --show_graphs False --time_range 1.2 2.7 --result_dir path_to_result_dir --slowmo_factor 4
``` cmd
sports2d --multiperson false --pose_model Body --mode lightweight --det_frequency 50
#### Run with a toml configuration file:
``` cmd
sports2d --config Config_demo.toml
#### Run within a Python script:
``` python
from Sports2D import Sports2D; Sports2D.process('Config_demo.toml')
``` python
from Sports2D import Sports2D; Sports2D.process(config_dict)
## Go further
### Too slow for you?
**Quick fixes:**
- Use ` --save_vid false --save_img false --show_realtime_results false`: Will not save images or videos, and will not display the results in real time.
- Use `--mode lightweight`: Will use a lighter version of RTMPose, which is faster but less accurate.\
Note that any detection and pose models can be used (first [deploy them with MMPose](https://mmpose.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guides/how_to_deploy.html#onnx) if you do not have their .onnx or .zip files), with the following formalism:
--mode """{'det_class':'YOLOX',
- Use `--det_frequency 50`: Will detect poses only every 50 frames, and track keypoints in between, which is faster.
- Use `--multiperson false`: Can be used if one single person is present in the video. Otherwise, persons' IDs may be mixed up.
- Use `--load_trc <path_to_file_px.trc>`: Will use pose estimation results from a file. Useful if you want to use different parameters for pixel to meter conversion or angle calculation without running detection and pose estimation all over.
**Use your GPU**:\
Will be much faster, with no impact on accuracy. However, the installation takes about 6 GB of additional storage space.
1. Run `nvidia-smi` in a terminal. If this results in an error, your GPU is probably not compatible with CUDA. If not, note the "CUDA version": it is the latest version your driver is compatible with (more information [on this post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60987997/why-torch-cuda-is-available-returns-false-even-after-installing-pytorch-with)).
Then go to the [ONNXruntime requirement page](https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/execution-providers/CUDA-ExecutionProvider.html#requirements), note the latest compatible CUDA and cuDNN requirements. Next, go to the [pyTorch website](https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/) and install the latest version that satisfies these requirements (beware that torch 2.4 ships with cuDNN 9, while torch 2.3 installs cuDNN 8). For example:
``` cmd
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu124
<!-- > ***Note:*** Issues were reported with the default command. However, this has been tested and works:
`pip install torch==2.3.1 torchvision==0.18.1 torchaudio==2.3.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118` -->
2. Finally, install ONNX Runtime with GPU support:
pip install onnxruntime-gpu
3. Check that everything went well within Python with these commands:
``` bash
python -c 'import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())'
python -c 'import onnxruntime as ort; print(ort.get_available_providers())'
# Should print "True ['CUDAExecutionProvider', ...]"
<!-- print(f'torch version: {torch.__version__}, cuda version: {torch.version.cuda}, cudnn version: {torch.backends.cudnn.version()}, onnxruntime version: {ort.__version__}') -->
### What you need is what you get
#### Analyze a fraction of your video:
sports2d --time_range 1.2 2.7
#### Customize your output:
- Choose whether you want video, images, trc pose file, angle mot file, real-time display, and plots:
sports2d --save_vid false --save_img true --save_pose false --save_angles true --show_realtime_results false --show_graphs false
- Choose which angles you need:
sports2d --joint_angles 'right knee' 'left knee' --segment_angles None
- Choose where to display the angles: either as a list on the upper-left of the image, or near the joint/segment, or both:
sports2d --display_angle_values_on body
- You can also decide not to calculate and display angles at all:
sports2d --calculate_angles false
#### Run on several videos at once:
You can individualize (or not) the parameters.
sports2d --video_input demo.mp4 other_video.mp4 --time_range 1.2 2.7
sports2d --video_input demo.mp4 other_video.mp4 --time_range 1.2 2.7 0 3.5
### Constrain results to a biomechanical model
> Why + image\
> Add explanation in "how it works" section
#### Installation
You will need to install OpenSim via conda, which makes installation slightly more complicated.
1. **Install Anaconda or [Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html).**
Once installed, open an Anaconda prompt and create a virtual environment:
conda create -n Sports2D python=3.9 -y
conda activate Sports2D
2. **Install OpenSim**:\
Install the OpenSim Python API (if you do not want to install via conda, refer [to this page](https://opensimconfluence.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OpenSim/pages/53085346/Scripting+in+Python#ScriptinginPython-SettingupyourPythonscriptingenvironment(ifnotusingconda))):
conda install -c opensim-org opensim -y
3. **Install Sports2D**:\
Open a terminal.
``` cmd
pip install sports2d
#### Usage
Need person doing a 2D motion. If not, trim the video with `--time_range` option.
sports2d --time_range 1.2 2.7 --ik true --person_orientation front none left
#### Visualize the results
- The simplest option is to use OpenSim GUI
- If you want to see the skeleton overlay on the video, you can install the Pose2Sim Blender plugin.
### All the parameters
Have a look at the [Config_Demo.toml](https://github.com/davidpagnon/Sports2D/blob/main/Sports2D/Demo/Config_demo.toml) file or type for a full list of the available parameters:
``` cmd
sports2d --help
['config': "C", "path to a toml configuration file"],
'video_input': ["i", "webcam, or video_path.mp4, or video1_path.avi video2_path.mp4 ... Beware that images won't be saved if paths contain non ASCII characters"],
'person_height': ["H", "height of the person in meters. 1.70 if not specified"],
'load_trc': ["", "load trc file to avaid running pose estimation again. false if not specified"],
'compare': ["", "visually compare motion with trc file. false if not specified"],
'webcam_id': ["w", "webcam ID. 0 if not specified"],
'time_range': ["t", "start_time end_time. In seconds. Whole video if not specified. start_time1 end_time1 start_time2 end_time2 ... if multiple videos with different time ranges"],
'video_dir': ["d", "current directory if not specified"],
'result_dir': ["r", "current directory if not specified"],
'show_realtime_results': ["R", "show results in real-time. true if not specified"],
'display_angle_values_on': ["a", '"body", "list", "body" "list", or "none". body list if not specified'],
'show_graphs': ["G", "show plots of raw and processed results. true if not specified"],
'joint_angles': ["j", '"Right ankle" "Left ankle" "Right knee" "Left knee" "Right hip" "Left hip" "Right shoulder" "Left shoulder" "Right elbow" "Left elbow" if not specified'],
'segment_angles': ["s", '"Right foot" "Left foot" "Right shank" "Left shank" "Right thigh" "Left thigh" "Pelvis" "Trunk" "Shoulders" "Head" "Right arm" "Left arm" "Right forearm" "Left forearm" if not specified'],
'save_vid': ["V", "save processed video. true if not specified"],
'save_img': ["I", "save processed images. true if not specified"],
'save_pose': ["P", "save pose as trc files. true if not specified"],
'calculate_angles': ["c", "calculate joint and segment angles. true if not specified"],
'save_angles': ["A", "save angles as mot files. true if not specified"],
'slowmo_factor': ["", "slow-motion factor. For a video recorded at 240 fps and exported to 30 fps, it would be 240/30 = 8. 1 if not specified"],
'pose_model': ["p", "only body_with_feet is available for now. body_with_feet if not specified"],
'mode': ["m", "light, balanced, or performance. balanced if not specified"],
'det_frequency': ["f", "run person detection only every N frames, and inbetween track previously detected bounding boxes. keypoint detection is still run on all frames.\n\
Equal to or greater than 1, can be as high as you want in simple uncrowded cases. Much faster, but might be less accurate. 1 if not specified: detection runs on all frames"],
'to_meters': ["M", "convert pixels to meters. true if not specified"],
'backend': ["", "Backend for pose estimation can be 'auto', 'cpu', 'cuda', 'mps' (for MacOS), or 'rocm' (for AMD GPUs)"],
'device': ["", "Device for pose estimatino can be 'auto', 'openvino', 'onnxruntime', 'opencv'"],
'calib_on_person_id': ["", "person ID to calibrate on. 0 if not specified"],
'floor_angle': ["", "angle of the floor. 'auto' if not specified"],
'xy_origin': ["", "origin of the xy plane. 'auto' if not specified"],
'calib_file': ["", "path to calibration file. '' if not specified, eg no calibration file"],
'save_calib': ["", "save calibration file. true if not specified"],
'do_ik': ["", "do inverse kinematics. false if not specified"],
'osim_setup_path': ["", "path to OpenSim setup. '../OpenSim_setup' if not specified"],
'person_orientation': ["", "front, back, left, right, auto, or none. 'front none left' if not specified. If 'auto', will be either left or right depending on the direction of the motion."],
'close_to_zero_speed_m': ["","Sum for all keypoints: about 50 px/frame or 0.2 m/frame"],
'multiperson': ["", "multiperson involves tracking: will be faster if set to false. true if not specified"], 'tracking_mode': ["", "sports2d or rtmlib. sports2d is generally much more accurate and comparable in speed. sports2d if not specified"],
'input_size': ["", "width, height. 1280, 720 if not specified. Lower resolution will be faster but less precise"],
'keypoint_likelihood_threshold': ["", "detected keypoints are not retained if likelihood is below this threshold. 0.3 if not specified"],
'average_likelihood_threshold': ["", "detected persons are not retained if average keypoint likelihood is below this threshold. 0.5 if not specified"],
'keypoint_number_threshold': ["", "detected persons are not retained if number of detected keypoints is below this threshold. 0.3 if not specified, i.e., i.e., 30 percent"],
'fastest_frames_to_remove_percent': ["", "Frames with high speed are considered as outliers. Defaults to 0.1"],
'close_to_zero_speed_px': ["", "Sum for all keypoints: about 50 px/frame or 0.2 m/frame. Defaults to 50"],
'large_hip_knee_angles': ["", "Hip and knee angles below this value are considered as imprecise. Defaults to 45"],
'trimmed_extrema_percent': ["", "Proportion of the most extreme segment values to remove before calculating their mean. Defaults to 50"],
'fontSize': ["", "font size for angle values. 0.3 if not specified"],
'flip_left_right': ["", "true or false. true to get consistent angles with people facing both left and right sides. Set it to false if you want timeseries to be continuous even when the participent switches their stance. true if not specified"],
'correct_segment_angles_with_floor_angle': ["", "true or false. If the camera is tilted, corrects segment angles as regards to the floor angle. Set to false is the floor is tilted instead. True if not specified"],
'interpolate': ["", "interpolate missing data. true if not specified"],
'interp_gap_smaller_than': ["", "interpolate sequences of missing data if they are less than N frames long. 10 if not specified"],
'fill_large_gaps_with': ["", "last_value, nan, or zeros. last_value if not specified"],
'filter': ["", "filter results. true if not specified"],
'filter_type': ["", "butterworth, gaussian, median, or loess. butterworth if not specified"],
'order': ["", "order of the Butterworth filter. 4 if not specified"],
'cut_off_frequency': ["", "cut-off frequency of the Butterworth filter. 3 if not specified"],
'sigma_kernel': ["", "sigma of the gaussian filter. 1 if not specified"],
'nb_values_used': ["", "number of values used for the loess filter. 5 if not specified"],
'kernel_size': ["", "kernel size of the median filter. 3 if not specified"],
'use_custom_logging': ["", "use custom logging. false if not specified"]
### How it works
- Detects 2D joint centers from a video or a webcam with RTMLib.
- Converts pixel coordinates to meters.
- Optionally computes selected joint and segment angles.
- Optionally saves processed image files and video file. Optionally saves processed poses as a TRC file, and angles as a MOT file (OpenSim compatible).
**Okay but how does it work, really?**\
1. **Reads stream from a webcam, from one video, or from a list of videos**. Selects the specified time range to process.
2. **Sets up pose estimation with RTMLib.** It can be run in lightweight, balanced, or performance mode, and for faster inference, keypoints can be tracked instead of detected for a certain number of frames. Any RTMPose model can be used.
3. **Tracks people** so that their IDs are consistent across frames. A person is associated to another in the next frame when they are at a small distance. IDs remain consistent even if the person disappears from a few frames. This carefully crafted `sports2d` tracker runs at a comparable speed as the RTMlib one but is much more robust. The user can still choose the RTMLib method if they need it by specifying it in the Config.toml file.
4. **Chooses the right persons to keep.** In single-person mode, only keeps the person with the highest average scores over the sequence. In multi-person mode, only retrieves the keypoints with high enough confidence, and only keeps the persons with high enough average confidence over each frame.
4. **Converts the pixel coordinates to meters.** The user can provide a calibration file, or simply the size of a specified person. The floor angle and the coordinate origin can either be detected automatically from the gait sequence, or be manually specified.
5. **Computes the selected joint and segment angles**, and flips them on the left/right side if the respective foot is pointing to the left/right.
5. **Draws the results on the image:**\
Draws bounding boxes around each person and writes their IDs\
Draws the skeleton and the keypoints, with a green to red color scale to account for their confidence\
Draws joint and segment angles on the body, and writes the values either near the joint/segment, or on the upper-left of the image with a progress bar
6. **Interpolates and filters results:** Missing pose and angle sequences are interpolated unless gaps are too large. Results are filtered according to the selected filter (among `Butterworth`, `Gaussian`, `LOESS`, or `Median`) and their parameters
7. **Optionally show** processed images, saves them, or saves them as a video\
**Optionally plots** pose and angle data before and after processing for comparison\
**Optionally saves** poses for each person as a TRC file in pixels and meters, angles as a MOT file, and calibration data as a [Pose2Sim](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim) TOML file
**Joint angle conventions:**
- Ankle dorsiflexion: Between heel and big toe, and ankle and knee.\
*-90° when the foot is aligned with the shank.*
- Knee flexion: Between hip, knee, and ankle.\
*0° when the shank is aligned with the thigh.*
- Hip flexion: Between knee, hip, and shoulder.\
*0° when the trunk is aligned with the thigh.*
- Shoulder flexion: Between hip, shoulder, and elbow.\
*180° when the arm is aligned with the trunk.*
- Elbow flexion: Between wrist, elbow, and shoulder.\
*0° when the forearm is aligned with the arm.*
**Segment angle conventions:**\
Angles are measured anticlockwise between the horizontal and the segment.
- Foot: Between heel and big toe
- Shank: Between ankle and knee
- Thigh: Between hip and knee
- Pelvis: Between left and right hip
- Trunk: Between hip midpoint and shoulder midpoint
- Shoulders: Between left and right shoulder
- Head: Between neck and top of the head
- Arm: Between shoulder and elbow
- Forearm: Between elbow and wrist
<img src="Content/joint_convention.png" width="760">
## How to cite and how to contribute
### How to cite
If you use Sports2D, please cite [Pagnon, 2024](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.06849).
author = {Pagnon, David and Kim, HunMin},
doi = {10.21105/joss.06849},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
month = sep,
number = {101},
pages = {6849},
title = {{Sports2D: Compute 2D human pose and angles from a video or a webcam}},
url = {https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.06849},
volume = {9},
year = {2024}
### How to contribute
I would happily welcome any proposal for new features, code improvement, and more!\
If you want to contribute to Sports2D, please follow [this guide](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects) on how to fork, modify and push code, and submit a pull request. I would appreciate it if you provided as much useful information as possible about how you modified the code, and a rationale for why you're making this pull request. Please also specify on which operating system and on which python version you have tested the code.
*Here is a to-do list: feel free to complete it:*
- [x] Compute **segment angles**.
- [x] **Multi-person** detection, consistent over time.
- [x] **Only interpolate small gaps**.
- [x] **Filtering and plotting tools**.
- [x] Handle sudden **changes of direction**.
- [x] **Batch processing** for the analysis of multiple videos at once.
- [x] Option to only save one person (with the highest average score, or with the most frames and fastest speed)
- [x] Run again without pose estimation with the option `--load_trc` for px .trc file.
- [x] **Convert positions to meters** by providing the person height, a calibration file, or 3D points [to click on the image](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74248955/how-to-display-the-coordinates-of-the-points-clicked-on-the-image-in-google-cola)
- [x] Support any detection and/or pose estimation model.
- [ ] Perform **Inverse kinematics and dynamics** with OpenSim (cf. [Pose2Sim](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim), but in 2D). Update [this model](https://github.com/davidpagnon/Sports2D/blob/main/Sports2D/Utilities/2D_gait.osim) (add arms, markers, remove muscles and contact spheres). Add pipeline example.
- [ ] Optionally let user select the person of interest in single_person mode:\
`multiperson = true # true, or 'single_auto', or 'single_click'. 'single_auto' selects the person with highest average likelihood, and 'single_click' lets the user manually select the person of interest.`
- [ ] Run with the option `--compare_to` to visually compare motion with a trc file. If run with a webcam input, the user can follow the motion of the trc file. Further calculation can then be done to compare specific variables.
- [ ] **Colab version**: more user-friendly, usable on a smartphone.
- [ ] **GUI applications** for Windows, Mac, and Linux, as well as for Android and iOS.
- [ ] **Track other points and angles** with classic tracking methods (cf. [Kinovea](https://www.kinovea.org/features.html)), or by training a model (cf. [DeepLabCut](https://deeplabcut.github.io/DeepLabCut/README.html)).
- [ ] **Pose refinement**. Click and move badly estimated 2D points. See [DeepLabCut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEuBKB7eqmk) for inspiration.
- [ ] Add tools for annotating images, undistort them, take perspective into account, etc. (cf. [Kinovea](https://www.kinovea.org/features.html)).
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2022, perfanalytics
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
Raw data
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"home_page": "https://github.com/davidpagnon/Sports2D",
"name": "sports2d",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "markerless, kinematics, OpenPose, BlazePose, joint angles, 2D, biomechanics, sports, pose estimation, joint angles, sports analytics, kinovea",
"author": "David Pagnon",
"author_email": "contact@david-pagnon.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/4b/8b/8f2e993dc945e9ea32d385e2f5900eb6164cae43fadc8c2547ec2cd8e2b6/sports2d-0.6.1.tar.gz",
"platform": "any",
"description": "\n[![Continuous integration](https://github.com/davidpagnon/sports2d/actions/workflows/continuous-integration.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/davidpagnon/sports2d/actions/workflows/continuous-integration.yml)\n[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/Sports2D.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/Sports2D)\\\n[![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/sports2d)](https://pepy.tech/project/sports2d)\n[![Stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/davidpagnon/sports2d)](https://github.com/davidpagnon/sports2d/stargazers)\n[![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/davidpagnon/sports2d)](https://github.com/davidpagnon/sports2d/issues)\n[![GitHub issues-closed](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-closed/davidpagnon/sports2d)](https://GitHub.com/davidpagnon/sports2d/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed)\\\n[![status](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/1d525bbb2695c88c6ebbf2297bd35897/status.svg)](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/1d525bbb2695c88c6ebbf2297bd35897)\n[![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.10576574.svg)](https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.7903962)\n[![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD_3--Clause-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause)\n\n\n<!-- [![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://bit.ly/Sports2D_Colab)-->\n\n\n\n# Sports2D\n\n**`Sports2D` automatically computes 2D joint positions, as well as joint and segment angles from a video or a webcam.**\n\n</br>\n\n> **`Announcement:`\\\n> Complete rewriting of the code!** Run `pip install sports2d -U` to get the latest version.\n> - Faster, more accurate\n> - Works from a webcam\n> - Results in meters rather than pixels. **New in v0.5!**\n> - Better visualization output \n> - More flexible, easier to run\n> - Batch process multiple videos at once\n> \n> Note: Colab version broken for now. I'll fix it in the next few weeks.\n<!--User-friendly Colab version released! (and latest issues fixed, too)\\\nWorks on any smartphone!**\\\n[![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://bit.ly/Sports2D_Colab)-->\n\n\n</br>\n\nhttps://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1c6e2d6b-d0cf-4165-864e-d9f01c0b8a0e\n\n`Warning:` Angle estimation is only as good as the pose estimation algorithm, i.e., it is not perfect.\\\n`Warning:` Results are acceptable only if the persons move in the 2D plane (sagittal or frontal plane). The persons need to be filmed as parallel as possible to the motion plane.\\\nIf you need 3D research-grade markerless joint kinematics, consider using several cameras, and constraining angles to a biomechanically accurate model. See **[Pose2Sim](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim)** for example.\n\n<!--`Warning:` Google Colab does not follow the European GDPR requirements regarding data privacy. [Install locally](#installation) if this matters.-->\n\n<!--`Know issue`: Results won't be good with some iPhone videos in portrait mode (unless you are working on Colab). This is solved by priorly converting them with `ffmpeg -i video_input.mov video_output.mp4`, or even more simply with any random online video converter such as https://video-converter.com.-->\n\n\n## Contents\n1. [Installation and Demonstration](#installation-and-demonstration)\n 1. [Installation](#installation)\n 2. [Demonstration](#demonstration)\n 3. [Play with the parameters](#play-with-the-parameters)\n2. [Go further](#go-further)\n 1. [Too slow for you?](#too-slow-for-you)\n 2. [What you need is what you get](#what-you-need-is-what-you-get)\n 3. [All the parameters](#all-the-parameters)\n 4. [How it works](#how-it-works)\n3. [How to cite and how to contribute](#how-to-cite-and-how-to-contribute)\n\n<br>\n\n## Installation and Demonstration\n\n### Installation\n\n<!--- OPTION 0: **Use Colab** \\\n User-friendly (but full) version, also works on a phone or a tablet.\\\n [![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://bit.ly/Sports2D_Colab)\\\n YouTube tutorial:\\\n <a href = \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er5RpcJ8o1Y\"><img src=\"Content/Video_tuto_Sports2D_Colab.png\" width=\"380\"></a>\n \n-->\n\n- OPTION 1: **Quick install** \\\n Open a terminal. Type `python -V` to make sure python >=3.8 <=3.11 is installed. If not, install it [from there](https://www.python.org/downloads/). Run:\n ``` cmd\n pip install sports2d\n ```\n\n- OPTION 2: **Safer install with Anaconda**\\\n Install [Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html):\\\n Open an Anaconda prompt and create a virtual environment by typing:\n ``` cmd\n conda create -n Sports2D python=3.9 -y\n conda activate Sports2D\n pip install sports2d\n ```\n\n- OPTION 3: **Build from source and test the last changes**\\\n Open a terminal in the directory of your choice and clone the Sports2D repository.\n ``` cmd\n git clone https://github.com/davidpagnon/sports2d.git\n cd sports2d\n pip install .\n ```\n\n<br>\n\n### Demonstration\n\nJust open a command line and run:\n``` cmd\nsports2d\n```\n\nYou should see the joint positions and angles being displayed in real time.\n\nCheck the folder where you run that command line to find the resulting `video`, `images`, `TRC pose` and `MOT angle` files (which can be opened with any spreadsheet software), and `logs`.\n\n***Important:*** If you ran the conda install, you first need to activate the environment: run `conda activate sports2d` in the Anaconda prompt.\n\n<img src=\"Content/Demo_results.png\" width=\"760\">\n<img src=\"Content/Demo_plots.png\" width=\"760\">\n<img src=\"Content/Demo_terminal.png\" width=\"760\">\n\n***Note:***\\\nThe Demo video is voluntarily challenging to demonstrate the robustness of the process after sorting, interpolation and filtering. It contains:\n- One person walking in the sagittal plane\n- One person doing jumping jacks in the frontal plane. This person then performs a flip while being backlit, both of which are challenging for the pose detection algorithm\n- One tiny person flickering in the background who needs to be ignored\n- The first person is starting high and ending low on the image, which messes up the automatic floor angle calculation. You can set it up manually with the parameter `--floor_angle 0`\n\n<br>\n\n### Play with the parameters\n\nFor a full list of the available parameters, see [this section](#all-the-parameters) of the documentation, check the [Config_Demo.toml](https://github.com/davidpagnon/Sports2D/blob/main/Sports2D/Demo/Config_demo.toml) file, or type:\n``` cmd\nsports2d --help\n```\n<br>\n\n#### Run on custom video with default parameters:\n ``` cmd\n sports2d --video_input path_to_video.mp4\n ```\n\n#### Run on webcam with default parameters: \n ``` cmd\n sports2d --video_input webcam\n ```\n<br>\n\n#### Get coordinates in meters rather than in pixels: \n\n<!-- You either need to provide a calibration file, or simply the height of a person (Note that the latter will not take distortions into account, and that it will be less accurate for motion in the frontal plane).\\-->\nJust provide the height of the analyzed person (and their ID in case of multiple person detection).\\\nThe floor angle and the origin of the xy axis are computed automatically from gait. If you analyze another type of motion, you can manually specify them.\\\nNote that it does not take distortions into account, and that it will be less accurate for motions in the frontal plane.\n\n ``` cmd\n sports2d --to_meters True --calib_file calib_demo.toml\n ```\n ``` cmd\n sports2d --to_meters True --person_height 1.65 --calib_on_person_id 2\n ```\n ``` cmd\n sports2d --to_meters True --person_height 1.65 --calib_on_person_id 2 --floor_angle 0 --xy_origin 0 940\n ```\n<br>\n\n#### Run with custom parameters (all non specified are set to default): \n ``` cmd\n sports2d --video_input demo.mp4 other_video.mp4\n ```\n ``` cmd\n sports2d --show_graphs False --time_range 1.2 2.7 --result_dir path_to_result_dir --slowmo_factor 4\n ```\n ``` cmd\n sports2d --multiperson false --pose_model Body --mode lightweight --det_frequency 50 \n ```\n<br>\n\n#### Run with a toml configuration file: \n ``` cmd\n sports2d --config Config_demo.toml\n ```\n<br>\n\n#### Run within a Python script: \n ``` python\n from Sports2D import Sports2D; Sports2D.process('Config_demo.toml')\n ```\n ``` python\n from Sports2D import Sports2D; Sports2D.process(config_dict)\n ```\n\n<br>\n\n## Go further\n\n### Too slow for you?\n\n**Quick fixes:**\n- Use ` --save_vid false --save_img false --show_realtime_results false`: Will not save images or videos, and will not display the results in real time. \n- Use `--mode lightweight`: Will use a lighter version of RTMPose, which is faster but less accurate.\\\nNote that any detection and pose models can be used (first [deploy them with MMPose](https://mmpose.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guides/how_to_deploy.html#onnx) if you do not have their .onnx or .zip files), with the following formalism:\n ```\n --mode \"\"\"{'det_class':'YOLOX',\n 'det_model':'https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/v1/projects/rtmposev1/onnx_sdk/yolox_nano_8xb8-300e_humanart-40f6f0d0.zip',\n 'det_input_size':[416,416],\n 'pose_class':'RTMPose',\n 'pose_model':'https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/v1/projects/rtmposev1/onnx_sdk/rtmpose-t_simcc-body7_pt-body7_420e-256x192-026a1439_20230504.zip',\n 'pose_input_size':[192,256]}\"\"\"\n ```\n- Use `--det_frequency 50`: Will detect poses only every 50 frames, and track keypoints in between, which is faster.\n- Use `--multiperson false`: Can be used if one single person is present in the video. Otherwise, persons' IDs may be mixed up.\n- Use `--load_trc <path_to_file_px.trc>`: Will use pose estimation results from a file. Useful if you want to use different parameters for pixel to meter conversion or angle calculation without running detection and pose estimation all over.\n\n<br> \n\n**Use your GPU**:\\\nWill be much faster, with no impact on accuracy. However, the installation takes about 6 GB of additional storage space.\n\n1. Run `nvidia-smi` in a terminal. If this results in an error, your GPU is probably not compatible with CUDA. If not, note the \"CUDA version\": it is the latest version your driver is compatible with (more information [on this post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60987997/why-torch-cuda-is-available-returns-false-even-after-installing-pytorch-with)).\n\n Then go to the [ONNXruntime requirement page](https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/execution-providers/CUDA-ExecutionProvider.html#requirements), note the latest compatible CUDA and cuDNN requirements. Next, go to the [pyTorch website](https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/) and install the latest version that satisfies these requirements (beware that torch 2.4 ships with cuDNN 9, while torch 2.3 installs cuDNN 8). For example:\n ``` cmd\n pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu124\n ```\n\n<!-- > ***Note:*** Issues were reported with the default command. However, this has been tested and works:\n`pip install torch==2.3.1 torchvision==0.18.1 torchaudio==2.3.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118` -->\n\n2. Finally, install ONNX Runtime with GPU support:\n ```\n pip install onnxruntime-gpu\n ```\n\n3. Check that everything went well within Python with these commands:\n ``` bash\n python -c 'import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())'\n python -c 'import onnxruntime as ort; print(ort.get_available_providers())'\n # Should print \"True ['CUDAExecutionProvider', ...]\"\n ```\n <!-- print(f'torch version: {torch.__version__}, cuda version: {torch.version.cuda}, cudnn version: {torch.backends.cudnn.version()}, onnxruntime version: {ort.__version__}') -->\n\n<br>\n\n### What you need is what you get\n\n#### Analyze a fraction of your video:\n ```cmd\n sports2d --time_range 1.2 2.7\n ```\n<br>\n\n#### Customize your output:\n- Choose whether you want video, images, trc pose file, angle mot file, real-time display, and plots:\n ```cmd\n sports2d --save_vid false --save_img true --save_pose false --save_angles true --show_realtime_results false --show_graphs false\n ```\n- Choose which angles you need:\n ```cmd\n sports2d --joint_angles 'right knee' 'left knee' --segment_angles None\n ```\n- Choose where to display the angles: either as a list on the upper-left of the image, or near the joint/segment, or both:\n ```cmd\n sports2d --display_angle_values_on body\n ```\n- You can also decide not to calculate and display angles at all:\n ```cmd\n sports2d --calculate_angles false\n ```\n<br>\n\n#### Run on several videos at once:\nYou can individualize (or not) the parameters.\n ```cmd\n sports2d --video_input demo.mp4 other_video.mp4 --time_range 1.2 2.7\n ```\n ```cmd\n sports2d --video_input demo.mp4 other_video.mp4 --time_range 1.2 2.7 0 3.5\n ```\n\n<!--\n<br>\n\n### Constrain results to a biomechanical model\n\n> Why + image\\\n> Add explanation in \"how it works\" section\n\n#### Installation\nYou will need to install OpenSim via conda, which makes installation slightly more complicated.\n\n1. **Install Anaconda or [Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html).**\n\n Once installed, open an Anaconda prompt and create a virtual environment:\n ```\n conda create -n Sports2D python=3.9 -y \n conda activate Sports2D\n ```\n\n2. **Install OpenSim**:\\\nInstall the OpenSim Python API (if you do not want to install via conda, refer [to this page](https://opensimconfluence.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OpenSim/pages/53085346/Scripting+in+Python#ScriptinginPython-SettingupyourPythonscriptingenvironment(ifnotusingconda))):\n ```\n conda install -c opensim-org opensim -y\n ```\n \n3. **Install Sports2D**:\\\nOpen a terminal. \n ``` cmd\n pip install sports2d\n ```\n<br>\n\n#### Usage\n\nNeed person doing a 2D motion. If not, trim the video with `--time_range` option.\n\n```cmd\nsports2d --time_range 1.2 2.7 --ik true --person_orientation front none left\n```\n\n<br>\n\n#### Visualize the results\n- The simplest option is to use OpenSim GUI\n- If you want to see the skeleton overlay on the video, you can install the Pose2Sim Blender plugin.\n\n-->\n\n<br>\n\n\n### All the parameters\n\nHave a look at the [Config_Demo.toml](https://github.com/davidpagnon/Sports2D/blob/main/Sports2D/Demo/Config_demo.toml) file or type for a full list of the available parameters:\n\n``` cmd\nsports2d --help\n```\n\n``` \n['config': \"C\", \"path to a toml configuration file\"],\n\n'video_input': [\"i\", \"webcam, or video_path.mp4, or video1_path.avi video2_path.mp4 ... Beware that images won't be saved if paths contain non ASCII characters\"],\n'person_height': [\"H\", \"height of the person in meters. 1.70 if not specified\"],\n'load_trc': [\"\", \"load trc file to avaid running pose estimation again. false if not specified\"],\n'compare': [\"\", \"visually compare motion with trc file. false if not specified\"],\n'webcam_id': [\"w\", \"webcam ID. 0 if not specified\"],\n'time_range': [\"t\", \"start_time end_time. In seconds. Whole video if not specified. start_time1 end_time1 start_time2 end_time2 ... if multiple videos with different time ranges\"],\n'video_dir': [\"d\", \"current directory if not specified\"],\n'result_dir': [\"r\", \"current directory if not specified\"],\n'show_realtime_results': [\"R\", \"show results in real-time. true if not specified\"],\n'display_angle_values_on': [\"a\", '\"body\", \"list\", \"body\" \"list\", or \"none\". body list if not specified'],\n'show_graphs': [\"G\", \"show plots of raw and processed results. true if not specified\"],\n'joint_angles': [\"j\", '\"Right ankle\" \"Left ankle\" \"Right knee\" \"Left knee\" \"Right hip\" \"Left hip\" \"Right shoulder\" \"Left shoulder\" \"Right elbow\" \"Left elbow\" if not specified'],\n'segment_angles': [\"s\", '\"Right foot\" \"Left foot\" \"Right shank\" \"Left shank\" \"Right thigh\" \"Left thigh\" \"Pelvis\" \"Trunk\" \"Shoulders\" \"Head\" \"Right arm\" \"Left arm\" \"Right forearm\" \"Left forearm\" if not specified'],\n'save_vid': [\"V\", \"save processed video. true if not specified\"],\n'save_img': [\"I\", \"save processed images. true if not specified\"],\n'save_pose': [\"P\", \"save pose as trc files. true if not specified\"],\n'calculate_angles': [\"c\", \"calculate joint and segment angles. true if not specified\"],\n'save_angles': [\"A\", \"save angles as mot files. true if not specified\"],\n'slowmo_factor': [\"\", \"slow-motion factor. For a video recorded at 240 fps and exported to 30 fps, it would be 240/30 = 8. 1 if not specified\"],\n'pose_model': [\"p\", \"only body_with_feet is available for now. body_with_feet if not specified\"],\n'mode': [\"m\", \"light, balanced, or performance. balanced if not specified\"],\n'det_frequency': [\"f\", \"run person detection only every N frames, and inbetween track previously detected bounding boxes. keypoint detection is still run on all frames.\\n\\\n Equal to or greater than 1, can be as high as you want in simple uncrowded cases. Much faster, but might be less accurate. 1 if not specified: detection runs on all frames\"],\n'to_meters': [\"M\", \"convert pixels to meters. true if not specified\"],\n\n'backend': [\"\", \"Backend for pose estimation can be 'auto', 'cpu', 'cuda', 'mps' (for MacOS), or 'rocm' (for AMD GPUs)\"],\n'device': [\"\", \"Device for pose estimatino can be 'auto', 'openvino', 'onnxruntime', 'opencv'\"],\n'calib_on_person_id': [\"\", \"person ID to calibrate on. 0 if not specified\"],\n'floor_angle': [\"\", \"angle of the floor. 'auto' if not specified\"],\n'xy_origin': [\"\", \"origin of the xy plane. 'auto' if not specified\"],\n'calib_file': [\"\", \"path to calibration file. '' if not specified, eg no calibration file\"],\n'save_calib': [\"\", \"save calibration file. true if not specified\"],\n'do_ik': [\"\", \"do inverse kinematics. false if not specified\"],\n'osim_setup_path': [\"\", \"path to OpenSim setup. '../OpenSim_setup' if not specified\"],\n'person_orientation': [\"\", \"front, back, left, right, auto, or none. 'front none left' if not specified. If 'auto', will be either left or right depending on the direction of the motion.\"],\n'close_to_zero_speed_m': [\"\",\"Sum for all keypoints: about 50 px/frame or 0.2 m/frame\"], \n'multiperson': [\"\", \"multiperson involves tracking: will be faster if set to false. true if not specified\"], 'tracking_mode': [\"\", \"sports2d or rtmlib. sports2d is generally much more accurate and comparable in speed. sports2d if not specified\"],\n'input_size': [\"\", \"width, height. 1280, 720 if not specified. Lower resolution will be faster but less precise\"],\n'keypoint_likelihood_threshold': [\"\", \"detected keypoints are not retained if likelihood is below this threshold. 0.3 if not specified\"],\n'average_likelihood_threshold': [\"\", \"detected persons are not retained if average keypoint likelihood is below this threshold. 0.5 if not specified\"],\n'keypoint_number_threshold': [\"\", \"detected persons are not retained if number of detected keypoints is below this threshold. 0.3 if not specified, i.e., i.e., 30 percent\"],\n'fastest_frames_to_remove_percent': [\"\", \"Frames with high speed are considered as outliers. Defaults to 0.1\"],\n'close_to_zero_speed_px': [\"\", \"Sum for all keypoints: about 50 px/frame or 0.2 m/frame. Defaults to 50\"],\n'large_hip_knee_angles': [\"\", \"Hip and knee angles below this value are considered as imprecise. Defaults to 45\"],\n'trimmed_extrema_percent': [\"\", \"Proportion of the most extreme segment values to remove before calculating their mean. Defaults to 50\"],\n'fontSize': [\"\", \"font size for angle values. 0.3 if not specified\"],\n'flip_left_right': [\"\", \"true or false. true to get consistent angles with people facing both left and right sides. Set it to false if you want timeseries to be continuous even when the participent switches their stance. true if not specified\"],\n'correct_segment_angles_with_floor_angle': [\"\", \"true or false. If the camera is tilted, corrects segment angles as regards to the floor angle. Set to false is the floor is tilted instead. True if not specified\"],\n'interpolate': [\"\", \"interpolate missing data. true if not specified\"],\n'interp_gap_smaller_than': [\"\", \"interpolate sequences of missing data if they are less than N frames long. 10 if not specified\"],\n'fill_large_gaps_with': [\"\", \"last_value, nan, or zeros. last_value if not specified\"],\n'filter': [\"\", \"filter results. true if not specified\"],\n'filter_type': [\"\", \"butterworth, gaussian, median, or loess. butterworth if not specified\"],\n'order': [\"\", \"order of the Butterworth filter. 4 if not specified\"],\n'cut_off_frequency': [\"\", \"cut-off frequency of the Butterworth filter. 3 if not specified\"],\n'sigma_kernel': [\"\", \"sigma of the gaussian filter. 1 if not specified\"],\n'nb_values_used': [\"\", \"number of values used for the loess filter. 5 if not specified\"],\n'kernel_size': [\"\", \"kernel size of the median filter. 3 if not specified\"],\n'use_custom_logging': [\"\", \"use custom logging. false if not specified\"]\n```\n\n<br>\n\n\n### How it works\n\nSports2D:\n- Detects 2D joint centers from a video or a webcam with RTMLib.\n- Converts pixel coordinates to meters.\n- Optionally computes selected joint and segment angles. \n- Optionally saves processed image files and video file. Optionally saves processed poses as a TRC file, and angles as a MOT file (OpenSim compatible).\n\n<br>\n\n**Okay but how does it work, really?**\\\nSports2D:\n\n1. **Reads stream from a webcam, from one video, or from a list of videos**. Selects the specified time range to process.\n\n2. **Sets up pose estimation with RTMLib.** It can be run in lightweight, balanced, or performance mode, and for faster inference, keypoints can be tracked instead of detected for a certain number of frames. Any RTMPose model can be used. \n\n3. **Tracks people** so that their IDs are consistent across frames. A person is associated to another in the next frame when they are at a small distance. IDs remain consistent even if the person disappears from a few frames. This carefully crafted `sports2d` tracker runs at a comparable speed as the RTMlib one but is much more robust. The user can still choose the RTMLib method if they need it by specifying it in the Config.toml file.\n\n4. **Chooses the right persons to keep.** In single-person mode, only keeps the person with the highest average scores over the sequence. In multi-person mode, only retrieves the keypoints with high enough confidence, and only keeps the persons with high enough average confidence over each frame.\n\n4. **Converts the pixel coordinates to meters.** The user can provide a calibration file, or simply the size of a specified person. The floor angle and the coordinate origin can either be detected automatically from the gait sequence, or be manually specified.\n\n5. **Computes the selected joint and segment angles**, and flips them on the left/right side if the respective foot is pointing to the left/right. \n\n5. **Draws the results on the image:**\\\n Draws bounding boxes around each person and writes their IDs\\\n Draws the skeleton and the keypoints, with a green to red color scale to account for their confidence\\\n Draws joint and segment angles on the body, and writes the values either near the joint/segment, or on the upper-left of the image with a progress bar\n\n6. **Interpolates and filters results:** Missing pose and angle sequences are interpolated unless gaps are too large. Results are filtered according to the selected filter (among `Butterworth`, `Gaussian`, `LOESS`, or `Median`) and their parameters\n\n7. **Optionally show** processed images, saves them, or saves them as a video\\\n **Optionally plots** pose and angle data before and after processing for comparison\\\n **Optionally saves** poses for each person as a TRC file in pixels and meters, angles as a MOT file, and calibration data as a [Pose2Sim](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim) TOML file \n\n<br>\n\n**Joint angle conventions:**\n- Ankle dorsiflexion: Between heel and big toe, and ankle and knee.\\\n *-90\u00b0 when the foot is aligned with the shank.*\n- Knee flexion: Between hip, knee, and ankle.\\\n *0\u00b0 when the shank is aligned with the thigh.*\n- Hip flexion: Between knee, hip, and shoulder.\\\n *0\u00b0 when the trunk is aligned with the thigh.* \n- Shoulder flexion: Between hip, shoulder, and elbow.\\\n *180\u00b0 when the arm is aligned with the trunk.*\n- Elbow flexion: Between wrist, elbow, and shoulder.\\\n *0\u00b0 when the forearm is aligned with the arm.*\n\n**Segment angle conventions:**\\\nAngles are measured anticlockwise between the horizontal and the segment.\n- Foot: Between heel and big toe\n- Shank: Between ankle and knee\n- Thigh: Between hip and knee\n- Pelvis: Between left and right hip\n- Trunk: Between hip midpoint and shoulder midpoint\n- Shoulders: Between left and right shoulder\n- Head: Between neck and top of the head\n- Arm: Between shoulder and elbow\n- Forearm: Between elbow and wrist\n\n\n<img src=\"Content/joint_convention.png\" width=\"760\">\n\n<br> \n\n## How to cite and how to contribute\n\n### How to cite\nIf you use Sports2D, please cite [Pagnon, 2024](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.06849).\n\n @article{Pagnon_Sports2D_Compute_2D_2024,\n author = {Pagnon, David and Kim, HunMin},\n doi = {10.21105/joss.06849},\n journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},\n month = sep,\n number = {101},\n pages = {6849},\n title = {{Sports2D: Compute 2D human pose and angles from a video or a webcam}},\n url = {https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.06849},\n volume = {9},\n year = {2024}\n }\n \n\n### How to contribute\nI would happily welcome any proposal for new features, code improvement, and more!\\\nIf you want to contribute to Sports2D, please follow [this guide](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects) on how to fork, modify and push code, and submit a pull request. I would appreciate it if you provided as much useful information as possible about how you modified the code, and a rationale for why you're making this pull request. Please also specify on which operating system and on which python version you have tested the code.\n\n*Here is a to-do list: feel free to complete it:*\n- [x] Compute **segment angles**.\n- [x] **Multi-person** detection, consistent over time.\n- [x] **Only interpolate small gaps**.\n- [x] **Filtering and plotting tools**.\n- [x] Handle sudden **changes of direction**.\n- [x] **Batch processing** for the analysis of multiple videos at once.\n- [x] Option to only save one person (with the highest average score, or with the most frames and fastest speed)\n- [x] Run again without pose estimation with the option `--load_trc` for px .trc file.\n- [x] **Convert positions to meters** by providing the person height, a calibration file, or 3D points [to click on the image](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74248955/how-to-display-the-coordinates-of-the-points-clicked-on-the-image-in-google-cola)\n- [x] Support any detection and/or pose estimation model.\n\n- [ ] Perform **Inverse kinematics and dynamics** with OpenSim (cf. [Pose2Sim](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim), but in 2D). Update [this model](https://github.com/davidpagnon/Sports2D/blob/main/Sports2D/Utilities/2D_gait.osim) (add arms, markers, remove muscles and contact spheres). Add pipeline example.\n- [ ] Optionally let user select the person of interest in single_person mode:\\\n`multiperson = true # true, or 'single_auto', or 'single_click'. 'single_auto' selects the person with highest average likelihood, and 'single_click' lets the user manually select the person of interest.`\n- [ ] Run with the option `--compare_to` to visually compare motion with a trc file. If run with a webcam input, the user can follow the motion of the trc file. Further calculation can then be done to compare specific variables.\n- [ ] **Colab version**: more user-friendly, usable on a smartphone.\n- [ ] **GUI applications** for Windows, Mac, and Linux, as well as for Android and iOS.\n\n</br>\n\n- [ ] **Track other points and angles** with classic tracking methods (cf. [Kinovea](https://www.kinovea.org/features.html)), or by training a model (cf. [DeepLabCut](https://deeplabcut.github.io/DeepLabCut/README.html)).\n- [ ] **Pose refinement**. Click and move badly estimated 2D points. See [DeepLabCut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEuBKB7eqmk) for inspiration.\n- [ ] Add tools for annotating images, undistort them, take perspective into account, etc. (cf. [Kinovea](https://www.kinovea.org/features.html)).\n\n\nBSD 3-Clause License\n\nCopyright (c) 2022, perfanalytics\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n\n2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n\n3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n this software without specific prior written permission.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\nAND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\nDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\nFOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\nDAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\nSERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\nCAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\nOR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\nOF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "BSD 3-Clause License",
"summary": "Detect pose and compute 2D joint angles from a video.",
"version": "0.6.1",
"project_urls": {
"Bug Tracker": "https://github.com/davidpagnon/Sports2D/issues",
"Homepage": "https://github.com/davidpagnon/Sports2D"
"split_keywords": [
" kinematics",
" openpose",
" blazepose",
" joint angles",
" 2d",
" biomechanics",
" sports",
" pose estimation",
" joint angles",
" sports analytics",
" kinovea"
"urls": [
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