
Nameterminal-plot JSON
Version 2.2.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryView plotted stats directly inside terminal.
upload_time2024-07-20 14:57:52
authorTin Lai (@soraxas)
keywords tui termplot stats tensorboard csv
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Terminal-plot for Tensorboard and CSV

[![Master Update](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/soraxas/terminal-plot/master.svg)](https://github.com/soraxas/terminal-plot/commits/master)
[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)

A plotter for multiple different data source (e.g. tensorboard, csv), directly within your terminal. This is useful when you are training your neural network on a remote server, and you just want to quickly peek at the training curve without launching a tensorboard instance and mess with forwarding ports.

## Install

You can install the package published in PyPI with
$ pip install terminal-plot
# or install with matplotlib backend dependency
$ pip install terminal-plot[matplotlib-backend]

# or install with an isolated environment
# $ pipx install terminal-plot[matplotlib-backend]

## Autocomplete

You can use [`argcomplete`](https://kislyuk.github.io/argcomplete) to enable autocomplete for this script. For example, you can use the following for the fish shell:
register-python-argcomplete --shell fish termplot > ~/.config/fish/completions/termplot.fish

## Usage

$ termplot FOLDER/FILE
For example,
$ termplot ~/my_amazing_nn/runs
where `runs` is the folder that tensorboard had created.

Or, using csv as a data source:
$ termplot ~/my_stats/output.csv --csv
# use the -x flag to select which stat will be used as x-axis
# $ termplot ~/my_stats/output.csv --csv -x time

Or, using matplotlib as a plotting backend:
$ termplot ~/my_stats/output.csv --csv -m

# Example

Running the executable on a tensorboard output folder:


Or with the consolidated flag `-c/--consolidate` to combine multiple stats with a common prefix (most stats in the bottom figure had empty values):


# Help

$ termplot --help
usage: termplot [-h] [--version] [--debug]
                [--backend {plotext,matplotlib,matplotlib-terminal}]
                [--data-source {tensorboard,csv}] [-m] [--csv] [--latest]
                [--plotsize WIDTH,HEIGHT] [-c] [--as-scatter]
                [--canvas-color CANVAS_COLOR] [--axes-color AXES_COLOR]
                [--ticks-color TICKS_COLOR] [--grid] [--colorless] [-d]
                [--no-iter-color] [--force-label] [-f] [-n secs]
                [-w keyword [keyword ...]] [-b keyword [keyword ...]]
                [-x XAXIS_TYPE] [--xlog [row,col ...]] [--ylog [row,col ...]]
                [--xsymlog [row,col ...]] [--ysymlog [row,col ...]]
                [--xlim row,col=min,max [row,col=min,max ...]]
                [--ylim row,col=min,max [row,col=min,max ...]]
                [--as-raw-bytes] [-s [0-1]] [--smooth-poly-order poly-order]
                [--terminal-width TERMINAL_WIDTH]
                [--terminal-height TERMINAL_HEIGHT]

positional arguments:
  FOLDER                Source folder or file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --backend {plotext,matplotlib,matplotlib-terminal}
                        Set the plotting backend
  --data-source {tensorboard,csv}
                        Set the plotting data source
  -m, --matplotlib      Alias of --backend matplotlib
  --csv                 Alias of --data-source csv
  --latest, -l          Monitor the given folder, and always plot the latest
                        modified. The given argument must be a folder if this
                        flag is set.
  --plotsize WIDTH,HEIGHT
                        Manually set the size of each subplot, e.g., 50,20.
  -c, --consolidate     Consolidate based on prefix. If -cc is given,
                        everything will consolidated regardless of prefix
  --as-scatter          Plot as scatter (instead of line plot)
  --canvas-color CANVAS_COLOR
                        set the color of the plot canvas (the area where the
                        data is plotted)
  --axes-color AXES_COLOR
                        sets the background color of all the labels
                        surrounding the actual plot, i.e. the axes, axes
                        labels and ticks, title and legend, if present
  --ticks-color TICKS_COLOR
                        sets the (full-ground) color of the axes ticks and of
                        the grid lines.
  --grid                Show grid.
  --colorless           Remove color.
  -d, --dark-theme      A collection of flags. If set, it is equivalent to
                        setting canvas-color and axes-color to black, and
                        setting ticks-color to red. Can be overwritten
  --no-iter-color       Stop iterating through different colors per plot.
  --force-label         Force showing label even for plot with one series.
  -f, --follow          Run in a loop to update display periodic.
  -n secs, --interval secs
                        seconds to wait between updates
  -w keyword [keyword ...], --whitelist keyword [keyword ...]
                        Keyword that the stat must contain for it to be
                        plotted, case sensitive.
  -b keyword [keyword ...], --blacklist keyword [keyword ...]
                        Keyword that the stat must not contain for it to be
                        plotted, case sensitive.
  -x XAXIS_TYPE, --xaxis-type XAXIS_TYPE
                        Set value type to be used for x-axis. Tensorboard only
                        supports 'step' or 'time' as x-axis.
  --xlog [row,col ...]  Set the list of subplots to use log scale in x-axis
  --ylog [row,col ...]  Set the list of subplots to use log scale in y-axis
  --xsymlog [row,col ...]
                        Set the list of subplots to use symlog scale in x-axis
  --ysymlog [row,col ...]
                        Set the list of subplots to use symlog scale in y-axis
  --xlim row,col=min,max [row,col=min,max ...]
                        Set the list of xlim for the specified subplot.
  --ylim row,col=min,max [row,col=min,max ...]
                        Set the list of ylim for the specified subplot.
  --as-raw-bytes        Writes the raw image bytes to stdout.
  -s [0-1], --smooth [0-1]
                        A value from 0 to 1 as a smoothing factor.
  --smooth-poly-order poly-order
                        Polynomial order for the savgol smoothing algorithm.
  --terminal-width TERMINAL_WIDTH
                        Manually set the terminal width.
  --terminal-height TERMINAL_HEIGHT
                        Manually set the terminal height.



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/soraxas/termplot",
    "name": "terminal-plot",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "tui termplot stats tensorboard csv",
    "author": "Tin Lai (@soraxas)",
    "author_email": "oscar@tinyiu.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/4f/fc/4785ca61de383b22b4f06191fe6eca1f57c1827ce1372e69acfa139a211b/terminal_plot-2.2.2.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Terminal-plot for Tensorboard and CSV\n\n[![pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/terminal-plot)](https://pypi.org/project/terminal-plot/)\n[![python-version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/terminal-plot)](https://pypi.org/project/terminal-plot/)\n[![Master Update](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/soraxas/terminal-plot/master.svg)](https://github.com/soraxas/terminal-plot/commits/master)\n[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)\n[![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/soraxas/terminal-plot.svg)](https://github.com/soraxas/terminal-plot/blob/master/LICENSE)\n\nA plotter for multiple different data source (e.g. tensorboard, csv), directly within your terminal. This is useful when you are training your neural network on a remote server, and you just want to quickly peek at the training curve without launching a tensorboard instance and mess with forwarding ports.\n\n## Install\n\nYou can install the package published in PyPI with\n```sh\n$ pip install terminal-plot\n# or install with matplotlib backend dependency\n$ pip install terminal-plot[matplotlib-backend]\n\n# or install with an isolated environment\n# $ pipx install terminal-plot[matplotlib-backend]\n```\n\n## Autocomplete\n\nYou can use [`argcomplete`](https://kislyuk.github.io/argcomplete) to enable autocomplete for this script. For example, you can use the following for the fish shell:\n```sh\nregister-python-argcomplete --shell fish termplot > ~/.config/fish/completions/termplot.fish\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n```sh\n$ termplot FOLDER/FILE\n```\nFor example,\n```sh\n$ termplot ~/my_amazing_nn/runs\n```\nwhere `runs` is the folder that tensorboard had created.\n\nOr, using csv as a data source:\n```sh\n$ termplot ~/my_stats/output.csv --csv\n# use the -x flag to select which stat will be used as x-axis\n# $ termplot ~/my_stats/output.csv --csv -x time\n```\n\nOr, using matplotlib as a plotting backend:\n```sh\n$ termplot ~/my_stats/output.csv --csv -m\n```\n\n# Example\n\nRunning the executable on a tensorboard output folder:\n\n![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/soraxas/termplot/master/docs/images/example-output.png)\n\nOr with the consolidated flag `-c/--consolidate` to combine multiple stats with a common prefix (most stats in the bottom figure had empty values):\n\n![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/soraxas/termplot/master/docs/images/example-output-consolidated.png)\n\n\n# Help\n\n```\n$ termplot --help\nusage: termplot [-h] [--version] [--debug]\n                [--backend {plotext,matplotlib,matplotlib-terminal}]\n                [--data-source {tensorboard,csv}] [-m] [--csv] [--latest]\n                [--plotsize WIDTH,HEIGHT] [-c] [--as-scatter]\n                [--canvas-color CANVAS_COLOR] [--axes-color AXES_COLOR]\n                [--ticks-color TICKS_COLOR] [--grid] [--colorless] [-d]\n                [--no-iter-color] [--force-label] [-f] [-n secs]\n                [-w keyword [keyword ...]] [-b keyword [keyword ...]]\n                [-x XAXIS_TYPE] [--xlog [row,col ...]] [--ylog [row,col ...]]\n                [--xsymlog [row,col ...]] [--ysymlog [row,col ...]]\n                [--xlim row,col=min,max [row,col=min,max ...]]\n                [--ylim row,col=min,max [row,col=min,max ...]]\n                [--as-raw-bytes] [-s [0-1]] [--smooth-poly-order poly-order]\n                [--terminal-width TERMINAL_WIDTH]\n                [--terminal-height TERMINAL_HEIGHT]\n                FOLDER\n\npositional arguments:\n  FOLDER                Source folder or file\n\noptional arguments:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n  --version             show program's version number and exit\n  --debug\n  --backend {plotext,matplotlib,matplotlib-terminal}\n                        Set the plotting backend\n  --data-source {tensorboard,csv}\n                        Set the plotting data source\n  -m, --matplotlib      Alias of --backend matplotlib\n  --csv                 Alias of --data-source csv\n  --latest, -l          Monitor the given folder, and always plot the latest\n                        modified. The given argument must be a folder if this\n                        flag is set.\n  --plotsize WIDTH,HEIGHT\n                        Manually set the size of each subplot, e.g., 50,20.\n  -c, --consolidate     Consolidate based on prefix. If -cc is given,\n                        everything will consolidated regardless of prefix\n  --as-scatter          Plot as scatter (instead of line plot)\n  --canvas-color CANVAS_COLOR\n                        set the color of the plot canvas (the area where the\n                        data is plotted)\n  --axes-color AXES_COLOR\n                        sets the background color of all the labels\n                        surrounding the actual plot, i.e. the axes, axes\n                        labels and ticks, title and legend, if present\n  --ticks-color TICKS_COLOR\n                        sets the (full-ground) color of the axes ticks and of\n                        the grid lines.\n  --grid                Show grid.\n  --colorless           Remove color.\n  -d, --dark-theme      A collection of flags. If set, it is equivalent to\n                        setting canvas-color and axes-color to black, and\n                        setting ticks-color to red. Can be overwritten\n                        individually.\n  --no-iter-color       Stop iterating through different colors per plot.\n  --force-label         Force showing label even for plot with one series.\n  -f, --follow          Run in a loop to update display periodic.\n  -n secs, --interval secs\n                        seconds to wait between updates\n  -w keyword [keyword ...], --whitelist keyword [keyword ...]\n                        Keyword that the stat must contain for it to be\n                        plotted, case sensitive.\n  -b keyword [keyword ...], --blacklist keyword [keyword ...]\n                        Keyword that the stat must not contain for it to be\n                        plotted, case sensitive.\n  -x XAXIS_TYPE, --xaxis-type XAXIS_TYPE\n                        Set value type to be used for x-axis. Tensorboard only\n                        supports 'step' or 'time' as x-axis.\n  --xlog [row,col ...]  Set the list of subplots to use log scale in x-axis\n  --ylog [row,col ...]  Set the list of subplots to use log scale in y-axis\n  --xsymlog [row,col ...]\n                        Set the list of subplots to use symlog scale in x-axis\n  --ysymlog [row,col ...]\n                        Set the list of subplots to use symlog scale in y-axis\n  --xlim row,col=min,max [row,col=min,max ...]\n                        Set the list of xlim for the specified subplot.\n  --ylim row,col=min,max [row,col=min,max ...]\n                        Set the list of ylim for the specified subplot.\n  --as-raw-bytes        Writes the raw image bytes to stdout.\n  -s [0-1], --smooth [0-1]\n                        A value from 0 to 1 as a smoothing factor.\n  --smooth-poly-order poly-order\n                        Polynomial order for the savgol smoothing algorithm.\n  --terminal-width TERMINAL_WIDTH\n                        Manually set the terminal width.\n  --terminal-height TERMINAL_HEIGHT\n                        Manually set the terminal height.\n\n```\n",
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