
Namesqlservice JSON
Version 3.0.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryThe missing SQLAlchemy ORM interface
upload_time2024-01-27 02:39:50
authorDerrick Gilland
licenseMIT License
keywords sqlservice sqlalchemy orm database
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

|version| |build| |coveralls| |license|

The missing SQLAlchemy ORM interface.


- Project: https://github.com/dgilland/sqlservice
- Documentation: http://sqlservice.readthedocs.io
- PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlservice/
- Github Actions: https://github.com/dgilland/sqlservice/actions


So what exactly is ``sqlservice`` and what does "the missing SQLAlchemy ORM interface" even mean? SQLAlchemy is a fantastic library and features a superb ORM layer. However, one thing SQLAlchemy lacks is a unified interface for easily interacting with your database through your ORM models. This is where ``sqlservice`` comes in. It's interface layer on top of SQLAlchemy's session manager and ORM layer that provides a single point to manage your database connection/session, create/reflect/drop your database objects, and easily persist/destroy model objects.


This library is meant to enhance your usage of SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is great and this library tries to build upon that by providing useful abstractions on top of it.

- Sync and asyncio database clients to manage ORM sessions with enhanced session classes.
- Base class for a declarative ORM Model that makes updating model columns and relationships easier and converting to a dictionary a breeze.
- Decorator-based event register for SQLAlchemy ORM events that can be used at the model class level. No need to register the event handler outside of the class definition.
- And more!


- Python >= 3.7
- `SQLAlchemy <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/>`_ >= 2.0


First, install using pip:


    pip install sqlservice

Then, define some ORM models:

.. code-block:: python

    import re
    import typing as t

    from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, orm, types
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column

    from sqlservice import declarative_base, event

    Model = declarative_base()

    class User(Model):
        __tablename__ = "user"

        id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True)
        name: Mapped[t.Optional[str]] = mapped_column(types.String(100))
        email: Mapped[t.Optional[str]] = mapped_column(types.String(100))
        phone: Mapped[t.Optional[str]] = mapped_column(types.String(10))

        roles: Mapped[t.List["UserRole"]] = orm.relationshipship("UserRole")

        @event.on_set("phone", retval=True)
        def on_set_phone(self, value):
            # Strip non-numeric characters from phone number.
            return re.sub("[^0-9]", "", value)

    class UserRole(Model):
        __tablename__ = "user_role"

        id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True)
        user_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(types.Integer(), ForeignKey("user.id"), nullable=False)
        role: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(types.String(25), nullable=False)

Next, configure the database client:

.. code-block:: python

    from sqlservice import AsyncDatabase, Database

    db = Database(

    # Same options as above are supported but will default to compatibility with SQLAlchemy asyncio mode.
    async_db = AsyncDatabase("sqlite:///db.sql", model_class=Model)

Prepare the database by creating all tables:

.. code-block:: python

    await async_db.create_all()

Finally (whew!), start interacting with the database.

Insert a new record in the database:

.. code-block:: python

    user = User(name='Jenny', email=jenny@example.com, phone='555-867-5309')
    with db.begin() as session:

    async with db.begin() as session:
        await session.save(user)

Fetch records:

.. code-block:: python

    session = db.session()
    assert user is session.get(User, user.id)
    assert user is session.first(User.select())
    assert user is session.all(User.select().where(User.id == user.id)[0]

Serialize to a ``dict``:

.. code-block:: python

    assert user.to_dict() == {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Jenny",
        "email": "jenny@example.com",
        "phone": "5558675309"

    assert dict(user) == user.to_dict()

Update the record and save:

.. code-block:: python

    user.phone = '222-867-5309'
    with db.begin() as session:

    async with async_db.begin() as session:
        await session.save(user)

Upsert on primary key automatically:

.. code-block:: python

    other_user = User(id=1, name="Jenny", email="jenny123@example.com", phone="5558675309")
    with db.begin() as session:
    assert user is other_user

For more details, please see the full documentation at http://sqlservice.readthedocs.io.

.. |version| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/sqlservice.svg?style=flat-square
    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlservice/

.. |build| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/dgilland/sqlservice/main.yml?branch=master&style=flat-square
    :target: https://github.com/dgilland/sqlservice/actions

.. |coveralls| image:: http://img.shields.io/coveralls/dgilland/sqlservice/master.svg?style=flat-square
    :target: https://coveralls.io/r/dgilland/sqlservice

.. |license| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/l/sqlservice.svg?style=flat-square
    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlservice/


v3.0.0 (2023-01-26)

- Fix bug in Session/AsynSession methods ``first()``, ``one()``, ``one_or_none()``, ``save()``, and ``save_all()`` that would result in ``sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`` due to ``unique()`` not being applied to the results.
- Add support for Python 3.11 and 3.12.
- Drop support for SQLAlchemy < 2.0. (**breaking change**)

v2.0.1 (2022-10-11)

Update README for `v2`.

v2.0.0 (2022-05-06)

The ``v2`` release is a major rewrite of the library with many incompatibilities and breaking changes from `v1`. Please see the ``Migrating to v2.0`` section in the docs for details.

v1.3.0 (2021-04-28)

- Fix compatibility issues with SQLAlchemy 1.4.
- The following features are incompatible with SQLAlchemy 1.4 and will raise an exception if used:

  - ``sqlservice.Query.entities``
  - ``sqlservice.Query.join_entities``
  - ``sqlservice.Query.all_entities``
  - ``sqlservice.SQLClient.prune``

v1.2.2 (2021-03-29)

- Pin supported SQLAlchemy version to ``>=1.0,<1.4`` due to incompatibilities with SQAlchemy 1.4.

v1.2.1 (2020-01-17)

- Rename ``data`` argument to ``_data`` in ``ModelBase.__init__()`` and ``ModelBase.update()`` to avoid conflict when an ORM model has a column attribute named ``"data"``.
- Add official support for Python 3.8.

v1.2.0 (2020-01-01)

- Fix issue where all sessions in memory were closed in ``SQLClient.disconnect()``.
- Add configuration keyword arguments to ``SQLClient.__init__()``.

v1.1.3 (2018-09-26)

- If a key in ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapters']`` is ``None``, then don't serialize that key when calling ``Model.to_dict()``.

v1.1.2 (2018-09-23)

- Fix handling of string keys in ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapters']`` that resulted in an unhandled ``TypeError`` exception in some cases.

v1.1.1 (2018-09-07)

- Fix mishandling of case where new mappings passed to ``SQLClient.bulk_diff_update()`` aren't different than previous mappings.

v1.1.0 (2018-09-05)

- Add ``SQLClient.bulk_common_update()`` and ``core.bulk_common_update()``.
- Add ``SQLClient.bulk_diff_update()`` and ``core.bulk_diff_update()``.
- Move logic in ``SQLClient.bulk_insert()`` and ``bulk_insert_many()`` to ``core.bulk_insert()`` and ``core.bulk_insert_many()`` respectively.

v1.0.2 (2018-08-20)

- Minor optimization to ``SQLQuery.save()`` to not create an intermediate list when saving multiple items.

v1.0.1 (2018-08-20)

- Add missing handling for generators in ``SQLQuery.save()``.

v1.0.0 (2018-08-19)

- Drop support for Python 2.7. (**breaking change**)
- Don't mutate ``models`` argument when passed in as a list to ``SQLClient.save|core.save``.
- Allow generators to be passed into ``SQLClient.save|core.save`` and ``SQLClient.destroy|core.destroy``.
- Remove deprecated methods: (**breaking change**)

  - ``SQLClient.shutdown()`` (use ``SQLClient.disconnect()``)
  - ``SQLQuery.chain()``
  - ``SQLQuery.pluck()``
  - ``SQLQuery.key_by()``
  - ``SQLQuery.map()``
  - ``SQLQuery.reduce()``
  - ``SQLQuery.reduce_right()``
  - ``SQLQuery.stack_by()``

v0.23.0 (2018-08-06)

- Add ``SQLClient.DEFAULT_CONFIG`` class attribute as way to override config defaults at the class level via subclassing.
- Rename ``SQLClient.shutdown()`` to ``disconnect()`` but keep ``shutdown()`` as a deprecated alias.
- Deprecate ``SQLClient.shutdown()``. Use ``SQLClient.disconnect()`` instead. Will be removed in ``v1``.
- Deprecate ``SQLQuery`` methods below. Use ``pydash`` library directly or re-implement in subclass of ``SQLQuery`` and pass to ``SQLClient()`` via ``query_class`` argument. Methods will be removed in ``v1``:

  - ``SQLQuery.chain()``
  - ``SQLQuery.pluck()``
  - ``SQLQuery.key_by()``
  - ``SQLQuery.map()``
  - ``SQLQuery.reduce()``
  - ``SQLQuery.reduce_right()``
  - ``SQLQuery.stack_by()``

v0.22.1 (2018-07-15)

- Support Python 3.7.

v0.22.0 (2018-04-12)

- Change default behavior of ``SQLClient.transaction()`` to **not** override the current session's ``autoflush`` setting (use ``SQLClient.transaction(autoflush=True)`` instead. (**breaking change**)
- Add boolean ``autoflush`` option to ``SQLClient.transaction()`` to set session's ``autoflush`` value for the duration of the transaction.
- Add new ``sqlservice.event`` decorators:

  - ``on_init_scalar``
  - ``on_init_collection``
  - ``on_modified``
  - ``on_bulk_replace``
  - ``on_dispose_collection``

v0.21.0 (2018-04-02)

- Add ``SQLClient.ping()`` method that performs a basic connection check.

v0.20.0 (2018-03-20)

- Add ``ModelBase.class_registry()`` that returns the declarative class registry from declarative metadata. Roughly equivalent to ``ModelBase._decl_class_registry`` but with ``_sa_*`` keys removed.
- Pass model instance as third optional argument to ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapters']`` handlers.
- Expose default ``dict`` adapater as ``sqlservice.model.default_dict_adapter``.

v0.19.0 (2018-03-19)

- Support model class names as valid keys in ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapaters']``. Works similar to string namesused in ``sqlalchemy.orm.relationship``.
- Support model class orm descriptors (e.g. columns, relationships) as valid keys in ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapaters']``.

v0.18.0 (2018-03-12)

- Remove ``readonly`` argument from ``SQLClient.transaction`` and replace with separate ``commit`` and ``rollback``. (**breaking change**)

  - The default is ``commit=True`` and ``rollback=False``. This behavior mirrors the previous behavior.
  - When ``rollback=True``, the ``commit`` argument is ignored and the top-level transaction is always rolled back. This is like ``readonly=True`` in version ``0.17.0``.
  - When ``commit=False`` and ``rollback=False``, the "transaction" isn't finalized and is left open. This is like ``readonly=True`` in versions ``<=0.16.1``.

v0.17.0 (2018-03-12)

- Rollback instead of commit in a readonly transaction issued by ``SQLClient.transaction``. (**potential breaking change**)

  - There's a potential breaking change for the case where there's nested a write transaction under a readonly transaction. Previously, the write transaction would be committed when the readonly transaction finalized since commit was being called instead of rollback. However with this change, the settings of the first transaction before any nesting will now determine whether the entire transaction is committed or rollbacked.

v0.16.1 (2018-02-26)

- Use ``repr(self.url)`` in ``SQLClient.__repr__()`` instead of ``str()`` to mask connection password if provided.

v0.16.0 (2018-02-21)

- Support a database URI string as the configuration value for ``SQLClient``. For example, previously had to do ``SQLClient({'SQL_DATABASE_URI': '<db_uri>'})`` but now can do ``SQLClient('<db_uri>')``.
- Add ``repr()`` support to ``SQLClient``.

v0.15.0 (2018-02-13)

- Add ``SQL_POOL_PRE_PING`` config option to ``SQLClient`` that sets ``pool_pre_ping`` argument to engine. Requires SQLAlchemy >= 1.2. Thanks dsully_!

v0.14.2 (2017-10-17)

- Fix ``Query.search()`` so that ``dict`` filter-by criteria will be applied to the base model class of the query if it's set (i.e. make ``db.query(ModelA).join(ModelB).search({'a_only_field': 'foo'})`` work so that ``{'a_only_field': 'foo'}`` is filtered on ``ModelA.a_only_field`` instead of ``ModelB``). This also applies to ``Query.find()`` and ``Query.find_one()`` which use ``search()`` internally.

v0.14.1 (2017-09-09)

- Fix typo in ``SQL_ENCODING`` config option mapping to SQLAlchemy parameter. Thanks dsully_!

v0.14.0 (2017-08-03)

- Make ``declarative_base`` pass extra keyword arguments to ``sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base``.
- Remove ``ModelBase.metaclass`` and ``ModelBase.metadata`` hooks for hoisting those values to ``declarative_base()``. Instead, pass optional ``metadata`` and ``metaclass`` arguments directly to ``declarative_base``. (**breaking change**)
- Replace broken ``declarative_base`` decorator usage with new decorator-only function, ``as_declarative``. Previously, ``@declarative_base`` only worked as a decorator when not "called" (i.e. ``@declarative_base`` worked but ``@declarative_base(...)`` failed).

v0.13.0 (2017-07-11)

- Add ``ModelBase.__dict_args__`` attribute for providing arguments to ``ModelBase.to_dict``.
- Add ``adapters`` option to ``ModelBase.__dict_args__`` for mapping model value types to custom serializatoin handlers during ``ModelBase.to_dict()`` call.

v0.12.1 (2017-04-04)

- Bump minimum requirement for pydash to ``v4.0.1``.
- Revert removal of ``Query.pluck`` but now ``pluck`` works with a deep path *and* path list (e.g. ``['a', 'b', 0, 'c']`` to get ``'value'`` in ``{'a': {'b': [{'c': 'value'}]}}`` which is something that ``Query.map`` doesn't support.

v0.12.0 (2017-04-03)

- Bump minimum requirement for pydash to ``v4.0.0``. (**breaking change**)
- Remove ``Query.pluck`` in favor or ``Query.map`` since ``map`` can do everything ``pluck`` could. (**breaking change**)
- Rename ``Query.index_by`` to ``Query.key_by``. (**breaking change**)
- Rename ``callback`` argument to ``iteratee`` for ``Query`` methods:

  - ``key_by``
  - ``stack_by``
  - ``map``
  - ``reduce``
  - ``reduce_right``

v0.11.0 (2017-03-10)

- Make ``SQLClient.save()`` update the declarative model registry whenever an model class isn't in it. This allows saving to work when a ``SQLClient`` instance was created before models have been imported yet.
- Make ``SQLClient.expunge()`` support multiple instances.
- Make ``SQLClient.save()`` and ``SQLQuery.save()`` handle saving empty dictionaries.

v0.10.0 (2017-02-13)

- Add ``engine_options`` argument to ``SQLClient()`` to provide additional engine options beyond what is supported by the ``config`` argument.
- Add ``SQLClient.bulk_insert`` for performing an INSERT with a multi-row VALUES clause.
- Add ``SQLClient.bulk_insert_many`` for performing an ``executemany()`` DBAPI call.
- Add additional ``SQLClient.session`` proxy properties on ``SQLClient.<proxy>``:

  - ``bulk_insert_mappings``
  - ``bulk_save_objects``
  - ``bulk_update_mappings``
  - ``is_active``
  - ``is_modified``
  - ``no_autoflush``
  - ``preapre``

- Store ``SQLClient.models`` as a static ``dict`` instead of computed property but recompute if an attribute error is detected for ``SQLClient.<Model>`` to handle the case of a late model class import.
- Fix handling of duplicate base class names during ``SQLClient.models`` creation for model classes that are defined in different submodules. Previously, duplicate model class names prevented those models from being saved via ``SQLClient.save()``.

v0.9.1 (2017-01-12)

- Fix handling of ``scopefunc`` option in ``SQLClient.create_session``.

v0.9.0 (2017-01-10)

- Add ``session_class`` argument to ``SQLClient()`` to override the default session class used by the session maker.
- Add ``session_options`` argument to ``SQLClient()`` to provide additional session options beyond what is supported by the ``config`` argument.

v0.8.0 (2016-12-09)

- Rename ``sqlservice.Query`` to ``SQLQuery``. (**breaking change**)
- Remove ``sqlservice.SQLService`` class in favor of utilizing ``SQLQuery`` for the ``save`` and ``destroy`` methods for a model class. (**breaking change**)
- Add ``SQLQuery.save()``.
- Add ``SQLQuery.destroy()``.
- Add ``SQLQuery.model_class`` property.
- Replace ``service_class`` argument with ``query_class`` in ``SQLClient.__init__()``. (**breaking change**)
- Remove ``SQLClient.services``. (**breaking change**)
- When a model class name is used for attribute access on a ``SQLClient`` instance, return an instance of ``SQLQuery(ModelClass)`` instead of ``SQLService(ModelClass)``. (**breaking change**)

v0.7.2 (2016-11-29)

- Fix passing of ``synchronize_session`` argument in ``SQLService.destroy`` and ``SQLClient.destroy``. Argument was mistakenly not being used when calling underlying delete method.

v0.7.1 (2016-11-04)

- Add additional database session proxy attributes to ``SQLClient``:

  - ``SQLClient.scalar -> SQLClient.session.scalar``
  - ``SQLClient.invalidate -> SQLClient.session.invalidate``
  - ``SQLClient.expire -> SQLClient.session.expire``
  - ``SQLClient.expire_all -> SQLClient.session.expire_all``
  - ``SQLClient.expunge -> SQLClient.session.expunge``
  - ``SQLClient.expunge_all -> SQLClient.session.expunge_all``
  - ``SQLClient.prune -> SQLClient.session.prune``

- Fix compatibility issue with pydash ``v3.4.7``.

v0.7.0 (2016-10-28)

- Add ``core.make_identity`` factory function for easily creating basic identity functions from a list of model column objects that can be used with ``save()``.
- Import ``core.save``, ``core.destroy``, ``core.transaction``, and ``core.make_identity`` into make package namespace.

v0.6.3 (2016-10-17)

- Fix model instance merging in ``core.save`` when providing a custom identity function.

v0.6.2 (2016-10-17)

- Expose ``identity`` argument in ``SQLClient.save`` and ``SQLService.save``.

v0.6.1 (2016-10-17)

- Fix bug where the ``models`` variable was mistakenly redefined during loop iteration in ``core.save``.

v0.6.0 (2016-10-17)

- Add ``identity`` argument to ``save`` method to allow a custom identity function to support upserting on something other than just the primary key values.
- Make ``Query`` entity methods ``entities``, ``join_entities``, and ``all_entities`` return entity objects instead of model classes. (**breaking change**)
- Add ``Query`` methods ``model_classes``, ``join_model_classes``, and ``all_model_classes`` return the model classes belonging to a query.

v0.5.1 (2016-09-28)

- Fix issue where calling ``<Model>.update(data)`` did not correctly update a relationship field when both ``<Model>.<relationship-column>`` and ``data[<relationship-column>]`` were both instances of a model class.

v0.5.0 (2016-09-20)

- Allow ``Service.find_one``, ``Service.find``, and ``Query.search`` to accept a list of lists as the criterion argument.
- Rename ModelBase metaclass class attribute from ``ModelBase.Meta`` to ``ModelBase.metaclass``. (**breaking change**)
- Add support for defining the ``metadata`` object on ``ModelBase.metadata`` and having it used when calling ``declarative_base``.
- Add ``metadata`` and ``metaclass`` arguments to ``declarative_base`` that taken precedence over the corresponding class attributes set on the passed in declarative base type.
- Rename Model argument/attribute in ``SQLClient`` to ``__init__`` to ``model_class``. (**breaking change**)
- Remove ``Query.top`` method. (**breaking change**)
- Proxy ``SQLService.__getattr__`` to ``getattr(SQLService.query(), attr)`` so that ``SQLService`` now acts as a proxy to a query instance that uses its ``model_class`` as the primary query entity.
- Move ``SQLService.find`` and ``SQLService.find_one`` to ``Query``.
- Improve docs.

v0.4.3 (2016-07-11)

- Fix issue where updating nested relationship values can lead to conflicting state assertion error in SQLAlchemy's identity map.

v0.4.2 (2016-07-11)

- Fix missing ``before`` and ``after`` callback argument passing from ``core.save`` to ``core._add``.

v0.4.1 (2016-07-11)

- Fix missing ``before`` and ``after`` callback argument passing from ``SQLService.save`` to ``SQLClient.save``.

v0.4.0 (2016-07-11)

- Add support for ``before`` and ``after`` callbacks in ``core.save``, ``SQLClient.save``, and ``SQLService.save`` which are invoked before/after ``session.add`` is called for each model instance.

v0.3.0 (2016-07-06)

- Support additional engine and session configuration values for ``SQLClient``.

  - New engine config options:

    - ``SQL_ECHO_POOL``
    - ``SQL_ENCODING``

  - New session config options:


- Add ``SQLClient.reflect`` method.
- Rename ``SQLClient.service_registry`` and ``SQLClient.model_registry`` to ``services`` and ``models``. (**breaking change**)
- Support ``SQLClient.__getitem__`` as proxy to ``SQLClient.__getattr__`` where both ``db[User]`` and ``db['User']`` both map to ``db.User``.
- Add ``SQLService.count`` method.
- Add ``Query`` methods:

  - ``index_by``: Converts ``Query.all()`` to a ``dict`` of models indexed by ``callback`` (`pydash.index_by <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.index_by>`_)
  - ``stack_by``: Converts ``Query.all()`` to a ``dict`` of lists of models indexed by ``callback`` (`pydash.group_by <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.group_by>`_)
  - ``map``: Maps ``Query.all()`` to a ``callback`` (`pydash.map_ <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.map_>`_)
  - ``reduce``: Reduces ``Query.all()`` through ``callback`` (`pydash.reduce_ <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.reduce_>`_)
  - ``reduce_right``: Reduces ``Query.all()`` through ``callback`` from right (`pydash.reduce_right <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.reduce_right>`_)
  - ``pluck``: Retrieves value of of specified property from all elements of ``Query.all()`` (`pydash.pluck <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.pluck>`_)
  - ``chain``: Initializes a chain object with ``Query.all()`` (`pydash.chain <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.chaining.chain>`_)

- Rename ``Query`` properties: (**breaking change**)

  - ``model_classes`` to ``entities``
  - ``joined_model_classes`` to ``join_entities``
  - ``all_model_classes`` to ``all_entities``

v0.2.0 (2016-06-15)

- Add Python 2.7 compatibility.
- Add concept of ``model_registry`` and ``service_registry`` to ``SQLClient`` class:

  - ``SQLClient.model_registry`` returns mapping of ORM model names to ORM model classes bound to ``SQLClient.Model``.
  - ``SQLService`` instances are created with each model class bound to declarative base, ``SQLClient.Model`` and stored in ``SQLClient.service_registry``.
  - Access to each model class ``SQLService`` instance is available via attribute access to ``SQLClient``. The attribute name corresponds to the model class name (e.g. given a ``User`` ORM model, it would be accessible at ``sqlclient.User``.

- Add new methods to ``SQLClient`` class:

  - ``save``: Generic saving of model class instances similar to ``SQLService.save`` but works for any model class instance.
  - ``destroy``: Generic deletion of model class instances or ``dict`` containing primary keys where model class is explicitly passed in. Similar to ``SQLService.destroy``.

- Rename ``SQLService.delete`` to ``destroy``. (**breaking change**)
- Change ``SQLService`` initialization signature to ``SQLService(db, model_class)`` and remove class attribute ``model_class`` in favor of instance attribute. (**breaking change**)
- Add properties to ``SQLClient`` class:

  - ``service_registry``
  - ``model_registry``

- Add properties to ``Query`` class:

  - ``model_classes``: Returns list of model classes used to during ``Query`` creation.
  - ``joined_model_classes``: Returns list of joined model classes of ``Query``.
  - ``all_model_classes``: Returns ``Query.model_classes`` + ``Query.joined_model_classes``.

- Remove methods from ``SQLService`` class: (**breaking change**)

  - ``query_one``
  - ``query_many``
  - ``default_order_by`` (default order by determination moved to ``Query.search``)

- Remove ``sqlservice.service.transaction`` decorator in favor of using transaction context manager within methods. (**breaking change**)
- Fix incorrect passing of ``SQL_DATABASE_URI`` value to ``SQLClient.create_engine`` in ``SQLClient.__init__``.

v0.1.0 (2016-05-24)

- First release.

.. _dsully: https://github.com/dsully

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Derrick Gilland

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Raw data

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    "home_page": "https://github.com/dgilland/sqlservice",
    "name": "sqlservice",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "sqlservice sqlalchemy orm database",
    "author": "Derrick Gilland",
    "author_email": "dgilland@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0d/89/9752933056a5eb7a02f6412c6e18950bd862b2909d4c5e0cb2fd0b191b02/sqlservice-3.0.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "sqlservice\n**********\n\n|version| |build| |coveralls| |license|\n\n\nThe missing SQLAlchemy ORM interface.\n\n\nLinks\n=====\n\n- Project: https://github.com/dgilland/sqlservice\n- Documentation: http://sqlservice.readthedocs.io\n- PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlservice/\n- Github Actions: https://github.com/dgilland/sqlservice/actions\n\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nSo what exactly is ``sqlservice`` and what does \"the missing SQLAlchemy ORM interface\" even mean? SQLAlchemy is a fantastic library and features a superb ORM layer. However, one thing SQLAlchemy lacks is a unified interface for easily interacting with your database through your ORM models. This is where ``sqlservice`` comes in. It's interface layer on top of SQLAlchemy's session manager and ORM layer that provides a single point to manage your database connection/session, create/reflect/drop your database objects, and easily persist/destroy model objects.\n\nFeatures\n--------\n\nThis library is meant to enhance your usage of SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is great and this library tries to build upon that by providing useful abstractions on top of it.\n\n- Sync and asyncio database clients to manage ORM sessions with enhanced session classes.\n- Base class for a declarative ORM Model that makes updating model columns and relationships easier and converting to a dictionary a breeze.\n- Decorator-based event register for SQLAlchemy ORM events that can be used at the model class level. No need to register the event handler outside of the class definition.\n- And more!\n\n\nRequirements\n------------\n\n- Python >= 3.7\n- `SQLAlchemy <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/>`_ >= 2.0\n\n\nQuickstart\n==========\n\nFirst, install using pip:\n\n\n::\n\n    pip install sqlservice\n\n\nThen, define some ORM models:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    import re\n    import typing as t\n\n    from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, orm, types\n    from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column\n\n    from sqlservice import declarative_base, event\n\n\n    Model = declarative_base()\n\n    class User(Model):\n        __tablename__ = \"user\"\n\n        id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True)\n        name: Mapped[t.Optional[str]] = mapped_column(types.String(100))\n        email: Mapped[t.Optional[str]] = mapped_column(types.String(100))\n        phone: Mapped[t.Optional[str]] = mapped_column(types.String(10))\n\n        roles: Mapped[t.List[\"UserRole\"]] = orm.relationshipship(\"UserRole\")\n\n        @event.on_set(\"phone\", retval=True)\n        def on_set_phone(self, value):\n            # Strip non-numeric characters from phone number.\n            return re.sub(\"[^0-9]\", \"\", value)\n\n\n    class UserRole(Model):\n        __tablename__ = \"user_role\"\n\n        id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True)\n        user_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(types.Integer(), ForeignKey(\"user.id\"), nullable=False)\n        role: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(types.String(25), nullable=False)\n\n\nNext, configure the database client:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from sqlservice import AsyncDatabase, Database\n\n    db = Database(\n        \"sqlite:///db.sql\",\n        model_class=Model,\n        isolation_level=\"SERIALIZABLE\",\n        echo=True,\n        echo_pool=False,\n        pool_size=5,\n        pool_timeout=30,\n        pool_recycle=3600,\n        max_overflow=10,\n        autoflush=True,\n    )\n\n    # Same options as above are supported but will default to compatibility with SQLAlchemy asyncio mode.\n    async_db = AsyncDatabase(\"sqlite:///db.sql\", model_class=Model)\n\n\nPrepare the database by creating all tables:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    db.create_all()\n    await async_db.create_all()\n\n\nFinally (whew!), start interacting with the database.\n\nInsert a new record in the database:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    user = User(name='Jenny', email=jenny@example.com, phone='555-867-5309')\n    with db.begin() as session:\n        session.save(user)\n\n    async with db.begin() as session:\n        await session.save(user)\n\n\nFetch records:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    session = db.session()\n    assert user is session.get(User, user.id)\n    assert user is session.first(User.select())\n    assert user is session.all(User.select().where(User.id == user.id)[0]\n\n\nSerialize to a ``dict``:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    assert user.to_dict() == {\n        \"id\": 1,\n        \"name\": \"Jenny\",\n        \"email\": \"jenny@example.com\",\n        \"phone\": \"5558675309\"\n    }\n\n    assert dict(user) == user.to_dict()\n\n\nUpdate the record and save:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    user.phone = '222-867-5309'\n    with db.begin() as session:\n        session.save(user)\n\n    async with async_db.begin() as session:\n        await session.save(user)\n\n\nUpsert on primary key automatically:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    other_user = User(id=1, name=\"Jenny\", email=\"jenny123@example.com\", phone=\"5558675309\")\n    with db.begin() as session:\n        session.save(other_user)\n    assert user is other_user\n\nFor more details, please see the full documentation at http://sqlservice.readthedocs.io.\n\n\n\n.. |version| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/sqlservice.svg?style=flat-square\n    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlservice/\n\n.. |build| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/dgilland/sqlservice/main.yml?branch=master&style=flat-square\n    :target: https://github.com/dgilland/sqlservice/actions\n\n.. |coveralls| image:: http://img.shields.io/coveralls/dgilland/sqlservice/master.svg?style=flat-square\n    :target: https://coveralls.io/r/dgilland/sqlservice\n\n.. |license| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/l/sqlservice.svg?style=flat-square\n    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlservice/\n\nChangelog\n=========\n\n\nv3.0.0 (2023-01-26)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix bug in Session/AsynSession methods ``first()``, ``one()``, ``one_or_none()``, ``save()``, and ``save_all()`` that would result in ``sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`` due to ``unique()`` not being applied to the results.\n- Add support for Python 3.11 and 3.12.\n- Drop support for SQLAlchemy < 2.0. (**breaking change**)\n\n\nv2.0.1 (2022-10-11)\n-------------------\n\nUpdate README for `v2`.\n\n\nv2.0.0 (2022-05-06)\n-------------------\n\nThe ``v2`` release is a major rewrite of the library with many incompatibilities and breaking changes from `v1`. Please see the ``Migrating to v2.0`` section in the docs for details.\n\n\nv1.3.0 (2021-04-28)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix compatibility issues with SQLAlchemy 1.4.\n- The following features are incompatible with SQLAlchemy 1.4 and will raise an exception if used:\n\n  - ``sqlservice.Query.entities``\n  - ``sqlservice.Query.join_entities``\n  - ``sqlservice.Query.all_entities``\n  - ``sqlservice.SQLClient.prune``\n\n\nv1.2.2 (2021-03-29)\n-------------------\n\n- Pin supported SQLAlchemy version to ``>=1.0,<1.4`` due to incompatibilities with SQAlchemy 1.4.\n\n\nv1.2.1 (2020-01-17)\n-------------------\n\n- Rename ``data`` argument to ``_data`` in ``ModelBase.__init__()`` and ``ModelBase.update()`` to avoid conflict when an ORM model has a column attribute named ``\"data\"``.\n- Add official support for Python 3.8.\n\n\nv1.2.0 (2020-01-01)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix issue where all sessions in memory were closed in ``SQLClient.disconnect()``.\n- Add configuration keyword arguments to ``SQLClient.__init__()``.\n\n\nv1.1.3 (2018-09-26)\n-------------------\n\n- If a key in ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapters']`` is ``None``, then don't serialize that key when calling ``Model.to_dict()``.\n\n\nv1.1.2 (2018-09-23)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix handling of string keys in ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapters']`` that resulted in an unhandled ``TypeError`` exception in some cases.\n\n\nv1.1.1 (2018-09-07)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix mishandling of case where new mappings passed to ``SQLClient.bulk_diff_update()`` aren't different than previous mappings.\n\n\nv1.1.0 (2018-09-05)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``SQLClient.bulk_common_update()`` and ``core.bulk_common_update()``.\n- Add ``SQLClient.bulk_diff_update()`` and ``core.bulk_diff_update()``.\n- Move logic in ``SQLClient.bulk_insert()`` and ``bulk_insert_many()`` to ``core.bulk_insert()`` and ``core.bulk_insert_many()`` respectively.\n\n\nv1.0.2 (2018-08-20)\n-------------------\n\n- Minor optimization to ``SQLQuery.save()`` to not create an intermediate list when saving multiple items.\n\n\nv1.0.1 (2018-08-20)\n-------------------\n\n- Add missing handling for generators in ``SQLQuery.save()``.\n\n\nv1.0.0 (2018-08-19)\n-------------------\n\n- Drop support for Python 2.7. (**breaking change**)\n- Don't mutate ``models`` argument when passed in as a list to ``SQLClient.save|core.save``.\n- Allow generators to be passed into ``SQLClient.save|core.save`` and ``SQLClient.destroy|core.destroy``.\n- Remove deprecated methods: (**breaking change**)\n\n  - ``SQLClient.shutdown()`` (use ``SQLClient.disconnect()``)\n  - ``SQLQuery.chain()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.pluck()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.key_by()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.map()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.reduce()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.reduce_right()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.stack_by()``\n\n\nv0.23.0 (2018-08-06)\n--------------------\n\n- Add ``SQLClient.DEFAULT_CONFIG`` class attribute as way to override config defaults at the class level via subclassing.\n- Rename ``SQLClient.shutdown()`` to ``disconnect()`` but keep ``shutdown()`` as a deprecated alias.\n- Deprecate ``SQLClient.shutdown()``. Use ``SQLClient.disconnect()`` instead. Will be removed in ``v1``.\n- Deprecate ``SQLQuery`` methods below. Use ``pydash`` library directly or re-implement in subclass of ``SQLQuery`` and pass to ``SQLClient()`` via ``query_class`` argument. Methods will be removed in ``v1``:\n\n  - ``SQLQuery.chain()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.pluck()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.key_by()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.map()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.reduce()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.reduce_right()``\n  - ``SQLQuery.stack_by()``\n\n\nv0.22.1 (2018-07-15)\n--------------------\n\n- Support Python 3.7.\n\n\nv0.22.0 (2018-04-12)\n--------------------\n\n- Change default behavior of ``SQLClient.transaction()`` to **not** override the current session's ``autoflush`` setting (use ``SQLClient.transaction(autoflush=True)`` instead. (**breaking change**)\n- Add boolean ``autoflush`` option to ``SQLClient.transaction()`` to set session's ``autoflush`` value for the duration of the transaction.\n- Add new ``sqlservice.event`` decorators:\n\n  - ``on_init_scalar``\n  - ``on_init_collection``\n  - ``on_modified``\n  - ``on_bulk_replace``\n  - ``on_dispose_collection``\n\n\nv0.21.0 (2018-04-02)\n--------------------\n\n- Add ``SQLClient.ping()`` method that performs a basic connection check.\n\n\nv0.20.0 (2018-03-20)\n--------------------\n\n- Add ``ModelBase.class_registry()`` that returns the declarative class registry from declarative metadata. Roughly equivalent to ``ModelBase._decl_class_registry`` but with ``_sa_*`` keys removed.\n- Pass model instance as third optional argument to ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapters']`` handlers.\n- Expose default ``dict`` adapater as ``sqlservice.model.default_dict_adapter``.\n\n\nv0.19.0 (2018-03-19)\n--------------------\n\n- Support model class names as valid keys in ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapaters']``. Works similar to string namesused in ``sqlalchemy.orm.relationship``.\n- Support model class orm descriptors (e.g. columns, relationships) as valid keys in ``ModelBase.__dict_args__['adapaters']``.\n\n\nv0.18.0 (2018-03-12)\n--------------------\n\n- Remove ``readonly`` argument from ``SQLClient.transaction`` and replace with separate ``commit`` and ``rollback``. (**breaking change**)\n\n  - The default is ``commit=True`` and ``rollback=False``. This behavior mirrors the previous behavior.\n  - When ``rollback=True``, the ``commit`` argument is ignored and the top-level transaction is always rolled back. This is like ``readonly=True`` in version ``0.17.0``.\n  - When ``commit=False`` and ``rollback=False``, the \"transaction\" isn't finalized and is left open. This is like ``readonly=True`` in versions ``<=0.16.1``.\n\n\nv0.17.0 (2018-03-12)\n--------------------\n\n- Rollback instead of commit in a readonly transaction issued by ``SQLClient.transaction``. (**potential breaking change**)\n\n  - There's a potential breaking change for the case where there's nested a write transaction under a readonly transaction. Previously, the write transaction would be committed when the readonly transaction finalized since commit was being called instead of rollback. However with this change, the settings of the first transaction before any nesting will now determine whether the entire transaction is committed or rollbacked.\n\n\nv0.16.1 (2018-02-26)\n--------------------\n\n- Use ``repr(self.url)`` in ``SQLClient.__repr__()`` instead of ``str()`` to mask connection password if provided.\n\n\nv0.16.0 (2018-02-21)\n--------------------\n\n- Support a database URI string as the configuration value for ``SQLClient``. For example, previously had to do ``SQLClient({'SQL_DATABASE_URI': '<db_uri>'})`` but now can do ``SQLClient('<db_uri>')``.\n- Add ``repr()`` support to ``SQLClient``.\n\n\nv0.15.0 (2018-02-13)\n--------------------\n\n- Add ``SQL_POOL_PRE_PING`` config option to ``SQLClient`` that sets ``pool_pre_ping`` argument to engine. Requires SQLAlchemy >= 1.2. Thanks dsully_!\n\n\nv0.14.2 (2017-10-17)\n--------------------\n\n- Fix ``Query.search()`` so that ``dict`` filter-by criteria will be applied to the base model class of the query if it's set (i.e. make ``db.query(ModelA).join(ModelB).search({'a_only_field': 'foo'})`` work so that ``{'a_only_field': 'foo'}`` is filtered on ``ModelA.a_only_field`` instead of ``ModelB``). This also applies to ``Query.find()`` and ``Query.find_one()`` which use ``search()`` internally.\n\n\nv0.14.1 (2017-09-09)\n--------------------\n\n- Fix typo in ``SQL_ENCODING`` config option mapping to SQLAlchemy parameter. Thanks dsully_!\n\n\nv0.14.0 (2017-08-03)\n--------------------\n\n- Make ``declarative_base`` pass extra keyword arguments to ``sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base``.\n- Remove ``ModelBase.metaclass`` and ``ModelBase.metadata`` hooks for hoisting those values to ``declarative_base()``. Instead, pass optional ``metadata`` and ``metaclass`` arguments directly to ``declarative_base``. (**breaking change**)\n- Replace broken ``declarative_base`` decorator usage with new decorator-only function, ``as_declarative``. Previously, ``@declarative_base`` only worked as a decorator when not \"called\" (i.e. ``@declarative_base`` worked but ``@declarative_base(...)`` failed).\n\n\nv0.13.0 (2017-07-11)\n--------------------\n\n- Add ``ModelBase.__dict_args__`` attribute for providing arguments to ``ModelBase.to_dict``.\n- Add ``adapters`` option to ``ModelBase.__dict_args__`` for mapping model value types to custom serializatoin handlers during ``ModelBase.to_dict()`` call.\n\n\nv0.12.1 (2017-04-04)\n--------------------\n\n- Bump minimum requirement for pydash to ``v4.0.1``.\n- Revert removal of ``Query.pluck`` but now ``pluck`` works with a deep path *and* path list (e.g. ``['a', 'b', 0, 'c']`` to get ``'value'`` in ``{'a': {'b': [{'c': 'value'}]}}`` which is something that ``Query.map`` doesn't support.\n\n\nv0.12.0 (2017-04-03)\n--------------------\n\n- Bump minimum requirement for pydash to ``v4.0.0``. (**breaking change**)\n- Remove ``Query.pluck`` in favor or ``Query.map`` since ``map`` can do everything ``pluck`` could. (**breaking change**)\n- Rename ``Query.index_by`` to ``Query.key_by``. (**breaking change**)\n- Rename ``callback`` argument to ``iteratee`` for ``Query`` methods:\n\n  - ``key_by``\n  - ``stack_by``\n  - ``map``\n  - ``reduce``\n  - ``reduce_right``\n\n\nv0.11.0 (2017-03-10)\n--------------------\n\n- Make ``SQLClient.save()`` update the declarative model registry whenever an model class isn't in it. This allows saving to work when a ``SQLClient`` instance was created before models have been imported yet.\n- Make ``SQLClient.expunge()`` support multiple instances.\n- Make ``SQLClient.save()`` and ``SQLQuery.save()`` handle saving empty dictionaries.\n\n\nv0.10.0 (2017-02-13)\n--------------------\n\n- Add ``engine_options`` argument to ``SQLClient()`` to provide additional engine options beyond what is supported by the ``config`` argument.\n- Add ``SQLClient.bulk_insert`` for performing an INSERT with a multi-row VALUES clause.\n- Add ``SQLClient.bulk_insert_many`` for performing an ``executemany()`` DBAPI call.\n- Add additional ``SQLClient.session`` proxy properties on ``SQLClient.<proxy>``:\n\n  - ``bulk_insert_mappings``\n  - ``bulk_save_objects``\n  - ``bulk_update_mappings``\n  - ``is_active``\n  - ``is_modified``\n  - ``no_autoflush``\n  - ``preapre``\n\n- Store ``SQLClient.models`` as a static ``dict`` instead of computed property but recompute if an attribute error is detected for ``SQLClient.<Model>`` to handle the case of a late model class import.\n- Fix handling of duplicate base class names during ``SQLClient.models`` creation for model classes that are defined in different submodules. Previously, duplicate model class names prevented those models from being saved via ``SQLClient.save()``.\n\n\nv0.9.1 (2017-01-12)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix handling of ``scopefunc`` option in ``SQLClient.create_session``.\n\n\nv0.9.0 (2017-01-10)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``session_class`` argument to ``SQLClient()`` to override the default session class used by the session maker.\n- Add ``session_options`` argument to ``SQLClient()`` to provide additional session options beyond what is supported by the ``config`` argument.\n\n\nv0.8.0 (2016-12-09)\n-------------------\n\n- Rename ``sqlservice.Query`` to ``SQLQuery``. (**breaking change**)\n- Remove ``sqlservice.SQLService`` class in favor of utilizing ``SQLQuery`` for the ``save`` and ``destroy`` methods for a model class. (**breaking change**)\n- Add ``SQLQuery.save()``.\n- Add ``SQLQuery.destroy()``.\n- Add ``SQLQuery.model_class`` property.\n- Replace ``service_class`` argument with ``query_class`` in ``SQLClient.__init__()``. (**breaking change**)\n- Remove ``SQLClient.services``. (**breaking change**)\n- When a model class name is used for attribute access on a ``SQLClient`` instance, return an instance of ``SQLQuery(ModelClass)`` instead of ``SQLService(ModelClass)``. (**breaking change**)\n\n\nv0.7.2 (2016-11-29)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix passing of ``synchronize_session`` argument in ``SQLService.destroy`` and ``SQLClient.destroy``. Argument was mistakenly not being used when calling underlying delete method.\n\n\nv0.7.1 (2016-11-04)\n-------------------\n\n- Add additional database session proxy attributes to ``SQLClient``:\n\n  - ``SQLClient.scalar -> SQLClient.session.scalar``\n  - ``SQLClient.invalidate -> SQLClient.session.invalidate``\n  - ``SQLClient.expire -> SQLClient.session.expire``\n  - ``SQLClient.expire_all -> SQLClient.session.expire_all``\n  - ``SQLClient.expunge -> SQLClient.session.expunge``\n  - ``SQLClient.expunge_all -> SQLClient.session.expunge_all``\n  - ``SQLClient.prune -> SQLClient.session.prune``\n\n- Fix compatibility issue with pydash ``v3.4.7``.\n\n\nv0.7.0 (2016-10-28)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``core.make_identity`` factory function for easily creating basic identity functions from a list of model column objects that can be used with ``save()``.\n- Import ``core.save``, ``core.destroy``, ``core.transaction``, and ``core.make_identity`` into make package namespace.\n\n\nv0.6.3 (2016-10-17)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix model instance merging in ``core.save`` when providing a custom identity function.\n\n\nv0.6.2 (2016-10-17)\n-------------------\n\n- Expose ``identity`` argument in ``SQLClient.save`` and ``SQLService.save``.\n\n\nv0.6.1 (2016-10-17)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix bug where the ``models`` variable was mistakenly redefined during loop iteration in ``core.save``.\n\n\nv0.6.0 (2016-10-17)\n-------------------\n\n- Add ``identity`` argument to ``save`` method to allow a custom identity function to support upserting on something other than just the primary key values.\n- Make ``Query`` entity methods ``entities``, ``join_entities``, and ``all_entities`` return entity objects instead of model classes. (**breaking change**)\n- Add ``Query`` methods ``model_classes``, ``join_model_classes``, and ``all_model_classes`` return the model classes belonging to a query.\n\n\nv0.5.1 (2016-09-28)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix issue where calling ``<Model>.update(data)`` did not correctly update a relationship field when both ``<Model>.<relationship-column>`` and ``data[<relationship-column>]`` were both instances of a model class.\n\n\nv0.5.0 (2016-09-20)\n-------------------\n\n- Allow ``Service.find_one``, ``Service.find``, and ``Query.search`` to accept a list of lists as the criterion argument.\n- Rename ModelBase metaclass class attribute from ``ModelBase.Meta`` to ``ModelBase.metaclass``. (**breaking change**)\n- Add support for defining the ``metadata`` object on ``ModelBase.metadata`` and having it used when calling ``declarative_base``.\n- Add ``metadata`` and ``metaclass`` arguments to ``declarative_base`` that taken precedence over the corresponding class attributes set on the passed in declarative base type.\n- Rename Model argument/attribute in ``SQLClient`` to ``__init__`` to ``model_class``. (**breaking change**)\n- Remove ``Query.top`` method. (**breaking change**)\n- Proxy ``SQLService.__getattr__`` to ``getattr(SQLService.query(), attr)`` so that ``SQLService`` now acts as a proxy to a query instance that uses its ``model_class`` as the primary query entity.\n- Move ``SQLService.find`` and ``SQLService.find_one`` to ``Query``.\n- Improve docs.\n\n\nv0.4.3 (2016-07-11)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix issue where updating nested relationship values can lead to conflicting state assertion error in SQLAlchemy's identity map.\n\n\nv0.4.2 (2016-07-11)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix missing ``before`` and ``after`` callback argument passing from ``core.save`` to ``core._add``.\n\n\nv0.4.1 (2016-07-11)\n-------------------\n\n- Fix missing ``before`` and ``after`` callback argument passing from ``SQLService.save`` to ``SQLClient.save``.\n\n\nv0.4.0 (2016-07-11)\n-------------------\n\n- Add support for ``before`` and ``after`` callbacks in ``core.save``, ``SQLClient.save``, and ``SQLService.save`` which are invoked before/after ``session.add`` is called for each model instance.\n\n\nv0.3.0 (2016-07-06)\n-------------------\n\n- Support additional engine and session configuration values for ``SQLClient``.\n\n  - New engine config options:\n\n    - ``SQL_ECHO_POOL``\n    - ``SQL_ENCODING``\n    - ``SQL_CONVERT_UNICODE``\n    - ``SQL_ISOLATION_LEVEL``\n\n  - New session config options:\n\n    - ``SQL_EXPIRE_ON_COMMIT``\n\n- Add ``SQLClient.reflect`` method.\n- Rename ``SQLClient.service_registry`` and ``SQLClient.model_registry`` to ``services`` and ``models``. (**breaking change**)\n- Support ``SQLClient.__getitem__`` as proxy to ``SQLClient.__getattr__`` where both ``db[User]`` and ``db['User']`` both map to ``db.User``.\n- Add ``SQLService.count`` method.\n- Add ``Query`` methods:\n\n  - ``index_by``: Converts ``Query.all()`` to a ``dict`` of models indexed by ``callback`` (`pydash.index_by <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.index_by>`_)\n  - ``stack_by``: Converts ``Query.all()`` to a ``dict`` of lists of models indexed by ``callback`` (`pydash.group_by <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.group_by>`_)\n  - ``map``: Maps ``Query.all()`` to a ``callback`` (`pydash.map_ <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.map_>`_)\n  - ``reduce``: Reduces ``Query.all()`` through ``callback`` (`pydash.reduce_ <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.reduce_>`_)\n  - ``reduce_right``: Reduces ``Query.all()`` through ``callback`` from right (`pydash.reduce_right <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.reduce_right>`_)\n  - ``pluck``: Retrieves value of of specified property from all elements of ``Query.all()`` (`pydash.pluck <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.collections.pluck>`_)\n  - ``chain``: Initializes a chain object with ``Query.all()`` (`pydash.chain <http://pydash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pydash.chaining.chain>`_)\n\n- Rename ``Query`` properties: (**breaking change**)\n\n  - ``model_classes`` to ``entities``\n  - ``joined_model_classes`` to ``join_entities``\n  - ``all_model_classes`` to ``all_entities``\n\n\nv0.2.0 (2016-06-15)\n-------------------\n\n- Add Python 2.7 compatibility.\n- Add concept of ``model_registry`` and ``service_registry`` to ``SQLClient`` class:\n\n  - ``SQLClient.model_registry`` returns mapping of ORM model names to ORM model classes bound to ``SQLClient.Model``.\n  - ``SQLService`` instances are created with each model class bound to declarative base, ``SQLClient.Model`` and stored in ``SQLClient.service_registry``.\n  - Access to each model class ``SQLService`` instance is available via attribute access to ``SQLClient``. The attribute name corresponds to the model class name (e.g. given a ``User`` ORM model, it would be accessible at ``sqlclient.User``.\n\n- Add new methods to ``SQLClient`` class:\n\n  - ``save``: Generic saving of model class instances similar to ``SQLService.save`` but works for any model class instance.\n  - ``destroy``: Generic deletion of model class instances or ``dict`` containing primary keys where model class is explicitly passed in. Similar to ``SQLService.destroy``.\n\n- Rename ``SQLService.delete`` to ``destroy``. (**breaking change**)\n- Change ``SQLService`` initialization signature to ``SQLService(db, model_class)`` and remove class attribute ``model_class`` in favor of instance attribute. (**breaking change**)\n- Add properties to ``SQLClient`` class:\n\n  - ``service_registry``\n  - ``model_registry``\n\n- Add properties to ``Query`` class:\n\n  - ``model_classes``: Returns list of model classes used to during ``Query`` creation.\n  - ``joined_model_classes``: Returns list of joined model classes of ``Query``.\n  - ``all_model_classes``: Returns ``Query.model_classes`` + ``Query.joined_model_classes``.\n\n- Remove methods from ``SQLService`` class: (**breaking change**)\n\n  - ``query_one``\n  - ``query_many``\n  - ``default_order_by`` (default order by determination moved to ``Query.search``)\n\n- Remove ``sqlservice.service.transaction`` decorator in favor of using transaction context manager within methods. (**breaking change**)\n- Fix incorrect passing of ``SQL_DATABASE_URI`` value to ``SQLClient.create_engine`` in ``SQLClient.__init__``.\n\n\nv0.1.0 (2016-05-24)\n-------------------\n\n- First release.\n\n\n.. _dsully: https://github.com/dsully\n\nMIT License\n\nCopyright (c) 2020 Derrick Gilland\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n",
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    "license": "MIT License",
    "summary": "The missing SQLAlchemy ORM interface",
    "version": "3.0.0",
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