
Namesubliminal JSON
Version 2.2.1 PyPI version JSON
SummarySubtitles, faster than your thoughts
upload_time2024-06-27 23:07:11
keywords subtitle subtitles video movie episode tv show series
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
Subtitles, faster than your thoughts.

.. image::
    :alt: Latest Version

.. image::
    :alt: Travis CI build status

.. image::
    :alt: Documentation Status

.. image::
    :alt: Code coverage

.. image::
    :alt: License

.. image::
    :alt: Join the chat at

:Project page:

Download English subtitles::

    $ subliminal download -l en The.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E18.HDTV.x264-LOL.mp4
    Collecting videos  [####################################]  100%
    1 video collected / 0 video ignored / 0 error
    Downloading subtitles  [####################################]  100%
    Downloaded 1 subtitle

Download best subtitles in French and English for videos less than two weeks old in a video folder:

.. code:: python

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    from datetime import timedelta

    from babelfish import Language
    from subliminal import download_best_subtitles, region, save_subtitles, scan_videos

    # configure the cache
    region.configure('dogpile.cache.dbm', arguments={'filename': 'cachefile.dbm'})

    # scan for videos newer than 2 weeks and their existing subtitles in a folder
    videos = scan_videos('/video/folder', age=timedelta(weeks=2))

    # download best subtitles
    subtitles = download_best_subtitles(videos, {Language('eng'), Language('fra')})

    # save them to disk, next to the video
    for v in videos:
        save_subtitles(v, subtitles[v])

Run subliminal in a docker container::

    $ docker run --rm --name subliminal -v subliminal_cache:/usr/src/cache -v /tvshows:/tvshows -it diaoulael/subliminal download -l en /tvshows/The.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E18.HDTV.x264-LOL.mp4

Subliminal can be installed as a regular python module by running::

    $ [sudo] pip install subliminal

For a better isolation with your system you should use a dedicated virtualenv or install for your user only using
the ``--user`` flag.

Nautilus/Nemo integration
See the dedicated `project page <>`_ for more information.


**release date:** 2024-06-27

* Add example subliminal.toml to documentation and fix documentation.
* [CLI] show the message about the config file only with the ``--debug`` option.
* Relax the ``platformdirs`` dependency requirement to ``>= 3``

**release date:** 2024-06-24

* Drop python2 support, the supported versions are `>=3.8,<=3.12`.
* Load CLI options from a configuration file with the ``--config/-c`` option (`#1084 <>`_).
* Change default encoding of downloaded subtitles to 'utf-8' (not the original encoding). Use the ``--original-encoding`` cli option to recover the previous default behavior (`#1125 <>`_).
* Add opensubtitlescom provider
* Add gestdown provider
* Add tmdb refiner (requires a personal API key)
* Fix tvsubtitles provider
* Fix opensubtitles provider
* Fix napiprojekt provider
* Fix podnapisi provider to use JSON API
* Fix addic7ed provider
* Remove thesubdb provider
* Remove argenteam provider
* Remove shooter provider
* Remove legendastv provider
* Use `pyproject.toml` to specify the package configurations.* Add pre-commit hook (`#1115 <>`_).
* Use ruff to lint and format
* Use mypy to check types
* Add type annotations
* Drop dependencies: pysrt, appdirs, six, pytz
* Add dependencies:
    - click-option-group>=0.5.6
    - platformdirs>=4.2
    - pysubs2>=1.7
    - srt>=3.5
    - tomli>=2
* Bump dependency versions:
    - babelfish>=0.6.1
    - chardet>=5.0
    - click>=8.0
    - dogpile.cache>=1.0
    - enzyme>=0.5.0
    - stevedore>=3.0

**release date:** 2020-05-02

* Improve legendastv provider matches
* Fix video extensions (.mk3d .ogm .ogv)
* Use new url to search for titles in legendastv provider
* Fix stevedore incompatibility
* Add support to webm video extension
* Make providers easier to be extended and customized
* Update podnapisi URL
* Add support to VIP/Donor accounts in legendastv provider
* Proper handling titles with year / country in legendastv provider
* Several minor enhancements in legendastv provider
* Add support for python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8
* Drop support for python 3.3 and 3.4
* Do not discard providers bad zip/rar is downloaded
* SubsCenter provider removal
* Fix lxml parsing for Addic7ed provider
* Support titles with asterics in Addic7ed provider
* Add support to multi-episode search in Opensubtitles provider
* Fix multi-episode search in TVSubtitles provider
* Update to guessit 3
* Improve archive scanning
* Add Opensubtitles VIP provider
* Add country to Movie and Episode
* Add streaming_service to Video
* Add info property to Subtitle
* Do not search for subtitles if all required languages is already present
* Improve TVDB refiner to support series with comma
* Add alternative_titles to Video and enhance OMDB refiner to use alternative_titles
* Only compute video hashes when required
* Add apikey to OMDB refiner
* Fix Subtitle validation when unable to guess encoding
* Add support to rar in Dockerfile

**release date:** 2016-09-03

* Fix addic7ed provider for some series name
* Fix existing subtitles detection
* Improve scoring
* Add Docker container
* Add .ogv video extension

**release date:** 2016-09-03

* Fix subscenter

**release date:** 2016-06-10

* Fix clearing cache in CLI

**release date:** 2016-06-06

* Fix for dogpile.cache>=0.6.0
* Fix missing sphinx_rtd_theme dependency

**release date:** 2016-06-06

* Fix beautifulsoup4 minimal requirement

**release date:** 2016-06-04

* Add refiners to enrich videos with information from metadata, tvdb and omdb
* Add asynchronous provider search for faster searches
* Add registrable managers so subliminal can run without install
* Add archive support
* Add the ability to customize scoring logic
* Add an age argument to scan_videos for faster scanning
* Add provider
* Add provider
* Improve matching and scoring
* Improve documentation
* Split nautilus integration into its own project

**release date:** 2016-01-03

* Fix scanning videos on bad MKV files

**release date:** 2015-12-29

* Fix library usage example in README
* Fix for series name with special characters in addic7ed provider
* Fix id property in thesubdb provider
* Improve matching on titles
* Add support for nautilus context menu with translations
* Add support for searching subtitles in a separate directory
* Add subscenter provider
* Add support for python 3.5

**release date:** 2015-07-23

* Fix unicode issues in CLI (python 2 only)
* Fix score scaling in CLI (python 2 only)
* Improve error handling in CLI
* Color collect report in CLI

**release date:** 2015-07-22

* Many changes and fixes
* New test suite
* New documentation
* New CLI
* Added support for SubsCenter

**release date:** 2015-03-04

* Update requirements
* Remove BierDopje provider
* Add pre-guessed video optional argument in scan_video
* Improve hearing impaired support
* Fix TVSubtitles and Podnapisi providers

**release date:** 2014-01-27

* Fix requirements for guessit and babelfish

**release date:** 2013-11-22

* Fix windows compatibility
* Improve subtitle validation
* Improve embedded subtitle languages detection
* Improve unittests

**release date:** 2013-11-10

* Fix TVSubtitles for ambiguous series
* Add a CACHE_VERSION to force cache reloading on version change
* Set CLI default cache expiration time to 30 days
* Add podnapisi provider
* Support script for languages e.g. Latn, Cyrl
* Improve logging levels
* Fix subtitle validation in some rare cases

**release date:** 2013-11-06

* Improve CLI
* Add login support for Addic7ed
* Remove lxml dependency
* Many fixes

**release date:** 2013-10-29

**WARNING:** Complete rewrite of subliminal with backward incompatible changes

* Use enzyme to parse metadata of videos
* Use babelfish to handle languages
* Use dogpile.cache for caching
* Use charade to detect subtitle encoding
* Use pysrt for subtitle validation
* Use entry points for subtitle providers
* New subtitle score computation
* Hearing impaired subtitles support
* Drop async support
* Drop a few providers
* And much more...

**release date:** 2013-05-19

* Fix requirements due to enzyme 0.3

**release date:** 2013-01-17

* Fix requirements due to requests 1.0

**release date:** 2012-09-15

* Fix BierDopje
* Fix Addic7ed
* Fix SubsWiki
* Fix missing enzyme import
* Add Catalan and Galician languages to Addic7ed
* Add possible services in help message of the CLI
* Allow existing filenames to be passed without the ./ prefix

**release date:** 2012-06-24

* Fix subtitle release name in BierDopje
* Fix subtitles being downloaded multiple times
* Add Chinese support to TvSubtitles
* Fix encoding issues
* Fix single download subtitles without the force option
* Add Spanish (Latin America) exception to Addic7ed
* Fix group_by_video when a list entry has None as subtitles
* Add support for Galician language in Subtitulos
* Add an integrity check after subtitles download for Addic7ed
* Add error handling for if not strict in Language
* Fix TheSubDB hash method to return None if the file is too small
* Fix guessit.Language in Video.scan
* Fix language detection of subtitles

**release date:** 2012-06-16

**WARNING:** Backward incompatible changes

* Fix --workers option in CLI
* Use a dedicated module for languages
* Use beautifulsoup4
* Improve return types
* Add scan_filter option
* Add --age option in CLI
* Add TvSubtitles service
* Add Addic7ed service

**release date:** 2012-03-25

* Improve error handling of enzyme parsing

**release date:** 2012-03-25
**WARNING:** Backward incompatible changes

* Use more unicode
* New list_subtitles and download_subtitles methods
* New Pool object for asynchronous work
* Improve sort algorithm
* Better error handling
* Make sorting customizable
* Remove class Subliminal
* Remove permissions handling

**release date:** 2011-11-11

* Many fixes
* Better error handling

**release date:** 2011-08-18

* Fix a bug when series is not guessed by guessit
* Fix dependencies failure when installing package
* Fix encoding issues with logging
* Add a script to ease subtitles download
* Add possibility to choose mode of created files
* Add more checks before adjusting permissions

**release date:** 2011-07-11

* Fix plugin configuration
* Fix some encoding issues
* Remove extra logging

**release date:** *private release*

* Initial release


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "subliminal",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": "",
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "Antoine Bertin <>, getzze <>, Patrycja Rosa <>",
    "keywords": "subtitle, subtitles, video, movie, episode, tv, show, series",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Antoine Bertin <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "Subliminal\n==========\nSubtitles, faster than your thoughts.\n\n.. image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Latest Version\n\n.. image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Travis CI build status\n\n.. image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Documentation Status\n\n.. image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Code coverage\n\n.. image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: License\n\n.. image::\n    :alt: Join the chat at\n    :target:\n\n\n:Project page:\n:Documentation:\n\n\nUsage\n-----\nCLI\n^^^\nDownload English subtitles::\n\n    $ subliminal download -l en The.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E18.HDTV.x264-LOL.mp4\n    Collecting videos  [####################################]  100%\n    1 video collected / 0 video ignored / 0 error\n    Downloading subtitles  [####################################]  100%\n    Downloaded 1 subtitle\n\nLibrary\n^^^^^^^\nDownload best subtitles in French and English for videos less than two weeks old in a video folder:\n\n.. code:: python\n\n    #!/usr/bin/env python\n\n    from datetime import timedelta\n\n    from babelfish import Language\n    from subliminal import download_best_subtitles, region, save_subtitles, scan_videos\n\n    # configure the cache\n    region.configure('dogpile.cache.dbm', arguments={'filename': 'cachefile.dbm'})\n\n    # scan for videos newer than 2 weeks and their existing subtitles in a folder\n    videos = scan_videos('/video/folder', age=timedelta(weeks=2))\n\n    # download best subtitles\n    subtitles = download_best_subtitles(videos, {Language('eng'), Language('fra')})\n\n    # save them to disk, next to the video\n    for v in videos:\n        save_subtitles(v, subtitles[v])\n\nDocker\n^^^^^^\nRun subliminal in a docker container::\n\n    $ docker run --rm --name subliminal -v subliminal_cache:/usr/src/cache -v /tvshows:/tvshows -it diaoulael/subliminal download -l en /tvshows/The.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E18.HDTV.x264-LOL.mp4\n\nInstallation\n------------\nSubliminal can be installed as a regular python module by running::\n\n    $ [sudo] pip install subliminal\n\nFor a better isolation with your system you should use a dedicated virtualenv or install for your user only using\nthe ``--user`` flag.\n\nNautilus/Nemo integration\n-------------------------\nSee the dedicated `project page <>`_ for more information.\n\nChangelog\n---------\n\n2.2.1\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2024-06-27\n\n* Add example subliminal.toml to documentation and fix documentation.\n* [CLI] show the message about the config file only with the ``--debug`` option.\n* Relax the ``platformdirs`` dependency requirement to ``>= 3``\n\n2.2.0\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2024-06-24\n\n* Drop python2 support, the supported versions are `>=3.8,<=3.12`.\n* Load CLI options from a configuration file with the ``--config/-c`` option (`#1084 <>`_).\n* Change default encoding of downloaded subtitles to 'utf-8' (not the original encoding). Use the ``--original-encoding`` cli option to recover the previous default behavior (`#1125 <>`_).\n* Add opensubtitlescom provider\n* Add gestdown provider\n* Add tmdb refiner (requires a personal API key)\n* Fix tvsubtitles provider\n* Fix opensubtitles provider\n* Fix napiprojekt provider\n* Fix podnapisi provider to use JSON API\n* Fix addic7ed provider\n* Remove thesubdb provider\n* Remove argenteam provider\n* Remove shooter provider\n* Remove legendastv provider\n* Use `pyproject.toml` to specify the package configurations.* Add pre-commit hook (`#1115 <>`_).\n* Use ruff to lint and format\n* Use mypy to check types\n* Add type annotations\n* Drop dependencies: pysrt, appdirs, six, pytz\n* Add dependencies:\n    - click-option-group>=0.5.6\n    - platformdirs>=4.2\n    - pysubs2>=1.7\n    - srt>=3.5\n    - tomli>=2\n* Bump dependency versions:\n    - babelfish>=0.6.1\n    - chardet>=5.0\n    - click>=8.0\n    - dogpile.cache>=1.0\n    - enzyme>=0.5.0\n    - stevedore>=3.0\n\n2.1.0\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2020-05-02\n\n* Improve legendastv provider matches\n* Fix video extensions (.mk3d .ogm .ogv)\n* Use new url to search for titles in legendastv provider\n* Fix stevedore incompatibility\n* Add support to webm video extension\n* Make providers easier to be extended and customized\n* Update podnapisi URL\n* Add support to VIP/Donor accounts in legendastv provider\n* Proper handling titles with year / country in legendastv provider\n* Several minor enhancements in legendastv provider\n* Add support for python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8\n* Drop support for python 3.3 and 3.4\n* Do not discard providers bad zip/rar is downloaded\n* SubsCenter provider removal\n* Fix lxml parsing for Addic7ed provider\n* Support titles with asterics in Addic7ed provider\n* Add support to multi-episode search in Opensubtitles provider\n* Fix multi-episode search in TVSubtitles provider\n* Update to guessit 3\n* Improve archive scanning\n* Add Opensubtitles VIP provider\n* Add country to Movie and Episode\n* Add streaming_service to Video\n* Add info property to Subtitle\n* Do not search for subtitles if all required languages is already present\n* Improve TVDB refiner to support series with comma\n* Add alternative_titles to Video and enhance OMDB refiner to use alternative_titles\n* Only compute video hashes when required\n* Add apikey to OMDB refiner\n* Fix Subtitle validation when unable to guess encoding\n* Add support to rar in Dockerfile\n\n\n2.0.5\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2016-09-03\n\n* Fix addic7ed provider for some series name\n* Fix existing subtitles detection\n* Improve scoring\n* Add Docker container\n* Add .ogv video extension\n\n\n2.0.4\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2016-09-03\n\n* Fix subscenter\n\n\n2.0.3\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2016-06-10\n\n* Fix clearing cache in CLI\n\n\n2.0.2\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2016-06-06\n\n* Fix for dogpile.cache>=0.6.0\n* Fix missing sphinx_rtd_theme dependency\n\n\n2.0.1\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2016-06-06\n\n* Fix beautifulsoup4 minimal requirement\n\n\n2.0.0\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2016-06-04\n\n* Add refiners to enrich videos with information from metadata, tvdb and omdb\n* Add asynchronous provider search for faster searches\n* Add registrable managers so subliminal can run without install\n* Add archive support\n* Add the ability to customize scoring logic\n* Add an age argument to scan_videos for faster scanning\n* Add provider\n* Add provider\n* Improve matching and scoring\n* Improve documentation\n* Split nautilus integration into its own project\n\n\n1.1.1\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2016-01-03\n\n* Fix scanning videos on bad MKV files\n\n\n1.1\n^^^\n**release date:** 2015-12-29\n\n* Fix library usage example in README\n* Fix for series name with special characters in addic7ed provider\n* Fix id property in thesubdb provider\n* Improve matching on titles\n* Add support for nautilus context menu with translations\n* Add support for searching subtitles in a separate directory\n* Add subscenter provider\n* Add support for python 3.5\n\n\n1.0.1\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2015-07-23\n\n* Fix unicode issues in CLI (python 2 only)\n* Fix score scaling in CLI (python 2 only)\n* Improve error handling in CLI\n* Color collect report in CLI\n\n\n1.0\n^^^\n**release date:** 2015-07-22\n\n* Many changes and fixes\n* New test suite\n* New documentation\n* New CLI\n* Added support for SubsCenter\n\n\n0.7.5\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2015-03-04\n\n* Update requirements\n* Remove BierDopje provider\n* Add pre-guessed video optional argument in scan_video\n* Improve hearing impaired support\n* Fix TVSubtitles and Podnapisi providers\n\n\n0.7.4\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2014-01-27\n\n* Fix requirements for guessit and babelfish\n\n\n0.7.3\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2013-11-22\n\n* Fix windows compatibility\n* Improve subtitle validation\n* Improve embedded subtitle languages detection\n* Improve unittests\n\n\n0.7.2\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2013-11-10\n\n* Fix TVSubtitles for ambiguous series\n* Add a CACHE_VERSION to force cache reloading on version change\n* Set CLI default cache expiration time to 30 days\n* Add podnapisi provider\n* Support script for languages e.g. Latn, Cyrl\n* Improve logging levels\n* Fix subtitle validation in some rare cases\n\n\n0.7.1\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2013-11-06\n\n* Improve CLI\n* Add login support for Addic7ed\n* Remove lxml dependency\n* Many fixes\n\n\n0.7.0\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2013-10-29\n\n**WARNING:** Complete rewrite of subliminal with backward incompatible changes\n\n* Use enzyme to parse metadata of videos\n* Use babelfish to handle languages\n* Use dogpile.cache for caching\n* Use charade to detect subtitle encoding\n* Use pysrt for subtitle validation\n* Use entry points for subtitle providers\n* New subtitle score computation\n* Hearing impaired subtitles support\n* Drop async support\n* Drop a few providers\n* And much more...\n\n\n0.6.4\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2013-05-19\n\n* Fix requirements due to enzyme 0.3\n\n\n0.6.3\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2013-01-17\n\n* Fix requirements due to requests 1.0\n\n\n0.6.2\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2012-09-15\n\n* Fix BierDopje\n* Fix Addic7ed\n* Fix SubsWiki\n* Fix missing enzyme import\n* Add Catalan and Galician languages to Addic7ed\n* Add possible services in help message of the CLI\n* Allow existing filenames to be passed without the ./ prefix\n\n\n0.6.1\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2012-06-24\n\n* Fix subtitle release name in BierDopje\n* Fix subtitles being downloaded multiple times\n* Add Chinese support to TvSubtitles\n* Fix encoding issues\n* Fix single download subtitles without the force option\n* Add Spanish (Latin America) exception to Addic7ed\n* Fix group_by_video when a list entry has None as subtitles\n* Add support for Galician language in Subtitulos\n* Add an integrity check after subtitles download for Addic7ed\n* Add error handling for if not strict in Language\n* Fix TheSubDB hash method to return None if the file is too small\n* Fix guessit.Language in Video.scan\n* Fix language detection of subtitles\n\n\n0.6.0\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2012-06-16\n\n**WARNING:** Backward incompatible changes\n\n* Fix --workers option in CLI\n* Use a dedicated module for languages\n* Use beautifulsoup4\n* Improve return types\n* Add scan_filter option\n* Add --age option in CLI\n* Add TvSubtitles service\n* Add Addic7ed service\n\n\n0.5.1\n^^^^^\n**release date:** 2012-03-25\n\n* Improve error handling of enzyme parsing\n\n\n0.5\n^^^\n**release date:** 2012-03-25\n**WARNING:** Backward incompatible changes\n\n* Use more unicode\n* New list_subtitles and download_subtitles methods\n* New Pool object for asynchronous work\n* Improve sort algorithm\n* Better error handling\n* Make sorting customizable\n* Remove class Subliminal\n* Remove permissions handling\n\n\n0.4\n^^^\n**release date:** 2011-11-11\n\n* Many fixes\n* Better error handling\n\n\n0.3\n^^^\n**release date:** 2011-08-18\n\n* Fix a bug when series is not guessed by guessit\n* Fix dependencies failure when installing package\n* Fix encoding issues with logging\n* Add a script to ease subtitles download\n* Add possibility to choose mode of created files\n* Add more checks before adjusting permissions\n\n\n0.2\n^^^\n**release date:** 2011-07-11\n\n* Fix plugin configuration\n* Fix some encoding issues\n* Remove extra logging\n\n\n0.1\n^^^\n**release date:** *private release*\n\n* Initial release\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "Subtitles, faster than your thoughts",
    "version": "2.2.1",
    "project_urls": {
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        "homepage": "",
        "repository": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        " subtitles",
        " video",
        " movie",
        " episode",
        " tv",
        " show",
        " series"
    "urls": [
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            "downloads": -1,
            "filename": "subliminal-2.2.1.tar.gz",
            "has_sig": false,
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    "github": true,
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    "github_user": "Diaoul",
    "github_project": "subliminal",
    "travis_ci": false,
    "coveralls": false,
    "github_actions": true,
    "tox": true,
    "lcname": "subliminal"
Elapsed time: 0.29977s